第351章 萧无义四大宗门在苍风国的霸主地位从未被撼动过,四大宗门中的每一个,其名号所带有的威慑力,都要远远胜过苍风皇室。 而如今,雄霸苍风 การแปล - 第351章 萧无义四大宗门在苍风国的霸主地位从未被撼动过,四大宗门中的每一个,其名号所带有的威慑力,都要远远胜过苍风皇室。 而如今,雄霸苍风 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第351章 萧无义四大宗门在苍风国的霸主地位从未被撼动过,四大宗门中的

第351章 萧无义


































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 351 Xiao WuyiFour large doors in the dark wind's dominance has never been shaken, and in every four large doors, the deterrent force with which its name, are so far ahead of the blue air the Royal family. Today, dominated the Sofu Millennium one of the overlords, was shaken. And is mercilessly shaken ... ... Almost forced to the brink of ended. Tian men who burned sideways at any place, by countless black look greatly the strong were piles and acres of destruction, even mythical, in four doors is like a cornerstone Wang xuanlan's strong, also was killed and another seriously injured. Burning heaven with disbelief, and pale fire in front of the first world war, as a storm swept over the whole Empire Sofu, "Yun Che," the name of this enormous shock, overnight sensation once again the dark wind.Hours of the morning, it was not a large light and burn gate only key figures gathered again the main Pavilion to discuss events. Outside the Court, nearly half have turned into ruins burning heavenly gate resident dead, Hauteur of those burnt days of disciples at this time is low, his face filled with sorrow. Elders die in too, too home after news spread of the primary injury, their last line of Defense has almost completely collapsed. "I'd like to introduce. ” Burning of Yi Jue in the highest median, although sitting upright, but he proved he's pale face internal injury is extremely important, he motioned to the side of the man in black: "this, Xiao Zongxiao is immoral. ”Xiao Wuyi in a large black cloak, and, most of the face was obscured by a cloak, and doesn't seem to want his face to be seen too many people. Before the burn will open and all speculation about his identity, on hearing the "Xiao Wuyi" name, everybody stand up suddenly startled, burn the rains broke: "turns out Xiao Wuyi predecessors, the younger generation fail earlier. ” Xiao Wuyi, Xiao Zongtai sovereign on ruthless brother Hsiao, one of two King Xuan Xiao Zong, Cang wind when one of several extremely large at the top levels of the strong. The younger generation may not be familiar with his name, but burned in deep sorrow for this generation of people, it is famous. "Redundant words let alone. "Nonsense does not water not salty Shaw:" I have only one objective, is to help you get rid of Yun Che. ” Burn rains glimpsed Xiao Wuyi, way: "senior strength of nature is unique, but the younger generation with respect, strength of the predecessor not seen Yun Che seems to underestimate Yun Che. My father now was seriously wounded, by seniors-only one person, I'm afraid ... ... " "Oh ... ..." Xiao Wuyi light smiled, he stretched out his arms, palms spread slowly: "I am a person, perhaps not enough. Thus, with this? ” Wang xuanlan's realm, the aging of the organism will be greatly weakened, and even the return of young, but Xiao Wuyi Palm is overly dry, seems to be something long term corrosion in General. His Palm, is a light purple sphere, sphere micro flashing purple light, look at, you'll see its surface to surface one by one of the small black阵。 焚断魂一愣,随之想到了什么,脸色骤变,而他的旁边,一个长老已经失声喊了起来:“难道……难道是……是……灭天珠!?” “灭天珠”三个字一出,所有长老的脸色都是疾变,有几人的脚步甚至不由自主的后退,脸上露出深深的惊骇之色。 “呵呵,没有错。”萧无义淡淡一笑:“这便是来自我萧宗器宗仅次于灭天雷的灭天珠。不但就单点威力而言,它还要胜过灭天雷。相信它有多强大,你们都应该听说过。当年,它可是一瞬间粉碎了十几个天玄和两个半步王玄,就连周围幸存的天玄,也在它炸开后所释放的毒气中全部丧命。” 众焚天长老都纷纷咽了一口口水,脸上的惊惧神色始终无法退去,目光甚至不敢直视那枚灭天珠……灭天珠的可怕,四大宗门可谓是无人不知。萧宗内部有一个特殊的分支宗门,名为器宗,这个宗门便是专注于修炼和制造各种各样的火器,器宗弟子的玄力修为普遍很低,但他们每一人都是全身隐藏着各种各样的恐怖火器,纵然是同宗之中实力胜过一个大境界的弟子,都绝不敢招惹。 而这些火器之中,最可怕的,便是灭天雷和灭天珠。“我萧宗千年积累,如今也只有二十三枚灭天珠,这次为了除掉云澈,我足足带了五枚出来……呵,你们是否还觉得我一个人不够呢?” 五……五枚? 焚断魂慌忙道:“够……完全够。以贵宗灭天珠之神威,最多两枚……哦不,一枚就足以让云澈当场毙命。此番有前辈助阵,云澈若是敢再来,定然有去无回……请前辈饶恕晚辈先前冒犯之言。”据说纵然是一个王玄强者正面挨一枚灭天珠都会当场重伤,整整五枚灭天珠,若真的全用上,完全足以将云澈给轰成碎的不能再碎的碎片。萧宗这次派来的不但是萧无义,还带了多达五枚灭天珠,也足以见得萧宗对云澈的必杀之心。 而就在这时,一直安静一片的外面忽然变得噪乱,一个狂傲之极的声音当空传来:“焚天门的老狗们,你们的云爷爷又来了,还不快滚出来受死!” 焚义绝“呼”的站起,内伤牵动之下险些当场跪倒,听到云澈的叫喊声,他心中蔓延着怨恨、惊惧还有震惊……而最多的是震惊!距离之前在苍火城的一战,才过去了不到两天。而那时,云澈的伤势绝不比他轻,而他的伤势只是稍稍稳定,但云澈的吼声却是中气十足……根本没有半点重伤未愈的迹象。难道,他的伤势和力量,又已经完全恢复了? 就算他有什么特殊的秘法,但这个速度,也实在太过骇然听闻。 再次到来的云澈一入焚天门,就嗅到了一股不太一样的气息。看着前方,他冷笑起来,低低的道:“看起来,焚天门虽然没有外逃,但果然不是没有行动。” “多了一个王座,但并不是焚天门的人,实力上,还要胜过焚子牙,逊色于那天被你重伤的焚义绝。”茉莉道。“他们不会傻到认为多一个王座就能对付我,看起来,似乎是藏了什么阴招。”云澈嘴角的冷笑弧度微微大了几分:“整个苍风,拥有王座的只有四大宗门。冰云仙宫不会多管闲事,这个忽然出现的王座,只有可能来自天剑山庄和萧宗。我倒真是希望是后者。嘿……就让我看看,是谁不知死活的非要淌这趟混水!” 在云澈的大吼声中,焚断魂和众长老全部腾空而起,他们身后,护着重伤中的焚义绝。 见到今天的云澈,惊惧出现在每个人的脸上,他们那天目睹他重伤力竭遁去,但今日的云澈,气息、气色上没有半点虚浮之感,甚至,他的玄力气息还明显增长……上次是地玄境六级,这次,却已是地玄境七级!对他们这个级别的强者来说,地玄境界一个等级的提升本是不值一虑,但云澈一个玄力等级的提升,给予他们的压迫感却是大幅度提升,给予他们的感受无比之强烈,让他们全部心下凛然……不但伤势痊愈,力量完全恢复,实力还出现了大幅度的提升…… 这究竟是一个什么怪物! “云澈,你的嚣张……今日也到此为止了!”焚断魂咬牙切齿的道:“你杀我儿子,毁我宗门,这笔账,今日,我一定……一分不少的讨回来!!”云澈咧了咧嘴,仰头大笑了起来:“哈哈哈哈!焚老狗,看你们现在的样子,简直凄惨狼狈的连街上的乞丐都不如,真不知道是谁给你的自信说出这么可笑的话来……莫非,是下面那个藏着掖着的家伙?” “你……”焚断魂眼睛圆瞪,直气恨的全身发抖。 “呵呵呵呵……”一个低沉的笑声从下方传来,萧无义一身斗篷,脚步缓慢的从主阁中走了出来,他头部微抬,斗篷下的眼睛瞥向云澈,笑呵呵的道:“你就是云澈?这般年纪,却拥有如此的气势,更是以一人之力把焚天门逼到山穷水尽,都说你是苍风史上第一天才,似乎并不过分。” 云澈也笑了起来:“你又是谁?你专程跑来焚天门,难道就是为了拍我马屁?”“拍你马屁?哈哈哈哈!”萧无义笑了起来:“不不,我是想告诉你,天才这种东西……往往会短命。” “是么?”云澈的双目缓缓的眯了起来:“虽然你对我出言不逊,但我还是要大发仁慈的送你一个字。” “哦?什么字?” “滚!!” “滚了,你还能多活几天,如果不滚的话……嘿!”云澈冷笑了起来:“你可就要和这些焚天老狗们一样……彻底的短命了!就连你背后的萧宗……也会短命!!”“萧宗”二字一出,萧无义的气息顿时出现了少许的紊乱。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 351 Xiao-nonsense
four large doors dominance Cang wind country has never been shaken before, four large doors in each of their name brought some deterrent, it should be much better than the royal Cang wind. Today, one of the dominant wind Cang dominated millennium, has finally been shaken. But also fiercely shake ...... almost pushed to the edge of the Daughter. Burning Tianmen those can go sideways in any place, by the look of countless mysterious person is strong Tianxuan piles into a piece of destruction, even as mythology in general, in four large doors in the presence of王玄强like a cornerstone, is also a dead one seriously injured. Horrors burning days of the door, as well as dark green in front of the fire the city that war, such as the violent storm swept the entire Cang wind Empire, "cloud Che" This will bring numerous shock this name again overnight sensation throughout Cang wind. Early morning, the day before the big bright, burning Tianmen remaining core characters gathered again to discuss the main House event. Outside of the main pavilion, nearly half are turned into ruins of burning dead one day the door of the resident, who normally arrogant bully burning days disciples at this time are listless, his face filled with sorrow. On elders too violent death, serious injury after the news of the main door is too spread out, their last psychological barrier almost completely collapse. "I'll give you a brief." justice must reside in the middle of the burning, though sitting straight, but his pale face of the weight he had proved extremely negative internal injuries, he gestured around black people: "This, then Xiao Xiao Zong is nonsense. " Xiao nonsense a large black cloak, and his face was covered with a cloak half, seems not to want their face to be too many people see. Before the burning of justice must open, and everyone guessing his identity, he heard "Xiao nonsense," the name, everyone stood up suddenly scared, burning Lethal speechless: "The original was actually Xiao nonsense seniors, juniors sorry the previous . " No justice Xiao Xiao Xiao were too much on sovereign ruthless brother, Xiao Wang Xuan, one of the two cases, Cang wind when the world is located in one of several extremely strong pinnacle level. The younger generation may not be familiar with his name, but the burning Lethal people of this generation, but it is Ruleiguaner. "Superfluous words do not say." Xiao nonsense not salty not pale and said: "I came only one purpose is to help you get rid of cloud Che." burning Lethal looked at Xiao nonsense, said: "The older generation's strength naturally unparalleled in the world, but I am afraid the younger generation with respect, seniors have not witnessed the strength of cloud Che, Che seems to underestimate the cloud. My father was seriously wounded now, just by the older a person, I am afraid ...... " "Oh ......" Xiao nonsense faint smile He laughs, his outstretched arms, hands spread out slowly: "I am just one person, perhaps it really is not enough, add this yet.?" to the realm of Wang Xuan, the aging body will be greatly reduced, or even the return of the young, but Xiao nonsense palm is overly dry, seems to be what the general long-term corrosion. His palm was一枚lavender ball, the ball above the shimmering violet, look it, will see its surface emerge one after another small mysterious matrix. Lethal burn a moment, think of what followed, his face suddenly changes, and next to him, an elder has cried aloud: "!? Is ...... Could it be ...... is ...... off beads" "beads off "words one, all the elders face is changed illness, even involuntary, few footsteps back, his face showing a deep horror of color. . "Oh, there is nothing wrong" Xiao nonsense faint smile: "This is from my Xiao Zong Zong is second only to destroy tenrai off beads not only on a single point of power is concerned, it is even better than destroy Trick believe it has. more powerful, you should have heard of that year, but it is an instant smash a dozen Tianxuan and two half-step Wang Xuan, even around surviving the Tianxuan, also it exploded after the release of poison gas in All died. " burn all day elders have swallowed a mouthful of saliva, horror look on his face never been able to recede, even the eyes can not look off the rocket off Dzi beads ...... terrible, four large doors can be described as no people do not know. Xiao were inside there is a special branch of these doors, called unit cases, the number of doors is focused on practicing and manufacture a wide range of firearms, is the mysterious force were disciples of repair generally low, but they each fan systemic hide a variety of terror firearms, even though the strength of better than one clan among the large state of the disciples, all dare provoke. And these firearms, the most terrible, and that is destroy and destroy Trick beads. "I Xiao millennium were accumulated, and now only twenty-three beads off, this time in order to get rid of the cloud Che, I took a full five out ...... Oh, do you still think I'm a man enough?" five ...... five? Burning Lethal hurriedly said: "Enough ...... were complete enough to destroy your divinity beads, the maximum two ...... Oh no,一枚enough to cloud Che killed instantly overwhelmed by predecessors to help out, if Che cloud dare. again, will certainly never return ...... please forgive seniors juniors words previously offended. " It is said that even if it is a positive王玄强who suffer一枚off beads are seriously injured on the spot, a full five gold beads off, if it is really all to spend, Che complete enough to bang into the cloud can not be broken pieces of debris. Xiao Xiao not only were sent this nonsense, but also with as many as five pieces off the beads, but also enough to appear were the heart of the cloud Che Xiao kill it. Just at this time, the outside has suddenly become quiet a noisy chaos, an extremely proud voice in the sky came: "They burn days old dog door, your cloud grandfather again, do not snap roll out death ! " burning righteousness must "call" to stand up, kneel on the spot under the injuries affect almost hear the cry of Che cloud, the spread of hate in his heart, there is shock horror ...... and most are shocked! Cang fire from the city before World War I, was passed less than two days. And then, no injury cloud Che lighter than he, and his injury only slightly stabilized, but the roar of the cloud Che is full of gas ...... simply not the slightest sign of serious injuries healed. Is it, his injuries and the strength, and has been completely restored? Even if he had any special secret law, but the speed, but also is too aghast heard. Che cloud coming again into the burning days a door, he smelled a wave is not the same atmosphere. Looked at the front, he sneered, whispering, said:. "It seems that the burning of Tianmen although not flight, but it really is not no action," "more than a throne, but not burn days on the door of people, the strength, but also wins Ziya been burning, inferior to that day was never seriously injured burn your righteousness. "Jasmine Road. "They're not dumb enough to think I'm able to deal with more than a throne, it seems, seems to be hiding something underhand." Sneer radian cloud Che mouth slightly big somewhat: "The whole Cang wind, with only four large throne door ice clouds Asgard will not nosy, this suddenly appeared throne, could only come from the Sword Hills and Xiao were. I hope the latter is indeed Hey ...... let me see, who act recklessly insisted drip tour troubled waters! " in big roar cloud Che, the burning Lethal and elders all the sky behind them, guarding the burning injured Yi Jue. See today's cloud Che, horror appear in everyone's face, they witnessed that day he injured exhaustive fled, but today the cloud Che breath without the slightest sense of the superficial color, and even the mysterious force his breath Also obvious is to increase ...... last six mysterious territory, this time, they are are mysterious territory to seven! For their strong level this is, to the mysterious realm of the present level of increase is not worth consideration, but a mysterious force Che cloud level of increase, given their oppression is greatly improved, giving them the feeling of immense The strong, so that all of them under the stern heart ...... not only the injury healed, power fully restored, strength also appeared greatly improved ...... this really is a kind of freak! "Cloud Che, your arrogance ...... today also stop here!" Burning Lethal teeth and said: "You killed my son, I destroy these doors, this account today, I have a lot of points ...... get back to !! " Yun Chol blanket a grin, his head and laughed: "! Ha ha ha ha burn an old dog, you see what it is today, is simply embarrassing even miserable beggars in the street do not like, I really do not know who is Give your confidence to say so ridiculous words ...... Could it be, is below that conceal the guy? " " You ...... "Lethal burning eyes Yuan Deng, straight gas hate shivering. "Oh Oh ......" a muffled laughter coming from below, Xiao nonsense one cloak, the slow pace came out from the main pavilion, he was head slightly raised, eyes glanced under the cloak cloud Che, Xiaohe Road : "?. You're so young Che cloud, but with such a momentum, but one man is pushed to the dead end of the burning days of the door, say you are the wind Cang history of the first genius, does not seem too much," Yun Chol also He laughed: "? Who are you that you made ​​a special trip came to burn the day the door, do not just to beat me up? " " shoot your ass ha ha ha ha "Xiao nonsense laughed:"?! No, no, I want to tell you genius kind of thing ...... often short-lived. " " Is it? "cloud Che eyes slowly narrowed:." Although you insulted me, but I still have to kind of give you a big fat one word " "?? Oh, what the word" "roll !!" "roll, you can survive for days more, if you do not roll, then ...... hey!" Yun Chol sneer up: "You may be necessary and these burning days old dog who, like ...... completely short-lived it! Even behind you ...... Xiao were also short-lived !! " "Xiao Zong" word one, Xiao nonsense atmosphere suddenly appeared a little disorder. He was wearing a cloak to conceal the face, on the one hand it is convenient hiding firearms ...... after all, firearms thrown from the body, taken from the space inside the ring than to be quick and sudden more. On the other hand, as much as possible not to reveal their identity. Although five off beads in the body, he has a great chance to cloud Che turned into a mutilated bodies, but can burn Tianmen impasse people, Xiao were completely anyway do not fear. Thus Xiao nonsense came days when burning door, this decision before the cloud through the death of Che, let him know his identity. Although this is somewhat deceiving ...... after all, destroy beads one, even though he hide better, cloud Che also knew that he would soon come from Xiao Zong. This also highlights the intuitive fear cloud his Che ...... at least, absolutely not on the surface is so random. He did not think, actually bite cloud Che shouted "Xiao were" word, his heart slightly heavy, but which they will sneer, shadow double eagle of his Shouyi Zhao, behind a pale green slowly emerging: "Cloud Che, your arrogance, there really is much better than the rumors, just do not know if you can have the strength of rumors of a few percent!" sound of the wind whistling, Xiao nonsense cape exaggerated muster, the whole person as hungry eagle flying from the hands Jianying flash, then instantly turned into a blue Jian Zhen, Zhao Xiang Yun Chol systemic point. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 351
Xiao Wuyi four large door dominance in the Cang breeze country has never been shaken, four large door in each, its name with deterrence, far better than the Cang breeze Royal. Now one of sofu

, Millennium hegemony dominated, has finally been shaken. And still hard shake...... Almost pushed to the edge of the woods. Tianmen burn those in any place can be sideways, looking at the countless Xuan Xuan in the sky strong by stacks of patches of destruction, even as the myth of the general, Wang Xuanqiang in four large door is the cornerstone of like existence, is also a dead and one seriously injured. Burn the horrors of Tianmen

, there is a fire before the gate of the Cang war,As a storm like swept through the entire Cang breeze Empire, "clouds" this will bring numerous shock name, overnight and a sensation the Cang breeze.
in the morning, there was no light, only the core characters burn Tianmen gathered again to discuss major main pavilion. Outside the main Pavilion, almost half are turned into ruins of burning Tianmen resident dead a piece, which normally hauteur Fantian disciples are now out of spirits, face write full of sorrow. In the main door on the elders too violent death, serious injury after the end of their news spread, psychological defense almost completely collapse. I

"to give you introduce." Burn the vast body in the middle of righteousness

,Although sit straight, but his pale face that his negative injury is extremely heavy, he gestured around the black dress person: "this, then is Xiao Zong Xiao Wuyi."
Xiao nonsense a large black cloak. His face is also cloak cover half, seems to be reluctant to face their own is too many people to see. Before burning justice must open and they are guesses as to his identity, heard the name of the Xiao Wuyi, everyone suddenly surprised to stand up, burn duanhun loses a track: "originally and unexpectedly is Xiao nonsense predecessors, the younger generation previously I grovel the." Xiao Wuyi Xiao Zong on sovereign

, ruthless brother Xiao Xiao, Wang Xuan of two cases,Is one of the extremely strong wind and a few big Cang at the top level. The younger generation may not be familiar with his name, but to burn by people of this generation, it is said of sb.'s name.

"superfluous words needless to say." Xiao commom;cynical nonsense to say: "I the only one purpose is to help you get rid of clouds."
burning lethal to see one eye Xiao nonsense, way: "the strength of advanced nature is unparalleled in the world, but subject to the younger generation bluntly, predecessors have never witnessed Che Yun strength, seems to underestimate the Che Yun. My father is seriously wounded, only by a senior person, I am afraid......"

"Ha ha......" Xiao Wuyi smiled, he stretched out his arm, palm slowly spread out: "only I a person, perhaps not enough. Well, what about this?"

to the king Xuanzhi environment, the aging of the body will be greatly reduced, even return young, but Xiao Wuyi the palm of the hand is too dry seems to be long was something corrosion general. His palm, is a pale purple ball, ball shimmer purple, scrutiny, see the surface appeared with a small Xuan
array. Burn duanhun

one Leng, then think of what, the sudden change in his face, and his side,One of the elders had cried out: "don't...... Is it...... Is...... De beads!?"

"destroy bead" three words a, all the elders of the face is disease, there are several steps even involuntary back. On the face exposed the deep fear of color. "Oh, nothing wrong." Xiao Wuyi smile: "this is my Zongqi cases after death from Xiao beads out of the house. Not only single point power, it also killed more than thunder. Believe that it is strong, you should have heard of. In that year, it was a moment to smash a dozen or 2.5 steps to the king, even though it was a mystery,And it was all killed by the poison gas, which was released after it was blown up."

all our elders have swallowed one mouthful saliva, the look of horror on his face has not receded eyes even didn't dare to look the rocket destroy beads... Destroy the beads terrible, four large door is no wonder. Xiao Zong inside a special branch of Zong men, name as Pope, this pope door is the focus on the cultivation and manufacture of a wide variety of firearms and is deadly disciple of the mysterious force repair is generally low, but each of them are systemic hidden all sorts of terrorist firearms, even clan strength is better than a big state disciple, never dare to provoke. These firearms.

,The most terrible is death and death, tenrai tianzhu.
"I Xiao Zongqian years accumulation, now only 23 pieces of arc beads, the in order to get rid of the cloud Che I full with the five medals out... Ah, do you still think I'm not alone?"

five...... Five?

burning duanhun flurried way: "enough...... Completely enough. In your case out of Tianzhu Shenwei, up to two pieces...... Oh no, one is enough to let the clouds killed on the spot. The predecessors to help out, if the clouds come back, will you...... Please forgive his previous predecessors offensive words." It is said that even a king
Xuanqiang positive to a bead on the spot injured will destroy,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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