第405章 地下交易会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “有没有清点过凤玉殿都丢失了些什么东西?”凤横空怒眉道。 凤熙辰恭敬的答道 การแปล - 第405章 地下交易会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “有没有清点过凤玉殿都丢失了些什么东西?”凤横空怒眉道。 凤熙辰恭敬的答道 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第405章 地下交易会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “有

第405章 地下交易会







































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Chapter No. 405 underground trade fair Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "Ever counted Fung Yu House have lost something? "Phoenix swept past nu brow road. Feng XI-e respectfully replied: "Ming sea steal up to something in the past, purple-veined Crystal, however, Fung Yu House of the purple-veined Crystal Crystal with purple veins gods are not the slightest bit reduced, but ... ... Used less than half of half of strains of Phoenix in Kwai. Presumably that thieves in touch guard after the mysterious mind is confused, pick up things then fled in such a hurry. ” "Half-plant Phoenix Kwai? "Phoenix Kwai although scarce, but Phoenix Shenzong, there is nothing too precious things, chicken turned out cold snorted:" even if nothing less, he dares to race through my Phoenix Shenzong, is suicidal. From today, all in the Empire-wide trace Hua 洺hai, and if you can capture the best if it is difficult to capture, kill! ”"Yes!" Nelson immediately ordered. Flowers Ming the sea even if there is Heaven, and also don't want to escape our Phoenix Shenzong's Palm. "Feng XI-Chen promised. "This is to give it to you to do. Hua 洺hai in and out of my Phoenix Shenzong, worthy for your test! Don't let me down. ” "Yes, father, and son Nelson will not let my father down. ” Phoenix swept past turned to leave, stepped to the door stop, light said, "in qualifying before the war started, er Qi Feng Valley snow diving, Qi Feng Valley 50 miles around, no one, even if there are big things, or close to half a step! But I still have confidence, when you order the tracing Hua Ming sea, arranged some Shou Qi Feng East zone, West and North sides, and will never allow anyone near, er if anyone dare to disturb the snow, no matter who, shoot on sight! ” "Yes, Minister to do it right away. ”Phoenix turned out to leave, Feng Xian Chen sighed slightly, after a long silence, starting up again, he paced back and forth dozens of later in the House, finally a Wrinkly, whispered, "red fire, come in! ” A light flashes, a 50-something look middle-aged man appeared as the teleport in front of Feng Xian Chen, crawl: "Prince of the command. ” "You're ligong, these days, God looking for a Phoenix City secret called ' Yun Che ' man! He will come to the ranks of seven, will appear within half a month ... ... Perhaps has come. After finding him, immediately. will he kill ... ... Remember, do not good as secret as possible, kill directly destroyed, what best marks don't leave! "Fung Hee e eyes Yin Road. "Yes, son. "Phoenix red fire nod assent."Remember, this thing other than your my, don't let anyone else know! Including my father. "Fung Hee e look dignified road. Phoenix red fire face the surprising flashes of color, and then nods without hesitation: "old slave will certainly not disappoint Prince ... ... Old slave to go back upstairs. ” Phoenix red fire away, Feng Xian Chen hands clench her, her eyes glinting in malice and hate the light, and his crooning: "Yun Che ... ... Don't kill you, is really difficult to understand my heart ever! But before the war, you should have to die! Stay off Sofu, that deep, and will be forever buried under my feet! ”The next day, Yun Che according to violet's direction, came to God down inflammation of the Phoenix City Chamber of Commerce. After Yun Che found here just as violet said, although the hanging Chamber of Commerce, but is not a legitimate Chamber of Commerce, exactly, more like an underground Exchange! And the scale is not very big. In this area, there are many similar underground trading, Chamber of Commerce and everyone's name. However, as long as I can get to Phoenix in Kwai, is a Chamber of Commerce or a black market, it is not important. Yun Che at a remote dark Lane, saw the inscription "falls Chamber of Commerce inflammatory" four characters plaques. Beneath the plaque, are graceful stood a young girl, seeing Yun Che approached, she was greeted by: "the son, came to the fair falls inflammatory? ”"Yes, girls lead the way. "Yun Che face a natural way. In Cangzhou city, he met a large number of the black market, the black market is trading places by people, but also to pay high "admission". The lead girl said: "today's falls inflammatory fair will be on sale at more exotic treasures, gold slightly higher than normal so admission will take you 20 purple black coin. ” 20 sounds more ... ... 20 purple black coin, but whole Huang Xuan, 200,000 coins! "Admission of gold"! 云澈没有多言,痛快的交上二十紫玄币……眼前这个小姑娘,绝不可能想到云澈的身上身怀着整整千亿黄玄币的巨款。 “公子请随我来。”少女收下紫玄币,带着云澈走进暗巷,在几次道路的转折后,走入一个隐蔽的地下空间,这个空间并不宽阔,一共也只摆放了三四十个座位,此时这些座位上,散乱的坐着二十几个人。这里虽然偏僻隐蔽,但这些人的衣着却无不华贵至极……连高达二十紫玄币的入场费都愿意交付的人,身家自然绝不简单。 云澈进来之后,在场的人纷纷瞟了他一眼,在感知到他只有地玄境的玄力后,脸上无不露出不屑的神情,然后把脸别过去,再也不看他一眼。不满二十岁的地玄境,这在苍风国是难得一见的绝顶天才,但在神凰帝国,却也只能沦为中下流而已,在这些自诩上流的人眼中,根本不值一提。 云澈也自然不会理会任何人,随便找了一个地方坐下。 云澈之后,却也没有其他人再进来,没等多久,一个娇媚入骨的声音传来:“各位公子,让你们久等了呢。”暗门打开,一个身材丰满,体态婀娜的女子缓步走出,她的身后,跟着一个头发半百的老者。女子一身贴身黑衣,曲线尽露,一双媚眼宛若桃花,水汪汪的看着在场所有人,几乎要勾走他们的魂魄。 “唷……我的小柒柒,你可终于来了,我可是都等的望眼欲穿了。”一个蓝服青年站起身来,眼睛直勾勾的看着走进的女子,一副色与魂授的模样。 “咯咯咯咯……”女子掩唇而笑,声音酥软骚.媚:“公孙公子总是这么心急,奴家向各位保证,今天的宝物,一定不会让各位失望。各位公子可要瞪大眼睛,好好的看着奴家,过会竞价的时候,可千万不要留情哦。哦对了,几位初次见面的公子,奴家小柒,是落炎交易会的主持,以后可要经常光临,常来看看奴家哦。” 这个名为小柒的女子言语娇媚,姿态妖娆万千,在场的男性虽然表面上依旧一本正经,但都食指晃动,暗流口水。若说真正淡定如初的,基本也只有云澈一人……因为这个狐狸精和他的两个妻子相比,差的实在太远,让他纵然调动男人的本能,也根本提不起半点兴趣。 “本公子哪次出手让小柒柒失望了。”被称作“公孙公子”的青年色眯眯的看着小柒:“就是不知道,今天要拍卖的宝物中,有没有小柒柒你这件宝物呢?要是有的话,本公子就是败尽家产,也要买下来。” “咯咯,公孙公子真坏。”小柒伸手掩口,给了公孙公子一个风情万种的眼波,直把他迷得全身发软。 云澈的心中一万只草泥马狂奔而过。交易会总算进入正题,小柒伸出,从身后老者的手里拿过一个碧绿色的玉盒,她双手捧着玉盒,媚眼从每一人身上扫过,笑吟吟的道:“这个玉盒中,是两枚紫晶玉髓,是一处巨大的紫晶玉矿所蕴藏的最精华所在,以它驱动玄舟,一枚紫晶玉髓可驱动一艘十万斤的玄舟飞行一百个时辰,而将其倾注在有灵性的武器上,可大幅度增加武器的灵性哦。” 紫晶玉髓……可以增加武器的灵性? 云澈心中猛的一动。他的龙阙便是有着灵性的王玄之器,但其灵性并不高等,目前表现最多的,也只是在离手后自动回归,以及愤怒时发出龙吟,如果可以让它具有更强的灵性,无疑对自己会有着很大的裨益。 他只为凤凰葵而来,没想到居然会遇到这紫晶玉髓。这个地下交易会规模虽小,但卖出的东西,却是极不简单,也难怪入场费如此之高。“哦!居然是紫晶玉髓!”那个公孙姓的青年脸上露出了兴奋的神情:“这东西,本公子可是找了好久了,没想到小柒柒手里就有,还是两枚……不愧是我的小柒柒!快说,这两枚紫晶玉髓的低价是多少?” 小柒手托起玉盒,媚眼眯成一条细细的缝:“六百紫玄币,公孙公子应该知道紫晶玉髓的珍贵,所以这个价格,一定都不贵哦。” “六百……嗯,这个价格的确厚道。”公孙姓的青年笑眯眯道,他半转过身,向周围的人一抱拳,道:“各位朋友,在下圣剑宗公孙宇,急需这紫晶玉髓提升爱剑灵性,还望各位朋友高抬贵手,让给在下。”“圣剑宗公孙宇”几个字一出,不少在场之人顿时色变,准备竞价的念头也一下子压了下去。圣剑宗虽不能和凤凰神宗相比,但也是神凰帝国赫赫有名的宗门之一,在神凰城也是不可招惹的一霸。而这个公孙宇,便是圣剑宗现任宗主最小的儿子。 一个懒洋洋的声音在这时响起:“公孙老弟,既然是交易会,当然是价高者得之,你这样玩,让小柒姑娘还怎么做生意?小柒姑娘不说什么,我都看不下去了。” 听了这话,公孙宇一点都不生气,反而大笑了起来,向说话的那人一拱手,道:“纳兰兄教训的是,兄弟我一时见猎心喜,有些激动了,绝对下不为例。”一听“纳兰”二字,场中之人再次色变……纳兰世家,同样是神凰城的巨头之一,而且和圣剑宗是千年的世交。说话的人名纳兰雄,在纳兰世家的身份同样显赫无比,他看上去是在斥责公孙宇,实则,却在以两家之威名,向在场的其他所有人施加压力,让他们断然不敢和公孙羽宇竞价。 “两枚紫晶玉髓,六百紫玄币,我要了。”公孙宇笑眯眯的道。



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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 405 underground Fair
site domain text read phone line synchronous read visit "There is no inventory had jade phoenix temple have lost what things?" Feng turned angry frown Road. Feng Xi Chen respectfully replied: "Hai Ming spent most of the past to steal something, it is purple veins Crystal, however, jade phoenix temple Crystal violet and purple veins God crystal veins are not the slightest reduction, but added less ...... Semi strains used half sunflower Phoenix. presumably after the touch guard that Zeizi mysterious array mind chaos, grabbed things hastily fled. " "Semi strain Phoenix Kwai?" Phoenix Kwai though scarce, but in terms of the Phoenix Ancestor , it is nothing too precious things, Phoenix turned Lengheng heard:. "Even if nothing less alone, he dared to break me Ancestor Phoenix, is the kiss of death starting from today, in the whole range of tracing empire flower Ming Hai whereabouts, if alive back to the best, if difficult to capture, killing on the spot! " " Yes! Er Chen went immediately ordered. That took ALFA sea even with Babel can, we should not even think to escape Phoenix Ancestor palm. "Feng Xi Chen promised. "This, then handed down to you. ALFA sea can safely spend out in Phoenix me Ancestor, worthy as your test! I do not let down. " " yes, Fu Huang, Er Chen Fu Huang will certainly let Disappointment " Feng turned turned to leave, when the pace halt to the door step, faint: "Before qualifying war began, the snow will Xifeng Valley Pediatric Qianxiu, Xifeng valley around fifty years, anyone, even if there are days big thing, nor close to half a step! But I still do not trust, when you ordered the sea to trace the flower ALFA, arrange some people waiting in Xifeng Valley East, West, North on three sides, never promised anyone near, if dares Pediatric disturb the snow, no matter who he is, shoot to kill! " " yes, Er Chen immediately handed down. " After Feng turned to leave, Feng Xi Chen little sigh of relief, after a long silence, began to anxiety up, he was in the house After dozens of pacing back and forth, and finally frowned and whispered: "! red fire, come in" a flash fire, a fifty-year-old middle-aged man looked as teleport-like appearance in Phoenix Xi Chen before, he bowed and said:. "What is commanded Prince" ! "you immediately Rikyu, these days, in the scope of God Phoenix, looking for a secret called 'cloud Che' who he wants to attend the seven countries qualifying battle, half there will be a certain ...... perhaps has come. He found immediately would he secretly killing ...... remember, do better the more secret, direct Hui Shi after killing, the best Do not leave any traces next! "Feng Xi Chen eyes Yinhen Road. "Yes, Prince." Phoenix red fire nods answered. "Remember, this thing from me but you, do not let anyone else know! Including my Fu Huang." Feng Chen Xi look dignified he said. Color red fire phoenix surprise flash across his face, then nodded without hesitation: "Laonu prince will certainly not let down ...... Laonu retire." phoenix red fire leave, Feng Xi Chen hands clenched, eyes flashing with insidious hate light, he crooning:!! "Cloud Che ...... not personally kill you, really obscure my heart of hate war but before qualifying, you must die to be extinguished Cang wind country, During that deep-seated humiliation will forever buried under my feet! " The next day, according to Yun Chol said the purple pole position, came down inflammation Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, the city of God. Arrived, Yun Chol found here really like the purple pole said, although the name of the Chamber of Commerce of the hanging, but not what orthodox Chamber of Commerce, accurate to say, is more like an underground Exchange! And size is not large. Among this area, similar underground exchanges, there are many, and are hung with the name of Chamber of Commerce. However, if you can buy the Phoenix Kwai, it is the Chamber of Commerce or the black market, the idea is not important. Yun Chol in a secluded alley, saw engraved with "off the inflammation Chamber of Commerce," the words of the plaque. Below the plaque, is Tingting standing a young girl, seeing the Che approached, she greeted the initiative: "? The son, is to attend trade fairs do fall inflammation" . "yes, also invited the girl to lead the way." Yun Chol natural expression of the Road. Cang cloud had in the continent, he contacted a large number of the black market, the introduction of these people are from the local black market transactions, but also pay high "admission gold." The escorts girl said: "Today's fall inflammation Fair will sell a number of pieces of rare treasures, so admission is slightly higher than usual gold, purple mysterious in 24 credits." twenty sounds much ...... But twenty mysterious purple coins, but a full two hundred thousand mysterious yellow coins! Only "admission gold"! Yun Chol did not say, happy to turn in twenty mysterious purple coins ...... just this little girl could not possibly think of cloud Che's body body With a full one hundred billion mysterious yellow coins of money. "Son, please come with me." purple mysterious girl accept coins, with a cloud Che walked into the alley, turning several times after the road, into a hidden underground space, this space is not wide, a total of only swing put a thirty or forty seats, this time on these seats, more than two dozen people sat scattered. Although remote hidden here, but these people are not luxury clothing but no extreme ...... even up to twenty mysterious purple coins are willing to deliver people admission, net worth naturally not simple. Che came after cloud, the presence of people have glanced at him, at his perceived to be mysterious territory only after a mysterious force, all exposed look of disdain on his face, then do not face the past, no longer look at him. Habitat twenty mysterious dissatisfaction, which in Cang wind country is extremely rare genius, but in the God Phoenix empire, but it can only be reduced in the downstream, in the eyes of these vaunted high and not worth a mention. Yun Chol naturally will not bother anyone, just to find a place to sit. After the cloud Che, but no one else would come in, did not wait long, Life's a charming voice:. "You son, keep you waiting too" secret door opens, a plump, graceful woman slowly out behind her, followed by a hair fifties man. A close-fitting black woman, curve Jin Lu, a pair of flirtatious like a peach, watery watching all those present, almost to hook away their soul. "Phew ...... my little qi qi, you can finally come, I'm all like wistfully." A young blue suit stood up and looked into the eyes peering woman, a pair of color and soul delegated appearance. "Giggle giggle ......" woman cover lip smile, voice melted Sao Mei:. "Kung son always so impatient, Nujia assure you that today's treasures, will not let you down you son staring happen. Nujia looked good, I would bid, it may never mercy oh. Oh yeah, several first met son, Nujia small qi, is chaired off the inflammation Fair, after you had better visit often, often to Oh, look Nujia. " The woman called small qi speech charming, enchanting posture thousands, although on the surface in the presence of men is still serious, but all index finger shaking undercurrent saliva. If that real calm as ever, the basic one and only cloud Che ...... because this vixen and his two wives, compared difference is too far away, so that he even mobilizing men's instincts, but also did not get the slightest interest. "The son of shots which allow small qi qi disappointed." Known as "Kung-son," youth color Mimi looked at the little qi: "I did not know that today treasures up for auction, there is no small qi qi you This treasure it? If so, is the failure to make the son possessions, but also to buy down. " " Giggle, Kung son really bad. "small qi hand hush gave Kung son of a style of thousands of wavefront, until the His fans have body weak. Yun Chol heart ten thousand mud horse bolted and over. Fair finally entered, small qi stretched, took a aquamarine Yuhe from behind the old man's hands, her hands holding Yu He, winks from every person who swept him, smiling, said: "This Yuhe in a two amethyst chalcedony, amethyst is a huge jade mine hidden in the most essence, with its mysterious boat driver, an amethyst chalcedony can drive a ten kg of a mysterious flying boat hundredth hour, and poured it on a spiritual weapon, can greatly increase the spiritual weapons oh. " amethyst chalcedony ...... you can increase spiritual weapons? Yun Chol fierce hearts of a move. Que is his dragon Wang Xuan of the device has a spiritual, but spirituality is not higher, most of the current performance, it is only after the automatic return from the hand, and the issue of Dragons anger, if you can make it a stronger spirituality, no doubt it will have a great benefit. He only came to Phoenix Kwai, did not expect to actually experience this amethyst chalcedony. The small size of the underground trade fairs, but sell things, but it is very simple, it is no wonder so high admission fee. "Oh! I am actually amethyst chalcedony!" The young man surnamed Kung-exposed face of the look of excitement: "This thing, the son, but for a long time, did not think small qi qi hands there, or two ... ... indeed my little qi qi quickly said that two amethyst chalcedony is how much cheap! "? Little hands hold qi Yu He, flirtatious narrowed thin seam: "six hundred mysterious purple coins Gongsun son should know amethyst chalcedony precious, so the price, certainly not expensive, oh. " "six hundred ...... ah, the price is really kind." Gongsun surname smiling young, and he was half-turned to people around a Baoquan, said: "Dear friends, the next Kung Yu sword were in urgent need of upgrading this amethyst chalcedony love sword of spirituality, but also hope to spare our friends, give the next." "Sword Kung Yu were" several a word, a lot of the presence of people suddenly pale, prepare bid idea has suddenly suppressed. Sword cases, although not compared to Phoenix Ancestor, but one of these doors is also well-known empires of the Phoenix God, in God Phoenix, also can not provoke a tyrant. And this Kung Yu, is the sword were the youngest son of the current sovereign. A lazy voice sounded at this time:? "Gongsun brother, since it is fair, of course, is the highest bidder, so you play, so that small qi qi small girl how to do business but also the girl did not say anything, I see Not anymore. " Hearing this, Kung Yu not angry, but laughed, talking to the man one hand, he said: "Nalan brother learned that my brother sometimes see hunting delighted, some excited, absolutely not to be repeated. " a "Nalan" word, the farm people the mere mention again ...... Nalan family, is also one of the giants of Phoenix, God, and the sword were a thousand years and a family friend. Speaker名纳兰​​male in a family of the same identity Nalan very prominent, he appears to be in a rap Kung Yu, but in reality, but in the order of two of the Wal-Mart, to everyone else in the presence of pressure, so that they can not categorically and public Sun Yuyu bid. "Two amethyst chalcedony, six hundred purple mysterious coins, I'll take it." Kung Yu smiling Road. But this time, an extremely dull, but very discordant voice suddenly came from a corner:. "Seven mysterious purple credits" Kung Yu brow and shoved a lock, turned his head, his eyes fell on the cloud Che's body. He glanced at the cloud Che mysterious force repair, Mouzhong flashed deep disdain ...... but the other side has the courage and his bid, maybe prominent net worth, he did not dare to offend, not salty not pale said: " ? The friend, it seems you are do not want to give me this face Kung Yu " cloud Che faint smile, he said: "What I want is amethyst chalcedony, and your face what is the relationship?" Kung Yu mouth fretting , gloomy face was down, he sneered: "You say very well, fair competition relies on strength, rather than face since you also want this amethyst chalcedony, it would have to see you there. The ability of the ...... one thousand mysterious purple coins! "R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 405 underground transactions will
pure polyphonic text online reading this domain name mobile phone reading please visit

"are not counted Feng Yu Diandou lost some of what thing?" Feng Mei, turned to anger.

Feng Chen Xi respectfully replied: "spend the Minghe sea ever steal most things is purple veins Tianjing, however, in the house of Feng Yu purple vein Tianjing and purple veins God Jingdu no slightest decrease, but... Half of the half of the phoenix. Want is the villain in touch after the guardian Xuan array mind chaos, grabbed something rushed away." Half line Phoenix

"sunflower?" Phoenix is rare, but it is the case of the Phoenix,Also not what too precious things, Feng Heng Kong is cold to hum a: "even if nothing less, by he dared to break my Phoenix God Pope is suicidal. Starting from today, in the scope of the Empire of tracing the whereabouts of the Minghe sea flower, if alive back to the best, if it is difficult to capture, killed! " "Yes! Er Chen immediately ordered to. The flower of Ming sea even if there is all powerful, we also don't want to escape the Phoenix Shenzong's palm." Feng Xi Chen guarantee way. "This will give

, you do. Take the sea safely in and out of my Ming Shenzong Phoenix, as worthy of your test! Don't let me down." "Yes, father,Do not let father disappointed Er chen."

Feng Heng Kong turned to leave, step to the door stop, light way: "before qualifying battle began, pediatric snow will in the Xifeng Valley Qianxiu, Xifeng valley around 50, anyone, even if there is a day, nor shall close half step! But I still some not trust, you ordered to track down the Minghe sea flower, arrange some people keep in the habitat, Phoenix Valley East, West and north sides promise not anyone near, if who dares disturb pediatric snow, no matter who, shoot! " "Yes, the son minister immediately

do." After leaving the Feng Feng
turned, Xi Chen relieved slightly, after a long silence,And began to impatience, he in the house of the paced dozens of back and forth, finally eyebrows a wrinkly, low channel: "red fire, come in!"

a flash fire, a looks fifty years old, middle-aged people such as teleport like appeared in front of Chen in Xifeng, devoting a way: "the emperor's son has any orders." You

"palace, these days, in the God Phoenix range in search of a secret called 'clouds' people! He will come to attend the qualifying battle, half a month will appear...... It might have come. When he found him, he was going to kill him...... Remember, the more the better, the more the better, and then kill the body directly,Best not to leave any trace!" Chen Feng Xi Tao Yin malicious eyes. "Yes, the prince." Phoenix red fire nods answer. "Remember, it's not about you and me, don't let anyone else know! Including my father." Feng Xi Chen face dignified way.

Red Phoenix Fire face surprised color flash, then do not hesitate to nod: "old Nu certainly will not be let down Prince... Leave comments."

Feng red fire left, Chen Feng Xi clenched hands, eyes flashing with insidious hate light, he moaned: "clouds...... Do not personally kill you, it is difficult for me to hate! But before qualifying, you must not die!Stay out of sofu, that moment of shame, will be forever buried beneath my feet!"
second days, clouds in violet polar said range, came to the God Phoenix City Chamber of Commerce fell inflammation.

, cloud Checai, here indeed as expected such as extreme ultraviolet (EUV) said, while hanging from the name of the chamber of Commerce, but is not what orthodox chamber of Commerce, accurate to say, more like is an underground exchange! And the size is not large. There are many of the same kind of underground exchanges in the region, and they are all linked to the name of the chamber of Commerce.

but, as long as you can buy Phoenix Kui, the chamber of Commerce or the black market, it is not important.

clouds in a remote dark alley,See the imprint of "arthritis fall four word plaque chamber of Commerce". Below the plaque is Tingting stands a young girl, see cloud Che approached, she greeted the initiative: "the childe is, to participate in the inflammatory fair??" "Yes, please
girl." The expression of natural clouds. Originally in the cloud Cang mainland, he contacted a lot of black market, the black market are introduced into it by people place, while still paying the high admission gold ".

that take the lead to the girl and said: "today's inflammatory trading will there will be many rare treasures of the sale, so admission gold to than usual slightly high, need 20 purple Xuan coins."

Twenty not much to hear...... But the twenty purple black, but a full two hundred thousand yellow! Still only "admission"!

clouds no to say more, happy to pay twenty purple Xuan coins...... In front of the little girl, could never have imagined that the clouds with the whole body of billions of dollars of money Huang xuan. Please come with me

girl accept purple Xuan coins, with Che Yun into a dark alley, after the turning point in the road, into a hidden underground space, this space is not wide, a total of only placed 40 seats, when the seat, scattered sitting more than twenty people. Although the remote hidden here,But these people are all expensive clothes...... Even as high as twenty purple Xuan admission coins are willing to delivery, net worth is not a simple nature.

clouds came in, the people present have Piao his one eye, in the perception to him only to Xuan Xuan force, face, without exception, show disdain, then face don't in the past, never to see his one eye. Dissatisfaction at the age of twenty more mysterious territory, which in the Cang breeze country is rare and extremely talented, but in the God Phoenix Empire, but also can become for downstream, in the eyes of these prides itself on the upper reaches of the man, not worth mentioning.

clouds naturally will not bother anyone, casually looking for a place to sit down.

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