三月已过,桃花已经谢尽,天气开始回暖,但是后宫诸位主子没有谁觉得暖和多少,甚至觉得冷得异常。 熙和宫的昭贤容差点被歹人害死,皇上大怒,一层层 การแปล - 三月已过,桃花已经谢尽,天气开始回暖,但是后宫诸位主子没有谁觉得暖和多少,甚至觉得冷得异常。 熙和宫的昭贤容差点被歹人害死,皇上大怒,一层层 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
March is over, peach has been thanked, it starts to pick up, but harem you masters who did not feel much warmer, even exceptionally cold. Son House of Zhao Yin Rong came close to being wrong to kill, the emperor was furious, layers of verifications, and minions are running scared, afraid of somehow being compromised. Today, the only lighthearted, only in the day injured Luo yan Zhuang, she lay down on the soft couch and playing House of the province, specifically people sent flowers. "The Empress and the leaves ... ..." listen to bamboo out of tea pots, "do you want more? ” "The Temple in the province not to send a new green tea with Green Lake snow? "Luo yan Zhuang look at tea pot," buried under the basin of Podocarpus, and all its value. ” Her dark tea, tea, won't immediately after drinking this year, even if the province sent a month in the House, is enough, but as she was wronged, province, how can those people better than in the House. Emperor, Chen last year to drink tea, not very good? "Slaves heard yesterday high father-in-law let Temple in the province less prison to has is clothing Council do rough makes minions," heard bamboo put tea carefully buried in Podocarpus of soil xià, let people point see not out following has things of traces hòu only and continues to road, "also has Chang days floor of Xu Zhaorong disease has, today she side of maid in dry Empress kneeling has part-time, Emperor also no to see she. ” Luo yan Zhuang hissing sound, "she said the other day short, ill need today may have more. ” Bamboo heard laughs: "Empress you don't know yet, the Emperor today, although not to the smooth floor, but his will, said Xu Zhaorong both diseases in the body, you need to rest, has reduced the free building better fates. ” Listened to the words of bamboo, Luo yan Zhuang smiles, the Emperor of Xu Zhaorong pretentious attitude a little bored, but now finds her bullying, grow ever more fed up. Men total sympathy for the weak woman, but hate the women pretended to be weak. Affectation is fun, has been affected is boring. As early as Qian nobleman's minions have wronged the Xu Zhaorong was around when the Emperor punished, she guessed, Emperor of Xu Zhaorong was became bored. Shunned for a moment and let her see who is loathed by his, even when a little leeway not to stay, direct bullying in the ranks. Beautiful gentle Princess favored, Su Xiu baton has a favorite cousin, Yan whose potential is your wives? No wonder even climb according to sue Royal dies is one of your wives, compared to speak with Sue Goodfriend, bad is still too far away. "Empress, Jing Yanggong jade and aunt arrived. "Cloud evening came," outside the Sun is very good, and there was no wind, the Empress going to bask in the Sun? ” Luo yan stood, holding her hand, "stayed in the House all day in a stuffy, let people put on the desks and chairs in the yard, and aunt jade a message in the yard. ” And jade stood in the yard, and warm sunshine in the body, makes people more lazy bones. Since Zhao Xian was assaulted at capacity after that night, she never saw Zhao Yin Rong is now more than 20 days in the past, day rewards continue day by day, and anyone can see that the emperor has not rejected Chao Yin Rong, but glory is infinite. Was thinking of these, see the Chao Yin Rong held a ladies hand came out, she did not pull the head behind black hair hung in any, pink Chinese robe to put on a slightly loose, but it kind of unspeakable flavor. "Slaves and jade met Zhao Yin Rong Empress. "Yu busy and stepped forward to greet the rituals, now who would dare in front of Zhao Yin Rong meaning snub, not looking for death? Stop her, even the Empress Zhao Yin Rong would also like to mention two points. "And aunt jade having to much ceremony, but Empress what things make you come? "Luo yan Zhuang smiles to He Yu, and slowly sat down on the soft couch. "Back to the Empress, Empress no events, just let the slaves to medicine for your blood," Jade said, let the ladies behind touch and hand them over to slave, "the Empress said, Empress, please do not have to worry about, if there is anything you need, just reporting Jing Yanggong is. ” "Thank you, Goddess grace," Chuang Luo yan nods, "I had an accident, but too tired to Empress, ought to go to the Empress Shane, just moved is not allowed, I hope Empress will forgive me. ” "Zhao Xian have let Empress strongly worded," and jade smells the busy road, "your body is injured, where you can toss your Empress understood, Niang said, as long as you can due, is the goddess most gratifying thing. ” "Empress ren Hou, wives, I really appreciate. "Luo yan Zhuang's voice grew tired, more pale complexion. He Yu, see this case, short cut: "Zhao Yin Rong Niangniang relief body, slave Empress reported back. ” "Aunt take care," Luo yan Zhuang smiles watched and jade go, gone is gone, smile on his face and no fading, just resting against the soft couch with my eyes closed, warm sunlight on the body, nothing between me and sleep when Chun Kun. Hear bamboo Zhuang, Luo yan shut-eye and Yun XI two step back, give her a quiet environment. Fubao into the yard, find their masters in the yard in the Sun, then waved her hands to listen bamboo. "What's the matter? "The bamboo came over, lowered his voice and asked. "Bamboo, did you hear that, survey, high-grandfather House slave, fán zhǔ Zi wounded passing through our day on the day the House of slaves, were called to ask. "Fubao lowered his voice and said," I've heard a few be punish by flogging to death. ” "Bad of the heart, extends lives have been lost," bamboo look is still resting the eyes of Zhuang, Luo yan, "this hour do not have to report to the Empress, so corrupting interest in Empress. ” Luo yan opened her eyes, saw Fu Bao and hear what Zhu said both in the ramble, and didn't ask much, just put in a position to continue resting, but gently asleep. When opened her eyes again and saw a bright yellow, she looked up, she saw the emperor sat on the soft couch along the side, quietly with a book in his hand. "The Emperor? "Luo yan has not yet got up, the Emperor had already put down the book and hold her," you're wound pain can't sleep some time ago, can now finally have a good rest, you do not have in front of me. ” Luo yan Zhuang homeopathic lay back on the couch, slightly away, "but did not think the emperor would come. ” "I am today without incident, look at you," took the bamboo Cape in hand would like to cover in the village upon Luo yan, "see you slept well, he didn't ask you. ” "I can't sleep for quite a while," Chuang Luo yan touched his cheeks red from the Sun by the Sun, "the emperor was go into the House with the concubine, reading books under the Sun is bad for your eyes. ” Feng Jin laughed, suddenly bend/body, hold down Zhuang Luo yan, "the wife wants to go to the House, I will naturally follow. ” "Your Majesty! "Luo yan Zhuang exclaimed, reach out and embrace Emperor's neck," that ... ... " Romance the Princess holding the privilege enjoyed by women she was there to enjoy the day, feeling not so good. Feng Jin Luo yan Zhuang, placed on the chaise longue, on the backs of cloak wearing in the Luo yan Zhuang, "without the Sun in the House, don't let the cold, you're body still weak, won't suffer from a disease. ” "The King always so nervous, we are so vulnerable. "Luo yan Zhuang language to complain, but the hand lightly grasping mantle," the Emperor the Chief busy, need not to worry about my body every day. ” "You have said it before, I was your day, then when your body is not good, I naturally want to worry about," Zhuang Luo yan, I have reached out and touched his shoulder hair, "has in fact no big deal, and time is money, you don't have to worry about this. ” Luo yan Zhuang wish to say anything, saw Yi moved to a short exposure to the Sun's green Podocarpus, that pot of Podocarpus is not very large, but the move is still some effort. "These things to the eunuch, a maid how to do heavy work for you, if you do not care and how," would like to see is a Zhuang Luo yan gave themselves that basin Podocarpus, short cut, "I looked at Empress enjoyed this potted pine tree in your home. ” "Back to the Emperor, one can carry, weekdays are slaves to take care of that pot of pine trees. "Yi knees a green gift, she looks well, manners took on a sudden hearty kick. Luo yan Zhuang complexion dull look at Lu Yi, the maid is also the maid around her, but she prefers listening with Yun XI and Zhu, Lu Yi was away a lot and now Yi this green posturing, but she was kind of funny. When to move, but this time came in? "You can take care of this pine tree is very good, just as a maid, before entering the room did not know schematic? "The move but did not see Lu Yi's merits, just said," you is Zhao yin's maid, I am also fine you, go outside to kneel. ” "Slaves to thank Emperor grace," Yi looked ugly green a ritual head back out of the wounded. She quit going after Luo yan heard the curtain bamboo sound from outside. "The Emperor, Empress, slaves made tea. ” "Come in," letter of honour Luo yan Zhuang, who pulled his cloak, that looked into the the bamboo, "is a dedicated slave bounty spindles, more dedicated to serving your family in the future Empress. ” "Slave to thank Emperor grace. "Bamboo busy kneeling down Shane. Luo yan Zhuang smile, gaze falling on the basin of Podocarpus and haunted. Feng Jin Luo yan said: "I know you are very, but the minions around if there are no, or kicked well, otherwise something trouble is a master. ” "Yi qie green sent to serve after the Palace," Luo yan Zhuang and sighed, "she was straightforward, so I normally don't take her out, the Emperor you not to be too hard on her. ” "Maid rules are Mother Teresa dedicated breeding, if do not know the rules in some respects, they didn't understand, but not hard," I have patted Luo yan hands, "ministering to the heart into a slave by its master, instead, it is a necessary evil. ” Luo yan hesitated for a moment, sighed: "makes sense, and my ignorance. ” "It's not you fool, but she didn't expect it," I have turned to shake his hand, but are very gentle. Bamboo hear two people so mood, then gingerly backed out, after seeing knelt outside the Lu Yi, his brow slightly Puckered, the Emperor had no mind's minions. Yi moved before she saw green Podocarpus, can't other fishy? A minion would like to take the master's power of grace? If the servant is not pretty scenery sky, it is suicidal. If it is national beauty, whose potential which also need to borrow in order to be the Emperor found? Author has something to say: two more codes good results on the update does not, so give her treasure was fed milk I'll sleep, male treasure crying woke me at the moment, coax male to sleep try Polaris, was updated successfully. At five o'clock in the morning, just to say good morning.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
March is over, thank peach has to do, the weather began to pick up, but no harem masters of you who feel much warmer, even feel cold anomalies. Hee and Palace昭贤容almost killed Dairen, the emperor was furious, inventory layers, is also doing slave trembling, afraid somehow be implicated. Today, only a relaxed mood and probably only in Xi Zhuang Palace sidelined network rouge, her half-lying on Ruanta, playing with the house of the provincial house of dedicated people sent flowers. "Goddess, these tea ......" Listen bamboo Chaguan out, "want?" "house of the province was not sent New Biluochun and Bitan snow?" Zhuang network glanced Chaguan rouge, "Buried go there Podocarpus basin, it is also considered the whole of its value. " She is not good tea, this year's new tea drinking naturally not all at once, even if the house is not sent to the province a month is enough, but since she had been wronged, house Those people, how can the province better. Emperor came, drink tea Chen last year, is not very good? "I heard yesterday slaves let the house of the provincial high father went to prison still less do coarse clothes bureau makes slaves," Listen to the bamboo tea Podocarpus carefully buried under the earth, people do not see that there is something beneath the traces before they continued, "There are floor Xuzhao Rong Chang sick days, today the ladies around her palace kneeling in the dry half-day, the emperor did not see her." Chuang network rouge laugh loudly, "she said a few days ago was not a lack of people dictating Today ill people probably need servants even more. " Listen bamboo heard a smile: "You do not know yet the empress, the emperor did not go smooth day today although building, but under the decree, saying it was both徐昭容disease in the body, you need to convalesce, he cut a smooth day I floor better. " listened to these words of bamboo, village network rouge grin, the emperor of the gesture on the right Xuzhao Rong contrived some bored, and is now found her bullying, natural more tired. Men always the sympathy weak woman, but they hate women pretending to be weak. Contrived moment is fun, has contrived is boring. When the slaves as early as around Qian honored by the aggrieved attracted徐昭容emperor punishment, she guessed, Emperor徐昭容is bored. Momentary cold, so she saw who loathe themselves, not even a little room left, directly bully up. Princess Sophie relied beautiful favored Soviet revisionism ceremonial forward to a favored cousin, Emma battle your example, who is the potential? No wonder even the mold according to Shu-Royal is just one climb your example, say things chaise compared with Shu, too poor or too far away. "Goddess, King of the central Palace and jade aunt came." Cloud evening came "out of the sun is very good, but there was no wind, the sun goddess can go?" Chuang network rouge stood leaning on her hand "stay in the house all day, too stuffy, people put tables and chairs in the yard, make and jade aunt sent a message in the yard." stand in the yard and jade, nice and warm sun shines on the body, makes bones more copies lazy. Since the Zhaoxian Rong attacked that night, she never saw Zhaoxian Rong, now twenty days in the past, and the palace every day Hee reward constantly, any who can see the emperor has not rejected Zhaoxian Rong, Instead Rongchong unlimited. Was thinking of these, we see the Zhaoxian Rong leaning a ladies hand came out, she did not pull hair, a black hair behind any loose, pink Chinese robe worn a little bit large, but there are kind of speechless taste. "Slaves and Zhaoxian Rong Yu met the empress." Jade hurried and please安行礼, now who would dare neglect in front昭贤容have meaning, it is not court death it? Not to mention her, and even the Queen Goddess now have to be polite Zhaoxian Rong two points. "Jade aunt and do not have much ceremony, but the Queen Goddess What events make you come?" Zhuang Yu network rouge on and smile, and then slowly sat down on Ruanta. "Back to the Goddess, Queen Goddess no events, just let slaves to send you some medicine to the blood," and Yu finished, let the ladies behind the Palace of things to Hee and I, "said the Queen Goddess Please empress does not have to worry, if there is any need, just report the central palace is King. " "Thank you, Lady Grace," Zhuang network rouge nodded, "I'm in this accident, it touches tired Queen Goddess, the original of the person to go to Shane empress, but the body is not allowed, but also look Goddess forgive me. " "Zhao Xianrong Goddess too serious," and Jade heard busy road, "you now have hurt himself, so where can toss your mind to understand the empress, empress said, as long as you can recuperate, let the empress is the most gratifying thing. " "Goddess generosity, Bin concubine really grateful." Chuang network rouge voice gradually tired of looking more pale. Seeing the situation, and jade, sidewalk: "Please keep the body at ease Zhaoxian Rong Goddess, slaves that they go back to the complex life of the empress. " " Aunt walking, "Zhuang watched network rouge smile and jade leave until the unseen figure, his face The smile did not light it, just close their eyes when relying Ruanta repose, warm sun shone upon him, too fit Chunkun sleep. Listen bamboo see the village envelope rouge eyes closed, then two steps back with the cloud evening, give her a quiet environment. Fubao into the yard and found their own masters in the yard in the sun, it would be for listening bamboo beckoned. "What happened?" Listen to the bamboo came over, low voice asked. "Listen to the bamboo, you heard right, high father in each house I checked, whenever passing day we Hee injured masters and house I have called to ask the." Fubao follow a low voice, "I've heard There are flogging to death a few. " " There are no good heart, that lost their lives together, "Listen bamboo village turned glanced network still repose rouge," This hour will not have to report to the empress, and Goddess of interest to save corrupt. " Chuang network rouge opened his eyes to see and hear the bamboo two fubao aside ramble saying something, ask Actually, I'm just a change of position to continue repose, knows actually slow slow sleep. When re-opened his eyes, eyes a bright yellow, she looked up slightly, she saw the emperor sat Ruanta border, holding a book quietly watching. "The emperor?" Zhuang rouge network has not got up, put down the book and hold the emperor had her, "You can not sleep painful wounds a few days ago, and now finally able to have a good rest, I do not have much in front of the ceremony." Chuang network rouge homeopathic lay back on the couch, looking away slightly, "but did not think the emperor would come." "I do not today, then take a look at you," seal would like to listen to the bamboo hands cloak took cover in the village envelope popliteal body, "See you sleep well, they did not call you." "concubine also sleep for a moment," said Zhuang network rouge touched his sun tan some red cheeks, "the emperor or the concubine went to the house Go, read a book under the sun to our eyes. " I would like to seal smiled, suddenly bent / body, waist and threw him Zhuang network rouge, "Aifei want to go to the house, I naturally want to listen." "The emperor ! "exclaimed one village rouge network, reaching Lanzhu emperor's neck," This ...... " romance care of the household to enjoy the privilege to hold her princess could have a day to enjoy this feeling not too good. Sealed envelope commend village rouge into chaise chair, back in the village again cloak draped network rouge, the "house without the sun, do not suffer the cold, your body is still weak with now, can not afford to suffer from the disease." "The emperor is always so tight, so weak where concubine." Chuang network rouge words with blame, but the hands gently holding the cloak, "The emperor Chief busy, it does not have to worry about day to wife's body. " " Before you would say before, I was your day, then your body is not good, I naturally want to worry about, "I would like to hand touched the village sealed envelope rouge shoulders black hair," North Korea has no recent event, the time it is off, you These do not have to worry. " Chuang network rouge want to say anything, to see the sun for a moment while carrying Lvyi Podocarpus sun came pots Podocarpus though not great, but still somewhat laborious while carrying. "These things do give eunuchs is, how do these ladies you a heavy work, and if not, how should accidentally fell," I would like to see their own sealed envelope given to village rouge basin of Podocarpus, sidewalk, "I looked at Your home empress liked this pine cone. " " Back to the emperor, slaves carry it on weekdays and are slaves to take care of this pine cone. "Lvyi knees a ceremony, she looks good and hearty with a surge of strength between manners children. Chuang network rouge dull complexion glanced Lvyi, this ladies this is her big ladies around, but she prefers to use cloud evening and listen to the bamboo, it touches on Lvyi far a lot, and now Lvyi pair gesture, touches so she had some funny. When a bad move, but why this time come? "You can take care of this pine cone is very good, just as the ladies, the house did not know before greeting schematic?" Seal the honor seemed to show no advantage Lvyi saw, just a touch of the open road, "You are昭贤容of ladies, I do not punish you good, kneeling outside themselves to it. " " Slaves Xie emperor grace, "Lvyi looking ugly for a ceremony, did not dare to lift head back out. After she make way we heard the village envelope rouge curtain came outside to listen to the sound of bamboo. "The emperor, empress, slaves bubble tea." "Come in," sealed envelope rouge village who would like to cloak pulled, turned around and looked just come listen to Bamboo, "is dedicated to the I, a bounty ingot right, but also to the future empress dedicated to serve your family. " "Slaves thank the emperor grace." Listen Shane bamboo busy knees. Dan Xiao Zhuang network rouge gaze falls on the basin of Podocarpus, thoughtfully. I would like to look at the village rouge sealed envelope and said: "I know you're a good temper, but if there are not minions around with, or expel the good, or is a master trouble thing." "Lvyi in the palace concubine after school come wait, "said Zhuang network rouge sighed," she temper frank, it is not very usual to take her out concubine, emperor you do not blame her too. " "Mother ladies rule has specialized education, if there do not know the rules of the Department, it is not to understand it, but not got the idea, "I would like to seal envelope patted village rouge back," I got the idea to wait no master, but rather keep the scourge. " Chuang network rouge hesitated for a moment, sigh said:. "The emperor is justified, concubine ignorance of the" "is not your ignorance, but did not think nothing," seal would like to change the beat of the hand grip, the action is very gentle. They see so listen bamboo modality, then carefully back out to see after kneeling outside Lvyi, frown, the emperor is not just the mouth I got the idea of the. She just went to see Lvyi while carrying Podocarpus, do have another trick? I would like to take a master's potential was grace? If this is not the country I color the sky, and that is the kiss of death. Can if Aromatic, which also need to be borrowed potential emperor who found it? Author has to say: two more on code originally good, not on the results of the update, so the milk fed to male treasure my sleep, the moment men and treasure crying woke me up, try to coax asleep male Bora test, actually update was successful. More than five o'clock, and only tell you is that the morning.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
March already, peach has Xie, the weather began to pick up, but the harem masters who think you no warmer, even feel cold anomaly.

hee and Gong Chao Hsien tolerance point to be wrong to kill, the emperor great anger, a layer of interrogation, is' is trembling with fear, afraid of be rather baffling is compromised.

today, only lighthearted, Jae Hee only and the wounds of the Zhuang Luo Yan palace, she half lying on the soft bed, playing with the temple Province special let people sent Palace flower. Description: "empress, these tea..." Her took out boxes of tea, "and?"

"temple province not to send new Spring Snail and Bitan snow?"Zhuang Luo rouge to look at tea pot," buried in the basin of the arhat Panasonic, also calculate all its value."

she not good tea, this tea will naturally not all of a sudden the finish, even a month temple province not sent, but also enough, but since she had been wronged, how can those Temple province better than. The emperor came last year, drink tea Chen, not very good?

"slaves heard yesterday high father-in-law let Temple province less prison to clothes office still do coarse make minions," listen to the bamboo put the tea carefully buried in the soil of Podocarpus, let a person do not see the point, something under traces before and continued, "there are days Cheong floor of Xu Zhaorong disease,Today her ladies knelt semidiurnal in dry palace, the emperor did not go to see her."

Zhuang Luo Yan sneered, "she said a few days ago not missing words, now ill need to handle the people I'm afraid more."

listen bamboo smell speech smiles a way: "the empress you didn't know, the Emperor today although not to day building, but the will, said Xu Zhaorong is sick, you need to rest, then lost day building better slave."

listen bamboo this words, Zhuang collaterals Rouge smile to open, the Xu Zhaorong emperor of histrionic gesture some boring, and now found her bullying, natural more tired.Men always the sympathy for the weak woman, but hate the woman so weak.

contrived moment is fun, always affectation is boring. By the early in the Qian magnate nearby minions injustice caused Xu Zhaorong to be the emperor of punishment, she guessed, the emperor of Xu Zhaorong is bored.

a cold shoulder, let her see what people hate myself, even no room left, direct bullying up. The soft imperial concubine by beautiful favored, Suxiu the guard of honor a favored cousin, Yan expensive pin battle who is potential? No wonder even as Shu imperial concubine

mold to climb is just one of your wives, speak and act with Shu imperial concubine than,Too far to go.

"Niangniang aunt Jing Yang palace, and jade to the." Cloud Xi came in, "outside the sun is very good, and no wind, the empress can want to bask in the sun?"

Zhuang collaterals Rouge took her hand and stood up, "to stay in the house all day is boring, let a person on the desks and chairs in the yard, let and Yu aunt sent a message in the yard."

and jade stood in the courtyard, the warm sunshine sprinkled on the body, let the people inside were more lazy. Zhao Xian Rong attack since that night, she never saw Zhao Xian Rong, now two days later, hee and palace daily reward constantly, anyone can see that the emperor was not rejected Chao Hsien yung,But Jung unlimited.

was thinking of this, see the Zhao Xian Rong took a maid's hand came out, she did not pull hair, head hair streaming behind any, peach red Chinese robe worn on the body slightly wide, but a kind of unspeakable taste. Description: "the maidservant saw Zhao Xianrong and jade empress." And jade busy come forward to greeting salute, now who would dare to have slight meaning in front of Zhao Xianrong, that is have a death wish? She, even the queen empress Chao Hsien Yung will now be polite dichotomy.

"and jade aunt not to be over courteous, but the queen what something let you?" Network Zhuang Yan smiled at and jade,Then slowly sit on the soft TA.

"return to empress, the queen is not important, just let the maidservant to send you some of the blood of the medicine," and jade finished, let behind the maid put things to city and palace slave, "the queen said, please empress not worry, if have what need, just report Jing Yang Palace is."

"thank empress grace," Zhuang Luo Rouge nodded, "I this accident, it is too tired to the queen, should personally go to empress Shane, only the body does not allow, but also look empress forgive me."

"Zhao Xian Rong empress restrictions," and jade smell speech quickly said, "you now body injury,Where can such a toss about, mind you know empress, the empress said, as long as you can take out, is the most can let empress gratified thing." Description: "empress Hou, wives and concubines is grateful." Zhuang Luo Yan voice gradually exhausted, the complexion is also more pale.

and jade see this case, short cut: "please Zhao Xianrong Niang Niang body keep peace of mind, the maidservant that go back to the empress outreach."

"aunt walking," Zhuang Luo Rouge smile watched and jade to leave, to see the figure, on the face of smile an idea did not light go on, just closed my eyes against the soft couch repose, the warm sunlight shines on the body, sleep too for sleepy time.

Listen to see Zhuang Luo Yan Zhu eyes closed, then with the cloud Xi two steps back, give her a quiet environment.

Fubao came into the yard, found its own master sun in the yard, to listen to the bamboo waved. Description: "what matter?" Came over her, in a low voice asked.

"listen to the bamboo, did you hear father-in-law, high in check each palace slave master, all day pass by our wounded hee and house slave, were called to ask." Fubao followed a low voice, "I heard that there are several is the rod and died."

"bad of the heart, the lost their lives," listen to the bamboo twisted a head to see an eye is in repose Zhuang Luo yan,"This hour would not have to report the empress empress, so corrupted spirits."

Zhuang collaterals Rouge opened his eyes, he saw and heard in Fubao bamboo two people on the side hum about saying what, but also didn't ask, just changed a posture to Sanders, who know unexpectedly and slowly fell asleep.

again opened his eyes, eyes a bright yellow, she look up slightly, but see the emperor sit on the soft TA border, with a book in his hand and quiet at. , "the emperor?" Zhuang Luo Rouge has not up, the emperor had put down the book and hold her, "you a few days ago, wound pain can't sleep sleep, now is not easy to have a good rest, do not be over courteous in front of me."

Zhuang Luo Rouge homeopathic lay back in bed, slightly out of sight, "just didn't think that the emperor would come."

"I am nothing today, then have a look you, sincerely listen to" seal took the cloak bamboo hand cover in Zhuang collaterals rouge on the body, "see you sleep well, he didn't call you."

"concubine have slept for a while," Zhuang Luo Yan touched his sun have red cheeks, "the emperor and concubines or come into the house, the sun is not good for your eyes to read books."

letter I smiled, suddenly bent / body, round the waist Zhuang Luo Yan, "love princess wanted to go into the house, I naturally want to listen to." , "the emperor!" Network Zhuang Yan a exclaimed,Throw his arm around the neck, "this..."

romantic female main enjoyed Princess hold privilege she had enjoyed a day, not feeling too good.

letter would like to put the Zhuang collaterals Rouge into imperial concubine's chair, and put the cloak on Zhuang collaterals Rouge back, "there is no sun room, don't suffered a cold, you now body is weak, can't suffer from the disease."

"the emperor is always so nervous, concubine where so tender." Zhuang Luo Rouge language belt complain, but gently hand clutching cloak, "the emperor busy, really do not have to worry about every day for the concubine body."

"before then you said, I am your days, so time is not good in your body,My natural to worry about, "I reach out to touch the hair touch seal Zhuang collaterals Rouge shoulder," KCNA recently no event, time is very good, you don't have to worry about the."

Zhuang Luo Yan also want to say what, see the green ripples move the sun for a while the sun Luo Hansong in this basin, although Luo Hansong will not be great, but the move still some effort.

"these things to do is a eunuch, you a maid do such heavy work, if accidentally fell and how," I see your letter is given to the basin of Podocarpus, Zhuang Luo Yan Road, "I looked at your house empress liked this basin pine." , "slave to the emperor, lift,Usually is the maidservant takes care of the potted pine trees. " Green Yi knees for a gift, her looks good, behaved with a hearty kick.

Zhuang collaterals Rouge complexion dull to look at Green Yi, the maid of honor this is her great ladies, she just compare like with cloud evening and listen to the bamboo, on the green ripples down is far many, now green Yi this posture, pour is make her some funny.

what time do not move, but this time?

"you can take good care of the pots of pine trees is very good, just as the maid in waiting, don't know before entering the greeting sketch?" I seemed not to see the advantages of sealing the green ripples show, just lightly openings way,"You are Zhao Xianrong's maid of honor, I also not punish you, yourself to outside kneel." "The maidservant

thank the emperor grace," green Yi looking ugly went a gift, dared not lift the head back out.

to her to quit, Zhuang collaterals Rouge heard outside the bamboo curtain to listen to the voice of. , "the emperor, empress, the maidservant made some tea."

"come in," letter would like to put the Zhuang collaterals Rouge body cloak pulled, just looked in to listen to the bamboo, "is a dedicated servant, a bounty of ingot, the future should be more dedication to serve you home empress." Description: "the maidservant to thank the emperor grace." Her busy knelt Shane.

Zhuang collaterals Rouge danxiao,Eyes on the basin of Podocarpus, as if thinking of sth.. I looked at the network Yan Zhuang

letter way: "I know your strength is good, but the side of the slave if not use, or drive out good, or are a master trouble things."

"green Yi then sent to serve in the concubine palace," Zhuang Luo Yan sighed, "she was not so straightforward, concubine, how to take her out, the emperor also you don't too hard on her."

"odalisque rules have mammy special education, if the rules do not understand place, will not understand, but don't care," seal on the dorsum of the hand patted network Yan Zhuang, "serve the master doesn't care minions, keep it is evil."

Zhuang collaterals Rouge hesitated for a moment, sighed:" the emperor It stands to reason., concubine foolishness."

"not your ignorance, but didn't think of it," I hand to take letter for grip, action is very gentle.

listen bamboo see two people so modality with great care, he backed out, see kneeling on the outside of the green ripples, the eyebrows is tiny tiny a wrinkly, 'I don't complain the Emperor just mouth. As she saw the green ripples move Podocarpus in, is there some other Maoni? , a slave masters want to borrow the powers have grace? If the slave is not won it, that is the self destruction.

but if national beauty and heavenly fragrance -- peony,No need to borrow the potential to be the emperor who found?

the author wants to say words: originally two more good code, update results not, then give the boy a milk feed I slept, woke me up at the boy crying, to sleep male Bora try, even updated successfully. More than five in the morning, only with everyone said good morning.
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