张家人即使是所谓软弱的孩子,在战场上之凶狠,他也是有所耳闻的。这个孩子虽然年纪不大,定然不是什么省油的灯。张启山看着孩子继续打的指语,脸色阴 การแปล - 张家人即使是所谓软弱的孩子,在战场上之凶狠,他也是有所耳闻的。这个孩子虽然年纪不大,定然不是什么省油的灯。张启山看着孩子继续打的指语,脸色阴 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Family even supposedly weaker kids, on the battlefield of vicious, he is also heard. Though the child is not, certainly not fuel-efficient lights.Zhang Qishan watching a child play refers to the language, face clouded, and he made a gesture, this gesture Qi Tie mouth probably knows, is to give them a hand out. The child stubborn expression tremblingly. Seems to continue.Qi Tie mouth thinking fast, the heart that what you was Exchange, children touch a creepy guy, let him very afraid, Zhang Qishan asked him to pull out for himself, he was reluctant to make comment at risk? Almost in a Qi Tie mouth mind thinking of the moment, the boy suddenly was a shock, call out to. Then see his shoulder toward the whistle hole in sink, seems to be a huge force in it. His body with one hand and pressed down the coffin would like to put their hands out. But the coffins of great strength, he had no choice, moment half a shoulder has been dragged into it, can hear the entire backbone squeezed her shoulder made popping sound.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Zhang family, even the so-called weak children, in fierce on the battlefield, he also has heard of. What fool the child although age is not, surely not. Zhang Qi Shan watching the children continue to play refers to language, his face darkened, he made ​​a gesture, this gesture Qi Tiezui probably see to understand, is to let children handle removed. The child was trembling exposed stubborn expression. It seems will continue. Qi Tiezui brain turn quickly, the heart that what you in the end in exchange, the child touched what creepy thing, let him very afraid, so he pulled out Zhang Qi Shan hand-for himself, he was unwilling to let the Buddha lives at risk ? Almost at the moment Qi Tiezui mind thinking, and that the child suddenly shuddered, out loud to. Then to see his entire shoulder and shoved into the whistle hole sank, it seems to be a strong force dragged inside. His coffin with the other hand tightly suppressed body wants to come out of his hand. But the great strength Guanzhong, he had no way to instantly shoulders half dragged into it, to hear the voice of the entire issued backbone burst shoulders squeezed.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Zhang man even the so-called weak child, on the battlefield of the fierce, he also heard the. Although the child is not old, certainly not what fuel-efficient lights.

Zhang Qishan looking at a kid to play finger language, face clouded over, he made a gesture, the gesture Qi beak probably see to understand, let the children handle removed. The child was shaking and showing a stubborn expression. Seems to continue.

Qi beak brain turns quickly, the heart says you exactly in what the exchange is to touch a child to what creepy things, let him very afraid, Zhang Qishan let he pull shot for their own, but he didn't want to let the Buddha made risks?Almost at the moment of heart qi beak thinking, the child suddenly shuddered, shouted out. Then the whole shoulder to see his fierce whistle hole in the sink, seems to be a great power in tow. He used the other hand tightly suppressed the coffin body to take her hand out. But in the coffin of great strength, he had no way, instant half shoulder are dragged into, can hear the shoulders are squeezed a backbone burst of sound.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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