第282章 轩然大波 下 对九牧婆婆这等人物来说,在这等对她而言简单到不能在简单的事情上怀疑她,是对她医术和人格的巨大侮辱。她懒得再多说什么 การแปล - 第282章 轩然大波 下 对九牧婆婆这等人物来说,在这等对她而言简单到不能在简单的事情上怀疑她,是对她医术和人格的巨大侮辱。她懒得再多说什么 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第282章 轩然大波 下 对九牧婆婆这等人物来说,在这等对她而言简单到

第282章 轩然大波 下

























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 282 under the waves For the nine animal husbandry mother-in-law character, waiting for her simply to not suspect her in the simple things, is a huge insult to her skills and personality. She's too lazy to say anything, walked out on crutches, left completely dumbfounded monthly Li and Chu Ling Yuefeng. "Impossible ... ... No, sister how she can ... ... Ah? Sister, you ... ... You wake up! ” Li Chu month special someone, suddenly saw chuyuechan I do not know when in the bed had opened his eyes. She quickly stood to the bed: "sister, are you all right? Where there are no uncomfortable ... ... Earlier, nine animal husbandry she said ... ... Say you were pregnant ... ... " Chuyueli, chuyuechan eyes startled so, there was no response. Nine pulse grazing her mother-in-law gave her when she woke up behind, she's all ears. In her freeze, slowly reached out his hand, gently pressing on his belly. This is almost all after the woman heard her I was pregnant, would have a knee-jerk reaction. The look in her eyes, and her actions are clear to cannot clear default, Li Chu months such as lightning, the brain "buzz" sound. Ling Yuefeng is directly backward stagger step, General Joseph shake, smell the bolt from the blue. "My sister ... ... You...... "Chu Moon glass has been fully held their breath, watching chuyuechan on the part of the lower abdomen, her heart nearly jumped out from the chest."Do not ask anything! "Chuyuechan heavy breath, sounds very cold:" get out of here, back to the ice cloud fairy! ” "Well ... ... All right! "Chu month chaos glass can nod. "Ice fairy feature ... ... You ... ... Who is your unborn child ... ... Whose child you're pregnant! "Ling Yuefeng gasped, the same question, he asked two consecutive times, apparently already was turned upside down. With nine grazing her qualifications, categorically no wrong in this matter, coupled with the chuyuechan reaction, he did not need to ask to confirm whether she really was pregnant, he's crazy now wants to know who is the child of! Who is actually chuyuechan ... ...He was a bitter love chuyuechan, falling for posture, loss of dignity, but in the ensuing decades even once seen chuyuechan. He eventually returned to Villa, xuanyuan yufeng married an amazing descent, but he never goes chuyuechan's shadow. Chuyuechan his heart an extremely beautiful, but impossible dream. And this dream cannot come true and beautiful, because he thought that this dream will never be realized, and dream on chuyuechan, will always be flawless in his heart. But now this dream is completely broken. When she was younger, he is recognized as the first of the younger generation of talent unmatched. Today, he is the first powerful overlord of Sofu, well-deserved Sofu first person! In the eyes of countless black, is unattainable, the existence of God, even the Emperor met with him, are respectfully! Consuming effort of his life poured emotion most things, is the pursuit of chuyuechan, but defeat ending. Originally, this result, he regrets, but not too sad, because ice clouds Asgard's disciples have never marrying, but even he failed to pursue the woman, Sofu Empire as a whole is unlikely to seek to ... ... But now, he has heard, personally confirmed that she was pregnant! Combat at that moment, like deep black Thunder down nine days, all his fantasies, longing, bombarded with all dignity, pride of fragmentation.Chuyuechan did not see him, sound-cold as ever as snow: "this is my own business, Ling Zhuang master without question! Here is where I live, you weren't supposed to be in place ... ... Get out of here! ” Chuyuechan distant, cold without any emotion, Ling Yuefeng familiar. He thought of chuyuechan anomalies at Yu-Jian, he felt ridiculous to the extreme may appear in his heart, he burst out: "... ... Are you Yun Che ... ... Oh, no! It can't be! Absolutely impossible ... ... Absolutely impossible is...... " "Yun Che" Word chuyuechan heart was deeply hurt, she suddenly broke into the biting cold: "I who is pregnant with the child's not coming to you tube! As soon as I get out of here!! ” 凌月枫内心一颤,心中悲哀冰凉一片,大脑在混乱中几乎失去了思考的能力。他长长的叹息一声,转过身去,无比落寞的离开。在他即将踏出房门时,楚月璃急声道:“凌庄主,今日之事,事关我姐姐和冰云仙宫声誉,请你务必缄口!拜托了。” 凌月枫脚步一顿,然后缓缓的点了点头,走了出去。 出了庭院,凌月枫魂不守舍的走了好一会儿,心神才终于平静了一些,他停住脚步,仰头看天,默默的叹了一口气。他心里很清楚,这件事,或许是他人生之中最沉重的一场打击,这场打击粉碎了他心中最美好的幻想,也让他平生第一次生出无比浓重的挫败感,甚至,还有一种无法言喻的屈辱。“哈哈哈哈!真是可笑,你苦追了楚月婵十几年,却连她的面都见不到一次,几十年过去,你对她依然念念不忘,她却从来没正眼看你一眼,反而宁愿和一个后辈苟合在一起,还有了身孕!真是个天大的笑话!凌月枫,你有没有觉得自己很窝囊!?” 刺耳的声音从他的身后传来,凌月枫转过身一脸诧异和愤怒的看着自己的发妻轩辕玉凤,他诧异着一向温婉的妻子居然说出了如此刺耳难听的话,心中本就死死压抑的愤怒,也因为她的这些话而数倍的升腾。 “闭嘴!”凌月枫怒声道:“你竟然偷听我们说话!这件事……这件事和我,和我们都毫无干系!她怀有身孕的事不一定是真的,所谓和云澈……更是无稽之谈!忘掉你听到的所有话,不许对任何一个人说起!!” 凌月枫吼完,似乎又觉得自己语气过重,但怒气盈心,他也不想再多说什么,冷哼一声,拂袖而去。 轩辕玉凤脸色发紫,直气的全身发抖:“凌月枫……到了这种地步,你居然还在维护她!!你对她……可真是……用~情~至~深~啊!!你真是……对的起我!!” “你不想让这件事被人知道……我就偏偏要让人知道!我还要让天下所有的人都知道!!” 轩辕玉凤怒怨间,忽然看到凌云正向这边走来,脚步缓慢,魂不守舍。 她眉头一动,压下怒气,走了过去,道:“云儿,你怎么了?怎么看上去精神这么差?” “母亲……”凌云唤了一声,然后落寞的一笑:“孩儿从小痴剑,心无旁骛,本以为终生不会对女子生情。但是,孩儿最近却喜欢上一个女孩,日思月想,不可自拔。” 知子莫若母,凌云的异状,轩辕玉凤早就看的一清二楚。她暗叹一声,安慰道:“你喜欢上的,应该是夏倾月吧?你若真心喜欢,非她不娶,过几日,娘便去冰云仙宫为你提亲!管它什么冰云仙宫弟子不嫁人的规矩!我的云儿,就没有配不上的女人!冰云仙宫不答应,娘就是抢也给你抢过来,绝不让你像……哼,像你爹那样窝囊!”凌云苦涩的摇头:“已经晚了,她已经……成婚了。”



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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Under Chapter 282 uproar
mother of nine, animal husbandry and other figures which, I can not doubt her for her in this and other simple to the simple things, for her medical skills and personality huge insult. She do not bother to say anything, crutches and walked out, leaving the glass completely dumbfounded and Lingyue Feng Chu. "No ...... absolutely impossible, my sister how she might ...... ah? Sister, you ...... you wake up!" glass Huangran between Chu, suddenly saw the bed in楚月婵do not know when opened eye. She quickly stood to bed: "Sister, you all right there where uncomfortable ...... just nine, animal husbandry, said her mother said ...... ...... you're pregnant?" Chu glass face, then楚月婵but look Zhengran, no response. In jiumu pulse when her mother gave her, she was awake, back then, all she heard in the ears. She Fazheng the hand slowly, gently press on his lower abdomen. This is almost all pregnant woman after she had heard, it will be some knee-jerk reaction. Her eyes, and her this action, is no longer clear to clear the default, Chu glass, such as lightning, the brain "Om" is heard. Lingyue Feng staggered backward step is a direct, general Joseph shaking, such as the smell thunderbolt. "Sister ...... you ......" Chu glass was completely breathless, watching Chuyue Chan's hand on the lower abdomen, her heart almost jumped out from the chest. "Do not ask!" Chu Yuechan heavy breath, sound very chilled: "get out of here, back to the ice clouds Asgard! " " Well ...... good "mind chaos of Chu glass could only nod! . "Ice Chan fairy ...... you ...... belly of the child who you are ...... you are pregnant with children who!" Lingyue Feng breathing heavily, the same question, he asked a series of twice, apparently minds have been turned upside down . In jiumu mother's qualifications, absolutely can not go wrong on this matter, together with the reaction楚月婵, he has no need to go asked to confirm her in the end was not really pregnant, he wants to know now crazy, Who exactly is that child! Who is, even the楚月婵...... he then unrequited Chuyue Chan, whom from the lower figure, lost dignity to do, but in the ensuing decades have never seen even楚月婵of a face. Although he eventually returned to Villa, he married a striking background of Regulus Yufeng, but the heart, never disappear but had楚月婵shadow. Chuyue Chan became his heart an extremely beautiful, but can not achieve the dream. And this dream can not be achieved but infinitely better, because he thought that this dream will never be realized someone, then dream about Chuyue Chan, will always flawless existed in his mind into the sea. But now, the dream completely broken. When young, he is recognized as the first people to the younger generation, and no one can. Today, he is the first imperial overlord Cang wind forces, wind Cang first person deserved! In the eyes of countless mysterious, unattainable, the existence of God, even the Emperor met him, we must respectfully! His life-consuming effort, devoted most emotional thing that is pursuing Chuyue Chan, but disastrous ending. Originally, this result, His infinite regret, but it was not too distressed, because ice clouds Asgard disciples always never marry, but even he can not pursue a woman, the whole empire was impossible to wind Cang seek to ...... but now, he has to hear, personally confirmed that she was pregnant! At that moment the blow, like the heart of the sea among the lower nine days Hyun mine, all his fantasies, longing, dignity, pride shattered all the bombardment. Chuyue Chan did not see him, as cold as snow sound as ever: "!! This is my own thing, Ling suzerain need to intervene here is my place, you should not be out of place ......" Chu Yuechan thousand li away, like the cold without any emotion, Lingyue Feng familiar. He thought楚月婵abnormal reaction in Taiwan sword, let him feel a ridiculous extreme sea may appear in his heart, he was speechless:!! "Do ...... Is not you and the cloud can not be absolutely Che ...... this is absolutely impossible impossible ...... ...... " "cloud Che" word deeply hurt Chuyue Chan heart, let her suddenly burst into the biting chill: "I am pregnant with a child who, also fail to get you to manage! Now get out! " Lingyue Feng heart shocked, sad heart a cold, almost lost in the confusion of the brain's ability to think. His long sigh and turned away, leaving very lonely. When he was about to step out the door, Chu glass emergency channel: "Ling landlord, today than, related to my sister and ice clouds Asgard reputation, make sure you shut up please!." Lingyue Feng footsteps meal, then slowly nodded his head and walked out. Out of the courtyard, Lingyue Feng restless to go for a moment, the mind finally calmer, he stopped, looked up days, silent sigh. He was very clear about it, is probably among the heaviest of his life in a fight, this fight shattered his mind the best fantasy, let him first time to give birth to very strong sense of frustration, even, Another unspeakable humiliation. "Ha ha ha ha! Really funny, you struggled to catch up Chuyue Chan ten years, not even once have not see her face, for decades in the past, you are still obsessed with her, but she never look the other way you look, but rather, and a younger sexual immorality together, as well as the pregnant! What a joke! Lingyue Feng, did you feel that they are useless!? " harsh voice came from behind him, a look of surprise and turned Lingyue Feng Angry at his first wife Regulus Yufeng, he surprised the always gentle wife actually say such a harsh harsh words, the heart of the pent-up anger on the wearer, but also because of her multiple of these words and rising. "Shut up!" Lingyue Feng Nu Sheng said: "You actually overheard us talking about it ...... this thing and I, and we have nothing to do with her ​​pregnant thing is not necessarily true, and so-called!! Cloud Che ...... is nonsense! Forget all words you hear, can not talk to anyone !! " 凌月枫roar finished, the tone seems to feel too heavy, but anger Ying heart, he did not want more what to say, Leng Heng, walk out. Regulus Yufeng face purple, straight gas shivering: "Lingyue Feng ...... to the point where you actually still maintain her !! You really ...... ...... her with ~ Love ~ to ~ deep ~ ah !! You're ...... right from me !! " "You do not want to let it be known ...... I tend to let people know! I would also like to let people know that all the world !!" anger resentment between Regulus Yufeng suddenly see the forward Lingyun came here, the pace is slow, restless. Her brow of a move, depressed anger, went over and said: "cloud, how do you look how the spirit is so bad??" "mother ......" Lingyun Huanliaoyisheng and lonely smile: "The baby from Sochi sword , distractions, the thought that life is not born of woman situation. However, recently it like a baby girl, month and day think, can not extricate themselves. " Tomoko Morrow mother, Gun, went to see a long Regulus Yufeng Seiji Chu. She Antan heard, comfort:?! "You like, it should be poured summer months if you really like it, she does not marry non, a few days, the mother went to ice clouds Asgard you propose marriage to hell ice Cloud Asgard disciples not marry the rules! my cloud, it is not good enough for a woman! Asgard ice clouds do not agree, your mother is also to rob you take it over, never let you like ...... Well like you As useless father! " Gun bitter shook his head: "it was too late, she has married the ....... " " What? "Regulus Yufeng heart Charan:?" how would ice clouds Asgard woman never married, how she may be married! " " Mother, you remember, a year ago, there have been rumors Xiao Zong had an ice cloud clouds Asgard New female students in the city of married news? But it was not a new entrants ordinary female students, no mind ...... but baby now I know, that female students is poured summer months ...... ...... she married the man is just the fall of cloud Che ...... her mourning for him, but also for him broken hair off situation, can not accommodate others hearts again. " Lingyun spoke, pain and closed his eyes. If he is a melodramatic person, at the moment at most, only heart stopper, soon it will vanish. But a sword crazy, the move once the situation, it is too difficult. And often lives, often emotionally true only so once ...... "actually there is this thing ...... ......" looked like Lingyun, Regulus Yufeng burst deep heartache: "Cloud Che Che ...... actually it was a cloud This cloud Che, there really is a means of Babel ...... ice clouds Asgard, you ruined my husband still is not finished ...... now he has ruined my son ...... "

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 282 uproar
for Jiumu mother-in-law wait for character, waiting for her simple to not in the simple things suspect she is a great insult to her medical skills and personality. She is too lazy to say more what, on crutches and went out, leaving Yueli Chu and Ling Yuefeng completely dumbfounded.

"impossible...... Absolutely impossible, how could she possibly...... Ah? Sister, you...... You wake up!" Chu Yueli suddenly saw Huangran

, Chu Yuechan in bed when I do not know what has opened my eyes. She hurried to the bedside: "elder sister, are you all right?" There's no place to go...... Just now,Jomoo mother-in-law said...... Say you're pregnant......" In the face of the Yueli
Chu, Chu Yuechan looked dazed, no response. In the Jomoo lady to her pulse time, she was awake, behind the words, she heard in the ears of all. She was terrified, slowly stretched out his hand, gently on his belly. It is almost all women heard herself pregnant, will have a subconscious reaction.

the look in her eyes, and her this action, it is clear to can't clear the default, Chu Yueli such as lightning brain "buzz" sound. Ling Yuefeng is a direct staggered backward step, and shake the body,Like a bolt from the blue. Sister

"...... You......" Chu Yueli has been completely breathless, looking at Chu Yuechan on abdomen hand, her heart almost jump out of the chest. Don't ask for anything!" Chu Yuechan heavy breath, sound very chilled: "get out of here, back to the ice cloud!" "Good...... Good!" The hearts of chaos of Chu Yueli only nod.

"ice fairy chan...... You...... Who's the baby in your stomach...... You are pregnant with the child who!" Ling Yuefeng gasped, as a problem, he asked a series of two times, the heart is turned upside down obviously. To Jomoo's mother's qualifications,This kind of things absolutely impossible to go wrong, and Chu Yuechan reaction, he already did not need to ask questions, to confirm whether or not she really is pregnant, he now crazy want to know, the child who is really! Who is, even the Chu Yuechan......
he then unrequited love Chu Yuechan. For the from the lower figure, lose dignity, but in subsequent decades even Chu Yuechan a surface are not seen. He although eventually returned to the villa, married with amazing Born Xuanyuan Yufeng, but heart, never no fire was the shadow of Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan became his heart an extremely beautiful, but cannot achieve the dream.

And the dream cannot be realized but unlimited wonderful, because he thought this, this dream can never have, then, dream about Chu Yuechan, also will be forever flawless exist in his heart.

but now, this dream is completely broken.
when young, he is the first generation of young talent recognized, and no one can. Now, he is the first power of the Cang Feng Empire, the first person in the dark! In the eyes of countless Xuan, is too high to be reached, the existence of God, even the emperor saw him, will he! In his lifetime effort, pour emotion most things, is the pursuit of Chu Yuechan,But a disastrous ending. Originally, for this result, his infinite regret, but did not too sad, because ice Asgard disciples always never to marry, and even the woman he pursues does not arrive, the Cang breeze empire could not have to pursue the... But now, he heard, have confirmed that she was pregnant!

the moment blow, like Xinhai fall under nine days Xuan thunder, will he all imagination, hope and dignity, pride all bombardment fragmented.
Yuechan Chu did not look at him, sound as ever as cold as snow: "this is my own business, and do not interfere lingzhuang! This is my place,
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