“呃,口味还挺重……”李牧皱了皱眉头。 我则看向了那战将,58级紫霖阶BOSS,亡灵系,这是死去多时的人,可惜他的内心里充满了不甘心,还想将 การแปล - “呃,口味还挺重……”李牧皱了皱眉头。 我则看向了那战将,58级紫霖阶BOSS,亡灵系,这是死去多时的人,可惜他的内心里充满了不甘心,还想将 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

“呃,口味还挺重……”李牧皱了皱眉头。 我则看向了那战将,58级紫霖阶


















































































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Well, tastes quite......" Li Mu frowned. I look to that war, 58 Zi Lin first BOSS, undead, and this person is dead for a long time, but his heart is full of the unwilling, also want to jade resurrection of the dead, disturbed her dream, that is there is something wrong. "Turing" (Zi Lin first BOSS) Rank: 58 Attack:??? Defense:?? Life:??? Skills:??? Introduction: Turing, a famous General of the Empire in ancient times, and his many foes, but one day disappear, later praised his deeds that he has gone into the tomb of Princess beloved for its wake life, but Turing has now lost, had become a lost soul of the dead body, and also tried to revive jade Princess …… "Keng! ” Cream Lin sword holds in hands, I slowly moving came, body shrouded with not attack, and poems wants to, BUFF Halo, far of, I q sword road: "figure forest, since jade Princess has buried, you why forced reverse death law, let she again accept died who of bleak and pain, just's, let she continues to sleeping, don't rejection has she of clear dream, such is you love she of way! ” "Who are you!! ” Turing suddenly stood up and turned to look at me, one handle the gleaming Scarlet sword in his hand, face horrendous, is a skull face, eyes shining with soul fire, light way: "my love for jade, you people never understand, but since you broke me and Jade's love nest, I'll make you sh! ” My deadpan: "love nest of 50 meters underground, were you not afraid to touch ground moisture......" Li Mu said: "he was really afraid ... ..." Toss of a hanging pot MM corner: "a Sans-Souci, leader learned to ridicule the......" …… Lift cream Lin Jian, I whispered, "OK, ready to kill BOSS, everyone take care, hanging pot remember milk and I, as long as I don't die, you can guide the 58 purple Lin-order BOSS! ” "Wow there is Wow there......" War boots feet end of stepped on with steps straight into the Shang has Hall top Department, are ahead, is that 58 level purple Lin order BOSS Turing, yet close I on do was beat of psychological prepared, left arm Yang up, right arm launched combo, bites a sound pointed ming, sword edged on surging out a golden six mount star, 5 level combo fast cut into BOSS of shoulder armor within-- "511! ” "489! ” "507! ” "514! ” …… Under a series of injuries, I suddenly started even, at the foot of Mount undulator opening, a series of hit moments gave Turing-all- "312! ” "379! ” "411! ” Suddenly a single impact, 371 points of damage, but Turing is only body quiver, then Chris's final blow came, Tatsumi wind chop! Tatsumi wind chop-wave at the moment, Lin Frost sword suddenly trembled, body is wrapped around an ancient rune, a blue light from the sky, seemed to embrace the Tatsumi wind chop at a time! "Keng! ” Sharp chirp, a sword was in Turing's chest causing a significant injury, amazing to the point-- "3448! ” …… "Fuck! "General Li Mu's jaw almost hit the ground:" 3,448 damage, it is not a joke, right? The 58 purple BOSS Lin order?! Even if a crit shouldn't be that high, this case, happy!! ” Get the squinting: "Hey, bearing witness, hand Sans-Souci is, indeed, the weapons of Lin tops Frost sword, that damage is not an ordinary attack, but excellent damage! ” "Gecko......" Li Mu swallowed a mouthful of saliva at her: "good boy, Li xiaoyao, this guy is really impressive, fortunately, is a friend of ours, well, life as a friend......" …… Just then, the BOSS has returned fire, sword floating above a fire, and inflammation of the rapid fire! "Keng! ” Light armor came from a sharp pain, then head out on a big hurt digital, too scary-- "1047! ” Pull hurried a life on hands back a little blood, and shouted: "go, hanging pot locked me in the team, I'm not sure that I can withstand it BOSS attack! ” Li Mu also shouted: "to a higher order monk to BOSS the last level, reducing ease is less painful after the 10% attack, MD, a fatal blow could almost kill off the hook, purple BOSS Lin order are: BT ... ..." "Watch out! "Get the lead after a three shot, shouted in a loud voice. 我心生警觉,急忙后退,却也迟了,图林提着重剑,脚踏七星而来,猛然战靴一跺地,“嘭”一声血色六芒星浮现,四周的地面无数荆棘突出地面,对大约50×50码内的目标造成了三次连续伤害,而我则是首当其冲—— “678!” “701!” “666!” …… “靠!”急忙后退,灌下一个血瓶的同时再来一个命疗术,勉强维持住气血,转身扫了一眼,心惊胆寒,身后出现了14具尸体,不少灵术师、悬壶者、弓箭手都被秒杀了,就连那46级苦行僧都只剩下23%气血的傻站在那里。 “给逍遥加血,快!”李牧擎剑大声指挥着:“立刻起死挂掉的悬壶者,战斗还需要他们,逍遥,确认一下技能距离?!” 我奋力劈出霜霖剑,独战着BOSS,同时沉声道:“半径25码!” 李牧立刻大声道:“所有远程不得接近BOSS的25码距离内,保持分散的进攻状态,悬壶者复活之后锁定逍遥来治疗,诗想的BUFF跟上,放下也要持续,苦行僧可以放心,逍遥的攻击力足够锁定仇恨值,不会出现OT情况了!” 我继续顶住,同时看向远处:“咳咳,廉颇大叔,给BOSS上七星箭啊,眩晕一下,我的压力就能少一点……” 廉颇无语,拉开长弓:“明知道七星箭对BOSS命中低,何必为难我这菜鸟……” “嗖”一道箭矢过去,果然是一个华丽的MISS! …… 不过,灵术师、弓箭手的攻击着实还是挺给力的,图林的血条掉得极快,比我一个人杀要快多了,短短7分钟,BOSS气血已然掉到了30%左右,几个悬壶者MM都在轻笑着:“有逍遥自在当T,杀BOSS的过**好……上次盟主当T,差点就被45级黄金阶BOSS拍死了……” 李牧脸都绿了:“不要吐槽,要尊重盟主!” 一个悬壶者MM马上撅着翘臀,冲着李牧吐吐舌头,食指中指相距2厘米:“盟主,你只有那么长!” 靠…… 我看得眼珠子都快瞪出来了,一门忠烈的氛围真好啊,居然敢这样嘲讽盟主,也不知道李牧这张老脸到底要往哪儿放了。 我就笑道:“哟,那美女都知道李牧的尺寸了……” 李牧脸色苍然:“不……不是这样……” 悬壶者MM也娇羞了:“逍遥帅哥,我不知道盟主的尺寸,我瞎说的,我倒是很想知道你的尺寸,给人家一个机会嘛……” 我嘴角抽搐了一下:“你不会想知道的……” 李牧瞪圆眼睛:“你莫非还不足1厘米……” 我咧咧嘴:“贱人……” “哈哈哈……” …… 高高在上的大殿内杀得热情飞扬,往下看去,墓穴内则杀得难分难解,一门忠烈的一大群人在王翦的率领下且战且退,对方的攻势太凌厉了,几十名开盾的二转灵术师用群杀技能猛砸,冰火咆哮+突岩乱击,简直惨无人道。 擎着长剑,王翦仰头看向大殿的方向,大声吼道:“老大,逍遥,你们杀完了BOSS没有啊?别坑爹啊,我们挡不住了,许多人起死了好几遍,等级掉得太快,装备也爆了不少,再这样下去大家只能光屁股了啊!” 李牧沉声道:“你们往回撤,BOSS马上杀完了,BOSS一倒我马上带人杀过去!” “好!” …… 30%! 20%! 10%! 眼看着BOSS的气血掉到了10%一下,大家也都兴奋了起来。 查看了一眼魔法值余量,嗯,全部用5级技能狂轰滥炸了,没有必要再去省蓝,对了,差点忘了,我的仓库里还有1800+株青麟草,实在太忙还没有时间炼制,这次回去就得全部完成,然后看看是怎么处理,卖掉或者内部消化!(好吧,事实上是俺忘了青麟草这茬,别打脸……) “刷!” 巽风斩在血色蔓延的空气中劈了出去,直接带走了BOSS最后的一点气血! “嗷嗷……” 图林跪倒在地,手扶着重剑看着棺木的方向:“哦,我亲爱的琼华公主,但愿我的来生还能继续守护你,不能看到你的绝世容颜睁开双眸,是我一生最大的遗憾……” “哗啦……” 一堆装备、金币、卡片爆了出来。 同时一道金光泻落,很好,这个BOSS助我升到50级了! 头顶上的金色徽记变化了一下,成为了“八荒城天榜第四人”,这是我从来到达过的高度,太爽了! …… 站在装备物品旁边,我一伸手,邀请道:“快点分发装备,然后去帮王翦他们!” “嗯!” 李牧走上前,沉身捡起了地上的一团碧绿色结晶,笑道:“哦,找到了,公主魂,嘿嘿,行会任务完成,应该能拿到不少行会经验了!” 接着,看了看几个装备,一一对我说:“逍遥,47级黄金器弓、46级布甲靴子、48级黄金器盾牌,有需要的吗?随便说,哪个都能给你!” 我摇头,擎着长剑:“不用,我去帮王翦杀人!” “靠……” 李牧哈哈大笑,抓起装备跟着我冲下大殿:“所有人跟我们来,杀退了龙翔的人再分战利品!逍遥,我转账给你……” …… “滴!” 银行账号系统提示,收到了来自上将李牧的4WRMB,这份大礼真是够大的,现在上将家族果然是不差钱了! “怎么4W了?”我问。 “另外的算是这次行动的佣金……” “行!” 我没有矫情,擎着长剑就纵身而出,直接落在了上将王翦的身体,巽风斩横扫而出! “1214!” 一名半血剑士立刻被秒杀,伴随着金色六芒星,我的5级连击横扫在一个45级苦行僧身上,加上法师的洗礼,瞬间再度秒杀! …… “操,怎么来个攻击力那么猛的剑士?”龙翔的阵营中有人大喊道。 人群中,50级灵术师飞龙在天提着法杖,一声冷哼:“MLGBD,又是逍遥自在这个多管闲事的小子,所有灵术师给我集火,秒掉他!”

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Uh, taste pretty heavy ......" Li Mu frowned. I will see to that war, 58 purple Lin order BOSS, dead line, this is a man long dead, but his heart was filled with inner reconciled, would like to revive the dying years of Qionghua, disturb her clear dream, this is really something wrong. [Turin] (Purple Lin order BOSS) Level: 58 Attack:? ? ? Defense:? ? ? Lives:? ? ? Skills:? ? ? Description: famous generals Turin, an empire of ancient times, and his numerous expeditions, but it disappeared in a day, later eulogized his deeds, that he has entered the beloved princess's grave, its wake a lifetime, but now Turin has lost his mind, became a lost soul of a dead human body, and also tried to revive the Princess King Wah ...... "hang!" Lin frost sword in hand, I slowly move forward, shrouded body with no attack, poetry halo BUFF want to wait, well, I engine Kendo: "Turing, since Qionghua princess has been buried, why should you life and death, forced to reverse the law, let her sad and painful to accept the dead, nothing of it let her continue to sleep, do not disturb her clear dream, this is the way you love her! " " What do you people !! " Tulin suddenly stood up and turned to look at me, hands bloody shining edged sword , face terrifying, surprised that a skull face, eyes flashing fire of the soul, lightly: "I love Qionghua, you people will never know, but since you broke up with me today Qionghua love nest, I'll let you utter! " I deadpanned: "love nest 50 meters underground, you are not afraid of the underground moisture dip ......" Li Mu said: "He really is not afraid ......" a hanging pot by MM mouth Yang: "unaffected one, chief have learned Tucao ......" ...... frost Lin sword raised, I whispered: "Well, ready to kill BOSS, we are careful, hanging pots are good milk I remember, If I die, you can Raiders lost 58 purple Lin This order BOSS! " " Wow Wow Jenna Jenna ...... " boots foot stepping on the top step straight into the hall, in front of, it is that 58 Purple Lin Order BOSS Turin, yet close to what I would do was beaten mentally prepared, raised his left arm, right arm launched batter, sharp sound bite Ming, top blade bring out a golden hexagram, quickly cut into the batter 5 within the BOSS shoulder armor - "! 511" ! "489" , "! 507" ! "514" ...... a series of injuries, I suddenly launch even move, at the foot of a gas Mount undulator open, all send a series of blows moment gave Turin - "! 312" ! "379" , "411!" Thousands final blow came suddenly an impact, but also 371 points of damage, but it is only the body shocked Turin, followed by a ride when the Sunda wind chop! Just hit the Sunda wind chop the moment, Lin frost sword suddenly trembled, blade wrapped around the ancient runes, a blue light from heaven, it seems that this time into the Sunda wind chop in! ! "Hang" the tip of song, the sword is actually in Turin's chest causing a major injury, amazing to the extreme - "! 3448" ...... ! "fuck" Admiral Li Mu's jaw almost hit the floor : the "??! 3448 damage, this is not kidding that's 58 Purple Lin Order BOSS ah even crit should not be so high ah, what this situation, Happy !!" Lian will squint : "! Hey, it really confirms, unaffected hand weapons list is indeed the first frost Lin sword, that attack is not an ordinary attack, but excellent injury" "plump ......" Li Mu swallow a mouthful of saliva: "Atta boy, Lee Happy This guy was really very impressive, but fortunately our friend, ah, life must be when a friend ......" ...... Just then, BOSS already fought back, on top of a flame sword Fudong Zhao , came fast fire inflammation! ! "Hang" the dawn of armor upload a sharp pain, followed by the head to come out with a big number of injuries, it's horrible - "1047!" hastily pulled back a little life blood treatment technique, and shouted: " ! line, the ranks of the hanging pot by locking me treatment, I do confirm that I will be able to resist this attack BOSS " Mu also shouted: "ascetic to a high-end, on a ledge to the BOSS, reduced by 10% attack Happy after power is no less pain, MD, to a fatal blow Happy almost can spike, and purple Lin order BOSS BT are you ...... " after "careful!" Lian will strike three bursts, loud shouting the sentence. I felt alert, hurried back, but too late, and Tulin Ti focusing sword, foot seven come suddenly Yiduo boots, the "bang" sound color hexagram emerged, surrounded by countless thorns protruding ground floor, for about targets within 50 × 50 yards caused three consecutive hurt, and I was the brunt - "! 678" ! "701" , "666!" ...... "Fuck!" hurried retreat, a health capsules under irrigation while encore life therapy technique, barely live blood, turned glanced scared terrified, behind the emergence of the 14 corpses, many spiritual Alchemist, hanging pot who archers are spike, and even that only 46 Sadhu The remaining 23 percent of blood silly standing there. ! "Happy to blood, fast" Li Mu Qing sword loud command with: "Immediately hanging pots hang from the dead who still need them to fight, Happy, confirm skill distance?!" I was trying to hew cream Lin Jian, independence war the BOSS, while Chen Sheng said: "! radius of 25 yards," Li Mu immediately and loudly: "All remote BOSS can not close within 25 yards, keeping the dispersion state of the offensive, hanging pots were locked after the resurrection Happy to treat, poetry thought BUFF ! keep up, but also continued to drop, an ascetic can be assured that the attack Happy enough to lock the value of hatred, does not appear the case of OT, " I continue to stand up, while looking into the distance: "Keke, Lian uncle, to BOSS Seven arrows on ah, dizziness, I could a little less pressure ...... " Lian speechless, opened Longbow: "You know that the BOSS Seven arrows hit low, so why make things difficult for me this rookie ......" "wind," an arrow Vector past, it really is a gorgeous MISS! ...... However, Ling Alchemist, archer attack really was quite a force, the blood of Turin out too fast, faster than I kill a person in just seven minutes, BOSS blood already dropped to 30 about%, a few hanging pot by MM in chuckled: "There is unaffected when T, kill BOSS ** too good ...... Last chief when T, almost by 45 gold order BOSS shot dead ......" Li Mu green face: "Do not Tucao, to respect the chief!" a hanging pot by MM immediately break off the Bottom, directed Li Mu spit tongue, index finger 2 cm apart: "The chief, you only have so long!" by ...... I see almost eyeball stare out, a nice atmosphere Valiant ah, actually dared to ridicule chief, Li Mu this old head in the end do not know where to go to put. I laughed and said: "yo, that beauty knows the size of the Li Mu ......" Li Mu Cang face then: "No ...... not so ......" hanging pots were also shy of MM: "Happy guy, I do not know the dimensions of chief I nonsense, I'd like to know your size, to give people a chance Well ...... " My lips twitched: "You do not want to know ......" Li Mu Dengyuan eyes: "Could you less than 1 cm ...... " I grin: "slut ......" "Ha ha ha ......" ...... superior killing enthusiasm filled the large hall, looked down, then killing inextricably into the grave, a large group of people in a Valiant Under WANG Jian led war and back, the other side of the offensive too sharp, and dozens of open shield of the second turn with the group to kill the spirit of Alchemist skills Bash Addict roaring + Tor chaos hit, almost inhuman. Were holding a sword, Wang Jian looked up directions to the hall, shouted:? "Boss, Happy, you do not kill over BOSS not pit father ah ah, we can not stop, and many people from the dead several times, grade out ! too quickly, equipment also burst a lot, we can only go on like this, ah naked " Li Mu Chen Sheng said: "You go retracement, BOSS finished killing immediately, BOSS fall I'll take a man killed in the past!" "Good!" ...... 30%! 20%! 10%! Seeing blood BOSS fell about 10 percent, we are also excited again. See the one mana margin, ah, all with five skill bombing, and no need to save the blue, yes, almost forgot, my warehouse there are 1800+ lines Lun grass, too Busy time yet refined, this time to go back to have completed, and then to see how to deal with, sell or internal digestion! (Well, in fact, I forgot this crop grass Lun, do not fight face ......) "brush!" Scarlet Sunda wind chop chop spread out in the air, directly took the last bit of blood BOSS! "Ow ......" Turing knees, watching the coffin sword hand focusing direction: "Oh, my dear princess Qionghua, I hope my next life can continue to protect you, can not see your peerless face Open your eyes, it is the biggest regret of my life ...... " "Crash ......" bunch of equipment, gold coins, cards burst out. While a golden light spilled down, well, help me rise to this BOSS 50 it! Golden emblem on the head changes a bit, become a "glorious city day standings fourth person," This is what I've had to reach the heights, too cool! ...... standing next to equipment items, I reach out and invite said: "! Hurry distribution equipment, and then they go and Wang Jian ' ! "ah" Mu walked Shen body picked up a group of aquamarine crystal earth, laughed: "Oh, to find Princess soul, hey, guild task is completed, the line will be able to get a lot of experience in it!" Then, a few looked equipment, one by one said to me: "Happy, 47 ? grade gold is the bow, 46 cloth boots, 48 gold is a shield, you just need to say, which can give you! " I shook my head, were holding a sword: "! No, I go and kill WANG Jian" "Damn ......" Li Mu laughed, grabbed the equipment washed down the hall after me: "Everyone told us, Shatui Lung people subdivision trophy Happy, I transfer to you ......!" ...... "drop ! " bank account system prompt, received 4WRMB from Admiral Li Mu, and this gift is really big enough, and now the family will really is not bad money! "4W how?" I asked. "Another commission regarded this action ......" "OK!" I do not hypocritical, were holding the sword to jump out directly on the body of Admiral Wang Jian, Sunda wind chop sweep out! "1214!" , a half-blood swordsman immediately spike, along with the golden hexagram, my five batter swept in a 45 ascetic who, together with the Master of the baptism, and instantly spike again! ...... "Fuck, how come an attack so fierce swordsman?" Lung camp someone shouted. Crowd, 50 Soaring Spirit Alchemist carrying staves, Lengheng: "! MLGBD, is unaffected and the nosy kid, give me all spiritual Alchemist set fire seconds off his" burst more week plus more chap temporarily 14000+ votes cast mainly by the width students need erupted two chapters, Chapter I is set at about 16 o'clock, seeking to force ~ after reading each chapter must remember to look at the top oh ~ This book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Well, it's a heavy taste......" Li Mu frowned.

I see to that war, 58 purple Lin order boss, undead, which is long dead, but his heart full can not be reconciled, also want to die resurrection years of Qionghua, disturb her clear dream, this is really something wrong.

[Turin] (purple Lin order BOSS)

level: 58





the Turing, in ancient times a empire of famous generals, life conquests of countless, but in one day disappeared, later praised his deeds.Think he has entered the beloved Princess tomb, wake the whole life, but now the Turing has lost his reason. Become a lost soul of the dead flesh, and attempted to revive the princess Qionghua



frost Lin sword grip in hand, I slowly stepped forward, shrouded with the attack, poetry to buff aura, far, my Qing Kendo: "Turing, since Princess jade has been buried, why are you forced torsional laws of life and death, let her to accept death's sad and painful, bale, right, let her continue to sleep, don't interfere with her dreams, so that it is the way you love her!"

"What are you!!"

Turing suddenly stood up and turned to look at me, the bloody sword hand one handle dazzlingly clear, face terrible, impressively is a skull face, eyes flashing soul fire, light way: "I have a love of Qionghua, you guys will never understand, however, since you today into the jade and I love nest, I will let you beyond redemption!"

I deadpan: "50 meters underground love nest, you are not afraid to touch the ground moisture......"

Li Mu says: "he is really afraid of......" A MM

xuanhu Jan mouth: "a leader to learn to be leisurely and carefree, tucao......"


Frost Lin sword raised, I whispered: "well, ready to kill the boss, we must be cautious, to remember my milk is good, as long as I die, can guide off the level 58 purple Lin order boss!" "Wow wow Chow Chow......"

boots in the soles of the feet step on step straight into the hall at the top, front, it is the level 58 purple Lin order boss Turing, yet close to my well beaten psychological preparation, raised his left arm, right arm to launch a batter, sting a shrill sound, the blade stirring up one Golden hexagram, level 5 combo fast cut into the boss's shoulder harness,

"511!" 489

"!" 507

"!" 514



a series of injuries, I suddenly launch combo, at the foot of a flue gas awn undulator, a series of fully to combat moment gave Turing -

"312!" 379

"!" 411


suddenly a impact, and 371 points of damage, but Turing just the body is one Zhan, immediately, riding a when thousands of the final blow to the, Xun wind cut!

in the Sunda wind cut flick of that a moment, frost Lin sword suddenly trembling blade wrapped around the Ancient Runes, a blue light from the sky that seems to blend into the this time Xun wind cut!


piercing sound in,A sword in Turin's chest actually caused a great damage to the extreme, amazing -- 3448



"!" Will Li Mu's chin quickly hit the ground: "3448 points of damage, this is not a joke, right? That's 58 purple Lin order BOSS?! Even if a critical strike should not be so high ah, what is the situation, free and unfettered!!"

general Lian Po narrowing her eyes: "Hey, indeed as expected confirms, unaffected hand is indeed the weapons list first frost Lin Jian, the attack is not a general attack, but excellent hurt!"

"plump......" Li Muyan

a spittle: "good boy,Li Xiaoyao this guy really let people sit up and take notice, it is our friend, uh, for the rest of my life as a friend......"


at this moment, BOSS has returned, with a sword floating above the fire, the fire inflammation, fast!


dawn armor uploads to a burst of acute, followed by head to jump out of a big damage numbers, horrible,


quickly a life treatment surgery pull back a little blood, and shouted: "line, the team xuanhu locked my treatment, I can not sure I will be able to withstand the boss attack!" Li Mu shouted:"To a higher order ascetic, to the boss on a lay down the butcher's knife, reduce 10% attack power free is not so painful, MD, a fatal blow could almost spike free and unfettered, purple Lin order boss is BT...".

"careful!" After the general Lian Po blow three bursts, shouted a sentence.

I feel alert, quickly retreat, but too late, Turing provided an Epee, seven foot, suddenly boots a stamp, "bang" sound of a bloody hexagram emerge, around the ground countless thorns projecting over the ground, within about 50 x 50 yards of the target caused three times in a row to hurt. And I am -

"678 bear the brunt!"

"701!" 666



"by!" Quickly retreat, filling a potions and again a life treatment surgery, barely able to maintain blood, turned and swept one eye, warier, behind the emergence of 14 bodies, many spiritual surgery division, xuanhu, archers are spike, even 46 ascetic only 23% of blood gas of silly standing there. "Happy to

plus blood, fast!" Sword of Li Muqing loud command: "immediately Qisi hang the xuanhu persons, the battle is they need, free and unfettered, please confirm skills distance?!" I tried to hack out Lin

frost sword, war of independence with BOSS at the same time, sink a track: "25 yards!"

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