四百九十三章 池阳2013-10-05 08:00:00 “这地下到底埋着什么?” 我皱了皱眉头,抬手拔出龙池剑,用力刺入地表层,帮着池羽寒 การแปล - 四百九十三章 池阳2013-10-05 08:00:00 “这地下到底埋着什么?” 我皱了皱眉头,抬手拔出龙池剑,用力刺入地表层,帮着池羽寒 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

四百九十三章 池阳2013-10-05 08:00:00 “这地下到底

四百九十三章 池阳
2013-10-05 08:00:00



































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter 493 Chi yang2013-10-05 08:00:00 "What exactly buried underground? ” I frowned and raised long pool, pulled out a sword, Pierce the surface, helping mining with Chi Yu Han, cold pool plume being a juggernaut of world-level strong earthquake, presumably to let him not mind much, can make him so embarrassed but devastated for him, what is more important than anything. Crushed rock scattered around the sword under the stirring, eventually "crash" sound, a huge hole appeared in front of us, carved with four characters--Tomb entrances above! "Rustling......" Lin Waner stepped forward, took my left hand and whispered: "is the entrance ... ..." I nodded. Chi Yu Han stood there trembling hands stained with their own blood, his body was tied very weak spoke in the magic cable, stepping unsteadily walked in the entrance, Chi Yuqing followed in, and my task, with Li Mu, Lin Waner, who immediately stepped forward to enter the Tomb entrance. Dry the confined cavern, full of the scent of decay, and here is where the Chi Yang had du made the Emperor's Tomb. Chi Yu-cold a person in mind to hold the walls in the front, left a saddened road of blood on the wall, he looked at the scene, a trembling voice said: "that year, I was only 3 years old, but ... ... But I do remember this, my father used to take me here, here ... ... Everywhere in his father's footsteps here...... " Chi Yuqing whispered: "brother ... ..." "They said, his father died in the fighting, but ... ... But I know, I saw my father one last time here, his father not died in the fighting, but...... " Suddenly, the cold pool plume still, he saw a huge magic forward spar, reach out and touch. "Brush! ” That is memory Crystal, moments around of scene began turned, with we into has here had of a memories, 37 years Qian of Royal Mausoleum is du made in the, Chi Yang a armor, arms in hold with young of Chi Yu cold, mouth with loving of smile see with Chi Yu cold, softly road: "Feather cold, you is I Chi yang of son, also must is a upright of man, fast points grew up's, I to church you I of life by learn, let you became invincible of Commander......" Chi yang side, one of the servants murmured: "today, sire released the last of Wang Ling, Lieh Lo is selected as the Corps command, and replaced the flags of 17......" Chi yang's body quiver slightly, teeth, and they looked to the arms of the Chi Yu Han, said: "his Majesty has been decided yet? I ... ... I Chi yang to your Majesty, it is only a pawn ... ... Now when the birds are all good bow out? ” Chamberlain nodded: "General, we'd make! ” Chi Yang had a chance to speak, suddenly darted outside the Tomb one of the orderlies, got down on one knee tunnel: "my Lord, just now, the Palace four Magister appeared around the Tomb, I do not know what they want! ” Chi Yang did not speak, at the foot of little but a blood red magic at your fingertips, he looked down and saw, countless welled up in the eyes of the anger and despair, hold Chi Yu Han, look up and growled: "Rooney, I chi Yang for you even if it is of no use, and wouldn't let me: father and son enjoy the rest!? You use dragon to me, can this plugging world long mouth!? ” End of the Tomb passage, one old man moves the rod came out of mouth bears grinned: "Chi yang, you old things, your life will come to an end here, don't you think you lived to tell the people of the world, how you Chi yang died in his underground Palace of the Governor do? ” Chi yang ROAR: "Lei Ke, you brute! ” "HA ... ..." This called Lei Ke of magic mentor Yang up method rod, suddenly a article blood Dragon swept and to, "detonation" of raging in Chi yang of around, twisted broken has Chi yang of gang gas and armor, a road blood splash out, and Chi yang is bent with body, will pool feather cold protection in arms in, constantly of spit blood, whole people seemed moments will collapse broken has General. "Quick! ” Chi Yu Han Chi yang arms to the side guards, Li said: "from the second exit to escape, take the child to a main road southwest of the most Fang Chiyou tribal practice, not to tell him who his father was, and never let him back in bahuang city, come on! ” Rumbling voices, four Magister pressure, iron pillar in the Tomb have burst, the second floor of boulders rolling down, Chi yang tied down where I was unable to move, suddenly arms and raised his beam rock, just flesh under the weight of millions of, the body's blood vessels and veins have burst. "General! ” Bodyguard turned to tears. Chi yang clenched steel teeth, before he was reluctant to look at small Chi Yu Han, a trembling voice said: "tell Yu Han ... ... His father loved him, loved him...... " Lei Ke laughed, single hand a Zhang, a road magic arrows detonation through has Chi yang of body, flesh-and-blood like batting like of scattered, Chi yang of abdominal almost has was detonation rotten off, left arm "Kacha" a sound completely fracture, beam "bang" a sound pressure in has he of shoulder Shang, but he is tightly support with, see with bodyguard disappeared in Tomb end, Chi yang suddenly right hand caught Sabre on threw has out! "Managed! ” Lei Ke directly through the heart, and just stood there, on his back fell dead. “嘭……” Chi Yang was pressure have single knee kneeling in to, is still not willing to gave up, he of eyes full is red, tears mixed with blood with flowing in determination of face Shang, front became dark up, he runs out has last of strength, murmured road: "Feather cold, I of son, I more wants to saw see with you grew up, but sorry, I do not to has......" Clenched his right fist, vein of Chi yang soared, vindictive maneuver around the body, little by little, into a statue, half kneeling on the stone, even if it finally drained of power, he still chose to let their petrochemicals to protect pool cold plume. …… "Father, father......" Chi Yu Han fell to his knees in tears, kneeling row step by step forward, until you reach the Tomb collapses, visible Chi yang turned into a rock just knelt there, left hand molder, his right arm on a piece of broken people, wound and bone. 池羽寒轻轻抚摸着父亲的手臂战痕,泪水不可遏制的流淌下来:“父亲……你说过要教会我骑术,要教会我利刃劈斩的轨迹,要教会我凝聚斗气,要教会我骑兵战要义……父亲,你的话我都还记得,都还记得,你睁开眼看看我,羽寒长大了……” 池玉清一样跪在池羽寒身边,道:“父亲,父亲……” 正在这时,忽然“轰”一声崩碎,池阳的石化身躯再度崩碎了一截,整个墓室开始再次塌陷崩溃起来,池羽寒不顾一切的护住父亲的尸体,啊啊啊的怒吼着:“放开我,该死的缚魔索,放开我,我……我本可以保护父亲,为什么要这样对我……” 我冲上前,猛然以肩膀顶住塌陷中的横向,李牧、王翦也纷纷上前以身躯顶住,三大重甲系玩家堪堪的支撑着横梁不再继续塌陷下来。 却在这时,池阳化身的石头猛然幻化为一道光芒凝聚在数米外,赫然是池阳的身躯,依旧一脸慈祥的看着池羽寒,温和道:“羽寒,能够看到你和玉清长大成人,我很欣慰……” “父亲,是你吗?”池羽寒惊喜道。 池阳淡淡道:“可以说是我,也可以说不是我,这是我死前留下的一息灵念,现在我有话要告诉你。” 池羽寒:“父亲,你说……” 池阳仰头看看望不见的天空,悠悠道:“我池阳生活在这里,我深爱着八荒城这座美丽的家园,所以,就算我知道君主将会杀我,我也没有率部叛乱,我见过太多的鲜血与杀戮,发动战争只会让无辜的平民经受苦难,你也一样,我们为将者,守土安邦,为的就是一个天下安定,哪怕是受到屈辱,我们也只能默默承受,切记,不要骑兵叛乱,这是父亲对你最后的话,好好活着……” “刷!” 池阳的身影消失掉了,池羽寒拼命的抓捞也没有留住父亲。 …… “这里要塌了,快走!”林婉儿低声道。 我急忙道:“带池羽寒、池玉清先走!” 林婉儿、月倾浅一人一个拉着两个NPC跑出了墓穴,而我则和李牧、王翦商量了一下,同时脱身冲了出去! “轰轰轰……” 爆鸣声阵阵,整个王陵瞬间完全成了一片废墟。 池羽寒沉默的站在那里,过了好半晌,忽然看向我,道:“小子,我愿意跟你回八荒城接受裁决,谢谢你,让我见到了父亲最后一面……” 我点点头:“那就走吧,回八荒城,我想安吉拉公主一定会为你主持公道的。” “嗯!” …… 于是,这放眼大陆都强得屈指可数的圣域级高手就那么跟着我们前往八荒城,穿过八荒森林,直抵八荒城下。 进入城中,直奔王宫大殿,似乎是发生了什么事情,王宫前的守卫增派了不少,其中一个侍卫长横剑道:“什么人,不得擅闯八荒城大殿!” 我说:“我带来了安吉拉公主需要的人。” “什么人?” 我闪身让出身后的池羽寒、池玉清兄妹,顿时侍卫长猛然一惊:“那……那么你们跟我来吧!” 拾级而上,一步步的走上了八荒城的王宫大殿,一群侍卫严阵以待,远处的演武场中更是密密麻麻的剑士、弓箭手在守护着。 “哒哒哒……” 月灵公主安吉拉踩着小碎步提剑而出,惊喜的看着我:“你们果然完成了任务!” 我点头一笑:“不辱使命而已!”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Four hundred ninety three chapters Chi Yang
2013-10-05 08:00:00
"It's buried underground in the end what?" I frowned, raising his hand to pull longchi sword, piercing to the hard surface, helping pool Yu cold tap together, as a cold pool Yu generation reputed world-class strong Juggernaut, he must make something small heart, and let him be so embarrassed but heartbroken certain things for him more important than anything else. Gravel have spread under the sword of agitation, finally "Crash" sound, a huge hole appeared in front of us, the top carved with four characters - Tomb entrance! "Rustle ......" Ms Lin stepped forward, took my left hand and whispered: "entrance is ......" I nodded. Yu cold pool but stood trembling, his hands covered over his blood, his body was tied under the magic cord imprisonment extremely weak, but rickety stepping into the entrance to the pool Yuqing tight with the pitch, my body and my tasks, but also immediately with Li Mu, Ms Lin, who move into the tomb entrance. Dry narrow cave among awash decadent atmosphere, this is the original male pool Duzao Tomb place. A man driven to distraction pool Yu cold walk in front of leaning on the wall, on the wall, leaving a sad road of blood, he looked at the scenes here, trembling voice said: "That year, I was only 3 years old, but ...... but here I will always remember my father once took me through here, here ...... where his father's footsteps everywhere ...... " pool Yuqing whispered:" my brother ...... " " they said his father died in the war, but ...... but I know, I see his father one last time here, not the father died in the war, but ...... " suddenly, pool Yu cold still, he looked to the front of a huge spar, hand gently touch. "Brush!" That is the memory of the crystal, the scene instantly began turned around, took us into a memory here once, 37 years ago, is the royal mausoleum in Duzao, Chi Yang one armor, her arms young Yu cold pool, watching the mouth with a loving smile Yu cold pool, softly: "Yu cold, you are my son, Chi-yang, is bound to be a man of indomitable spirit, to grow up quickly, and I want to teach you I learned life, so that you become invincible commander ...... " Chi-yang side, a servant whispered:" General, this afternoon, His Majesty the King issued a final order, as selected Lo Lieh corps command, and replace our 17 flag will ...... " Chi-yang body slightly shocked, and gnashing of teeth, but look to the bosom of the pool Yu cold, said:"? His Majesty has been under a decision yet I ...... I Chi Yang ? His Majesty is concerned, it just a pawn ...... now the birds do when the good bow yet, " attendants nodded:" General, we'd better make early plans! " Chi-yang has not yet had time to speak, suddenly out of the tomb rushing a messenger, one knee and said: "! adults, appeared together in the Tomb around just now, the palace four Mage, do not know what they want to do," Chi Yang did not speak, but emerged at the foot of a Road blood red magic tentacles, he looked down, his eyes welled up countless anger and despair, holding the cold pool Yu, his head shouted: "Loredo, Chi Yang for you, I even did not use, do not let my son enjoy the rest do!? I use you sleepy dragon array, is it able to block the mouth of a lengthy world maintained it!? ' tomb at the end of the corridor, carrying a wand old man came out of the grinning mouth emerges : "? Chi-yang, you old thing, your life will end here, do not you think you'll get out alive to tell people of the world, Chi Yang is how you dead in his underground palace Duzao you" Chi-yang roar : "! Ke Lei, you beast," "ha ha ha ......" this is called Lei Ke Mage raised the wand, suddenly a bloody dragon swept away, "boom" raging around the pool in the sun, minced Yang Gang Qi pools and armor, a Road blood darting out, and Chi Yang was bending the body, protection in the cold pool Yu arms, constantly spit blood, the whole people seem to instantly broken in general will collapse. "Quick!" The arms of the Chi Yang Yu cold pool to the side of the guards, Li He said: "From the second outlet to escape, most of these children to the road Chi southwest tribal practice, do not tell him that he who is the father, and never let him return to glorious city, brisk walking! " rumbling voice sounded, Mage four under pressure, iron posts have burst inside the tomb, boulders rolling down the floor, Chi Yang tied in situ can not move, suddenly raised his arms outstretched crossbar rock, it so to physically withstand the weight of the tens of millions, and the body's blood vessels have burst the context. "General!" Guards turned, tears welling. Chi Yang steel teeth biting, but before dying of nostalgia Koike Yu looked cold, his voice shaking, said: "Tell Yu cold ...... his father love him, love him ......" Lei Ke laugh , a single hand, a road through the magic arrows boom Chi Yang's body, like a cotton-like flesh scattered, Chi-yang belly bombers almost rotten, left arm, "click" sound completely broken, transom "bang" sound pressed on his shoulders, but he stubbornly supported, seeing the tomb guards disappeared in the end, Chi Yang suddenly grabbed his right hand on the sword thrown out! "Puchi!" Lei Ke directly through it before, stood there blankly, his back lying on the ground died. "Bang ......" Chi-yang was crushed knee kneel on the ground, but still unwilling to give up, his eyes filled with blood-red tears mingled with the blood flowing together in the determination of the face, the eyes become dark up, he consumed to make a final effort, murmured: "Yu cold, my son, I think you watched grow up, but I'm sorry, I can not do that ......" clenched fist, Chi-yang context soaring, vindictive maneuver around the body, gradually, turned into a stone statue of Bangui in the ground, even if the strength of the final exhaustion, he still chose to protect yourself petrochemical Yu cold pool. ...... "My father, my father ......" pool Yu cold knees, burst into tears, kneeling row forward step by step, until you arrive at the tomb collapse, surprised to see that Chi Yang turned into a rock it so kneeling, left chipping, a broken right arm above the residual wound the bone. Pool Yu Han gently stroking her father's arm Battlescar, tears can not stop flowing down: "My father taught me ...... You said you want to riding, to teach me razor Cleave trajectory, taught me to gather a grudge, to teach I cavalry essence ...... father, your words I still remember, still remember, you open your eyes to see me, Yu Han grew up ...... " kneeling in the pool as the pool Yuqing Yu cold side, said:" father, father ...... " Just then, all of a sudden" boom "sound chipping, Chi Yang petrochemical collapse again broken body length, the tomb began to collapse crash up again, cold pool Yu desperate to protect his father's body, ah ah roaring: "Let me go, damn rope tied magic, let me go, I ...... I could to protect my father, why do this to me ......" I rushed to the front, suddenly shoulder to withstand the collapse of horizontal, Li Mu, WANG Jian also have stepped forward to stand up to the body, the three players Kankan heavy armor system supporting beams no longer continue to collapse down. But at this time, Chi-yang avatar suddenly turned into a light stone condense a few meters away, a shocking Chi Yang's body, his face still looked kindly pool Yu cold, moderate and said: "Yu cold, you can see Yuqing and grown up, I am very pleased ...... " " father, is that you? "Chi Yu cold surprises road. Chi Yang lightly: "You could say that I can also say it is not me, this is my spiritual death left a message read, and now I have something to tell you." Han Yu pool: "Father, you say ......" Chi Yang looked up to see not see the sky, long: "I Chiyang live here, I love this beautiful city glorious homeland, so, even if I know that the monarchy will kill me, I did not rebel troops to I've seen a lot of blood and killing, war will only make the suffering of innocent civilians subjected to you, too, will we who defend the Ampang, as is a stable world, even humiliated, we only can endure in silence, remember, do not rebel cavalry, this is your father's last words, I'm alive ...... " " brush! " Chi-yang figure disappeared, the cold pool Yu desperately grasping fishing did not keep his father. ...... "Here to collapse, brisk walking!" Ms Lin whispered. I quickly said: "Yu with cold pool, pool Yuqing go first!" Ms Lin, a month pour one person took two shallow NPC ran out of the tomb, and I and Li Mu, WANG Jian talk a bit, and get out and rushed out ! "Honghong ......" explosive bursts of song, the entire Tomb moment completely in ruins. Pool Yu Han stood silent, after a good long while, suddenly looked at me and said: "Boy, I'll follow you back glorious city to accept the award, thank you, let me see his father one last time ......" I nodded :. "Come on then, back to the glorious city, I think you'll Angela Princess of justice" ! "ah" ...... so, look at this sacred level master a handful of large陆都强get it so follow we went to the city of history and a glorious, glorious through the forest, leading to the next glorious city. Into the city, went straight to the palace hall, seems to be what happened, in front of the palace guard a lot of additional, one of the guards long Hengjian said: "What! No person shall trespass glorious city hall," I said: "I took to Angela Princess needs of the people. " " What man? " let me dodge Yu cold pool after birth, pool Yuqing brother and sister, suddenly bodyguard suddenly surprised:"! ...... so that you come with me, " Ten on, step by step onto the palace hall glorious city, a group of guards vigilant, far Yanwu field is crowded swordsmen, archers guarded. "Da da da ......" May the spirit of the princess, Angela put the sword out of stepping on the split step, surprise looked at me: "You really completed the task!" I nodded and smiled: "! Fulfill the mission only."

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The four hundred and ninety-three chapter Chi Yang08:00:00 2013-10-05"What the hell is this?"I frowned, heave a hand pulling a long Chijian, forced thorn into the surface layer and help pool cold plume along with mining, Chi Yu cold body for a shock of the world if the Blademaster class strong, presumably to let his heart to eat, but can let him so embarrassed but sad things certain for him than what is more important.Gravel in the agitation of the sword have dispersed, and finally the "crash" a sound, a huge holes appear in front of us, the top carved with four characters - tomb entrance!"Rustle......"Lin Wan walked up and pulled my left hand, whispered: "is the entrance......"I nod.Pool the cold plume but fibrillation lofty station there, hands stained with their blood and his body was magic tie cable under the confinement of very weak, but shake to sway of stepping into the entrance, followed by in Chi Yuqing, and Department of my body, task, also immediately with a Li Mu, Lin Wan son, marches into the entrance of the tomb.Dry and narrow caves filled with decadent atmosphere, this is where the original Yang duzao mausoleum.Chi Yu cold terrorizing a man leaning on the wall walk in the front, left the road, a ghastly blood on the wall, he watched this scene, trembling voice said: "that year, I was only 3 years old, but... But I will always remember this, my father took me here, here...... Father's footprints all over here......"Chi Yuqing softly: "brother......""They say that the father died in the war, but...... But I know, I saw my father's last one here, the father is not in the war, but......"Suddenly, the rest of the cold pool plume, he saw a huge spar to the front of the hand gently touch."Brush!"It's a memory crystal, moment around the scene began to change magically, take us into the here once a memory, 37 years ago, that the royal mausoleum is the supervision, Yang Chi a body armor, arms holding young pool cold plume, mouth with a loving smile watching the pool cold plume, light tone way: "the cold plume, you are I Chi Yang's son, is bound to be an upright man, quickly grow it, I have to teach you the story of my life, let you become invincible commander in chief......"Chiyang side, a squire whispered: "general, this afternoon, sire released the final Wang Ling, Luo fierce as the army command, and replaced the US 17 flag will be..."Yang Chi body tiny tiny one Zhan, gnash teeth in hatred, but look at to the arms of the pool the cold plume, way: "Your Majesty has decided the? Me i...... My pool yang to your majesty, is only a pawn...... Now is the time to make good bow of the birds?"A nod: "general, we had better to make early plans!"Before Yang Chi could speak, suddenly outside the tomb rushing a herald soldier, single knee kneel tunnel: "adult, just now, the palace four big evil tutor appear together in the tombs of the kings around, do not know what they want to do!"Chiyang didn't speak, at the foot of emerge of a blood red sorcery tentacles. He looked down at, welled up in her eyes numerous anger and despair, holding pool cold plume, upward, and shouted: "Luo Lei, I Chi Yang for you even no use, don't can't let my son enjoy the rest of your life? You use the trap to me, can this be able to stop the world's long mouth it!?"At the end of the corridor of the tomb, a wand of the old man walked out, mouth emerges a grinning: "Yang Chi, this old thing you, your life will end here, don't you think you're still alive, went out and told the people of the world, you Yang Chi is how to die in their supervision of the underground palace?"Chi Yang roar: "Lei Ke, you beast!""Ha ha ha......"This is called Lei Ke of the mage raised wand, suddenly a bloody dragon swept to, "boom" raging around the Yang Chi, ground the Yang Chi Gang gas and armor, a series of blood splashed out, and Yang Chi but the body bending, pool the cold plume protect in the bosom, continue to spit out the blood, the people as if instantly to crumble and the general."Fast!"Yang Chi will arms pool cold plume over to nearby of bodyguard, fierce drink a way: "escape from the second outlet to the children sent to the road west of the southern Chiyou tribes practice, don't tell him who his father is, never let him return to the city, brisk walking!"Boom rumbling sound, four big evil tutor under pressure, in the tombs of the kings of the iron pillar have burst, on the second floor of the boulder rolling down, Yang Chi bound in situ was unable to move, suddenly open arm raised the bar rock, then to flesh and blood under tens of millions of weight, the blood vessels in the body and choroid have burst.General!"The guards turned, tears brim over with tears.Yang clenched teeth, dying but lingering look small feather cold, trembling voice said: "tell the cold plume...... His father loves him very much, and he loves him very much......"Lei Ke laughed, a single hand, a road Magic Arrow boom through the body of the Yang Chi, flesh and blood like a cotton like scattered, Yang Chi abdomen has almost been Bang rot, left arm, "Kacha" sound completely broken, the beam "bang" sound pressure in the his shoulder, but he died die support seeing a bodyguard to disappear at the end of the tomb, Chi Yang right hand suddenly seize the sword of throwing out
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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