第354章 寸草不生焚天门上下,已没有了配与云澈一战的力量,虽然还有数万弟子,但这个数量纵然再多上一倍,也不可能对云澈造成任何的威胁。£∝頂 การแปล - 第354章 寸草不生焚天门上下,已没有了配与云澈一战的力量,虽然还有数万弟子,但这个数量纵然再多上一倍,也不可能对云澈造成任何的威胁。£∝頂 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第354章 寸草不生焚天门上下,已没有了配与云澈一战的力量,虽然还有数

第354章 寸草不生

































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 354 of barrennessBurning door is not equipped with Yun Che, a fighting force, although there are tens of thousands of disciples, but 1 time times the number even more, is unlikely to pose any threat to Yun Che. £ ∝ 頂 little novels, with the burn days elders shouted themselves hoarse Growl, stepping on the demise of all the fear and ended in tragedy, issued with the sound of a Wolf's howl, grabbed his weapon into the Yun Che. Yun Che's head lifted, eyes around fast approaching the crowd, without a hint of the waves on a calm face. The front, with burning heavenly gate last 13 elders rushed up, despair and grief, their faces completely distorted, eyes staring almost to bursting, with varying degrees of injury, and also in bursts of strength than usual. Yun Che cold cross sword, step forward ... ... Also today killing first step! More burning heavenly gate into ended in the first step of the abyss. Boom! 13 elders hate cannot burn day and Yun Che die, Yun Che bombardment, without ducking, forced up, but occult forces, Yun Che's eyes at this time has no half-point threat. ROAR, they all flew to the earthquake, half of instant hurt, Yun Che again, a second wave of strength from the outbreak of the Dragon towers above, straight burned in deep sorrow. Burn the rains are no match for Yun Che, coupled with the injury did not heal, blow open by Yun Che, an arm bone crack, but Yun Che did not give chase, vision, firmly behind burning rains burning Yi Jue, raging Phoenix inflammation from EPEE violently thrown out.恐怖的力量将空间划出剧荡的涟漪,炽热的火光映照出了焚义绝苍白的面孔,他脚步后退,双手倾尽全力护在身前…… 砰!!! 凤凰炎炸开,但来自重剑的强横力量却没有被震散,粗暴的冲击着焚义绝勉强筑起的防御……重伤之下妄动玄力,又遭受剧烈撞击,焚义绝连退十几丈后,终于大吐一口鲜血,全身力量溃散,凤凰破长驱直入,轰击在了焚义绝的胸口……从他的后背呼啸贯出! “太……太上门主!” “太上门主!!!!”焚义绝呆呆的看着混乱不堪,一片狼藉的焚天门,恍然间,眼前浮现出了焚天门曾经的威凌与辉煌,但这些曾经的画面,最终化作一片无边无际的空白,他的身躯,也在这无尽的空白之中缓缓倒下,耳边最后的声音,是周围那悲天跄地的悲呼声。 焚义绝虽然已经二十多年没有露面,但他自始至终,都是焚天门真正的基石。他的死亡,也意味着焚天门真真正正的完了。 “不用叫喊的这么大声。”云澈面无表情的出声:“因为你们马上……就会陪他一起下地狱!!”声音落下,他的身上一团巨大的凤凰炎骤然爆开,一瞬间,狂暴的凤凰之火淹没了周围百丈距离,将数不清的焚天弟子卷入了必死的火焰炼狱……凤凰之炎随风蔓延,吞没着焚天门越来越多的土地……虽然时间已是清晨,但炽热无比的火光依然将焚天门上方的天空染上了血一般的颜色。“呃!!” 闭目沉思中的萧绝天忽然如遭雷击,猛的站起,双手颤抖,额头上瞬间布满了冷汗。 “宗主,怎么了?”他身边的老者急声问道。 萧绝天的眼角战栗,脸上,分明呈现着深深的震惊和忌惮。身为萧宗宗主,他几乎从未表露出过如此的神情:“二叔的灵魂印记消失了……他……死了!” “什么!?”黑衣老者骇然失声,然后惶然摇头:“不可能!无义长老的玄力仅次于太上门主,整个苍风几乎无敌,而且他的身上带了整整五枚灭天珠,他怎么可能……”“我也不愿相信,但灵魂印记不会骗人!二叔他的确是死了。而且从灵魂印记衰弱到完全消失,前后不过几息的时间,二叔不但死亡,而且还是在极强力量下的惨死。以二叔王玄境三级的实力,能让他在这么短时间内丧命的……” 萧绝天说到这里,已是再也无法说下去,他清楚的感觉到一股阴冷的风在他脊梁骨里窜动,寒彻骨髓……云澈一人重伤焚义绝,击杀焚子牙,他便震惊于他的强大。而萧无义短时间内的快速惨死,更是进一步告诉着他云澈的实力已是到了何等恐怖的地步……最重要的是,萧无义死了,那就证明着他不但没有杀死云澈,反被云澈所杀,云澈在解决焚天门之后,三年前的旧恨,加上此时的新仇…… 萧绝天的整个后背都被冷汗快速打湿,他忽然抬头,急声道:“马上……马上让苍火城的分宗全力打探焚天门目前的状况……快去!”“……是!”黑衣老者迅速退下。 萧绝天大喘几口气后,快速平静下来,然后快速窜出主阁,直奔太上宗主萧无情所在的秘地……他已感觉到,一场事关萧宗存亡的大难即将来临。而这场大难几乎无法避免,整个萧宗,都必须从此时开始做好所有可做的准备。 —————————————— 焚天谷今日的空气格外的燥热,一团炽热无比的火焰在焚天谷的中心疯狂燃烧着,在不到一个时辰的时间里,将蔓延十里,存在千年的焚天门驻地完完全全的吞没,直至烧成一片荒芜的废墟。火焰之下,是一具具,一堆堆被烧成焦炭的尸体,上至焚天门长老,下至数万普通弟子,没有一个能逃出这由凤凰之炎所燃起的火海,全部葬送在凤炎和龙阙之下。 真正的尸横遍野,寸草不生。 曾经不可一世,受人仰望,堪称苍风圣地的焚天门,就在这一日之间化作焦土,成为一个荡动着焦糊、荒凉、绝望气息的坟场。 站在焦黑的废墟之中,看着被自己完全毁灭的焚天门,云澈没有喜悦,没有不忍,没有毁掉四大宗门之一的得意或傲然,有的,却是一片平静……数万人葬送在他的火焰和重剑之下,他却平静的仿佛不过是踩死了一群卑鄙的蝼蚁。而这种平静绝不是他刻意装出或维持,而是真真正正,源自灵魂的平静。这样的阵势和场面,凡人一辈子都不可能见到,更是不可能做出,但对于他而言,却已是太多太多次…… 曾经,是因为仇恨。那些害死他师父的人,他用天毒珠的逆天剧毒,将那些宗门一个接一个的灭门……让整个宗门,甚至周围的城市都尸横遍野。而这其中,有大量的宗门规模还要远胜焚天门。 今日,同样是因为怨恨。虽然萧烈和萧泠汐都已被他救出,全部平平安安,但是,经历了上一世,他已经不会再任由自己去愚蠢的不忍与仁慈,哪怕自己被喻成魔,让世人唾弃、咒骂、恐惧,他也绝不后悔今日。 因为上一世,就是因为仁慈,他的师父被人逼死;就是因为仁慈,他连续数次险死还生,最后被逼入绝云崖下;也是因为一时的仁慈,才给了焚天门掳走他爷爷和小姑妈的机会!并不是因为他的心变得冰冷而阴暗,而是两世的人生一次次的教育他,对敌人任何的仁慈,都是对自己,对自己身边之人的残忍……有时,是致命的残忍! 不过,焚天门的废墟之中,除了云澈,也并不都是死人。就在云澈的前方,一个人影颤巍巍的站了起来,他头发凌乱,满脸灰尘,遍体鳞伤,但一双眼睛,却放射着比恶狼还有凶戾的光芒。 他摇晃着身体,几乎是用尽全力才站起身来,但随着他一声暴吼,全身竟不知从哪里涌出一股巨大的力量,整个人飞扑而上,双手死死的抓向云澈的喉咙。他的举动,让云澈的目光猛的一跳……他的身体已是完全虚脱,但却依然爆发出了如此的力量。而这……分明是从灵魂之中压榨出的力量! 云澈两世人生,还是第一次遇到一个能和自己一样,意志力强大到足以从灵魂之中压榨力量的人! 云澈手臂抬起,随意一甩,一股劲风呼啸,将那人远远扫飞了出去。他趴在地上,全身颤抖,随之,竟又缓缓的直起了上身,怒瞪的双目中,盈.满着刻骨琢魂的仇恨。 “焚绝尘,你还是省点力量喘气吧!当年在苍风玄府,你虽然不是我的对手,但也勉强可以和我交手,但现在的你,让我正视一眼的资格都没有!凭你的力量,我就算是站在这里不动,你也别想伤及我一根头发!”云澈冷漠的盯着眼前全身充斥着怨恨与煞气的少年:“我今天不会杀你,也惟独不会杀你。不过你放心,我不杀你,并不是因为我可怜你,更不是不想杀你。我比谁,都清楚斩草不除根的后果。” “但我小姑妈离开前,专门为你向我求情,让我饶你一命,我答应了她……我答应我小姑妈的事,就一定会做到。”云澈冷冷的说道。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 354 barren
burn days the door up and down, has no battle with Che and cloud power, although there are tens of thousands of disciples, but even more on the number doubled, and can not cause any threat to the cloud Che. £ α vertex fiction, along with the burning of days elders hoarse roar, everyone stepping on the demise of the fear and sorrow Daughter, issued the sound of howling wolf, grabbed their weapons rushed to the cloud Che. Cloud Che raised his head, his eyes quickly close down the surrounding crowd, calm face no trace of the waves. Front door burning days together last thirteen elders rushed up, despair and anger among their face completely distorted, eyes Yuan Deng almost to bursting, with varying degrees of injuries of the body, but also all the outbreak of the far better the usual strength. Che cold cloud cross from the Sword, the pace of forward Midon ...... also take the first step today, killing it! It is the first step in the burning days of the door into the abyss Daughter. boom! Thirteen elders burning days only wished he could die with clouds Che, Che's face cloud bombardment, do not add dodge, forcibly went up, but the power Tianxuan territory, in this case the eyes cloud Che did not have a cent threats. Roar, they were all Zhenfei away, half twinkling of an eye injuries, cloud Che pace again on the outbreak of the second wave of power from above Long Que, straight burning Lethal. This is not a cloud burning Lethal Che opponent, plus injury healed, is open cloud Che earthquake hit, one arm fractures on the spot, but the cloud did not chase Che, eyes locked firmly behind the burning Lethal The burning Yi Jue, violent storms Phoenix inflammation thrown out from above the epee. Terror forces will play swing space set aside ripples, glowing firelight out of the burning Yi Jue pale face, his footsteps back, make every effort to protect your hands in front of ...... bang! ! ! Phoenix inflammation exploded, but the tyrannical power from epee has not been Zhensan, brutal impact of the burning of justice must build defenses ...... barely injured frivolous under mysterious force, has been suffering from severe shock, burning ten righteous must Annealing After Ji Zhang, and finally a large spit blood, body strength collapsing, Phoenix broken drive straight, bombardment in the absolute righteousness burning chest ...... roaring back from his consistent out! "Too ...... too home the Lord!" "Too main door !!!!" Yi Jue looked blankly burning chaos, a mess of burning days door, come to realize, the front surface of the door once winin burn days and glory But these images have eventually turned into an immense blank, his body, is also among this endless blank slowly down, ears last sound, is to stagger around that sad day sad voice. While justice must burn more than 20 years did not show up, but he was beginning to end, it is the burning of Tianmen real cornerstone. His death also meant the burning days of the door really is the end. "Do not yell so loud." Yun Chol blankly out loud: "Because you soon ...... will accompany him to hell !!" voice down, his body a mass of huge Phoenix Yan suddenly burst open, a instant, violent Phoenix fire drowned out around Baizhang distance, will burn day countless disciples involved in mortal flame purgatory ...... Phoenix inflammation wind spread, engulfing the burn Tianmen although more and more land ...... the time is early in the morning, but still extremely hot fire will burn days the sky above the door infected with the blood-color. "Uh !!" Xiao never turn a blind eye meditation day suddenly as lightning, shoved stood up, his hands shaking, his forehead covered with a cold sweat instantly. "Sovereign, how?" He asked, beside the old man urgent voice. Xiao day absolutely trembling eyes, face, clearly showing the deep shock and fear. As萧宗宗Lord revealed he almost never had such a look: "uncle Soul imprint gone ...... ...... he is dead! " " What, "black old man aghast speechless, then Huangran shook his head:"!? Impossible! nonsense elders too mysterious force behind the main door, the entire Cang wind almost invincible, and his body with a full five beads off, how could he ...... " "I do not want to believe, but the soul Stamp will not lie! di-he really is dead. And from the soul imprint weak to completely disappear, but after a few interest of time, uncle not only death, but also a strong force in the tragic death. In-di Wang Xuan Habitat tertiary strength, let him get killed in such a short time ...... "in Xiao day absolutely Here, we are no longer go on, he clearly felt a cold wind ran in his spine in cold Toru bone marrow ...... one seriously burning cloud Che Yi Jue, kill burning Ziya, he shocked his powerful. Shaw died quickly nonsense short, it is a further cloud Che told his strength is to terror what the point ...... most importantly, Xiao nonsense dead, then not only does not prove that he killed cloud Che, anti- Che was killed by clouds, cloud Che burning days after resolving the door, three years ago, the old hate, plus new enemies this time ...... Xiao day absolutely entire back are fast wet cold sweat, he suddenly looked up, urgent voice He said: "! Now ...... immediately fire the city handicap cases Cang full day to inquire about the current status of the burning door ...... Go" ! "...... a" black man quickly withdrew. Shaw never big breath after a few breaths, calm down quickly, and then quickly sprang main pavilion, went straight to the sovereign Xiao too ruthless secret place ...... where he has felt in a matter of survival of the disaster were imminent Shaw . And this disaster is almost impossible to avoid, the entire Hsiao cases must be prepared to do all can do from this point on. -------------- burning day Valley today's exceptionally hot air, a group of extremely hot flame burning in the center of the Valley of the crazy days of burning, in less than an hour's time, the spread of ten presence millennium burning days door station completely engulfed, until firing a desolate ruins. Under fire, the one with the piles of corpses were burned coke, on the day the door to the burning of the elders, down to the tens of thousands of ordinary disciple, no one can escape it by the inflammation of the Phoenix ignited the flames, all ruined Under the phoenix and the dragon inflammation Que. The real carnage, barren. Once all-powerful, that people look up to the Holy Land called Cang wind burning days door, turned into scorched earth between the day and become a swing char, rather than moving forward, desolate, desperate atmosphere of the cemetery. Standing in the charred ruins, looking totally destroyed their own burning Tianmen, cloud Che no joy, no bear, no one to destroy pride or four large door proudly, yes, but it is a calm ...... tens of thousands people buried under his flames and epee, but he seemed calm, but is trampled to death a group of despicable ants. And this is by no means calm he deliberately put or maintained, but really, from the soul of calm. Such a battle and scenes, mortal life can not be seen, it is impossible to make, but for him, they are are too many and too many times ...... once, because hatred. Those who killed his master, he used poison bead day Guards toxic, those were the door one after the Daughter ...... whole Munekado, even around the city are littered with corpses. And this one, there are plenty of cases in scale but also far better than the burning door gate of heaven. Today, the same is due to resentment. Although Xiao Xiao Ling Xi strong and have been rescued him, all in peace, but I experienced on, he will no longer allow themselves to silly bear with kindness, even if they have been into the magic of metaphor, let the world cast aside, cursing fear, he never regretted today. Because I, because of kindness, his master was beaten to death; because of kindness, his risk of death also gave birth to several consecutive weeks, finally forced into absolute cloud cliff; but also because of momentary kindness, only to the burning of Tianmen abducted His grandfather and aunt's little chance! Not because of his heart became cold and dark, but a time of life taught him two world, the enemy of any kind, are on their own, on their side of the people ...... sometimes cruel, cruel fatal ! However, among the burning ruins of the day the door, in addition to cloud Che, we are not all dead. Che is in front of the cloud, a figure stood up trembling, his disheveled, his face dust, black and blue, but a pair of eyes, but emits wolf also fierce and brutal than light. He swaying, almost fully exhausted before standing up, but as soon as he Puhou body I did not know where to gush from a strong force, but on the whole person swoop, hands tightly grasping the cloud Che's throat. His move to cloud the eyes of Che hop ...... shoved his body is completely collapse, but still broke out such a force. This ...... distinct from the soul squeeze out of power! Yun Chol two world life, first met a capable and himself, willpower strong enough to crush strength from the soul of man! Cloud Che raised his arm, casual toss an breeze blows, the man had done much to sweep fly out. He was lying on the floor, trembling, followed, amazing slowly straight from the upper body, Nudeng eyes in surplus. Full cut with deep-seated hatred of the soul. "Burning pull, you still save some strength gasp now! Cang wind Xuanfu year, although you are not my opponent, but I can barely fight, but now you, let me qualify at the front are not! Virtue your strength, even if I was standing here, do not move, you can not even think I hurt a hair! " Cloud stared at Che cold body filled with hate and evil spirits teenager: "I will not kill you today, but only will not kill you. But do not worry, I will not kill you, not because I pity you, but do not want to kill you. I more than anyone else, are aware of the consequences of not dig up the roots of the grass cut. " front "but leave my little aunt, specially to me to intercede for you, let me spare you a life, I promised her ...... I promised my aunt's small things, they will do it. "Che cloud coldly. Cut grass is not eradicate, will leave troubles. The pull of burning eyes, so the cloud Che very determined to leave his life today, than to leave the burning righteous life never even much more dangerous! Left, perhaps unforeseen troubles. However, after that he had promised not to kill the burning Xiao Ling Xi pull, it will never burn to pull down the killer. Moreover, in accordance with Xiao Ling Xi said, if it is blocked several times to pull the burning Xiao Ling Xi perhaps days before he rushed to the burning door, then the city because Shaw never alienate life. This is enough to justify his burning pull a spare life. As for the possible consequences, he will completely bear! Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 354 barren
burn Tianmen, has no power distribution and cloud Che Zhan, although there are tens of thousands of disciples, but this number is even more a times, it is impossible to pose any threat to the Che Yun. E / vertex novels, with the old burn Tianchang hoarse roar, all people stepping on the sad demise of fear and daughter, issued the sound of wolf howl, grabbed their weapons, rushed to the Che Yun.

clouds around his head, look at the rapidly approaching the crowd, not a calm face of the waves. In front of the thirteen elders, burning Tianmen last together rushed up, despair and grief,Their faces were completely distorted, and their eyes were almost burst, with varying degrees of injury, and all the more than the usual force.

clouds indifferent cross sword, steps forward moving...... Also the first step today slaughter! It is the first step into the abyss will burn the daughter of tianmen.

13 Fantian elders only hate not with cloud Che perish together, facing the bombardment of Che Yun, don't dodge with, forced to meet, but Tianxuan environment of power, in the eyes of Che Yun at this time has no threat. Roar, all of them were blown away, half day seriously, clouds footsteps again,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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