萧韶果然很快打了水过来,好似在外头还说了几句话,想来若非锦衣卫就是连翘几个,蒋阮有些赧然。萧韶走到塌边,就要弯腰抱她,蒋阮一怔,道:“你做什 การแปล - 萧韶果然很快打了水过来,好似在外头还说了几句话,想来若非锦衣卫就是连翘几个,蒋阮有些赧然。萧韶走到塌边,就要弯腰抱她,蒋阮一怔,道:“你做什 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Xiao Shao was soon hit the water, like on the outside also said a few words, if guard is Forsythia, Jiang Ruan somewhat embarrassed. Xiao Shao walked to edge, then stooped to her, Jiang Ruan was stunned and said, "what are you doing? ” "You don't let the servant girls to wait on, I hold you up. "Xiao Shao good-natured reply. "Don't have to. "Jiang Ruan threw back the covers to jump:" I wash well. "Xiao Shao again washes the body this way, she can no longer swallow the fear is quiet. But just one will feel aching and weakness, suddenly stopped. Xiao Shao way and looked at her, sometimes slightly laughed: "I won't do anything. ” Jiang Ruan thought even you have at the moment is difficult to clean, and again refused but seem hypocritical. He nodded, Xiao Shao bent over, holding her to screen to the barrel. Two men tossing a, Jiang Ruan already is exhausted, Xiao Shao looking very refreshed, lifted her effortlessly. Let her get in the barrel, soft water is very comfortable, Jiang Ruan relax, eyelids heavy, and when sleep does not know. Xiao Shao after careful help dry the body, Jiang Ruan has been sleeping soundly, Xiao Shao smiled and carried her back to the couch for her tuck. He is afraid of Jiang Ruan was tired, always thoughtful also for the first time, and saw her sleeping soundly at the moment looks like, is a distressed, leaned over softly to kiss on her forehead. Forsythia carry medicine Bowl, Xiao Shao silently shook his head to her, Forsythia knows perfectly well, stealing back out with a smile. 这一夜,锦英王府里究竟有多少人知道其中的旖旎,想来只有树枝墙角房檐上趴着的暗卫们知道了。不过锦四打的那个赌,最后的赢家却是庄家自己。锦四十分大方的拿了赌资来请大伙儿吃酒喝,酒酣耳热的时候几个暗卫们都喜极而泣了,似乎是看到了下一任锦英王府的小主子已经在往来王府的路途上奔来。 蒋阮醒来的时候已经是第二日早晨,睡了一夜之后身子仿佛被什么碾过一般,比昨夜更甚。身边的被子平整,萧韶不在榻上,她撑着身子坐起来,门“吱呀”一声开了,萧韶端着一碗药走了进来。瞧见蒋阮醒了,将药碗放在塌边的小几上,伸手摸了摸她的前额,问道:“身子还痛?” 蒋阮:“……” 萧韶又忍不住笑了,这些日子以来,他倒是经常笑,原本模样就生得好,这么一笑更是色入春晓貌若桃花,大约是吃饱了心情也十分愉悦。蒋阮对比了一下自己,伸手自己端起一边的药碗吹了吹,几口将药灌了下去。 那药大约是萧韶吩咐人开的方子,倒也是灵敏,喝了后只觉得身子暖融融的,连带着酸疼也减轻了不少。 待她喝完后,萧韶接过蒋阮手里的空碗,道:“你今日就在屋里休息。” “不成。”蒋阮摇头:“今日司案司审案,我还得去一趟。”想了想,她道:“我的身子喝完药已经好的差不多了,去听一听案子总是没事的。你也不必担忧。” 萧韶知道蒋阮从来都有自己的主意,做事认错态度是不错,下一次该不顾自己身子还是不顾自己身子。大约便是一个拼字,他心疼却也无奈,便道:“我让锦三她们跟着你。司案司的人想必不会为难与你。” 他这话的意思便是暗示了之前就大点过司案司的人,蒋阮看着他:“我状告自己的生父,京城中免不了总有人说道的,甚至会连累你的名声,将锦英王府置于一种尴尬的境地,你可会觉得我做的错了?” “他不是你的父亲。”萧韶淡淡道:“你现在已经与蒋家没有瓜葛了。”蒋阮微微一愣,只听萧韶又道:“你嫁入了锦英王府,就是我萧家的人,报仇也好,翻案也好,萧家都是你的靠山。” 他神情坚定,言语温和,分明是最冷的人,心却总是能暖的人生出愉悦。蒋阮笑了笑:“萧韶,谢谢你。” 不是言语上敷衍的谢谢,也不是身为盟友对盟友交易一般的道谢,这一声谢谢十足真诚发自肺腑。世上总是难得有人不问缘由的永远站在你身后的无论做出什么样的事情,那个人都坚持的与你一道,这就是情与义。 “不必。”萧韶莞尔:“真要道谢,夜里你再热情些就好。” 蒋阮:“……” …… 宫中一隅,宣沛正听着明月报回来的消息,冷笑一声道:“蒋权好日子大约也过到头了,早些年敢对她下手,如今也到了该承担罪责的时候。夏研和蒋素素兄妹死了并不是万事大吉,难道他以为还能有一线生机?可笑。” 明月默默地立在一边,她知道自己的这个小主子对蒋阮有种特别的关系,似乎这两个人有什么特别的关系。但是连萧韶都查不出的事情,她一个暗卫自然也查不出来。虽然疑惑,却知道宣沛总是时时刻刻都护着蒋阮的,如今蒋权的事迹全京城都传开了,生为父亲却对自己的亲生女儿如此不慈,便是个普通百姓都要骂一声狼心狗肺,更何况与蒋阮关系亲近的宣沛? “让你去司案司的人可打点好了?”宣沛把玩着手中鸽子蛋大的夜明珠。那是昨日皇帝瞧见他功课策论答得极好一时龙颜大悦之下赏下的恩赐。这夜明珠在宫里也不遑多见,就是搁在宣华那里也会眼红的东西。如今却是被宣沛满不在乎当个玩意儿把玩。也足足够说明如今宣沛在朝廷中的地位了。那个原先并不受宠人人可欺的废物皇子已然不见,谁也不敢小觑了他去。 “殿下,”明月不解的问:“萧王爷那边必然已经同司案司打过招呼,殿下即使不出手,司案司的人也不会让蒋阮讨到什么好处,殿下又何必如此?”宣沛一举一动都饱受有心之人的监视,若是被人查到他插手司案司蒋阮的这件事情,不知道又会传出什么留言来。在宫中最好的便是明哲保身,尤其是蒋权这一次的案子已然不必他出手就可以圆满解决了。 “萧韶做的是他该做的是,本殿做的又是本殿的事。本殿想要做什么,还需要沾他的光不成?”宣沛冷哼一声:“司案司的人向来滑头,锦英王给他施压,加上本殿再来这么一出,他们也会意识到此事非同小可,自然会不留余地的打击蒋权。无论如何,但凡能给蒋权多添一些刑法,本殿都高兴得很。” 明月无奈的耸了耸肩,宣沛对萧韶的敌意倒是从来不减,只是在身为成年人的明月看来却是有几分孩子气,在宣沛这个向来老成的人身上难得显现出来。而且总觉得有几分和萧韶争风吃醋的意味,吃的自然是蒋阮的醋,不过宣沛如今才多大,明月也只道是自己多心了。 …… 司案司的大堂门口早已围满了看热闹的百姓,司案司从来都是出了名的公正审理,每次审的又是大户人家京中贵族间的私密之事,人们自然是要来瞧热闹听写隐秘的。是以若非真的是被逼到了绝路,一般人是不回将官司打到司案司头上来的。毕竟家丑不可外扬,谁都不想要将自己家族里那些私密的丑事拿出去成为别人光天化日之下的谈资。
























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Xiao Shao really quickly fought over water, like on the outside and said a few words, if not wanted Guard is a few forsythia, Jiang Nguyen somewhat shyly. Xiao Shao went to the edge of collapse, we must bend over to hold her, Chiang Ruan Yi Zheng, said: "What do you do? " " You do not let her maid to wait, I hold you in the past grooming "Xiao Shao good-natured answer. . "I do not have the" Jiang Nguyen opened the quilt should jump: "I will wash your own good." To this way again and Xiao Shao body wash, she is pretending to be calm again fear is not calm. I did not realize just one action, they feel whole body aches, weakness, once he stopped. Xiao Shao sit and wait at her, suddenly smiled slightly: "What I will not do." Jiang Nguyen now afraid of their own thinking and indeed it is difficult to clean, and then refused to hand it seems hypocritical. Then nodded his head, Xiao Shao stoop to casks holding her screen went after. They toss off some party, Jiang Nguyen has been very tired, but looked very refreshing Xiao Shao, picked up her effortlessly. She got into the cask to be let in gentle water very comfortable, Jiang Nguyen a relaxed, they feel heavy eyelids, and when sleep does not know the past. After careful Shao Xiao help dry good body, Jiang Nguyen already fast asleep, Xiao Shao smiled, and hold her back couch, for her tuck. Jiang Nguyen tired he was afraid for the first time and there are always more considerate, saw she was fast asleep at the moment looks like, since it touches a distressed, leaned over and gently kiss on her forehead. Forsythia carrying Yaowan come, Xiao Shao silent to her shook his head, forsythia they know very well, giggle back out. That night, Kam Ying palace in how many people know the charming and wanted only the branches tummy dark corner eaves guard who knows. But that bet, the final winner Jin four playing is making your own. Four very generous Jin took gambling money to invite everybody to eat drink, when the latter is drunk several dark Wei were all cried, it seems to see the next Renjin Ying palace small masters has swiftly on the road between the palace ʱ?? Chiang Nguyen woke up the second morning, after a night sleeping body seems to be what the general run over, even more than last night. Side of the quilt flat, Xiao Shao is not the couch, she sat propped himself up door "squeak" sound opened, Xiao Shao holding a bowl of medicine came. Jiang saw Nguyen woke up a few on the Yaowan collapse on the small side, hand touched her forehead, and asked: "? Body still hurt," Jiang Nguyen: "......" Xiao Shao could not help but laugh These days, he'd often laugh, gave birth to the original look well, so smile more color into the Chunxiao Maoruo peach, it is about to eat a very pleasant mood. Jiang Nguyen compare yourself, put that side of Yao Wan own hand he blew down a few mouthfuls of the drug filling. That drug is Xiao Shao told people about open prescription, it is in a sensitive, after drinking only to find himself nice and warm, even with pain also reduced a lot. After she finished, Xiao Shao Jiang Nguyen took the hands of the empty bowl, said: "You rest today in the house. " " not "Ruan Jiang shook his head:." Today Secretary Secretary ad litem case, I have to go trip "thought, she said:.".. My body finished drug has been good about it, to listen to listen to the case that you do not always worry about nothing, " Xiao Shao Jiang Nguyen never know its own idea, things mistaken attitude is good, next time the body or in spite of themselves, regardless of their body. Is about a spell, he had no choice but distressed, sidewalk: "I let them follow you Jinsan Division Division case who presumably will not embarrass you.." His words mean is hinted before on the big points Division Secretary who had the case, Jiang Nguyen looked at him: "I sued his father, in the capital inevitably someone says, or even hurt your reputation, Kam Ying Palace will be placed in an awkward situation, you can think I do wrong? " "He's not your father." Xiao Shao light: "You now have no connection with the Chiang." Chiang Nguyen slightly surprised a moment, just listen to Xiao Shao and said: "You marry Kam Ying into the palace, that I xiaojia people, revenge or, to reverse the verdict or, Xiao is your patron. " He looked strong, soft-spoken, is clearly the most cold people, but their hearts are always warm The life of pleasure. Nguyen Jiang smiled: "Xiao Shao, thank you." Thank you is not a perfunctory verbal, nor is it as an ally against ally thanks transactions in general, this full and sincere thank you from the heart. Rare earth always ask the reason people do not always stand behind you no matter what kind of things make that person with you insist on one, which is love and righteousness. . "Do not have" Xiao Shao smile:. "You really want to thank, again you warm at night like some" Jiang Nguyen: "......" ...... palace corner, Pei Xuan was listening to the moon, back to the news report, sneer said: "Jiang has been right about the good old days coming to an end, dare her to start early years, are now to be held responsible when the summer research and蒋素素siblings died not everything is all right, did not he think that still have a chance.? ridiculous. " moon quietly stand aside, she knew this little master for a special kind of relationship Jiang Nguyen, the two men seem to have any particular relationship. But even Xiao Shao can not find the things that she a dark Wei naturally not check out. Although doubts, but always knew all the time guarding Pei Xuan Nguyen Chiang, Chiang right now the capital are full story spread, born father tells his daughter not so merciful, that is, ordinary people have cursing loudly ungrateful, not to mention a close relationship with Jiang Xuan Nguyen Pei? "Let your case to the Secretary of the Division may, RBI Well?" Pei Xuan started playing in big glowing pearl pigeon eggs. That was yesterday's homework policy emperor saw him on tour at the moment under A Long Yan Yue was excellent gift. This glowing pearl in the palace not much more common, is to put things in Xuan also jealous of China there. But now it is declared as a thing to play Pei indifference. Also sufficient enough explanation Pei Xuan now in the court of the position. The original is not favored everybody bullied waste Prince already gone, no one dared to underestimate him. "Your Highness," moon puzzled and asked: "Xiao princes there must have been greeted with Division Division case, sir, if not shot, Division Division case people will not let Jiang Nguyen to discuss what benefits, so why Highness ? "Pei Xuan determined people are suffering every move monitored, and if he was found to intervene in the case of the Secretary Jiang Secretary Nguyen this thing, I do not know what the message will be heard. The best is to play it safe in the palace, especially this time of the case already do not have him shot right Jiang could satisfactorily resolved. "Xiao Shao did he do that, this temple to do is present the house to do this temple wanted to do, you need to stick his light is not.?" Declared Pei Lengheng heard: "Secretary Case Division have always slick Kam Ying Wang to put pressure on him, plus a so again this temple, they will realize that this is no trivial matter, it will naturally spare no pains in the fight against Jiang right. Anyway, whenever Jiang to give more weight to add some of the criminal law of the temple are very happy. " Moon shrugged helplessly, Xiao Shao Pei Xuan hostility'd never diminished, just as the moon appears to adults but it is a bit childish, declared Pei in this aging man who has always been rarely revealed. And always feel a bit mean jealousy and Xiao Shao, Jiang Nguyen naturally eat vinegar, but just how much today declared Pei, the moon is his only path suspicious. ...... The lobby entrance Division Division case already filled to watch the people around, the Secretary has always been a case of the Secretary fair hearing names, every trial is a matter of privacy nobles wealthy family in Beijing, people naturally To Laiqiao lively dictation secret. Is if not really pushed to the dead end, most people do not return to the lawsuit went to the head of the Division of Case Division. After all, not wash your dirty linen in public, no one wanted to save his family, those intimate scandal out to become the talk of others in broad daylight. Chiang Nguyen when he came naturally caused the uproar, sued the father of things naturally through the ages the first time. Hath made ​​the matter is Chiang Nguyen, had in Chiang House penniless later Reds Princess Esther Queen Mother before, and now it is very closely guarded secret that Luanchenzeizi princess. Each identity Chiang Nguyen are cause for regret, many of which are admittedly jealous of the attention, but more is envy. Jiang right thing to do under natural sin can not be forgiven, can Jiang Nguyen approach is also disowned, people divided into two sets of distinctive attitude. A group of people insist that the right Zuigaiwansi Chiang, Chiang Nguyen practice although outrageous but also excusable, but it is a group of people that Chiang Yuen Kam violates human relations towards large open towards since his father sue litigation forum it is lack of filial piety. No matter how people look, but never about Chiang Nguyen. Her down from the carriage, today is wearing a dress pattern outline Po phase, in which complex and solemn lines, will bring her whole person very noble, but outside a makeup color satin cape fox肷creases are like burning fire Generally warm, night under the snow last night, this morning's snow accumulation of half a foot high, a snow, and only her red lightly, pretty and the cold set in place. That gorgeous dignitaries almost involuntary hold your breath. Rao is the case of the Secretary of the Secretary to the courtroom on people never treat people equally, in the face of Jiang Nguyen, they also can not help showing a bit respectful to. This woman should not be overlooked Chiang entropy, their leader sentenced SUN Xu Division had specifically told them last night's men, Nguyen Chiang polite. SUN Xu even this does not fear the power of the status of people could be so important to treat and wanted this woman Chiang entropy behind underestimated. In comparison, Jiang right to be treated worse then the galaxy. SUN Xu DPRK cantankerous, almost a fancy fear, even in the face of former colleagues and also will not be good to sort of look. Jiang right one cares about most is the face, the face of today no reason in Sun Xu dwarf his hair, as if really SUN Xu trial of criminals in general, has long been angry. Jiang's letter today to discuss military barracks and former general, it is impossible to drive over. Jiang Nguyen entered the lobby and found Zhao Guang and three brothers also, Yuan Zhao wind saw her, warm touches of playing the greeting:. "A Nguyen," Zhao Zhao Mei in the end is who, years ago, although that is with Zhao home broken relationship, Zhao would not raise a when filial daughter, may in fact genetically related family is cut constantly. Especially Zhao holding in the palm of the Pearl, a family alerted when Zhao Jiang Jiang Nguyen will tell the boss when they fly into a rage Division case. If not the letter of the pressing, Jiang help, I'm afraid Guang had stormed the Book House first cut to Zhao Jiang right eyebrow buried up. Zhao family never Justifying today to text Division Secretary Zhao undoubtedly show attitude. Zhao Mei is Zhao's daughter, Zhao Mei's death if it really is not a chance, and even the right to have a relationship Jiang, Zhao then never let go. Ruan Zhao Jiang and his family came eleven prodded, Zhao harem and several grandchildren are not over. Zhao Mei Lee this would regret things, if the court learned the truth, it is inevitable emotions of the moment. Ruan Zhao Jiang and his family to say hello, but except missed right Jiang, Jiang right side just feel around the eyes are on him round and round, very conscious Xiufen, curse: "! Unworthy descendants" Guang to scold a stare back, Nguyen did not want Chiang spoke his first step, the right to ask to Jiang said: "I do not know who Jiang Shang say?" Jiang did not expect her outlet right is so ruthless, once they angrily: "Faced with their own ! father so attitude, I do not know where to go to learn Honesty and Honor, " "Jiang Shang remember the fear is." Jiang Nguyen smiled: "Yesterday bust that blood has been repaid, the palace is no longer anything to do with the Book House, where they come from father ? " Jiang right speechless, everyone recalled yesterday in Chiang Ruan take the dagger in the snow to pull off his own hand gash appearance, Jiang right old blushed. Always carrying refined goes face to actually showing a bit twisted. "Silence!" On the grand hall sound sing long, on both sides of the guards are all standing silent, an official of the Division sentenced Sun Xu strode in, his high seat in the most central to sit down. Gaze swept down the side of the adviser plaint handed. That adviser took plaint, they cleared his throat loudly on the complaint to the content alone. Memorial content is original research, along with the summer home of the summer is how murder Zhao Mei mother and three, including the original letter of Chiang ambush in the woods, there are those sinister childhood means straight people hear gripped. The complaint Jiang right apathy let everyone surprised that such infighting large families are not uncommon, and rare is the Chiang Jiang faith as Nguyen Book House Dizi entropy female, Jiang right pro bones, Jiang was also this right as indifferent laissez-faire. That adviser was a man, which wrote the plaint that the heart of this indignation, he also block was full of emotionally rich cadence. Direct teaching men chock anxious crowd immediately rushed to beat Jiang right, the woman holding a veil so awkward weeping. Zhao Guang and three brothers, though knew Zhao Mei too well in the Book House in, but now on that accusation read out one by one, just to make them feel worried. There is no one person more aware of their mother and three of Zhao Mei Chiang palace over how painful and dangerous than Chiang Nguyen, is she wrote carefully, Zhao family heard the anger, until all split the head bare, dying to kill Chiang crossed right. Jiang right frowned, now all eyes to see him here, not a trace of goodwill, he even became a target of public criticism on this, he does not know when Jiang Nguyen had to have such influence. SUN Xu person's temperament colleagues for many years they also know that in the face when Chiang Nguyen subordinate respectful humility, Jiang Nguyen actually have this capability? I do not know the original confidence has been replaced by anxiety at what time, Jiang is no longer as just the right look is so confidently up. Memorial in front of the counts in the end are attempted, you can read the last time it is changed the subject and instead comes to the matter of Zhao Mei poisoning. That complaint was written plainly, it is summer poison Institute under Chiang accomplice precisely right, because he did not know and did nothing, even from secretly encourage egg! A lawsuit filed finished, Jiang has not help gas station right up and said:!! "What nonsense nonsense poison, I did not let her poisoned Zhao Mei is dead, how do you mouthful rogue with? I am! "He resentment Chiang Nguyen while even early death is also given on the Zhao Mei hate. I just feel all by Zhao Mei sky. Guang suddenly stood up from his seat, angrily: "? Chiang right, when I'm not in that you take your life." He is from the battlefield of one exercise a steel frame, normally a beard stare Eye can be started crying children, now really move the anger, that bloodthirsty momentum blowing, Jiang right a shiver, then to say suddenly swallowed the stomach. Zhao Yuanping eyes flash of disdain, light laugh:. ". Jiang Shang what it is anxious not yet given your sins Now, maybe there was hope really want to cry foul, it may wait until the last minute of the time to say" these words in Ruoyouruowu chill mouth, straight people could not help but flick hearts. Jiang would like to speak positive right, only to hear Jiang Nguyen smiling voice: "Not only that, I have evidence, Jiang Shang, anyway, first call Sun adults seen evidence to say it." Jiang right surprised, he did not think Jiang Nguyen will be evidence. After all, things have gone so many years, he thought Jiang Nguyen even pulls out a big thing of the past can not afford to lift storm, no proof undocumented old case, was finally able to obtain any results? Jiang Nguyen can say evidence, he could not help but somewhat guilty, but his mouth was still fooling said: "? You're in what fabrications" Sun Xu a film gavel, shouted: "Take the witness!" under very fast put up with so-called witnesses, that is

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Xiao Shao really soon hit over the water, like in the outside also said a few words, want unless the Jinyi Wei is Forsythia several, Jiang Ruan somewhat shamefaced. Xiao Shao went to the edge collapse, will bend over to hug her, Jiang Ruan Yizheng, said: "what are you doing?" You don't let the girl

"to serve, I hold you up the past." Xiao Shaohao's temper.

"no." Jiang Ruan opened the quilt to jump down: "I wash it myself." Be like this again and Xiao Shaoxi himself, she is afraid is not calm so calm. Which know just one action, they feel achesweakness, immediately stopped.

Xiao Shao somehow looked at her, and smiled: "I won't do what." Jiang Ruan is afraid of thinking at the moment

I really really is very difficult to wash, and then refused to actually seem hypocritical. He nodded, Xiao Shao to embrace her to walk toward the screen after the barrel. Two people toss off a lot, Nguyen Chiang already very tired, Xiao Shao looked very refreshing, picked up the she effortlessly. To let her sit in the bucket, the gentle water is very comfortable, Jiang Ruanyi relaxed down, they feel the eyelids, when to sleep in the past do not know. Xiao Shao attentive help dry body, Ruan Jiang was sleeping soundly,Xiao Shao smiled, and hold her back to bed, for she tuck.

he was afraid of Chiang Kai Shek, Nguyen tired, for the first time is always considerate towards, saw at the moment she slept very familiar appearance, but is distressed, leaned on her forehead gently kiss. Forsythia took the medicine bowl to come in, Xiao Shao silent on her head, forsythia would know, laughing to back out.

this night, Kam Ying palace in how many people know the charming, want to only branches corner eaves lay dark who know. But Jin four play the bet, the final winner is the dealer himself. Jin forty generous took money to please everybody to eat drink,Tipsy when several dark guards have cried, it seems that saw a small master next Jinying palace of a feudal prince has in the current palace road running. Since it's the morning of the second day

Jiang Ruan wake up, after a night's sleep the body seemed to be what rolled over general, than last night even more. Flat side of the quilt, Xiao Shao not on the couch, she supported herself to sit up, the door "squeak" sound open, Xiao Shaoduan with a bowl of medicine to walk to come in. See the Ruan Jiang woke up, put a medicine bowl in a few small edge collapse, stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, asked: "body pain?" Jiang Ruan:"......"

Xiao Shao could not help but laugh,These days, he is often laugh, look like the original is good, such a smile is more color into the Chunxiao appearance if the peach about full mood is very pleasant. Jiang Ruan contrast to his own, to reach out to the side of the medicine bowl blow, a few mouth will be the medicine filling.

that medicine is about Xiao Shao commanded the people to open the prescription, pour is also sensitive to drink after the feel of body warm, joint aching also reduced a lot.

until she was finished, Xiao Shao Jiang took the hands of the Ruan empty bowl, said: "today you rest in the room." A

"." Jiang Ruan shook his head: "today, our case our case, I have to go." Think of,She said: "I have a good body to drink the medicine is good, to listen to the case is always fine. You don't have to worry."

Xiao Shao know Jiang Ruan always has a mind of their own, work mistaken attitude is good, the next time the regardless of their own body regardless of the body. It is about a spell, he also feel distressed and helpless, said: "I let them follow you Jin three. Secretary of the company must not be difficult to do with you."

the meaning of his words are suggested that the former will be bigger than our case our people, Jiang Ruan looked at him: "I sued his father and the capital will inevitably always has said the and may even compromise your reputation.Would you feel that I did the wrong in a situation that was in an embarrassing situation?" "He's not your father." Xiao Shao lightly: "you are not to do with the Chiang family." Jiang Ruan tiny tiny one Leng, just listen to Xiao Shao said: "you married into Kam Ying palace, is my home Shaw, revenge or, to reverse the verdict or, Xiao home is your patron."

he looked firm, mild words, is clearly the most cold, heart is always warm and happy life. Jiang smiled: "Xiao Shao, thank you." Thank you

not perfunctory words, nor as allies of allies Trading General thanks,This is a heartfelt thank you very sincerely. There is always a difficult person to ask why the reason is always standing behind you, no matter what kind of thing, the people insist on with you, this is the feeling and righteousness.

"no." Xiao Shao smile: "really want to thank you again at night, more enthusiasm for good." Jiang Ruan:"......"


a corner in the temple, Xuan Peizheng listen moon reported back news, sneer at a track: "days of Jiang Quanhao about over the header the, in earlier years dare she laid hands on him, now also to bear the blame. Xia Yan and Jiang Susu were dead and not Everything will be fine,Does he think that can have a slim chance of survival? Funny."

the moon stood silently on the side, she knew his little son of Jiang Ruan has a special relationship seems to the two men have what special relationship. But even Xiao Shao can not find a dark thing, she also did not check out the natural health. Although doubts, but know Jiang Xuan Pei are constantly supported the Ruan, now in Chiang's deeds around Beijing are spread, students for his father is on his own daughter so loving and then is ordinary people all want to scold the sound of a beast, not to mention close relationship with Jiang Ruan Xuan Pei?

"let you go our case our people packed?"Pei Xuan playing with the hands of dove pearl big egg. The emperor saw him yesterday is good for a game of homework in Longyan under the gift of appreciation. The Pearl in the palace are not rare, is in China there will be jealous of something. Today is a thing when Pei Xuan make nothing of it. Also enough today announced Pei in the imperial court position. Not everyone who had favored dupable waste Prince has disappeared, who also can not be underestimated him.

"Your Royal Highness," moon puzzled and asked: "the other side of the Xiao Wangye must have with our case our playing a Hello, your highness, if not shot,Our case our people will not let Jiang Ruantao to what benefits, your highness why so?" Xuan Pei movements are suffering man with heart monitor. If it is to be checked to meddle in our case our Jiang Ruan this thing, do not know and outgoing messages. In the palace the best is to be worldly wise and play safe and especially Jiang Quan this case already need not he shot can be solved successfully. "Xiao Shao

what he is supposed to do is to do, the temple is the temple. What does this house want to do, still need to touch him not to become?" Xuan Pei Lingheng: "our company has always been the case. The king, Jin to put pressure on him, plus the house again such a,They will also be aware of the matter will be no trivial matter. against Chiang, leave no room right. In any case, who can give some more Jiang right of criminal law, the house is very happy."

the moon helpless shrugged and hostility to Xiao Shao Xuan Pei is never reduction, only in adults the moon seems is somewhat childish copious Xuan this has always been the mature person seldom appear in. And always feel a bit and Xiao Shao jealousness borne the mean, eat natural is Nguyen Chiang vinegar, but Xuan Pei was now much, moon only is suspicious of their own.

...... Our case our lobby

the door already surrounded by watching people,Division has always been a name of a fair trial, each trial is also a big house in the middle of the nobility of the private affair, people naturally want to come to see the secret of the dictation. Is not really to be forced to ruin, the average person is not to return the case to the case of our company will head up. After all their dirty laundry is not outside the Yang, who didn't want his family in those private scandal take out become others in broad daylight. The conversation. When Jiang Ruan came to the

in nature is also caused an uproar, sued the father for the first time since it is from ancient to modern times. To make this as it is Jiang Ruan,At the outset in Jiangfu penniless to later Esther the queen mother before the Reds princess, and now it is the princess of the traitor of that is a closely guarded secret. Each identity of Jiang Ruan's sigh, it's true that there are many envious eyes, but more is the envy of. Jiang Quan

do things naturally is unforgivable, Jiang Ruan practices is disowned and attitudes distinct into two dial. Batch of people insist that Jiang right done, Nguyen Chiang although special but also excusable, a batch of person is thought Jiang Ruan against the Jin Dynasties ever since the open towards the human, will tell his father on the court is really lack of filial piety.

No matter what other people think, Jiang Ruan never cares. Her down from the carriage, and today is wearing a outline Baoxiang patterns service, including lines, a serious and complex, the contrast with her very noble, and outside a makeup Satin fox the pleats cloak color is like burning fire generally warm, night was a night of snow, snow this morning plot half a meter, piece of snow wrapped, only her red lightly, pretty and chilly legislation in place. It is almost a must to hold breath.

Rao is our case our people never treat to the court of people alike, in the face of Nguyen Chiang could not help showing a bit respectful to.The Jiang Di female in the house should not be overlooked, their leader our sentenced our last night in specially ordered over their hands, Chiang Ruan politely. Even Sun Xu is not afraid of power status of the people can be so important to treat this, Jiang Di female in the house behind bukexiaoqu.

compared to receive treatment, Jiang Quan sent one hundred and eight thousand. Sun Xu in the DPRK cantankerous, almost a fear, even in the face of his former colleagues is unlikely to somewhat good face. Jiang Quan who care about most is the face, now flatly in front of our short head, as if it is our trial of criminals in general, it is already in anger.

Jiang Xinzhi today in the camp and the former general to discuss military, it is impossible to get over the. Jiang Ruanjin the lobby of the found Zhaoguang and Zhao three brothers, Zhao Yuanfeng saw her, warmed up playing the greeting: "A Ruan." Zhao Jia's person exactly is

Zhao Mei. Years ago although said to be cut off relations with the Zhao, Zhao when not raise this unfilial daughter, can in fact Guxie affection is cut ceaseless the. Especially Zhao Jiapeng in the palm of the Pearl, when Zhao family know when Jiang Ruan will tell our boss Chiang case will stamp with rage. It is advised Jiang Xinzhi to help,But Zhao Guang had rushed into the palace to cut right Shang Jiang to Zhao Mei buried.

Zhao family never huduan, today to our case is undoubtedly our attitude that zhao. Is the daughter of Zhao Zhao Mei. If Zhao Mei death really is not a chance, even with Chiang Kai Shek's right has relationship, then Zhao absolutely will not let it go at that. Jiang Ruan stepped forward and one one

Zhao family greeted, Zhao family and several grandchildren are not. This is Lee Zhao Mei thing to regret, if the court learned the truth, not emotional excitement. Jiang Ruan and Zhao family to say hello, but only to miss jiang,Right side of the Jiang felt around the eyes on him around, he felt ashamed, angry scold: "unworthy descendants!"

Zhaoguang stare to scold back, don't want to Nguyen Chiang but first he step opened its mouth, ask to Jiang Quandao "Jiang Shang I do not know is who?"

Jiang Quan didn't expect she exports is so ruthless, immediately then angrily: "in the face of his father this attitude, I do not know the sense of propriety learn where to!" Jiang Shang

"fear is wrong." Ruan Jiang smiled: "yesterday that the body blood has been repaid, the palace and the palace Shang again, where is the father?"

Jiang Quan speechless,All recalled yesterday in Jiang Nguyen in the snow dagger refused to back his open appearance, Jiang Quan face flushed. It has always been a refined end face was showing a bit distorted to.

"!" Kaitang touts the sound of singing, on both sides of the guards are all standing in silence, a body authorities of our judgment Sun Xumai a strode in, he on a high seat in the center with a sit down. Look down one side of the sweep, will pass a clerk. It took the bill he touts, cleared his throat loudly alone, the complaint on the content. The complaint content is at the beginning of summer, together with the research summer home is how to murder Zhao Mei mother of three people,Including the original in the woods of Jiang Xinzhi ambush, and little time those sinister means, straight people could shudder with fear. And complaint in Jiang indifferent attitude also let everybody's surprise, a large family of such infighting is not uncommon, rare is Jiang Ruan Jiang Xinzhi Shang palace of primogeniture eldest daughter, Jiang Quan Pro bones, Jiang Quan unexpectedly also so indifferent laissez faire. This is a character that touts the writing, said the heart indignant, he was full of emotional blocking speak in measured tones. Straight men in the crowd sleeves hate flushes Jiang beat right immediately, the woman took the veil hard wipe tears.

Zhaoguang and Zhao three brothers although it has long been known Zhao Mei in Shang Shu Fu is not good, now that the petition a a read out, let them feel worried. There is no one than Chiang Ruan more understand Zhao Mei their mother and child three people in Chiang Kai Shek Fu Li of a painful and dangerous, so she wrote seriously, Zhao family more listen to more anger, straight thrusting accompany crack, hate not immediately rushed out to kill Jiang Quan. Jiang Quan

is wrinkly to knit the brows, now here all eyes see to him without the slightest goodwill, he actually this has become the target of public criticism, he did not know when Nguyen Chiang unexpectedly also has such influence.Our man's nature of their peers for many years also know that face Jiang Ruan subordinate respectful humility, Jiang Ruan should have such a capability? Original answers do not know at what time has been uneasy replaced, Jiang Quan look no longer like the confidently the.

complaint in front of the counts in the end are attempted, read to the end is Schmidt, which, in turn, said the Zhao Mei poisoning of the. The complaint in writing clearly, poison is summer Research Institute under, and Jiang Quanzheng is an accomplice, because he did know that stood by, even from implicitly encourage cuanduo! Thanks to a paper petition finished, Jiang Quan could not stand up the gas channel:
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