第308章 暂落尘埃热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 焚天门的人全部退去。 整整两千多个精英弟子,八个天玄境的超级强者,在云澈一个人所带 การแปล - 第308章 暂落尘埃热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 焚天门的人全部退去。 整整两千多个精英弟子,八个天玄境的超级强者,在云澈一个人所带 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第308章 暂落尘埃热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 焚天门的人全

第308章 暂落尘埃
热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、






























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
第308章 暂落尘埃热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 焚天门的人全部退去。 整整两千多个精英弟子,八个天玄境的超级强者,在云澈一个人所带来的巨大威慑下,灰头土脸,毫无尊严的撤离。 就战力而言,云澈虽然让人震惊,但根本不足以威胁到焚天门的队伍。但他各种让人防不胜防的奇招,加上狠辣无情的手段,彻底击溃了焚天门的心理防线。云澈最后大大方方的把焚绝城丢回给他们,反而更加让他们投鼠忌器,不敢妄动。 焚天门的迎亲队伍没能接回苍月公主,反而是折损了两百弟子,焚绝城也是重伤……而这一切,被无数在场的人亲眼目睹,他们的颜面和威名,也是丢了个干干净净。与之相反,将诺大焚天门逼到如此处境的云澈,却狠狠震颤了每一个人的心神和灵魂。 这个本就差不多被神化的人物,不但活着回来,而且远比传闻中的要强大太多太多!那些以前听上去只会觉得夸张、可笑的“神化”版本,此时看来,分明是严重的弱化! 如此年纪,便逼退了焚天门这等在常人眼里如神一般存在的庞然宗门,还先后击溃了巅峰级别的强者焚莫然和焚断沧,他未来的高度,根本无法想象!难怪苍月公主会对他倾心,难怪连冰月仙子夏倾月会是他的妻子……就连楚月婵那件事,此时看来居然都已是不是那么难以接受。 "Cloud brother!! Pale Moon rushed up, hug Yun Che, Qin first buried in his chest and crying and laughing, which guard the Royal Princess fengyi and around people's eyes. Yun Che "die" during this time, her whole world is dark, now also so real, warm hug him, she felt no desire. "HA HA. "Pale among thousands laughed, laughs than knowing rows of cozy comfort when in prime position to win the first:" worthy of my daughter, the Moon eyes, is really good. ” "Yes, on this point, but want more than the Emperor, Princess you are. "Hugh smiled road in the East. "HA HA HA HA ... ..." pale among thousands of smells are not only not angry, but pleasant laugh, just laugh twice, is a rapid coughing"Today the results of such a thing, is totally contrary to what I expected. "Oriental take look at Yun Che, laments a track:" this child's future success, even I, are not qualified to speculate and judgment. After this thing today, he would no doubt be burning heavenly gate killing people, but I don't know why, but I don't worry about him at all, I fear, but burning heavenly gate. ” "I am, too. "Pale among thousands of pale smile on her face, and then close your eyes, silently sighed:" Unfortunately, I can't wait to see the day he gained the world ... ... Only hope that he is able to take care of children, so that even royalty advance, the I, but also less regret and worry about ... ... Oriental Sue, you helped me personally to invite Yun Che come a chat. ” "Everybody scattered. ” Royal Guard out the dense crowds gradually dispersed. After pale among thousands of seriously ill, but rarely show up, even though these people living in the Imperial City, also cannot see. While pale among thousands in front of other people, all eyes focus did not fall on his body, but all with a great shock, horror, cult, and even avid gaze Yun Che ... ... They had come to see the Princess marry, unexpectedly, that seeing such a sensation Empire big eventsPrincess married days after the transfer of learning should have been extremely unlucky, but Palace is a festive one. Pale among thousands of very clearly in a good mood today, face daily haze, a return to the Imperial Palace, ordered the Palace is great reward. Yun Che and pale Moon side by side in the dark among thousands of Luang drive rear, under many zealous eye all the way into the Palace. Entering the gate, he met a hurried out of the San Huang Chang-Shuo, side by side to see the return of the Yun Che and pale Moon, he paused, and then face a change ... ... Hit head-on, he even wanted to avoid them, just brazen it out and tried gentle smile on his face: "the King's sister, you're back. The little brother ... ... Your performance today, really opened my eyes, amazing. ” "This is my brother three emperors. "Pale Moon simple way, no emotion in her voice. "Oh!" "Yun Che suddenly looks like a face, smiling:" turns out to be the famous three emperors, fail. I remember the three emperors in shortly before we returned to the Palace, and hurried out of the House now, but what is important? Where can I Yun Che help? ”看着云澈脸上的淡笑,苍朔心里猛的一个激灵,头发一阵发麻。之前云澈和焚天门对阵时,他可是完整的看在眼里,这个看上去人畜无害的云澈,连焚天门少门主都能眼睛不眨的虐成狗,自己皇室皇子的身份,估计在他眼里连个屁都不算。若是惹他一个不快,估计杀他跟杀一只鸡都没什么区别。 苍朔连忙舒了口气,一脸笑意道:“我只是有些无关紧要的私事需要处理,就无需云兄弟费心了。” “哦……无关紧要的小事都亲力亲为,三皇子真是勤劳能干,皇室之典范啊!”云澈笑呵呵的道。苍朔不但是引发皇室烟云的罪魁祸首之一,焚绝城与苍月的婚事,也是他一手促成,他对苍朔当然没半点好感。“云兄弟谬赞了。我还有事,先失陪一下,改日一定……” “哦,我有一个问题想要请教一下三皇子的意见。”云澈却没有给他马上离开的机会,笑呵呵的道:“我对你的皇妹苍月很是仰慕,想与她终生厮守,不知三皇子……意下如何?” 苍朔脸色一僵,然后马上露出欣喜的神态:“云兄弟是当之无愧的人中之龙,当世无人能比!作为皇兄,也早就看出皇妹对你早已倾心,若是云兄弟能和皇妹结成连理,那自然是天作之合,是足以流传千古的一段佳话,我皇室能得云师兄这般人杰,也是百年之幸!作为皇子和苍月的皇兄,我自然是全力赞成。”“那,三皇子的意思,是觉得我比焚绝城,更配苍月公主?” “那是自然。”苍朔面不改色的道:“焚绝城算什么东西,一个只会依仗宗门的废物而已,和云师兄相比,简直就是云泥之别。若不是忌惮焚天门的势力,不给皇室生出强大的仇敌……我就算死,也会阻止焚绝城的妄念。好在云兄弟及时出现,免得皇妹嫁给这样的废物,我也是长长舒了一口气。” “……”不愧是能在诸多皇子中唯一能和太子苍霖相庭抗争的人,这脸皮厚度,应变速度,见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话的能力简直是出神入话,登峰造极,让云澈都不由得对他生出强烈的敬佩之感。他抓起苍月的手,似笑非笑的道:“三皇子这么说,我就放心了。他日我和苍月大婚之时,三皇子可千万别忘了来喝喜酒。”说完,也不等苍朔回话,他头也不回的带着苍月踏入宫门之中。苍朔转过身来,看着他的背影,脸上露出冷笑,低声念道:“不知死活的蠢货,你如此招惹焚天门,还真的以为自己能活太久吗!” 回到皇宫,苍万壑下了銮驾,欣慰的对云澈道:“云澈,你还活着,真是大幸。当初你为皇室夺下排位战首位,让皇室沉寂了多年的荣光再次焕发,朕是喜不自胜,但随之而来的,却是你已陨落的噩耗。这段时间以来,朕常扼腕叹息,月儿虽然在朕面前表现如常,但朕又怎么看不出她内心无比痛苦。好在,你活着回来了,朕就算现在咽气,也是心安了。”“父皇!”苍月急嗔道:“现在有了焚魂花,云师弟也回来了,你的病一定马上就会痊愈的……” “皇上言重了,只望今天的事不会给皇室带来什么后患。”云澈谦逊的道。 “哈哈!”苍万壑大笑一声,道:“这一点你尽可放心。皇室的势力虽然比不上那些超然宗门,但也不是他们想动就能动的。而且今日之事,他们根本怪不得皇室头上,朕倒是可以以他们保护公主不利,让公主出嫁造祸,伤及皇室颜面为由反将他们一军。云澈,你接下来可有何打算,若无打算,就暂且留在宫中如何?或者,回苍风玄府?”“回苍风玄府的事就算了。”东方休苦笑一声:“云澈的玄力虽然只有地玄境,但战力上,连秦无伤都已胜过。若回玄府,以他的天资,就算是出任府主,都有些委屈了他。” 云澈摇了摇头,道:“不出三日,焚天门就必会展开对我的暗杀,我留在这里只会给皇室带来危险。至于接下来该去哪里,我已经有了打算,多谢皇上好意。”





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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 308 Temporarily dust off
Top Picks:,,,,,,, burning days of the door were all receded. Full more than two thousand elite disciples, eight Tianxuan habitat super strong, a man in a cloud Che enormous deterrent, depressed, there is no dignity evacuation. On combat capability, cloud Che although shocking, but not enough to threaten the door of the burning day team. But his people keep track of all kinds of style all their own, plus Henla ruthless means, completely defeated the psychological defense burning days of the door. Yun Chol last openly thrown back into the burning city must give them, but more so that they legislator, not frivolous. Burning Tianmen wedding team failed to pick up Cang princess, but is sacrificed two hundred disciples, the burning of the city must also seriously injured ...... and all this is the presence of numerous people witnessed their face and Wal-Mart, also lost a clean. In contrast, the great promise burn days pushed the door so Yun Chol situation, but severely shook everyone's mind and soul. The present almost deified figure, not only come back alive, and far too many rumors to be much stronger! Those previous sounds will feel exaggerated, ridiculous "deification" version, this time it seems, is clearly a serious weakening! So young, they push back the burning Tianmen this and other eyes of ordinary people, such as the existence of God and the mammoth number of doors, has also defeated the peak level of the strong burning Moran and burning off Tsang, the height of his future, simply can not imagine! No wonder he was attracted to dark green on the princess would wonder even pour ice Yuet Sin Canossian Zi Xia month will be his wife ...... that thing even Chuyue Chan, this time it seems actually have is not so difficult to accept. "Yun Young !! Cang rushed up, forced clinging cloud Che, the first cicada laugh and cry buried in his chest, which still scruples people around the eyes Fengyi and royal princess cloud Che "died "this time, her whole world is dark, and now also so real, warm hug him, she felt that they have again for nothing. "Oh. "Cang myriad laughed and laughed when qualifying than that won the first battle but also cozy comfortable:" I indeed the daughter, on children's vision, really good. " "yes ah, on this point, Her Royal Highness, but to exceed your emperor. "Oriental Hugh smiled and said. "Ha ha ha ha ......" Cang myriad heard not only no angry, but pleasant laugh, but just laugh or two, is a burst of rapid coughing "Today the results of this and other things really completely beyond my expectations ah. "Hugh looked East Cloud Che, sigh and said:" This child future success, even I have not qualified to speculate with the judge. After this thing today, he will no doubt become burning Tianmen kill people, but I do not know why, but I do not worry about him a little, I am worried about, but the door is burning days. " "I am, too. "Cang myriad pale face showing a smile, then close your eyes, silently Yi Tan:" Unfortunately, I can not see that he won in the world that day ...... just hope he can take care on children, So, even the royal derange, it can also be less regret and worry ...... East Hugh I personally invite you to help cloud Che a Syrian palace. " "We all San Leba. " Royal guards out, the dense crowds gradually dispersed. Cang myriad since the ill, rarely show up, even though they live in the Imperial City of the people, also could not be seen. And this time Cang myriad Online in front of people, but not the focus of all eyes fell on him, but all in a very shocked, aghast, worship, even fanatical gaze cloud Che ...... they originally came to see the princess married, I did not expect, was surprised to see such a big event is bound to stir imperial princess married the day the illness, which is very bad luck this thing, but the palace is a lively celebration. Cang myriad mood today is clearly an excellent face never weekdays haze, a back to the palace, he ordered the whole palace is great reward. Cloud Che alongside with Joseph and Cang Cang myriad rear drive all the way to withstand countless fanatical attention to enter the palace. A palace door, they encountered a hurried out of the three princes pale moon, saw the return of the cloud alongside Che and Cang month, he froze for a moment, then his face changed ...... but head hit, even if he wanted to avoid all too late, only hardened their scalp, face strongly piled gentle smile: "Imperial sister, you come back. The cloud little brother ...... your performance today, is really an eye-opener, amazing. " "This is my third Huangxiong. "Cang simple word, no emotion in his voice. "Oh! "Cloud suddenly look like Che, smiling, he said:" The original is well-known of the three princes, sorry. I remember the three princes before us back to the palace shortly before, and now in a hurry eviction, but what are events? Something may need my help cloud Che? " I looked at the face of Dan Xiao Yun Chol, a pale moon in the heart Meng Ji Ling, hair tingling when Che and burn days before cloud door against, he's a complete look in the eyes, this seemingly harmless to humans and animals Cloud Che, even burning Tianmen little eyes blinking in the main door can abuse a dog, their own identity, the royal princes, estimated in his eyes even the ass are not. If he was an unhappy mess, it is estimated to kill him with killing a chicken are no different. pale moon quickly sigh, smiling and said: "I just need to deal with some insignificant affair, there is no need to worry about the clouds brothers. " "Oh ...... trivial matters are hands-on, three princes really hard-working and capable, a model of the royal family, ah! "Cloud Che Xiaohe Road. Pale moon is not only caused by one of the royal culprit smoke, the burning city and Cang absolute marriage, but also contributed to his hand, he was pale moon of course not the slightest good impression. "Cloud brothers Miuzan . I still do, to excuse me, certainly another day ...... " "Oh, I have a question you want to ask the three princes views. "Cloud Che did not give him the opportunity to leave immediately, the Xiaohe said:" I am your sister Cang Huang was very admired, and she wanted to stay together for life, I do not know the three princes ...... think of it? " pale moon face a stiff, then immediately lit up demeanor: "dragon cloud brother is among the well-deserved, when the world is unmatched! As Huangxiong, has also long been seen Wong Mei already attracted to you, if the cloud brothers and Wong Mei can form a couple, that nature is a natural fit, is enough of a story spread through the ages, I can get cloud royal brothers so odds, but also for hundreds of lucky! As Prince and Cang Huangxiong, I naturally fully in favor. " "Well, the three princes mean, I feel that I am better than the burning of the city never more with Cang princess? " "It is natural. "Cang moon calm, said:" It is a cloud of mud burn the city must be considered something only rely on a number of doors of waste only, and cloud brothers compared. If the door is burning days fear forces, do not give birth to powerful enemies royal ...... even if I die, will never stop burning city of delusion. Fortunately, cloud brothers timely manner, so Wong Mei marry such a waste, I am also a long sigh of relief. " "......" it is indeed uniquely capable and Prince Edward Lin Cang Aiba Prince in protest in many people, this thick-skinned degree, strain rate, see people that were so, hell that nonsense is simply the ability to enter trance words, the culmination, so Yun Chol could not help but give birth to a strong sense of his admiration he grabbed the hand of Cang, faint smile and said:. "Three princes say, I can rest assured. In future I and the wedding Cang month, do not forget the three princes can drink wedding. " Then, it does not answer pale moon, he went straight into the palace with Cang being. pale moon turned and looked at his back, his face showing a sneer, whispered read : "act recklessly idiot, so you burn days provoke door, really think they can live long enough you! " Back to the palace, Cang myriad driving under the Luang, comforting cloud Che said: "Cloud Che, you're still alive, really fortunate. You had won the first qualifying session for the royal family war, let the royal glow glory years of silence again, I was overjoyed, but the attendant, but the bad news is that you have fallen. During this time, I often sighed with regret, on children although I show in front as usual, but I do not see how her heart and very painful. Fortunately, you came back alive, even if I die now, but also peace of mind. " "Fu Huang! "Cang urgent Chen Dao:" Now, with burning soul flower, cloud Young has come back, you will soon be cured of the disease must ...... " "The emperor too serious, just look what happened today does not bring anything to the royal family future trouble. "Cloud Che Road humility. "Ha ha! "Cang myriad laugh, said:" this is something you can rest assured. Although the royal forces were smaller than those transcendent door, but nor are they want to move you can move. And today than they did wonder royal head, they'd be able to protect the princess unfavorable to them, let the princess married made ​​disaster, hurt by the anti-royal face their army. Yun Chol, the next you can have any plans, without intention, for the time being how to stay in the palace? Alternatively, the return Cang wind Xuanfu? " "Back Cang wind Xuanfu thing even if the. "Oriental Hugh smile loudly:" Cloud Che mysterious force, although only to the mysterious territory, but the combat power, no injuries have been even better than Qin. If Xuanfu back to his talent, even as house owners, they have some pity for him. " Cloud Che shook his head and said: "Within three days, the burning of the day the door shall be expanded to assassinate me, I will stay here for the royal family at risk. As for where to go next, I already have plans, would like to thank the emperor kindness. " Cang myriad not adhere to, nodded his head: "Good! Since you dare to burn Tianmen Henla shot, I believe that you must respond to the policy. At first, you won the qualifying battle royal glory of first place, they had three days to prepare for your banquet, but failed, to fill it today. Come, heralds go ...... " "Wait! "Cloud Che raising his hand, said:" The emperor's mind clouds Che picking up. Because the relationship between the door of the burning day, I have to leave here as soon as possible, not too much time left, we must first resolve some important things ...... now, let me remove your body maladies. " Cang myriad body startled, East Hugh's face also exposed the obvious excitement of color Cang myriad excited and said:. "...... you really sure you now get rid of my body Gudu? " the root cause of unrest in the royal family, saying less than, or because he's sick. If he was able to recover, re-embrace the power, with his decades of more than prestige, those wavering, or in a neutral force will be back Behind him, when, and Cang Cang Lin Shuo, will have no to fear, and Xiao were burning Tianmen ambitions, also will be forced to put out. "Yun Young had said, if I could find burning soul flower, it must let Fu Huang recovered. Soul Flower has been burning now, cloud Young will be able to do. "Cang jumping the road. Yun Chol nodded, smiled and said: "I really have to grasp Kazunari ...... however, has no need to use burning soul flowers. Flowers is one of the dowry burning soul burn days this door, or all also back as well, the province is falling drifted. 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การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 308th chapter will fall dust
recommendations:,,,,,, all the people from burning Tianmen.

full more than two thousand elite disciple, eight days mysterious territory superpower, in Che Yun a person brings a great deterrent, dusty, undignified retreat.

fighting, although the clouds shocking, but not enough to threaten to burn the Tianmen team. But he let all people all impossible to guard against ruthless means, plus isspicy, rout of Tianmen burning psychological defense. Clouds finally openly to burn the vast city back to them, but the more they felt, not frivolous.

Burn the Tianmen escort team could not back to the dawn of the princess, but lost the two hundred disciples, burning the vast city is serious...... And all this, countless people present witness, they face and prestige, also lost a clean. On the contrary, the big burn Tianmen pushed to the situation so clouds, but severely shook everyone's mind and soul. This is almost the
deified figure, not only alive, but also far more than rumors in the more powerful too much! Those old sounds will only feel ridiculous exaggeration, "deification" version, at the moment it seems clear, is a serious weakening!

so old,Will push back the Tianmen wait for burn in the eyes of ordinary people if the gods are Pang Ranzong door, has defeated the top level strong burning Mo however and burn off Cang, his future height, simply can not imagine! No wonder the princess for his beautiful, no wonder even the Moon Fairy Xia tilt July will be his wife...... Even the Chu Yuechan that thing, now actually have Is it right? So difficult to accept.

Cang rushed up, forced to embrace cloud Che, the Qinshou buried in his chest was laughing and crying, which still have scruples Royal Princess Fengyi and the people around the eyes. This time the clouds "dead", her whole world is dim,Now can be so true, warm embrace him, she feels oneself already no longer seek. Oh

"." Cang myriad laugh, laugh than that qualifying battle won the first but also comfortable: "not the Kui is the daughter I, look the moon is really good."

"yes, on this point, but to you more than your highness emperor." East Hugh smiled. "Ha ha ha ha......" Verdant valleys smell speech not only didn't get angry, but pleasant laugh, just laugh twice is a burst of rapid cough
"what wait for today's results, it is completely beyond my expectations ah."Oriental leisure watching clouds Che, sighed one - Track:" the future achievements, even I, are not eligible to to speculate and evaluation. After this matter today, there is no doubt that he will be burned Tianmen kill, but I don't know why, but I didn't worry about him, I'm worried about, but is Tianmen burn. " "I, too." Cang myriad pale face peeps out to smile an idea, then close your eyes, silent sigh: "unfortunately, I am not to see him Yangwei world that day... Just hope, he can take care of the moon, so, even if I could, Royal collapse, less regrets and worries...... Oriental leisure,I help you to invite clouds into the palace Yixu personally." "We all go." The royal guards will be dispatched
, dense crowd gradually dispersed. Since after the illness is pale wind, rarely seen, even those living in the people, also do not see. But this time Cang myriad now in front of people, all eyes focus did not fall on his body, but all in a shocking, shockingly, worship, even fanatical eyes watched Che Yun... They had come to see the princess gets married, unexpectedly and actually see the event
princess married such a will stir Empire suffered misfortune,This is the very unlucky thing, but the palace is a festive. Today the wind Cang was apparently excellent, face again on weekdays in the haze, a back to the palace, he ordered a full house. Clouds and dawn together with

in the Cang myriad luanjia rear, a road bears many zealous eyes into the palace. Entering the palace, he met rush out of the Third Prince of the pale moon, see side by side returning cloud Che and Cang, he Leng for a while and face a change... But head-on, he even if want to avoid all too late, only crustily skin of head and face tried to pile up gentle smile: "younger sister, you come back.The little brother of the cloud...... Your performance today, it is feed one's sight on people, as the acme of perfection." "This is my three brother." The simple, no emotion in his voice. Oh

"!" Clouds suddenly like a face, smiling way: "it is three princes having a great reputation, sorry. I remember in the three Prince before we return to the palace soon, now hurried out of the palace, but what is the matter? What can I help to local clouds?" Look at the clouds
face danxiao, a pale moon heart suddenly wake up, hair tingling. Before the clouds and burned the Tianmen against him, but the look in the eyes,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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