ZL365 第三百六十五章 [[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S)2013-08-06 08:00:00 清晨,翘课节奏,上线,继 การแปล - ZL365 第三百六十五章 [[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S)2013-08-06 08:00:00 清晨,翘课节奏,上线,继 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL365 第三百六十五章 [[Cover Sword Cut-S]]


第三百六十五章 [[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S)

2013-08-06 08:00:00

清晨,翘课节奏,上线,继续主持Zhan Long(G) 的发展大局。

“-SHUA!- ”

人物出现在Ba Huang City 的北城门广场上,修理一下Equipment ,随后查看一下National Beauty(-商铺-) 商铺的经营情况,盈利额每天都略有提升,在Ba Huang City 的下一个玩家商铺出来之前,这种势头多半是不会扭转了,并且National Beauty(-商铺-) 是第一间玩家商铺,名气已经在Ba Huang City 非常之高了,就算是有别的商铺也不会受到太大的影响,基本上支持整个Zhan Long(G) 的资金运转是没有太大问题了,虽然不至于让我和LI MU(S) 、Song Han(A) 这些人发财,但至少能让Zhan Long(G) 这个人数近5000的巨型机器动力十足了。

glanced*** 一眼商铺里的Equipment 出售列表,居然还有两个Emperor Tier 器,不过价格都偏高,寄卖者名字被隐藏了,我也没有什么兴趣,走人!

出了城门,带着Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 去往Ba Huang City 的西北方,直奔Tsing Lun Valley 的方向,那里是Zhan Long(G) 的大本营,我在那里练LEVEL 也比较方便一些,随时都能驰援周围的Zhan Long(G) 团队。

一边赶路,一边打开了行会成员列表,在玩家CBNBattle Network Rank 榜上,Zhan Long(G) 的排名非常清晰——

1、Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC)

2、Yue Qing Qian[ZL](A)

3、General Li Mu[Z-V](S)

4、General Wang Jian[Z-V](S)

5、Yue Wei Liang[ZL](A)

6、Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands[ZL](M)

7、General Lian Po[Z-V](Ar)

8、Dancing Forest[ZL](Ar)(Elf)

9、Wolf Totem[ZL](A)

10、Hero Ran Min[ZL](B)


基本上,这就是Zhan Long(G) 的十大高手了,实力都非常不俗,并且伴随着游戏中期的发展,有一点越发的明显了,那就是超LEVEL 高手的作用,每次团战的时候,譬如我、Yue Qing Qian[ZL](A) 、General Li Mu[Z-V](S) 、Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands[ZL](M) 这样的高手,都能以一当十甚至以一当百,在团战中也能带动整体的攻防节奏,可以说,真正的高手就如同古代冷兵器战争的上将一般,出阵迎战,一旦斩杀对方的武将则本方士卒就能获得极大的士气提升,一次次的以弱胜强战斗中,Zhan Long(G) 靠的从来不是人数,而是一股不屈的意志,纵然敌众我寡依旧能在本方高手的率领下迎敌。

舔了舔嘴唇,纵身没入前方的草丛中,我暗自一笑,再过一段时间,Lin Wan Er 、Dong Cheng Yue 加入Zhan Long(G) 之后,我们Zhan Long(G) 的高手阵容就真的算是中国区首屈一指了,就算是遭遇Legend(G) 这种游戏巨舰,我们也不会落于下风,梦想越来越接近了。

再往前不远,前方的丛林开阔地里已然出现了一群人,每个人的手臂上都浮现着相同的行会徽记,那是一柄血色战戟,这群人不是别人,正是刚刚成立的Siege(G) !

人群正前方,Misty Clouds[S](G-K) 身负[Blood Sword] ,双臂抱于胸前,哈哈笑speaking* :“行啦,既然这个BOSS已经推倒了,那就快点寻找下一个战略目标,争取两小时内升到2LEVEL 行会,24小时内升到3LEVEL 行会!”

Broken Sword Reborn[S](K) 提着长剑,肩膀上浮动着Vice GM* 的徽记,笑speaking* :“Guild Master* ,我让Ruined Bones(G) Sub-Guild* 的Brother* 距离我们1000码方位练LEVEL 了,以防被人偷袭,你昨天闹出的动静实在是太大了,我怕我们会成为Flying Dragon(G) 、Wrath of Heroes[Guild] 之类行会的猎杀目标,毕竟我们还是1LEVEL 行会,主盟只有100精英而已。”

Misty Clouds[S](G-K) 轻笑:“放心吧,我们的三大Sub-Guild* 近万人都在周围Cruising[MG](S) ,基本上不会有太大危险,并且,这里距离Zhan Long(G) 的基地Tsing Lun Valley 也非常接近,只要我们被Attack ,Zhan Long(G) 随时能在20分钟内重兵增援,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 是个非常不错的家伙,我们很幸运,有那么靠谱的盟友!”

Fighting in Blood(G) 嘿嘿一笑:“必须的,Zhan Long(G) 的崛起让Vanguard(G) 、Prague(G) 都感到意外,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 的人格魅力远远不是Soaring Dragon[FD-GM](M) 、Tyrant of Western Chu[WOH](S) 这些人能够比拟的,否则又怎么会让Valiant Bravery(Guild) 这么强的家族加盟,好啦,别说了,我们继续练LEVEL !”

“OK! ”


我没有惊扰他们,只是draw sword*** 在一旁的丛林里悄然掠过,一路疾行,很快的抵达了Tsing Lun Valley ,干脆跳进了Tsing Lun Deep 之中!


一手抓住绿藤,晃晃悠悠的荡进了深渊之中,底部,已经刷新出了一种77LEVEL 的Phantom 怪,这里四下无人,我松开绿藤的瞬间就已经抬手拔出双剑,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 交叉成十字怒斩在一头Phantom 怪的脑门上,在对方嗷嗷的惨叫声中,双剑交错[[Combo]] ,“-Shua! Shua!- 刷”快节奏猛攻,直接hacked to death* ,这货连还手的机会都没有。

立地站定,我闭上双眸,周围衍生出bursts*** 气旋,猛然提气,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] “刷”一speaking* 剑花在前方颤过,[Cold Iron Sword] 接连猛攻,剑刃产生的剑意竟拂动着前方的绿藤,-Shua! Shua!- continuous* {hack} 出数剑,胸中一股浊气涌起,又来了,这是游戏里对我们使用乘风剑法的反噬效果。

这一次我冷静多了,最后挥出数剑的同时都渐渐的吐纳着这股浊气,并且心随剑走,果然,[Cold Iron Sword] 、[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 的Attack 轨迹略微产生了一些偏移,却没有立刻就被浊气所反噬,这算是一种缓解,一直到我continuous* 挥出第九剑的时候,终于,这股浊气完全反噬,手臂一麻,整个人{continuous retreat} 数步跌坐在地,短时间内失去了自主能力,NND,这次自创{skill} 果然不同凡响,尚未领悟出来就把我折腾得体无完肤了。

“-Ding!- ”

一条消息,来自于Matcha(MK) MM:“老大,在Tsing Lun Valley 么?在的话,来(32773,112993)这里,刷新了一个77LEVEL Emperor Tier 阶BOSS,你来当T吧,我当T怕会OT,那就可能要造成人员损失了!”

我马上回复:“嗯,{wait for me} ,5分钟就到!”

“OK! ”

伸手抓住绿藤,飞速爬了上去,荡来荡去的落在Tsing Lun Deep 的顶部峭壁之上,提着[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 疾奔而去,几分钟后抵达峡谷中的一个密林之中,远远的,一个至少5米高的石巨人正在Crowd 肆虐着,这里正是Matcha(MK) MM所带领的一个200人团,其中LI MU(S) 、Song Han(A) 也在。

“Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* 来了!”Song Han(A) yelling* :“前排T全部让开,把{aggro2} 引到Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* 身上!”

我一会[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,远远的opened hand** 就是一个[[Great Realm of Desolation]](S) 落在BOSS的身上,紧接着{cast} [[Dragon’s Whistle of Thunder and Lightning]](SSS) ,也加持给了Matcha(MK) 、LI MU(S) 等人,飞驰而去,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 上带着[[Combo]] 光泽轰击在石巨人的thigh 上,一连串的猛攻,立刻把BOSS的{aggro2} 拉过来了。


石巨人舞动巨臂,猛然smashed to the ground*** 在我的肩膀上,带出1478点伤害数字,Darling Duck[ZL](H) 马上{heal}** ,并且笑speaking* :“老大的Defence 好给力,一点压力都没有嘛……”

我挥动[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) +普通Attack 猛攻,一个个伤害数字、{lifesteal} 数字跳跃——





诚然,有10%的{lifesteal} 效果实在太给力了,HEALER 的{heal}** 压力也会大大降低,不过这里200个Zhan Long(G) 玩家,事实上杀一个Emperor Tier 阶BOSS确实是太轻松了,只不过大家的等LEVEL 都略低,需要我这个72LEVEL 的高等LEVEL 玩家来抵挡一下而已。

狂轰滥炸的把BOSS打到了10%血左右,我一边Attack 一边yelling* :“那个……BOSS我来杀,我有123点charisma ,爆率也会更大一些,我只要经验,出了什么Equipment 或者物品,都给你们分配好了。”

Matcha(MK) 和LI MU(S) 一起点头:“OK! ”

[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 呼啸,加上MAGE 、ARCHER 们的肆虐,分分钟就结束了BOSS的Health ,我打了最后一击,石巨人嗷嗷哀嚎着倒下,巨大的Body 崩碎的瞬间也爆出了一堆Equipment ,其中还有一本血红色的{skill} 书,我目光一扫示意Matcha(MK) MM,她马上走上前,捧起一件铠甲系胸衣,笑speaking* :“男性专用的70LEVEL Emperor Tier 器铠甲,唔……我们这里好像只有LI MU(S) 符合?”

LI MU(S) 老脸一红:“这怎么好意思啊,哈哈哈……”


“OK! ”

Matcha(MK) 继续看,又一把Emperor Tier 器长弓,就给了General Lian Po[Z-V](Ar) 了,在之后是一个Purple Tier 器头盔和Purple Tier 器护手,被一个ARCHER 和一个BERSERKER 分了,最后,则是一本血红色{skill} 书,Matcha(MK) MM伸手a flick* ,{skill} 书的{stats} 出现在空中——

【[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) 】(SLEVEL ):倾覆手中长剑,对前方25码、30度的扇形区域造成强力斩击,距离使用者越近,所受到的Attack 伤害越大,需要玩家70LEVEL ,需要{Class} :SWORDSMAN ,学习需要消耗2点charisma 。


我顿时笑了:“这个……好像还是只有LI MU(S) 一个人能用吧?你……你今天怎么不带WANG JIAN(S) 一起过来杀BOSS,不然就有的ROLL点了……”

LI MU(S) 扶额大笑:“那小子带第一分的人去刷Cold Forest Cemetery 了,哈哈哈,我今天的运气真好啊……”

我点头:“嗯,学了吧,[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) 是片杀{skill} ,看起来威力不凡,刚好你也缺少片杀伤害,这样也好,你学了[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) ,我们Zhan Long(G) 在团战的时候锋线上就更加无坚不摧了!”


[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) {skill} 在LI MU(S) 手中化为一speaking* 光芒消失,他立刻lifting up* 剑{cast} 这1LEVEL 的[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) ,顿时手中长剑高高扬起,猛然从空中俯冲落下,对一整片扇形区域造成了猛烈轰炸,啧啧,哪儿像是长剑斩击,倒像是激光制导的BATTLE AXE 导弹,威力惊人!


正在这时,又是“滴”的一声,一条信息来自于Dong Cheng Yue :“亲爱的,中午我老爹请吃饭,你和Wan Er(A) 都去啊,Elder Brother 也去的,中午11点30分,在楼下{wait for me} 和Wan Er(A) ,不许迟到!”

我立刻回复:“嗯,知speaking* 了,吃饭这种事情我是不会迟到的!”


“OK! ”

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL365 Chapter No. 365 [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (s)2013-08-06 08:00:00 Morning, skipped class rhythm, line, continued to chair the Zhan Long (G) development. "-SHUA!- " Characters appeared in Ba Huang City of North Gates square Shang, repair about Equipment, then view about National Beauty (-shops-) shops of business situation, profit amount daily are slightly has upgrade, in Ba Huang City of next players shops out zhiqian, this momentum most is not reverse has, and National Beauty (-shops-) is first between players shops, fame has in Ba Huang City very of high has, on is has other shops also not by too big of effect, basically support whole Zhan Long (G) of funds running is no too big problem has, although not let I and LI MU (s), and Song Han (a,) these people fortune, but at least can let Zhan Long (G) this number near 5000 of giant machine power full has. Glanced*** list of Equipment sold in the shops at a glance, actually there are two Emperor Tier, but the price is high on consignment name be hidden, I have no interest in, leave! Out of the gate, with a Flaming Tiger God (Pet) to Ba Huang City Northwest, went straight to the direction of Tsing Lun Valley, where Zhan Long (G) home, where my LEVEL is also more convenient, ready to rescue Zhan around Long (G) team. While on his way, and opens the list of members of the Guild, the player CBNBattle Network Rank on the list, Zhan Long (G) ranking is very clear – 1、Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 2、Yue Qing Qian[ZL](A) 3、General Li Mu[Z-V](S) 4、General Wang Jian[Z-V](S) 5、Yue Wei Liang[ZL](A) 6、Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands[ZL](M) 7、General Lian Po[Z-V](Ar) 8、Dancing Forest[ZL](Ar)(Elf) 9、Wolf Totem[ZL](A) 10、Hero Ran Min[ZL](B) …… Basically, this is Zhan Long (G) of ten master has, strength are very well, and with with game medium-term of development, has is more of obviously has, that is super LEVEL master of role, each mission war of when, such as I, and Yue Qing Qian[ZL] (a,), and General Li Mu[Z-V] (s), and Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands[ZL] (m) such of master, Are can example even to a Dang hundred, in mission war in the also can led overall of Defense rhythm, can said, real of master on like ancient cold weapon war of General General, troupe engaged, once cut killed other of generals is this Alchemist stroke on can get great of morale upgrade, again and again of weak over the fighting in the, Zhan Long (G) by of has never not number, but a unit unyielding of wills, even outnumbered still can in this party master of led Xia welcome enemy. Licking has licking lips, jump into ahead of grass in the, I secretly a laugh, again had a time, Lin Wan Er, and Dong Cheng Yue joined Zhan Long (G) zhihou, we Zhan Long (G) of master lineup on really of is China district leading has, even is suffered Legend (G) this game giant ship, we also not fell Yu downwind, dream increasingly close has. Not far ahead, jungle has appeared in the open area in front of a group of people, everyone's arm bears the same Guild emblems, that it is a bloody halberd, the group is none other is just set the Siege (G)! 人群正前方,Misty Clouds[S](G-K) 身负[Blood Sword] ,双臂抱于胸前,哈哈笑speaking* :“行啦,既然这个BOSS已经推倒了,那就快点寻找下一个战略目标,争取两小时内升到2LEVEL 行会,24小时内升到3LEVEL 行会!” Broken Sword Reborn[S](K) 提着长剑,肩膀上浮动着Vice GM* 的徽记,笑speaking* :“Guild Master* ,我让Ruined Bones(G) Sub-Guild* 的Brother* 距离我们1000码方位练LEVEL 了,以防被人偷袭,你昨天闹出的动静实在是太大了,我怕我们会成为Flying Dragon(G) 、Wrath of Heroes[Guild] 之类行会的猎杀目标,毕竟我们还是1LEVEL 行会,主盟只有100精英而已。” Misty Clouds[S](G-K) 轻笑:“放心吧,我们的三大Sub-Guild* 近万人都在周围Cruising[MG](S) ,基本上不会有太大危险,并且,这里距离Zhan Long(G) 的基地Tsing Lun Valley 也非常接近,只要我们被Attack ,Zhan Long(G) 随时能在20分钟内重兵增援,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 是个非常不错的家伙,我们很幸运,有那么靠谱的盟友!” Fighting in Blood(G) 嘿嘿一笑:“必须的,Zhan Long(G) 的崛起让Vanguard(G) 、Prague(G) 都感到意外,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 的人格魅力远远不是Soaring Dragon[FD-GM](M) 、Tyrant of Western Chu[WOH](S) 这些人能够比拟的,否则又怎么会让Valiant Bravery(Guild) 这么强的家族加盟,好啦,别说了,我们继续练LEVEL !” “OK! ” …… 我没有惊扰他们,只是draw sword*** 在一旁的丛林里悄然掠过,一路疾行,很快的抵达了Tsing Lun Valley ,干脆跳进了Tsing Lun Deep 之中! “啪!” 一手抓住绿藤,晃晃悠悠的荡进了深渊之中,底部,已经刷新出了一种77LEVEL 的Phantom 怪,这里四下无人,我松开绿藤的瞬间就已经抬手拔出双剑,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 、[Cold Iron Sword] 交叉成十字怒斩在一头Phantom 怪的脑门上,在对方嗷嗷的惨叫声中,双剑交错[[Combo]] ,“-Shua! Shua!- 刷”快节奏猛攻,直接hacked to death* ,这货连还手的机会都没有。 立地站定,我闭上双眸,周围衍生出bursts*** 气旋,猛然提气,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] “刷”一speaking* 剑花在前方颤过,[Cold Iron Sword] 接连猛攻,剑刃产生的剑意竟拂动着前方的绿藤,-Shua! Shua!- continuous* {hack} 出数剑,胸中一股浊气涌起,又来了,这是游戏里对我们使用乘风剑法的反噬效果。 This once I calm more has, last waved several sword of while are gradually of spit na with this unit cloud gas, and heart with sword go, was, [Cold Iron Sword], and [Emperor Qin's Sword] of Attack track slightly produced has some offset, is no immediately on was cloud gas by bash, this is a ease, has been to I continuous* waved out Nineth sword of when, finally, this unit cloud gas completely bash, arm a MA, whole people { Continuous retreat} steps slumped to the ground, losing autonomy within a short time, NND, from {skill} is really extraordinary, had not yet learnt me to pieces. "-Ding!- " A message from the Matcha (MK) MM: "boss, Tsing Lun Valley? If (32773,112993) here, set a 77LEVEL Emperor Tier level BOSS, you be t, I t is afraid OT, that loss may be caused! ” I immediately replied: "well, {wait for me}, in 5 minutes! ” "OK! " Reaches caught green vine, rapid climbed has up, swing to swing to of fell in Tsing Lun Deep of top Department cliff on, mention with [Emperor Qin's Sword] disease Ben and to, a few minutes Bell Hou arrived in Canyon in the of a jungle among, far of, a at least 5 meters high of stone giant is Crowd raging with, here is Matcha (MK) MM by led of a 200 people mission, which LI MU (s), and Song Han (a,) also in. "Xiao Yao (MC) Brother* here! "Song Han (a) yelling*:" the t all the way in the front row, {aggro2} to the Xiao Yao (MC) Brother* body! ” 我一会[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,远远的opened hand** 就是一个[[Great Realm of Desolation]](S) 落在BOSS的身上,紧接着{cast} [[Dragon’s Whistle of Thunder and Lightning]](SSS) ,也加持给了Matcha(MK) 、LI MU(S) 等人,飞驰而去,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 上带着[[Combo]] 光泽轰击在石巨人的thigh 上,一连串的猛攻,立刻把BOSS的{aggro2} 拉过来了。 “吼!” 石巨人舞动巨臂,猛然smashed to the ground*** 在我的肩膀上,带出1478点伤害数字,Darling Duck[ZL](H) 马上{heal}** ,并且笑speaking* :“老大的Defence 好给力,一点压力都没有嘛……” 我挥动[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,[[Fierce Ice Blade]](A) +普通Attack 猛攻,一个个伤害数字、{lifesteal} 数字跳跃—— “3127!” “+312!” “2253!” “+225!” 诚然,有10%的{lifesteal} 效果实在太给力了,HEALER 的{heal}** 压力也会大大降低,不过这里200个Zhan Long(G) 玩家,事实上杀一个Emperor Tier 阶BOSS确实是太轻松了,只不过大家的等LEVEL 都略低,需要我这个72LEVEL 的高等LEVEL 玩家来抵挡一下而已。 狂轰滥炸的把BOSS打到了10%血左右,我一边Attack 一边yelling* :“那个……BOSS我来杀,我有123点charisma ,爆率也会更大一些,我只要经验,出了什么Equipment 或者物品,都给你们分配好了。”

Matcha(MK) 和LI MU(S) 一起点头:“OK! ”

[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 呼啸,加上MAGE 、ARCHER 们的肆虐,分分钟就结束了BOSS的Health ,我打了最后一击,石巨人嗷嗷哀嚎着倒下,巨大的Body 崩碎的瞬间也爆出了一堆Equipment ,其中还有一本血红色的{skill} 书,我目光一扫示意Matcha(MK) MM,她马上走上前,捧起一件铠甲系胸衣,笑speaking* :“男性专用的70LEVEL Emperor Tier 器铠甲,唔……我们这里好像只有LI MU(S) 符合?”

LI MU(S) 老脸一红:“这怎么好意思啊,哈哈哈……”


“OK! ”

Matcha(MK) 继续看,又一把Emperor Tier 器长弓,就给了General Lian Po[Z-V](Ar) 了,在之后是一个Purple Tier 器头盔和Purple Tier 器护手,被一个ARCHER 和一个BERSERKER 分了,最后,则是一本血红色{skill} 书,Matcha(MK) MM伸手a flick* ,{skill} 书的{stats} 出现在空中——

【[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) 】(SLEVEL ):倾覆手中长剑,对前方25码、30度的扇形区域造成强力斩击,距离使用者越近,所受到的Attack 伤害越大,需要玩家70LEVEL ,需要{Class} :SWORDSMAN ,学习需要消耗2点charisma 。


我顿时笑了:“这个……好像还是只有LI MU(S) 一个人能用吧?你……你今天怎么不带WANG JIAN(S) 一起过来杀BOSS,不然就有的ROLL点了……”

LI MU(S) 扶额大笑:“那小子带第一分的人去刷Cold Forest Cemetery 了,哈哈哈,我今天的运气真好啊……”

我点头:“嗯,学了吧,[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) 是片杀{skill} ,看起来威力不凡,刚好你也缺少片杀伤害,这样也好,你学了[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) ,我们Zhan Long(G) 在团战的时候锋线上就更加无坚不摧了!”


[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) {skill} 在LI MU(S) 手中化为一speaking* 光芒消失,他立刻lifting up* 剑{cast} 这1LEVEL 的[[Cover Sword Cut-S]](S) ,顿时手中长剑高高扬起,猛然从空中俯冲落下,对一整片扇形区域造成了猛烈轰炸,啧啧,哪儿像是长剑斩击,倒像是激光制导的BATTLE AXE 导弹,威力惊人!


正在这时,又是“滴”的一声,一条信息来自于Dong Cheng Yue :“亲爱的,中午我老爹请吃饭,你和Wan Er(A) 都去啊,Elder Brother 也去的,中午11点30分,在楼下{wait for me} 和Wan Er(A) ,不许迟到!”

我立刻回复:“嗯,知speaking* 了,吃饭这种事情我是不会迟到的!”


“OK! ”

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ZL365 three hundred and sixtieth chapters [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S) 2013-08-06 08:00:00 morning, skipped rhythm, on-line, continue to preside over Zhan Long (G) of the overall development. "-SHUA -!" character appears on the Ba Huang City north gate plaza, repair it Equipment, then look at the National Beauty (- Shops -) shop operators, the profit amount is a slight increase every day, in Ba Huang City Store before the next player out, this probably is not going to reverse the momentum, and National Beauty (- Store -) was the first player shops, has a very high reputation in Ba Huang City, and even if there are other shops will not be much impact, essentially supports the entire Zhan Long (G) of financial operations is not much problem, though not let me and LI MU (S), Song Han (A) These people get rich, but at least let Zhan Long (G) The number of nearly 5,000 of the giant machine full of power. glanced *** a list of shops in the Equipment to sell, actually there are two Emperor Tier device, but the prices are high, the consignment's name was hidden, I have no interest in, leave! Town gate, with Flaming Tiger God (Pet) Flights Ba Huang City of northwest direction straight Tsing Lun Valley, where there is Zhan Long (G) of the base camp, where I practiced LEVEL is also more convenient, You can always rush to the rescue Zhan Long (G) team around. While on their way, they opened the guild member list, the player CBNBattle Network Rank standings, Zhan Long (G) rank very clear - 1, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) 2, Yue Qing Qian [ZL] (A) 3, General Li Mu [ZV] (S) 4, General Wang Jian [ZV] (S) 5, Yue Wei Liang [ZL] (A) 6, Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands [ZL] (M) 7, General Lian PO [ZV] (Ar) 8, Dancing Forest [ZL] (Ar) (Elf) 9, Wolf Totem [ZL] (A) 10, Hero Ran Min [ZL] (B) ...... Basically, this is the Zhan Long (G) of the top ten master, and strength are very good, and with the development of mid-game, there is a little more obvious, and that is the role of super-LEVEL master, when each team battles, such as I, Yue Qing Qian [ZL] (A), General Li Mu [ZV] (S), Thousand Suns Over Snowy Lands [ZL] (M) such a master, can Yiyidangshi even when in a hundred, in a group can lead the overall war offensive and defensive rhythm, we can say, just as the real master admiral ancient cold weapons of war in general, against appearances, once beheaded the other generals are able to get this方士卒greatly enhance morale, a time of David and Goliath battle, Zhan Long (G) by the number of people has never been, but an indomitable will, even though outnumbered still able to meet the enemy at the side led by experts. After licked his lips, did not jump into the front of the grass, I secretly smile, after a period of time, Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng Yue added Zhan Long (G), we Zhan Long (G) of the master lineup really regarded China premier, and even encounter Legend (G) ship in the game, we would not fall under the wind, closer to the dream. Then move far, the open ground in front of the jungle already appeared in a group of people, everyone's arms are on the same line as the emblem surfaced in mind, it is a two-edged bloody Halberd, the group is none other than the newly established Siege (G)! Crowd in front, Misty Clouds [S] (GK) who are charged with [Blood Sword], his arms in front, laugh speaking *: "Come on, now the BOSS has been pulled down, then quickly find the next strategy ! target, rose for two hours 2LEVEL guild, rose 3LEVEL guild within 24 hours " Broken Sword Reborn [S] (K) carrying a sword on the shoulder Fudong Zhao Vice GM * emblem, laughing speaking *: "Guild Master *, I let Ruined Bones (G) Sub-Guild * The Brother * 1000 yards away from our practice LEVEL orientation, and to avoid being attack, sudden, yesterday your movement is too great, I'm afraid we'll become Flying Dragon (G), Wrath of hunting target Heroes [Guild] like the guild, after all, we still 1LEVEL guild master league only 100 elite only. " Misty Clouds [S] (GK) chuckle: "Do not worry bar, our three Sub-Guild * ten thousand people around Cruising [MG] (S), basically there is not much danger, and, where Tsing distance Zhan Long (G) of the base Lun Valley is also very close As long as we are Attack, Zhan Long (G) at any time to heavily reinforce within 20 minutes, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) is a very nice guy, and we are fortunate to have so reliable ally! " Fighting in Blood (G ) Hey smile: "a must, Zhan Long (G) let the rise Vanguard (G), Prague (G) by surprise, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) charisma far Soaring Dragon [FD-GM] ( M), Tyrant of Western Chu [WOH] (S) of these people can be compared, otherwise how will Valiant Bravery (Guild) to join such a strong family, well, not to mention, we continue to practice LEVEL! " "OK ! " ...... I did not disturb them, just draw sword *** at the side of the jungle quietly passing, all the way Fleet of Foot, and soon arrived at the Tsing Lun Valley, simply jump into the Tsing Lun Deep in! "Smack!" hand to seize the green vines, threw a swing into the abyss, the bottom has a refresh of the Phantom 77LEVEL blame, no one around here, I let go of instant green vine has been lifted Hand pull out swords, [Emperor Qin's Sword], [Cold Iron Sword] cross into a cross cut on one end Phantom Fury strange forehead, bellowed at each other's screams, swords staggered [[Combo]], "- Shua Shua -!! brush "fast-paced onslaught, direct hacked to death *, the chance that the goods are not even fight back. Site stood still, I close my eyes, around derived bursts *** cyclone, suddenly mention gas, [Emperor Qin's Sword] "brush" a speaking * Jianhua in front flutter over, [Cold Iron Sword] after another onslaught, blade actually intended to produce blowing over the sword in front of the green vines, -Shua Shua -!! continuous * {hack} a number of swords, chest an aggregate filled, again, this is the game for us to use the wind sword Law backfire effect. This time I was more calm, and finally fired a number of swords are gradually while breathing the aggregate of these shares, and the heart with the sword away, and sure enough, [Cold Iron Sword], [Emperor Qin's Sword] the trajectory slightly generated Attack Some offset, but not immediately on the bite by an aggregate, it regarded as a relief, until I hit the ninth continuous * sword, when finally, which shares an aggregate totally backfire, the arm of a hemp, the people {continuous retreat} fell to the ground a few steps, in a short time lost autonomy, NND, this homemade {skill} really extraordinary, not yet comprehend it took me severely the toss. "-Ding -!" a message from Matcha (MK) MM: "Boss, at Tsing Lun Valley it in words, to (32773,112993) Here, refresh a 77LEVEL Emperor Tier order BOSS, you come when T? I, I would be afraid when T OT, it may be causing loss! " I immediately reply: "! ah, {wait for me}, 5 minutes to" "! OK" and grabbed the green vine, rapid climb up, swinging above the falls Tsing Lun Deep cliff top, carrying [Emperor Qin's Sword] Ji Ben away, arrived a few minutes later in a jungle gorge, well, a least 5 Crowd-meter-high stone giants is raging, here is Matcha (MK) MM led a group of 200 people, including LI MU (S), Song Han (A) also. "Xiao Yao (MC) Brother * coming!" Song Han (A) yelling *: "front T all get out, the {aggro2} lead to Xiao Yao (MC) Brother * body!" I'll [Emperor Qin's Sword], far opened hand ** is a [[Great Realm of Desolation]] (S) falls BOSS body, followed by {cast} [[Dragon's Whistle of Thunder and Lightning]] (SSS), also blessing gave Matcha (MK), LI MU (S) et al., speeding away, [Emperor Qin's Sword] with [[Combo]] gloss on the stone giant bombardment of thigh, a series of onslaught on the BOSS immediately { aggro2} to pull over. "Roar!" stone giant dancing Jubi, suddenly smashed to the ground *** on my shoulder, with a 1478 points of damage figure, Darling Duck [ZL] (H) immediately {heal} **, and laughing speaking * : "Boss of Defence good to force, no pressure at all Well ......" I waved [Emperor Qin's Sword], [[Fierce Ice Blade]] (A) + Normal Attack onslaught, one damage numbers, {lifesteal} Digital Jump - - "! 3127" "+312 " ! " 2253! " " +225 "! Indeed, 10% of {lifesteal} effect is too much to force it, HEALER the {heal} ** pressure will be greatly reduced, but here 200 a Zhan Long (G) players, in fact, kill a Emperor Tier order BOSS is really too easy, but we are slightly LEVEL etc., I need this 72LEVEL to withstand higher LEVEL players about it. The bombing of the BOSS hit 10% of the blood, while I Attack while yelling *: "That ...... BOSS to kill me, I have 123 points charisma, burst rate will be even greater, I just experience, out of What Equipment or goods, give you a good distribution " Matcha (MK) and LI MU (S) together nodded: "OK"! [Emperor Qin's Sword] whistling, plus MAGE, ARCHER their raging, every minute is over the BOSS of Health, I hit the final blow, Aoao crying with fallen stone giant, huge Body chipping moment also broke a bunch of Equipment, of which there are a blood-red {skill} book, I look a sweep schematically Matcha (MK) MM, she immediately stepped forward, won an armor system bras, laughing speaking *: "male-specific device 70LEVEL Emperor Tier armor, Well ...... here we seem to only LI MU (S) in line with ? " LI MU (S) old blushed: "This is how the nerve ah, ha ha ha ......" I was speechless: "won chanting ......" "! OK" Matcha (MK) continue to look at, but also a handful of Emperor Tier is long bow, gave General Lian Po [ZV] (Ar), and after the device is a Purple Tier helmets and gauntlets Purple Tier device, is a ARCHER and a BERSERKER points, finally, it is a blood-red {skill } book, Matcha (MK) MM reach a flick *, {skill} {stats} the book appeared in the air - [[[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S)] (SLEVEL): overturning the hands of the sword, for in front of 25 yards, 30 degrees caused a strong slash fan-shaped area, the closer the user, the greater the harm suffered Attack, players need to 70LEVEL, needs {Class}: SWORDSMAN, learning needs to consume 2:00 charisma. ...... I suddenly laughed: "This ...... seems to still be in LI MU (S) a person ...... you how you can use it without today WANG JIAN (S) come together to kill BOSS, otherwise there's ROLL point? ...... " LI MU (S) the amount of help laughing: "That kid who went with the first sub-brush Cold Forest Cemetery, ha ha ha, I was lucky today, nice ah ......" I nodded: "ah, learning Bar, [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S) is a chip kill {skill}, looks extraordinary power, just kill you missing piece hurt, it was just, you learn [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S), we Zhan Long (G) on the team battles when the striker is even more invincible! " " ah! " [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S) {skill} in LI MU (S) in the hands of as a speaking * light disappeared, he immediately lifting up * sword {cast} This 1LEVEL of [[Cover Sword Cut-S]] (S), suddenly the hands of the sword raised high, suddenly falling from the sky dive, on a single piece fan-shaped area causing heavy bombing, tut, where like a sword slash, but rather a laser-guided missile BATTLE AXE, is incredibly powerful! ...... Just then, but also a "drop" sound, a message from the Dong Cheng Yue: "My dear, my father invited him to dinner at noon, you and Wan Er (A) go ah, Elder Brother also go, 11:30, downstairs {wait for me} and Wan Er (A), not allowed to be late! " I immediately reply: "! ah, know speaking *, eat this kind of thing I would not be late." " Okay, then you continue to busy! " "OK!"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

chapter 365 makes [[Cover sword Cut-S]] (s)

2013-08-06 08:00:00

early in the morning, skip class rhythm, on-line, to presided over the overall development of Zhan long (g).
"-SHUA! -"
figures appear in Ba Huang City of North Gate Plaza and repair equipment, then check the operation of the national beauty shops) - shops, profit every day are slightly elevated, before the Ba Huang City under a internationally shops, the momentum is mostly not reversed, and national beauty (- shop -) is the first internationally shops,Huang City Ba has been very high, even if there are other shops will not be too big impact, the basic support for the entire Long Zhan (G) funding is not too big problem, although not let me and MU LI (S), Han Song (A) these people make a fortune, but at least let Long Zhan (G) this number of giant machine power of nearly 5000.
glanced*** a glimpse of shops in the equipment sell list, actually there are two emperor tier device, but prices are high, the names of the consignment is hidden, I have no interest in what, leave!

out of the town,With a flaming Tiger God (PET) to the north-west of the city of Ba Huang, went straight to the Tsing Lun Valley, where there is the stronghold of Zhan long (g), I where practice level is also more convenient, can always rush to the surrounding Zhan long (g) team.
hurried on, side opens up a list of the members of the guild. In the list of players CBNBattle network rank, Zhan long (g) ranking is very clear:
1, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC)
2, Yue Qing Qian[ZL] (a)
3, General Li Mu[Z-V] (s)
4,General Wang Jian[Z-V] (s)
5, Yue Wei Liang[ZL] (a)
6, a thousand suns over the snowy Lands[ZL] (m)
7, general Lian Po[Z-V] (AR)
8, dancing Forest[ZL] (AR) (ELF)
9, wolf Totem[ZL] (a)
10, hero ran Min[ZL] (b)
, this is Zhan long (g) of ten players in the and strength are very impressive, and along with the development of the mid game, a little more and more obvious the, it is super level master, each battle group, such as I am,Yue Qing Qian[ZL] (group A), General Li Mu[Z-V] (s), and a thousand suns over snowy Lands[ZL] (m) such a master, to pit one against ten and even to a when 100, in the battle group also can drive the overall offensive and defensive rhythm, can be said that the real master, like the ancient cold weapons of war admiral, Hsing against, once beheaded the other generals, the alchemist stroke can obtain great morale ascension, David and Goliath battle again and again, by Zhan long (g) is never a number, but a stream of indomitable will, though outnumbered can still in the master under the leadership of Yingdi.

Licking his lips, jump into the front of the grass, I secretly smile, after a period of time, Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng Yue joins Zhan long (g), we Zhan long (g), a master of lineup really count is a leading China, even if it is a legend (g) the game battleship encounter, we wouldn't fall in the wind, dream more and more close.
go not far, in front of the jungle of open land already appeared a group of people, each person's arms are emerging the same guild emblem, which is a handle bloody war of the halberd. This group of people is not others, it is just set up Siege (g).

The front of the crowd and misty Clouds[S] (G-K) charged with [Blood Sword], arms folded in front of the chest, ha ha laugh speaking*: "come on, since the boss has been torn down. You will have to hurry to find a strategic goal, for two hours up to guild of 2LEVEL, 24 hours rise to the guild of 3LEVEL!" Carrying a sword
broken sword Reborn[S] (k), shoulder floating a vice GM* emblem, laughing speaking*: "guild Master*, I let you bones (g) Sub-Guild* Brother* distance we RANGE 1000 yards. Practice level the, in order to prevent the attack.Yesterday you sudden news is too big, I'm afraid we'll be flying dragon (g), the wrath of Heroes[Guild] like guild to kill targets. After all, we are still 1LEVEL guild, the main union only 100 elite only. "
misty Clouds[S] (G-K) chuckle: "rest assured, we three Sub-Guild* nearly ten thousand people are in the surrounding Cruising[MG] (s), the basic will not have too big risk and here from the Zhan long (g) base Tsing Lun Valley is also very close to, as long as we were back, Zhan long (g) at any time to within 20 minutes of troops reinforcements,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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