晚上整个部门的一起去吃饭,因为第二天要上班,所以没有闹到很晚,吃完饭就各种散了,不过各自分别前,大家纷纷对陆承余表示,以后有聚会大家还是会叫 การแปล - 晚上整个部门的一起去吃饭,因为第二天要上班,所以没有闹到很晚,吃完饭就各种散了,不过各自分别前,大家纷纷对陆承余表示,以后有聚会大家还是会叫 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Went out for dinner in the evening the entire sector, because the next day to go to work, so no alarm until very late, after dinner on a variety of casual, but separately before, everybody Lu Chengyu said the party called on him in the future. Under Lu Chengyu in a good mood, while driving back home, not at 10 o'clock in the evening, take a shower and sleep, and then holding a notebook lying on the couch and brushed Cape Forum, love said outside the Moon rounder with a total bid of five penny vest to choke for a moment, at each other angrily when calm off the Forum. Stamp with rage at others walk away and left after his usual style, although this style make Cape Forum better he didn't like people are very mad, but he firmly unrepentant. Habitual searches on the Internet for information about Liang Deyou, and then he read a piece of news, said his boss stepped to let his only son in power. Liang Deyou of father Liang guoming is self-made of representative characters, early is SOE Workshop Director, later sea business, luck good encountered is gold rush of good when, earned has a large money, later on began investment to industry, and encountered prices soaring of big opportunities, now also considered is industry compared famous of big boss, on because he only Liang Deyou this a son, so over years, those outside beautiful of woman also no who can tap. "He ... ..." pick up chicken feet with pickled peppers and slowly nibbled on the tables, Lu Chengyu mouse point over the father and son have a photo of Liang guoming body a local flavor, dressed in expensive clothing, can also let people see his background, while Liang Deyou looks a lot like the Giants family. Gnawing finished a chicken claw, Lu Cheng over some pain of see with hands of bones, and see has eye away from himself has several meters distance of garbage barrels, wants to has wants to, on handy pumping has two Zhang tissue put in coffee table Shang, put bones threw to has tissue above, decided, gnawing finished again together threw garbage barrels in, now this posture by with are comfortable, he didn't want to move. Leung is no big news, Lu Chengyu using network viewing Huang's computer found that Huang recently decided to invest in a movie, but lack of funds in their hands. Now a lot of things there have been some changes, but the same as past life there are a lot of places, such as Liang Deyou still learning to manage beam, Huang is still looking to invest in movies, but the money's flying bird had on his hands. Remove traces of their invasion, Lu Chengyu also removed a bag of chicken feet with pickled peppers continued to chew on, then start watching a live game, a scene just in time to see soccer ball, shakes her head, he sighed, maybe no matter how he is reborn, the only way to guarantee constant is Chinese men's football. Off the football broadcast page, Lu Chengyu look at watch it was almost 11 o'clock, he finished eating the chicken feet in the hand, a roll with paper towel, put the garbage into the trash can, after you brush your teeth before going to bed without eating something, forgot all about his early. For Lu Chengyu, got up every day, is a painful torment. He changed his clothes, deadpan look at houses within a few dirty clothes, very calm and went to the bathroom to wash, and then drive to eat breakfast to the company, very accurate 15 minutes earlier to the company. Secretary getting things together when he saw Cao Jingshen had arrived and greeted him after only carry boxes of debris into the elevator, press the 28 floor, he suddenly thought, Yan Mu side seems to have an Assistant, but he disappeared shortly after the company. It seems that on the attendant status before he may have a problem, do not know corporate espionage or was sent by someone else. 28, he found on the right side of the room hung with Assistant to the President makes room, opened the door, he found that the room was very clean, and also holds a pot of daffodils on a desk, balcony with two pots of blooming flowers, on a shelf against the wall, putting the information on some companies. After you place your stuff, he sat down in his chair, chair backs very comfortable, fatigue when you lean against them is also very good. Ruined eye new computers on the computer desk and telephone, it seems this was attentively decorated the Office, do not know Yan Mu deliberately told logistics who gives him a face, or both? Office door was knocked down, he looked up, saw Yan Mu stood in the doorway. "The boss? "He rose from his chair," what do I need to work? ” "Are you satisfied with the Office? "Yan Mu hands him a folder, look at the Office environment," this is the situation of each Department of the company, you know that while I'm busy later, departments coordinate their work to you. ” Lu Cheng Yu, nodding his head took the folders, from a certain perspective, Assistant to the President is more important than President Secretary post, people who stay at this position, the wrist is not quick enough, it really does not come down. Yan Mu Assistant decided to let Lu Chengyu, was deliberate, he observes Lu Chengyu's acting style, there is etiquette bearing, are very satisfied with him, and probably other than his younger, no non-compliant. The most important thing is, who knows what occasion saying, also know how to behave, which for an Assistant to, more than anything else. The industry is not because he lost Assistant did not look to offend business all the time, so sometimes, election assistants than Secretaries more carefully. "The Office is very good," Lu Chengyu put the folder on the desk, "I'll know as soon as possible. ” Yan Mu nodded, see Lu Chengyu seems to have no place not fit, then turned and left the Office, for him, the employee work attitude is very important, Lu Chengyu is very good. Leave work at noon, Yan Mu Office downstairs for dinner, while passing by the Assistant's Office, found that Lu Chengyu was down, his feet did not pause, directly down the stairs. To the dining room, he could see Lu Chengyu is working with several people sitting together, what to eat while whispered, deskmate is one of several managers with him. From the way these people talked happily, still can't see Lu Chengyu are not familiar with these people before. "The boss," Cao Jingshen went over to his side, running down his eyes saw an eye toward Lu Chengyu, then calm: "your meal I had in advance to help you play better. ” "Thank you," Yan Mu Cao Jingshen nodded and followed Cao Jingshen sat down in the corner, still two of meat and two veg soup plus fruit come standard, he too fast nor slow eating, occasionally in Cao Jingshen telling the interesting proposal, slightly nodded, but did not say much. Talk less trying not to talk while eating habits had already carved into his skin. Lu Chengyu to time off from work just to encounter one or two department managers and department managers also know that he is the new Assistant to the President, both parties want to well, so they have got, and less than a few minutes of your time, and began to call to one another, which if in martial arts, and would have been baibazi. Eat for a meal, a few people have started talking about when things go fishing in the farm, cell phone numbers are saved to phone each other. Separately, everyone had a smile on his face, is in a good mood. Tang Xuan Lu Chengyu and Manager of several departments are separated, began waving to him, until he got closer, looked around the eyes, smiling face the mystery: "I have mentioned in the Logistics Department to hear a message, you want to hear? ” "What is it? "Lu Chengyu looked curiously sat down beside her," is the boss has a girlfriend, what beauty is also going to be married? ” "You promise," Tang Xuan inclined his one eye, "is about you. ” "To me? "Lu Chengyu eyebrow and" things about my Assistant President, companies wouldn't know about it? ” “是曹头儿昨天打电话到后勤部,让他们要好好布置你的办公室,”唐萱抬了抬下巴,“曹头儿什么样的人,咱们都清楚,肯定不会为了你专程打这个电话。他会打电话到后勤部,说明这是老板的意思,现在知道老板有多看重你了吧。” 陆承余闻言,顿时笑着跟唐萱调侃起来,但是话里话外却透着一直拿唐萱当前辈敬重的味道。 远处角落里,曹京申突然想,要是陆承余是个富二代,有这样行事手腕,不知道会祸害多少女人。 等他回神时,严穆已经吃完了饭,他看着自己面前已经凉了的饭菜,顿时没有了食欲。 “下午严三先生要来公司,他说要带一个人过来,”曹京申道,“你要不要见?”自从三个月前会议上闹得不愉快后,严老三便一直没有出现在公司,不知今天怎么想的,突然就决定来公司了。 “他敢来,我当然敢见。”严穆淡淡开口,但是提起严老三,眼神里却没有半点亲人间该有的情谊。 下午四点,陆承余接到前台的电话,说是严老三来了,并且约好的时间是下午四点二十。他看了眼曹京申安排好的时间表,确实给严老三安排了见面的时间,于是道:“让他上来。” 放下电话后,他就走到电梯口站着,不到两分钟,就见严老三带着一个微胖的男人和两个保镖走了出来,嘴里还叼着一根雪茄。 陆承余视线扫过严老三身后的人,勾起嘴角迎上前:“严三先生,总裁已经在办公室等您了,请。” 严老三一眼就认出了他,当下皱了皱眉,然后哈哈笑道:“你这个年轻人果然一表人才,面目不凡,都已经调到这层楼工作了。” 这话说得语气怪异,任谁都能听出严老三话中有话,甚至暗指陆承余靠着脸往上爬,这态度可真算得上半点不客气。 “严三先生过奖了,”陆承余伸手做了一个请的姿势,“我年纪轻轻不懂事,哪里敢得您的一声夸奖,不说别的,单是豪爽大方,我便不及您了。”这种没脑子的,也就只有豪爽能勉强跟他沾边儿了。 严老三皮笑肉不笑的扯了扯嘴角,有些不耐道:“行了,你也别跟老子废话,带我去严小子那里。” 陆承余听到这种语气仍旧笑意不减,保持着礼貌恭谨的姿态,从头到尾不见半分失仪。 严老三身后有些微胖的男人,已经借着两人说话的机会,上下打量了陆承余好几眼。当看到陆承余姿态优雅的引着他们往前走时,他的眼中已经露出了垂涎之意。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
See Lu Chengyu seems to have no what incommensurate place, turned out of office, for him, the staff's working attitude is very important, like Lu Chengyu is very good.

work at noon, Yan Mu office ready to go downstairs to eat, pass by assistant room, found that Lu Chengyu was down, his feet did not pause, directly off the floor.

to the restaurant, he saw Lu Chengyu sitting together with several people, eating what is whispered, several department manager and he sit at the same table.

from these a few people talk look, before really couldn't see the Lu Chengyu also with this several people not familiar.

"the boss,Although this style makes the Cape forum better see him don't like people crazy, but he still firmly incorrigible.

the habit of searching information about Liang Deyou on the Internet, and then he saw the news, said Liang's boss is relegated to second-line, want to let the son ruler.

Liang Deyou's father Liang Guoming is a representative figure of the early start empty-handed, state-owned enterprises workshop director, and later went into business, good luck to encounter is a good time for gold, earned a lot of money, then he started investment in industry, and met the great opportunity of soaring housing prices, it is now the industry well-known big boss,At night the whole department together to eat, because the second day to go to work, so there is no trouble until very late, finished eating the food to all kinds of scattered, but respectively before, you have to Lu Chengyu said, after a party we will call on him. Lu Chengyu Le hehe

should be down, driving back home, less than ten point night, took a shower after the can't sleep, then hold the notebook lying on the sofa, brush the Cape forum, said the foreign moon is rounder that five cents to pinch a vest with a total love, when the other flustered, calm shut forum.

in others mad is his consistent style down arms go after,Because he only Liang Deyou one son, so all these years, that no outside beautiful woman who can go.

"liang......" Pick up the table of pickle chicken feet slowly chew, Lu Chengyu the mouse point over his two photo, Liang Guoming body up and down a local tyrant flavor, dressed more expensive clothes, also can let people see his birth, is the side of the Liang Deyou looks like a rich family out.

finish eating a chicken feet, Lu Chengyu some pain at the hands of the bones, and looked at the eyes have their own trash a few meters distance, wanted to think, he smoked two napkins on the table,Threw a bone to the paper towel, decision is eating together in the garbage, and now this position against the is comfortable, he does not want to move. No what big news

Liang, Lu Chengyu and use the network view of the computer found Huang, Huang ready to invest in a movie, but the lack of a part of the funds in hand.

now many things and have some changes, but with the past and many places are the same, such as Liang Deyou started to learn management Liang, Huang still intend to invest in the film, but the most profitable "flying bird" has arrived in his hand. Spring clean your intrusion traces

,Then Lu Chengyu removed a packet of pickled chicken feet continued to chew, and then began to see a live network game, just to see the men's football team lost the ball scene, he sighed and shook his head, perhaps no matter how he reborn, only can ensure constant is China football.

off live football Webpage, Lu Chengyu looked at the watch, already nearly eleven, he hands the chicken feet had finished eating, use a paper towel roll, put the rubbish into the rubbish bin, as to brush your teeth before going to bed after not eat this kind of thing, he has long been forgotten clean out completely.

every day to get up for Lu Chengyu, is a painful torment. He changed his clothes,The surface non expression to look at the house for several pieces of dirty clothes, calm went to the bathroom to wash, eat breakfast and then drive to the company, good fifteen minutes in advance to the company. When the Secretary

to pack up, he saw Cao Jingshen has arrived, he had said, the elevator into the hold dress sundries box, press the 28 floor, he suddenly thought, Yan Mu original side seemed to have an assistant, but he went to the company soon after disappeared.

it appears before the assistant identity may be some problems, I do not know is sent to commercial espionage or Yan house of other people's.

to twenty-eight floor,He president of the chamber of the right found hanging brand assistant chamber room, opened the door, he found the room clean, office and on the table was a pot of daffodils, the balcony also put two pots of flowers in bloom, on the shelves along the walls, put some company information.

put your things away, he sat down in a chair, a chair back leaning against the very comfortable, fatigue time depending on is also very good. Glanced at the computer desk with computer and telephone new, it seems that this office layout very carefully, I do not know is Yan Mu deliberately told or logistics department person to his face, or both?

the office door was knocked a few,He looked up, he saw Yan Mu stood in the doorway.

"the boss?" He rose from his chair, "what job do I need?"

"office also satisfied?" Yan Mu handed him a folder, to look at the office environment, "this is the staff company departments, you know, when I was busy, the coordination of various departments work to you."

Lu Chengyu nodded and took the folder, from a certain point of view, assistant to the president is more important than the president, secretary, to be in this position, the wrist is not fair, really do not fall.

Yan Mu decided to let Lu Chengyu do assistant,See Lu Chengyu seems to have no what incommensurate place, turned out of office, for him, the staff's working attitude is very important, like Lu Chengyu is very good.

work at noon, Yan Mu office ready to go downstairs to eat, pass by assistant room, found that Lu Chengyu was down, his feet did not pause, directly off the floor.

to the restaurant, he saw Lu Chengyu sitting together with several people, eating what is whispered, several department manager and he sit at the same table.

from these a few people talk look, before really couldn't see the Lu Chengyu also with this several people not familiar.

"the boss,"Cao Jingshen walked to his side, followed his gaze toward the direction of Lu Chengyu saw one eye, then calm way:" you the food I have to help you play well."

"thank you," Yan Mu nodded to Cao Jingshen, followed Cao Jingshen in the corner of the seat, is still two two meat dish soup plus standard configuration of a fruit, he is not fast nor slow eating rice, occasionally in the Cao Jingshen tell interesting suggestion, nodded in small amplitude, but the words no more. Dinner talk less as far as possible not the habit of talking, already carved into his bones.

Lu Cheng one time to work down, just to the one or two departments encounter manager,Also after over in one's mind, he watched Lu Chengyu's acting style, and etiquette of tolerance, are very satisfied with his younger, probably in addition to him outside, have no what do not accord with the. The most important is, this person know what occasion to say what, but also very good people skills, which for an assistant, is more important than what.

in the industry, not because the assistant did not wink to offend people lost business, so sometimes, choose assistant secretary need careful comparison and selection.

"office is very good," Lu Chengyu put the folder on the desk, "I will know the work as soon as possible."

Yan mu nodded,While these managers knew he was assistant to the president for new, both sides want to good relations, so in the course of contacts, in a few minutes, each other began to address each other as brothers, if this in Wuxia fiction, should become sworn brothers.

a meal eat, several people have begun to discuss what go Nongjiale fishing things, mobile phone number is stored in the mobile phone to each other. Separate, we all face is to laugh, the mood is very good appearance.

Tang Xuan see separate Lu Chengyu and several department manager, he began to beckon, as he got closer, look around the eyes, smiling face of mysterious way:"I just heard the news in the logistics department, want not to want to listen?"

"what news?" Lu Cheng one face of curious sat down beside her, "was the boss has had a girlfriend, or married to which beauty?"

"you look this good," Tang Xuan inclined his one eye, "is about you."

"I?" Lu Chengyu picks eyebrow, "for I do things the company of assistant to the president, who also don't know?"

"is Cao boss call yesterday to the logistics department, let them take the layout of your office," Tang Xuan lifted to lift chin, "Cao boss what kind of people, we all know, certainly not for all your call.He will call to the logistics department, that this is the meaning of the boss, the boss now know how important you."

Lu Chengyu Wenyan, immediately smiled with Tang Xuan make fun of it, but the words but shows always take Tang Xuan when predecessors respect taste.

in the far corner, Cao Jingshen suddenly wanted to, if Lu Chengyu is a rich two generations, such act wrist, do not know how many women will scourge.

he back to God, Yan Mu had finished eating, he looked at his face was cold food, suddenly lost his appetite.

"afternoon Yan three was coming to the company, he said he wanted to take a person to come over," Cao Jingshen said, "would you like to see?"Since three months before the meeting had trouble, Yan old will never appear in the company, I do not know how today think, suddenly decided to come to the company.

"he dare come, of course I'm see." Yan Mu light openings, but there was no mention of Yan old, some of the feelings between family eyes. Four

afternoon, Lu Chengyu through to the front desk phone, said to be strict to the old, and about good time is four twenty in the afternoon. He looked at Cao Jingshen to arrange the schedule, do give strict old arranged a meeting time, then said: "let him up."

put down the phone, he would go to the elevator stand,
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