第376章 冰云邀约纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “啊?你要离开皇宫?你要去哪里?”苍月一把抓住云澈的手臂,紧张的问道。云澈不属 การแปล - 第376章 冰云邀约纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “啊?你要离开皇宫?你要去哪里?”苍月一把抓住云澈的手臂,紧张的问道。云澈不属 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第376章 冰云邀约纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “啊?你

第376章 冰云邀约

































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 376 ice clouds offerOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "Ah? You want to leave the Palace? Where are you going? "Pale Moon grabbed the arm of Yun Che, nervous asked. Yun Che does not belong to the Royal Palace, it is pale on very clear, but she did not expect, he will be in such a hurry to leave. Yun Che comforting laughs: "has not been decided, might leave the pale of wind ... ... But don't worry, Phoenix Shenzong seven does not know what happened yesterday, 99% not your hand to me shortly, I decided to leave only against a few possibilities, but also can be used as a ranking of seven pre-war experience. Pale among thousands of faltering, said: "Che son, do you really want to go to the ranking of seven war? You and 13 Prince got revenge yesterday, to the God of the Phoenix Empire site, I am afraid you will ... ... Alas, although your talent in a stunning, but Phoenix Shenzong was too strong. Strong let me every time I think, couldn't help but shiver ... ... Phoenix Emperor Shenzong, but BA Huang! And more than one! ” "Must go. "Yun Che calm:" exposed the Phoenix following, collision with Phoenix Shenzong, destined to avoid, since the doomed not to escape, than that I meet. ” Pale worries among thousands of faces, but anxiety that was under the mask, he looked at Yun Che, slowly: "Che son, I believe you. With your talent, acumen, I believe that even Emperor Shenzong of Phoenix, you can get out! ”"Well, I won't let my father down. "Yun Che micro-thoughts and said," father, you know ' too Gu Xuanzhou ' what exactly? ” "Too Gu Xuanzhou......" the blue convergence among thousands of faces, yearning look has revealed obvious: "it was a magical presence. It's like a huge boats, and its size, comparable to nearly the entire Sofu imperial city. ” "So big! "Yun Che mind surprising. "No one knows what this is, but nobody knows where it came from. So Gu Xuanzhou name is Huang Empire of God's people take. From once upon a time, began to appear in the gods huanghuang over and very high off the ground, the height can be boarded only BA Huang. ”"Each time it occurs, will float in the same place six months time, and during these six months in the last days, that ship too Gu Xuanzhou boat door opens automatically, after a 12 hour, is automatically closed, then too Gu Xuanzhou will strangely disappeared ... ... Next, over 300 years later. So Gu Xuanzhou disappears before the end of the day, there will be some beautiful strong black boat, to find the treasure, but millions of years, but has never been something. ” "Why would anyone think Gu Xuanzhou treasures are there? "Yun Che asked.Phoenix Emperor Shenzong, there was a peculiar branch of door, the responsibilities of this branch, that is, search for treasure in the world. And it is said that every time appears too Gu Xuanzhou, this branch were used to look for the treasure of what the lingshi releases out to the extreme of golden light, lingshi even burst, this vision is proving too Gu Xuanzhou strong unimaginable treasure hidden! Because Xuan in the sky above the city, there has never been no discovery lingshi released golden light. ” "So many years, so Gu Xuanzhou predecessors never had any harvest, but Phoenix Shenzong never gave up searching each time it occurs too Gu Xuanzhou, what the black boat is the principal thing! "Pale among thousands of meal, way:" Feng XI-Chen said yesterday, ranking the first three cases, and Phoenix will be able to explore so Gu Xuanzhou Shenzong ... ... So Gu Xuanzhou always appears above the God Emperor Huang, Emperor Shenzong of Phoenix never allow other people to get their hands on, including Holy Land, cannot, this time offering to give people opportunities for exploration, this is the first time. ” So ... ... Ancient ... ... Black ... ... Boat ... ...What exactly is that thing? "Molly, do you know what it is? Sounds very strange. "Yun Che Road in the sea. Molly light: "and this grand General, even more mysterious boat I've ever seen, and seen a lot. But for thousands of years, or even longer time to appear and disappear black boat, well, fall is the first time I heard it. The description of the Emperor, I all of a sudden this so-called ' too Gu Xuanzhou ' there is a lot of interest. ” Yun Che: "......" At this time, with the two communications, two came in dressed in rich man's gait is stiff, they saw Yun Che and dark months, her face suddenly, there is a clear change.The two men, was the Crown Prince Lin and three emperors pale, pale moon. "Minister Xiang Fuhuang greet and wish father longevity and health. ” Chang-Lin and Chang Shuo carefully, respectfully, what happens once the proud. Pale among thousands moved eyebrow, Franz, said, "has been requested, if there are no other things, withdraw, I confer with Moon and his wife were tied. ” Yun Che means yesterday, Chang-Lin and Chang Shuo fear, seeing Yun Che, both scalp tingle, which dare to stay, quickly excused leave. Yun Che squinted from Lin and pale, pale Moon, turned, in a solemn tone: "father, are you going to do with these two people? ” Yun Che uttered, pale Moon jump, she turned her eyes, nervous looking pale among thousands of responses.Pale among thousands for a stay, looking suddenly became somewhat self-effacing: "Che son, what do you think, what do I do? ” Yun Che did not hesitate, calm: "' was the most ruthless emperors ', this sentence is a satire and criticisms of the Royal family, but at the same time, also reflects some of the Royal family is helpless. Proof of a lot of history has been bloody, King: if it should, then will be critical of the Royal family, so, sometimes even great bear, also had to relentlessly ... ... What's more, other ruthless! If the father forgive them, then no doubt telling descendants of the Royal family even against contrary Sin can be forgiven! May induce more people to like disobedience they lost heart. ”Pale among thousands of closed her eyes, a face of helplessness: "these, I know. They almost ruined the whole Royal family, even against me, they will also be partly to blame. Che son, were it not for you, I might have been dead Moon fate certainly tragic, the entire royal family, also burning heavenly gate by Xiao Zong and the puppet, I really hate can't kill them. Just ... ... Alas, my sons, but only the most imperial of Chang-Lin and Chang Shuo, otherwise, I am also not their infighting left, pass to the five other children, I am dead, and moon, and are provoking women ... ... Party is the inverse and vice crimes, one blood with the Royal family in the future, I it is hard choice. ”"Actually, the father does not need such entanglements, it is a good choice. ” Yun Che, in pale were among thousands of mysterious whispers in his ear. Pale he looked surprised at first, then suddenly the whole body shakes and eyes were excited by light poles, he grabbed the Yun Che, hugged her: "Che son, you say these words ... ... Seriously? ” "Of course. "Yun Che smiled:" my skills, this is simple enough. I later went to the chemist to ensure my father ... ... Hey, more 300 years! ”Yun Che skills, pale among thousands, of course, is a tiny bit suspicious there won't be. Exciting half his long beard is a faint trembling, suddenly, he began to fight, pounded the table, shouting: "come! Speed unfilial son Chang-Lin, Chang-Shuo won, off to prison! Shen iron series come to meet! I listed the two inverse subsemigroups of crimes in person!! ” Out of the Palace, pale month wait asked, "honey, what you just said to my father, why does father's sudden change in attitude so big? ” "Well ... ... Is men's secrets. "Yun Che Hei Hei smile. Pale he would have that concern, the most fundamental reason, indulge in excessive in his early years, had no fertility, dark months, no more. The Prince died without one, no further possibility of birth of new Prince.But I can not have a problem if we don't exist, that pale among thousands does not need to tangle. Give him a few years, recycling more than 10 Prince Princess relaxed, carefully cultivated, nature can produce excellent heir. "Yun Che. ” Top women came cold soft voice. Chuyueli and slowly down the lean summer months, standing in front of Yun Che and pale moon. Pale Moon's eyes immediately with the lean summer months touch, move away and at the same time, lean summer months ice eyes looked calm and cold, pale Moon's eyes is much more complex. After all, the lean summer months is the wife of Yun Che and matchmaker ... ... In this regard, pale Moon part two-bedroom. She compared with the lean summer months, inside something strange happens, she pursed her lips, and whispered: "Chu fairy, summer ... ... Fairy. ”A strange atmosphere in the pale Moon and the lean summer months before the rise, slightly raise eyebrow chuyueli, start of Yun Che: "Yun Che, our master and apprentice would come in addition to participating in your wedding with pale Princess, there is another important thing. ” “…… Please let us know chuxianzi. "Yun Che Road. "We too Palace wants to see you. ” Yun Che surprising rise: "Palace on too? See me?"That's right. "Chu-month glass gaze slightly:" you and my sister's things, too House already knows, of course, know your body some ice cloud drive. Last at the Ice Palace kick things too Palace all know ... ... However, she wants to see you, not xingshiwenzui, not to hurt you, I can guarantee. You recently without him, then a trip to my ice cloud fairy? ” Ice Palace on a cloud fairy too wants to see him, this, Yun Che was unexpected. His short, slightly nodded "OK. Under the last time I was very angry, emotions get out of control, ramming the ice cloud fairy, I was supposed to go to Xiang Yuxian Temple Lord make amends ... ... A month later, I will go alone. ” Chuyueli gently nodded: "I hope you don't break your promise ... ... Lean months, here we go. ” Eyes in the lean summer months Yun Che who travel a bit, then float up and far away, into the horizon to wipe away the snow image. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 376 ice clouds invitation
text to read the site domain synchronous read phone line, please visit "ah? You have to leave the palace? Where are you going?" Cang cloud Che grabbed the arm, tense asked. Yun Chol does not belong to the Royal Palace, this Diancang month is very clear, but she did not think he would be such a rush to leave. Yun Chol comforting smiles: "Not yet decided, might leave Cang wind country ...... but do not worry, Phoenix Ancestor Qicheng not know what yesterday, ninety nine in the short term will not be on my hands, I decided to leave too just a little possibility to prepare for it, but also deal with seven countries qualifying as a pre-war experience. Cang myriad pondered about it, and said: "Che child, you really going to seven countries qualifying war? You had yesterday and thirteenth Prince of revenge, to the God of Phoenix Empire sites, I'm afraid you'll ...... Well, although you stunning talent, but Phoenix Ancestor is too strong. Strong enough to make every time I think I will not help trembling ...... Phoenix Ancestor being, but with the presence of Emperor Pa! And more than one! " "I must go. "Cloud Che calm:" Phoenix inflammation after exposure, and the Phoenix Shenzong collision, it is destined to be avoided, since it can not escape the doomed, in that case I went up to the initiative. " Cang myriad look worried, but soon, these worries are under cover, he looked at the cloud Che, slowly: "Che child, I believe you. With your talent, mind, I believe that even though the Phoenix Ancestor, you can also get out! " "ah, I will not let Fu Huang disappointed. "Cloud Che micro a thoughtful, said:" Fu Huang, would you know 'Swire mysterious boat' What is it? " "Swire mysterious boat ......" Cang myriad expressions convergence, look actually reveals obvious yearning: "It was a very magical presence. Its shape, like an enormous majority of people, and its size, almost comparable to the entire Cang wind Imperial City. " "so big! "Cloud Che heart Yaran. "Nobody knows what it is, but no one knows where it came from. Swire mysterious boat's name, who is the God of Phoenix Empire taken. From long, long time before it, began to appear all over God is insignificant, and the extremely high from the ground, the height, only to board the imperial hegemony. " "Every time it appears, will be in the same place floating six months, and in six months last day aboard the boat Pacific mysterious boat door will open automatically after twelve hour, it will automatically turn on, and then Swire mysterious boat will disappear under strange ...... once appeared to be after three years. The last day of the Pacific mysterious disappearance boat before, there will be some mysterious masterpiece strong boarded the boat, to explore one of the treasure, but no years, but has never been fruitful. " "Why would anyone think that the mysterious boat into the Pacific have treasure it? "Cloud Che asked Shenzong in Phoenix, there is a peculiar branch Munekado responsibilities of this branch were the door, and that is to explore the world treasure, while Swire said that every time the mysterious boat appeared, this branch were the door to find the treasure Discovery Lingshi will release a strong golden light to the extreme, and some even directly burst began, this vision is proving inevitable Pacific mysterious boat hidden among the powerful to unimaginable treasure! Because Tianxuan mainland on, it has never been anything to make Discovery began with the release of golden light. " " So, although no years, boarded the boat Pacific mysterious predecessors never had any harvest, but never gave up exploring Phoenix Ancestor, each Swire mysterious boat appeared, Discovery is the first major event mysterious cases in the door of the boat, "Cang myriad paused, and said:"! Feng Xi Chen said yesterday it seems, ranked the top three were the door, you will be able to together and Phoenix Shenzong Swire Pacific to explore the mysterious boat ...... mysterious boat every time God appears above the Royal Phoenix, Phoenix Ancestor never allow others to meddle, even the Holy Land can not, this actually offered to give others the opportunity to explore together, which might or for the first time. " Too old ...... ...... ...... mysterious boat ...... that in the end will be what? "Jasmine, you know what else? Sounds seem very weird." Yun Chol mind Uminonakamichi. Jasmine faint: "and this imperial general large, mysterious even bigger boat, I really have seen, and seen a lot, but for several years, or even longer time, recurring, the mysterious disappearance of the boat, hum. , pour the first time I heard this description emperor, let me suddenly this so-called 'Pacific mysterious boat' with no small interest. ". Cloud Che: "......" At this time, along with twice Bulletin, two men dressed in luxurious stiff gait walked in, they saw the cloud Che and Cang month, his face suddenly there is a clear change. The two men, a shocking Prince Cang Cang Shuo Lin and three princes. "Er Chen Fu Huang greeting to, Fu Huang Fu-wish-being." Lin Cang Cang moon and cautiously, respectfully, of which there is the slightest once insolent. Myriad Cang moved his brow, raising his hand, said: "Now that security. Please, in the absence of other things, withdraw it, I and a couple months children have positive events in the deliberations." Che means cloud yesterday, Let Cang Lin and pale moon lingering fear, this time to see the cloud Che, both are scalp tingling, dare stays, and quickly retire to leave. Yun Chol squinted at left and Cang Cang Lin Shuo, turned his head, in a tone of awe and said: "Fu Huang, how are you going to dispose of the two men?" Yun Chol this outburst, a scared Cang jump, she turned eyes, looked nervous Cang myriad responses. Cang myriad shocked, look suddenly become somewhat slumped: "Che child, do you think, how can I do?" cloud Che did not hesitate, calm: "'The most ruthless imperial family', this sentence It is a satire and criticism of the royal family, but at the same time, it also reflects some frustration among the royal family. many bloody history has proved that if the emperor to love should do, then the royal family will be dangerous, so, sometimes, even extreme bear, had ruthlessly ...... not to mention the other side prior ruthless! If this Fuhuang forgive them, then certainly tell the royal descendants can even forgive the sins rebellious! might induce more people as they are that . like Sangxin disobedience " Cang myriad close your eyes, and a look of frustration: "These are, I know they almost destroyed the entire royal family, and even, I murdered the issue, they will certainly not get away Che child, if it is. You, I may have a lot of food, but also on children will certainly miserable fate, the entire royal family, will be a puppet and Xiao were burning day the door, he really wished he could personally kill them just ...... Well, I several sons, but Only Cang Lin and pale moon emperor of the most energy, otherwise, then they will not have their infighting left unchecked, if the pass to five other children, I dead peace of mind, and on children, but also happens to be one of the rebellious woman ...... the crime, one is royal blood and the future, I really difficult choice. " " In fact, Fu Huang does not need so tangled, it a good choice. " Yun Chol forward in Cang myriad ear secretive whisper something. Cang myriad look surprised at first, followed by the body suddenly startled, his eyes light exposing extreme excitement, he grabbed cloud Che, extremely excited and said: "Che child, you say these words ...... seriously? " " Of course, . "Cloud Che smiling and said:." In my medicine, it is simply something simple but I had a moment and then went to pharmaceuticals, ensuring Fu Huang ...... hey, battles three hundred years !! " cloud Che medicine Cang myriad course, there will not be the slightest doubt. His excitement straight half-length beard faint trembling, suddenly, he was a war the sky, Meng pound the table, he yelled:!! "Come fast to inverse Lin Cang, Cang Schomburg win, move off to Tianlao Punishments ! Shen Zhen Yao personally Impartial speed to an audience with a list of crimes the two inverse !! " out of the Imperial Palace, Cang month wait to ask: "Jon, you just said something to Fu Huang, why Fu Huang attitudes suddenly change so much? " " Well ...... is a secret between men. "Che cloud Hey smile. The reason why there will be remarks Cang myriad concerns, the most fundamental reason is that his early over-indulgence, had no fertility after Cang, then nothing out. So Prince will be less a dead one, no fertility may develop new prince. But not if there is no fertility problems, and that does not require Cang myriad just the slightest tangle. Give him a few years time, renewable dozen princes princess relaxed, carefully cultivated, naturally cultivate excellent heir to the throne. "Cloud Che." above, came the cold soft female voice. Chu glass and pour the summer months and fell slowly, stood before the cloud Che and Cang body. Cang month and summer months Mouguang suddenly poured touch, and then removed at the same time, the summer months ice pour a youleng eye looks calm, Cang eyes are more complex. After all, the summer months are the clouds pour Che's first wife, but Soong ...... In this regard, Cang belong to the later two-bedroom. She poured the summer months and the relative, the heart naturally strange, she pursed his lips and whispered: "Chu Xianzai summer ...... fairy." a somewhat strange atmosphere in the summer before and pour Cang month arises, let Chu glass eyebrow slightly warped, direct straight to the point cloud Che said: "Cloud Che, teacher and student were to come to us, in addition to attending your wedding and dark green on the princess, there is another one something important." "...... please inform Chu Xianzai . "Cloud Che Road. . "We too want to see you on Miyaji" cloud Che Yaran looked up: "Too much on the ruler to see me?? "Yes. "Chu glass slightly gazing:" You and my sister thing, too, on the Miyaji already know that your body naturally know some ice clouds tactics. Your last row in the Ice Palace some things, too, on the ruler also all know ...... However, she wants to see you, is not to send a punitive expedition, but will not hurt you, which I can guarantee. Without him your recent thing, they come to my trip how ice clouds Asgard? " Asgard on ice clouds Miyaji want to see him too, this unexpected cloud Che touches his brief thought, nodded:. "Good. Under the last time I Nuji, emotional control, collision of the ice clouds Asgard, I also present the whereabouts of Yu Asgard apologize ...... month after the primary, I'll go alone. " Chu glass gently nodded: "I hope you do not go back in time ...... dumping month, we go. " Summer months Mouguang pour in a little cloud Che who stay, they float along the sky, far away, turned away the snow shadow horizon hint .R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. section errors Report (free registration), reported after maintenance staff will correct chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 376th chapter icecloud
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"? Do you want to leave the palace? Where are you going?" The clouds grabbed the arm, nervously asked. Clouds do not belong to the palace, this point is very clear dawn, but she did not expect, he will rush to leave.

clouds comforting smile: "no decision, may leave the country sofu...... But do not worry, the Phoenix God Zong will not know yesterday, nine into nine not in the short term to me to start, I decided to leave also just to prevent a little possibility, at the same time,Can also be used as the response to the qualifying prewar experience. A
Cang wind ', said: "Che son, you really have to go to the qualifying battle? You are the prince and thirteen yesterday of revenge, to the God Phoenix Empire territory, I am afraid you will...... Alas, although you was surprised, but Phoenix Shenzong too strong. Strong enough to let me remember, could not help trembling...... The Phoenix God, but with the existence of the emperor! And more than one!" "We must go." Che Yun calm way: "after exposure of the Phoenix inflammation, and collision of the sect of the God Phoenix, it is destined to cannot avoid, since the doomed unable to escape.It's not as good as I am."

Cang valleys a face of anxiety, but soon, these worries were buried, he looked at the clouds, slowly way: "Che son, I believe you. With your talent, I believe that even if the mind, is the Phoenix God Pope, you can also get out!"
"well, I will not let my father disappointed." Micro clouds a thought, said: "father, do you know 'what is too mysterious boat'?"

"Xuan Zhou taigu......" Look pale wind convergence, look unexpectedly expose obvious Yearning: "that is a very magical presence. Its shape, like a gigantic Feizhou, while its size,Almost comparable to the imperial sofu."

"so big!" Clouds in wonder.

"no one knows what it is, but no one knows where it came from. The name is Zhou Xuan Taigu, God Phoenix Empire had taken. It from a long time ago, began to appear in the sky by the Royal, and distance from the ground is extremely high, the height, and only the tyrant emperor to boarded. "
"every time it will float in the same place in the first half of the time, and in the first half of last day, aboard the Pacific Xuan boat ship gate will open automatically. After 12 hours, will close automatically, and then,The boat will disappear strange mysterious taigu...... Next time, in three hundred years. And Swire Xuan boat disappeared before the last day, will have some masterpiece strong landed on the mysterious boat, to find the treasure, but for many years, but never rewarding. "

"why some people think that there are treasures Taigu Xuan Zhou?" Clouds. In Phoenix, there is a special branch of Pope door, this branch of school responsibilities, is to explore the world treasure. And the said every Swire Xuan boat appeared, the branch Pope door used to find treasure discovery Lingshi will release strongly to the extreme of golden light,
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