第343章 凌杰的忠告“真的吗?是谁……到底是谁害死我哥哥!”萧泠汐也急急的问道。虽然她没有经历当年的事,但萧烈这些年的凄苦,她感同身受,她 การแปล - 第343章 凌杰的忠告“真的吗?是谁……到底是谁害死我哥哥!”萧泠汐也急急的问道。虽然她没有经历当年的事,但萧烈这些年的凄苦,她感同身受,她 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第343章 凌杰的忠告“真的吗?是谁……到底是谁害死我哥哥!”萧泠汐也

第343章 凌杰的忠告



































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 343 of Ling Jie advice"Do you really? Who is ... ... Who on Earth killed my brother! "Xiao Lingxi hastily asked. Although she did not experience things, but Xiao Lie years of bitterness, she felt she had been looking forward to find the murderer. Yun Che hesitated and said "Grandpa, I know, find the murderer, is your greatest wish for years. However, when the kill Uncle Xiao's forces, far more powerful than we ever thought it would be a lot of ... ... You have to be ready. ” Hearing this, Ling Jie was a click, quickly walked over and burn up your great city, said: "I strongly go feed my birds, you can take the time to call me a sound just fine. ” With that, he dragged burning vast city left a far distance, and keep his own hearing. Xiao Lie heavy in my chest rise and fall, a little, his mood was calm and said, "you name it, this more than 10 years, I wanted to know it killed my son ... ... No matter who...... " Yun Che nodded slightly, and whispered, "Grandpa, did you hear about the four holy places? ”"Four holy places? What is that place? "Xiao Lingxi Callaghan. Xiao Lie slightly stunned, then face any sudden change. Name of four San Diego, he knew, and that four names in the Holy Land, he was learned from a son, Xiao Ying. He knew it was the four forces throughout the city, most large, greatly, is overlooking the mysterious, aloof like judge, and the powerful, far more than four big doors, is one of them even heard is rare, life is unlikely to touch the peak of myth. His track: "don't kill my son who is ... ... Is...... ""Uncle who of Shaw's hands on him, I don't know. I only know that he comes from one of the four holy places tianwei domain! "Yun Che sound heavy road. Xiao Lie stiff body, eyes and hands are trembling violently in the endless excitement and shock. Xiao Lingxi going "tianwei domain" name, still dazed. Never heard of "four holy places" she don't know "tianwei domain" what four words is a horrible concept. Powerful sword Manor of landlord, to tianwei domain, but also even on the doctrine of the mean is not. Once, Xiao Lie many times wanted to take revenge. He had dark oath no matter who the killer is, on the day that he found, want to personally let him atone for blood. But "tianwei domain" name, just like missing top high above the mountain's on his mind, he felt a deep sense of despair, revenge, was suppressed almost completely extinguished in a Flash ... ... Greatly in seven countries, least Sofu Empire, with the end of each year, a disguised form of worship to God Phoenix country. Four shrines, that is beyond the mysterious existence of seven, even though the powers of the Phoenix Empire, wouldn't dare mess with four destinations, too. In front of the four holy places, sentient beings as humble as the ants ... ... The enemy, how? What to report? Xiao Lie responses, so Yun Che knew what he was thinking. He stood in front of Xiao Lie, Word Clank: "Grandpa, though, the enemy much stronger than we had expected, but it does not mean that we are unable to avenge, nor let us give vengeance ... ... Although, I'm sword of power is far from qualified to tianwei domain collection, however, Grandpa, please believe me, one day I'm going to kill the God Power domains, to recover the blood!! Because it's not just Grandpa, uncle is Shaw's debt, and my biological grandfather, my birth parents ... ... And my own debt! All my life, as long as I'm living, I necessary tianwei domain points to repay! ” "You ... ... His own grandfather? "Xiao Lie dazed. Yun Che gently nodded: "last year, I was in a major accident, found my biological grandfather, he was seriously injured by tianwei domain, and banned in a dark place an entire century, if not crazy, in my life, and probably will not be able to see him. From her own grandfather, I figure out some of those things, know the identity of my biological parents also know when to kill Xiao uncle's killer. ” "Now that your grandfather ... ... All right? ”"......" Yun Che closed his eyes, don't look at the empty distance face to gently: "he's dead ... ... In order to make me flee, he cut the heart ... ... Before he died, he asked me to convey his gratitude to you ... ... He said, you are his life, most grateful and unworthy of man. ” 萧烈表情怔然,久久没有说话。 “在亲生爷爷死去的那天,我就已经发誓,这笔血债,我无论如何都要向天威剑域讨回。当那一天到来,我闯入了天威剑域,找到了当年对萧叔叔下手的人,我会将他活着带到爷爷面前,由爷爷,来亲自发落处置他。”云澈坚定的道。 萧烈的目光再次一颤,许久,他缓缓的点头,状若失魂的道:“好……好……” 萧烈平日里是个颇为镇定的人,云澈极少见到他情绪失控的时候。而此刻的萧烈,却显然已是心神大乱,他渴望着知道当年的凶手,但真相,对他却残忍到了极点。从萧烈的身上,云澈甚至感觉到了一股忽然滋生的死志…… 这么多年以来,一直支撑着萧烈的,不仅仅是萧泠汐和云澈,还有寻找仇人与报仇的执念。 但当报仇成了奢望,震惊、无力、对儿子妻子的愧疚……无不在让他的心火暗淡下去。虽然云澈铮铮誓言必报此仇,但,那是天威剑域,是天玄大陆最巅峰的存在,他不会认为云澈真的有能力向这样的庞大大物索仇,更不希望云澈因此而去犯险,甚至丧命。 看着萧烈的样子,云澈心中默叹一声,道:“在和我亲生爷爷相认之后,我知道了一些事……当年,我的亲生父母在离开流云城之后,并没有被天威剑域的人追上,而是最终安全的逃回了自己的家乡……爷爷,你知道这意味着什么吗?这至少可以确定,当年跟随我的亲生父母离开……萧叔叔的孩子,你的亲生孙儿,也没有造人毒手,而是随着我的亲生父母一起最终到了一个绝对安全的地方……” 云澈的话,犹若在萧烈的耳边响起声声惊雷,他的眼睛一下子瞪大,原本死灰色的眼眸瞬间爆发出无比强烈的神采,他双手一把抓住云澈的肩膀,激动的全身颤抖:“你说的是真的……你说的是真的!?”“千真万确!”云澈反手抓着萧烈的手臂,直视着他的眼睛道:“我亲生父母逃到流云城时,已全身是伤,油尽灯枯,如果被天威剑域的人追上,必然遇难。但他们最终却安全逃回了家乡,证明他们之后没有再遭遇任何敌人,那么,他们怀中的孩子,也定然安然无恙……他和我年纪相仿,如今,也已是和我一样……十九岁了。爷爷的血脉,萧叔叔的血脉……从来都没有断绝!” 萧烈整个人怔在那里,顷刻间已是老泪纵横。 云澈放轻声音道:“我在盼望着和亲生父母重聚,而他,也一定盼望着和自己的血亲重逢。所以爷爷,你一定要坚强,你的亲生孙儿,还在等着你和相认团聚。” 萧烈的双手逐渐松开,脸上满是泪痕,但眸中的光彩却已变得更加强盛,取代了所有死灰色,他重重的点头,轻轻的道:“好……好!” 同样的两个字,却没有了之前的昏沉无力,更没有了丝毫的死志。 云澈悄然舒了一口气,唤回凌杰,将萧烈和萧泠汐,搀扶上了他的坐骑风烈鸟。 “小澈,你一定要小心,千万不可以逞强,更不可以出事!”萧泠汐双手紧抓着衣角,紧张而担心的道“放心好了。”云澈一脸轻松的笑道:“我现在可是天下无敌,一个小小的焚天门,我现在根本都不需要放在眼里。我才刚刚和你们重逢,怎么可能舍得让自己死了……你们在皇城好好的游玩几天,等你们玩够了,我应该也就到了。” “嘻,三年不见,小澈居然也学会了说大话。”萧泠汐微微莞尔,她看了一眼瘫在不远处地面上的焚绝城,忽然想到了什么,说道:“小澈,如果,你真的可以把焚天门毁掉的话,那你,可不可以放过那里的一个人?” 云澈微微一愣,随即道:“小姑妈说的人是?” “我记得他的名字是……对了,是焚绝尘!“焚绝尘?”云澈的眉头猛的沉下,诧异的道:“为什么要放过他?明明就是他,把你们从流云城掳到了焚天门!” “可是,他也是听的那个人的命令……”萧泠汐伸手指了指焚绝城:“而且,到了焚天门之后,这个可恶的人想要对我……对我……是焚绝尘拦下了他,否则,我说不定已经……还有,在你来了之后,也是这个人想要拿我去威胁你,同样是焚绝尘拦住了他,还因此而受了很重的伤。” 萧泠汐的话,让云澈全身一下子冒出了冷汗。他猛然侧目看向焚绝城,心中的杀机疯狂窜动,他几乎用尽力全部的意志力,才把这股杀机硬生生的压了下去。他缓缓点头:“我知道了,我会放过他。”“呼……”萧泠汐拍了拍胸脯,轻舒一口气:“他虽然看上去很吓人,但其实心一点都不坏……这个叫焚绝城的人,才是坏透了!” 瘫在地上的焚绝城发出一声痛苦的呻吟,似乎是想要辩解或求饶,但最终,只能无力的瘫软下去。 风烈鸟缓缓升空,凌杰站在地上,却迟迟没有跃上,一阵犹豫后,他忽然对云澈道:“老大,你这次,真的要彻底毁掉焚天门吗?” “是!”云澈没有半点犹豫的点头:“就如我之前的话,我必须让所有人清楚的知道伤害我亲人的下场……绝无余地。” 凌杰的嘴角动了动,悄悄叹了一口气,道:“有一件事,我或者……或者有必要告诉你。我的爷爷,和焚天门的太上门主焚义绝有过一段交情。我从小到大虽然没有见过爷爷多少次,但听父亲说过,我爷爷一生极为重情重义,我担心……我担心,如果焚天门真到了那一步,爷爷他会有可能出手。” 云澈:“……” “爷爷在十年前,就已是王玄中期,他是整个苍风帝国公认的当世第一人。焚天门的太上门主焚义绝实力无比强大,但三个他,也不可能打得过我的爷爷。如果我的爷爷真的出手的话,我怕……我怕……”说到这里,凌杰又用力的一晃头,咧嘴笑道:“呃,只是有一点点可能,或许是我多想了,再说爷爷早就说过不再管尘缘中事了……总之,老大,你一定要小心。”“嗯,我知道了,谢谢你告诉我这些。”云澈点头道。 凌杰一声低啸,跃到了风烈鸟背上。风烈鸟双翅招展,破空而去。看着那一抹在视线中越来越远的青影,云澈眉头沉下,陷入了沉思。 凌杰的爷爷,云澈曾偶尔听苍月说起过…… 剑圣凌天逆!苍风当世第一人!章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 343 Lingjie advice
"Really? Who ...... in the end who killed my brother!" Xiao Ling Xi also hastily asked. Although she did not experience the things that year, but Xiao strong miserable years, her empathy, she also has been looking forward to the year to find the murderer. Yun Chol pondered about it, and said: "Grandpa, I know, to find the murderer, is the greatest wish you many years but then kill萧叔叔forces, we have to be stronger than the imagination of many, many ...... you. . have enough mental preparation, " heard here, Lingjie mind a slightly Deng, quickly walked over and drag the burning city must, said: "I look to feed my birds strong wind, can take the time to call me soon enough . " Then he dragged the burning city never very far away distance, and lowered his hearing. Hsiao strong chest numerous ups and downs, slightly, his mood be some calm, and said: "You say, ten years, I want to know what is the dream also killed my son ...... Whoever is ...... " Cloud Che nodded, whispered: "Grandpa, you've heard of the four holy sites do?" "That's what the four holy place??" Xiao Ling Xi bewildered. Xiao Lie slightly hesitated and along face sudden changes. Four holy name, he did know, and that the name of the four holy sites, he learned from his son Xiao Ying mouth. He knew that the whole continent Tianxuan most massive four forces, is overlooking the entire Tianxuan such trials are generally aloof presence, its powerful, much better than four large doors, is the one they are even heard rare, life can not touch the peak of myth. He scared channel: "Do, Do killed my son, who are ...... is ......" "Which people under萧叔叔murderous, I do not know I just know that he came from one of the four holy sites. Tianwei sword domain! "sound heavy cloud Che Road. Xiao strong rigid body, eyes and hands were shaking violently in endless excitement and shock. And Xiao Ling Xi low remembered "Tianwei sword domain" name, still bewildered. Never heard "four holy places" in the name, she did not understand "the emperor sword domain" words is a dreadful idea. As strong as the Sword Villa suzerain, to the emperor sword domain, but also even a moderate are not really fundamental. Once, Xiao strong thought many times to take revenge. He had dark, no matter who the murderer was sworn in that day to find him, so he must personally blood for blood. However, "Tianwei sword domain," the name, not as a high mountain peak pressure in the top of his mind, so he felt a deep despair, vengeance, the moment is almost completely suppressed Off ...... Tianxuan in seven countries, Cang wind empire smallest, lowest power, every year to Phoenix States to God worship in disguise. And the four holy sites, it is beyond the seven countries Tianxuan presence, even though God is powerful empire Huang, also dare not provoke the four holy sites. In front of the four holy beings as ants in general humble ...... this hatred, how he reported? What can go to report? Hsiao strong reaction to cloud Che know what he was thinking. He stood in front of Xiao strong, every word clank said: "Grandpa, though, the enemy than we ever expected to be a lot stronger, but not mean we can not revenge, but not let us give up revenge ...... although I Now the power is still far from qualified to Tianwei sword domain debts, however, grandpa believe me, one day, I'll kill the emperor's sword domain, to recover this Blood !! Because this is not just my grandfather, is Xiao Shushu debt, as well as my own grandfather, my own parents and my own debt ......! this life, as long as I am alive, I need a lot of points Tianwei sword domain repayment! " " Your ... ... own grandfather? "Xiao strong Zhengran. Yun Chul gently nodded: "Last year, I was in a huge accident among found my own grandfather, he was awfully sword domain of serious injury, and banned in a dark place exactly a hundred years, if not the yin yang difference wrong, my life, probably will not be able to see him. From the biological grandfather there, I figured out something of that year, I know the identity of the biological parents, but also know that year killed萧叔叔murderer. " "That Your grandfather, he now ...... okay? " "......" Cloud Che closed her eyes and gently looked over to look at the empty distance: "He is dead ...... to make my escape, he Since breaking the systolic ...... Before his death, he has asked me to convey to you his gratitude ...... he said, You are his life, the most grateful and unworthy of man. " Xiao strong expression Zhengran, long time no speak. "In the biological grandfather died that day, I had vowed, this blood for, I have to get back to the emperor's sword anyway field. When that day comes, I broke into the emperor's sword domain, find the year of萧叔叔start with the people, I will bring him alive in front of my grandfather, the grandfather pleasure to personally dispose of him. "Cloud Che firm said. Xiao intense attention once again shocked, long time, he slowly nodded, Zhuangruo Lost Souls: "Well ...... well ......" Xiao Lieping day in a rather calm person, his emotions rarely seen clouds Che when runaway. And now Xiao strong, but it apparently is mind chaos, he's eager to know that the murderer, but the truth, for he was cruel to the extreme. Hsiao strong body, cloud Che even felt a sudden death breeding Chi ...... so many years, has supported Hsiao strong, not just Xiao Ling Xi and Yun Chol, as well as to find the enemy and revenge obsession . But revenge become a luxury, shock, weakness, son ...... all in his wife's guilt let his Firelight dim. Although cloud Che clank oath must be reported Cichou, but it was awfully sword domain, is the pinnacle of existence Tianxuan continent, he will not really have the ability to think cloud Che to such a huge big thing cable hatred, but do not want to cloud So Chol to risk away, or even killed. Shaw looked like strong, silent sigh cloud Che hearts, said: "After my own grandfather had, I knew something ...... At that time, my biological parents after leaving clouds of town and not days Granville sword domain of people to catch up, but eventually fled to the safety of their own home ...... Grandpa, you know what that means? That at least can be determined, then follow my birth parents leave ...... Xiao Shushu children, your own grandchildren, nor made ​​man behind the atrocities, but with my biological parents eventually to an absolute safe place ...... " cloud Che then if still strong in Hsiao ears the sound of thunder, his eyes suddenly widened, the original dead gray eyes instantly broke out very strong look, his hands grabbed cloud Che's shoulder, trembling excitement: "You say is true ...... you say is true! ? " " true! "Cloud grabbed Xiao Che backhand strong arm, looked him in the eye and said:" My biological parents fled when clouds city, has the body is injured, burnout, if the day Granville sword domain of people to catch up, the inevitable victims. But they eventually fled to the safety of home, then prove they no longer encounter any enemy, then the arms of their children, will certainly safe ...... He and my age now , it is nineteen years old and I like ...... the grandfather's blood, Xiao Shushu blood ...... never cut off! " Xiao Lie startled the people in there, an instant is tears. Yun Chol put light voice said: "I look forward to and his parents reunited, but he certainly looking forward to the reunion and his blood so Grandpa, you must be strong, your own grandson, is still waiting for you. and to recognize reunion. " Xiao strong hands gradually loosened, his face full of tears, but Mouzhong glory already become more powerful, replacing all dead gray, his heavy nod, gently said: "Good ...... Good! " the same word, but not before the dazed weakness, not the slightest dead blog. Yun Chol quietly sigh of relief, recall Lingjie, strong and Xiao Ling Xiao Xi, helped on his horse wind strong bird. "Small Che, you must be careful, do not try to be brave, but not trouble!" Xiao Ling Xi hands clutching the clothes, tense and worried about the road , "rest assured." Che cloud his face relaxed smiles: "I'm invincible, but now, a little burning days door, I did not even need the eye. I was just with you again, how they might be willing to let themselves die ...... you play good days in the Imperial City , and so you had enough, and I should have it to. " "Hee, three years gone, it has also learned little Che malarkey." Xiao Ling Xi slight smile, she looked paralyzed on the ground not far away never burn the city, suddenly thought of something and said: "? Small Che, if you really can put burning Tianmen destroyed, then you, can you let go of where a person" cloud Che slightly surprised a moment, then said: "sister mom is man?" "I remember his name was ...... right, is burning pull! "burn pull? "Cloud Che brow fierce sink, surprised and said:" Why should let him? Claiming him, you captive to the city from the clouds burn days door! " "However, the man ordered him to also listen to the ......" Xiao Ling Xi hand pointed to the burning of the city must: "And the door to the burning days later, the hateful man wanted for me ...... me ...... is burning pull stopped him, otherwise I might have been ...... Also, before you came, but also the people who want to take me to threaten you, the same burning pull stopped him, thus also by a very heavy injury. " Xiao Ling Xi, then suddenly emerge to cloud Che body cold sweat. He suddenly absolutely startling to see the city burning, murderous minds of madness ran, he spent almost all of the best willpower, only to abruptly turn this Murder The pressing down he slowly nodded: "I know, I'll let him go. " "call ......" Xiao Ling Xi patted her breast, Qingshu breath: "Although he looks very scary, but in fact that is not a bad heart ...... this is called the city must burn people, is bad enough! " paralysis on the ground of the burning city never uttered a groan of pain, seems to want to justify or mercy, but in the end, can only afford to go limp. wind strong birds slowly lifted off, Lingjie standing on the ground, but nothing leapt, after hesitating, he suddenly cloud Che said: "Boss, this time you really want to completely destroy burning days door? " "Yes! "Cloud Che is not the slightest hesitation nodded:" I must make everyone as my previous words clearly know the fate of their loved ones hurt me ...... no leeway. " Lingjie mouth moved, quietly sighed, and said: "There is one thing that I or ...... or the need to tell you. My grandfather, and burning days door-to-door main burn too righteous never had a friendship. I grew up having not seen my grandfather many times, but to listen to his father saying, my grandfather's life extremely Emotion Shigeyoshi, I worry ...... I fear that if the burning Tianmen true to that step, he would have probably shot my grandfather. " Cloud Che: "......" "Grandpa decade ago, had a mid Wang Xuan, who is recognized throughout the empire Cang wind when the world first. Burning days of the door-to-door main burn too absolute strength righteous extremely powerful, but three, he could not play my grandfather. If my grandfather really shot, then I'm afraid I'm afraid ...... ...... "Here, Lingjie and forced flash head, grinned:" uh, just a little possibility, perhaps more than I thought, Besides my grandfather I would have said no tube carnal things ...... in short, boss, you must be careful. " "ah, I know, thank you for telling me that. "Cloud Che nodded. Lingjie Di Xiao cry, jump back to the wind strong birds. Bird wings fluttering in the wind strong, piercing away. Looked at the touch of getting away in the sight of blue shadow, brow Shen Yun Chol down, lost in thought. Lingjie grandfather, cloud Che had spoken ...... occasionally hear Cang Ling day against the Juggernaut! Cang wind when the world first person! section errors Report (free registration), reported after maintenance staff will correct chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 343rd chapter of Ling Jie's advice
"is it true? Who...... Who killed my brother in the end!" Xiao Lingxi also urgently asked. Although she has not experienced the past things, but Xiao strong over the years of bitter, her empathy, she also has been looking forward to can be found in the year of the murderer. After a

clouds, said: "Grandpa, I know, to find the murderer, is the biggest wish you over the years. However, that year to kill Shaw's forces, to be far more powerful than we have ever imagined a lot of...... You need to be mentally prepared." Hear here

, Ling Jie heart missed a beat, quickly went up burning vast city, road:"I'm going to feed the birds, you can call me when you go."
finished, he dragged the burnt out city left far distance, and lowered his hearing.

Xiao lie chest many ups and downs, slightly, his mood count is removes some, way: "you say, this ten years, dreaming, I want to know what is also kill my son... No matter who......"

clouds slightly nodded, whispered: "Grandpa, you have heard of the four holy places?" "Four great holy land? Where is that?" Xiao Lingxi a face at a loss.

Xiao lie slightly Yizheng, along with the sudden change in his face. Four the name of the Holy land,He did know, and the name of the four holy places, he learned from the mouth of the son of xiao. He knew that it was the whole of the world's most massive four forces, is overlooking the entire day, such as the general existence of the judge, and its strong, far better than the four bulk of the door, is one of them even heard are rare, a lifetime can not touch the pinnacle of myth. And he said, "is it, that is, the one who has killed my son," he said...... Is......" "Who is
to Xiao uncle according to the next, I don't know. I only know that he comes from the four one of the Print-Rite sword domain!" Clouds sound heavy road. Xiao lie stiff,The eyes and hands in the endless excitement and shock trembling violently. But Xiao Lingxi read "low Print-Rite sword domain name", is still a blank. Never heard the name of the four holy land, she did not understand the Print-Rite sword domain four words is a very scary concept. As a powerful sword villa was, to the Print-Rite sword domain, but also a basic doctrine are not.

once, Xiao strong thought many times to take revenge. He had dark oath no matter who is the murderer, in the day to find him, he must personally let blood. However, the name "Print-Rite sword domain", as a high mountain peak pressure in his heart,Let him feel a deep sense of despair, the fire of revenge, almost completely extinguished by a moment...... Tianxuan
G7, sofu Empire minimum, the strength of the bottom, but also on the country's annual Phoenix God disguised worship. And four holy places, that is beyond the day Xuan seven, even powerful God Phoenix Empire, also dare not provoke four holy places. In front of four holy beings, as ants generally humble...... The enemy, he how to report? What to report?

Xiao strong reactions, let the clouds know he was thinking about what. He stood in front of his word to Xiao, clank said: "Grandpa, though,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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