第416章 雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 不知过了多久,云澈的意识终于稍稍的复苏,痛感从全身的每一个角落传来。为了灭杀凤赤 การแปล - 第416章 雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 不知过了多久,云澈的意识终于稍稍的复苏,痛感从全身的每一个角落传来。为了灭杀凤赤 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第416章 雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 不知过了多

第416章 雪公主





























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 416 Snow PrincessOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit I do not know how long it takes, Yun Che was a slight recovery of consciousness, pain coming from every corner of the body. In order to kill the chicken red fire, he paid the price, larger than he had expected. Nearly half of systemic blood vessels cracks, some 70% muscles are subject to varying degrees of damage, the internal organs is the emergence of dozens of large and small cracks. And these, any kind of devolved upon the ordinary black, would have been killed. The feeling of pain, so Yun Che knows he isn't dead, body, began to recover. Vaguely, he felt a warm black gas away slowly in the body ... ... This is not part of his metaphysics, but from the outside, this mysterious force softly and carefully, seemed to want to heal his injuries, afraid to accidentally hurt him, this modest and jerky moves, proving the Yuen Yuen owners should never use gas for the rest and woundingWho is ... ... Who is save me ... ... Yun Che consciousness, at that moment appeared before passing the screen ... ... It was a beautiful, pure should not exist in the human face, that brief glimpse before, even though it is in a coma, but as mark, deeply etched in the depths of his heart and soul. So beautiful, anyone looking at a glance, life cannot be forgotten. A dream ... ... Still picture? Wrong ... ... Peerless beauty, even if it is a dream, even if it is the top artist in the world, it is impossible to paint.That dream pretty face, Yun Che awakened consciousness emerged out of control mist and intoxicated, even the pain from the body are forgotten. Gradually, the body warm and mysterious disappearance of the gas a little bit of that road, Yun Che has been silent. I don't know how long it takes, Yun Che shallow wake up again, felt, was still the way warm and soft black breath. In the coming days, and silence his growing awareness of recovery, recovery, will feel that kind of mysterious gas there ... ... Or rather, that kind of mysterious gas comes at a time, will make his brief awakening of consciousness. Finally, in some moment, Yun Che had the fingers of both hands at the same time, heavy eyelids, he will urge the next, a little open.Reflect in eyes, bright light, and blue sky. Yun Che body recovery is extremely alarming, as he opened his eyes, he could feel the existence of the limbs and body, although heavy, but with a clear sense of control. Empty Xuan Mai, also brought together a small number of black gas. These Hyun, and small quantities of body recovery, enough for him to do simple actions ... ... Including manage to stand up. Yun Che Palm grip, teeth, hard sat up from the floor ... ... "Ah, you're awake! ” A girl's voice coming from the ear, the voice was sweet and tender, Ethereal voice as if is does not belong to this world. Listening to the voice, Yun Che the fibrillation of the heart and soul that appeared out of control, and there is also a very crazy, irrepressible desire ... ... Desire is to take a look at the masters of sound, how much of a girl, was made and so pure sounds.He turned, to stand at his side girls figure ... ... It was a like a Wonderland out of the girl, the moment when I see her face, Yun Che awareness emerged of the moments of trance, he can't believe his eyes can see pictures ... ... Because he can't believe in this world, there should have been absolutely so created an attractive appearance. Yun Che went through all of his memory, but can not find any a words that can describe this pretty face.Girl a rich red, embroidered stripes circling a flying Phoenix. Phoenix yiyunche is not the first time I saw, and her Phoenix dress, gorgeous than Yun Che seen anything noble, whether red or Golden, shiny, as if every thread, every ornament, are made by the world's most luxurious materials. But this Phoenix dress in her fat jade, Sai snow bully frosty snow beneath the skin, was against the background of dull, which elsewhere is sufficient to stunning luxury clothing, but was unable to attract Yun Che even a shred of attention. His eyes were fixed on the girl's face, unable to move for a long time. Especially her eyes ... ... As if there is any quiet stream of blue pool in front of the two-as in a dream-like eyes, turned into a stream of poetic magic, such as the Verve of the fairy dream. This is before he is in a coma, see it with a shadow ... ... Which is not real, not a dream. She stood there in silence, as a butterfly's wings flutter flutter of eyelashes, there is no impurities, like mountain springs eyes with joy, and a nervous looking at him. A gentle wind gently brought up her skirt, that with a simple charm, but it is the most beautiful Psalms are not enough to describe.She appeared to be only 66 years old, dreamy and beautiful young appearing weak water, perhaps, on the charm, she leaning than summer months, but if the appearance of refinement and perfect, even though we were Sofu first fairy by recognized as the lean summer months, are inferior to her. Yun Che two born to all women in the world had ever seen, but also only do not belong to the world's jasmine with her shoulder. God as if all preference had been for the front of the face, gave the fairy girl. If he's just a mortal, convinced of his own heart and soul has been completely lost, but he is no ordinary person, entire black continent, can face alone can make him lose heart, and probably could not find a second person. He suddenly look away, little bow, over his heart, looked again to see the girl's face, still is beautiful beyond description. But it has not lost his mind. He opened his dry lips, export voice is hoarse and difficult: "are you ... ... You saved my...... ""Well ... ... I think so. "The girl curled petals like lips, in an uncertain voice say:" I was the first person to try to save lives, so don't know for days and days, I hesitate to tell the father, well, you wake up. Yes, what's your name, what elders under why Feng Cliff fall come from? ” Girl inadvertently say the words "father" Word, so Yun Che heart shakes violently. Father ... ... Luxury top Phoenix clothing ... ... 66 yrs of age ... ... There is beauty to the illusory appearance ... ...Does she spend Ming in Haikou, the mysterious beauty called days of "snow"!? Flowers Ming Hai exaggerated tone and said to him, "snow", he also dismissed. However, the girl in front of her face, really completely when "black beauty" in the title. However, if she is really the snow Princess, Shenzong Phoenix the most precious Pearl, Huang God divine treasure of the Empire as a whole ... ... That why is she here? Her words refers to "days", meaning that he has been in a coma for several days, and these days, she's been in! What the hell is going on here? Yourself right now, what is the situation?Yun Che mind spun, may move quickly through the brain. He made a moving body, sincere with fear: "my name is Feng Yun, elders was 19 under, I experience alone in the Phoenix mountains, encounters a mysterious and terrifying beast, is from Phoenix forced down the cliff ... ... Xie Xue Princess Grace. ” 女孩的眼睛清澈无暇,亮灿若辰,面对这样一双美眸,又是一个救了自己的女孩,说谎无疑是一种巨大的罪恶。但是,无论如何,重伤未愈的他,现在最需要的做的,就是保命。他知道,这个女孩之所以会救他,而且对他没有防备之心,是因为自己的身上,有着和她一样的凤凰气息。 “是这样哦……”雪公主有些天真的歪了歪螓首,然后纤眉一弯,轻轻的笑了起来:“果然和父皇说的一样,你一下子就知道我是谁了呢。父皇说过,在宗门之中,虽然我见过的人好少,但是所有的族人,就算没有见过我,也能一下子认出我来。”女孩笑的很纯真,宛若来自云间的仙乐,几乎足以将世界最罪恶的心灵都洗涤。云澈张了张嘴,发声道:“公主殿下是世界上最漂亮的女子,无论谁看到雪公主,都不会认错……这里,是什么地方?我是不是……打扰到公主殿下潜修了?” “这里是栖凤谷,是我从小玩到大的地方。”雪公主对云澈真的没有任何的防备,很自然的回答着他,或许他的凤凰血脉做了最好的佐证,也或者是她本来就是如此的单纯,从来没有接触过罪恶,也就从来不会有防备:“父皇这段时间好忙,怕我会被别人伤害到,就让我来到这里,专心的修炼凤凰颂世典。这个地方,平时除了我和父皇,任何人都不可以进来的,你是第一个哦。” “…… Her Royal Highness Princess something why don't I tell ... ... Lord? Her Royal Highness afraid of me ... ... Is the bad guy? "Yun Che hands over his chest, flat road injuries."I want to tell my father. "The girl was tall and absolutely beautiful, like Bai Yao's nose:" However, if father knows it will kill you. You fall down from above, was hurt so badly, if killed by the father, poor, small white also will be sad. The bad guys? …… You are, like me, are descendants of the Phoenix, how bad can it be. Furthermore, small white so beautiful, so gentle, its owner, it is not a bad person. ” Yun Che saved, not only her black, there are her soft heart-even though he uses a very sudden way, broke into her territory. Just ... ... Small white? What does it mean?Ear, a frail, but still loud chirping sound. The sound Princess such as snow gently "Ah" sound, turn around, Elf-like Figure ran to a white light and beautiful shadow: "white, and your wound is still not good, do not disturb, or not good, Oh ... ... Even if the host woke up, do not disturb. ” In less than ten feet away behind Yun Che, snow Phoenix beasts Habitat fall to the ground, a pair of wings, the stain has been washed clean, no trace of blood residue. Snow Princess standing beside it, stroking it gently with a white hand cold snow feather soft, moving it out of restlessness, obediently quiet, a pair of wings are carefully recovered.云澈一脸的惊讶……是雪凰兽!它竟然没有事!从那么高的地方坠落,自己的身体也只能勉强抗下,而雪凰兽下坠时已经昏迷,无法施展浮空和防御的能力,从那么高的地方直线坠下,本该粉身碎骨,为什么看起来,却分明伤的比他轻的多。 难道,是这个女孩,在雪凰兽落地之前救了它吗? 那么,她口中的“小白白”,也就是……雪凰兽小婵!?R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 416 snow princess
phone text read online site domain synchronous read visit I do not know how long, finally a little cloud Che consciousness recovery, pain from every corner of the body came. In order to kill the phoenix red fire, the price he paid, even greater than he expected. Nearly half of the body vessel to crack, nearly seventy percent of the muscles are subject to varying degrees of damage, visceral it is the emergence of dozens of large and small cracks. And these, any kind of mysterious persons who fall within the ordinary, are already killed. The feeling of pain, let cloud Che knew he was not dead, bodily functions, also began to recover. Faint, he felt the warmth of a mysterious gas is the body slowly flow away ...... this is not part of his mysterious gas, but from outsiders, which shares the mysterious force gently and carefully, seems to want to heal his injuries , afraid of accidentally hurt him, this cautious and jerky move, to prove that the owner of the mysterious gas should never restricted to treatment with a mysterious gas was wounded ...... who would save me ...... who is conscious of cloud Che being, in this case there has been a coma before that picture ...... It was a beautiful and pure to should not exist in the human face, although it is only a glimpse of the extremely short pre-coma, but such mark in general, deep deep imprint in the depths of his soul heart. So beautiful, anyone looking at it, all life can not be forgotten. Is a dream ...... or picture? ...... Not that kind of masterpiece days Yan, even dreams, even the world's top artist, it is impossible to describe out. That dream beautiful face, let cloud Che just waking consciousness uncontrolled actually appeared misty and indulge, even feel the pain of the body came whom forgotten. Gradually, the body that road warmth mysterious disappearance of a little gas, cloud Che consciousness, has once again silent. I wonder how long, shallow cloud Che consciousness once again wake up, feel, that road is still warm and gentle mysterious gas. In the following years, his growing sense of recovery and silence, each recovery, will feel the presence of that kind of mysterious gas ...... or say, every kind of mysterious air soon, will make his consciousness produce short awakening. Finally, at a certain moment, cloud Che fingers of both hands at the same time move a little, very heavy eyelids, in his will, pushed a little bit open. Greet the eyes, it is the bright light, and azure sky. Resiliency cloud Che body is extremely alarming, as he opened his eyes, he felt the presence of the limbs and body, though heavy, but it has a clear sense of control can be. Originally veins empty into the mysterious, but also brings together the small number of mysterious gas. These mysterious gas, as well as a small amount of physical function recovery, enough to let him do some simple movements ...... comprise barely stand up. Yun Chol palm grip, a bite, tough from the ground and sat up ...... "ah, you wake up!" a girl's voice coming from the ear, the sound sweet and tender, ethereal as if not of this world sound of. Listening to this voice, cloud Che heart and soul actually appeared uncontrolled trembling swing, there is a very crazy, you can not suppress the desire ...... eager to see a voice of the master, what kind of girl, even to issue so ethereal sound pure in heart. He tilted his head, and looked to the girl stood at his side ...... it was a like a figure from a fairy tale out of the girl, see her face at the moment, cloud Che moment of trance consciousness appeared, actually I could not believe my eyes see pictures ...... because he could not believe that in this world, would have such US Huan exquisite face. Yun Chol searched all their memories, but can not find any one can describe the face of this rhetoric. Girl in a luxurious red, embroidered pattern with only a flying phoenix circling. Phoenix clothing cloud Che is not the first time I saw, and her Phoenix clothing than any ever seen a cloud Che gorgeous noble, whether red or gold, are shiny, as if every thread, every embellishment are the world's most luxurious materials made. But this body Phoenix clothing, but beneath her ​​as fat as jade, bullying frost season snow Xuefu, is silhouetted against the darkened elsewhere in this eye-popping enough luxury clothing, but it is unable to attract cloud Che Even the slightest attention. His eyes fixed on the girl's face, a long time can not be removed. Especially her pair of Meimou ...... seemed quiet among the world all glittering blue, are collected in front of this double dreamy eyes, and turned into a wave of poetic illusory, like a dream fairy charm. This is in a coma before he saw that touch of fairy shadow ...... and it was not illusory, not dream. She stood there quietly, such as onion skin eyelashes blink blink, no impurities, like mountain springs empty eyes with joy, but also a little nervous at him. The gentle wind gently brought up her Qunjiao, that touch of simple charm, but it is the most beautiful poems in this world are not enough to describe. Her age looks only fifteen or sixteen, reveals a beautiful dreamy shui like immature, perhaps, on the grace, she can not compare pour summer months, but if on the face of the delicate and perfect, even if it is to be recognized as the summer wind first fairy pour Cang month, it should be inferior to her. All Women's Double Life of Che cloud two world had ever seen, and on the face, and only do not belong to this world of jasmine can par with her. If God gave all of the preference in front of this face, he gave the girl the fairy general. If he was just a mortal, he was sure he had completely lost heart and soul inevitable, but he is after all not the ordinary person, the whole Tianxuan continent, can face alone make him so lost heart, and perhaps no longer possible to find the second person. He suddenly looked away, slightly bowed, his heart calm down a bit, when you look up, look again to the girl's fairy face, still beautiful beyond description. But it has not lost mind. He opened his dry lips, hoarse voice exports and incomprehensible: "You saved me ...... do ......" "Well ...... seems to be the" girl petal Fangchun slight tilt, with one less. OK tone saying: "I was the first person to try to save people, so they do not understand, many days, I have been hesitant to tell the Fu Huang, okay you wake up to, and what is your name. , which the elders sects, why would fall from the Phoenix Jueya come? " the girl inadvertently uttered words "Fu Huang," the word, to cloud the minds of Che violently startled. Fu Huang ...... ...... Phoenix clothing extreme luxury twenties Age ...... also the United States to the illusory appearance ...... Is it, she is to spend ALFA Haikou, that is called Tianxuan first beauty "of snow princess"! ? Initially, flowers Ming Hai with exaggerated tone to him about "Snow Princess" when he is not. But, in front of the girl, her face, really completely when starting "Tianxuan first beauty" of the title. However, if she really is snow princess, Phoenix Shenzong most precious pearl, the whole of God's providential Phoenix empire that she treasures ...... Why here? She mentioned the words "several days," meaning he been in a coma for several days, but these days, she has been! what is going on? Now own, what is the situation? Che rapidly rotating cloud your mind, all possible quickly go past in the brain. He worked the body, sincere in a little fear and said: "My name is Phoenix Gun, is nineteen elder Ha, I experience the mountains alone in Phoenix, suffered a terrible mysterious beast, was forced from the Phoenix Jueya down ...... more Xiexue Gong main saving grace. " girl's eyes clear and flawless, bright Canruo Chen, the face of such a pair of beautiful eyes, but also a girl to save his own, lying is undoubtedly a great sin. However, in any case, serious injuries healed, he needs most now do, is to protect life. He knew the reason why this girl would save him, but he did not prepare for the heart, because of his body, and she has the same flavor Phoenix. "Oh, this is ......" snow princess somewhat naive crooked crooked first cicada, then fiber eyebrow curved, gently laughed: "really and Fu Huang said the same, once you know who I am yet . Fu Huang said that in case of the door being, although I've seen a good few people, but all of the tribe, even if not seen me, but also all of a sudden recognize me. " girl laughing very pure, like from Sound clouds, almost enough to have washed the world's most evil soul. Yun Chul Zhang mouth, hair channel: "Her Royal Highness is the world's most beautiful woman, no matter who sees snow princess, I will not admit ...... here is where I was not ...... bother to Her Royal Highness Princess unspoken? repair? " " This is the Xifeng Valley, it is I grew up playing a big place. "Snow Princess cloud Che really does not have any preparedness, it is natural to answer him, perhaps his Phoenix blood to do the best evidence also, or so she has always been simple, never had any contact with evil, we will never have preparedness: "Fu Huang good busy this time, I was afraid someone else will be hurt, let me come here, to concentrate Phoenix Song Texts world practice. This place, usually in addition to me and Fu Huang, no one can come in, you are the first, oh. " "...... that Her Royal Highness, why not my thing, tell ...... sovereign it? princess is not afraid of me ...... bad person? "says Che Shou Wu chest, flat road with injuries. "I have thought about telling Fu Huang." Girl quite a pretty beautiful exquisite, like Yao white nose: "But if Fu Huang know it, you will kill your fall from above, it has been hurt so. heavy, if we are killed Fu Huang, too poor, sad little vain also. baddies? ...... you are like me, it is the successor of the Phoenix, how is the bad guy. And, little vain so beautiful, so docile, its owner, was unlikely to be the bad guy. " save cloud Che, not just her mysterious air, as well as her soft heart - even if he used a very abrupt manner, into the only It belongs to her territory. But ...... small vain? What means? Ear, I heard some weak, but still loud chirping sound came. The voice snow princess gently "ah" sound, turned away, elfin figure ran a light and gorgeous white shadow: "Little vain, you hurt not good, can not tamper , or just behaved oh ...... even see the owner woke up, it can not tamper with. " Che cloud in less than a hundred feet behind the distance, snow phoenix animal habitat falls to the ground, a pair of wings to start above have been washed clean of blood, there is no trace of color residues. Snow princess standing beside it, with a little white hand gently stroking its soft cold snow birds, from the agitation in it, obediently quiet, a pair of wings are carefully recovered. Cloud Che look of surprise ...... snow phoenix beast! It actually does not matter! Then the fall from a high place, his body could barely ANTI, while snow falling unconscious beast Phoenix, unable to float and the ability to display their defense from then falling straight high places, the pieces of this, why look up, but clearly it hurts much lighter than he. Is, is this girl, snow phoenix beast before landing to save it anyway? So, she calls the "little vain", that is ...... snow phoenix beast Xiaochan! ? R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 416 Snow Princess
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I do not know how long after, Che Yun consciousness finally slightly recovery, the pain from every corner of the body. In order to kill Phoenix red fire, he paid the price, than he expected to be big. Systemic nearly half of the blood vessels burst, nearly 70% of the muscles have been varying degrees of damage, visceral is the emergence of dozens of large and small cracks. Of these, any fall in the ordinary mysterious people, are already dead.

the feeling of pain, let the clouds know they have not died, the body function, also began to recover. Faint,He felt a warm, warm, mysterious gas flowing in the body...... This does not belong to his mysterious gas, but from the outside, this mysterious force gentle and careful, seems to be to healing his injury, and afraid of accidentally hurt him the cautious and jerky moves, prove the Xuan gas owners should never use Xuan gas replaces therapy after injury
who would be... Who is to save me......

clouds consciousness, then appeared the picture before coma...... It is a beautiful, and pure to the appearance of the human face, although only a brief glimpse of the fleeting moment, but as a mark of the general,Deep in his soul. As beautiful as anyone can see, they can never forget. Is a dream...... Or picture? Wrong...... As the peerless Tian Yan, even if it is a dream, even if it is the world's top artist, can not be painted out.
dream that beautiful face, let Che Yun just waking consciousness actually appeared the uncontrolled misty and intoxicated, even spread all over pain sense for forgetting. Gradually, the body of the warm gas a little mysterious disappearance, clouds of consciousness, again silent.

and I do not know how long before, clouds of consciousness shallow wake up again,It is still the warm and soft, gentle and soft. In the next period of time, his awareness of the continuous recovery and silence, each recovery, will feel the presence of the gas...... Or, every time that the coming of the mysterious gas, will make his sense of a brief awakening.

finally, at a certain moment, cloud Che hands and fingers moved at the same time, very heavy eyelids, in he will urge, a little bit of open.
into eyes, bright light, and the blue sky. Recovery ability of clouds of the body is extremely alarming, as he opened his eyes, he felt the limbs and body are,
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