既然与你无干,便坐着吧。”封谨淡淡开口,伸手夺了庄络胭手里的核桃,一个用力壳便破了,逗着庄络胭伸手去拿时,立即拿出核桃仁,扔到自己嘴里,得了 การแปล - 既然与你无干,便坐着吧。”封谨淡淡开口,伸手夺了庄络胭手里的核桃,一个用力壳便破了,逗着庄络胭伸手去拿时,立即拿出核桃仁,扔到自己嘴里,得了 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
















见庄络胭老实 把核桃吃下,封谨看着倩贵人道:“朕原本觉得你是个知趣懂礼之人,如今倒觉得,不过如此。”



























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Now that you have nothing to sit. "I have the light opening, Zhuang Luo yan, reached out and took the hands of the walnut, a hard shell is broken, regaling Zhuang when Luo yan tried to get immediately took out walnut and threw it into his mouth, Luo yan beauty pie. Soft Princess smiled to face embarrassing Su Xiuyi, up Fuk Fuk Road: "back to the Emperor, it is Qian who kneels. Today morning I Lu Qian who said ladies behold beauty I have not met with other wives gossip, we are no virtuous, but could not bear to Qian nobles so the chat the other sisters, he punished her kneeling on two hours here, let her know what they did wrong. ” Not asked Qian who said what, Feng Jin frowns slightly soft Princess Qian noble one eye, some impatience said: "I do not know to me Qian noble opinions other consorts, do not know where they have not done well? ” Qian who heard this quiver slightly, knock a first: "his wife and letting, please your Majesty desire. ” "What Sin people difficult to tell what is a harem all people want sly? "The gentle Princess tried to mouth with a handkerchief, the corner looked at the Emperor, see Emperor no expression on her face, and said," how Zhao Fei exclusive sacred heart, not a harem, still need to tell you a little noble? ” Hearing here, the Emperor chose one eyebrow, her face has changed slightly, he looked in the top woman who knelt on the ground, this woman has a beautiful face and made him interested in the face, but it now looked, she compared with the other women, it's not necessarily how special: "Qian who did to me do you have a grudge? ” "I dare not! "Hearing this, Qian and elegant pale," concubine of the Emperor's true world. "She was alone into the Palace, in this solitude Palace every day, waiting for the arrival of a man, that ending is this? She thinks the Emperor always own an ounce of sincerity, but only now does she know what, in the eyes of the Emperor, she and other women are no different. He saw the look in his eyes was like watching an inanimate dead, remember when pet pet, forget it aside. Luo yan Qian nobles in trance, a little surprised at the thought, can't the Emperor Qian noble tempted? When she recalled Qian who had just entered the Palace, harem does not seem to favor. Harem no love lost, why even bother so easily lose heart? Maid after so many people, the Emperor is only one, her what to think can get the Emperor's confidence? All the people present, whether it is Sue Royal soft Princess or she, I am afraid that no one had such faith. Monarch Lady unrighteous, so people like Crystal Qian noble, even so easily give up, I really do not know sad or pathetic. Palm suddenly there came a warm, Luo yan Zhuang return to God, saw the Emperor put the walnuts into their own hands, just looked elsewhere, it looks like is telling Luo yan Zhuang, I just throw it to you, do you like not eating. Man in the world has felt out of order. Luo yan Zhuang pinching a piece into his mouth, a stream of Walnut moments fragrance filled mouth. She smiled, and others how she goes on, can spend the good life in the harem, is her ability. Luo yan and honest eating walnuts, I have watched Sin noble said: "I thought you were a discreet propriety who now think, than this. ” Just so so?! All the word to his harem a woman intent on Qian who can't choke looked up, a pair of beautiful eyes wide open, "your Majesty is so look I did? "Words speak sobbed, tears would roll down. Luo yan met a lot of women cry, Qian who was the cries the most beautiful of all women, she lowered her eyelids, not to look at Cian elegant pale complexion, she is just distraction, did not expect to see a busy market. Soft Princess looking beauty and elegant as she, disdainful smiled, staging a show to see who does it? She cried and then dunking, also get no good in the eyes of the emperor. She was Emperor served time, how cool is the Emperor, her mind was clear. "Since the Princess let your knees, you will live your knees," I have stopped watching Cian noble, rather dull opening, "Zhao Fei statue than you, you back, then kneel for two hours. ” With that, look at the sky, instead, Luo yan said: "almost noon, at the moment, don't miss your lunch, I have something in the afternoon, and dinner later in the evening to spend with you, with lunch and you have a good rest. ” Luo yan Wen nodded, mouth with laughs: "that night I waited for you. ” I have nodded, Zhuang Luo yan, reached out and touched the head turn and walk away. "Escort the emperor. "Seeing is believing the Emperor left, Sue Royal to stand up straight, laugh look at Luo yan Zhuang," his Majesty really cares Zhao Fei. ” Luo yan Zhuang smiled back, "Emperor to you sister is concerned about. ” After listening to this, Sue chaise is only hissing sound, with Su Xiuyi left. Sue chaise longue left soft Princess eyebrow look at Luo yan Zhuang, "Zhao Fei really good means. ” Luo yan was still just laughed: "nearly noon, sister to leave. ” "You, the Emperor is specially asked you not to delay lunch, I can't leave you. "The gentle Princess waved, with Luo yan Zhuang does not wish to say much. After everyone left, soft Princess out of the Pavilion, squatting in front of the Qian noble, reached out and lifted her chin with a bright, quipped: "did you see, in the eyes of the Emperor, do you count things. Don't strike everyone is drunk in the future I am sober look disgusting to others. ” "You have nothing to be proud, in the eyes of the Emperor, you cannot beat Na Zhaofei. "Qian noble Princess opened soft hands," don't compare me to you. ” "Naturally, I will come with you than a small noble," the gentle Princess smiled and stood up, his eyes are brighter than ever before, "but I wouldn't go and Zhao Fei, you think you know better than anyone, they are actually the joke in the eyes of others. ” Feng Jin after returning to his palace, looking at each one to put on to lunch, Gao Dezhong behind suddenly said, "I heard a woman pregnant causing lethargy, tell you to touch that, please don't trouble me this evening, if sleepy and just go to bed, don't lose out. ” Gao Dezhong smell a gift: "Yes." "Then hastily into the day to walk while thinking, Zhao Fei unborn children is expensive, think back a few Prince and treatment pregnant wives, he shakes his head, really dead than popularity. Jing Yang Palace, the Queen sits in first, listen to the Royal Court in the maids report of what happened, after listening to pale dull: "these little things don't matter, just don't touch House you have conflict, back under the bar. ” Ladies retreated down the Queen sighed. Now she knew that emperor was not going to let her have a Prince, and Zhao now is at stake, she is now Queen's place, only thing to do is to sit tight. And she wants to hold this position, will not be able to make a mistake, so she cannot be different from not only the mind, to take good care of Luo yan Zhuang unborn children. Luo yan Zhuang the Emperor's eyes ... ... Sighed again, the Queen said: "come, where the Palace of the medical campaign to feed day, some good for the unborn baby, let son Palace serving also fancied a look. ” Resolutions were, we need to do a thorough. Author has something to say: this article has been copy and publishing always request can no longer post later, I discuss with publishing and editing these days, try to post some content editor eventually agreed. Let everyone involved at this article, sorry everyone, after a week I will post something, if that update is too slow readers can look after the end. Earlier, Goodnight everyone.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Now that you have nothing to do, they sit right. When the "seal would like faint opening, reaching the village envelope rouge wins hands walnuts, a hard shell would burst, teasing village rouge network reaching for, immediately took walnut, threw his mouth, got Zhuang network rouge a beauty glance. Sophie Su Fei for looking awkward instrument repair smiled, got up and blessed blessing and said: "Back to the emperor, but it is elegant Qian knees. Lu Yu Qian honored today morning concubine, who knows Qian elegant ladies are talking with other concubines gossip, although no concubine virtuous, but can not bear to chat Qian honored so other sisters, they punished her two hour kneeling on here, let her understand what went wrong. " What say elegant Qian did not ask what I would like to seal a slight frown and Qian Princess Sophie looked elegant one, some impatience and said: "I did not know Qian honored for I have so many other consorts comments, I wonder where they have done not good? " Qian elegant slightly shocked to hear these words, knock a head and said: "concubine no such intention, please emperor Mingjian. ' 'That is what I ask Qian elegant harem Morohito thought secretive difficile? "Princess Sophie tried mouth with a handkerchief, but looking at the corner of my eye the emperor, the emperor see his face without expression, then said," how can the Sacred Heart for the exclusive Zhao Fei, how do the harem, the need to get you a little elegant meddling? " heard here, the Emperor raised an eyebrow, and his face had a little change, he looked high above the kneeling woman, this woman has a beautiful face and let him face some interest, but at the moment looked, she compared with other women, not necessarily how Special: "Qian elegant, what are you I have a grudge against you? " "concubine dare! "Hearing this, Qian elegant pale," the emperor's concubine for true world can learn a lesson. "She alone into the house, waiting for the arrival of a man in this lonely palace every day, such as the outcome Is that like this? she thought the emperor always move one point of their own heart, but she did not know until now, the emperor eyes, she did not any different from other women. He saw his eyes look like a lifeless dead, think of it more when you pamper and forget they lost by the wayside. Chuang network rouge see Qian elegant trance can not help but think a little surprised, do the noble to the emperor Qian tempted? Qian honored Just when she recalled the palace, the temple does not seem to favor. Since there is no goodwill on the temple, then why are so easily lost a sincere? harem woman so much, there is only one emperor, how to feel confident that she can get the confidence of the emperor? Morohito presence, whether Shu Royal Princess Sophie or her again, I'm afraid no one has such confidence. emperors more Baoqingguayi, Qian so elegant crystal like people, feelings actually paid so easily, I really do not know sad or pathetic. palms suddenly there came a warm, Zhuang Hui Guoshen network rouge, saw the emperor put walnuts Jen put in their hands, but the eyes looked away, it looks like imitation is telling village network rouge, I just casually throw you, you love to eat. world of men are uncomfortable goods. Chuang network pinched block put rouge into the mouth, an instant walnut fragrance overflowing mouth. She smiled, she bugger how others can in this harem had their own day, is her ability. see the village envelope rouge honest to eat walnuts, I would like to look at the elegant Qian Feng said: "I originally got the message that you are a person to understand the ceremony, and now would think, but true. " But this?! harem words enough to deny a woman all, Qian looked elegant afraid of suffocation, a pair of beautiful eyes wide open, "The emperor is so concubine see it? "In short sobs speak, tears would roll down. Chuang network rouge seen many women cry, Qian honored person is crying all the most beautiful woman, she dropped eyelids, do not go Qian elegant pale face, she Originally just out for the day, did not think of a lively look. Sophie looked Fei Qian this elegant look, contemptuous smile, put on a show to see who it? moment she cried again delicate and charming, but also in the eyes of the emperor Well not discuss her a lot of time to wait around in the emperor, the emperor how indifferent disposition, her heart is clear. "Since Princess Sophie make you kneel, you have to take it on his knees," Feng Qian would like to no longer look elegant, quite opening for boring "Zhao Fei bit statue to you, you disrespectful, more kneeling two hour bar. " Having looked at the sky, instead of the village envelope rouge: "The moment soon noon, do not miss your lunch, I have some things in the afternoon, in the evening with dinner and then stay with you together, run lunch you take a rest. " Zhuang network rouge heard nodded, mouth with a chuckle: "That night concubine wait for you. " I would like to seal nodded, hand touched the envelope rouge village head was turned away. "escort the emperor. "Seeing the emperor left, Shu Royal straightened themselves, laugh watching village network rouge," The emperor Zhao Fei really care. " Zhuang network rouge back with a smile, "the emperor of you sisters are all concerned about. " Hearing this, Shu chaise just laugh loudly, with the Soviet revisionist instrument to leave. Shu chaise be left eyebrow watching Princess Sophie Chuang network rouge, "Zhao Fei really good means. " Zhuang network rouge still only back to a chuckle: "nearly noon, and my sister say good-bye. " "you return it, but the emperor specifically asked you not to delay lunch, I can not leave you. "Princess Sophie waved, do not want to say with the village rouge network. After everyone left, Princess Sophie out of the pavilion, squatting in front of Qian elegant, hand lifted her chin and face with quips: "see you, In the eyes of the emperor, you considered what stuff. Do not put the future everyone is drunk and I alone am sober look disgusting to others. ' 'You have nothing to be proud of, in the emperor's eyes, you can not compare that Zhao Fei. "Qian elegant Princess Sophie opened a waving hand," Do not take me more than you. " "I naturally would not you a little more than elegant," Princess Sophie smiled and stood up, her eyes bright, but it is unprecedented, "and I would not go and Zhao Fei than you think you know more than others, but in fact is another man's joke. " I would like to return to his palace closure after looking at the same kind of put to lunch, suddenly behind high Dezhong said: "I heard the woman might be pregnant after sleepiness, you go to the Palace Hee and say, not tonight I deliberately etc., if the storm just to bed to sleep, do not lose the body. " High Dezhong heard a ceremony: "Yes. "Then he walked Congcong Wang Xi and the Palace, while walking side also think, Zhao Fei unborn child be with the mother of your child, think about before several princes and treatment of pregnant concubines, he shook his head, really is . the dead than popular view of the central palace, the Queen's first sitting in, listening to reports of what happened ladies Imperial Garden, and after listening to dull complexion and said: "These little things do not have to manage, and you just do not and Hee Palace people have a conflict that is, withdraw it. " Yi Yan ladies back down, the Queen sighed. Now she knew that the emperor would not let her have the princes, while Zhao is now in jeopardy, she only now can do is sit tight Queen's position. And she wants to sit tight in this position, you can not make mistakes, so she not only can not have other thoughts, guarding the village to take network rouge unborn child. emperor's eyes to see the village envelope rouge ...... sigh again, the Queen open road : "Come to where the palace of" medical center Biography "and Gong Xi to send, there is some advantage to the fetus, so hee and Palazzo serve people who fancy a look. " determined to have been, they do some thorough. The author has to say: This article has been because of the draft, the publisher has asked not to be posted later in my time and this publication editors discuss and try again posted Some content, editing and finally agreed. This text so that everyone involved, and I am sorry you, then I will have one week posted some content, if that is too slow to update readers can wait to see the end before. is late everyone good night.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Now that has nothing to do with you, then sit. " Letter hereby light openings, stretched out his hand and took Zhuang collaterals Rouge hand walnut, a hard shell is broken, with Zhuang Luo Yan to reach for a while, immediately took out of walnut, throw it into his mouth, got Zhuang network Rouge a beauty at.

the soft imperial concubine the opposite color embarrassing Su Xiuyi smiled, got up and blessing blessing way: "return to emperor, but Qian elegant kneeling. Today morning concubine Yu Qian magnate, who know Qian magnate is with the maid said other concubines concubine gossip, no virtuous, but to Qian elegant so chat other sisters, punish her here on my knees for two hours, let her understand oneself wrong where."

Not ask what Qian elegant really say, letter on frown slightly to see the soft imperial concubine and Qian noble one eye, some not bear a way: "I actually do not know Qian elegant with so many opinions on my other wives, I do not know where they have not done well?"

Qian elegant hearing this tiny tiny one Zhan, knock a way: "the Qie no such intention, please the emperor knows."

"then ask what is the human harem Qian noble mind secretive ones?" The soft imperial concubine tried to mouth with a handkerchief, corner but Yu Guang looked at the emperor, see emperor face expressionless, added, "and what is ZHAOFEI exclusive sacred heart, not how the harem, need you a little elegant backseat driver?"

Hear here, the emperor picked to pick eyebrow, face slightly change, his superior at kneeling woman, this woman with a pretty face and let him have some interest in the face, but now look, she compared with other women, not necessarily how special: "Qian noble, you this is a grudge against me?" , "concubine dare!" Hearing this, Qian elegant pale, "concubine of the emperor heart world mirror." She was alone in the palace, waiting for a man in the lonely deep palace day arrival, such as ending is like this?

she thought the emperor will move to their own a heart,But by now she knew, in the emperor's eyes, she and the other woman is not what different. He looked at your eyes is like watching a dead dead, thought up many pet, forget it aside.

Zhuang collaterals Rouge see Qian elegant be in a trance, can not help a little surprised to, difficult don't become the Qian elegant to the emperor moved? She remembered Qian elegant just entered the palace harem, seem to do not have good impression. Since the harem and no love, then why so easily lost a heart?

the harem woman so much, the emperor is only one, she how to the confidence that can get the emperor's confidence? The people present,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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