第二百九十九章 魔恨铠 “叮!” 系统公告:恭喜玩家逍遥自在成功杀死【上古之城】(所属八荒城)的最终BOSS【不灭绝望・李青】,获得奖励魅力 การแปล - 第二百九十九章 魔恨铠 “叮!” 系统公告:恭喜玩家逍遥自在成功杀死【上古之城】(所属八荒城)的最终BOSS【不灭绝望・李青】,获得奖励魅力 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百九十九章 魔恨铠 “叮!” 系统公告:恭喜玩家逍遥自在成功杀死【

第二百九十九章 魔恨铠
























































































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 299 Devil hated armor "Bing! ” System announcements: congratulations player succeeded in killing Sans-Souci "city of the ancients" (owning bahuang City) the final BOSS of "eternal despair • Li Qing" rewarded charm, +15, experience points to upgrade the level of the 150%, and SSS skill book "Zhong Dragon Roar of Thunder!" Congratulations to player at the Sans-Souci bahuang city becomes final MVP player in the city of the ancients, and bonus charm +7! The bahuang version complete city of the ancient city, ancient city area within 1 hour into a security area, unable to attack, 10 hours after the refresh disappeared. …… "Brush! ” Up two in a row, I'm already at level 70 and bahuang city first to reach level 70 players! Step forward, Qin Wangjian sweep, shouted "get lost!" ” "And BAM! ” Air agitation, a group attempting to take BOSS loot wit players have been swept away, bent over, Li burst out of the 3 together with God so that all revenue package, you don't even have a gems card or something down! Pour a bottle of blood, full of blood, at a glance, Janus Ling Yu, Han broke a leg, but Dragoon war property as my knee and thrown into the package, throw back to Ran Min and Li Mu, are good, but giving preference to Ran Min, his explosive Super, but life is so bad. "Slappy......" A strands blood along Qin Wangjian drops splash in sand among, ancient of city signals rolling, finally end has, city of remains and mess, broken residual of wall Shang also lying with many players of body, city outside more is countless of dead, bahuang City million players almost all died Yu ancient of city of battle among, but, some people get has many award, some people is lost has too more too more has. …… "We ... ... Do we really lose? "A cutting edge practice Commandant bows carrying the flag of long bow, just standing there, is unwilling to hold long bow:" we ... ... Our cutting edge was lost long...... " My Qin Wangjian and said nothing. The crowd, Yan and Zhao without carrying a bloodstained sword, with endless tiredness on your face, look at me, smiled: "Li xiaoyao, congratulations, finally killing the Dragon is the winner of the city of the ancients......" I creep at the mouth: "thank you ... ... But the costs are too great, long except for me, all killed...... " "That was to become King of the price! On the rotting bones, this is history! ” "Next time will not be! ” I clenched his fist and said, "now, but I'm not strong enough, wait long enough for one day, I want my brothers to live with me in the end! ” Yanzhao is matchless: "......" …… Then, finally came lean months pale in the Guild channel voice: "hehe, congratulations happy brother obtained from God so that, free brother best, favorite free brother!! ” Green tea also smiled and said: "the boss so sharp, really got it in from the edge of the cold hand of God! ” Li Mu said with smile: "this is the result of working together, it seems ... ... Long remained the leader of our people, right? ” "Well. "Lean months light:" I was the last to die, and only carefree brother in the city of the ancients. ” Song Han smiled: "happy brother, BOSS broke something, give us an eye? ” "Well. ” I sweep has a eye package, three pieces equipment quietly of lying in corner in, which, a double flashing with orange Guanghua of fine war boots, dense with Majesty gloss, addition also has a Deputy Xuan black armour, pan with light of Indigo color gloss, last is is a handle war hammer, killed meaning full, hammer body full has pointed Cone, very ferocious, a see on belongs to that a hammer down not died also disability of level, first, holding up war boots, reaches a brushed, property shared in has Guild channel in, let group people are almost to flow saliva has-- "SHOMU boots" (Ling-Yu) Categories: armoured Defense: 400 Power: +52 Manual: +49 Swift: +47 Additional: gives users a 16% defence force Additional: gives users a 26% spirit of resistance Additional: improve user 11% speed Required level: 70 …… "Wow, speed of 11%, 16% of Defense, these boots are so aggressive that high defense high magic resistance JP Yes......" green tea MM light laughed. "Level 70 boots ... ... Congratulations, free brother! "Lean months light road. Li Mu curled: "boss lucky......" I SHOMU boots directly on the equipment, replace Ziyang boots, said: "the Bank will not level 70 person, that my own equipment, will not ROLL ... ..." Wang Jian chuckled: "Hmm, but it boots the property really aggressive! ” "What the hell, there are even more aggressive ... ..." I smiled, put up black armour, shared property, when Wang Jian, Li Mu, Ran Min, green tea, a group of heavy armor-players was about to faint, which-- "Magic hates armor" (ling) Categories: armoured Defense: 570 Power: +70 Manual: +68 Swift: +65 Additional: gives users a 20% defence force Additional: increase 15% damage Additional: improve user 1200 life Cap Bonus: Magic hate, user 30% chance to MISS out any form of magic attacks Required level: 70 …… "Fuck! ” Ran Min is estimated, table-pounding: "the demons hate armor is frenzied, the properties have too TMD frenzied, no way to live, too frenzied......" Song Han laughed: "Krzyzewski with three frenzied expressed his indignation, how cool is this magic hates Kai......" Li Mu speechless: "20%, 15% resistance attack, 1200 lives, also has a 30% chance to MISS out magic attacks, hate how much armor you say the magic mind?! ” I possessed to hate sheathed hands are shaky, feathers, this should be the first day of ling's armor, Gee, last BOSS was to force the city of the ancients! Directly on the equipment, magic hates sheathed entirely black glass, murderous, also from Han Huang Dragon makes me a bright little image of God Warrior is going to hell, look at properties, two consecutive JP equipment breaking eyes – 【逍遥自在】(龙域守夜者) 等级:70 攻击:2914-3878 防御:2824 生命:6545 魔法:2696 魅力值:109 CBN战网排行:22 …… 把个人属性也共享在行会频道里,顿时引发了一连串的惊叹—— 冉闵:“靠,2800+防御力的剑士,这还是剑士?!谁告诉我,2800防御6500气血的人能是剑士吗?这不是苦行僧??” 抹茶轻笑:“老大的属性,真心让人服气,不服不行……” 李牧哈哈一笑:“汪泽诚觉得自己2900防御是八荒城第一,现在看来,盟主在不装备盾牌的情况下已经差不多能完爆他了!” 月倾浅笑吟吟道:“逍遥哥哥,你有没有发现,你的CBN战网排行榜在经历这次上古之城之后,从26名上升到了22名了耶,照这个速度,不出三个月,你一定能进入中国服务器的战网前十,那是就算是一代宗师了哦……” 我微微一笑:“嗯!” 然后,第三件装备,是那副锤子,70级灵禹器战锤,经过商议之后,给东城雷吧,不能一直装备冉闵了,不然别人会说我们太过于护短。(锤子属性不写了,不然会被骂凑字数) …… 最终,拿出了包裹里的一本技能书,是杀死李青的时候系统奖励的SSS级技能书,共享在了行会频道里,再次掀起了一阵惊叹狂潮,上古之城一役之后,完全就是在开阔斩龙行会玩家对装备与技能的认知范围了—— 【洪钟雷鸣之龙啸】(SSS级):凝聚上古龙力,发出一声咆哮,提升周围10码内友方单位40%的攻击力与防御力,耗魔100点,持续30分钟,冷却20分钟,需要玩家70级,需要职业:剑士、骑士、苦行僧,学习需要消耗魅力值10点。 …… “40%攻防提升……”李牧咕咚咽了口唾沫:“这技能才是真的不要脸、丧心病狂,比魔恨铠要丧心病狂一千倍一万倍!” 我说:“以后一起出去练级的时候,你也能加到40%攻防BUFF……” 李牧眉开眼笑:“洪钟雷鸣之龙啸这个技能其实设计得挺合理,毕竟是3S的技能,必须要有这个效果,40%的攻击防御提升……这真是极好的……” 众人:“……” …… “刷!” 耗费10点魅力值学习了这个SSS级技能,效果非常之赞,以后出门练级绝对是爽爆了,加上秦王剑的杀人饮血效果,嗯……放眼整个八荒城几乎没有什么敢跟我插旗的对手了,或许等斩龙的人数上来之后,我们就即将踏出称雄八荒城的第一步了。 掏出商神令,这枚金灿灿的令牌是我们斩龙这次征战上古之城的最终荣耀,嗯,可以去主城申请开店铺了! 回城! “刷!” 出现在八荒城中,把一身接近破烂的衣甲修理了一下,然后揣着令牌兴冲冲的奔向了城主府,罗雷公爵在等着我! “滴!” 一条消息,来自于美女大小姐林婉儿:“恭喜恭喜哦,你要请客吃饭了~~” 我不由一笑:“婉儿……” “干嘛……” “我想你了……” “太假!重新说!” “我想你请我吃饭了……” “这就对了……” 我无语,又问:“婉儿,凡书城的商神令花落谁家了呢?” 林婉儿不无骄傲的笑道:“我和东城辅助攻击,问剑拿到商神令了,这是意料之中的,不过我们损失非常惨重,打到最后,英雄冢一共还剩下400人不到了……” “这算什么,我们斩龙就剩下我一个人……” “好嘛,小女子心服口服了,什么时候下线夜宵呢?” “等等哈,我申请一下店铺先。” “嗯,我和东城等你电话哦!” “好的!” …… 捧着商神令,屁颠屁颠的来到城主府,将商神令呈献给罗雷一看,我沉身道:“罗雷大人,我想申请在八荒城的一块地皮,来建一座店铺,希望你能批准我的请求!” 罗雷看着商神令,道:“这是上古时代的宝物,好的,我准许你在八荒城运营一间商铺,不过年轻的战士,必须交纳一定的经费才能购买这块地皮……” “嗯,多少?” “刷”一下界面上跳出了购买地皮的费用,上面清晰的书写着一行数字—— 2000000RMB …… “我了个擦!200W,坑爹的吧?!” In the darkness, I approached the ROAR. Book starting from the 17K fiction network, see copyrighted content the first time!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and ninetieth IX hate magic armor "bite!" System Announcement: Congratulations to the players succeeded in killing free men [the ancient city of] (owned glorious city) the final BOSS · Liqing] [eternal despair, rewarded Charisma +15 experience to enhance the value of 150% of the level, and get SSS level skills book [thunder] Longxiao bells! Congratulations to the players to travel freely in the city, this glorious ancient city to become the ultimate MVP player, +7 Charisma bonus! The glorious city of the ancient city perfect end version, the ancient city area within one hour a safe area, you can not attack, refresh disappear after 10 hours. ...... "brush!" continuous increase of two, I was already 70, but also glorious city of the first players to reach 70! Pace forward, Qin sword sweep, low shouted: "Go away! " " Bang! " airflow agitation, a group tried to seize the edge BOSS loot players have been raiding open, bend, burst out of the Li Qing, along with three equipment suppliers God makes all wrapped into income, and even what gem cards did not fall! By filling a Xueping, fill the blood, I looked at Janus cold Ling Yu broke a leg device, but the property is not as good as my knee Qijiang war, thrown into the package, or Li Mu Min Ran threw back , all right, but it is still a priority to Ran Min, his powerful explosive, but life insurance is too bad. "Pops ......" a plume of blood dripping down the king sword in the sand among the ancient city of billowing smoke signals, finally ended, the city of corpses and messy, broken remnants of the walls also lay the bodies of many players , outside the more numerous corpses, glorious city of millions of players, almost all buried in the battle among the ancient city, but some people get a lot of reward, while others lost too much ʱ?? ...... "? We ...... we really lose it," a cutting edge execution flag Wei hand and longbow archers, standing there blankly, unwilling full grip bow: "We are ...... we actually cutting edge Killing the Dragon lost ...... " I put the King of Qin sword, silent. Crowd, Hebei Warriors carrying bloodstained sword, his face with endless fatigue, looked at me, smiled and said: "Lee Happy, congratulations, finally slaying the dragon is the ancient city of the winner ...... " I squirm a little mouth: "Thank you ...... but the price is too big, slaying the dragon besides me, everyone was killed ......" "That is the cost to become the king of a million marrow will be off the ground, this! ! is a historical necessity " , "! Next time, definitely not a" clenched my fist and said: "Now I'm just not strong enough, strong enough slaying the dragon until one day, I want my brothers went to live with me ! Finally, " Hebei Warriors: "......" ...... At this time, the guild channel in the shallow inclination month finally came the voice: "Hee hee, Congratulations Happy brother get quotient of God Order, Happy brother the most powerful, love Happy brother !! " Matcha also smiled and said: "Boss good sharp, really cold Janus grabbed from the hands of God, so that providers!" Mu laughed: "This is the result we work together, as if we chop ...... Long leaving the chief one, right? " "ah." shallow inclination month: "I was the last one to hang up, only Happy brother still the ancient city." Han Song laughed and said: "Happy brother, BOSS broke something, give us open our eyes? " " ah. " I glanced at the package, three of equipment lying quietly in a corner, where a pair of shining brilliance of delicate orange boots, dense with Wei Yan Guangze, additional There are a mysterious black battle armor, glowing light sheen of indigo, and finally edged hammer, intended to kill abundant, full of the hammer tip, very ferocious, to see one of those one-shot down the live disabled level, first of all, won boots, hand Yifu, property share in the guild channel, let a group of people are similar to drool over - boots] [Sheng Wu (Ling Yu device) Type: heavy armor Defense: 400 Power: +52 stamina: +49 Agility: +47 Additional: 16% of users to enhance defense force additional: 26% of users to enhance the spirit of resistance technique additional: enhance user movement speed by 11% Requires Level: 70 ...... "Oh wow, 11% movement speed, 16% of the defense, which is good boots domineering that high defense high magic resistance JP yeah ......" Matcha MM light laugh. "70 boots ...... Congratulations Happy brother!" Moon pour shallow channel. Li Mu Staveley: "Boss lucky ......" I Sheng-boots directly on equipment, replaced the boots Ziyang, said: "The Bank will also not have 70 people, that I have the equipment, do not ROLL point ...... " Wang Jian chuckle: "Er er, but the properties of these boots really domineering ah!" "What is this, there are more domineering ......" I smiled, picked up the black battle armor, shared properties a group of heavy armor when players tie, Wang Jian, Li Mu, Ran Min, green tea, etc. are almost fainted must have passed - [magic hate armor] (day Ling device) Type: Heavy Armor Defense: 570 Power: +70 stamina: +68 Agility: +65 Additional: 20% of users to enhance defense force additional: enhance user 15% of attack power attached: 1200 maximum life enhance user additional effect: magic hate, the user 30% chance MISS out any form Magic Attack Requires Level: 70 ...... ! "parade" Ran Min estimated pound the table: "This is simply magic hate armor frenzied ah, this property is too TMD frenzied, unable to live, too frenzied the ......" Han Song laughed: "old K with three frenzied express his indignation, hate magic armor which is more Niubi ah ......" Li Mu speechless: "The 20% versus 15% attack, 1200 life, and 30% MISS off chance magic attacks, you hate to say this magic armor in the end how insane?! " I hate magic armor holding hands are trembling, the day Ling, ah, this should be the first thing day Ling is armor, tut, ancient City last BOSS really to force! Direct equipment, whole body black magic hate armor glass, combative, but also makes me from the cold of a bright line shortage Dragon Warrior is about to become a little hell to kill the image of God, and when you look at the property for two consecutive JP equipment, simply shocking eye - [carefree] (LOE vigil) Level: 70 Attack: 2914-3878 Defense: 2824 Life: 6545 Magic: 2696 Charisma: 109 CBN Battle Network Rank: 22 ...... personal property is also shared line will channel inside, immediately triggered a series of amazing - Ran Min: "Damn it, 2800 + defense swordsman, who told me this is the swordsman, 2800 Defense 6500 blood people can swordsmen it?! ? This is not an ascetic ?? " Matcha chuckle: "Boss of property, really convinced people, not against ......" Li Mu laughed: "Wang Zecheng feel 2900 is the glorious city of defense first, it seems that the chief without equipment ! Shield case has almost burst can finish him, " May poured shallow smiling and said: "Happy brother, you have not found your battle CBN network rankings after experiencing the ancient city, rising from 26 to 22 the name of the Lord, at this rate, not three months, you will be able to enter the top ten Chinese war network server, it is even a great master, oh ...... " I smiled: "ah!" Then, the third member equipment, hammer askew, 70 Ling Yu is the hammer, after deliberation, to the East mine it, could not have been equipped with Ran Min, otherwise people will say we are too blundered. (Hammer Property not write, or will be scolded Minato words) ...... final, took the parcel a skill book, is SSS level skills book when kill Liqing system rewards, shared in the guild channel where, once again set off a burst of amazing frenzy, after the ancient city of battle, is entirely in the open cut Dragon guild players on equipment and range of cognitive skills - [bells] Longxiao thunder (SSS level): condensation on Cologne force, issued a roar, lifting around friendly units within 10 yards 40% of attack power and defense, mana cost by 100 for 30 minutes, cool for 20 minutes, require players to 70, require Occupation: swordsmen, knights, ascetic learning need to consume Charisma 10 points. ...... "40% of the offensive and defensive upgrade ......" Li Mu plump swallowed: "! That skill is really shameless, frenzied, hate magic armor to insane than a thousand times a thousand times," I said: "After going out with leveling the time, you also can be added to 40% offensive BUFF ...... " Li Mu grin: "bells thunder design Longxiao this skill actually quite reasonable, after all, 3S skills, must have this effect, 40% of the attack upgrade defense ...... This is really excellent ...... " crowd: "......" ...... ! "brush" 10:00 Charisma spend learning the skill level of the SSS, the effect is very praise, after leveling out is definitely cool burst plus the effect of killing the King of Qin sword to drink blood, ah ...... look at the whole glorious city almost nothing I would dare flags opponent, perhaps waiting for slaying the dragon came after the number, we will soon rule the roost glorious city to take the first Step up. God took providers make, While golden token of this campaign is that we cut the dragon final glory of the ancient city, ah, you can go to the main town of the application to open shop! Back to the city! "Brush!" appears in the glorious city, the one close to the broken Yi Jia repair a moment, then excitedly toward the token Chuaizhuo Santo, Duke Rowley waiting for me! "Drops!" a message from Ms Lin beauty Missy: "Congratulations Oh, you want to eat dinner ~ ~" I could not help smile: "Ms ......" "Why ......" "I miss you ...... " "!! Too fake again said," "I think you asked me to dinner ......" "That's right ......" I was speechless, asked: "Ms, where the bookstore gets quotient God make of it ? " Ms Lin smiled, not without pride: "I Dongcheng secondary attack, and asked God to make the sword to get the suppliers, which was expected, but we lost very heavy, hit the end, the hero mound left a total of 400 not the people ...... " "What is this, we cut the dragon leaving me alone ......" "Okay, little woman convinced, and when it offline supper? " " Ha, and so I applied at shop first. " " ah, I call you, and so East Oh! " " Yes! " ...... holding providers God orders came Pidianpidian Santo, the quotient of God was presented to Loredo make a look, I Shen body and said: "Loredo adults, I want to apply in the glorious city of piece of land to build a shop, I hope you approve my request!" Rowley looked at Suppliers of God Order, said: "This is a treasure of ancient times Ok, I'll allow you to operate a shop in the glorious city, but the young warrior, must pay a certain amount of funds to purchase this land ...... " "ah, how much? " " brush "about the interface out of the purchase of land cost, above the line of writing clear digital - 2000000RMB ...... "I had a rub 200W, pit father it!?!" In the darkness, I approached the roar. The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 299th chapter "hate magic armor


system announcement: congratulate player easygoing succeeded in killing [the ancient city (the city of) the final boss [eternal despair, Li Qing], charisma bonus to obtain the value of 15, experience value to enhance the level of 150% and SSS level skill book [Hongzhong Thunder Dragon squealing]! Congratulations to become the final game player MVP game player be leisurely and carefree in the city of the ancient city of eight, bonus charisma 7! End of the city of the ancient city version of the perfect, the ancient city area within 1 hour become safe area, unable to initiate the attack. After 10 hours refresh disappear.



The continuous rise of two grades, I am in grade 70, and eight city first to reach the 70 level game player!

pace forward, the sword sweep, low shouted: "get out of here!"


air agitation, a group that was trying to capture boss booty edge internationally have been mopping up open, bend, three Li Qingbao came out of the item together with business God to make fully package revenue among, even gem card what did not fall!

filling a Xueping, to fill the Qi and blood, to see one eye, cold sword broke a Ling Yu is leggings, but attributes as my dragoon will war knee, and threw it into the package, back to Min Li Mu or lost, whatever it is.But still give priority to his explosive super ran min, however, life insurance ability is too poor.


a plume of blood along Qin sword drops splash in the sands, the ancient city of Langyan billow has finally come to an end, Mancheng corpses and messy, breaking the residual wall also lay a lot of players body, outside the city is countless dead, eight Huangs City million internationally almost all buried in the ancient city of battle, however, some people won the many awards, some people lost too much.

...... We

"...... Did we really lose?" A cutting edge of the flag Wei hand Longbow archer,Stand there, full of unwilling: "we hold the bow...... We actually lost to dragon edge......" I am carrying the sword

, not to utter a single word.

the crowd, the Yan is matchless provided a bloody sword, face with endless fatigue, see to me, smiled and said: "Li Xiaoyao, congratulations to you, finally cut a dragon is the winner of the ancient city of......"

I crawling out of the corner of his mouth: "thank you...... But the price is too high, the dragon in addition to me, all of them were killed......"

"it is to be the king of the price! Achieves guku million, which is a historical necessity!" "Next time, must not!"

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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