SKE should leave AKS bc their management is sh*t anyway and get a different agency
NMB got Yoshimoto backing them and I don't think they necessarily need them. And I think Yoshimoto is the big stockowner of AKB/AKS to begin with. When one of the AKS head got fired for bankrupting Mariko's fashion brand finance resulting in its shut down, he hot fired and Yoshimoto replaced him with their female employee.
Outside of JPN48, obviously SNH bc they already showed they don't need JPN48. They understand their market much better than AKS that AKS will just hold them back. I feels like JKT should start splitting too bc being attach to JPN management means they could be restrained by what they can do in Indonesia...but SNH could say they want to leave bc they're growing fast and Idk the same can be said for JKT. SNH even got korean companies interested in investing in them and their market is bigger than Indonesia.