A guide to and good DPS ranger build. By Nailed2u (Nailedu)Since I've  การแปล - A guide to and good DPS ranger build. By Nailed2u (Nailedu)Since I've  ลิทัวเนีย วิธีการพูด

A guide to and good DPS ranger buil

A guide to and good DPS ranger build. By Nailed2u (Nailedu)

Since I've began Avabel, I've noticed not many people know what they're doing and are slightly confused, considering there is no quests as such and people instantly assume not much gameplay.

To help on beginning the game, here are some tips on how you should progress.

Gun or bow?:

A gun can be quite versatile, the damage does tend to be a little higher, but the speed and combos of the gun can really slow your dps down.

However, a bow can be constant attacks. The damage is decent and continues to increase with specific stats I will show you.

Attack tips when using a bow:

To achieve the highest DPS, you'll notice you can hold the auto attack and you will shoot 2 arrows, another 2, and then a single one.

Scrap that, prefer to tap it or hold it until maximum 4 arrows have been shot, then release and hold again.

Leaving that last shot out increase your DPS by 1 arrow more and can make quite a large difference while leveling or killing bosses.

This is also useful, because you can't actually roll while constantly auto attacking until that final arrow has been shot, using this 2 shot arrow method it will allow you to roll, creating distance between you and the enemy or just simply dodging a ranged attack from them. I prefer to call this the 2 shot arrow method or 2sam.

Levels 1-10:

Stat points: Up until level 10, place all your stat points into strength, this may seem pretty bad minded but while using the 2 shot arrow roll method you'll take no damage at all, and deal the highest you can.

Skill points:

As far as skills go, up until level 10 your main focus should be to level charge shot to level 3.

Levels 11-20:

Stat points:
Now, you'll begin to create a variety, for the maximum DPS you'll needed to mix it up, leading upto level 20, try put 1 in DEX and 1 in STRENGTH.
Now, if you aren't the best player I advise adding any spare points you feel you don't need into VIT when possible, because that extra health may help you while you level.

Skill points:
Now leading upto level 20 with your skills, focus on reaching wide fangs to level 3, you'll understand after level 20.
If you have enough JEXP, you can now begin to work on either arrow dust or multi-shot, but try only max them upto level 2 if you want to increase them - otherwise, leave them at level 1
Now as we are using a bow, I suggest you now work on achieving charge shot to level 6 and arrow dust to level 5.

Levels 21-30:

Stat points:
By this level, try focus mainly on your DEX as the magic damage will soon come into play as some skills do use MDMG and such, and as far as I know weapons do too, but in later levels MDMG makes a large place in the game and plays a large role.

Skill points:
Your skill points from level 21-30 will be to get your charge shot to level 6 and your arrow dust to level 5, NO HIGHER!!!
By level 28-29 you should roughly have one of them done. If you're lucky enough, maybe both.

Levels 31-40:

Stat points:
Now your DEX and STR should be decent by now, keep your STR 20-30% above your DEX and your DEX 50% above your VIT if you're a good player, if you're not a good player, by good player
I do mean being able to dodge attacks well, then try keep your VIT and DEX roughly the same, maybe DEX a little higher.

Skill points:
You're skill points are quite simple now, if you now have charge shot lewvel 6, arrow dust level 5, you can now progress to ray sting. Level this up as much as you feel you like.
Now we'll move into passive skills, these are small skills that you don't necessarily need but are just a nice boost to have usually.

Passive skills:
The passive skills you will want to look at will be the following;
Reduction - This will reduce the time it takes skills to charge, and relying on your DEX it can increase effects.
Gain STR - This is quite obvious, it'll increase your strength by one per level.
Gain VIT - I would really say this is necessary but to some players, I guess it is.
Gain DEX - This is a must, as is strength, mix this with strength if you can.
Gain HP/SP - Out of the 2, I would advise on SP as some of your skills will drain your SP real bad, and during boss fights you're gonna need quite alot of SP.

I hope this guide has help, thanks for reading.
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ผลลัพธ์ (ลิทัวเนีย) 1: [สำเนา]
Gairės ir gera DPS ranger statyti. Iš Nailed2u (Nailedu)Nes aš jau pradėjau Avabel, aš pastebėjau, ne daug žmonių žino ką jie daro ir yra šiek tiek supainioti, atsižvelgiant į tai, nėra jokių Quest taip ir žmonių iškart daryti prielaidą ne daug žaidimo. Norėdami padėti pradėdamas žaidimą, čia yra keletas patarimų, kaip jums turėtų pažanga. Pistoletas arba lankas?: Ginklą gali būti gana universalus, žala nėra linkę būti šiek tiek didesnis, bet Combo ginklą ir greitis tikrai gali sulėtinti jūsų dps.Tačiau svogūnai gali būti nuolat išpuolių. Žala yra padorus ir toliau didėja su konkrečių statistikos aš jums parodysiu.Ataka patarimai naudojant lankas:Norint pasiekti aukščiausią DPS, jūs pastebėsite, jūs galite turėti auto atakos ir jūs nušausite 2 rodykles, dar 2 ir tada vieną. Likučiai, kurie nori bakstelėkite jį arba laikyti jį tol, kol buvo nušautas didžiausias 4 rodykles, tada atleiskite ir laikykite vėl.Paliekant kad paskutinį kadrą padidinti savo DPS 1 rodyklę, daugiau ir gali padaryti gana didelis skirtumas lygiava ar žudyti viršininkų.Tai taip pat naudinga, nes tu negali faktiškai roll tuo pat metu nuolat auto puola kol kad galutinis rodyklių buvo nušautas, šiuo 2 strzałów rodyklių metodu tai leis jums įdiegti, sukurti atstumas į priešo arba tiesiog tiesiog vengia svyravo atakos iš jų. Norėčiau paskambinti šiuo 2 strzałów rodyklių metodas arba 2sam.1-10 lygiai:Stat taškų: iki 10 lygio, vieta jūsų stat taškų į stiprumo, tai gali atrodyti gana blogai besidomintis bet naudojant 2 strzałów rodyklių roll metodas bus priimti jokios žalos, ir spręsti didžiausias tu gali.Meistriskumo taskai: Kiek įgūdžių eiti, iki 10 lygio pagrindinis židinys turėtų būti lygio mokestį kulka į 3 lygio.11-20 lygiai:Stat taškų:Dabar, jūs pradėsite kurti įvairių, jūs 'll reikia zapping, todėl net iki lygio 20, pabandykite įdėti 1 DEX ir 1 koncentracija didžiausia DPS.Dabar, jei ne geriausias žaidėjas aš rekomenduojame pridėti kokių nors atsarginių aplinkybių, jūs manote, kad jums nereikia į VIT kai įmanoma, nes tos papildomos sveikatos gali padėti jums o jūs lygio.Meistriskumo taskai:Dabar pirmaujančių net iki lygio 20 su savo įgūdžius, dėmesio pasiekti platų fangs lygio 3, jūs suprasite po 20 lygio.Jei turite pakankamai JEXP, jūs galite dabar pradeda dirbti rodyklių dulkių arba Multi-Shot, bet pabandykite tik daugiausiai juos net iki 2 lygio, jei norite padidinti jų - kitaip, palikti juos 1 lygisDabar kaip mes naudojame lankas, aš siūlau jums dabar darbą siekiant mokestis kulka į lygis 6 ir strėlės dulkių lygmeniu.21-30 lygių:Stat taškų:Iš šio lygio, pabandykite daugiausia dėmesio savo DEX kaip magija žalos greičiau ateiti į žaidimą kaip kai kurių įgūdžių naudoti MDMG ir tokių, ir kiek aš žinau ginklų padaryti per daug, bet vėliau lygiai MDMG daro didelė vieta i n žaidimas ir vaidina didelį vaidmenį.Meistriskumo taskai:Jūsų įgūdžių punktai nuo 21-30 bus gauti jūsų už kulka į 6 lygio ir jūsų rodyklių dulkių lygį 5, Nr didesnis!Pagal 28-29 maždaug turėtumėte iš jų padaryti. Jei esate laimė, gal tiek.31-40 lygius:Stat taškų:Dabar jūsų DEX ir STR būtų geras dabar, išlaikyti savo 20-30 % didesnė jūsų DEX ir jūsų DEX 50 % jūsų VIT jei esate geras žaidėjas, jei nesate geras žaidėjas, iš geras žaidėjasAš reiškia, kad galėtų išvengti išpuolių gerai, tada bandykite išlaikyti savo VIT ir DEX maždaug tas pats, gal DEX šiek tiek didesnis.Meistriskumo taskai:Esate įgūdžių taškų yra gana paprasta dabar, jei jūs dabar turite delspinigių kulka lewvel 6, rodyklių dulkių kiekis 5, jūs galite dabar pereiti į ray sting. Lygiu tai aukštyn, kaip, kiek manote, kad jums patinka.Dabar mes perkelti į pasyvus įgūdžius, tai yra mažas įgūdžių, kad jūs ne visada reikia, bet yra tik gražus padidinti, kad paprastai.Pasyvus įgūdžius:Pasyvus įgūdžius, jūs norėsite pažvelgti į bus taip;Mažinimo - tai padės sumažinti laiko reikia įgūdžių nustatyti, ir remiasi savo DEX jis gali padidinti poveikį.Įgyti STR - tai gana akivaizdu, jis bus padidinti jūsų jėgą iš vieno lygio.Įgyti VIT - aš tikrai pasakyti, tai yra būtina, bet kad kai kurie žaidėjai, I guess it's.Įgyti DEX - tai yra būtina, kaip jėga, sumaišoma tai koncentracija jei galite. Įgyti HP/SP - iš 2, aš patarčiau dėl SP kaip kai kurie iš jūsų įgūdžiai bus nutekėjimo savo SP nekilnojamojo blogai, ir per boss kovoja you gonna reikia gana daug SP.Tikiuosi, kad šis vadovas turi padėti, ačiū už skaitymą.
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ผลลัพธ์ (ลิทัวเนีย) 2:[สำเนา]
A guide to and good DPS ranger build. By Nailed2u (Nailedu)

Since I've began Avabel, I've noticed not many people know what they're doing and are slightly confused, considering there is no quests as such and people instantly assume not much gameplay.

To help on beginning the game, here are some tips on how you should progress.

Gun or bow?:

A gun can be quite versatile, the damage does tend to be a little higher, but the speed and combos of the gun can really slow your dps down.

However, a bow can be constant attacks. The damage is decent and continues to increase with specific stats I will show you.

Attack tips when using a bow:

To achieve the highest DPS, you'll notice you can hold the auto attack and you will shoot 2 arrows, another 2, and then a single one.

Scrap that, prefer to tap it or hold it until maximum 4 arrows have been shot, then release and hold again.

Leaving that last shot out increase your DPS by 1 arrow more and can make quite a large difference while leveling or killing bosses.

This is also useful, because you can't actually roll while constantly auto attacking until that final arrow has been shot, using this 2 shot arrow method it will allow you to roll, creating distance between you and the enemy or just simply dodging a ranged attack from them. I prefer to call this the 2 shot arrow method or 2sam.

Levels 1-10:

Stat points: Up until level 10, place all your stat points into strength, this may seem pretty bad minded but while using the 2 shot arrow roll method you'll take no damage at all, and deal the highest you can.

Skill points:

As far as skills go, up until level 10 your main focus should be to level charge shot to level 3.

Levels 11-20:

Stat points:
Now, you'll begin to create a variety, for the maximum DPS you'll needed to mix it up, leading upto level 20, try put 1 in DEX and 1 in STRENGTH.
Now, if you aren't the best player I advise adding any spare points you feel you don't need into VIT when possible, because that extra health may help you while you level.

Skill points:
Now leading upto level 20 with your skills, focus on reaching wide fangs to level 3, you'll understand after level 20.
If you have enough JEXP, you can now begin to work on either arrow dust or multi-shot, but try only max them upto level 2 if you want to increase them - otherwise, leave them at level 1
Now as we are using a bow, I suggest you now work on achieving charge shot to level 6 and arrow dust to level 5.

Levels 21-30:

Stat points:
By this level, try focus mainly on your DEX as the magic damage will soon come into play as some skills do use MDMG and such, and as far as I know weapons do too, but in later levels MDMG makes a large place in the game and plays a large role.

Skill points:
Your skill points from level 21-30 will be to get your charge shot to level 6 and your arrow dust to level 5, NO HIGHER!!!
By level 28-29 you should roughly have one of them done. If you're lucky enough, maybe both.

Levels 31-40:

Stat points:
Now your DEX and STR should be decent by now, keep your STR 20-30% above your DEX and your DEX 50% above your VIT if you're a good player, if you're not a good player, by good player
I do mean being able to dodge attacks well, then try keep your VIT and DEX roughly the same, maybe DEX a little higher.

Skill points:
You're skill points are quite simple now, if you now have charge shot lewvel 6, arrow dust level 5, you can now progress to ray sting. Level this up as much as you feel you like.
Now we'll move into passive skills, these are small skills that you don't necessarily need but are just a nice boost to have usually.

Passive skills:
The passive skills you will want to look at will be the following;
Reduction - This will reduce the time it takes skills to charge, and relying on your DEX it can increase effects.
Gain STR - This is quite obvious, it'll increase your strength by one per level.
Gain VIT - I would really say this is necessary but to some players, I guess it is.
Gain DEX - This is a must, as is strength, mix this with strength if you can.
Gain HP/SP - Out of the 2, I would advise on SP as some of your skills will drain your SP real bad, and during boss fights you're gonna need quite alot of SP.

I hope this guide has help, thanks for reading.
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