肖凝儿回首凝望这黑狱世界,虽然黑狱世界充满了危险,但却是她和聂离一起出来闯荡的一段历程,其间她差点死掉,是聂离不顾一切冲到怪物的口中将她救了 การแปล - 肖凝儿回首凝望这黑狱世界,虽然黑狱世界充满了危险,但却是她和聂离一起出来闯荡的一段历程,其间她差点死掉,是聂离不顾一切冲到怪物的口中将她救了 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Xiaoning back gazing at this prison world, although the prison world is full of danger, but she failed a course with the Nie Li, she almost died, Nie Li is desperate rush to save her Monster mouth down. [Ads: this station for the new site, shorthand methods.] All of this, she won't forget that become treasured memories buried in my heart. Sometimes, she would even like to, if kept in this prison world, there are many good, even if it's cold and dark the world, Nie Lizai will feel warm and rely on, she sighed, it was just her beautiful imagination. "Pour son, what's wrong? "Nie Li looked back to Xiaoning, confused and asked. "It's nothing. "Xiaoning shakes his head, cheeks red, lowered her head towards Teleportation Circle. Nie Li also entered the Teleportation Circle. Shining city. These days, the City House of magic demon spirits have been completed. Whether Ye Xiu Ye Zong, will feel very excited, evil demon spirit starts, that shining city on more than a guard barrier. "The NIE from the kid, a shining city, a major contributor, after cancel holidays, as long as he can in order to contribute to shining city, even if this old one I made amends for him, then why not! "Ye Zong spirit look magnificent and majestic magic Monster big, heroic air tunnels. He had seen it too kill and shenlei killing power, eight killed together, form the evil demon spirit, what will the striking power, is virtually impossible to imagine. Since the day abyss troll attack City Mansion, at key times, Nie Li killed shenlei and handing over control of Taiyi kill Ye Zong, Nie Li Ye Zong heart rivalry has dissipated, even vaguely like the boy. Nie Li while doing a bit of, but refined, while understanding, whether refined Elixir or the layout of magic demon spirits are made immortal contributions for shining city. Ye Zong had in mind and keep shining city is the cause. Rest are section. Of course, his daughter on this matter, he is not so easy to give. "NIE where you leave that boy, can't find him so long? "Ye Zong frowned. Nie Li, who had been missing for several days now. Ye Xiu is also very helpless, he sent for a lot of places, but just can't find the Nie Li, who trail, vaguely uneasy, Murphy was the dark society ... ... There is no confirmation. Nie Li dark associations of people detained or how they cannot be determined. At this point, they realized, Nie Li how important is it for the shining city, Nie Li sent more security guards up he knew. Moments later, his entourage hurried over. "Came the city main, Ye Xiu, Nie Li had returned, was City Hall. ” After hearing this Entourage, whether Ye Xiu Ye Zong, eyes are barely a trace of light up. This kid is finally back! Their doubts are dispelled. City Hall of the mansion. Nie Li and his party were a bit bored. Assists Yun from the door hurriedly came when she saw after the Nie Li, eyes the color of deep concern was finally gone. During this time, Nie Li is away, her heart was filled with anxiety, every toss and turn. Even if she did not recognize, Nie Li has become a very important person in her life. Sometimes, she thought of a question if Nie Li suddenly disappeared from her life, what would happen. Every time I think about this, her mind involuntarily began to panic. Although the NIE from the guys are always so annoying, annoying, however. But her otherwise pale, too monotonous life, a bit of color, so she felt being watched and protected. Until you see the NIE appeared, her heart down. "Purple Yun! "Nie Li smiled and greeted, purple-blue Merle so hurry. Will not be worried about, just can't wait? See standing next to NIE Xiaoning, leaves purple Yun do not know why, suddenly a bit depressed, turn your back. Nie Li suddenly dozens of days no words, back when they were together with Xiaoning. Nie Li saw this scene, slightly daileng, she stopped in front of violet blue Merle, smiling: "Hello to come not to go! ” "I have come to the wrong place. "Purple Brassica lips pouting, she don't want to admit because we care about the Nie Li was in such a hurry to do. Nie Li is grinning looking assists Brassica, to see her again, so good. Assists Yun suddenly comes to his senses, his reason and not happy? Is because the Nie Li suddenly go away, or is it because the NIE from back when, together with Xiaoning? Why she had such emotion, and felt lost. "Come to the wrong place? Are you sure you're not looking for me? "Nie Li smiles, suddenly pulled assists Yun hand, purple snow spirit bead into Yun's hands, then Douzet, who come this way," these beads for you. My friends are here, and tell you about it. ” Assists Yun cheeks rosy, hurried to free Nie Li's hand, so many people watching, she was embarrassed. Seeing this scene, Xiaoning's eyes, slightly Dim, said Nie Li with her long time, purple-blue Merle is the most important person in his life, even those who sacrifice their lives to defend, Xiaoning is like a moth, and chose to stay beside Nie Li. However, when she saw the Nie Li and assists when Yun closely, she could not help but heart ache. Xiaoning assists blue Merle eyes gazing at each other with some embarrassment on both sides, shifted attention. Continental vertical thumbs flying secretly to Nie Li, Nie Lizhen models us, whether gel or the assists Brassica, Goddess-level person, that can be, Nie Li so circulate freely. At the same time, see continental drift movements Xiao Xue, given continental drift a burst with a bang Li, gave a black look as continental drift. Land wind suddenly shrunk to head, Xiao Xue as Xiaoning, one leaf purple or blue Merle so gentle, he was content, could not help but long sighs from the bottom first. "All students, we all already know! "Douzet made assists Yun a slight smile," this is the Xiao Xue Lu floated fiancee! ” Although students, but a few months ago, who assists yun was very strange until Nie Li, they have only slightly familiar with each other. Douzet, continental drift, Wei Nan, who happily chatted. Chat about the prison world saw and heard, assists Yun rises a bit curious heart, I didn't think of that period of time, Nie Li, who was to go to such a place. She is from small to large. Except Gu Lancheng sites never visited any places outside of the shining city, filled with anticipation about the outside world. At this time, Ye Zong, Ye Xiu and the two men walked into the Hall. See Ye Zong in, leaves purple Yun face a slight change. Myself together with Nie Li, the father saw will not be happy. Ye Zong's eyes fall upon Nie Li, then looked at the leaf next to purple blue Merle, his brow slightly Puckered, original thought, to nip off all holiday slate, but assists with NIE Yun from standing so close, still a bit uncomfortable. NIE himself away from this kid playing around, not to mention the pure blue Merle. Ye Zong a face coughed twice. "The Duke! ” "Saw Duke adult! "Douzet, continental drift, who nervously Ye Zong salute. They've never seen Ye Zong, see Majesty of the city for the first time, inevitably a bit alarmed. Nie Li and then slowly back, cheerfully greeting: "good father-in-law! ” 听到聂离的话,叶宗差点被气憋死,聂离这是完全不给他任何回旋的余地,想要把一切都给坐实了啊,聂离当着这么多人的面叫叶宗岳父,这消息要是传出去,那风雪世家都骑虎难下了! 如果是其他人。叶宗肯定会狠狠地一巴掌扇过去,可是面对聂离,叶宗油然而生一种无力感,接下来他似乎还有很多事情要求到聂离呢。他干咳了两声,便把目光移到了旁边。 听到聂离这么跟叶宗打招呼,叶紫芸羞红了脸,急得拉了拉聂离的衣角,她还以为叶宗会狠狠地教训聂离一顿呢,没想到叶宗咳嗽了两声便转头了。当作什么都没听见,这时候就连叶紫芸都傻了眼。 不单单叶紫芸傻了眼,其他人也都傻了眼,聂离居然直呼叶宗岳父,叶宗居然没有拒绝,这绝对是劲爆的消息啊。莫非城主大人真的招了聂离当女婿? 叶宗一进来的时候,段剑就感觉到了叶宗身上那股强大的气息,原来这位超级强者是主人的岳父,段剑暗暗地记在了心里。 肖凝儿鼻子微微发酸,眼泪强忍着没有落下,她没想到,聂离跟叶紫芸居然已经发展到了这种程度,连城主大人都同意了。看着聂离的背影,心中有一种深深的失落和伤心,明知道不可能,她还是努力了。或许她真的跟聂离有缘无份,肖凝儿的心中,仍然有着她的倔强,她还是会继续呆在聂离的身边,哪怕终身不嫁,就这么静静守候着,直到老去。 看到叶宗的样子,聂离微微一笑,叶宗总算是服软了。 既然如此,那叶宗今后就是自己人了! 聂离凑到叶宗的身边,笑眯眯地道:“岳父大人,进来的时候我发现万魔妖灵阵已经建好了,我这就把控制的印记给你!” 听到聂离的话,叶宗脸上那是火辣辣的,这万魔妖灵阵,可是他卖女儿换来的啊,这简直是满把心酸泪啊,什么都不说了。 “岳父大人,最近一段时间我们开启了城主府那边的远古法阵,原来远古法阵里面连通着一个黑狱世界,我们从里面拿到了不少好东西。这是提炼之后的赤血之晶,是我孝敬您老人家的!”聂离从空间戒指中抓起一把赤血之晶,塞在了叶宗的手里。 赤血之晶! 不管叶修还是叶宗,都是微微一怔,这赤血之晶可是绝对的好东西啊,有了赤血之晶,可以极大地提升修为,甚至帮助黑金级强者冲击传奇级! “叶修大人,这是给您的!”聂离又拿了一把赤血之晶,塞给叶修。 一出手就是这么多赤血之晶,简直是土豪啊!(未完待续。)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Xiao Ning child staring back this prison world, although the prison world is full of danger, but she and Nie together out battles from a journey, during which she nearly died, is desperate Nie rushed from her mouth monster save down. [Ads: renewal site URL anymore shorthand methods:.,] all this, she will not forget, become precious memories buried in the bottom of my heart. Sometimes, she even was wondering if you have been to stay in this prison world of good, even in this world of darkness and then cold again, there Nie could feel the warmth from in and rely on, but her heart sigh, this is just Her good imagination Bale. "Condensate child, how?" Nie Xiao look back to the condensate from children, asked, puzzled. "Nothing." Shaw shook his head condensate children, ruddy cheeks, head down into the forward transfer matrix method. Nie from also being entered into the transfer matrix method. Shining City. These days, Santo House demons demon spirits big fuss has finished. Whether repair or leaf leaves cases, the heart is very excited, a large array of demons demon spirits started, that Shining City on more than a guard barrier. "Nie away from that guy, be regarded as a major contributor to the glorious city of, after the holidays written off, as long as he was able to make more contributions to the city's glorious, even let my old bones apologize to him, then so be it!" Ye were overlooking with magnificent majestic large array demons demon spirits, soaring authentic. He has seen the Tai kill array and the power of God kill array mine, killing eight array connected together to form a large array of demons demon spirit, what will be how amazing the power is simply unimaginable. Since that day the abyss troll attack Santo, at a critical time, Nie Lei from the control of the theocracy and Tai kill kill array to array leaves cases leaf were ill feelings from the heart of the Nie would have vanished, even faint in love with this kid. Nie away although a little casual work, but crude and refined, while the righteous, whether or refining immortality arranged demons demon spirits matrix, have done a monumental contribution to the glory of the city. Leaves were in mind, the guardian of the city of Shining is righteous. The rest of the things are in this section. Of course, the daughter of this matter, he is not so easy to make concessions. "Nie exactly where to go from that kid, and for so long can not find him?" Ye were frowning. Nie, who has been missing from a lot of days. Ye Xiu is also very helpless, he sent for a lot of places, but I could not find Nie et al from the trail, vaguely uneasy, does darkness guild ...... There is no news confirmed. Nie was taken away from the darkness of the Society who or how, they can not determine. At this point, they realized how important Nie from the city's glorious, Zaozhidaojiu pay more to send some guard Nie from the. Moments later, an entourage hastily ran over. "Hui Bing Santo adults, leaf repair adults, Nie has come back from being Santo hall." After hearing this entourage, then, whether to repair or leaf leaves cases, both eyes flashed lighted. This kid finally back! Their hearts are also doubts dispelled. Santo hall. Nie from a pedestrian being a little bored. 叶紫芸from Pianmen hastily walked away when she saw after Nie, eyes that deep color of worry finally dispersed. During this time, Nie gone away like a general, so that her heart was filled with anxiety, every day is tossing and turning. Even if she does not recognize, Nie away has become her life in a very important person. Sometimes, she would think of a problem, if Nie away suddenly disappeared from her life, and that will happen. I often think about this question, her heart involuntarily panic up. Although Nie from this guy always so annoying, so it is annoying, however. But it also makes her otherwise pale and monotonous life, more than a hint of color, so she felt to be concerned with, is protected. Nie away until you see appear, her heart That put down. "Ziyun!" Nie away smiling hello, Ye Ziyun so Hastening. I am worried that she will not only wait, right? Seen standing beside Nie Xiao condensate from children, Ye Ziyun do not know why, suddenly feeling a little depressed, then turned to go back. Nie no audio from suddenly dozens of days, back when it is with Xiao Ning children together. Nie away to see this scene, slightly Daileng a little, hurried叶紫芸stopped in front of the body, smiling authentic: "! Come say hello would not walked." "I'm the wrong place,"叶紫芸stick a pouting. She was not admitted because of concern from Nie was so anxious to rush over it. Nie is grinning from叶紫芸looked, to see her again, nice. Yezi Yun suddenly wake over themselves in for whatever reason and unhappy? Because Nie walked away suddenly, or because Nie from back when, together with Xiao Ning children? Why did she have such a feeling, made ​​me confused again. "The wrong place? Are you sure you do not come to me?" Nie away smiling authentic, hand suddenly pulled叶紫芸hand, put into the hands of youngsters叶紫芸of snow, and then to come this way D'Souza et al. "This bead to you. My friends are here, now you tell us about." Ye Ziyun cheeks crimson, and hurried to break free from the hand of Nie, so many people watching, she was very embarrassed. Seeing this, Xiao Ning children eyes slightly dejected, Nie told from an early age she said, Ye Ziyun his life the most important person, even sacrifice their lives but also the guardian of the people, but Xiao Ning children or like moths in general, choose to stay in the side away from the NIE. However, when she saw Nie away and叶紫芸closely, she could not help but bursts of throbbing hearts. Ning Xiao Ye Ziyun child with eyes on the TV, the two sides have some embarrassment, she looked away. Lu float away secretly erected a thumbs Nie, Nie from really my generation model ah, whether it is children or Yezi Yun Ning, that are all goddess-class people, ah, Nie deal from actually so freely. At this point, see Xiao Lu snow drift tricks, bang bang to float a burst Li Lu, a land floating daggers. Lu floating suddenly shrink the shrink heads, if snow like Xiao Ning Xiao Ye Ziyun children or one so gentle, he'll be satisfied, the heart could not help but long took a deep sigh. "Are the students, we have to know!" D'Souza against Ye Ziyun slight chuckle, "This is Xiao Xue, Lu's fiancee Gone!" Although the students, but in fact a few months ago, they are still with Yezi Yun very strange, because until Nie away, they considered each other a little familiar with some. D'Souza, land drift, south Wei et al chatting laughing and joking. Chang chatting prison world saw and heard, so Yezi Yun raised a glimmer of curiosity, I did not expect this time, Nie, who actually went away from that place. Her small to large. In addition to the remains of the ancient city of Portland, never been to places outside the city of any glory, the outside world is full of expectations. At this point, leaves cases leaf repair two vigorous walk into the hall. Leaves were coming to see, Ye Ziyun face a slightly changed. Nie away together with his own, his father saw will not upset. Nie leaves were falling from the eyes of the body, looked again next Yezi Yun, frown, originally thought, with Nie have wiped away all the holidays, but now see Yezi Yun Nie offsite so close, still have so little unhappy. Nie himself from this kid playing around, not to mention the simple Yuner. Ye Zong board with a face, cough twice. "Santo adults! " " Santo adults ever seen! "D'Souza, Lu et al. Gone were hastily leaf salute. They do not yet have seen the leaves were, first saw the majesty of Santo, was somewhat alarmed. Nie from this slowly back, smiling, greeting and said: "Father of the Bride Good!" Nie hear from, then leaves were almost suffocated by gas, Nie from this is completely not give him any leeway want to all gave sit real ah, Nie from the presence of so many people face called Ye Zongyue parent, and if the news got out, that all was now in a snow family! If other people. Leaves were certainly a harsh slap fan in the past, but from the face of Nie, Ye Zong remember with a kind of powerlessness, then he seems to have a lot of things from it requires to Nie. He cough twice, he turned his glance moved aside. Nie heard from so were greeted with the leaves, Ye Ziyun blushed, anxious Nie pulled off the clothes, she thought it would be a harsh lesson leaf parcel Nie meal from it, I did not expect it leaves were cough twice He turned up. As I heard nothing, and this time even Yezi Yun are perplexing. Yezi Yun not only perplexing, others are perplexing, Nie Ye Zongyue father address him from actually leaves were actually did not refuse, this is definitely the world's best news ah. Could it really Santo adults recruited from when Nie son? Leaves were one came in, the sword felt the leaf segments were strong body of that kind of atmosphere, the original owner's father is super strong, paragraph sword secretly recorded in the heart. Xiao Ning child nose slightly sour, fighting back the tears did not fall, she did not expect, from now Yezi Yun Nie actually has been developed to such a degree, even Santo adults agreed. Nie watched from the back, the hearts have a deep sense of loss and sadness, knowing that impossible, she worked hard. Maybe she really never meant to leave with Nie, Xiao Ning child's mind, still has her stubborn, she will continue to stay around Nie away, even if life is not married, so quietly waiting until the old. See the leaves were like, Nie smiled away, leaves were finally served soft. That being the case, it is one of us leaves were next up! Nie were the leaves from conspire around, smiling authentic: "Father of the Bride, came when I found demons demon spirits matrix has been completed, I'll give you the control mark!" hear the words from Nie, Ye Zong That face was burning, which Wan magic demon spirit array, but he sold his daughter in exchange for ah, this is simply full of the sad tears ah, nothing to say. "Father of the Bride, most recently we opened the side of the ancient Santo circle, the original ancient circle inside a prison in communication with the world, we got a lot of good things from the inside. This is the grain refining after Chixue , I honor your elderly! "Nie away grabbed a crystal ring from space Chixue, the stuffed leaves in the hands of Buddhism. Chixue of crystal! Regardless of leaf or leaf repair cases are slightly hesitated, this Chixue the crystal but absolutely a good thing ah, with crystal Chixue it can greatly enhance the repair, and even help the strong impact of the legendary black gold grade level! "Ye Xiu adults, this is for you!" Nie away and took a crystal Chixue, the slips leaf repair. A shot is so much Chixue the crystal, is simply Tyrant ah! (To be continued.)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Xiao Ninger staring back at the black jails in the world, although the third world is full of danger, but is she and Nie from together come out to make a journey, during which she almost died is Nie from the desperate rushed to the monster's mouth will save her down. [ads: the change. La, shorthand method: and.]

it all, she is not forget, become precious memories are buried in the bottom of my heart.

sometimes, she even think, if always remain in the world of the black jails good, even if the world is dark and cold, with Nie in also can feel warm and rely on, just her heart sigh a sound. It was just her wonderful imagination.

"What's wrong?"" The NIE is to look back to the Xiao Ning son, doubt ground to ask a way. "Not what." Xiao Ning son shook his head, cheeks red, low head forward transmission method array.

Nie has entered into the transfer method from array.

shining city. Thanks to these days, the castellan mansion demons this large array has been completed. Whether leaf repair or leaf Zong, the in the mind is very excited, million magic for large array to a startup, shining city more a guardian of the barrier.

"Nie from the boy, a major contributor to bright city, prior to the holiday to wipe the slate clean, as long as he can do more contribution for bright city.Even if my old bones to apologize, then why not!" Ye Zongyao looked at the magnificent majestic demons this big, heroic tunnel.

he had already seen the Taiyi kill array and thunder god array power and eight kill array even together, forming million magic for large array, exactly how astonishing power, can hardly imagine.

since that abyss Troll attacks a castellan mansion, in the key time, Nie from the thunder god kill array and Taiyi kill array control over to the leaf, leaf heart of Nie from the rivalry between the two had vanished, even vaguely like this boy. Although she is a little from

Nie with, but cuzhongyouxi,At the same time, whether it is refining Dan medicine or understand the important principle thoroughly, this arrangement of demons array, do great contribution to the shining city. In the case of the mind leaves

, the guardian of a shining city is big. The rest of the things are the bars. And, of course, he was not so easy to give in to his daughter. "The boy from Nie

actually go out, so long time to find him?" Ye Zongzhou brow. The Nie's been missing for many days.

Ye Xiu is also very helpless, he sent for a lot of places, but couldn't find Nie from traces of et al, vaguely uneasy, Murphy was dark guild... There's no news yet.Nie from the Sanhedrin captured by the dark or how, they cannot be sure.

at this time, they realized that, off the Nie for bright city have more important, early know to Nie from many deployed some guarded.

after moment, an entourage hurriedly ran. Because the Lord, ye

"repair from adults, Nie has come back, is city hall." After hearing the words after

, either leaf or leaf repair cases, all eyes flashed a smile.

this boy came back! Their hearts were all the doubts. The castellan mansion hall. There is little bored from a pedestrian

nie.Ye Ziyun Pianmen from the hastily came in. When she saw off the Nie, in the eyes that the color of deep anxiety finally dispersed. This time, like disappeared from Nie, let her heart is full of anxiety, every day is a toss and turn restlessly.

if she does not admit, from the Nie has become her life in a very important person.

sometimes, she would think of a question, if the Nie suddenly disappeared from her life, what. Whenever I think about this problem, she can't help to panic. Though the NIE is always so annoying, it's annoying, but.But also make her the original pale and monotonous life, more than a trace of color, let her feel is concerned, is protected. Until you see the Nie from

, her heart is put down.

"ziyun!" The NIE is away from a smile to say "hello", Ye Ziyun so hurried to come. Will not be worried about themselves, just wait?

see standing in Nie from beside the Xiao Ning Er, Ye Ziyun don't know why, suddenly felt a bit depressed, twist a head to go back. The NIE is away from suddenly a few days without audio, come back is with Xiao Ning son together.

Nie from seeing this, slightly stay stunned for a moment, quickly stopped in front of Ye Ziyun,Smiling to say: "not to say hello to go!"

"I'm in the wrong place." Ye Ziyun pouted, she was not admitted because of concern in such a hurry to catch a Nie Licai over it. Nie is grinning from

looked at Ye Ziyun, nice to see her again.

Ye Ziyun suddenly came over, himself in because of what reason is not happy? Because the Frence leave suddenly from Nie, Nie from time or because of back, with Shaw Ninger together? Why does she have such a mood, can not help but confused.

"the wrong place? Are you sure you don't come to me?" Nie from authentic xiaojinjin,Hand suddenly stretched out his hand and took hold Ye Ziyun the snow spirit bead into Ye Ziyun hands, then to Ze et Du side walk. "This bead son gave you. My friends are here, and you tell me."

Ye Ziyun blush, and free from the hand of Nie, so many people watching, she would feel shy.

to see this scene, Xiao Ning Er eyes slightly gloomy, Nie from the very early time is said to her, Ye Ziyun is his life the most important person, even sacrifice their lives to protect the people, but Shaw condensate children or like the moths general, choose to stay in the Nie from the side. But,When she saw that the Nie was close to Ye Ziyun, she couldn't help it. Xiao Ning

son Ye Ziyun with the eyes, both sides have some embarrassment, looked away.

Lu floating secretly to the Nie from the vertical the thumbs up, Nie Lizhen is my generation model, regardless of the setting or Ye Ziyun, that is a goddess figure ah, Nie from actually so deal freely.

at this time, see Lu floating action Xiao Xue, bang of a sound to the land Piaoyi a burst of chestnut, ruthlessly stare one eye Lu float.

Lu float suddenly shrunk to shrink head, if Xiao snow like Xiao Ning or Ye Ziyun among them of a gentleness, he would be satisfied.My heart could not help but sigh a long.

"for all students, we all already know!" Du Ze smiled at Ye Ziyun, "this is Xiao Xue, Lu's fiancee!"

though the students, but in fact in a few months ago, they with Ye Ziyun is still very strange until because from the Nie, they each other slightly familiar with some. Du Ze, Lu, Wei

floating South laughing and chatting. Chat with what he saw and heard on black jails in the world, so that Ye Ziyun rises a little curiosity, did not think of this time, Nie et al from unexpectedly is to go to a place like that. Her childhood. In addition to the ruins of the city of the,There is no place outside the city of glory, and the world is full of expectations.

at this time, leaves, leaf repair two cases walking into the hall. See ye Zong

in, Ye Ziyun turned slightly changed. Myself with the Nie from together, the father saw will not be happy.

Ye Zong eyes fall in Nie from the body, look at the watch next to the Ye Ziyun, the eyebrows is tiny tiny a wrinkly, originally thought, with Nie from all the holidays are wiped out the, but to see Ye Ziyun with Nie offsite so close, still have so a little uncomfortable. I was the kid playing from the Nie let alone run round in circles, only son.

Leaves in the face plate, coughed twice. The Lord "!" "I have seen the Lord!" Du Ze, Lu et al with panic on leaf in salute. They had never seen Ye Zongne, first saw the majesty of the Lord, a little panic.

this just slowly back from the Nie, cheerfully greet: "good father-in-law!"

hear from the Nie, leaf cases nearly suffocated, Nie from this is completely don't give him any wiggle room for, want to give everything to make ah, Nie from when a so many people call Ye Zong father-in-law. If this news came out, the snow family are riding a tiger the! If the other person is.Ye Zong will definitely mercilessly slap fan in the past, but face off the Nie, ye Zong welled up a sense of powerlessness, then he seems to have a lot of things required to Nie from it. He cough twice, then turn to the next.

heard Nie from so and ye Zong Hello, Ye Ziyun blushed, pulled the Nie from the Cape, she thought Ye Zonghui harsh lessons of Nie from meal?, did not think ye Zong cough twice turned the. As what didn't hear, this time even leaves Ziyun stupid eye.

not only Ye Ziyun silly eye, the other people all silly eye, Nie from actually call the leaf father-in-law Zong, ye Zong didn't refuse.This is absolutely awesome news. It really got the Lord from Nie son-in-law? In

Ye Zongyi, Duan Jian is feeling to the Ye Zongshen the powerful breath, the super strong is the original owner's father-in-law, a sword secretly recorded in the heart.

Xiao Ning Er nose slightly sour, tears brimming with did not fall, she did not expect, Nie from with Ye Ziyun actually has been developed to such an extent, Liancheng main adults agreed. Looking at the back of the Nie, there is a deep loss and sadness in my heart. Maybe she really meant to Nie from the heart of the son, Xiao ning,
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