第三百四十六章 双剑流降临 “刷!” 斗气化臂技能在我掌心里消失,技能栏里多出了一条,双臂猛然间仿佛贯注进了无限力量,我抬手拔出秦王剑,轻轻 การแปล - 第三百四十六章 双剑流降临 “刷!” 斗气化臂技能在我掌心里消失,技能栏里多出了一条,双臂猛然间仿佛贯注进了无限力量,我抬手拔出秦王剑,轻轻 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第三百四十六章 双剑流降临 “刷!” 斗气化臂技能在我掌心里消失,技能

第三百四十六章 双剑流降临
































































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
第三百四十六章 双剑流降临 “刷!” 斗气化臂技能在我掌心里消失,技能栏里多出了一条,双臂猛然间仿佛贯注进了无限力量,我抬手拔出秦王剑,轻轻一挥,果然,似乎力量强横了许多,攻击速度也提升了不少。 林婉儿飞快的翻了翻包裹,“刷”一下取出了一柄紫色长剑,笑道:“喏,我先送你一把剑,65级紫霖器,差是差了点,你自己之后再换吧……” 我点头一笑:“谢谢婉儿!” 左手一张,将紫色长剑擎在手中,配合右手的秦王剑,“刷刷刷”连续三次在前方空气中切割而过,三道剑影残痕交叉,仅仅是一次简单的出击就已经看出我对双剑流的理解了。 方歌阙清澈的眸子看着我,终于主动的说了句:“看起来……中国服务器的近战系战术格局,可能要有我这一本简单的技能书而发生巨大转变了,逍遥自在,你真的好强……” 我微微一笑,转身看着方歌阙:“你也非常强,我输得心服口服!” 方歌阙不禁一笑:“人生若逆水行舟,胜负从未恒定,好好努力吧,当你超越了许多人的时候,会有更多人在努力超越你。” 我点头,这方歌阙能够登顶中国区就注定不是一个平凡之人,现在看来确实是这样,无论是气量还是眼界,他都要比问剑、剑锋寒略胜一筹。 …… 继续,亚军的奖励,魅力值+12,等级+2,还有20W金币,林婉儿获取N多丰厚奖励之后,迈步来到了抽奖台旁,雪白五指轻轻触动数据屏,“刷”一下数据飞动乱舞,下一刻,竟凝聚成了一柄冰霜萦绕的长剑,同时,长剑的属性也出现在主舞台的大屏幕上—— 【深海寒铁剑】(天翎器) 攻击:1320-1750 力量:+72 体力:+70 敏捷:+68 附加:提升使用者19%的攻击力 附加:提升使用者10%的溅射伤害 附加:冰旋,命中目标时,有30%的几率使其减速40%,持续1.5秒 介绍:深海寒铁剑,传说中这把剑原是一柄上古神兵,在数万年前的神界之战中,寒铁剑的主人被杀,这柄旷世名剑就此遗落在茫茫深海之中,历经万年,寒铁剑在海底吸纳了无数深海彻寒力量,终于自我重塑为一柄新的利器 需要等级:72 …… 我微微惊愕:“终于出天翎器了啊……” 林婉儿握着寒铁剑,一双美丽的眸子扫过剑身,浅浅笑道:“可惜不是匕首呢,我也想要一把天翎器啊,不过刺客的力量不足以拿得动长剑,否则加那么多力量就没有敏捷了,想拿长剑的刺客不是好刺客……” 说着,她将寒铁剑向着我一扬,笑道:“喏,送你了!刚好,你现在能够使用两柄剑,缺少一把。” 我大惊:“这怎么能行?这把寒铁剑可是天翎器武器啊,放眼整个服务器也没有几把天翎阶的武器,怎么能随便送人……” “我……”林婉儿一愣,美目中有些神色复杂:“我送你一把虚拟武器,算是随便送人么?” 我站在那里,不知道该怎么说。 “铿!” 林婉儿猛然投掷出寒铁剑,剑刃直刺入舞台地面,碎石迸溅,她看着我,神采飞扬的一笑:“我不管,这把寒铁剑送给你,敢不要就绝交!” 我怔了怔,伸手拔出寒铁剑,这柄剑直接就换主人了,嘿嘿一笑:“谢谢婉儿,我会想办法补偿给你的!” “嗯,我等着你的补偿哦……” “嗯!” …… 铿一声寒铁剑归鞘,这么一来,我身后的战袍内就隐藏着两柄长剑了,并且能够使用双剑,直接让我的附加属性暴增了一截,只不过攻击力没有什么提升,副手剑的攻击力不叠加,只是每次攻击时分为左右手的攻击力不同而已,只共享了副属性。 林婉儿直接赠剑,此举让场外开始沸腾了,可想而知,各种我和林婉儿的关系猜测一定会接踵而至,不过这都不算什么,习惯了! 几秒钟后,冠军奖励,方歌阙傲然站在抽奖台边,触发了奖励,顿时一枚璀璨的竹青色项链悬在他的掌心上空,大屏幕出现了这条项链的属性,顿时让众人为之咋舌,NND,冠军奖励果然是从来都不会太差的—— 【月翎之链】(圣昀器) 灵术:+90 体力:+87 敏捷:+85 附加:提升佩戴者24%的灵术攻击力 附加:佩戴者所有技能冷却时间减少25% 附加:提升佩戴者1500点生命值上限 特技:月翎,召唤月华力量,凝聚月之翎羽轰杀200×200码内的目标,消耗100点愤怒值 需要等级:75 …… 方歌阙手臂一扬,项链就已经切换掉了,月翎之链出现在他的脖颈间,第一件圣昀器,这种属性已经绝对算是超级逆天了,特别是那特技! 林婉儿抿了抿红唇,给我发了条消息说:“以后……斩龙谁都可以招惹,但是最好不要招惹神话,方歌阙这个团战利器,太可怕了,200码半径的轰杀,条件允许一下子杀千人都不是什么问题,这种敌人实在是太可怕了……” 我点头,回复:“放心吧,我本来跟方歌阙之间也就没有什么恩怨,斩龙不至于会去招惹神话,而且……神话在九黎城,我们在八荒城,打不到一起去。” “嗯,那就好……” …… 这时,飞儿握着话筒,笑容可掬的宣布笑道:“好了,这次英雄崛起的大赛也就接近尾声了,谢谢各位玩家给我们带来一场场的比赛,本场比赛由ZGTV单线网络直播,木有赞助商,大家打了一天或者看了一天的比赛了,想必也非常累了,都洗洗睡吧,这里是飞儿为你带来英雄崛起大赛的每个细节,再见,我们下一次天命大型活动见!请大家关注ZGTV,我们每个星期都有名人访谈,这一期正在播出的就是苍瞳美女和逍遥自在的访谈,切勿错过!” 终于,英雄崛起空间的画面渐渐开始模糊,很快的,我们全部被送了出去,随即传送在八荒城的任意角落里! “刷!” 我出现在大圣堂外,看了看远处,那里是一个八荒城新兵的演武场,一个个石人竖在那里被当成练习草人,上面满是斑驳的劈砍痕迹。 踏步上前,抬手“铿铿”拔出秦王剑和寒铁剑,一手一把,我几乎不用联系就能拥有超高的双剑流熟练度,现实中对剑法的领悟在游戏里一样能通用,事实上这款游戏接近全拟真,本身就是一款与玩家思维捆绑,继而能够修心的游戏,也正是因为这样,最近我也渐渐的察觉到我在御气方面的驾驭能力越来越强了,这远远超出了我之前的修炼进度,显然,天命绝不是一款单纯的网络游戏,对修炼者来说,天命就是另一个修炼空间,是能够相互促进游戏与现实之间的实力提升的。






































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Three hundred and fortieth chapters swords flow coming "brush!" vindictive arm skills in my palm away, more a skill bar, his arms as if suddenly absorbed into the unlimited power, I put my hand pulled Qin sword, gently waved, and sure enough, it seems a lot of tyrannical forces, attack speed also improved a lot. Ms Lin quickly rolled package, "brush" about removing the purple-edged sword, smiled and said: "Well, I'll send you a sword, 65 purple Lin, a difference is a point of difference, after you again change it ...... " I nodded and smiled: "Thank you Ms!" the left one, the purple sword in the hands of the engine, with the right hand of the King of Qin sword, "brush brush" cut three times in front of the air and over, three Jianying vestiges cross, just a simple attack had already seen my swords stream understand. Party song Que clear eye looked at me, and finally take the initiative simply said: "It looks like ...... melee tactics Pattern Chinese servers, I might have this one simple skill book while undergoing tremendous change, and unaffected, You really good strong ...... " I smiled, turned to look at party song Que: "You are very strong, and I admit defeat!" party song Que help but smile: "Life if riding a winner never constant, good effort it, when you go beyond a lot of people, there will be more people trying to overtake you. " I nodded, this party song Que able to climb to the top of China is destined not an ordinary person, it seems that indeed is the case, no matter is a gas or a vision, he asked the sword are better than, the blade slightly better cold. ...... continued after the runner-up award, Charisma +12, +2 rating, as well as 20W gold, Ms Lin get more lucrative rewards N, move came next raffle table, white fingers gently touch screen data, "brush" at the data fly unrest dance, the next moment, actually condensed into a two-edged sword frost linger, while the sword of the property also appeared on the big screen in the main stage - [deep sea cold iron sword] (day Ling device) attacks: 1320 -1750 Power: +72 stamina: +70 Agility: +68 Additional: 19% of users upgrade attack power additional: enhance the user 10% splash damage additional: Ice spin, hit the target, there is a 30% chance to make its reduction by 40% for 1.5 seconds Description: deep sea cold iron sword, the legendary two-edged sword originally ancient magic, the spirit world in the war tens of thousands of years ago, the cold iron sword killed the owner, Zhebing Masterpieces Sword lost in this vast deep sea, after years, cold iron swords in deep seabed attract numerous cold Haiche force, and finally reinventing itself as a two-edged new weapon Requires Level: 72 ...... I'm slightly amazed: " Ling is finally out of the sky, ah ...... " Ms Lin holding cold iron sword, a pair of beautiful eyes swept blade, shallow smiles: "Unfortunately, it is not a dagger, I also want to one day Ling is ah, but the assassin The power is not sufficient to have to move to get the sword, otherwise add so much power, there is no quick, and want to take the sword of the assassin is not a good assassin ...... " Then, she will be cold iron sword toward me Yang, smiled and said: "Well !, just send you, you can now use Liangbing Jian, the lack of a. " I was shocked: "This is how to do it that day, but Ling is cold iron sword weapon ah, look at the entire server nor a few days? Ling-order weapons, how can not just give it away ...... " "I ......" Ms Lin Yi Leng, beautiful eyes look somewhat complicated: "? I will give you a virtual weapon, be it just give it away." I stood there, I do not know what to say. ! "Keng" Ms Lin suddenly thrown out of the cold iron sword, blade perpendicularly into the stage floor, gravel darting, she looked at me, spirits smile: "I do not care, that the cold iron sword for you, do not you dare ! Dear John " I'm startled by startled, hand pull cold iron sword, Zhebing Jian directly change the owner, hehe smile: "Thank you! Ms, I would like to give you a way to compensate," "ah, I am waiting for you Compensation Oh ...... " "ah!" ...... Keng soon go cold iron sword sheath that way, inside my shirt to hide behind the Liangbing sword, and be able to use swords, let me direct additional properties jumped a part of it, but there is no upgrade attack power, deputy sword attack does not stack, but is divided into different attack each attack only when the right-hand man, just sharing the deputy property. Ms Lin directly donated the sword, let off a move that began to boil, we can imagine, and I'm all kinds of speculation Ms relationship will ensue, but this is nothing, get used to! After a few seconds, award winner, standing proudly party song Que lottery edge of the stage, triggering the reward, suddenly一枚bamboo bright blue necklace hanging over his palm, big screen this necklace of property, suddenly everyone whom speechless, NND, award winner really is never too bad - [month] Ling Chains (San Yun is) spiritual surgery: +90 stamina: +87 Agility: +85 Additional: enhance the wearer 24% The spiritual surgery Attack additional: wearer all cooldowns reduced by 25% additional: enhance the wearer's 1500 maximum health effects: May Ling, call Yuet Wah strength, cohesion within months Lingyu bombers kill 200 × 200 yard target , consumption of 100 points rage value Requires Level: 75 ...... party song Que Yang arm, necklace had been switched off, the chains May Ling appeared between his neck, the first holy Yun is, this property has been definitely be Super Guards, especially those stunts! Ms Lin sip a sip red lips, sent me a message saying: "After ...... slaying the dragon can provoke anyone, but it is best not to provoke myth party song Que weapon this team battles, horrible, boom radius of 200 yards kill, kill thousands of people at once conditions permit is not what the problem is, this enemy is too terrible ...... " I nodded, he replies: "Rest assured, I have been told there is between the party song Que no grudges, slaying the dragon not going to provoke a myth, and myth ...... Jiu city, our glorious city, hit go. " " ah, that good ...... " ...... In this case, FIR Wozhehuatong smile can skim announced laughed: "Well, this hero will rise near the end of the contest, and thank the players brought us a field game, the game by a single line ZGTV webcast, wood has sponsors, everyone looking for a day or a day playing the game, and presumably also very tired, all wash sleep, here to bring you the hero rise FIR contest every detail, good-bye, we see the next destiny events! Please we are concerned about ZGTV, our celebrity interviews every week, this issue is being broadcast Aoi Hitomi beauty and easygoing interviews, do not miss it! " Finally, a screen space hero rise gradually began to blur, and soon, we all sent out, then transferred in any corner of the city in glorious! "Brush!" I appeared in the big church outside, looked away, there is a glorious city recruits Yanwu field, one where it was erected as Shiren practice Cheuk, covered in mottled hacking scene. Stepping forward, raising his hand, "clanging" Unplug Qin and Han sword iron sword in one hand and one, I almost can not contact swords stream has a high proficiency comprehend the reality of the sword in the game the same can GM, in fact, close to full immersive game itself is a bundle with the players thinking, and then be able to repair the heart of the game, it is precisely because of this, I recently also gradually aware of my ability to control in terms of the Royal Air increasingly strong, which is far beyond the practice schedule before me, obviously, destiny is by no means a simple online games, for practitioners, the destiny is another practice space, it is to promote mutual between game and reality The strength of the promotion. "Brush!" blade attack, "hang" sound Zhanji on Shiren, deputy cold iron sword rapid skimming, the main hand sword Hengpi again, swords Flurry, almost in a five seconds Pichu sword, I see a bit of shock, which seems to have exceeded the limits of the game, in my memory, sword-based weapon attack speed is 1.5 seconds again, I handed sword, one second at most two times nothing, actually instantly out of 5 sword, in fact I will be able to rely on normal attacks so many people to flee, and with skills, then, is bound to be stronger swords flow attack! "Bang!" a loud noise, hard stone so was I cut down the middle, stone chips flying, I hold a sword in each hand, he stood calm, careful comprehend elite swords flow attack, a full after a few seconds, eyes open, but found a few players in the far distance, pointing to me, it seems that talking about something, no matter, do not know them! "Drip" sound, Ms Lin sent a message: "? Approaching 20:00, and out to dinner," ! "Go ahead, so I" "! Mmm" ...... offline, put on clean clothes downstairs one In the girls downstairs and Ms Lin received a two-month East MM, then happily eat the noodles. The second restaurant, three people a bowl of noodles, then there are a few side dishes, you then face to eat, too hungry, pasta is the most real. Eating, Dongcheng month looked out the phone for a long time, stick stick mouth: "how not refresh ah? " " What refresh, Dongcheng, "I asked?. Dongcheng months and refreshed once said: "said the official website, one hour after the end of the hero rise refreshed CBN network ranking battle, this time you and Ms game must directly affect the ranking battle network rankings, so I want to see ? Look, our Happy brother captured third place after an increase of the number of bits. " I smiled: "Oh, so ......" aside, Ms Lin's phone on the table: "Brush out, Li Xiao Yao CBN battle net first 17, an increase of five, very good, you are 19 East, this guy is super yeah ...... " "ah?" I was watching and East over the past month, showing the former CBN battle net 20 Ms Lin phone name Ranking - 1, party song Que 2, asked the sword 3, demon 4, Barry if wind 5, Janus cold 6, Aoi Hitomi 7, Xuan Mu 8, simple 9, Hebei Warriors 10, and death Lease wide 11, leaves to 12, beauties 13, Tang Qigong child 14, Lv Chunyang 15, Regulus maple 16, resolutely and 17, easygoing 18-month tilt shallow 19, Cang 20, Babel Buddha ...... book starting from 17K novel network , the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 346th chapter to the flow coming


grudge of arm skills disappeared in my center of palm of hand, the skill bar more than a, arms suddenly seemed absorbed into the infinite power, I heaved a hand to pull out the king of Qin Jian, gently waved, indeed, seem to be tyrannical forces in the many, attack speed has increased a lot.

Lin Wan son quickly turned over the package, "brush" take out the purple edged sword, smiled and said: "here, I'll give you a sword, 65 purple Lin device between a point of difference, you own to change it..."

I nod with a smile: "thank you, ms!" A

left in the hands of the sword, purple engine,With the right hand of the king of Qin Jian, "brush" three times in a row in the air in front of cutting and, three Jianying remnant marks cross, just a simple attack had already seen my understanding of Shuangjian flow.

sing with clear eyes looked at me que, finally take the initiative and said: "look...... Chinese server melee tactic pattern, may to me this a simple skill book and great changes happened, easygoing, you really headstrong...... "

I smiled, turned to look at the party song que: "you are very strong, be sincerely convinced me to lose!" We can not help but smile

que song: "life is never constant if the sail against the current, the outcome,Work hard, when you go beyond a lot of people, there will be more people in the effort to go beyond you."

I nodded. The song que to the summit of China is doomed is not an ordinary people, now does seem so, either gas or vision, he would than to ask a sword, sword cold slightly better.

...... Continue to

, runner up award, charisma 12, grade 2, and 20W gold, Lin Wan obtain n rich reward, stepped out into the draw table, white fingers gently touch the screen data, "brush" data flying flurry, the next moment, unexpectedly condensed into lingering a knife frost sword. At the same time,Lost on this enduring

19% of the additional physical:: Ling also appeared on the properties of the sword in the main stage of the big screen,

deep-sea cold iron sword (day)

attack 1320-1750



agile: 68

: enhance the user's attack force added: enhance the user is 10% of the splash damage added: ice Xuan, hit the target, 30% chance to cause it to slow down 40%. Lasts 1.5 seconds: Deep Sea cold iron sword, the legend of the sword is a sword of ancient magic, in the tens of thousands of years ago the celestial war, cold iron sword master was killed, this handle sword in the vast sea, after a million years.Han iron Jian in the bottom of the sea to absorb the countless deep-sea cold and penetrating power, and finally to reinvent yourself for a handle new weapon

requires level: 72


I slightly astonished: "finally a day for Ling......"

Lin Waner holding cold iron sword, a pair of beautiful eyes swept blade, shallow laugh way: "unfortunately not a dagger, I want a one day Ling is too, but Assassin's strength is not enough to carry a sword, otherwise add so much strength not agile, wants to take the sword of the assassin is not a good assassin..." She said the cold

, sword toward me up, smiled and said: "here, give you! Right now, you can use the two sword, the lack of A.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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