庄络胭有些后悔,早知道会在这里干熬着,她就不来凑这个热闹了,现在一晚上过去了大半,她就算犯困,也要强撑着,这才是最考验演技的时刻。 屋内突然 การแปล - 庄络胭有些后悔,早知道会在这里干熬着,她就不来凑这个热闹了,现在一晚上过去了大半,她就算犯困,也要强撑着,这才是最考验演技的时刻。 屋内突然 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด










































突然想到了什么,孙容华 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
庄络胭有些后悔,早知道会在这里干熬着,她就不来凑这个热闹了,现在一晚上过去了大半,她就算犯困,也要强撑着,这才是最考验演技的时刻。 屋内突然传来一阵响动,几个御医太医鱼贯而出,齐齐跪在皇帝面前,“皇上,臣等无能,三皇子……薨了。” 庄络胭发现,原本安静得足以把呼吸听清的屋内变得一片死寂,抬头看了眼皇帝,发现这位帝王面色仍旧半点情绪也无,但是那双眼神瞧着冷得渗人,庄络胭移开视线,这种过于凌厉的视线,她瞧得胆战心惊。 “传朕旨意,三皇子赐名络,封宁王,葬于锦陵。”封谨慢慢站起身,不再看三皇子房间的房间,声音平稳沉重,“摆驾乾正宫。” “恭送皇上。”明明众位妃嫔的声音齐齐响起,在这个屋子却显得无比静寂。 目送着皇帝离开,皇后看着满屋子的女人,语气也显得有些冷淡:“都退下去吧。” “是,”众位妃嫔老老实实的行礼后退,如今三皇子在贤妃这里出了问题,头疼的自然是皇后贤妃等人,与她们有多大的干系? 庄络胭与众人退下去,不小心看到那个跪在角落里的孔才人,她看到这个女人面上白得可怕,一双眼睛瞪得大大的,即使屋里烛火明亮,这幅模样仍旧显得十分可怕。 如果她没有看错的话,这个孔才人看着贤妃的眼神十分阴森恐怖,仿佛……贤妃便是那杀人凶手般。 就在庄络胭以为她要发狂时,这个孔才人突然站了起来,规规矩矩的朝皇后行了一个礼,便跌跌撞撞的往外走。 皇后眉头微皱,但是很快似乎想到了什么般,最终什么也没有说,任由孔才人退下去。 孔才人走得很慢,她出了宫门后,有一个宫女上前扶住了她,庄络胭路过她身边时,不知道是不是心理原因,她竟觉得有一股子寒意。 坐上步辇,庄络胭觉得夜里有些凉,待行出一段距离,竟打了个寒颤,想起那莫名去了的三皇子,她揉了揉额头,这后宫里就没有一个容易的。做太监的不容易,做宫女的不容易,做妃嫔的也不容易。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』若是有几分宠爱,有家族支持,还有几分盼头,若是没有半点身份地位,又不得宠,即便是在后宫中无声无息消失,只怕也没有谁有办法动容。 封谨睡了不到一个时辰,便已经到了要上朝的时辰,整理好龙袍盘龙冠,坐上御辇,走过一处便有人不断的下跪,一路上他看到的便是宫女太监们的后脑勺。 坐上那尊贵的金色雕龙椅上,听着下面官员一个个上前说着重要不重要的事情,他神色平淡,不见半分倦意。 或许这些官员都知道三皇子去了的消息,倒也没有不长眼的吵闹,该说的都说了,不该说的废话一句也没有。 下朝后,官员们三三两两退出,各自伸长耳朵企图从别人耳中听出点消息来,自己面上还做出一副茫然无知的模样。 如今朝廷中,赵家、苏家、叶家、庄家、江家、徐家都是有女儿在后宫的,而且都是受皇上重视的主儿,想来这些人总该知晓一二的。 不过眼瞧着这几位大人一个比一个茫然的样子,其他人有些恨恨,却又无可奈何,都是一群老狐狸。 封谨听着御膳太监念着午间的食谱,去了几道菜后,封谨面无表情的挥退太监,翻开面前的奏折。 御膳太监没有退下多久,内侍监的太监又来了,手里还端着放着各个妃嫔牙牌的托盘。他不耐的叹了一口气,视线扫过盘子,正欲让太监退下,最后不知想到了什么,翻了其中一个牌子。 内侍监的太监一看,哟,竟然又是昭充仪的牌子。 熙和宫外的荷塘,粉色与白色的荷花开得正好,庄络胭给皇后请完安后,便要从这条路回熙和宫,今日她却见到一个有些眼熟的身影。 此人正是皇后的表妹孙容华,今日的孙容华身上穿着一件藕色罗裙,站在那假山石旁,瞧着她的模样,不像是专程来赏荷的。 “嫔妾见过昭充仪,”孙容华神色瞧着比上次憔悴了些,就连肤色也比前些日子见到时黯淡,庄络胭坐在步辇之上,免了孙容华的礼,微微颔首道:“孙容华是来赏荷的?”















突然想到了什么,孙容华 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chuang network rouge some regret, I knew would be here doing boil, she will not come join the fun, and now more than half a night later, she even drowsy, but also struggling, this is the biggest test of time acting. The house suddenly there came a ring, several imperial physician filed out, and opt to kneel in front of the emperor, "The emperor, Chendeng incompetence, the three princes ...... die." Chuang network rouge find that quiet enough to breathe listen clear the house becomes a silence, looked glanced emperor, found the emperor is still the slightest emotional complexion and no, but a pair of eyes looked cold penetrated, village network rouge look away, this too sharp sight, She Qiaode frightened. "Biography I will, the three princes Ciming envelope, sealing ning, buried Jin Ling." Sealed wish to slowly stood up, no longer see the three princes room rooms, smooth heavy voice, "swing drive dry palace." "Christine sent to the emperor. "obviously grateful concubines voice shouted sounded, in this house has become very silence. He watched the emperor left, the queen watched a roomful of women, is also a bit cold tone:. "All go to step down," "yes," Men of concubines honest salute back, and now the three princes in Xianfei out here problems, headaches naturally Queen Xianfei et al., and they have much of the stakeholders? Zhuang network rouge with everyone back down, do not care to see that kneeling in the corner of the hole before, she saw the white woman face terrible, eyes staring wide open, even if the house candle bright, the site looks like still it is very terrible. If she did wrong, then, this hole was man's eyes looked Xianfei very eerie, as if ...... Xianfei is a murderer like that. Just when she thought the village network popliteal be mad, this hole was suddenly stood up, neatly bowed towards the Queen, then stumbled to walk out. Queen scowled, but what seems to think as quickly, and ultimately did not say anything, just let the man back down the hole. Hole only people walked slowly, her out of the palace after a ladies stepped forward to hold her when passing her village rouge network, do not know whether psychological reasons, she actually felt a chill son. Sit Pacers, village network rouge feel some cold night, to be out of line a distance, actually shuddered, remembering that inexplicably went to the three princes, she rubbed his forehead, after which a house would not be easy. Eunuchs do it is not easy, not easy to do ladies, do not easily concubines. "Ya-Wen * * Introduction * love * first * Send" if a bit spoiled, have a family to support, there is a bit to look forward to, if not the slightest status, not pampered, even in the harem silent disappear, only who fear no way moved. Closure would like to sleep less than an hour, they have to be in court when, collated crown dragon robes, sit royal chariot, through a constantly kneel some people, the way he sees is ladies eunuchs back of the head. Get on that noble golden Diao chair, listening to the following officials said one important unimportant things forward, he looks dull, but not half minutes weariness. Perhaps these officials know the three princes went to the news, Actually, I'm not long eye noisy, that said and, not to say a no nonsense. Rear Lower North Korea, officials in twos and threes quit attempt each stretch ear ear from others liking point message, his own face also make an appearance ignorant. Today in court, Zhao, Su, leaves, banker, Jiang family, Alex and daughter are in the temple, and they are valued by the emperor Zhu Er, who wanted to know the total of twelve of. But eyes looking at it more than a few adults a dazed look, some others bitterly, but do nothing, are a group of old fox. Would like to listen to the imperial eunuch sealed remembered midday recipes, went to a few dishes, the closure would like to play back blankly eunuchs, opened in front of the memorial. Imperial eunuch did not step down long prison eunuch chamberlain again, holding her hand, stood concubines Yapai each tray. His impatience sigh, eyes swept the plate, he tried to let the eunuch retreat, and finally thought of something I do not know, turned one of the brand. Chamberlain prison eunuchs look, yo, actually it was Sho charge instrument brand. Hawthorn, pink and white flowers bloom Hee and ectopic just Chuang network rouge to please the Queen After Ann, hee will return from this road and house, today she saw a somewhat familiar figure. This person is the Queen's cousin Sun Ronghua, today Sun Ronghua wearing a pale pinkish gray silk skirt, standing beside that rockery stone, looked at her appearance, unlike came to Shanghe. "Zhao Bin concubine seen filling instrument," Sun Ronghua look looked haggard than the last few, and even skin color than when a few days ago to see the bleak village rouge envelope sitting on Pacers, Free Sun Ronghua ceremony, slightly He nodded: "? Sun Ronghua is to Shanghe" a few days ago because Sun Ronghua speech loudly pubescent princess kneeling half an hour, because of the collision of the Soviet revisionist instrument is Zhangzui, while the emperor and empress are no two things to make reaction to Sun Ronghua days in the harem together even more difficult. Chuang network rouge remember shortly before the young girl was still provocative own pond edge, it seems less than half the time, let the vicissitudes of a young girl up. "See Lotus is brilliant, to see nothing," Sun Ronghua stared watching Hechi, look not tell the strange face, "but did not want to disturb the Chao charge instrument." "what is disturbing words, this is the palace of this Hechi , which masters have seen, "Zhuang network rouge to hear a wink bamboo, bamboo to make strong eunuch listen Pacers down, leaning on her village rouge network Sun Ronghua hand went around," Sun Ronghua Since you like, is the lotus a blessing. " Sun Ronghua heard this, originally placed on the lotus eyes rouge who moved to the village network, but still looks like that breathed, "You changed a lot." Chuang network rouge heard a laugh, without fear that looked at Sun Ronghua monstrous eyes. Sun Yung Hua Qi Jin step away from the village is only half a step envelope rouge, her voice low, but with a baffling mystery, "I did not understand how a person would have changed so much in just a few days, do not God let you really had their eyes opened? " Then suddenly a staggering Sun Ronghua, go out into the next Hechi tossed away. "Sun Ronghua, what do you do?!" when the presence of the palace eunuchs as slaves, can not look directly at masters face, hear this scream after Sho charge meter, he looked up to see the charge instrument and Chao Sun Ronghua both fall into the lotus pond splashes. Listen Bamboo and cloud evening scared face downcast, Mangjiao people rescued two masters. Chuang network rouge glad lotus pond water is clean, she deliberately let himself sink afloat some of the water to see things very difficult, but she still saw Sun Ronghua was fishing up. Could not help but reveal a sneer, harem drama played this past abuse of the means, the Sun Ronghua also the nerve to use, it seems that the Queen is really not a good sister to teach what the harem. See someone coming toward you swim, village network rouge ruthless heartless, loosen the closed mouth and let the water poured into his nose and throat, which flooded feeling very bad, but not good at making struggling to swim look, the village network rouge wrote down this account. "Master!" Listen to see bamboo and cloud evening when the village rouge rescued network already in a coma for the past, declared the imperial doctor immediately and let go, the two glanced at the water side in addition to cough but no other problems, Sun Ronghua, forbearance and tolerance, rush to the village network rouge do simple treatment. Sun Ronghua cough tears almost came out, so she breathed, looked bitterly fainted village network rouge, she had not been this crime, who knows this woman jumped even when they live breaking her mouth nose, so she Helehaoji saliva, the moment she'd fainted. Suddenly thought of something, Sun Ronghua ... [unfinished chapter, click Next to continue reading! ʱ??

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Luo Zhuang popliteal some regret, early know you doing here boil. She wouldn't join in the lively, now a night half past, she even sleepy and stronger support, this is the test of acting time.

the house suddenly heard a burst of noise, several doctors cure too much filed out, Qi Qi to kneel in front of the emperor, "Your Majesty, the minister, incompetence, three emperor the son... The death of a prince."

Zhuang Luo popliteal found that originally quiet enough to breath to clear the house becomes a silence, looked up to the eyes of the emperor, found the emperor complexion is still the slightest emotion nor, but those eyes looked at the cold seepage, Zhuang Luo popliteal move line of sight.This is too sharp sight, she look tremble with fear in one's boots. "I will,

three Prince given name letter Ning, collaterals, buried in Jin ling." A move slowly stood up, no longer see the three Prince room room, smooth voice heavy, "pendulum dry palace." Escort the emperor "." When the voice sounded a concubine Qi Qi, but it is very quiet in the room.

watched the emperor left, the queen looked at a room full of women, the tone is somewhat lukewarm: "all go back."

"," all a concubine honestly bow back, now the three princes in the wise imperial concubine here problems, headaches, nature is queen Yin Fei et al.How much do they have?

Zhuang Luo popliteal and they go back, accidentally saw the kneeling Cairen the hole in the corner, she saw the woman a terrible white, a pair of eyes stare consumedly, even inside the candle bright, this picture look still seemed very terrible.

if she is not wrong, just look at this hole Xianfei look very eerie, as if...... The queen is the murder murderer.

in the village of Luo popliteal thought she be mad, the hole Cairen suddenly stood up, behave towards the queen, the a ceremony, stumbled to walk. The queen

a slight frown,But it seems to think of what, what ultimately did not say, let the people back down hole.

hole Cairen walked slowly, she was out of the palace, a palace maid stepped forward to help her, Luo Zhuang popliteal passed by her side, do not know is not a psychological reason, she unexpectedly feels a chill.

sit Shang Bu Nian, Luo Zhuang Rouge that night is a bit cool, waiting out a distance, unexpectedly beat one cold Zhan, think that sense to the three princes, she rubbed rubbing his forehead, this temple is not easy. Do the eunuch is not easy, not easy to do the maid, do women is not easy. * * * * * * love * first * hair, if there is a bit of love,Family support, there is a bit of hope, if not the slightest status, and does not favor, even in the harem quietly disappeared, only afraid and there is no way to change countenance.

seal wish to sleep less than an hour, has already got to the hilltop to the hour, tidy robes disc dragon crown, sit on the Royal chariot, through a will have people continue to kneel. Along the way he sees is the palace eunuchs were on the back of the head.

sit on that precious golden carved on the throne, listened to the following officials one stepped forward to say important unimportant things, he looks dull, not see half of weariness. Maybe these officials know

three prince to the news,But also no long eye of the noise, the say, not that the nonsense sentence is not.

down, officials in twos and threes exit, their elongation ear in an attempt to from others' ears heard the news to, his face also make appearance of a pair of ignorance.

now in court, Zhao, Sue home, leaves home, banker and Jiang Jia, Xu Jia all is the daughter of the harem, and is valued by Emperor Zhuer. These people should know a thing or two of.

but eyes stared at the adults a than a blank look, other people some hate, but again helpless, are a group of old fox.

Letter would like to listen to the imperial eunuch read recipes at lunchtime, to a few dishes, like face expressionless waved back eunuch, open the front of the memorial. The imperial eunuch did not retreat

how long, Lord Chamberlain of the eunuch again, still holding the tray all the dominoes concubines. He not resistant to sigh breath and glance over the plate, trying to let the eunuch back, do not know the final thought of what, over which a sign.

Lord Chamberlain eunuch look, oh, it is filled with Zhao instrument brand.

hee and ectopic lotus, pink and white lotus opens at the right moment, Luo Zhuang rouge to empress please complete safety, from the road back to the city and the palace,Today she saw a little familiar figure.

this person is the Queen's cousin Sun Ronghua. Dressed in a pale pinkish gray skirt today Sun Ronghua, standing beside the rockery, look with her appearance, unlike is made a special trip to Shanghe.

"wives and concubines seen Zhao filling instrument," look Sun Ronghua look than the last pined away, even the color also than a few days ago to see dark, Luo Zhuang popliteal sitting on top of the chariot, the free gift of Sun Ronghua slightly maxillary first: "Sun Ronghua is Shanghe?" A few days ago because Sun Ronghua

Mowgli speech was yofiel kneeling for half an hour, but due to the collision of Su Xiuyi was zhangzui,
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