第三百三十四章 败宿敌 “铿!” 系统读秒倒数3秒的时候,燕赵无双抬手拔出了长剑,左手一张,六芒星闪烁,一只巨大的蓝色螳螂被召唤了出来,魔螳 การแปล - 第三百三十四章 败宿敌 “铿!” 系统读秒倒数3秒的时候,燕赵无双抬手拔出了长剑,左手一张,六芒星闪烁,一只巨大的蓝色螳螂被召唤了出来,魔螳 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第三百三十四章 败宿敌 “铿!” 系统读秒倒数3秒的时候,燕赵无双抬手

第三百三十四章 败宿敌











































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 334 defeats rival "Keng! ” System countdown when the countdown 3 seconds, Yan Zhao peerless hand pulled out the sword, the left one, six-pointed stars, a huge blue Praying Mantis was called out, demon Mantis, Ling Yu-order pet, Yan Zhao, this is unique to the new pet, have heard, but it is not known exactly what skills. War at the moment, I pulled out the Qin Wangjian, pet space is God Tiger flames out, with a Growl, covered with golden hair bristled, was enveloped in a cloud of red, and Beastmaster style times. …… "Come on, free! "Yan Zhao sword in both hand-free, HA HA smile, stepping, walking fast nor too slow, is surprisingly robust, it's a kind of nowhere to start feeling, Yan Zhao unrivaled looks, because at the moment there is no flaw, demon Mantis followed close behind yanzhao unrivaled, waving a pair of knives, peep call. I'm slowly stepping forward, the blade Flash, test attack! "Keng! ” Splash on Mars, Yan Zhao unique lightweight parried a, returned the sword of blade in hand, I traverse MISS out, Qin Wangjian gently sent, Pierce hit! Yanzhao matchless block opened again, but at the same time, his body suddenly and violently, speed, rhythm and directly transform the sword above the flame stirring, it was inflammation of rapid fire blow! I have teeth, fight! Touch up with strong ice! "Putt-putt! ” "1929! ” "2711! ” 一触即离,双方的属性差距悬殊有点大,我的洪钟雷鸣之龙啸的40%攻防加成太IMBA,就算是燕赵无双一身的JP装备也抵挡不住,并且,燕赵无双的甲胄之上染上了一层冰霜,移动速度大幅度降低,而我则吸回来271点气血,此消彼长,优势瞬间显现。 剑刃微微一沉,突进! 直接向前飞跃了5码,同时烈焰神虎一声咆哮,踏火奔袭而来,烈焰耀天,燕赵无双脚下滑动,MISS掉我的剑刃突进,目光一寒,左手忽然在风中摇曳,血光暴增,居然拖曳出一条血红色的荆棘锁链,锁链横扫,无可躲避,“啪”一声捆缚住了我的双足! “滴!” 战斗提示:请注意,玩家燕赵无双使用技能鲜红锁链,你在5秒钟内无法移动! …… 心底一沉,被锁住了! 没有任何犹豫,我身体略微后仰,蓄气爆发,七星碎岳斩轰然而出,直接笼罩在燕赵无双和魔螳螂的头顶之上! “2318!” “3412!” 燕赵无双微微一笑,快速趋近,脚下气芒爆发,连招,无双击! 就在无双击发动的那一刻,我手臂一颤,一条赤龙破地而出,萦绕在我身边形成气盾,同时剑刃横在胸前,防御姿态! “铿铿铿……” 火星不停的迸溅,无双击5次攻击连续撼动在我身上,虽然有赤龙护身却还是打掉了我2600+气血,而就在无双击结束的那一刻,我猛然就是一次巽风斩劈砍在燕赵无双的肩膀上,鲜红锁链让我无法移动,但不影响我的攻击! “3117!” 燕赵无双吃痛后退,幸好是灌下了一个血瓶,否则根本就没法打,看着他的身影,我单手一张,洪荒界! 结果,魔螳螂顶着烈焰神虎的伤害,双刃一挥,摄魂刃! “嘭!” “1123!” 伤害值不高,却让我陷入了1秒钟眩晕,洪荒界也就被打断了!燕赵无双去而复返,纵身跃起,居高临下的一次攻击,连击+撼空斩,这是拼命了! 圣武战靴猛然爆踏大地,我的身影“嘭”一声快绝离开原地,身后飞起一连串的MISS,他的连击技能落空了,就在燕赵无双尚未回身的时候,我迅速转身,LV-8的连击技能献上,连续劈砍在燕赵无双的肩膀上,同时给自己一个命疗术,灌下血瓶,他的宠物魔螳螂也一样发动8级连击,太痛了,燕赵无双的人宠攻击确实不俗。 “嘭!” 一剑落下,燕赵无双转身将剑刃横在肩膀上,被我一剑劈得顺着地面滑曳出十几米,已然残血,而我则连消带打,加上10%的吸血效果,气血依旧在50%以上,秦王剑一摆,砍杀掉了残血的魔螳螂,微笑着看向了燕赵无双:“大叔,结束了吧?” 燕赵无双缓缓站起身,宠物被强杀,无法迅速召唤另一只宠物,一脸无奈的看着我,说:“逍遥自在确实就是逍遥自在,从进入八荒城开始,就那么高傲而强大,看来你已经差不多快要成为战复流宗师级的玩家了,来吧,给我一个痛快!” “是吗?可是我没有打算走战复流路线啊……” 我哈哈一笑,燕赵无双认为我遵循战复流的战术理念,大概只是因为我的10%吸血和命疗术吧,诚然,这两个因素都是战复流的精髓,可惜我不太喜欢战复流,我更想走一种绝对碾压的路线,让敌人无法还手,直接压到死,这也是我在现实中的格斗理念。 看着燕赵无双的残血,我没有动手,烈焰神虎冲上前就是一次烈焰爪+嗜血击落在燕赵无双的胸膛上! “1828!” “1911!” …… 1:0,看着燕赵无双化为一道白光飞了出去,我扫一眼自己的气血,嗯,燕赵无双确实是八荒城位列前三的剑士系玩家,居然能够依靠一连串的技能把我打得那么狼狈,如果不是我一个快速突进+转身攻击的战术奏效,恐怕还胜负难料。 台下一片欢呼,远处的观众席上更是人潮汹涌,来自斩龙的粉丝不在少数,许多人都在期待着这一场布拉格盟主、斩龙盟主的对决,我的胜出让许多人都非常兴奋,一个新人将成名高手斩落马下,只能证明这个游戏无限可能,没有谁是永远的王者,不前进就会被淘汰! “刷!” 燕赵无双再次传送入场,召唤出魔螳螂,淡淡的看着我,手中利剑一晃,说:“逍遥自在,你有信心击败方歌阙吗?” “没有……” 我想到方歌阙的那么多自创S级法术,也忍不住安安心寒,道:“方歌阙太强了,并且神意识、神操作,现在又是三转灵术师的无敌阶段,三次空间折跃,60码距离拖曳,这样的放风筝条件足以虐死任何一个顶尖近战系玩家了,冲锋不出,我们在方歌阙面前就没有任何优势可言。” 燕赵无双咧嘴一笑:“是啊,所以我觉得我止步16强也没有什么太多的遗憾了!” 我扬起长剑:“尽力一战!” “嗯!” …… 战斗开始的那一刻,我便已经命令烈焰神虎冲了出去,相反我倒是没有快速突进,看着烈焰神虎咆哮着踏火奔袭时,燕赵无双也摇曳出了鲜红锁链,“啪”一声将烈焰神虎禁锢在原地,剑刃横扫,连击+撼空斩一起落下,顺势补上一次连招! 我看在眼里,提前就下达了指令,烈焰神虎昂首一次怒吼,一道道火焰残甲出现在它的身体周围,防御力暴增,至少4000+的实际防御力,燕赵无双的一连串攻击,居然没有秒杀得掉烈焰神虎,反倒是小老虎扬起利爪就给了魔螳螂一次攻击,拍掉2000+气血,也吸回来2000+气血。



















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Three hundred and thirtieth chapters defeat enemies "hang!" system when the countdown countdown 3 seconds, Yan unparalleled raising his hand pulled out the sword, left one, hexagram flashing a giant mantis was summoned out of the blue magic mantis, Ling Yu-order pet, which is unparalleled Hebei new pet, have heard, but what specific skills do not know. About to go to war at the moment, I pulled out the sword king, God flames leaping tiger pet space, roar, covered with golden hair stood on end, the whole body shrouded in a cloud of blood-red among beast Wang Fengfan revealing. ...... "Come on, unaffected!" Hebei Warriors engine sword hands, laughed, stepping from, walking neither fast nor slow, but extremely sound, which people feel a kind of nowhere to start, because at this moment Yan Zhao unparalleled look no flaws, magic mantis followed behind Yanzhao unparalleled wielding knives, Jiji cried. As I slowly stepping forward, blade flash, tentatively attack! "Hang!" Mars darting, Yan unparalleled lightweight parry once, answered with a sword blade go hand in hand, I MISS lateral movement off gently send Qin sword, piercing blow! Hebei Warriors open the block again, but at this moment, his stature suddenly soared, the speed increase, the direct conversion of rhythm, stirring the flames on the sword, it is fast fire inflammation blow! I have a bite, fight! Ice strong together touch up! "Pop! " " 1929! " " 2711! " touch off, attributes the gap a little big disparity between the two sides, my bells thunder Longxiao of 40% offensive bonus too IMBA, even if one is Hebei unparalleled JP equipment could not withstand, and, above Yanzhao unparalleled infected with a layer of frost armor, movement speed greatly reduced, and I suck blood back 271 points, the shift, the advantage instantly apparent. Blade sank slightly, onrush! Direct leap forward for five yards, while flames roar tiger god, riding a fire raid came, flames Yao days, Yan unparalleled foot slide, MISS off my blade sudden, eyes a cold, left suddenly swaying in the wind, carnage surge, actually drag out a blood-red thorns chains, chains sweep, no escape, "popping" sound live tied my feet! "Drops!" battle: Please note that players use skills unparalleled Hebei red chain, you can not move within 5 seconds! ...... heart sank, was locked! Without any hesitation, my body slightly back, build gas outbreak, seven broken Yue cut crashing out, directly above the Yanzhao unparalleled and shrouded in magic mantis head! "2318! " " 3412! " Hebei Warriors smiled, fast approaching, the outbreak of foot gas Mans, even strokes, no double click! Just double-click to launch no moment, my arm shocked, a Red Dragon break out, lingering on my side to form a gas shield while the blade cross on his chest, a defensive posture! "Kengkeng hang ......" Mars kept darting, no double-click 5 attacks continuously shake me, although there are Red Dragon Body 2600 but still knocked my blood, but in that moment ended without double-click I suddenly was once Sunda wind chop chop on Yanzhao unparalleled shoulders, red chain so I can not move, but does not affect my attack! "3117!" Hebei Warriors eat back pain, but fortunately is under irrigation, a potions, or simply would not be able to play, watching his shadow, I one hand a prehistoric world! As a result, mantis magic wore tiger flames hurt God, double-edged strokes, the Devil edge! "Bang! " " 1123! " hurt the value is not high, made ​​me into a 1 second stun, prehistoric circles will be interrupted! Hebei Warriors Querfufan, jump leaps, commanding an attack, batter + shake empty cut, which is desperately! Sheng-riding boots suddenly burst earth, my shadow "bang" sound never leave the place fast, fly behind a series of MISS, he dashed his combo skills, unparalleled in Hebei yet turned around, I quickly turned , batter skills LV-8's offer, continuous hacking on Yanzhao unparalleled shoulder, while giving yourself a life treatment technique, under irrigation Xueping, his pet magic mantis same launch eight batter, too much pain Yanzhao unparalleled human pet attack really impressive. "Bang!" sword fall, Hebei Warriors turned the cross on the shoulder blade, ground down by my sword Pide slippery drag out ten meters, already residual blood, and I even eliminate band to play, plus 10 % of the vampire effect, blood is still more than 50%, Qin Jian Yi Bai, cut kill residual blood magic mantis, smiled at the Hebei Warriors: "Uncle, end?" Hebei Warriors slowly stand up, be strong to kill a pet, you can not quickly summon another pet, a resigned look at me and said: "Happy is indeed free travel freely, to enter the glorious city from the beginning, so proud and powerful, it seems you have almost going to be the battle-reflow master-class players, come on, give me a happy! " " Really? But I do not intend to take the battle re-flow line ah ...... " I laughed, Hebei Warriors think I follow war recovery tactical ideas flow, probably just because my 10% vampire and life therapy technique right, it is true, these two factors are the essence of the complex flow of battle, but I do not like war reflow, I want to go an absolute grind pressure line, so that the enemy can not fight back, direct pressure to the death, and this is my idea of fighting in reality. Hebei Warriors looked residual blood, I have no hands, before the flames rushed God is a tiger claw + bloodthirsty shoot down in flames on Yanzhao unparalleled chest! ! "1828" , "1911"! ...... 1: 0, watching Hebei Warriors turned into a Bai Guangfei out, I glance at my own blood, ah, Yan unparalleled indeed glorious city among the top three of the sword Department of players with disabilities, was able to rely on a series of skill played so embarrassed me, if I had not turned a quick onrush + attack tactics work, probably also toss. The audience cheers, the audience far more crowded, fans from slaying the dragon of a few, many people are looking forward to this a Prague chief, chief slaying the dragon duel, winning so many of my people are very excitement, a new master will become famous showdown, this game can only prove infinite possibilities, no one is always the king, do not advance will be eliminated! ! "Brush" Hebei Warriors admission transferred again, summon magic mantis, a touch of looked at me, hands sword flash, he said: "? unaffected, you have the confidence to beat party song Que you" "No ......" I think of so many party song Que own S-level spell, can not help but chilling Ann, said: "party song阙太强, and the sense of God, and the operation, and now three turn invincible spirit Alchemist stage, three times the space fold Yue, 60 yards from the boxes, such conditions sufficient dead child flying a kite in any one of the top players melee, the assault could not, in the face of party song Que we would not have any advantage at all. " Hebei Warriors grin: "Yes ah So I think I stop 16 also nothing much regret! " I raised the sword: "! try a war" , "! ah" ...... that moment the battle began, I would have ordered the red flames of God tiger out, on the contrary I did not make rapid onrush, watching the flames roaring tiger god riding a fire raid, the Yanzhao unparalleled swaying out of the red chain, "popping" sound will tiger flames god imprisoned in situ, blade sweep, batter + shake the air cut down together, homeopathic catch some times even move! I see in the eyes, it issued a directive in advance, flames roar once God tiger head, a Road flame residues armor around the body appears in its defense force surge, the actual defense force of at least 4000 +, Yan unparalleled series of attacks , actually did not kill the tiger get out flames God, but rather gave little tiger claws raised mantis magic attack, blood brushed 2000+, 2000+ also suck blood back. Chance! I rapid onrush, Yang Yue sword that once cut seven pieces, while the open hand, continuous outbreak of the prehistoric world! "Pops ......" Hebei Warriors rapid foot boots to walk, Z MISS word bit off my beautiful two remote attack, but did not think his stature yet firm when I was already kneeling on one knee suddenly punched down on the bricks! ! "Bang" broken bricks flying, a bloody chain emerged, wound directly on Yanzhao unparalleled legs, it is tied beast lock, suddenly the Prague chief looks a cold: "Halo, this cunning brats ...... " Yes, that is the use of seven pieces cut Yue, prehistoric circles of locking Hebei Warriors forced to attack the position I wanted on the lock tied to predict in advance the outbreak of animal, afraid that he is not in the count! Tied beast lock once hit, the outcome has been set, Red Dragon shield open, rushed forward is round fat beat, Ikki Tousen + batter, Hebei Warriors sent out directly put off! 2: 0 win over Prague chief! ...... "brush!" transferred to the court, Ms Lin chuckle: "Congratulations Oh, and finally to get rid of the roadblocks uncle!" I nodded: "! ah ' Dongcheng month, said: "I am afraid that the next one will be even more intense, heroes Otsuka chief VS chief edge, the tip-to-head ...... " I clenched the hilt, took a breath and said: "ah, winner of two of them is my next round opponent ......" ...... fields asked the sword, the blade almost cold transferred together inside, each summon pets, tense, in fact, two people are old rivals, winning fairly, Janus cold 46% winning percentage, slightly less a little bit, but this is a game but hard to say. Pour light blinked month, the data in the next report: "Ask sword, base attack power 3577 points, 2574 points-based defense, + 12% movement speed, vampire rate of 15.7 percent, said that he had a ring is plus 9% vampire, so JP! Janus cold, base attack power 3601 2551 base defense, + 15% movement speed, vampire rate of 12.4%! " Then, pour a shallow sip Minzui month, quite a snow-white peaks and ridges of very 34B, He smiled and said: "Overall the data almost offensive, but Janus cold strong increase in both the speed of a boots, moving slightly higher rate, ask sword vampire rate is higher, toss, do not know the final The results will be like, but also the two people state a spot to play. " The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 334th chapter defeated enemy


system counts the seconds count to three seconds, Yan matchless Taishou pull out the sword, left a six long grass star twinkle, a huge blue Mantis called out, evil mantis, Ling Yu order pet. This is Yan matchless new pet, have heard, but specifically what skills is not known.

the upcoming war at that moment, I pull out sword of Qin, flames God tiger leaping out of the pet space, with a roar, covered with golden hair, the whole body is enveloped in a cloud of red blood, Beastmaster style temples.

...... "Come on, be leisurely and carefree!" Hebei Qingjian without hands,A laugh, stepping, walking fast nor slow, but unusually robust, this lets a person a sense of feeling, because at this time at the moment of the Yan is matchless looks have no flaw, the magic Mantis followed in the Yan is matchless behind dual wielding a knife, Jiji called. As I slowly step forward

, blade flash, attack test!


sparks flew in all directions, the Yan is matchless light parry, blade haunting responded with a sword, I move laterally miss out, Qin Jian gently send, piercing blow! No block open again

Hebei, but at that moment, his body suddenly soared, speed increase,The rhythm of direct transformation, lance on surging flames, it is fast fire inflammation!

I teeth, fight! Touch up ice lie together! B

"!" 1929

"!" 2711


a touch from, the disparity between the attributes of the gap between the two sides have bigger, I Hongzhong Thunder Dragon roar of 40% defensive bonus too IMBA, even if is Yan matchless whole body of JP and equipment can not withstand and armor of the Yan is matchless contracted a layer of frost, the moving speed is greatly reduced and I suck back 271 point of Qi and blood, the shift, the advantage of instantaneous manifestation.

blade sank a little dash!

Direct leap forward the five yards, also flames God tiger roar, set foot fire raid and, glory days of fire, Yan matchless at the foot of a sliding, miss out my sword dash, eyes a cold, left suddenly in the wind swaying, blood light surge, incredibly dragging out the thorns of a blood red chain, swept across the chain, no escape, "pop" sound forgether lived my feet!

"drop!" Note: Please note,

fighting game player peerless skill chains Yanzhao red, you cannot move in 5 seconds!


locked heart sank!

without any hesitation, my body slightly backward, the outbreak of gas storage,The seven pieces cut out directly with Yue, hangs over head and matchless magic Mantis hebei! 2318

"!" 3412


Hebei matchless smiled, fast approaching, at the foot of Mount gas burst, even, no double!

no double click launch of that a moment, my arm is one Zhan, a Chilong broken, lingering in my side formed gas shield. At the same time, the blade cross in front of the chest, defensive stance.

"clang clang......"

Mars does not stop the plash, matchless hit 5 attacks continuously shake in my body, although Chilong supporter but still destroyed me 2600 Qi and blood, and in no - click the end of that a moment,I suddenly is a Sunda wind chop chop in the Yan is matchless to shoulder, red chain let me unable to move, but does not affect my attack! 3117


Yanzhao matchless eat pain back, fortunately, is under irrigation a Xueping, otherwise there is no way to play, looking at his figure, I single handedly a, prehistoric world! The magic against the mantis

, the flames of God tigers, a double-edged blade, the!

"bang!" 1123


damage value is not high, but let me into a 1 second stun, the world also be interrupted! Hebei without return, jumped up, an attack to shake off air combos look down from a height,It's hard!

shomu boots suddenly burst upon the earth, and my shadow "bang" sound quickly left the place, behind fly a series of miss and his combo skills lost, in the Yan is matchless yet Huijuan, I turned quickly, offer LV-8 batter skills, continuous splitting cut in the Yan is matchless to shoulder, also give yourself a life treatment surgery filling Xueping, his pet magic Mantis also launch a combo of 8 on the Richter scale, too much pain, Yan matchless pet attack is indeed impressive.


sword fall, Yan matchless and turned the blade cross on the shoulder, my sword split along the slippery ground drag ten meters, already residual blood.And I even fire fight, plus 10% of the vampire effect, blood still in more than 50%, the king sword pendulum, slashing away residual blood magic mantis, smile to see toward the Yan is matchless: "uncle, the end?"

Yanzhao matchless slowly stood up, pet was strong kill and can not be quickly summoned another pet, a face of helpless and looked at me and said, "carefree really is carefree, into the city from the start, so proud and powerful, it seems that you have almost become war reflow master level players to come on, give me a happy!"

"is? But I'm not going to take the route......"

I laughed, Yan matchless think I follow the war complex flow of ideas and tactics, probably just because of my 10% blood and life treatment surgery, yes, these two factors are essence of war reflow. But I don't like war reflow, I want to take an absolutely rolling route, let the enemy defenseless, direct pressure to the dead, this is my in reality fighting philosophy.

at Yan matchless residual blood. I didn't begin, flames God tiger rushed forward is a flame claw bloodthirsty shot down in the Yan is matchless in the chest! 1828

"!" 1911


...... Look at 1:0

, warriors into a white Hebei fly out,I sweep one eye oneself's blood, uh, Yan matchless is indeed the city ranked the top three swordsman internationally, incredibly can rely on a series of skills to beat me so embarrassed, if not I a dashing fast turn around and attack tactics work, I am afraid it is a toss up.

and a piece of cheers, the distance of the audience is surging crowds from cut dragon fans do not in the minority, many people are looking forward to the leader of the Prague, cut long Meng main battle, I win so that many people are very excited, a newcomer will become famous master cut sacked under, it only proves that the possibilities of the game, no who is king forever.Will be eliminated without going forward!


Yanzhao matchless again transfer admission, summon magic mantis, subtle looked at me, in the hands of the sword in a flash, said: "easygoing, you have the confidence to beat the song que?" No


I think song que of so many own s class spell, can not help but Ann chilling, way: "party song que taiqiang the and consciousness of God, God operation, and now is three turn stage invincible spirit division, three spatial fold jump, drag 60 yards. This kite flying conditions to torture any a top melee player, not assault, we in front of the song que there is no any advantage to speak of.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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