ZL348 第三百四十八章 [Godly Mana Restoration]2013-07-28 20:00:00 进入Cold Fores การแปล - ZL348 第三百四十八章 [Godly Mana Restoration]2013-07-28 20:00:00 进入Cold Fores อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL348 第三百四十八章 [Godly Mana Restorati


第三百四十八章 [Godly Mana Restoration]

2013-07-28 20:00:00

进入Cold Forest Cemetery ,冰冷的荒原之上飞雪飘零,鹅毛大雪簌簌的落在衣甲之上,甚至smashed to the ground*** 在我的睫毛上,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 发出低低的嘶吼,紧跟在我身边,像是一只听话的小猫咪,当然,Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 一旦发起Attack ,那就不再温顺了。

不远处,一个通体雪白的猫科怪物踏雪而行,身体很轻,75LEVEL Phantom 怪,雪猫,物理Attack 力非常高,而且Attack 速度有加成,也难怪没有人愿意来到这片Cold Forest Cemetery 里,练LEVEL 强度太大,一旦挂掉就白练一整天,当然没有人愿意来了。

雪猫轻声叫唤着,利爪之上浮现着冰Frost 形象,我径直冲了过去,“铿铿”两声拔出双剑,在雪猫{cast} 进攻之前就抢先Attack ,双刃trembled*** ,continuous* 切割了四剑,雪猫嗷嗷的后退惨叫着,同时四次伤害数字跳了出来——





显然主手的[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 造成的伤害要更强,同时,我心中一动,{cast} {skill} ——[[Combo]] LV-8!

五次Attack ,{dual wielding} 剑轮番{hack} ,速度快绝,比原先的[[Combo]] 输出过程要快多了,几乎是瞬间完成了五次Attack ,然后就看到雪猫喵喵叫了声倒下了,甚至它只是出了一次Attack 就几乎被我killed* 了。

我默默的站在雪地之中,静静的看着手中剑,意念{cast} ,蓄气![[Wind Blade]] 的光芒在[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 上颤抖,左手的[Cold Iron Sword] 却氤氲着[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) 的光泽,啧啧,果然如此,只要|Yi Hai| 足够平静,居然能够双手同时蓄起不同的{skill} ,这么一来,{skill} 与{skill} 之间的释放时间就大大缩短了,特别是对上Q-sword[HM](S) 、Fang Geng Que[L](M) 这种顶尖高手,两个{skill} 瞬间同时{cast} ,这样才不会被对方所格挡或者闪避。

心中狂喜,找准了下一个目标,不远处的另一只雪猫,冲了过去,双臂连挥,左手送出[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) 的同时,右手的[[Wind Blade]] 也一起落了下去!



再{take advantage} 一轮普通Attack 的切割,顿时雪猫嗷嗷叫的挂了,啧啧,这输出太恐怖了,甚至Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 都没有机会出手了。

捡起地上爆出的银币,扔进包裹,继续行进,同时注意观察着,果然,这森寒的丛林里一朵朵银色小花泛着动人的光泽,那是醒目草,8LEVEL 草药,不放过,一一挖掘起来,顺便涨一下采药skill/tactics* 的熟练度,否则都无法采集10LEVEL 草药了。



我闭紧嘴巴,双臂发力,{dual wielding} 剑快速交错{hack} 数剑,腐尸嗷嗷叫着,挥舞手臂砸了过来,而我则几乎是本能性的左手[Cold Iron Sword] 猛然一横,“啪”一声就轻松格挡开了这次Attack ,果然,副手剑的格挡成功率非常高,配合玩家的操作指数,这个成功率还会大幅度提升,而我本身就是用剑的行家,双剑流的单手剑也有格挡的精髓,嗯,这样一来,我的操作指数也会大幅度提升的。

砍掉这只腐尸,把坟头上的醒目草采集了,继续深入,那[God Grass] 一定还在Cold Forest Cemetery 的深处。

结果,一边练LEVEL 一边采集,不到两个小时,叮一声,采药skill/tactics* 已经9LEVEL 了,包裹里也有了一大堆的醒目草,继续向前挺进的时候,却只见坟墓越来越密集,必须同时引来3-5个75LEVEL Phantom 怪腐尸了,好在我有小老虎助阵,加上10%{lifesteal} 效果,one on one 8-10个腐尸也不会是什么问题。

在怪物群中杀出一条血路,身后的雪地上满是黑色血液沾染上的斑驳印记,再往前走了大约十分钟,果然在Cold Forest Cemetery 的深处出现了一个偌大的山谷,事实上这是一个坟场,密密麻麻的腐尸遍布在山谷之中,而在山谷的尽头则是一个巨大的洞穴入口,入口泛着血红色光泽,并且那一片的地图都是血红的,地图血红,等于告诉我那个区域相当危险,以我的等LEVEL 都危险,这说明那里隐藏着BOSSLEVEL 存在,嗯,9LEVEL 草药可能就在那里了!

查看了一下地图,确定战略方向,从山谷的岩壁一路清理进去,这样能够节省一些时间,因为Fan Shu City 、Jiu Li City 也会有类似性质的地图,可能寻找[God Grass] 的路上不止我一个人,谁能抢先找到[God Grass] ,谁就能抢先获得炼制9LEVEL 丹药的charisma ,9LEVEL 的奖励,肯定不会太少的。

“-ShaSha- ……”

[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 切割大地,[Cold Iron Sword] 维持平衡,我顺着陡峭的雪坡就滑了下去,小老虎则身体轻盈的怒吼着紧随而来,滑落近百米高度,稳稳的站在了峡谷之中,顿时已然有11个腐尸吼叫着冲了过来,我急忙后退一步,单手extending out** ,[[Black Tortoise’s Realm]](S) {cast} ,布下[[Soul Army]](S) ,然后起手就是一次[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 劈了出去,用主手剑{cleave} ,这样Attack 力更高一些,副手[Cold Iron Sword] {slash} ,将第一头腐尸的Attack 格挡开来,{take advantage} 一脚,然后揉身杀了过去,双剑[[Multi Slash]] ,迅速将第一头腐尸hacking*** 皮肉乱溅,挂掉的时候几乎像是被剔骨了一般,只剩下骨架了,就连我自己都忍不住倒吸一口冷气,NND,万万也没有想到双剑流在游戏里会那么威猛啊!

小老虎[[Burstfire Raid]] 在怪物群中,怒吼一声{cast} [[Fierce Roar]] ,加上我的Attack ,腐尸一头头的倒下,而我则在9头腐尸的同时Attack 下health 掉到了一半以下,但是[HEAL] +10%{lifesteal} ,堪堪的稳住了health ,双剑Attack 迅猛,吸回来的health 也多,虽然{lifesteal} 的时候能够看到腐尸身上的血肉化为能量落向自己的身体,这有点恶心人,但是想想这是游戏也就好过多了。


顺着山谷的边缘缓缓清理进去,同时我也注意到,这里怪物的刷新速度很快,大约60分钟就会死亡刷新了,这就让我没有了后顾之忧,就算是我进入洞穴之后后面有人来了,他们也没有那么轻松就进来,75LEVEL Phantom Tier 怪物可不是开玩笑的,一般人根本打不过,当然,如果是Fang Geng Que[L](M) 、Q-sword[HM](S) 、Jian Feng Han[V](S) 和Yuzi Chengshou[Emerald Porcelain](H) 组成一队来清怪,那我也无话可说,只能把手臂一横,闭上双眼:Elder Brother 们来杀我吧,我错了,BOSS是你们的了……

杀了两个多小时,终于逼近洞口了,不过杀了那么多,我也只是涨了7%{experience} 值而已,70LEVEL 之后升LEVEL 好难,除非有SSLEVEL 以上的主线任务,又或者是大型版本活动,否则就没有那种突飞猛进的升LEVEL 了。


清理了洞口的一群腐尸之后,加满health ,带着小老虎进入洞穴,当我踏入洞穴的那一刻就觉得浑身trembled*** ,好冷!假如外面的问题是冰箱的保鲜,那里面的温度绝对是速冻了!

“-Ding!- ”


眉毛上迅速冻结了一层冰Frost ,我扬了扬[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,剑刃之上火焰升腾,这才化解,带着小老虎走进去,行不多远,就看到石壁上生长出一种淡金色的小花了,凝神一看,没错,正是我要寻找的[God Grass] ,9LEVEL 草药找到了!


掏出药铲,-ShaSha- 的挖掘了一下——

“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,你采集获得了【[God Grass] 】×4,采药skill/tactics* 熟练度+9!


继续,把这一片石壁上的十几株[God Grass] 统统采集完毕,然后站在尸王窟里,现场炼制一份再说,原谅都有了,6个炼丹炉作为消耗,下一刻,第一份9LEVEL 丹药出炉了——

“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,你合成获得了【[Godly Mana Restoration] 】×2!


“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,由于你是第一个炼制获得【[Godly Mana Restoration] 】的玩家,获得奖励:charisma +7!


啧啧,7点charisma ,这趟没有白来了!

继续深入,砍杀掉一路上拦路的小怪,包裹里的[God Grass] 越来越多,很快就已经有2000+株了,但是我也发现了一个残忍的事实,一直到进入到洞窟底部的时候,依旧没有BOSS的影子,而在洞窟尽头还有一副正在渐渐刷新的骨架,NND,是谁在我之前把BOSS给宰了?

打开论坛,查询尸王窟,顿时释然,上面有一个Guild 活动帖子——

【活动】Jiu Li City Legend(G) Guild 将在今天下午全主力进军Cold Forest Cemetery ,目标锁定尸王窟里的尸王!


那是4天前的帖子,这张地图一定是被他们刷过了,但是[God Grass] 是最近系统更新才刷出来的,所以Legend(G) 行会的人杀掉BOSS却没有发现[God Grass] ,而我则获得了[God Grass] 却错过了BOSS,真是冤孽,什么都要讲求缘分的……

正在这时,行会频speaking* 里传来了RAN MIN(B) 的声音:“有人在Cold Forest Cemetery 附近吗?”

我飞快问:“我在,怎么了Old K(B) ?”

RAN MIN(B) speaking* :“我们{first division} 有一个20人小队在Cold Forest Cemetery 练LEVEL ,被Mass Burial(G-) 的人[[Ambush]] 了,他们有100+人,所以,我打算就近组织一批人杀过去,好好教训一下Mass Burial(G-) 的人!”


RAN MIN(B) 笑了:“嗯,以你的实力,应该差不多了,我再让WANG JIAN(S) 带个百人团从Tsing Lun Valley 出发,顺便练练那个没有沾手的地图好了,李小子你过去一定要小心,据说那100+人都是Mass Burial(G-) 的精锐。”


draw sword*** 走了出洞窟,沿着洞口方向奋力攀爬出了这Snow Valley ,Yue Qing Qian[ZL](A) 发来了事发地点的坐标,距离我很近,只有10分钟不到的行程!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL348 Chapter No. 348 [Godly Mana Restoration]2013-07-28 20:00:00 Into Cold Forest Cemetery, cold of wilderness on snow falling, snow SUSU of fell in clothing methyl on, even smashed to the ground*** in I of lashes Shang, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) issued low low of SI roar, follow in I side, like is a only obedient of small cat, certainly, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) once launched Attack, that on no longer meek has. Not far away, a full-bodied white cat Monster snow line, the body is light, 75LEVEL Phantom, snow cat, very high physical Attack, and Attack speed bonus, it's no wonder no one wants to come to the Cold in the Forest Cemetery, practiced LEVEL too hard, once hung bailian all day, of course, no one wants to come. Snow Cat whisper shouted, claws emerge above the ice Frost, I rushed out, "kengkeng" twice drew his sword in the snow cat {cast} Preemptive Attack before they attack, double edged trembled***, continuous* cutting the four sword, snow cat scream back screaming and jumped out and hurt four times digital-- "2873! ” "2422! ” "2839! ” "2238! ” Apparently master of [Emperor Qin's Sword] cause more damage at the same time, my heart moved {cast} {skill}--[[Combo]] LV-8! Five-time Attack, {dual sword wielding} turns {hack}, speed, and than the original [[Combo]] output process much faster, almost instantaneous Attack five times, and seeing the snow cat Meow sound down, or even just out of an Attack I almost killed*. 我默默的站在雪地之中,静静的看着手中剑,意念{cast} ,蓄气![[Wind Blade]] 的光芒在[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 上颤抖,左手的[Cold Iron Sword] 却氤氲着[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) 的光泽,啧啧,果然如此,只要|Yi Hai| 足够平静,居然能够双手同时蓄起不同的{skill} ,这么一来,{skill} 与{skill} 之间的释放时间就大大缩短了,特别是对上Q-sword[HM](S) 、Fang Geng Que[L](M) 这种顶尖高手,两个{skill} 瞬间同时{cast} ,这样才不会被对方所格挡或者闪避。 心中狂喜,找准了下一个目标,不远处的另一只雪猫,冲了过去,双臂连挥,左手送出[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) 的同时,右手的[[Wind Blade]] 也一起落了下去! “3628!” “4129!” 再{take advantage} 一轮普通Attack 的切割,顿时雪猫嗷嗷叫的挂了,啧啧,这输出太恐怖了,甚至Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 都没有机会出手了。 捡起地上爆出的银币,扔进包裹,继续行进,同时注意观察着,果然,这森寒的丛林里一朵朵银色小花泛着动人的光泽,那是醒目草,8LEVEL 草药,不放过,一一挖掘起来,顺便涨一下采药skill/tactics* 的熟练度,否则都无法采集10LEVEL 草药了。 再往前不远,赫然在雪地里出现了一个个的坟堆,被大雪遮掩,但是依旧轮廓清晰,当我踏步走近的时候,坟墓之中便已经传来了低低的嘶吼声,下一刻,“嘭”一声一条血淋淋的手臂破雪而出,紧接着是腐烂到几乎光秃的头部,狰狞的脸孔让人作呕,就那么钻出坟墓冲了过来。 “唔……” 我闭紧嘴巴,双臂发力,{dual wielding} 剑快速交错{hack} 数剑,腐尸嗷嗷叫着,挥舞手臂砸了过来,而我则几乎是本能性的左手[Cold Iron Sword] 猛然一横,“啪”一声就轻松格挡开了这次Attack ,果然,副手剑的格挡成功率非常高,配合玩家的操作指数,这个成功率还会大幅度提升,而我本身就是用剑的行家,双剑流的单手剑也有格挡的精髓,嗯,这样一来,我的操作指数也会大幅度提升的。 砍掉这只腐尸,把坟头上的醒目草采集了,继续深入,那[God Grass] 一定还在Cold Forest Cemetery 的深处。 结果,一边练LEVEL 一边采集,不到两个小时,叮一声,采药skill/tactics* 已经9LEVEL 了,包裹里也有了一大堆的醒目草,继续向前挺进的时候,却只见坟墓越来越密集,必须同时引来3-5个75LEVEL Phantom 怪腐尸了,好在我有小老虎助阵,加上10%{lifesteal} 效果,one on one 8-10个腐尸也不会是什么问题。 In Monster group in the killed out a article crowd, behind of snow ground full is black blood contaminated Shang of mottled mark, again ahead go has about ten minutes, was in Cold Forest Cemetery of deep appeared has a huge of Valley, actually this is a cemetery, dense of rot corpse throughout in Valley among, and in Valley of end is is a huge of cave entrance, entrance pan with blood red gloss, and that a of map are is red of, map red, is equal to told I that regional quite dangerous, My LEVEL is dangerous, this hidden where BOSSLEVEL exist, well, 9LEVEL herbal medicine may be in there! View has about map, determine strategy direction, from Valley of rock way cleanup in, such can save some time, because Fan Shu City, and Jiu Li City also will has similar nature of map, may looking for [God Grass] of road more than I a people, who can beat found [God Grass], who on can beat get refining 9LEVEL Dan drug of charisma, 9LEVEL of award, certainly not too less of. "-ShaSha- ......" [Emperor Qin’s Sword] 切割大地,[Cold Iron Sword] 维持平衡,我顺着陡峭的雪坡就滑了下去,小老虎则身体轻盈的怒吼着紧随而来,滑落近百米高度,稳稳的站在了峡谷之中,顿时已然有11个腐尸吼叫着冲了过来,我急忙后退一步,单手extending out** ,[[Black Tortoise’s Realm]](S) {cast} ,布下[[Soul Army]](S) ,然后起手就是一次[[Seven Star Fragments Slash]](SS) 劈了出去,用主手剑{cleave} ,这样Attack 力更高一些,副手[Cold Iron Sword] {slash} ,将第一头腐尸的Attack 格挡开来,{take advantage} 一脚,然后揉身杀了过去,双剑[[Multi Slash]] ,迅速将第一头腐尸hacking*** 皮肉乱溅,挂掉的时候几乎像是被剔骨了一般,只剩下骨架了,就连我自己都忍不住倒吸一口冷气,NND,万万也没有想到双剑流在游戏里会那么威猛啊! 小老虎[[Burstfire Raid]] 在怪物群中,怒吼一声{cast} [[Fierce Roar]] ,加上我的Attack ,腐尸一头头的倒下,而我则在9头腐尸的同时Attack 下health 掉到了一半以下,但是[HEAL] +10%{lifesteal} ,堪堪的稳住了health ,双剑Attack 迅猛,吸回来的health 也多,虽然{lifesteal} 的时候能够看到腐尸身上的血肉化为能量落向自己的身体,这有点恶心人,但是想想这是游戏也就好过多了。 …… 顺着山谷的边缘缓缓清理进去,同时我也注意到,这里怪物的刷新速度很快,大约60分钟就会死亡刷新了,这就让我没有了后顾之忧,就算是我进入洞穴之后后面有人来了,他们也没有那么轻松就进来,75LEVEL Phantom Tier 怪物可不是开玩笑的,一般人根本打不过,当然,如果是Fang Geng Que[L](M) 、Q-sword[HM](S) 、Jian Feng Han[V](S) 和Yuzi Chengshou[Emerald Porcelain](H) 组成一队来清怪,那我也无话可说,只能把手臂一横,闭上双眼:Elder Brother 们来杀我吧,我错了,BOSS是你们的了…… 杀了两个多小时,终于逼近洞口了,不过杀了那么多,我也只是涨了7%{experience} 值而已,70LEVEL 之后升LEVEL 好难,除非有SSLEVEL 以上的主线任务,又或者是大型版本活动,否则就没有那种突飞猛进的升LEVEL 了。 …… 清理了洞口的一群腐尸之后,加满health ,带着小老虎进入洞穴,当我踏入洞穴的那一刻就觉得浑身trembled*** ,好冷!假如外面的问题是冰箱的保鲜,那里面的温度绝对是速冻了! “-Ding!- ” 系统提示:你进入了险恶地图——【尸王窟】! 眉毛上迅速冻结了一层冰Frost ,我扬了扬[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,剑刃之上火焰升腾,这才化解,带着小老虎走进去,行不多远,就看到石壁上生长出一种淡金色的小花了,凝神一看,没错,正是我要寻找的[God Grass] ,9LEVEL 草药找到了!


掏出药铲,-ShaSha- 的挖掘了一下——

“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,你采集获得了【[God Grass] 】×4,采药skill/tactics* 熟练度+9!


继续,把这一片石壁上的十几株[God Grass] 统统采集完毕,然后站在尸王窟里,现场炼制一份再说,原谅都有了,6个炼丹炉作为消耗,下一刻,第一份9LEVEL 丹药出炉了——

“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,你合成获得了【[Godly Mana Restoration] 】×2!


“-Ding!- ”

系统提示:恭喜你,由于你是第一个炼制获得【[Godly Mana Restoration] 】的玩家,获得奖励:charisma +7!


啧啧,7点charisma ,这趟没有白来了!

继续深入,砍杀掉一路上拦路的小怪,包裹里的[God Grass] 越来越多,很快就已经有2000+株了,但是我也发现了一个残忍的事实,一直到进入到洞窟底部的时候,依旧没有BOSS的影子,而在洞窟尽头还有一副正在渐渐刷新的骨架,NND,是谁在我之前把BOSS给宰了?

打开论坛,查询尸王窟,顿时释然,上面有一个Guild 活动帖子——

【活动】Jiu Li City Legend(G) Guild 将在今天下午全主力进军Cold Forest Cemetery ,目标锁定尸王窟里的尸王!


那是4天前的帖子,这张地图一定是被他们刷过了,但是[God Grass] 是最近系统更新才刷出来的,所以Legend(G) 行会的人杀掉BOSS却没有发现[God Grass] ,而我则获得了[God Grass] 却错过了BOSS,真是冤孽,什么都要讲求缘分的……

正在这时,行会频speaking* 里传来了RAN MIN(B) 的声音:“有人在Cold Forest Cemetery 附近吗?”

我飞快问:“我在,怎么了Old K(B) ?”

RAN MIN(B) speaking* :“我们{first division} 有一个20人小队在Cold Forest Cemetery 练LEVEL ,被Mass Burial(G-) 的人[[Ambush]] 了,他们有100+人,所以,我打算就近组织一批人杀过去,好好教训一下Mass Burial(G-) 的人!”


RAN MIN(B) 笑了:“嗯,以你的实力,应该差不多了,我再让WANG JIAN(S) 带个百人团从Tsing Lun Valley 出发,顺便练练那个没有沾手的地图好了,李小子你过去一定要小心,据说那100+人都是Mass Burial(G-) 的精锐。”


draw sword*** 走了出洞窟,沿着洞口方向奋力攀爬出了这Snow Valley ,Yue Qing Qian[ZL](A) 发来了事发地点的坐标,距离我很近,只有10分钟不到的行程!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ZL348 three hundred and fortieth eight chapters [Godly Mana Restoration] 2013-07-28 20:00:00 into the Cold Forest Cemetery, on the icy snow wilderness wandering, falls on the snow goose feather rustled Yi Jia, even smashed to the ground *** on my eyelashes, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) issued a muffled roar, followed by my side, like an obedient little cat, of course, Flaming Tiger God (Pet) Once launched Attack, it is no longer docile. Not far away, a whole body white feline monster snow line, the body is very light, 75LEVEL Phantom strange, snow cat, physical Attack power is very high, and Attack speed bonus, no wonder no one wants to come to this piece of Cold Forest Cemetery, the training intensity LEVEL too, hang on Bailian once a day, of course, no one wants to come. Snow cat softly cried, above the claws emerge with ice Frost image, I rushed straight past, "clanging" twice pulled out two swords, before the snow cat {cast} attack on the first Attack, double-edged trembled ** *, continuous * cut the four swords, snow cat Aoao back screams, while four damage numbers jumped out - "! 2873" ! "2422" , "! 2839" ! "2238" is clearly the main hand of [Emperor Qin's Sword] the harm to be stronger, at the same time, I mind a move, {cast} {skill} - [[Combo]] LV-8! Five Attack, {dual wielding} sword turns {hack}, fast break, than the original [[Combo]] output process much faster, almost instantaneously five Attack, and then you see the snow cat meow He called out, fell, even it's just out of a Attack is I almost killed * a. I stood silently among the snow, quietly watching the hands of the sword, ideas {cast}, build gas! [[Wind Blade]] of light in the [Emperor Qin's Sword] on trembling left hand [Cold Iron Sword] but dense with [[Fierce Ice Blade]] (A) gloss, Gee, is really the case, as long as | Yi Hai | calm enough to actually be able to play different hands simultaneously build {skill}, that way, the release time {skill} and {skill} between greatly shortened, especially on the Q-sword [HM] (S), Fang Geng Que [L] (M) such top players, two {skill} moment while {cast}, so it will not be the other side of the block or dodge. Rejoicing, find the next target, not far from another snow cat, rushed past, arms Lianhui left hand sent [[Fierce Ice Blade]] (A), while the right hand of the [[Wind Blade ]] also fall down together! "3628! " " 4129! " then {take advantage} an ordinary Attack cutting, snow cat Aoao called immediately hung up, Gee, this output horrible, even Flaming Tiger God (Pet) have no chance of a shot. Broke the silver pick up, thrown into the package, continue to travel, but to observe with, really, this Senhan jungle of a blossoming flower glowing silver sheen moving, it is eye-catching grass, 8LEVEL herbs, let off , one by digging up, look way up herbs skill / tactics * proficiency, or are unable to collect the 10LEVEL herbs. Then move far out there as a one of the burial mounds in the snow, it is snow cover, but still a clear outline, stepping when I approached, would have been among the graves came the muffled roar, The next moment, "bang" sound a bloody arm broken snow out, followed by decay to almost bare head, hideous face disgusting, it then drilled grave rushed over. "Well ......" I kept my mouth shut, arms force, {dual wielding} {hack} sword fast staggered several swords, carrion Aoao cried, waving arms smashed over, and I was almost instinctive left [ Cold Iron Sword] suddenly a cross, "popping" sound to easily parry opened the Attack, really, deputy sword parry success rate is very high, with the player's operation index, the success rate will be greatly improved, and I itself is the essence of an expert with a sword, Swords swords also block the flow of, ah, this way, I will greatly enhance the operating indices. Cut only carrion, the eye-catching collection of grass on the graves, continue in-depth, that [God Grass] must still Cold depths of Forest Cemetery. As a result, while practicing side LEVEL acquisition, less than two hours, sound bite, herbs skill / tactics * has 9LEVEL, the parcel also has a lot of eye-catching grass, continue to move forward when they saw the grave increasingly intensive, you must lead 3-5 75LEVEL Phantom strange carrion, but fortunately I have a small tiger back, plus 10% {lifesteal} effects, one on one 8-10 months will not be any carrion problem. Blaze a new trail in the monster group, behind him was full of snow mottled black mark of contaminated blood, and then walked about ten minutes, and sure enough in the depths of the Cold Forest Cemetery there is a huge valley, in fact it It is a cemetery, crowded around carrion in the valley, and in the end of the valley is a huge cave entrance, entrance glowing blood red and shiny, and that is a bloody map, map blood red, tells I that area quite dangerous, in my LEVEL etc. are dangerous, which shows where the hidden BOSSLEVEL exist, ah, 9LEVEL herbs may be in there! See a bit map, determine the strategic direction, all the way to clean up from the valley into the rock, this can save some time, because Fan Shu City, Jiu Li City will have a similar nature map, it may seek [God Grass] way more than me a person who can find the first [God Grass], who will be able to scoop refining 9LEVEL immortality charisma, 9LEVEL reward, certainly not too little. "-ShaSha- ......" [Emperor Qin's Sword] cut earth, [Cold Iron Sword] to maintain a balance, I would slide down the steep slopes down, the body lithe tiger roaring will follow, slipped nearly meters height, firmly standing canyon, suddenly there are already 11 carrion roaring rushed over, I hurried to take a step back, one hand extending out **, [[Black Tortoise's Realm]] (S) { cast}, under the cloth [[Soul Army]] (S), and then hands that once [[Seven Star Fragments Slash]] (SS) split out, with the main hand sword {cleave}, so higher Attack Force, deputy [Cold Iron Sword] {slash}, the first head carrion Attack block off, {take advantage} kick, then Roushen killed in the past, swords [[Multi Slash]], the first head quickly Carrion hacking *** flesh splashing chaos, hang time is almost like being filleted in general, only a skeleton, and even I could not help but gasped, NND, absolutely did not expect double Sword flow in the game will be so mighty ah! Little Tiger [[Burstfire Raid]] in the monster group, roar loudly {cast} [[Fierce Roar]], plus my Attack, carrion head of a fall, and I was at the same time in nine carrion Attack Under health dropped to less than half, but [HEAL] + 10% {lifesteal}, Kankan stabilize the health, swords Attack rapidly, absorbing too much back to health, although {lifesteal} when the body can see Carrion the flesh into energy down to your body, it's a bit sick people, but think it is too much like the games. ...... slowly along the edge of the valley clean-up to go, and I also noticed that the monster here to refresh fast, about 60 minutes will die refreshed, which allows me no worries, even after I entered the cave behind Someone came, they did not so easy to come in, 75LEVEL Phantom Tier monster is not a joke, most people simply can not beat, of course, if it is Fang Geng Que [L] (M), Q-sword [HM] (S), Jian Feng Han [V] (S) and Yuzi Chengshou [Emerald Porcelain] (H) form a team to clear the blame, then I have nothing to say, only the arm of a cross, closed his eyes: Elder Brother had to kill I was right, I was wrong, BOSS is your a ...... kill more than two hours, and finally close the hole, but kill so many, I just rose 7% {experience} value only, after 70LEVEL liter LEVEL good difficult, unless there is more than SSLEVEL main task, or is major version of events, otherwise there is a kind of rapid rise LEVEL. ...... clean up the hole after a group of carrion, plus full health, with a small tiger entered the cave, when I entered the cave at that moment I felt the whole body trembled ***, cold! If the problem is the preservation of the outside of the refrigerator, and that the temperature inside is absolutely frozen up! "! -Ding -" System Tips: You enter the sinister map - [Cave] dead king! Rapid freeze a layer of ice on the eyebrows Frost, I raised his [Emperor Qin's Sword], on the blade of flame leapt up, this resolve, with a small tiger went, the line is not far to see grown on stone walls as a pale golden flowers, and breath a look, yes, what I am looking for [God Grass], 9LEVEL herbs found! Whether there are no dead king, the first gathering to say! Took medicine shovel, -ShaSha- digging a bit - "-Ding -!" prompted: Congratulations, you get a collection [[God Grass]] × 4, herbs skill / tactics * proficiency +9! ...... continue, this a dozen strains [God Grass] cliff on all acquisition is completed, then stood dead king cave, the site of a refinery again, forgive have, six alchemy furnace as consumption, the next moment , first 9LEVEL immortality baked - "-Ding -!" prompted: Congratulations, you get a synthesis [[Godly Mana Restoration]] × 2! And, followed by another a ringtone, this is what I need most - - "-Ding!" prompted: Congratulations to you, since you are the first to get a refining [[Godly Mana Restoration]] players, get Reward: charisma +7! ...... Gee, 7:00 charisma, the tour is not in vain! Continue in-depth, cut the highway all the way to kill mobs, parcel [God Grass] more and more, and soon there were already 2000 + strains, but I also found a cruel fact, until into the cave When the bottom of the BOSS still no shadow, and in the end there is a pair of caves is gradually refreshed skeleton, NND, who is before me to kill the BOSS? Open forum, Discover dead king cave, suddenly relieved, there is a Guild Events posts above - [events] Jiu Li City Legend (G) Guild will enter the Cold Forest Cemetery this afternoon all the main, be targeted in the Cave of the dead king dead king ! ...... It is a post four days ago, this map must have been that they brush off, but [God Grass] is a recent system update only brush out, so Legend (G) guild who kill BOSS was not found [God Grass], and I won [God Grass], but missed the BOSS, really Turn of the Screw, and what should be focused on the fate of ...... Just then, the guild frequently speaking * came the RAN MIN (B) of sound :? "someone in the Cold Forest Cemetery near you." I quickly asked: "I was, how the Old K (B)?" RAN MIN (B) speaking *: "{first division} We have a 20-man squad at the Cold Forest Cemetery practicing LEVEL, was Mass Burial (G-) of people [[Ambush]], they have 100+ people, so, I intend to organize a group of people nearby to kill the past, a good lesson about Mass Burial (G-) people! " I can not help but smile, looking at the empty cave, said: "No organization man, and my past!" RAN MIN (B) laughed: "ah, with your strength, it should be about, I let WANG JIAN ( S) with a hundred people groups from Tsing Lun Valley view, there is no way that left the map and thought well, Li Xiaozi you must be careful in the past, it is said that people are 100+ Mass Burial (G-) of the elite. " "assured ! " Draw Sword *** walked out of the cave, along the direction of struggling to climb out of the hole it Snow Valley, Yue Qing Qian [ZL] (A) the coordinates of the site of the incident sent, a short distance from me, only 10 minutes less than the trip!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

chapter 348 [Godly mana Restoration]

2013-07-28 20:00:00

into cold forest cemetery, the icy wilderness falling snow, snow goose feather rustle falls on armor on, even smashed to the ground*** in my eyelashes on, flaming Tiger God (PET) to make a low roar, followed by in my side, like a naughty little cat, of course, the flaming Tiger God (PET) once initiated attack, it is no longer docile.

not far away, a whole body white cat monster snow line, the body is very light,Strange 75LEVEL phantom, snow cat, physical attack power is very high, and attack speed is addition, also no wonder nobody willing to came to this piece of cold forest cemetery, practice level strength is too large, once the hang white practising all day, of course, no people willing to come.
Snow Cat softly shouted, claws emerging ice frost image, I straight past, "clang clang" twice pulling a sword, before the snow cat {cast} attack beat attack, double-edged trembled***, continuous* cutting the four sword, Snow Cat ow back screaming, also four times damage numbers jump out -



obviously the main hand [Emperor Qin 's Sword] caused by damage stronger. At the same time, when I move my heart, {cast} {skill} [[Combo]] LV-8!
5 times attack, {dual sword wielding} turns {hack}, speed fast vast, than the original [[Combo]] output to more quickly, almost can instantly finish fifth attack, and then I saw the snow cat meow meow calls down, even it's just a time attack will almost be my killed* the.

I silently standing in the snow,Quietly looking at the hands of the sword, the idea of {cast}, gas storage! [[Wind Blade]] light shivering in the [Emperor Qin 's Sword], left [Cold iron Sword] but dense gloss of the [[Fierce ice Blade]] (a), gee, so, as long as |Yi Hai| enough calm, actually to hands and storage on different {skill}. So, the release time between {skill} {skill} will greatly shorten the, especially on Q-sword[HM] (s), and Fang Geng Que[L] (m) the top players, two at the moment of {skill} also {cast},This will not be the other block or dodge taussig.
heart ecstasy, find a target, not far from the other a snow cat, rushed past, arms even essential, left sent [[Fierce ice Blade]] (a) at the same time, right [[Wind Blade]] also together fall down!


and {take advantage} turn of ordinary attack of cutting, suddenly Snow Cat Aoao called hung, gee, the output of this horrible, even flaming Tiger God (PET) had no chance to shot. After

picked up the silver, into the package, move on,And observe that. Sure enough, the Sen cold jungle a blossoming silver flowers Pan moving luster, it is eye-catching grass, herb 8LEVEL, don't pass, one dug up, way up a degree of skilled herbs skill/tactics*, or are not collected herb 10LEVEL the.
go not far, impressively in the snow appeared one tomb, snow cover, but still clear outline, when approached me footfall, grave has already spread to the low hoarse roar, the next moment, "bang" sound of a bloody arm breaking snow out, followed by decay to almost bare head.Fierce face disgusting, so out of the grave rushed. "Oh

I closed my mouth, arms force, sword {dual wielding} fast staggered {hack} sword and carrion Aoao called, waving their arms smashed over, and I almost instinctive left [Cold iron Sword] suddenly horizontal, "pop" sound easy Parry opened the attack, and sure enough, deputy sword of lattice block success rate is very high, with internationally operating index, the success rate will be greatly improved, and I is the sword of the experts, Shuangjian flow of single hand sword also parried the essence of, well, such a result.My operating index will be greatly improved.
cut the carrion, the grave of eye-catching grass collected. Further, the [God Grass] must still be cold forest cemetery depths.
results, while practicing level while acquisition, less than two hours, a sound bite, herbs skill/tactics* has 9LEVEL the, the package also has the a lot of eye-catching grass, continue to forward the advance, but saw the tomb more and more intensive, must also attracted 3-5 75LEVEL phantom blame carrion. Fortunately, I have a little tiger cheer, 10%{lifesteal},On one 8-10 one will not be a problem.
in monsters blaze a new trail, behind the snow is full of black blood stained the mottled marks, to walk about ten minutes, indeed as expected in the depths of the cold forest cemetery appeared a huge Valley, in fact this is a cemetery, across the densely packed, and carrion in the valley, and in the end of the valley is a huge cave entrance, the entrance is suffused with blood red sheen, and a piece of the map is blood red, map red blood, equal to tell me the area is quite dangerous, to my level are dangerous,This shows that there is a hidden BOSSLEVEL there, well, there's 9LEVEL!
checked the map, determine the strategic direction, all the way from the valley walls clean inside, this can save some time, because fan Shu City, Jiu Li city will also have properties similar to those of the map, may find [God Grass] on the way more than I am a man, who can beat find [God Grass], who will be able to scoop refining 9LEVEL Dan the charisma and 9LEVEL reward, will definitely not too little of.


[Emperor Qin s Sword] cut the earth',
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