脚步声快速的靠近,紧接着一人从树丛中冒了出来,一张阳光灿烂的脸,云召。 “我的兄弟,你果然在这里,找的我好苦。”云召见乱七八糟一地倒塌的树木 การแปล - 脚步声快速的靠近,紧接着一人从树丛中冒了出来,一张阳光灿烂的脸,云召。 “我的兄弟,你果然在这里,找的我好苦。”云召见乱七八糟一地倒塌的树木 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
脚步声快速的靠近,紧接着一人从树丛中冒了出来,一张阳光灿烂的脸,云召。 “我的兄弟,你果然在这里,找的我好苦。”云召见乱七八糟一地倒塌的树木中,琉月一身冰冷的站在中央,满脸乌云顿时散开,阳光灿烂起来。 琉月一见来的居然是云召,不由微微松开了手中的琴弦。 云召一边抹汗,一边快步朝琉月走来,同时高声道:“我说你怎么又得罪了傲云太子独孤夜,他的九杀阵居然用来困你,咦,不对,不是九杀阵,是九困阵,他居然没有杀你?” 惊讶的挑起了眉,云召好像觉得不可思议之极。 “有问题。”琉月转身瞪着云召。 “没有,没有。”云召顿时高举起了手:“不过,真比较难得,他下手一贯不做则以,一出手就是绝不留情的,居然不杀你。” “多话,快走。”琉月一等云召走进,立刻一把抓住云召的手臂,沉声道,她的比试,她的计划。 云召见此立刻转身回走,一边道:“你也知道急啊,这马上就要开始了,还好我费了三天的功夫,总算摸索到进阵的道路,否则看你怎么比试。 真是的,独孤夜居然也来了,还好他只用了九困阵,若是用其他的,我就什么都不用想了,唯一能解他布下阵势的人,估计出了那不知道踪迹的天辰翼王轩辕澈,其他人就只有看着……” 轩辕澈,琉月听言眼中一亮,她的澈。 天光大亮,最后的比试马上就要开始了。 清脆的钟声响彻比武现场,擂台上三方势力的人已经齐齐登上了擂台,琉月却还没有出现。 “一炷香时间,若琉月在不出现,视为放弃。” 时间一分一秒过去,香烟燃尽,琉月还没有来。 “时间到,琉月放弃,比试开始……”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Rapid footsteps close, followed by a person to take out from the trees, a sunny face, Yun Zhao. "My brother, you are really here, I find a good bitter." Cloud summoned a mess to fallen trees in Okinawa a cold standing in the middle, his face clouds suddenly disperse, sunny together. Okinawa is actually a see to Yun Zhao, the reigning slightly loosen the hands of the strings. Yun Zhao Mohan side, while walking quickly toward Okinawa, while the high channel: "I say how proud you and against cloud Prince Tokgo night, he actually used the storm front nine to kill you, Hey, no, not nine kill array, the storm front nine, he did not kill you? " provoked surprised eyebrow, Yun Zhao seems to me extremely incredible. "There are problems." I turned and stared at Okinawa Yun Zhao. "No, no." Yun Zhao suddenly raised his hand high: "But, really relatively rare, he always makes places to start, a shot is no mercy, and actually does not kill you. " " much, brisk walking. " First Okinawa Yun Zhao walked, and immediately grabbed the arm Yun Zhao, Chen Sheng said, her test of her plan. Seeing Yun Zhao turned immediately back away, while and said: "You know Jia, which is about to start, but fortunately I had a three-day effort, finally fumbled into the front of the road, otherwise you look at how a test. Really The Tokgo night actually came, but fortunately he took only nine storm front, if the use of other, what I do not want to, the only person he can solve planted battle, it is estimated that does not know a trail Tianchen Yi Wang Xuan Yuan Che, others just watching ...... " Regulus Che, Okinawa listen to words eyes light up, her Che. Day shone, the final test of will soon begin. Ringing bells rang contest site, the ring of people have shouted three forces boarded the ring, Okinawa still did not appear. "A stick of incense time, if not appear in Okinawa, considered abandoned." Time is of the past, cigarette burn, Okinawa has not yet come. "Time, Okinawa give up, a test start ......"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Close to the sound of footsteps, a man came out of the bushes, a sunny face, called.

"my brother, you're here, looking for my good pain." Cloud summoned at sixes and sevens with a collapse of the trees, Ryukyu month body cold station in the central, face the clouds suddenly parted. The sun is shining. At the sight of the month '

actually is called cloud, not by the hands slightly loosen the strings.

cloud called side wipe the sweat, the side quickly toward Okinawa month came, also loudly: "I said how do you and against Ao Yun Prince Dugu night, his nine kill array actually used to besiege you, hey, no, not the nine kill array, is nine trapped array.He didn't kill you?"

surprised provoked the eyebrow, called cloud like feel incredible extremely. "There is a problem." Liu June turned to stare at the clouds called. "No, no." Cloud called suddenly raised his hand: "but it is really a relatively rare, he laid a hand on him has always been not to do, a shot is no mercy, incredibly don't kill you." "Much, go." A month into the cloud called Okinawa, immediately grabbed the cloud called arm, sink a track, her race, her plan.

cloud called see this immediately turned back to walk, the side of the road: "you know ah, this is immediately to start. Fortunately, I spent a three days of work.I groped into the matrix of the road, or what you have.

really is, Dugu night incredibly also come, fortunately he took only nine trapped array, if using other, I what all don't think, the only solution he cloth next battle, estimates that knew not trail the Tianchen wing King Xuanyuan Che, others is only looking at...... "

Xuanyuan Che, Liu June listen eyes a bright, clear her.

light, the final competition will start soon.

ringing bell resounded through the contest site, ring three forces have Qi Qi Deng on the challenge, Ryukyu months still does not appear.

"incense time, if China does not appear in the month,Regard as giving up." Thanks to a second time in the past, the cigarette burn, Okinawa month has not come. At the time, Liu

"month to give up, a start......"
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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