第395章 朦胧预感“你……你一个人?”苍万壑一脸惊讶,但稍一思量,他竟又忽然觉得这样也似乎并没有什么太过不可接受。£∝頂點小說,www.2 การแปล - 第395章 朦胧预感“你……你一个人?”苍万壑一脸惊讶,但稍一思量,他竟又忽然觉得这样也似乎并没有什么太过不可接受。£∝頂點小說,www.2 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第395章 朦胧预感“你……你一个人?”苍万壑一脸惊讶,但稍一思量,他

第395章 朦胧预感




































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 395 Dim presentiment"You ... ... You alone? "Pale among thousands they exclaim in surprise, but a little thought, he suddenly felt so also does not seem to be so unacceptable. £ ∝ 頂 little novels, www.23wx.com under the age of 25 of Sofu among black, compared with Yun Che, only the lean summer months. And the lean summer months don't go, they no longer match and Yun Che is a real ... ... Even if it had been known as the younger generation first-person gun. So, even in the Royal forces most picked out 25 years of nine black ... ... Let alone nine, even 90, we simply cannot compare with Yun Che. As a result, Yun Che one, and again selected nine men and what's the difference? The nine people, are pure make up only.Fact is true, but only sent one person to participate in the ranking of seven ... ... In the history of seven seems to be never. Among the other six countries, the bulk in order to compete for the ten places, fight each other, hate cannot be expanded this number to thousands, which appears less than ten people. But in the dark wind ... ... “唉!”苍万壑第三次叹息,显然对于七国排位战,他有着太深的阴影和无奈:“也好。你一个人,与强凑出九个人来,根本毫无区别,反而会让那九个在苍风堪称天才的年轻人尊严受到巨大挫伤,只是这样一来,你就成为了真正的孤军奋战……我说的孤军奋战,不仅仅是你没有一同参战的同伴,就连现场,或许也根本不会出现一个同国之人,因为那个地方,是苍风国民的耻辱之地,在以往的七国排位战,从来没有苍风国人愿意出现在那里……哦,不对!这一次,或许会有所不同。”苍万壑的眼神忽然变得灼热起来:“如果让苍风玄者知道这次将是你代表苍风去参加七国排位战的话,或许,这将重新燃烧起他们对七国之战荣耀的希望与渴望!因为你是苍风历史上最出色的天才,是在十九岁的年龄,连凌天逆都重伤的人!地玄境的玄力,战力却堪比王玄中期……没有理由不在七国排位战大放异彩!” “再加上,苍风玄界,尤其是年轻玄者中,你的崇拜者不计其数,你这次,又是为了苍风玄界的荣誉而战。说不定,到时候的赛场之上,会出现很多助威,更为了见证历史的苍风玄者!” 苍万壑一边说着,越来越激动起来。他一拍云澈肩膀:“这件事,我会马上昭告苍风。但这样一来,所有的重担就都压在你一个人的身上了。不过,这次虽然只有你一个人参战,但随同者不会少,朕,也会亲自与你一起去。”之前云澈虽然当着众人之面,告知凤熙辰他会亲自去往神凰帝国参加七国排位战,但由于当日之事不允许任何人泄露半分,所以这件事愣是也没有传开。 “父皇,你要和我一起?”云澈惊讶道。 “没错。”苍万壑点头:“朕相信你的能力……虽然只有你一个人,但朕相信,你会创造我苍风国的又一个历史!这样的历史时刻,朕岂能不亲自目睹见证。” 云澈却是想也没想,断然摇头:“不行!父皇绝对不能和我一起去!”“……为什么?”云澈坚决无比的态度让苍万壑一愣。 “父皇,如果只是单纯的排位战,你一起的话,我当然高兴,我甚至还希望带着雪若、爷爷、小姑妈一起,但是,我这次前往神凰帝国,参加排位战只是次要,否则,我甚至不愿意去参加这七国排位战,我去神凰帝国的最主要目的,是解决与凤凰神宗的恩怨,这个恩怨一日不解决,凤凰神宗放在我身上的注意力就一日不会消除,如果哪一天忽然行动起来,很有可能波及到我身边的人。所以,我要借着这次排位战,把与凤凰神宗的事解决……排位战上,七国在场,甚至有可能还有圣地的人,众目睽睽之下,这场恩怨解决起来,要比与凤凰神宗私自解决简单的太多,也是我的绝好机会……但同时,也会伴随着无法预知的风险。”“所以,神凰帝国,我一个人去就足够,做任何事,也可随心所欲,没有顾忌。”云澈面色平静的道。 “可是……” “我知道父皇的意思。”云澈直接打断苍万壑的话:“父皇一定想在和神凰大帝会面时,适时平息我和凤凰神宗的恩怨,但血脉这种事,凤凰神宗应该不会买任何人的账。而且,一个小小的十三皇子就根本不把父皇放在眼里,神凰大帝……就更不可能把父皇的话放在心上。” 云澈的话虽然很直接,但却是不折不扣的事实,苍万壑的脸色一滞,然后长出一口气,道:“好吧。既然这是你的坚持,朕当然不会强求。拿着这个……”苍万壑将十个通一模一样的通红色徽章交给了云澈,徽章的正面,印着一个展翼的凤凰,反面,则印着“苍风”二字。 “这是那天随同七国排位战邀请函一起送来的参战徽章,将它戴在身上,便是七国排位战一国参战者的标识,到时,也是凭借这个进入赛场和神凰帝国安排的住处。你只需将自己的玄力注入其中一枚徽章,那么这枚徽章就只能用来证明你的身份,其他人纵然抢夺过去,也无法清除其中的玄力气息。既然这次只有你一个人代表苍风参战,那么这十枚,就都给你了吧,万一丢失其一的话,倒是还可以作为备用,呵呵。云澈点头,在最上面那枚徽章之中注入了自己的玄力,然后把十枚徽章全部收了起来。 “说起来,这一次的七国排位战,和两年前的苍风排位战,还真是有着太多相似……两次,都是你一个人代表皇室为战,真的是两次都只你一人。”苍万壑仰起头,重重的感叹道:“苍风排位战,你让我皇室的声威在苍风大地重新浩荡,这从,你更是冒着巨大风险,独自为我苍风国的荣耀而战……我苍氏一族,实在是欠你太多太多。” “父皇千万不要这么说。”云澈微笑着道:“雪若是我的妻子,我也便是半个苍家的人,我为自己的家族,为自己的亲人而努力,是天经地义的事。” 苍万壑点头,然后重重的拍了拍云澈的肩膀:“去吧,相比于你在排位战上可能取得的荣光……父皇更盼望着你平安归来。就算和凤凰神宗的恩怨没有解决,哪怕更加激化了也没关系,无论如何,都要活着!”




















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 395 hazy presentiment
"You ...... you a man?" Cang myriad look of surprise, but the slightest thoughts, he suddenly felt so amazing and nothing seems too unacceptable. £ α vertex fiction, www.23wx.com Cang wind in the mysterious country under 25 among those who can be compared with the cloud Che, and only summer pour months. The summer months do not pour, then it is no longer on a par with Che and cloud ...... even, had been referred to the younger generation first person Lingyun. Then, in the royal forces in about twenty-five pick out even the strongest person ...... not to mention nine nine mysterious, even ninety, it is impossible and cloud Che par. Thus, cloud Che one person, and then select the nine essential difference between what? That nine people, but it is simply make up the numbers. Although the fact is the case, but only sent one person to participate in the seven countries qualifying battle ...... This seven countries in the history, it seems that there has never been. Among the other six countries, each large doors in order to compete for the ten places described as life and death struggle, wished he could expand this number to tens of thousands, which will be less than ten human condition. But in the country Cang wind ...... "Oh!" Cang myriad third sigh, apparently seven countries qualifying for the war, he has a deep shadow and frustration: "or you are a person with strong Couchu nine people. come, there is no fundamental difference, but will make it nine in a young genius called Cang wind dignity huge bruise, but this way, you become a truly alone ...... I say alone, only you do not have war with companions, and even on-site, and perhaps there will be no one person with the country, because that place is a shame to Cang wind nationals of seven countries in the past, qualifying battle, never Cang wind people !. willing to be there ...... Oh, no this time might be different, " Cang myriad eyes suddenly become burning up: "If you let the wind Cang Xuan who know this will be your representatives to attend the seven wind Cang State qualifying battle, then perhaps it will again burn up their hope and desire to fight the seven countries of the glory! Because you are the wind Cang history's most outstanding genius in nineteen years of age, even Ling day against all injuries people! mysterious force to the mysterious territory, combat power is comparable to Wang Xuan mid ...... no reason not to shine the seven countries qualifying war! " " Plus, Cang wind mysterious world, especially the young mysterious persons, your countless admirers, you this, but also to honor Cang wind Genkai war. Perhaps, over that time the stadium, there will be a lot of cheering, and even more historical evidence Hyun Chong wind! " Cang myriad spoke, more and more excited. He shot a cloud Che shoulder: "This thing, I will immediately proclaim Cang wind but this one, all the burden on the pressure in a person's body of your time, however, although the only one who entered the war,. but is accompanied by no less, I will personally go with you. " Before the cloud in front of the crowd of Che though, told Feng Xi Chen he would personally go to God, the seven countries participating in the Phoenix Empire qualifying battle, but because of the day things not allow anyone to divulge a half minutes, so it does not spread stunned. "Fu Huang, you want with me?" Says Che surprised. . "Yes," Cang myriad nodded: "I believe in your ability ...... although only one person, but I believe that you'll create my Cang wind country has such a historical moment in history, how can I not personally! . witness testimony, " Yun Chol is without thinking, categorically, shaking his head: "!! No Fuhuang absolutely can not go with me." "...... Why?" says Che resolute attitude to Cang myriad extremely robust. "Fu Huang, if simply qualifying battle with you, then I'm happy of course, I also hope that with the snow even if, grandpa, aunt together small, but this time I went to God Phoenix empire, participated qualifying battle just secondary, otherwise, I even do not want to participate in these seven countries qualifying war, I went to the main purpose of Phoenix Empire of God, is to resolve the grievances of Phoenix Ancestor, this resentment is not solved, Phoenix on my body Ancestor Attention on the day does not eliminate, if one day all of a sudden action, is likely to spread to the people around me. So, I want to battle through the qualifying, the Phoenix Ancestor things resolved ...... qualifying battle on the presence of the seven countries, and possibly even holy people, under the watchful eyes, this resentment to solve than Phoenix Ancestor privately solve simple too, is my great opportunity ...... but would also With the risk of unpredictable. " " So, God Huang empire, I am a man opinions enough to do anything, can be arbitrary, no scruples. "Che looking calm cloud Road. "But ......" "I know the meaning of Fu Huang," says Che interrupted Cang directly myriad words:. "Fu Huang will want at Phoenix and the Great God met me and Phoenix Shenzong timely quell resentment, but this blood thing, Phoenix Ancestor should not buy anybody's account. Moreover, a small thirteen prince would simply not looked down on the Fu Huang, Huang Great ...... even God can not put words to heart Fu Huang. " Cloud Che then although very direct, but it is an absolute fact, pale face a myriad of stagnation, and grow in one breath, and said: "Well, since this is your insistence, I certainly will not insist. . Take this ...... " Cang myriad exactly will pass through ten red badge to the front cloud Che, badges, printed a Zhanyi Phoenix, opposite, then printed "Cang wind" word. "This is the day along with seven countries qualifying battle of the war together with the invitation letter sent badges, will wear it on the body, that is, the seven countries fought qualifying battle a country's identity, when, also by virtue of this into the stadium and God Phoenix Empire residence arrangements. You only need to own mysterious force into which a badge, then it can only be used While badge prove your identity, even if others snatch the past, can not clear the mysterious force which breath. Since this Only one person on behalf of times you wind Cang war, then these ten pieces, they gave you the right, in case one is lost, it touches can also be used as an alternate, huh. Yun Chol nod, at the top of the egg being injected badge his mysterious force, then all ten badge close up. "Say, this time the seven countries qualifying battle, and two years ago Cang wind qualifying battle, really has a lot of similar ...... twice are you a person on behalf of the royal family for the war, is really only one person you twice. "Cang myriad looked up, heavy sigh and said:" Cang wind qualifying battle, you let me re-mighty royal prestige Cang wind in the earth, this from, you are at great risk even more, for my own country Cang wind the glory of war ...... I Cang's family, it is too much you owe. " "Fu Huang Do not say that. "Cloud Che smiled and said:" If the snow my wife and I that is half Cang home, I for his family and loved ones for their efforts, is a matter of course. " Cang myriad nod, then a heavy cloud Che patted on the shoulder: "Go, you might be compared to the glory achieved in the qualifying battle ...... Fuhuang more looking forward to your safe return. Even if Phoenix Shenzong grievances not resolved, even more intensified it does not matter, anyway, to be alive! " "Fu Huang assured that this risk is very likely a lot smaller than I expected on, after all, the presence of seven States qualifying battle, Phoenix Ancestor not have outrageous chaos. "Cloud Che look easy road. "What are you going to leave? " "Tomorrow left. " That night, stay in the embrace cloud Che moon, and Cang lingering for a whole night, the next day to accompany Xiao Ling Xi Cang and eaten breakfast, he began preparing to embark on the journey south Che ...... cloud from this life Not left Cang wind Empire, the results of exactly how this went, he did not know. "Jon, this is the Fu Huang just sent sent Zijin card, put it in God to bring ...... Huang empire, black chambers month The Association, there will certainly be scouring the husband may use on many things. "Cang Zhang Ziguang put a shiny purple card to the cloud Che. "Well, for me, thanked Fu Huang. "Cloud Che took the hand, received a day poison bead being:" Yes, if snow, Chuyue Chan and Yuanba whereabouts ...... call, do not check first. " "ah? why? "Cang puzzled Road. Yun Chol chest slightly undulating, said: "In my present influence in the wind Cang territory, has almost no one does not know my name. They know I'm still alive after the first time will certainly come to me son. But they all did not occur. May Chan United States if the fairies, Yuanba athletic, their external features are very obvious, but for so long, but there is no trace ...... only one possible, they have not Cang wind country, and then check in Cang wind country down, it should just vain. This Phoenix Empire to God, I will always be black on the Chamber of Commerce commissioned the entire Tianxuan continent-wide intelligence capabilities to find ...... Black Moon Chamber of Commerce is recognized as unparalleled in the world, just give them enough money, they will be able to quickly find May Chan and Yuan Ba whereabouts. " In fact, this is one of the reasons he went to God Phoenix Empire. I do not know where the fairies, and their children ...... he can not help day and night care. "ah" Cang month softly nodded. "I believe, They must now are safe. " Xiao Ling Xi step forward, very serious account and said: "Are you ready to twenty sets of clothes, remember to always change, or who stinks ...... not always forget to eat, give you packed meals are my sister and princess personally do, before coming back, you must eat all ...... not allowed to do anything dangerous thing, and not just fight with others, after the game finished, the first time to come back ...... acoustic jade Whenever You can not shut down every day and we have to pass a sound, hum, princess sister told me, there will always be a black month chambers pass notes, but there are one hundred thousand sold ...... there! Most most important thing, not allowed outside the philandering! ! If you dare to bring a small fox back, my my my my sister ...... I ignore you and princess together. " "good good ...... yes yes yes yes ......" cloud Che series of nods. Cang Xi and Xiao Ling finally confessed completed, Huang Yun Chol evoke snow beast, turned and said: "If the snow, little aunt, I assure you, whether it is not the result I wanted, within two months, I will come back safely ...... I'm gone! " Cloud Che smiled, waved to them, to the snow phoenix beast worry, reluctantly eyes quiver in two woman Meimou, they are no more, because they know that no matter how sad, and then how to retain ... ... He finally will go, and this time, leave Cang wind power. Xiao Ling Xi silently watching cloud Che back, eyes dementia, lips trembling ...... bursts suddenly, her eyes fierce trance a little, through Che's body through the clouds, she was vaguely saw clearly hindered by his body phoenix snow beast. "ah ......" She exclaimed loudly subconsciously, sight is also an instant return to normal, the heart of the name is almost uncontrolled blurted out: " Small Che! ! " Cloud Che stopped, turned, not yet open, Xiao Ling Xi has suddenly rushed up, took him to live hard. Cloud Che slightly hesitated, smiled along with his backhand to hold Xiao Xi Ling live, gently said: "Little Aunt, do not worry, I have to assure you that before, within two months, I will come back safely. At that time, I will obediently do little aunt and little Che, then I do not run around the ...... just the same as before, okay? " Xiao Ling Xi's heart was heavy touch, lifted her cheek, is misty eyes, daydream looking at cloud Che, she gently nodded, but the hearts of sadness, but suddenly became more intense ...... accompanied by dismay, there is a do not know where from, anxiety hazy. chirp ~~~~~~ why I actually have a kind of ...... since then never see him again of fear ...... I was too reluctant to him yet ...... small ...... Che must come back safely ...... ---------------- chapters errors Report (free registration), after reporting Maintenance personnel will be corrected chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 395th chapter is about "you"...... You a person?" Cang Wanhe surprised, but a little thought, he suddenly felt so what does not seem to be too unacceptable. E / vertex novels, www.23wx.com Cang breeze country below 25 years of age in the Xuan, compared with Che Yun, only summer leans the month. While the summer months do not go in, is no longer with the clouds and put on a par with...... Even when the young generation is called the first person lingyun. In the Royal forces

so, even if the selected twenty-five years old the strongest nine mysterious person...... Let alone nine, even ninety, and it is also impossible to put on a par with clouds.

this way, clouds one, and take nine people and what is the difference? The nine men, but simply to make up the numbers.
despite the fact is true, but only a person in the qualifying battle...... This in the history, seems to have never been. The other six countries, the large doors in order to compete for the ten places, can be described as a struggle of life and death, hating can not expand that number to thousands of, which will be less than 10. But in sofu country...... Oh

"!" Cang Wanhe third sigh, apparently for the qualifying battle, he has a deep shadow and helpless: ". You a person, and strong together nine people come,There is no difference, but will let the nine in the Cang breeze called genius young man dignity is great contusion, just in this way, you become the real alone... Me alone. Not only is you no together war companion, is even the scene, or perhaps simply does not appear a with the country, because the place is the Cang breeze national shame, in the previous seven qualifying battle, never Cang breeze country people are willing to appear in there... Oh, no! This time, it may be different."
pale eyes suddenly become hot wind up:"If let Cang breeze Xuan know this will be your Cang breeze to seven qualifying battle of words, perhaps, it will be re burning their hopes and desire of the battle of seven glory! Because you are the most outstanding talent in the history of the sky, is the age of nineteen years, even the most serious injury to the people of the day! To exit the Xuan Xuan force, force is comparable to the mid Wang xuan...... There is no reason not to shine in the qualifying battle!"

"plus, the Cang breeze Genkai, especially young Xuan, your worship is countless, this time you and to fight for the honor of the Cang breeze Genkai. Maybe, when on the game, there will be a lot of cheer,In order to witness the history of the dark!"

wind spoke more and more pale, excited. He pats clouds shoulder: "this matter, I'll tell the sofu. But in this way, all the burdens are on you. But this time, although you are the only person who entered the war, but with no less, I, will personally go with you."
before Che Yun although when in public, told Feng Chen Xi he will personally go to the God Phoenix empire in seven qualifying battle, but due to things that day does not allow anyone to leak and a half hours, so this thing Leng is not spread. "Father,

do you want to join me?"Clouds surprised. "Yes." Cang nodded: "I believe that wind your ability...... Although you are the only one person, but I believe, you will create a history of my country sofu! This historical moment, I can not personally witness testimony."

clouds is without thinking, firmly shook his head: "no! My father never go with me!"

"...... Why?" Clouds are resolute attitude to Cang myriad one leng.

"my father, if it is just a simple qualifying battle, you together. Of course, I was happy to. I even hope with snow, grandfather, aunt together, but this time I to God Phoenix Empire,In qualifying battle is only secondary. Otherwise, I don't even want to go to the seven qualifying battle, I went to the main purpose of God Phoenix Empire, solve and scores of the sect of the God Phoenix, the grievances, not solve, Phoenix God Pope put in the body of my attention on a day will not eliminate, if which day suddenly action, is likely to spread to people around me. So, I want to borrow this rank of battle, and the Phoenix God of the matter to resolve...... Qualifying battle on, the presence of seven, there may even and the holy land, under the watchful eyes, the enemy to solve, be easier than and to solve the ancestor god Phoenix without too much,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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