随着云夕的一声惊呼,邻座的诸人都朝昭充仪看去,这一看便吓得诸人变了脸色,这一身的血……昭充仪是流产了? 封谨听到惊呼声时,便觉得不妙,看向庄 การแปล - 随着云夕的一声惊呼,邻座的诸人都朝昭充仪看去,这一看便吓得诸人变了脸色,这一身的血……昭充仪是流产了? 封谨听到惊呼声时,便觉得不妙,看向庄 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




























































จาก: จีน
เป็น: อังกฤษ
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Yun XI, with a gasp, sitting next to the Asaaki charge meter to go to, this will scare the people become blue in the face, the blood of ... ... Zhao charge meter is abortion? Feng Jin when he heard the scream, they feel bad, look to the while Luo yan, already pale, but endured the pain without expiratory, his foot moved, and eyes all the Royal family and Ministers, did not get up. "Yun XI, no noise, but the state dinner," Luo yan looked up, close up's got, "notice the Emperor eye discomfort, looked the Emperor's grace I go back upstairs. ” Feng Jin, pinch the Cup in the hand, bite the word: "intrinsic tolerance. "Said and turned back to the side of the Gao Dezhong," snow slid of the road, please help me send Zhao filling instrument back to his palace. ” "Slave in compliance aims. "Gao Dezhong where delay, busy back down in a hurry. Many courtiers present and the woman does not understand what's going on, only to see the Emperor his first sent eunuch Zhao filling instrument back to his house, Zhao instrument-filled, feeling in your heart how much favour. Several sit Zhao filling instrument closer to the woman but very jumpy, Zhao filled instrument to understand the big picture, but doing this to make a noise, or Royal will face today. Dragons abortion battle of harem made this set that runs parallel, it's hard to read. The taihe Temple, carried Nian Gao Dezhong immediately strong eunuchs, whispered to the maid in charge cloud evening urgently asked: "may the cure. ” "High duct already Fu Bao," Fu Luo yan, Yun XI red eyes steps on chariot, holding her hand, soothing: "master, soon to his house, all right. ” “云夕,我的孩子是不是保不住了?”庄络胭惨白着一张脸,声音很小还带着颤抖,却让在场每一个人听得清清楚楚。 高德忠瞧着神情哀戚的昭充仪,觉得她那张脸比她身上的狐裘还要白。在心底叹息一声,终究没有这个命啊。 庄络胭的离开,并没有让在场几位妃嫔觉得放松,反倒是有些忐忑不安。昭充仪莫名其妙的流产,必然惹人怀疑,她们几人俱在场,若是皇上迁怒或是怀疑她们…… “皇上,您看这……”皇后见皇上脸色虽然如常,眼神里却藏着阴霾,便知皇上对昭充仪腹中孩子还是有所期待的,心里不由得开始庆幸,幸好这个孩子没有生下来,“要不,妾去看看。” “不必,你是一国之后,国宴之上怎么能少了你,”封谨放下自己捏了有一会儿的酒杯,示意身边的太监倒酒。待太监倒酒时,又觉得这个太监伺候得不够顺心,还是高德忠伺候得妥当,又不耐的挥退。 皇后瞧皇上这番做派,也不再开口,神色平静的看着天际炸开的烟火。 柔妃瞟了眼空出的座位,又看了眼皇后与淑贵妃,撇了撇嘴,嘴角露出嘲讽的笑。 高美国太子自然注意到方才那番乱子,压低声音问身边的使臣,“刚才离开的是皇帝陛□边的哪位宠妃?” "Port-au-Prince, the Minister asked, just left of the mistress of his Majesty the Emperor of Kyushu recently Zhao filling device, outgoing pregnant a few days ago, but his look seems to be not quite right. "The envoys know that curved around the harem women, can not help the wives pity. Putairuan Zamo mouth, put a hand: "this is the Majesty of things, nothing to do with us, we won't discuss. ” Zhuang was just brows to look after her sister left with an empty seat, why does sister abruptly left at the state dinner, not what's happening. He saw the eye of the Emperor's face, and found nothing wrong, it is their wish. Banquet as a whole would like to laugh a little, but Ministers have got used to his Majesty, who hasn't felt right. The Queen was some bad, she and the Emperor knew at an early age, when she was Fu Ning Princess companion, later first emperor gave marriage, married that year red, envy among many people. Now over the years, she also from ignorant 15 year old girl to palace ladies, remember every one, could not help but feel some bitterness. Imperial House of heartless, she looked around a woman in favour, and slowly fell out of favor, even if used, look in the eye is still bitter and intolerable. Now watch the Emperor and a woman in love, spreading bitterness in her heart into her mouth, not uncomfortable. "Zhao filling apparatus, do not know how," the gentle Princess from the worries, "it's so cold today, don't catch cold. ” "Illustrious filling instrument, which is a blessing, not be something," Yin Fei eyebrow to the gentle Princess with a smile: "never think soft Princess Zhao filling apparatus, sisters and so close. ” 柔妃面色不变:“都是姐妹,难不成我们这儿谁不担心昭充仪?”但是为什么担心,就说不一定了。柔妃在心里冷笑,今儿昭充仪流产,也不知是谁下的手,在国宴上也敢算计。 “自然都担心的,”徐昭容叹息一声,“这世间总是变幻无常。” 柔妃瞧不上她那副故作娇弱的模样,嗤笑一声,不去搭理她的话。 贤妃这时突然开口:“嫔妾方才瞧淑贵妃娘娘没怎么用粥,是不是身子有恙没胃口?” “谢过贤妃关心,本宫无恙。”淑贵妃淡淡的瞥了贤妃一眼,想把嫌疑往她身上扯,哪里这般容易,“不过贤妃当真心细,观察力非同一般。” “好了,”皇后这时候开口了,“诸位姐妹既然担心昭充仪,等下便去熙和宫探望,不必在此讨论。” 封谨面无表情的看了几个女人一眼,放下手中的银筷,然后漱口擦嘴,淡淡开口:“时辰不早了,诸位爱卿随意。”说完,站起了身。 诸位大臣见皇上准备离开了,忙起身行礼恭送。 皇后看着皇帝的背影,眼神暗了暗,按捺住心底的情绪,与宗妇命妇们说了些场面话后,也起身离开。 宴席到这里也算完了,众人三三两两离开,几位妃嫔也随着皇后离开,但是心里都明白,今晚又是个不眠夜。 “娘娘,”出了泰和殿,和玉把汤婆子递给皇后,“可是回景央宫?” 皇后叹了口气:“也不知昭充仪这会儿怎么样了,本宫心里担心,哪里能睡着,去熙和宫看看吧。” 京城的冬天总是没有江南冬日那般柔和,冷厉的寒风刮在身上,便能凉进骨子里。 皇后坐在绵软的贵妃椅上,明明屋子里炭火足够的旺,却觉得足底冰凉。她忍不住侧首看向坐在一旁的皇上,从昭充仪被送回熙和宫内室后,皇上坐在外室里就没有说过一句话。 国宴上闹出这样的事,虽说做了掩饰,但是目睹经过的人谁看不出昭充仪流产得十分蹊跷,好在昭充仪识得大体,没有大吵大闹,安抚住身边伺候的人,让人送了她回宫,才没有让事情走到更难堪的一步。 皇室的面子保住了,只是不知道昭充仪腹中胎儿能不能保住,若是保不住,后宫就要闹好些日子了。 “太医,昭充仪怎么样了?”云夕担忧的看向两位太医,说来也巧,今日值班的竟又是毛太医,另外一个张太医与毛太医关系十分好。两人都是太医院的老太医,向来十分稳妥,医术也了得,所以福宝才把两人都叫了来。 张太医俯首替昭充仪请脉,面上虽是如常,心里却疑云顿生,昭充仪这个脉象并不是流产之相,虽说有些弱,但更像是女人月事时的脉。他不由得看了眼好友,当初昭充仪有孕,是好友诊断的,好友向来稳妥,怎么会出现这种事情? 高德忠见张太医一直不说话,面色越来越难看,不由得皱眉道:“张太医,昭充仪的孩子还保不保得住?” “这……”张太医收回手,“昭充仪脉象虚弱,需要好好补补,不若毛太医再来瞧瞧。” 高德忠知道太医院的人向来喜欢求稳妥,便道:“那快些请脉,皇上与皇后都来了,若是昭充仪有什么事,你们便瞧着办。” 隔着布绢搭上脉没片刻,毛太医面色一变,请脉当日他喝了两口小酒,替昭充仪把脉时是滑脉,便说其有了身孕,现在清醒了,不由得出了一身冷汗。女子在月事前几日,也可能有滑脉之相的。 想着误诊的后果,又想着皇上对昭充仪的宠爱,毛太医咽了咽口水,缓缓起身,看了眼张太医,见他并无拆穿之意,只得开口道:“高公公,女子有身孕的前三月需要特别注意,昭充仪的胎儿……已是保不住了。”此时他已经在心里庆幸,幸而今日是他与张太医来与昭充仪诊脉,若是别人,他一家老小就保不住了。 云夕听到毛太医这般说,就知道主子是赌对了,不管毛太医是何种原因说主子有身孕,但是现如今主子做出流产之态,便是让毛太医明白,不管是真孕还是假孕,流产却是要做实了。若是误诊,毛太医必定不敢说出真相。若不是误诊,而是有心人故意陷害,毛太医也不敢说她是假怀孕,毕竟说她有孕的是他自己,所以一切苦果还是他自己吃。









การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
With the eve of the cloud's exclamation, neighbour people toward Zhao instrument all around, the shock of various person turned, the blood... Zhao filling instrument is abortion?

letter would like to hear the gasps, they feel bad, look to the popliteal Luo Zhuang, the other party has pale, but endured the pain not to exhale a voice, his feet moved to move, and looked at the eyes in the audience of the imperial clan and ministers, after all, did not get up.

"Yun Xi, don't be noisy, but this banquet," Zhuang Luo popliteal raised his head, together rope on the fox fur coat, "report to the emperor, the Qie body discomfort, hope the emperor vouchsafed concubine first retire." I clenched hands

sealing glass, yiziyidun teeth:"Intrinsic capacity." Then, turn to look at the side of Gao Dezhong, "snow slippery, you sent for me to return to the palace Zhao filling instrument." "I

zunzhi." Where dare Gao Dezhong dare to delay, hurried back down. The presence of many courtiers and peeresses does not understand how to return a responsibility, only to see the emperor side first proud eunuchs sent Zhao instrument back to the palace, in the heart feeling some Zhao filling equipment is favored.

sit from near Zhao Chong instrument cases in women but see the willies. Fortunately, Zhao instrument understand overall no clamor aloud, otherwise today royal to losing face to face the. The harem battle and dragon abortion this kind of thing, in front of this face, very ugly.

The Taihe Dian, immediately the Gao Dezhong let eunuch vigorously carried to step chariot, in a low voice to steward the maid Yun Xi uce: "cure too much."

"back to high mains, has let Fubao to pass," cloud Xihong eyes helped Zhuang Luo popliteal infantry chariot, holding her hand, consoled him with the words: "master, soon to house the, all right."

"cloud Xi, my child Is it right? Lose?" Luo Zhuang Yan pale face, the sound is very small with trembling, but let everyone hear clearly. Zhao Gao Dezhong watched the filling instrument

looked sad, feel her face than on her fur and white. Sigh in the bottom of my heart,There is no life after all.. Leave the Luo Zhuang

rouge, and did not let the presence of several concubines feel relaxed, but some be very upset. Zhao instrument somehow abortion, inevitably arouses suspicion, them a few people natural presence, if the emperor angry or is suspected they... "The emperor, you see this......" Empress to see the emperor face, though as usual, eyes but hidden in the haze, glance the emperor to Zhao instrument filled the unborn child or something to look forward to, my heart could not help but start celebrating, fortunately, the child is not born, "or a concubine to see." No, you

"is a country after the banquet, how can you less,"I closed down their pinched glasses for a moment, of the eunuch beside the wine. Eunuch to be poured, and felt that the eunuch wait not to one's liking or Gao Dezhong served properly and not resistant to swing back. Look the emperor queen

it pies, did not speak, look at the sky quietly exploding fireworks.

yofiel glanced at his empty seat, and looked at the queen and the Shu imperial concubine, pursed her lips, mouth revealing mocking smile.

the prince natural noticed it had trouble, asked in a hushed voice around the envoys, "just left is Majesty the emperor] in which a concubine?"

"prince, asked chen,Who has just left is his Majesty the emperor of Kyushu recent concubine Zhao filling instrument, before a few days came pregnant, but Chen looked at seems to be wrong. " The envoys also know some harem women who are winding, not pity for this concubine.

Tairuan Zamo Pu mouth, waved his hand: "the emperor of things, and we have nothing to do, do not need to discuss."

Zhuang Lang frown looked at sister left empty seat why sister will suddenly leave at a state dinner, difficult don't become what was happening. He looked at the eyes of the emperor doubt, and did not find anything wrong, it is himself to think more.

The whole banquet is closed with laughter, but the ministers are accustomed to his majesty, but no one is right..

queen heart some not the taste, her childhood and the emperor knew, at that time she is the Funing Princess companion, and later first emperor gave marriage, married that year ten li dowry, the envy of many people.

now many years later, she also from the ignorance of the fifteen year old girl variable for deep palace woman, remember when the mutual affection, help students a somewhat bitter. The imperial family's relentless, she looked around a woman in favor, and slowly fell out of favor, even habits, see in the eye still bitter intolerable.

Now see the emperor and pet love a woman, her heart bitter spread to mouth, can not say uncomfortable. "I don't know how

Zhao filling instrument," yofiel words with worry, "this day so cold, don't be infected with cold."

"Zhao instrument is a blessing, presumably not something," the wise imperial concubine smile picks eyebrow to see to the soft imperial concubine: "don't ever want to soft younger sister Fei and Zhao filling instrument relationship so close."

yofiel complexion is constant: "are sisters, are we here who do not have to worry about Zhao charging instrument?" But why worry, say not necessarily. Yofiel in charge Zhao sneer, today instrument abortion, do not know who is at hand,At the dare to calculate.

"nature are worried about," Xu Zhaorong sighed, "this world is changing all the time."

yofiel look not on her side a delicate appearance, sneered, not to talk to her.

Xianfei suddenly opening: "just look at the pin Qie Shu imperial concubine empress did not use porridge, Is it right? Body ailments have no appetite?"

"thanked Xianfei concern, the palace." Shu imperial concubine faint glance at a glance the wise imperial concubine to the suspicion to her pull, where so easy. "But the wise imperial concubine seriously cautious, observation with."

"good," the queen spoke at this time,"You worry about Zhao sisters since the charge under the instrument, went to the palace to visit Xi and need not be discussed here."

letter sincerely face expressionless saw several women at a glance, to lay down their hands silver chopsticks and wiping his mouth gargle, light openings: "the hour is late, gentlemen Aiqing free." He stood up.

ministers see the emperor ready to leave, I got busy salute.

the queen looked at the emperor's back, the look in the eyes dark dark, restrain the heart of emotion, and religious woman life Fus said what the scene, also rose to leave. The banquet here

also considered finished, they left several concubines by twos and threes, with the queen to leave,But my heart is clear, but tonight is a sleepless night.

"goddess," out of Taihe Dian and jade, took shangpozi to the queen, "but to view the central palace?"

empress sighed: "I do not know Zhao filling instrument at the moment how, worry about the palace in the heart, where to sleep, to the city and the palace to see it."

Beijing's winter always no Jiangnan winter like that gentle, cold fierce wind blowing in the body, it can cool into the bones. The queen sat in the recliner

soft, when the house charcoal enough flourishing, but feel cold feet. She could not help but look to the side of the first sitting on the side of the emperor, was sent back to charge from Zhao Xi and the inner palace after the instrument,
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