第377章 皇城之变云澈与苍月大婚所带来的全城喜庆氛围尚未完全散去,一个个惊人的消息便从皇宫中传来…… 云澈与苍月大婚后的第二天,苍万壑便忽 การแปล - 第377章 皇城之变云澈与苍月大婚所带来的全城喜庆氛围尚未完全散去,一个个惊人的消息便从皇宫中传来…… 云澈与苍月大婚后的第二天,苍万壑便忽 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第377章 皇城之变云澈与苍月大婚所带来的全城喜庆氛围尚未完全散去,一

第377章 皇城之变





























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 377 of imperial cityYun Che and brought about by the pale Moon wedding celebrations are not fully dispersed throughout the city, surprising news came from the Palace ... ... Yun Che and the pale Moon the day after the wedding, pale among thousands of suddenly ordered to Port-au-Prince and son of three emperors head locked in a prison, and then personally list two dozens of crimes, including shocking "rebellion" and "patricide". 3rd, Prince San Huang Chang-Shuo and Chang-Lin was publicly beheaded, tracking down, and his co-accused were all consumed.A few months before, the body recovers, and under the influence of Yun Che LAN Cang among thousands of power has been very calm, but Yun Che married suddenly broke with the dark months, means show the Emperor's bloody and heartless, as if ready, for a time, Prince, and had tended to Port-au-Prince and all forces of the three emperors, officials feel insecure, nervous. Pale now among thousands of do Yun Che backers, no less its deterrent force has three large doors, they absolutely no courage of defiance and disobedience. Fortunately, beheaded after the son of Prince Edward and the three emperors and his gang, pale among thousands of no further action, these people breathe, and then worry incessantly to Pale through various ways among thousands of devotion, hope chest away, among thousands of heart to pale. Pale among thousands of Palm's power, and in this short period of time, reached the peak since his reign ... ... He once thought unthinkable heights. The emperor or sit very stable. Even though three large doors, nor do I dare defy his Imperial Majesty.Pale among thousands of very well, all in all, thanks to Yun Che grants. Yun Che, he was so grateful, for Xiao Lie and, of course, is the utmost respect. In front of Xiao Lie, his Imperial Majesty-free, like equal brothers. Yun Che and pale Moon newlyweds, their Palace, and daily like glue, and before you know it, time fast approaching Yun Che promised visiting Asgard's period of January ice clouds. And went to the ice cloud fairy palace, Yun Che does not forget to deal with one small thing ... ... This matter, and indeed he is a mass murderer in the eyes of ordinary people "evil God" out for the best. Sofu Imperial, Yi sheng Museum.As the first recognized Sofu physician prescribed medical Museum, from pale around the wind coming in for treatment every day countless people, which also included many with a lot of black gold or treasure, Gu Qiuhong to request for the door in the genius disciple who open porch or family. With its skill and influence, Gu Qiuhong centuries up every asset, with rich to describe too much. But in recent days, Yi sheng Museum has been behind closed doors will not open.The past, Museum of Yi sheng long does not open the door, perhaps Gu Qiuhong wandering, but this is different. These days, Gu Qiuhong has been in hospital, Port-au-Prince and son of three emperors when outgoing head detention and after news of the beheading, he is confused and distraught, had no other thoughts, daily discomfort ... ... He was two months ago, vaguely know pale among thousands of diseases, are being healed by Yun Che. Pale among thousands suffering from any disease, he certainly clear. Yun Che can cure blue among thousands and, of course, does not know the cause ... ... Then, he will become the first person who is suspected of ... ... Oh no! Was the only one! 如果是其他人,古秋鸿自认以自己的影响力,断然可以不惧,但云澈却是连焚天门都给直接灭门,连凤凰神宗的皇子都能暴打的疯子,若要杀他一个医者,哪会有半点顾忌。 这些天,他深居医馆,每日祷告,拼命思索着应对之法,甚至有了逃去他国的念想。但这个念想还未来得及实施,死神便已降临。“古大神医,馆外门庭若市,你却在这里自在悠闲,传说中的苍风第一神医,过的还真是神仙般的日子。” 忽然在背后响起的声音让古秋鸿一个激灵,闪电般的转过身来,一看到云澈,他全身一抖,心脏一阵痉挛,结结巴巴的道:“你……你……原来……原来是云……云大人。云大人竟亲自登门寒舍,我真是激动……荣幸……之极。” 古秋鸿的身边,还有四个亲传弟子在侧,他们也全部都没有发觉云澈究竟是什么时候到来,看着如鬼魅般出现的云澈,他们全部吓的胆战心惊,缩着身体,大气不敢喘一口……作为亲传弟子,古秋鸿对苍万壑做下的事,他们当然是一清二楚。这些天,他们和古秋鸿一样惶惶不可终日。云澈向前走近,面带嘲讽:“激动?荣幸?可我从你的脸上,怎么看到的只有害怕?你在害怕我?奇了怪了,我们之间素无交集,面也没见过几次,你为什么会害怕我呢?” “不不……”古秋鸿惶然出声,这短短几息之间,他已是全身汗如雨下,就连指尖,都有汗珠在不停的滴落:“云大人是苍风唯一的驸马,更是公认的苍风第一人,在下一个小小的医者,能得见云大人,自然是……是敬畏有加。”“哦?医者?你说你是医者?我刚好有个医道上的问题,不知可否向你请教一番?”云澈眼睛半眯,眼眸深处微现寒光。古秋鸿自称“医圣”,他当然不知道这个自封的称号让云澈非常的不爽,因为教他医术的师父便是沧云大陆的“医圣”,眼前这个包藏毒心的货色居然和他最为敬重的恩师有着同样的称号,这完全是对“医圣”二字的玷污。 古秋鸿现在已是六神无主,只能点头:“请……请教不敢当,云大人有何吩咐,在下定然遵从。” “你不必紧张,我只是有一个很小的问题想要请教,相信对你这位医者而言,再简单不过。”云澈唇角斜起,目光邪异:“我身边有一个人,他中了一种叫‘噬魂同命蛊’的蛊毒,不知古大神医可有解救之法?”噬魂同命蛊”五个字一出,便如死神的催命音符般,让古秋鸿全身一抖,双腿一软,险些跪到地上,声音更是哆嗦到了极点:“不……不……不知道,在下……医术低微,从……从未听说过什么噬魂同命蛊……请……请云大人……赎罪。” “哦?你不知道?”云澈冷笑了起来:“枉你活了一百多岁,居然连小小的噬魂同命蛊都不知道,还敢自称什么苍风第一神医,原来只是个欺世盗名之辈!若是其他人,欺世盗名也就罢了,但身为济世救人的医者,若是没有医术、医心、医德,那便非但不能救人,反而会害人!而且是害很多人。既然你是个害人的货色……那便没必要留在这世上了!!“啊……”古秋鸿眼睛瞪大,刚要试图说话,忽然眼前红光一闪…… 哧!! 一道凤凰火焰闪耀而过,瞬间贯穿了古秋鸿的胸膛,在他的胸口贯出一个大洞。 古秋鸿表情定格,“噗通”一声摔倒在地,身下很快汇起一滩血流。“师……师父!”古秋鸿的四个弟子被吓的面无血色,他们惊恐出声,却是缩在墙角,没有一个人敢靠近,在云澈把目光转向他们时,他们更是全身颤抖,牙齿打颤,其中两个当场失禁……云澈的手段,果然如魔鬼般狠辣,古秋鸿可是苍风第一神医,有着极其巨大的影响力,他前一秒淡淡而语,后一秒竟然说杀便杀了!随意的如同踩死了一只蚂蚁。 “你们四大,应该是古秋鸿的亲传弟子吧?呵,你们想死,还是想活?”云澈面无表情的道。 四个人一下子听到了活的希望,顿时全部跪倒在下,磕头如捣蒜:“想活,想活……只要云大人肯放我们一条生路,我们愿意一辈子做牛做马……” 云澈冷冷的道:“古秋鸿谋害皇上,罪该万死。至于你们,我倒还可以给你们活命的机会……你们一直跟随古秋鸿,他这些年利用自己的医道和声名做下多少丑事恶事,你们一定一清二楚。我给你们三天的时间,三天之内,给我罗列好古秋鸿谋害皇上的铁证和做下的所有丑事,并主动公之天下……他根本不配‘医圣’这个称号。此后,你们以自己所学医术济世救人,来赎还跟随古秋鸿所犯下的罪过,绝不能再借医道为恶,否则,我必杀你们!!” 云澈的话,让四人喜出望外,忙不迭的答应和感激涕零…… 三天之后,古秋鸿勾结太子、三皇子以噬魂同命蛊谋害皇上的消息传遍全城,古秋鸿的四个亲传弟子晒出了诸多铁证,古秋鸿行医期间借助医道所犯下的各种丑事、恶行也全部被四人一一列出,总计上千条之多,震惊了整个苍风皇城。一时间,曾经名震苍风的医圣被所有人口诛笔伐,那些平时与其交好的人或势力也纷纷与之撇清关系,“义愤填膺”的谴责着。 而这个时候,云澈已告别苍月和萧泠汐,骑乘雪凰兽,飞往了冰极雪域。 “茉莉,我感觉我现在的修为,似乎到了某个瓶颈。”云澈闭着眼睛躺在雪凰兽背上,忽然说道。“瓶颈?你的修炼之途一直顺利的异常,何来瓶颈?”茉莉道。






การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 377 Imperial City becomes
cloud Che and Cang wedding brought festive atmosphere throughout the city has not been fully dispersed, a message begins with a stunning palace came ...... Cang cloud Che and the day-month-old marriage Cang myriad then suddenly ordered the prince and the three princes apprehend off into the prison, then himself two lists dozens of crimes, which includes impressively shocking "rebellion" and "patricide." After three days, Prince Edward Cang Cang Shuo Lin and three princes will be publicly beheaded, his gang has also been fully apprehend, destroy. A few months before, to restore the body, very calm and under the influence of heavy cloud Che football power has always been a myriad of Cang, but after marriage suddenly erupted in a cloud Che and Cang month, means filling Jagged ruthless emperor , if well prepared in general, for a time, other princes, and had tended Prince and the forces of the three princes, officials all feel insecure, nervous. Today Cang myriad Clouds Che backing, its deterrent power has been no less three large doors, they never ran not the slightest defiance and disobedience raw guts. Fortunately, the prince after decapitation and the three princes and his gang, Cang myriad then no next move, these people big relief, then Huang Budie Cang myriad variety of ways to watch loyalty, wished he could dig the chest, He took out his heart to give pale myriad see. Cang myriad power of the palm, also within this short period of time, reaching the pinnacle of his reign ...... since he had to think about one's height. Emperor's position, also sitting matchless stable. Even three large doors, he absolutely did not dare to defy the imperial majesty. Cang myriad very clear, all in all, it is the gift of thanks Yun Chol. For cloud Che, he is extremely grateful for the strong Hsiao, also naturally respect to the extreme. In front of Xiao strong, he no imperial dignity, they are generally as brothers on an equal footing. Yun Chol and Cang newlyweds, they turn a blind eye to the situation palace, daily gluey, unconsciously, the time quickly approaching cloud Che promised to go on month-ice clouds Asgard. Flights to ice clouds and before Asgard, cloud Che did not forget to deal with a sort of thing ...... this thing, and indeed the eyes of ordinary people by his murderous "Shashen" shot for the best . Cang wind Imperial, YiSheng Museum. Recognized as Cang wind first doctor opened the Medical Center daily from Cang wind around countless people to seek medical attention, including a number of coins or with a large number of mysterious treasures, to request for the door or ancient Qiu Hong Family talented disciple who opened the entrance. With its medicine and influence, since the ancient Qiu Hong Lianqi century family property, with the wealthy to describe not be overstated. But in recent days, YiSheng museum has been closed but it is not open. In the past, doctors eventually becoming holy hall door, perhaps ancient Qiu Hong wander to go, but this was different. These days, old Qiu Hong has been in the Medical Center among three princes from Prince and suddenly came to be brought to jail, and after news of the beheading, he mind chaos, no other thought, panicky daily ... ... he was two months ago, you vaguely know Cang myriad of disease, is the cloud Che good health. Cang myriad suffering from what disease, he certainly clear. The cloud could be healed since Che Cang myriad, naturally does not know the cause ...... Well, he must be the first of a suspected person ...... Oh no! It is the only one! If other people, old Qiu Hong admission to their influence, categorically can not fear, but it is even burning cloud Che day the door gave direct Daughter, the prince can not even beat the Phoenix Shenzong madman to kill him if a healer, which have the slightest scruples. These days, he secluded Medical Center, daily prayer, desperately thinking response of the law, even he has fled the country want to read. But this has not yet had time to read to implement, death had already come. "Ancient Great geniuses, crowds outside the museum, but you comfortable in here relaxed, the legendary Cang wind first geniuses, ever really is like an immortal." Suddenly the voice sounded in the background so that the ancient Qiu Hong Jiling, lightning turned, one saw clouds Che, his body flick, heart spasm, stammered and said:. "The original ...... you ...... you ...... ...... original cloud cloud cloud adult adults actually take their wares my house, I really excited ...... ...... extremely honored. " around the ancient Qiu Hong, as well as the four pro-disciple in the side, they are not aware of all the cloud Che exactly when to come, look ghostly appear Yun Chol, all of them scared frightened, huddled body, the atmosphere could not breathe one ...... as pro-disciple, ancient Cang Qiu Hong myriad of things to do next, and they certainly are crystal clear. These days, they and ancient Qiu Hong, like anxiety. Yun Chol forward approached face with sarcasm: "I'm excited to be honored from your face, how to see only afraid of you afraid I wonder that strange, prime disjoint between us, face too???? I never met a few times, why would you be afraid of me? " "No, no ......" ancient Qiu Hong Huangran out loud, just a few among these interest rates, he is the body sweat, even the fingertips, are There sweat kept dropping: "Cloud Cang wind adults only consort, it is recognized as the first person Cang wind, the next a little doctor can have to see clouds adults, naturally ...... is awe plus. " "Oh? healer? You say you are a healer? I just have a health problem lane, wonder if I could ask you something?" says Che eyes half blind, deep eyes slightly now coldness. Old Qiu Hong claiming to be "medical saint", he certainly did not know that the self-proclaimed title to cloud Che very unhappy, because he taught medicine master is Cang cloud continent "medical saint", the immediate possession of the package and the heart of things actually His most respected mentor has the same title, which is entirely on the "medical saint" word tarnished. Old Qiu Hong is now Liushenwuzhu only nod:. "Please ask ...... not when, what orders clouds adults, the next will certainly follow." "You do not nervous, I just want to have a small question to ask, I believe You the doctor is concerned, could not be easier, "says Che lips oblique onwards, Xie Yi eyes:" I have a man around, he won something called 'Eater same fate insanity' of Gudu, I do not know the ancient Great geniuses may have rescued the law? " Eater same fate insanity "five words a, they like such as persistently urge a note of death, so that the ancient Qiu Hong body flick, legs and soft, almost knelt on the ground, the sound is shaking to the Pole: "No ...... not ...... do not know, the next ...... medicine humble, never heard anything from ...... Eater same fate insanity ...... please ...... please clouds adults ...... atonement. " "Oh? You do not know? "Cloud Che sneer up:" in vain you live a hundred years, not even a little insanity Eater the same fate do not know, dare to call themselves what Cang wind first doctor, was originally just a phony generation! If the other person, phony bad enough, but as a healer Saving the world, if there is no medicine, medical center, medical ethics, then it not only can not save, but will harm! And it is detrimental to many people. Since you are an evil stuff ...... then it is not necessary to stay in this world it! ! "Ah ......" ancient Qiu Hong eyes widened, just to attempt to speak, eyes suddenly red flash ...... rip! ! A Phoenix Fire blazed over, and instantly throughout the ancient Qiu Hong's chest, consistent in his chest a big hole. Qiu Hong freeze ancient expression, "plop" sound fell to the ground, under the body sinks quickly from a pool of blood. "Normal ...... Master!" Four disciples of old Qiu Hong was scared pale and trembling, frightened them out loud, but it is shrinking in the corner, no one dared to close, in the cloud Che turned to look at them, they are more trembling, teeth chattering, which means two spot incontinence ...... cloud Che, really like the devil Henla ancient Qiu Hong Cang wind but first geniuses, has a very great influence, his first touch and a second language, After one second and say that they kill kill! Casual like stepping on an ant. "You four, should be pro-disciple ancient Qiu Hong, right? Oh, you want to die, or want to live?" Says Che deadpan Road. Four people all of a sudden heard a living hope, suddenly all fell to his knees in the next, and bowed as Daosuan: "If you want to live, want to live as long as the cloud ...... adults incensed our way out, we are willing to lifetime Chores ......" Yun Chol coldly: "Ancient Qiu Hong murdered emperor, Zuigaiwansi as for the opportunity to you, I can give you survive comes in ...... you have been following the ancient Qiu Hong, he all these years using his medical knowledge and reputation do much lower. scandal evil, you must be crystal clear. I'll give you three days, three days, give me a list of the good old Qiu Hong murdered emperor of irrefutable evidence and do all the scandal under the initiative to the public of the world and he did ...... unworthy 'medical saint' this title. After that, you have learned in their own medicine Saving the world, redeem also follow the ancient sin committed by Qiu Hong, must no longer borrow evil medical knowledge, otherwise I will kill you! " Yun Chol, then let four overjoyed, hastened to promise and grateful ...... After three days, the ancient Qiu Hong collusion Prince, the three princes to Eater same fate insanity murdered emperor news spread throughout the city, the ancient Qiu Hong four pro disciple drying out a lot of irrefutable evidence, all kinds of scandals committed by means of medical knowledge during ancient practice Qiu Hong, evil have all been four to list, a total of as many as a thousand, shocked the entire Cang wind Imperial City. For a time, once reputed Cang wind YiSheng was criticized by everyone, those who usually pay a good person or its forces also have to stay out with them, "angry" with condemnation. And this time, cloud Che has bid farewell to Cang Xi and Xiao Ling, Huang riding snow beast, to the snow-covered ice pole. "Jasmine, I feel I am the repair, it seems to a bottleneck." Snow cloud Che Huang beast lay back eyes closed, suddenly he said. "Bottleneck? Your way has been successful cultivation of the exception, how can bottleneck?" Jasmine Road. "I mean, that I had not before that enhance the strength of the method of speed." Che cloud slowly: "When under Sword Sword Hills station, within a year's time, my mysterious force repair explosive growth, but now, dragon blood and dragon meat eating fast do not say, can give my ascension also been very limited. from the seven-nation qualifying battle, as well as four months, I Phoenix empire went after God, to face more than just qualifying battle, I really need a way to break through again and the opportunity. " "Opportunity? Humph! cultivation of the way, this should be gradual! Before you time Wang Xuanlong draw blood dragon meat enhance the power of force is extremely dangerous, if there is a Buddha Avenue tactics of body, your body will inevitably thus leaving a lot of risks. In your current practice speed, without the aid of any foreign objects, has also been It is fast enough. "But the current strength in the face of the Phoenix Ancestor, almost not worth mentioning. "Cloud Che somewhat depressed and said:" It seems the next four months, I have to make every effort to fight the. Anyway ...... When you master this, it seems to have been a long time did not teach me things. I do not even know what you are practicing Xuangong. You are so powerful, mysterious Xuangong practicing skills certainly very powerful, why ...... ah, do not try to teach me? " "naive! "There is no emotion Jasmine said:" I have the ability, you can practice at present, and only God broken shadow star it! You are now the foundation and level really bad, my Xuangong and Shazhao, if you practice any force, there will be danger for their lives. " "I now practice while Cthulhu Xuangong and Arakami Xuangong, do not have any unbearable feeling, your Xuangong, do better than Cthulhu tactics and Avenue Buddha tactic even more severe? "Cloud Che opened his eyes, surprised Road. "not the same. "Jasmine coldly said:" If you really want to practice my Xuangong, mysterious force until you reach the mysterious realm of the late monarch, and I had to reshape the body, then I might consider giving you drop 'blood day to kill' let you practice my Xuangong. " "Jun Hyun Jun ...... ...... even late? "Cloud Che scared of an ass sat up:" The blood of days to kill is what? " "You do not know. " "......" R1058

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Cap 377 imperial variable
Che Yun and the Cang month wedding brought the whole of the festive atmosphere has not been completely dispersed, one surprising news will from the palace came......

Che Yun and the Cang month after the wedding the next day, Cang myriad abruptly ordered the prince and Prince apprehend locked up in prison, and then personally listed two number ten offences, which impressively including shocking "rebellion" and "patricide". Three days later, the prince and the three princes Cang Cang Lin Shuo was publicly beheaded, his henchmen are all on, destroy.
the past several months, the restoration of the body, and in the clouds under the influence of gain power of the wind has been very calm pale,But in the cloud Che and the Cang month into marriage suddenly broke, ruthless means filling the king predator, as if already prepared, for a time, other emperor's son, and had the tendency to the forces of Prince and Prince, all the officials feel insecure and quiver. Now verdant valleys have Che Yun backer, the deterrence has no less than three large door, they literally give birth to the guts of the slightest defiance and disobedience. Fortunately, beheaded Prince and Prince and his henchmen, Cang valleys there would be no further action, these talents DASONG breath, and then panic hastily through a variety of ways to Cang myriad table loyal, hate not to open the chest to the plane,Take heart to see the pale wind. The wind power

Cang palm, also in this short period of time, reached the pinnacle of his reign...... He once wanted to have a high degree of. The emperor, also sat very steady. Even if the three large doors, but also absolutely not dare to defy his imperial majesty. The wind is very clear
, all in all, are given Baiyun che. For the clouds, he is very grateful for, Xiao strong, also is the respect to the extreme. In front of him without Xiao strong, Imperial Majesty, as brothers on an equal footing.

and dawn clouds for their palace and the couple joy in their marriage., indifferent,Love each other dearly daily time soon approaching, imperceptibly, clouds clouds promise to Asgard in January of the year. And go in ice

Asgard before, clouds did not forget to deal with a sort of thing...... This thing, he did by the eyes of ordinary people's "evil spirit" to commit innumerable murders for the best. Sofu

imperial, medicine museum.
as recognized the Cang breeze first doctor medical center, every day from pale wind around to seek medical advice of countless people, which also includes a many with a large number of mysterious coins or treasure, to request Gu Qiuhong opens the entrance to the door or family genius disciple. By virtue of its skill and influence,The Gu Qiuhong family gathered for 100 years, used to describe much fabulously rich.

but in recent days, our museum is closed doors has been opened.
the past, Long Sheng museum will not open the door, Gu Qiuhong probably went wandering, but this is different. These days, Gu Qiuhong always in Medical Museum, since Prince and three emperor the son suddenly came arrested imprisoned, then after the beheading of the news, he mind chaos, no other thoughts, daily panicky...... He was two months ago, I know the disease is pale wind, clouds are healed. Cang Wanhe the disease, he would of course be crystal clear. But since the clouds can cure pale wind,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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