第二百二十七章 十倍光暗元气爆readx(); 巫羽冷哼了一声,聂离还真是口出狂言,他稍稍一挥手,只见三个巫鬼世家的强者纵身掠起,朝着聂离扑 การแปล - 第二百二十七章 十倍光暗元气爆readx(); 巫羽冷哼了一声,聂离还真是口出狂言,他稍稍一挥手,只见三个巫鬼世家的强者纵身掠起,朝着聂离扑 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百二十七章 十倍光暗元气爆readx(); 巫羽冷哼了一声,聂离还

第二百二十七章 十倍光暗元气爆
readx(); 巫羽冷哼了一声,聂离还真是口出狂言,他稍稍一挥手,只见三个巫鬼世家的强者纵身掠起,朝着聂离扑了上来。

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
No. 227-10 times times the light-dark energy explosionreadx(); Wu Yu cold grunted, Nie Li's bluster, he waved his hand and saw three strong jump of fortune-telling family swept up, Nie Li came up. Nie Li roared out a cry, the body rapidly changing, turned into a tiger's Panda looks like. Assists Yun also urge a snow spirit beads in her hand, the integration of the snow Queen's demon spirit, with the snow Queen spirit demon after fusion, purple-blue Merle like a goddess come down in General, countless road icy circling around her, she is very noble and pure.Nie Li and assists after Brassica blend of demon spirits, Wu Yu, one slightly taken aback, they feel Nie Li and assists black gold blue Merle is just the strength of about one or two stars, but after the fusion of demon spirits, both Nie Li and assists Brassica, breath sharply strengthened several times, black gold at least four five-star level. "Demon spirits Division of mankind, and sure enough a little road. "Wu Yu eyes narrow slightly up, but even if black gold four star star, what can we do, their side but have two legends level and strong! "Ho! "The NIE from furiously waving huge hands, came a black gold-level strong Palm up, palms, faint Flash of lightning, contains unrivalled strength."Humph! "The black gold gas outbreak of strong body, preparing Flash Nie Li hit, then a fatal blow on the Nie Lilai. But as soon as he is ready to act when his body suddenly becomes very heavy, action is one of slow, while two icy appeared out of nowhere, around his feet, the moment his feet frozen. Boom! Nie Li on a Palm on his head, will he knock out directly. Bang Bang Bang!That black gold powerhouse rolled out dozens of meters away and crashed heavily into a pit. Nie Li looked at the rear of the leaves purple Brassica, can't help but smile, purple-blue Merle is really clever, after you are familiar with the characteristics of canine Panda, immediately found with Tiger's Panda best fits, using snow the snow Queen, and cooperated with him in battle. Another black gold behind strong men suddenly appeared in Nie Li, when he swung the sword. Nie Li's neck when chopping very hard just listening to every sound, his sword on the wall of ice, in front of Nie Li was turned around in an instant. Open your mouth and spit out the light and dark energy explosion, detonation that black and gold with a strong blow out. Just two fights, will have two black gold strong was killed, leaving only the last, leaves purple Brassica icy straight through the chest."First kill that woman! "Wu Yu was livid. He originally wanted to send three people try Nie Li and assists Yun strength, he unexpectedly, Nie Li and assists Yun laid a relentless, directly killing three of them. That action simple and amazing efficiency, it is virtually impossible to imagine. Nie Li is fighting man of rich experience, assists blue Merle with its shot, suddenly has a heart felt, caused two people to the power of several times stronger than solo. 巫羽身后的强者们。全都朝聂离和叶紫芸扑了上来,想要一举将聂离和叶紫芸击杀。看到这一幕,聂离的双手立即召唤出了魂兵拳刺,守护在了叶紫芸的身旁,聂离融合的是狂战系的妖灵,而叶紫芸融合的,则是风雪系的妖灵,这两者之间的,是非常容易配合的,只要聂离不让其他人靠近叶紫芸。叶紫芸就能发挥出数倍的战力。 叶紫芸手中的风雪灵珠发出耀眼璀璨的光芒,周围瞬间形成了一场狂暴的风雪,宛如风暴一般,将聂离和叶紫芸围在中间。 虽然这暴风雪不足以将这些巫鬼世家的强者们击退。但是那冰冷到刺骨的寒意,立即令他们行动迟缓了下来。 这暴风雪,加上聂离的重力气场,足以将这些巫鬼世家的强者们实力削弱两成以上。 嘭嘭嘭!有三个冲入暴风雪中心的巫鬼世家强者们跟聂离激战了起来,聂离挥起拳刺迎战,将他们阻挡在外面。 激烈的战斗爆发。虽然面对这么多人的围攻,聂离依然非常镇定,拥有丰富的战斗经验,聂离几乎可以轻易地判断出对方会用什么样的招式,攻击什么样的位置,迎击起来显得游刃有余。 而那些跟聂离交战的巫鬼世家的强者们,越战越是心惊,他们的每一次攻击,聂离都仿佛能够未卜先知一般,事先知道他们的攻击方位,然后将他们的攻击彻底地封死。 聂离的每一招,都是最佳的迎战方式。聂离只是封住了这些人的攻击方位,并没有多余进攻的动作,而聂离身后的叶紫芸,因为没有人能够靠近到她,她立即放开手施法,漫天的冰棱冰刺就像是暴雨一般,铺天盖地地砸下去。 原本这种施展术法,是极其消耗法则之力的,但是叶紫芸有了风雪灵珠之后,法则之力简直如同无穷无尽一般。 那漫天的冰棱冰刺落下,顿时鲜血飞溅。 虽然只是干掉了两个黑金级的,但剩下的那些人多多少少都受了点伤。 “找死!你们以为这样,就能抵挡得住我们么?” 两个传奇级的巫鬼世家强者看到这一幕,纵身从上空飞下,手中的大剑挥斩下来,充满了无尽的杀气。“罗天剑斩!” 无穷的剑影落下,每一道剑影之中,都蕴含着狂暴的力量。 这是传奇级的力量!巫鬼世家的两个传奇级强者终于忍不住动手了! 等的就是这个时候! 就在这罗天剑斩形成的一瞬间,聂离便有了动作,右手一动,掏出一张传奇禁术卷轴,直接撕裂,只见一道金色的护盾凭空形成,将聂离和叶紫芸笼罩在了其中。 轰轰轰!密集的剑斩落在这金色的护盾上,不断地爆开,剑影直接炸碎。 这是强大的赤金护盾,是所有护盾里面防御效果最好的。而且赤金护盾有一个特殊的效用,那就是可以从内而外地攻击对手,并不影响护盾的完整性。 几乎是在聂离施展出赤金护盾的同时,聂离张口猛吸,腹部收缩,胸膛迅速地膨胀,嘴边一黑一白两道光球凭空形成,而且越来越大,变成了普通情况下的数倍大小。 四倍光暗元气爆,六倍光暗元气爆,十倍光暗元气爆…… 这两粒光暗元气爆的体积,足足是普通光暗元气爆的十倍,而且里面充斥着可怕的法则之力,几乎将聂离灵魂海中的灵魂力瞬间抽空。只见这两粒光暗元气爆交互飞舞着,朝着赤金护盾外面那两个巫鬼世家的强者激射而去。 那两个巫鬼世家的传奇强者凌空飞着,罗天剑斩的攻击简直是密密麻麻,令下方一片混乱,到处都是爆破性的力量。他们的嘴角流露出了一丝冷笑,这罗天剑斩,应该足以将聂离和叶紫芸彻底地击杀了。 但是一道金色的光盾凭空形成,将罗天剑斩阻隔了下来,罗天剑斩落在这金色光盾上,竟无法破开分毫。 “这是怎么回事?” “这是赤金护盾!”“怎么会这样?这是修炼金系力量的传奇强者,才能施展的护盾!” 他们没想到,聂离居然能够施展这护盾,阻挡下了他们的攻击,他们还没来得及反应,一黑一白两道光球已是交错飞舞着,朝他们激射而来。 在光暗元气爆飞来的那一瞬间,两个传奇强者的第一反应便是开启护盾,瞬间两道黑色的护盾在他们的身周凭空形成,这护盾乃是他们巫鬼世家的秘法,圣罗之盾,足以抵挡传奇强者的全力一击。 在他们看来,他们的护盾足以抵挡聂离的光暗元气爆了,所以更是挥起大剑,准备发动第二波的攻击。感觉到那两个巫鬼世家强者的举动,聂离嘴角微微一笑,他们对于力量层次的感应,实在太差了,跟自己根本不是一个层次的。虽然对面的两个人是传奇级的强者,但在力量的使用上,在聂离的眼中,依然还是太逊色了。 十倍的光暗元气爆,可不是简单能够应对的! 一黑一白两道光球交汇在一起,只听轰的一声巨响,光暗元气爆突然间爆炸开来。 这黑白两道光球,都仅仅只是普通光暗元气爆的十倍左右,但是黑白两道光球交汇在一起,爆炸产生的力量,却是原来的百倍不止!聂离的光暗元气爆,可是由法则之力凝聚而成的! 那恐怖的爆炸瞬间将巫鬼世家这两个传奇级的强者吞没,只是那么接触的瞬间,他们身上的圣罗之盾瞬间四分五裂,狂暴肆虐的力量瞬间将他们吞没。 光暗元气爆的力量冲击在他们身上时,他们都露出了难以置信的神情,为什么这黑白两道光球,竟能爆发出如此可怕的威力,居然连圣罗之盾都阻挡不下来!他们远远地低估了光暗元气爆的威力,为此而付出了惨痛的代价。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and twenty seventh chapter ten brightness burst strength
readx (); Wu Yu Lengheng a cry, Nie away really is bluster, he waved a little, I saw a family of three witch ghost strong jump Lueqi toward Nie rushed up from. Nie roar a cry from the body rapidly changing, into the eye teeth panda look. 叶紫芸also pushed from the hands of snow Ling Zhu, a blend of snow queen demon spirit, with snow queen demon spirits after fusion, like a goddess descended Yezi Yun general, numerous road Bingleng circled around her, so that she seemed very noble holiness. After Nie away and叶紫芸fusion demon spirit, Wu Yu, who minds a little surprised, originally from and叶紫芸Nie they feel just the strength of twelve stars around the black gold, but after the integration of the demon spirit, no matter from or Yezi Yun Nie, the atmosphere suddenly increased several times, at least to reach the black gold four-star five-star level. "Human demon spirits division, really a little doorway." Wu Yu eyes squint up slightly thin, but even five-star four-star black gold can they do, but here they have a strong two legendary stage! "Roar!" Nie away furiously wielded larger hands, over a black gold rush toward a strong level of palm shoot up, that palm among the faint flashing lightning contains unmatched power. "Humph!" The black gold body underlying strength strong level outbreak, ready flashed Nie blow away, and then come on to NIE from deadly punch. But just when he was ready to make a move, his body suddenly became very heavy, is one of slow action, at the same time, two icicles appear out of thin air, around on his feet, a moment his double feet frozen. boom! Nie from palm shoot in his head, he will direct hit fly out. Bang bang bang! The strong level of black gold tumbling out tens of meters away, a heavily crashed into the pit. Nie looked from behind叶紫芸, he can not help but smile, Ye Ziyun really is extremely intelligent, familiar with the characteristics of the eye teeth after panda immediately able to find the best fit with panda eye teeth way, use the power of wind and snow snow queen to fight with him. Another strong level of black gold suddenly appeared in Nie from behind, when he wielded the sword. Nie from the neck toward the fiercely Zhanxia time, just listen to bang bang, his big sword cut in a wall of ice, and from the front of the NIE is turned back in an instant. Mouth spit brightness burst strength, bang the strong level of the black gold blown out. Just two simple fight, there are two strong level was struck black gold, only the last one is叶紫芸icicles directly through the chest. "First get rid of that woman!" Wu Yu face ashen. He had just wanted to send three people to test and Yezi Yun Nie strength from it, he totally did not expect, and Yezi Yun Nie from start mercilessly, directly kill three of them here. That simple action of smooth efficiency of the amazing, almost unimaginable. Nie from combat experience itself is very rich people, in cooperation with叶紫芸so after a moment, then suddenly there is a feeling of a kind of minds, the power of collaboration can be caused by two people, absolutely is several times stronger than alone. Wu Yu behind the strong are. All from North Korea and Yezi Yun Nie rushed up, I want to leave in one fell swoop and Yezi Yun Nie kill. Seeing this, Nie hands away immediately summon a soul Katar soldiers, guarding the side叶紫芸and Nie from convergence is the demon spirits mad combat system, while叶紫芸integration, it is the demon snow line Spirit is very easy to fit between the two, as long as other people keep away Nie near Yezi Yun. Ye Ziyun able to play multiple combat capability. Yezi Yun Ling Zhu dazzling snow in the hands of bright light, and instantly formed around a raging blizzard, like a storm in general, will leave and Yezi Yun Nie around the middle. While this storm is not enough these witch ghost family of strong who repulsed. However, the cold biting chill to immediately make them slow down. This snowstorm, plus Nie field strength from heavy enough to these witch ghost weaken the strength of a family of strong men into two or more. Bang bang bang! There are three witch ghost into the storm center of the powerful family from fighting them up with Nie, Nie from wielded against Katar, will they stop outside. Fierce fighting broke out. Despite the siege of so many people, from Nie still very calm, has extensive combat experience, Nie almost from the other side can easily determine what kind of moves will attack what kind of position, engaged it seemed at ease. Those with Nie war witch ghost from a family of strong men, the Vietnam War more scared, every time they attack, Nie from all seem to be able to know the future in general, know in advance the orientation of their attack, then attack them completely seal dead. Nie from Meiyi Zhao, is the best way to confront. Nie from just shut these people attack position, and no extra offensive action, but from behind Yezi Yun Nie, because no one could close to her, she immediately let go of hand magic, the sky is like ice barbed icicles Storm general, overwhelming drop down. This method was originally cast after surgery, is extremely consuming power of law, but with the snow Yezi Yun Ling Zhu, just as endless power of law in general. That filled the ice barbed icicles falling, suddenly blood spatter. Although only kill two black gold level, but those who are more or less the rest of the wounded. "I killed! Do you think so, you can stand up to us?" two legendary witch ghost class family strong Seeing this, jump from the sky flying big sword chop off the hands of play, full of endless murderous . "Lo Sword cut!" infinite ying down, every ying being, involved with violent force. This is the power of the legendary stage! Strong level of two legendary witch ghost family finally could not resist hands! So is this time! At that moment Romania Sword cut formed Nie from there the action, a move his right hand, pulled out a legendary forbidden technique reel, direct tear, I saw a golden shield formed out of thin air, the Nie away and叶紫芸shrouded in of them. Honghong! Intensive sword Zhanla on this golden shield constantly burst open, shattering ying directly. This is a powerful shield of pure gold, inside defense shield effect is all the best. And pure gold shield has a special utility that can attack opponents from inside and outside, it does not affect the integrity of the shield. Nie away almost at the same time cast out of solid gold shield, Nie from the mouth puffed, shrink abdomen, chest rapidly expanding mouth one black and one white ball out of thin air two dynasty formed, and growing into a general situation several times the size of the under. Four times the brightness burst strength, six times the brightness burst strength, burst strength tenfold brightness ...... This两粒brightness burst strength of volume, full of light and dark strength is ten times the normal explosion, and which is full of terrible the power of law, almost instantly Nie soul from soul force evacuated the sea. I saw this两粒brightness burst strength interaction flying toward pure gold shield outside those two witch ghost family of strong lasing away. The two legendary witch ghost family strong volley flying, Luo Sword attack simply cut dense, so the bottom of chaos everywhere explosive force. Their mouth showing a hint of sneer, which Luo Sword cut, should be sufficient to completely Yezi Yun Nie away and kill. But a golden light shield is formed out of thin air, the barrier will cut down the Sword Luo, Luo Sword Zhanla on this golden light shield, it was not able to break open nothing. "This is how is it?" "It is pure gold shield! " " how could this be? This is the practice of the legendary gold-based power strong, can play the shield! " they did not expect, Nie was able to cast off this protection shield, blocking their attacks down, they have not had time to respond, one black and one white two dynasty balls are flying staggered toward them lasing. In the light and dark flying burst strength of that moment, the first reaction is to open two legendary strong shield, and instantly two black shield formed out of thin air in their body weeks, which shields them but witch ghost a family secret law, St. Lo shield, strong enough to withstand the legendary quanliyiji. In their view, their shields enough to withstand light and dark from the burst strength Nie, so it is wielded sword, ready to launch a second wave of attacks. Witch ghost family feel the two strong moves, Nie from mouth smiled, they force levels for induction, really bad, he did not follow a hierarchy. Although the two men opposite the legendary strong level, but in the use of force on the NIE from the eyes, it is still too less of. Ten times the brightness burst strength, simply can not cope! One black and one white ball confluence of two dynasty, Boom bang, a sudden burst of light and dark vitality explode. This ball of light tenfold Heibailiangdao are just ordinary brightness burst strength around, but Heibailiangdao ball of light converge the power of the explosion, but it is a hundred times more than the original! Nie burst strength from the light and dark, but cohesion made ​​by the power of law! That terrible explosion instantly legendary witch ghost family two strong level engulfed just moments then contact St. Lo shield them moments apart, violent raging power instantly engulfed them. When the force of the impact of the explosion of light and dark vitality in them, they are showing an incredible look, why this Heibailiangdao ball of light, can escape the outbreak of such a terrible power, not even St. Lo Shield will stop down! They are far underestimated the power of the explosion of light and dark vitality, for which paid a terrible price. They want to dodge it was too late, and was light and dark force of the explosion burst strength lift to fly out, the whole person body charred and landed a few hundred meters away places. Genki Shock brightness burst explosion, swept the area radius of hundreds of meters, the ground blasted a huge pit, surrounded by those strong family witch ghost who also was affected, one Kuangtu blood, injured heavy. Brightness burst strength is raging again of pure gold shield, and finally bear, torn out, in which all can leave and Yezi Yun Nie, did not be affected, even foot of grass, are still good. "Get called." Nie clapped his hands away, put away the panda eye teeth demon spirit, the body slowly recovered human form. (To be continued.) Chapter errors Report (Free registration) will be treated within five minutes, reports Please be patient and refresh the page. If you have not been resolved within 20 minutes, please send us an email. Thank you support book fans!

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 227th chapter is ten times of light and dark energy (
readx); the explosion plume snorts, from Nie was slightly waved wildly, he saw a ghost, three strong and single family, from the head up toward the nie.

Nie roar from the body, quickly changing into the teeth look like pandas. Ye Ziyun also pushed up the hands. The snow snow queen Lingzhu, fusion with this, after the snow queen this fusion, Ye Ziyun like goddess Xiafan, numerous ice around her circling, made her looks very noble and pure. After the fusion of Ye Ziyun and Nie
from this, Wu Yu et al the heart was a surprise,Originally they feel from Ye Ziyun and Nie just one or two stars around the black power, but after fusion of this, no matter from the Nie or Ye Ziyun, the atmosphere suddenly increased several times, at least to the level of the five-star four-star gold. "This man

division, there was little doorway." Wu Yu eyes narrowed slightly thin, but even the five-star four-star gold but also how, but their side has two legendary level strong!

"roar!" From the fury with giant hand Nie, towards a strong level of a black head over the beat up, the palm of his hand, faint flashing lightning contains unmatched power. "Hum!"The black body strong level suddenly broke out, ready to flash from the Nie blow, and then give a punch on the deadly Lilai nie.

but before he ready for action, his body suddenly became very heavy, slow action is one of the two, at the same time, the ice appeared out of nowhere around, his feet, his feet frozen moment.


Nie slap on his head off, he will directly hit fly out. Peng! The black
strong level of rolling out tens of meters away, hit heavily into a pit.

Nie glanced from the rear of Ye Ziyun, can not help but smile,Ye Ziyun was extremely intelligent, after familiar with the characteristics of tiger panda, immediately found with the best way to use the snow queen tiger panda, wind power, with his battle. Another black

strong level suddenly appeared in the Nie from behind when he wielded the sword. Toward the neck when hard from Nie down, just listen to bang bang, his sword cut in an ice wall, and the front is turned back from the NIE in an instant. Mouth spit out the light and dark energy burst, thud that blew out the strong black level.

just two simple play, there are two black level strong kill,Only the last one, Ye Ziyun's ice edge directly through the chest. "First kill the woman!" The plume was livid. He just want to send three people out from the Nie and Ye Ziyun's strength, he totally did not expect, Nie and Ye Ziyun. From the relentless, kill the three people in their side. Simple and smooth

that action, the efficiency of the amazing, almost unimaginable.

Nie itself is fighting experience from the extremely rich people, after the cooperation with Ye Ziyun then, suddenly there is a kind of a kind of heart feeling, two people can cause the power of cooperation,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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