在这后宫中,根本就没有干净不干净之分,最大的差别不过是聪明还是不聪明。www.yawen8.com有时候光有聪明还不够,运气是玄妙的东西,也 การแปล - 在这后宫中,根本就没有干净不干净之分,最大的差别不过是聪明还是不聪明。www.yawen8.com有时候光有聪明还不够,运气是玄妙的东西,也 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

















































“起来吧,”封谨不咸不淡的开口,转而看向跪了一地的宫人们,“都跪 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]着做什么,给各位主子看座。”







作者有话要说:最近几天吃什么吐什么,坐久了、站久了也吐,已经好几天没有真正吃下什么东西了,连喝白水都吐,全靠喝苏打水撑着,感觉自己已经撑不住了,有没有姑娘知道怎么让孕吐轻松一点,拜托把方法发送到我的企鹅邮箱344322252aqq.com,叩地拜谢了,我觉得再这么吐下去,真的要熬不住了。真心求方法,最近几天已经瘦了几斤了。 [本章结束]
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
在这后宫中,根本就没有干净不干净之分,最大的差别不过是聪明还是不聪明。www.yawen8.com有时候光有聪明还不够,运气是玄妙的东西,也许你算尽一切,也抵不过命运的玩笑。 皇后知道庄络胭被孙容华推入荷池中的事情没有那么简单,可是荷池在熙和宫外,庄络胭也不曾召见孙容华,孙容华为何莫名其妙去那个地方,当时在场的宫人都能证明是孙容华拦下庄络胭的,这么一瞧,孙容华推庄络胭下水的可能就更大了。 皇后叫来孙容华身边伺候的宫女,见她面色慌乱的模样,有些不耐的开口,“你说说当时是怎么回事?” 这个宫女是孙容华进宫后分到她身边的,因为孙容华连累眼下正忐忑不安,如今皇后问起来,便把当时的事情一五一十说了出来。 “当日主子请完安后,便说熙和宫外的荷花开得最好,定要去看看。后来刚到熙和宫一会儿,昭充仪便过来了,主子上去请安,说是饶了昭充仪兴致。昭充仪便下步辇说宫里的景致谁都看得,因为两位主子讲话,奴婢也不敢一直盯着,埋着头只瞧着主子脚先动了,然后就……就听到昭充仪的尖叫声,再抬头时,两位主子都掉进水中了。” 这个宫女话一说完,皇后脸色顿时难看下来,孙容华这个没有脑子的东西!那点子手段也想算计别人,更何况还算计昭充仪,这不明着给她找麻烦么,眼下后宫中诸位妃嫔明着对她恭敬,可她膝下无子,又不及淑贵妃等人得宠,这昭充仪出身贵重,又与她没有利益干系,如今孙容华这一招,不等于让庄家的人恨上她赵家么? “娘娘,”和玉匆匆走了进来,向来稳重的脸上带着惊慌,“娘娘,皇上已经去了熙和宫,听说昭充仪这会儿还没有醒,皇上已经大怒,要亲自审问孙容华。” 皇后一听这话,面色一变。和玉上前,犹豫一下道:“不若,我们还是去熙和宫瞧瞧吧,听说淑贵妃已经去了。” “去,怎么不去?!”皇后由和玉扶着稳稳站起身,看了眼跪在地上的宫女,面色沉得吓人。 宫道上,柔妃与贤妃不期而遇,两人皆是妃级仪仗,相视而笑后便并肩前行。 柔妃在步辇上调了一个舒服的坐姿,笑着道:“贤妃姐姐也是去探望昭充仪的?” “昭充仪掉进荷花池至今未醒,大家皆是姐妹,自然该去瞧瞧,”贤妃端庄的答道。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 “听说昭充仪被推进荷花池后可是淹了好一会儿水呢,”柔妃用的推,而贤妃用的掉,其立场可见不同,“那荷花池的水多深啊,我听到这事儿可是吓了一大跳呢。”


































“起来吧,”封谨不咸不淡的开口,转而看向跪了一地的宫人们,“都跪 ... [本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读!]着做什么,给各位主子看座。”







作者有话要说:最近几天吃什么吐什么,坐久了、站久了也吐,已经好几天没有真正吃下什么东西了,连喝白水都吐,全靠喝苏打水撑着,感觉自己已经撑不住了,有没有姑娘知道怎么让孕吐轻松一点,拜托把方法发送到我的企鹅邮箱344322252aqq.com,叩地拜谢了,我觉得再这么吐下去,真的要熬不住了。真心求方法,最近几天已经瘦了几斤了。 [本章结束]
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
In this harem, it is not clean, not clean the points, but the biggest difference is smart or not smart. www.yawen8.com sometimes clever enough light there is, luck is something mysterious, maybe you all tricks, also arrived, but the joke of fate. Queen know Zhuang envelope rouge is Sun Ronghua push Hechi the things are not so simple, but Hechi in Hee and ectopic, village network rouge nor had summoned the Sun Ronghua, Sun Ronghua why somehow go to that place, at the scene of the Palace of people can prove to be Sun Yung Hua Zhuang stopped the network rouge, so look, Sun Yung Hua Zhuang push the envelope rouge water may be greater. Queen called Sun Ronghua ladies wait around to see her looking confused appearance, opening some impatience, "you talk about was how is it?" The ladies are assigned to the palace after the Sun Ronghua around her, because the Sun Ronghua trouble now being uneasy, now the Queen asked, then put things lay that out. "After that day, please complete security master, he said Hee and ectopic lotus bloom best, will be going to see later arrived Hee and palace while, Zhao charging instrument will come, and master up greeting, saying that spare Sho charge instrument interest. Sho charge meter will say the next step chariot palace scenery seen anyone, because the two masters speech, slaves did not dare to stare at bow my head masters looked only move feet first, and then ...... it Zhao hear screams filling instrument, then looked up, the two fell into the water of the masters. " The ladies had finished speaking, his face suddenly ugly Queen down, Sun Ronghua this no-brainer stuff! That idea means also like calculating others, not to mention also calculated Sho charge meter, this unknown with giving her trouble Mody, now the harem of you concubines out with her ​​respectful, but she childless, without and Shu Goodfriend, who graces this Sho charge meter descent precious, and she did not stakeholders and now Sun Ronghua this trick does not mean to make people hate her dealer Zhao it? "Goddess," and Yu came in a hurry, always steady face with panic, "the empress, the emperor has gone Hee and House, filling instrument at the moment I heard that Zhao has not yet awake, the emperor has been furious, to personally interrogate Sun Ronghua. " Queen heard these words, looking for a change. And Jade approached, hesitated and said:. "If not, we still go to the Palace Hee and look at it, I heard that Shu Royal has gone" ?! "go, how not to" Queen Yu-leaning and firmly stand by the up, he glanced at the kneeling ladies, looking frighteningly sink. Palace trail, Princess Sophie and Xianfei chance encounter, they are all Princess ceremonial level, to smile after shoulder to shoulder. Princess Sophie Pacers raised in a comfortable sitting position, with a smile: "? Xianfei sister also went to visit Zhao charge meter" "Zhao fell into the lotus pond filled instrument has unawakened, we are all sisters, go look natural." Xianfei dignified replied. "Ya-Wen * * Introduction * love * first * hair" "I heard that Zhao charging instrument to promote the lotus pond after being flooded for a moment, but the water yet," Princess with a soft push, and Xianfei out with its visible position is different, "How deep water that lotus pond ah, I heard this thing, but it shocked. " " That water is very deep, "Xianfei is no longer its charge Sho argue exactly how the water meter, although she and Queen a party, but Sun Ronghua do this sort of thing, etc., it makes disdain, she really worthwhile to provoke such a no-brainer of a show, but do not face saying nothing embarrassing. Chuang Feng would like to hear when the water network rouge, was granted bankbook, did not particularly reactive, but to hear the eunuch said after falling into Hechi never woke up, put down the hands of Zhupi, frowning: "What It is how the matter? " to report Hee and palace eunuchs are people, but Actually, I'm exaggeration, but the process then lay it said. "Zhao charging instrument did not wake up now?" Closure honor still wrinkled brow. "Back to the emperor, the imperial doctor said master fell into the lotus pond inhaled too much water, but also do not know when to wake up." As Hee and palace eunuchs who rely on natural fear masters accident, will take a bit anxious tone. "I know, swing drive Hee and palace." emperor Sheng Jia travel, naturally a bit more dignity, but to the Xi and the Palace, the closure would like to immense dignity will soon erase, strode over Chao charge meter room, saw the bed pale woman. Original fresh and beautiful woman, it seems that they become pale weak blink of an eye, and even let him hang around the lips, becomes pale. Ignoring kneeling in the house imperial palace eunuchs who sealed the honor to sit at the bedside, reaching the village envelope a little rouge twist a corner, in the whole house people are jittery, before the opening:. "All together now" high lift Dezhong a lift eyelids, his head buried in a little too low. "Zhao filling instrument when to wake up?" Closure would like to turn to look at a few looks imperial quivering, still very calm tone, "I do not want to keep waste group, you can all understand." Sometimes too quiet then, More frightening, several imperial exchanged a look, one of cautious opening: "Back to the emperor, Zhao charging instrument overboard a little bit long time, but fortunately no harm to life, inside if no accident, then, the two hour will be able to woke up. " "Now from Sho charge meter coma, have been half an hour," the letters would like to continue to look at the bed of the man, "are waiting for the right." "yes," several imperial back full of sweat. "High De-zhong," closed network would like to reach out and stroking village rouge some wet hair, "go to the Sun Ronghua take over." "yes," high Dezhong bend back out. "Take a towel to dry," seal would like to reach out and listen to the bamboo handed busy seeing a white towel road closure should like hands, sealing the honor for the village rouge wiping Semi network of black hair, "after a good wait your masters, not care Lord's minions, to the what is the use? " Chuang network serve rouge palace people heard that, a few scared plop kneel down, but also the courage to plead not even opening. Feng said the honor is not punishment, do not say forgive and let these palace were kneeling on the ground, and he is buried myself carefully wiping it supple hair, the room was silent for a time. "Royal Goddess to Shu, the Soviet revisionist instrument to." wish to stop the hands of sealing action, threw things in the hands of one side, watching the chaise and Soviet revisionism instrument accomplishment came in a touch began, "is to visit two Aifei charge Sho instrument? " Soviet revisionism instrument may not know what they said hi, so the moment would not easily spoke, Shu Royal line after the ceremony said: "Back to the emperor, concubine Wen Chao charge meter off the water, then to look at, just wanted to talk about such a serious . " I have the honor seal nodded, he did not speak. Royal Palace Shu glanced thousand people kneeling inside, know the emperor is not very good mood at the moment, also quietly on the side, not to say those false words, lest the emperor quoted disgruntled. "Xianfei empress to, Sophie Princess Goddess to." "Ning Princess Goddess to, Xuzhao Rong to." "Yeshu Rong to Lin Bin that leaves Ronghua to." "Yan your example to Jiang Yin Bin to Wang Bin to Zhuang Jie Yu to. " Soon, will come a lot of concubines came to visit, but at the moment, though many, but not see got a sound, and even favored Shu Royal are not easily speak, and how they will be open ʱ?? Would like to read the sealed room full of women, suddenly opening:. "The emperor management harem, but added she was tired of the" Men of the presence of concubines heard, have looked down, always go with the Queen near Xianfei heart thump loudly, It seems the Sun Ronghua doing things, or implicate queen. "Queen Goddess to." called on to speak of the devil, in this pledge, the Queen came, she was wearing regular clothes, unhurried. "Seen the emperor." Queen firmly salute, seem unaware of the house like a weird atmosphere. "Get up," seal the honor of opening not salty not pale, instead look to kneel to the palace of a people, "all kneel ... [unfinished chapter, click Next to continue reading!] With what to do, to Look you master seat. " "yes," listen to the bamboo newcomer, who bowed body, busy with other people look to you as concubines seat. Concubines were carefully sit down, occasionally glancing at someone lying in bed village network rouge, see her pale appearance, and hurried his head down low. "Queen harem seen things happen?" Closure would like to see the Queen, the eyes do not see Nuse, it seems to really just calm inquiry. "Concubine to have been heard before, but some things still unclear." Queen also saw the village network rouge miserable appearance, the heart of the Sun Ronghua mind more angry. This world is not the most formidable opponents terrible, terrible ally carry unclear. "The emperor, Sun Ronghua taken." High Dezhong coming this sentence, so that the sight of the Queen thought the whole house falls on himself. Author has to say: What recent days eat spit what, take a long time, the station long spit, has good days did not really eat anything, and even drink water, spit, thanks drinking soda insisted, felt he had barely, there is no morning sickness a little girl knows how to make easy, the method please send to my mailbox penguin 344322252aqq.com, knocking ground thanked him, and then I feel so spit down, really want to beat it ʱ?? Really seeking method, in recent days has lost several kilograms of. [End of this chapter]

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
In this temple, there is no clean and clean, the biggest difference is that it is clever or not clever. Www.yawen8.com sometimes light a clever enough, luck is a mysterious thing, maybe you do everything, also arrived, but the joke of fate.

queen know Luo Zhuang rouge is Sun Ronghua pushed into the lotus pond in the things are not so simple, but lotus pond in hee and ectopic, Luo Zhuang popliteal also does not have summoned Sun Ronghua, Sun Ronghua bewildered why go to that place, at that time, the presence of Amaryllis can prove Sun Ronghua stopped Zhuang Luo rouge, look so a, Sun Ronghua push Zhuang Luo Rouge water more.

The queen called Sun Ronghua side ministering to the maid in waiting, see her pale panic appearance, some not to bear the opening. "Can you tell me what was happening at the time?"

the maid is Sun Ronghua after entering the palace to her side, because Sun Ronghua trouble now is uneasy, now the queen asked up, the time of affair 15110 said. "The master

please complete safety, said Xi and the ectopic lotus flowers best, have to go and have a look. Later came to the palace and the city for a while, Zhao charge will come up for his master, said Rao, Zhao instrument interest charge. The next step will charge Zhao instrument who have said the chariot house scene, because the speech of two masters,I did not dare to stare at, buried his head looked at the master only feet move first, then...... I heard the screams filled Zhao instrument, then looked up, two master fell into the water." The maid

words, Queen Sun Ronghua the ugly face down, no head! The idea means also calculated others, not to mention calculation Zhao instrument, which unknown to a give her trouble? Now harem ladies and gentlemen concubines showed polite to her, can her knee no children, and not the Shu imperial concubine, who favor, the Zhao filling instrument origin valuable, and with her no interest relationship, now Sun Ronghua this trick, theDoes not mean that the makers of people hate she Zhao?

"empress" and jade hurried in, always calm and steady face with panic, "empress, the emperor had gone to the city and the palace, heard that Zhao filling instrument at the moment not wake up, the emperor has great anger, to personally interrogated Sun Ronghua."

the queen heard that, complexion a variable. And jade approached, hesitated and said: "if we went to the palace and the city, look, Shu imperial concubine has gone to hear."

"go, how not to?!" The queen and the jade hand firmly stood up, looked at the kneeling maid, complexion sinking horribly.

Palace Road, yofiel and Xianfei accidentaly across,Two are the princess class honor, before the line side by side smile into each other's eyes after. Yofiel

foot raised in a comfortable position, with a smile: "the elder sister also went to visit Zhao Xianfei filling instrument?"

"Zhao instrument fell into the Lotus Pond has not filled up, we are sisters, the natural to see," replied the dignified xianfei. "Ya Wen * * words * * first *"

"heard Zhao instrument was pushed into the lotus pond but flooded water a good while," soft imperial concubine with the push, and the wise imperial concubine out of, its position can be seen at different, "how deep the water of the lotus pond, I heard this thing but a scare." The water is very deep

","The wise imperial concubine but instead of arguing Zhao instrument exactly how drowning, she although and Queen's party, but do Sun Ronghua the sub things, really let people disdain. She also FanBuZhao really such a no brainer provoke a suit coquettish, but is surface does not say embarrassing bale.

letter would like to hear Luo Zhuang popliteal fell into the water, is suriko, did not response to the special, but heard the eunuch said Diao Jinhe pool after the never wake up, put down the hands of Zhupi, wrinkly the eyebrows ask a way: "what is going on?" To quote the eunuch is

hee and house person, but also without adding the trimmings,Just at the time of the process that relate in detail.

"there is no charge for Zhao woke up?" I would like to have a frown.

"return to emperor, the imperial doctor says the master fell into the Lotus Pond inhaling too much water, also do not know what time to wake up." As the eunuch hee and house person, if it relies on the master's natural tone, they bring some anxiety.

"I know, pendulum Xi and palace."

King St. driving travel, natural to a bit more dignity, just to the city and the palace, sealing like covered with dignity soon elimination, striding to Zhao instrument in the inner chamber, saw the pale woman in the bed. The original fresh and beautiful woman,It seems the blink of an eye becomes pale and delicate, even let him hang around the lips, also become pale.

ignore kneeling in the house maid in waiting eunuch of the imperial doctor who, letter sincerely and sat down on the bed, stretched out his hand and Luo Zhuang popliteal twist about angle is, in the whole house trembled, just openings way: "up."

Gao Dezhong lifted to lift an eyelid, put your head a bit too low. "When we can charge Zhao

instrument to wake up?" Letter would like to turn to see to a few looks shaky cure too much. The tone is still very calm, "I don't want to raise group of waste, you can understand."

sometimes too calm, more let a person fear,Several imperial exchanged a look in the eyes, which a carefully openings: "return to emperor, Zhao instrument drowning time slightly longer, fortunately, no harm to life, if nothing else, two hour can wake up." "From now the charge meter Zhao

coma, for half an hour," we continue to see the letter of the person on the bed, "are waiting." "Yes,"

back full of cold sweat doctor. "Gao Dezhong," I

seal hand stroking some wet hair Luo Zhuang Yan, "to get Sun Ronghua." "Yes," Gao Dezhong

bowed out.

"take dry cloth napkins," sealed with hand,Listen to the bamboo sees busy handed a white linen sealing like hands, seal like Zhuang Luo popliteal rub for a semi dry hair, "future good serve your master, can not protect the Lord's minions, what is the use?" The palace complex Yan Zhuang

on hearing this, scared a few plop kneel down, but no courage even speak for.

seal wish not said the penalty, also don't say pardon, let these Gongren kneeling on the ground, and he himself is countersunk carefully rubbed the supple hair, for a time in the room quiet.

"Shu imperial concubine empress to sue, to Xiuyi." So stop action

letter, put in the hands of things aside,Look at the Royal Shu and Su Xiuyi in light, said, "two love princess is to visit Zhao filling instrument?"

Su Xiuyi know they speak not like, so at the moment it is not easy to open the, the Shu imperial concubine salute way: "return to emperor, concubine Wen Zhao instrument fallen into the water, to look, just don't ever want to so serious." I

seal nodded, did not speak.

Shu imperial concubine saw eye house kneeling dries Gongren, know the emperor at the moment the mood is not very good, also quiet stand aside, not to say false words, lest lead the emperor in the mind discontent.

"Xianfei to yofiel empress, empress to."

"Ning an empress to,Xu Zhaorong." Ye Shurong, Lin bin

", Ye Ronghua."

"Yan expensive pin, Jiang Xianpin, Wang Bin, Zhuang Jie Yu to."

not and in a short while, came many concubines came to visit, but at the moment, although many, but do not see half a little sound, even favored the Shu imperial concubine are not easily speak, they could talk? I saw a room full of letters. The woman, suddenly said: "the emperor's management harem, tired of her."

present many concubines smell speech, have to lower the head, always with the queen go near the wise imperial concubine heart thump sound, seems the Sun Ronghua do things, andThe queen is. The queen to

"." To say the so-called

Cao Cao Cao Cao, in the head, the queen came, she was wearing good clothes, neither too fast nor too slow.

"met the emperor." The queen firmly salute, did not seem to notice the strange atmosphere like the house.

"it," seal like the opening of the commom; cynical and turned to look at to kneel in the palace people, "kneel... [this chapter unfinished, please click the next page read on! What to do to you), the master." "Yes," listen to the bamboo. After the kowtow et al, busy with other people to give you the concubines. Wives sit down with great care,Occasionally someone glanced at lying in bed, Luo Zhuang Yan, see her pale face, hurriedly head down low. "The harem queen

what happened?" I see the letter to the queen, the eyes do not see angry, really just seem calm to ask.

"concubine before has been heard, but some things are not very clear." The queen also saw Zhuang Luo miserable appearance of popliteal heart, the mind of Sun Ronghua more angry. In this world, the opponent is not the most terrible, terrible is not clear of the alliance. "The emperor, Sun Ronghua to." This sentence in the Gao Dezhong,Let the queen feel the whole house of sight are falling on their own.

, the author wants to say words: in recent days what to eat vomit what, sit for a long time, stood for a long time also vomit, has several days not really eat what the, even drink Whitewater spit, by drinking soda water support, feel that they have barely, there is no girl knows how to make morning sickness easy, please put the method to send to my penguin mailbox 344322252aqq.com and knocks on the thank humbly, I feel so spit down, really have to endure not to live. Sincerely seeking methods, the last few days have lost a few pounds. End of this chapter
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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