第22章 整慕容柔 “这武安侯府看着挺巍峨的,府里应该不缺银子吧……” “谁知道呢,可能是真的缺银子,也可能是有银子不想给,准备赖账了……” การแปล - 第22章 整慕容柔 “这武安侯府看着挺巍峨的,府里应该不缺银子吧……” “谁知道呢,可能是真的缺银子,也可能是有银子不想给,准备赖账了……” อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第22章 整慕容柔 “这武安侯府看着挺巍峨的,府里应该不缺银子吧……”

第22章 整慕容柔



































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The 22nd chapter Murong ROU "It's Wu Hou mansion looks majestic, should not the lack of money in the House......" "Who knows, it might be really short of money, may also be Silver did not want to, ready to repudiate the......" "Wu Hou family character, too bad......" "Who said not......" All the recrimination is pervasive on the drill in the ear, Song Qing shes beautiful little face was flushed: she took something from the Pearl White on the Jade floor and how? It was her big mother's dowry shops, she got any more, nor damage the interests of these people before, so outraged they do? MOU end of floating Shang trace anger meaning, she are prepared lessons all, a middle-aged male beat ring has up: "in Xia is Fairview satin Zhuang of, Wu Hou House in we satin Zhuang buy has 10 years of satin didn't to a paper money, earlier this month I to accounts receivable paragraph Shi, they is various perfunctory, now encountered has Freemasonry of beads jade floor, alas...... I also give you read list...... " "XX years x x day, buy Brocade wuanhoufuren two horses, two Brocade, embroidery Jin two valued at 10,002, XX XX XX year month day wuanhoufuren buy......" "And I, I, I'm Gu Pinzhai, wuanhoufuren is no less in this decade Gu Pinzhai things, the same article was not to pay, my yaozhang, they are perfunctory, I took inventory, and you read......" Six shops, six guys standing in front of the Wu Hou family are lined, holding a long list read aloud a list of accounts that Cadence voice, then blasted a hefty sum in this way could be heard all the pot. "Wu Hou family is really big, buy nearly every two things......" "Accounting, do not pay money for clothes, jewelry, antiques, I was willing to buy more ... ..." "No money is not to buy so many things, people don't give money, this is what ... ... Wu Hou family ... ... Out of troll, rogue and the streets...... " "If someone owes me money, repeatedly not to continue painting from me curios, I had to take him to Ombudsman......" Ridiculed, scorned, criticism came from 480, end up with song and Qing yan dared not look up, flushed face, nasty voice commanded: "son, Mel, quick to notice my mother ... ..." make it big, and she alone, can't handle completely. "Yes!" "The girl nodded, turned and was ready for the House, but see Murong ROU in the servant girl surrounded by came forward briskly. Her hair tied up, revealing, properly maintained, beautiful face, gorgeous huasheng Ambilight, lining of her elegant, tight-pursed her red lips, cold light eyes swept the stand in a row of six guys, nice Liu Mei tight pucker up: "what's going on here? ” Six of the guys looked at each other for a glimpse of jewels floor guys stood out towards deep Murong ROU Shi Yili: "Lady song, little is yaozhang! ” "Yaozhang to find the Hou family housekeeper, noisy here do? , "Murong ROU sternly reprimanded, standing in front of the Wu Hou family, read a bunch of bills, Beijing people all know that Wu Hou family likes to take things without paying money, a decade of debt owed, Hou family face make them corrupt. "Lady song, used to find the small of the Hou family Butler, housekeeper always does not settle with a perfunctory, a perfunctory is ten years, small is no way, did so. "Pearl man bitter face to explain on the Jade floor. "Yes, Madame Song, small shop because these accounts were recovered, were caught in the net of official extortion, watching the business anymore, begging you to small accounts was. "Beautiful satin Pu man took the word, loud. "Yes, Madame Song, begging you, small on the older, there are small, if the shop closes the door, smaller will not be able to support his family......" Six guys standing in front, tearful pleading, it looks more miserable, how sad! Watch shake your head, sighs: "not to say that yaozhang is Grandpa, debt is the grandson of it? Here was how to turn? Blown is uncle, grandson of yaozhang. ” "Who let accounts payable owed them is Wu Hou family? People and Government, no win is not...... " "I heard shuntian forest is an honest officer, reported to him, justice should be able to......" "Grade fully an adult less than Wu Hou Lin, even on the Court, and well ... ..." "Also, dead at the officer level, if Wu Hou hard pressure adults sentenced Lin ... ... Well...... " Cynicism covered bashing days of strikes, Murong ROU looked somber and terrible, cold gaze fell upon six buddy, suppressing anger and hard hand in mouth, kicking up a stiff to smile: "about the shop and check out all Butler, I don't know......" Things have gone great, Wu Hou family's reputation was destroyed, her mother-in-law, husband will blow his top, she has to pick out, must not be so bad on the back charges. People disagree, Murong ROU holds power in Wu Hou mansion inner courtyard, view monthly expenditure item in the House, she in the family shop took so many silk, jewellery, Butler didn't pay people shop in this way, she will see it? If she yanzhuo, didn't see it, you can understand, didn't see it twice can forgive her for ten years to see 120 books and still not see it ... ... Hehe ... ... Didn't she so stupid blind ... ... Gu Pinzhai dude came up and the low road: "Lady song, matter of the Hou family accounts in arrears, don't want to care about the small, for now, just wanted to get the small accounts payable, also requested the song Lady perfected! ” Counts of destruction of Wu Hou family name, who loved the back who back, has nothing to do with them, they came to, that is yaozhang! Murong ROU eyes Flash at the end of a prey a little cold, then back to business as usual, smiled: "six do not have to worry, my Wu Hou family reputation, accounts payable due to the shop, a points to six. "Onlookers crowd is provoked, if she dares to say refused, they can blame drowned her. Six guys suddenly smile, blink watched Murong ROU: "so good, do not know Song Furen is to draft, or for silver? ” "House in draft not more, now silver is some, but, ten years of accounts payable many, you this paper weak weak of body, but took not moving how many......" Murong soft micro-smile with, MOU end of Flash a wipe sharp cold mount, she first made also silver of promises, will onlookers of crowd all advised bulk has, again gave lessons this six a appreciate favors of dog things......
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 22 the entire soft Murong
"It looked very majestic Wuan Hou House, the government should be no shortage of money in it ......"

"Who knows, the lack of money may be true, it probably is not want to give money to prepare the Repudiation ...... "

" this Wuan Hou House of character, bad ...... "

" Who is not it ...... "

all accusations sound all-pervasive drill into the ears, Song Qing Yan beautiful little face up in the red: white House to take her from the bead things, how it? It was her aunt large dowry shop, she had to take more, it did not harm the interests of these people before they do so indignant?

Bottom eye floating trace of anger, she was ready to teach the people, a middle-aged male voice rang ahead: "The next is a beautiful silk warehouse, Wuan Hou House we bought a decade satin silk warehouse did not give a penny, early in my to accounts receivable, they are also a variety of perfunctory, now experiencing the same boat gems floor, alas ...... I also give you a list obsessed ...... "

" XX years X months X days, Mrs. Wuan Hou buy two brocade, brocade two, two brocade embroidery, worth twelve thousand, XX XX, XX years, Mrs. Wuan Hou buy ...... "

" and me, and me, I am old vegetarian, ma'am Wuan Hou this decade also no less ancient vegetarian to get something, the same did not pay a penny, I come to a receivable, they perfunctory, I do carry a list, but also give you obsessed ...... "

six shop, six guys station Wuan Hou lined up in front of the house, holding a long list of the accounts set out loud remembered, that cadence tone, that a sum of the high silver hear the crowd raged.

"Wuan Hou House is really generous, always buy nearly two things ......"

"just bookkeeping, not Fu Yinzai clothes, jewelry, antiques, for I am willing to buy a lot ......"

"No money can not buy Well so many things, took things people do not give money, what is this really ...... ah ...... Wuan Hou House and in the streets of local ruffians, rogue almost ...... "

" If someone owes me so much money, Sipilailian not yet, continue to take it from me curios paintings, I had told him the officer ...... "

ridicule, disdain accusations sound coming from all directions four hundred, a few end up Song Qing Yan did not look up, the complexion reddened, mE voice commanded: "Meier, Meier, go and inform my mother ......" things blow up, she was alone, completely not cope.

"Yes!" Maidservants Meier nodded, turned into the government is preparing, at all surprised to find Murong soft maidservants surrounded hurriedly came over.

Her hair high beam, exposing well maintained beautiful little face, bright colors and gorgeous Washington, lining her more elegant, she pinched her lips bright red, cold eyes swept the light stand in a row six name man, nice Liu Mei tightly furrowed: "how is this going?"

six guys look at each other eye, bead floor folks stood out toward Murong soft deep Shiyi Li: "Lady of Song, who is small to be receivable! " "

to go receivable Houfu housekeeper, what to do in this noisy? "Murong soft harshly reprimanded, standing Wuan Hou House door, read the bills that string, the capital of the people who are Wuan Hou House know not to take things like Fu Yinzai further debts owed a decade Houfu the face are so corrupt that they light up.

"Ms. Song, who had previously been looking for a small Houfu housekeeper, butler always perfunctory can not check out, is also a perfunctory decades, small were really no other way, only to do so." Bead floor bitter man He explained with a straight face.

"Yes ah, Ms. Song, a small shop because they are unrecovered receivables, cash flow problems, seeing we must no longer operating, beg you to give accounts of their small knot of it." Beautiful silk shop the man took the words loudly request.

"Yes ah, Mrs. Song, Please, have a little old, under a small, if the shop closed, they will not be able to support the small home ......"

six man standing in front of tearful hard begging, it looks to be more miserable, how sad!

Onlookers shook his head, sighing: "?? Not to say, is uncle to account, outstanding loans grandson how to do here is completely reversed debts uncle, to be posted to the grandchildren."

"Who owes them receivable is Wuan Hou House? people do not fight with the government, fighting also fighting not win is not ...... "

" I heard Shuntian Lin adults is an honest officer, reported to him, you should be able to seek justice ...... "

" I'm not as fully adult grade Wuan Hou, even on the court, the results do not say ...... "

" also, the official big one people crushed to death, if I'm pressing hard Wuan Hou adult sentencing ...... Oh ...... "

cynical sound bashing days cover to hit, Murong soft looking gloomy terrible, cold eyes fell upon six guys, strong pressing anger, trying to pulling the mouth, raised a touch stiff smile: "money and shop checkout issue, we are in butler treatment, I do not know ...... "

things have become significant, Wuan Hou government's reputation was destroyed, her mother, husband certainly be furious, she must pick out on my own, must not be so unbearable back charges.

People disagree, in charge of Wuan Hou House Murong soft inner courtyard power, undesignated monthly expenditure will view within the government, she took so many people shop in silk, jewelry, silver shop steward did not pay people, she would not see it?

Even if she Yanzhuo, one did not see it, you can understand, the two did not see it can forgive, but she decade, viewed 120 books so far have not seen ...... Oh ...... did not blind her so stupid ... ...

ancient vegetarian man came forward, whispering, said: "Mrs. Song, things Houfu delinquent, the smaller they do not want to care about, and now they just want to get the small accounts, but also Mrs. Song sake! "

destroy the reputation of charges Wuan Hou House, who loves who back back, to do with them, their purpose today, is to accounts!

Murong soft bottom Shanlue trace cold eye, then resumed as usual, smiled and said:. "Six do not worry, I always Wuan Hou government credibility, receivables owed to the shop, and certainly a lot of points back six" crowd the crowd is very indignant, if she refuses to say a word, everyone can blame her flooded.

Six guys suddenly smile, sparkling eyes looked Murong soft: "? This is very good, I do not know Mrs. Song is to drafts, or to the now silver"

"drafts small palace, now silver does have some, but, ten in a lot of accounts, ye weak text frail physique, I'm afraid not take much moving ...... "Murong Sophie smiled slightly, flashed a sharp eye bottom Hanmang, she also promised money to promise the crowd all persuade the crowd scattered, then whipped six Bushitaiju dog stuff ......
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The twenty-second chapter is the whole Murong"The Wuan Hou mansion looked very majestic, the Palace should be no shortage of money......""Who knows, is really missing money, may also have money do not want to give, for the default......""Wuan Hou house of the character, too bad......""Who says it"s not......"All zhizesheng drill in get in by every opening, Song Qingyan beautiful face flushed from the pearl white jade floor: she took things again? That is her aunt"s dowry shop, she took more, no damage to the front of the interests of these people, so they filled with righteous indignation to do what?The Mou bottom floating on a tone of anger, she is preparing to teach the people, a middle-aged male voice rang out: "the first is Jinxiu silk village, Wuan Hou mansion in our silk satin for ten years did not give a penny, at the beginning of the month I to the accounts receivable, they are perfunctory, now met Zhu Yu Lou Similarly afflicted people pity each other., alas...... I will give you a list......""XX year X month X day, Wuan Mrs. Hou purchased two horses and two horses brocade brocade, embroidery, brocade two horses, twelve thousand years XX XX value, XX April, Wuan Mrs. Hou purchase......""And I, and I, I is the ancient Pinzhai, Wuan Hou, the ten years did not take less things in ancient Pinzhai, also did not pay a penny, I asked for the money, they just perfunctory, I carry a list, also give you......"Shop six, six man standing in Wuan Hou palace in front of lined up, with a long list of loud reading lists of accounts, the cadence of the Bibi high silver tone, hear all raged."Wuan Hou Fuzhen is big, each buy nearly two things......""Only keeping accounts, do not pay silver clothes, jewelry, antiques, I would like to buy a lot of......""Do not have money to buy so many things well, take people things do not give money, this is what ah...... Wuan is Fuzhen hou...... And on the street, almost rogue local ruffians......""If someone owes me so much money, do not continue to get lost to all sense of shame, paintings curios from me, I would tell him the officer......"Taunt, disdain the criticism from the four hundred and eighty party Yonglai, while Song Qingyan did not look up, pale red, sharp voice said: "Mei, Mei Er, quick to inform my mother......" It was a big deal, she was alone and couldn"t handle it."Is!" The girl Mel nodded and turned into the house is ready, but see Murong in the soft girl surrounded by hurriedly walked over.Her hair swept up, with the maintenance of proper beautiful face, beautiful Huasheng Ambilight, the lining of her more Yong Ronghuagui, her red lips pursed, cold gaze sweeps over the station into six guys in a row, nice has tightly pucker up: "how is this going?"Six guys look at each other at a glance, pearl and jade floor guy stood out at Murong Shi Yili Roushen: "Madame song, kids are asked for money!"To account money to find Hou Fu housekeeper here noisy do what?" Murong sternly reprimanded soft, standing in the Wuan Hou Palace door, read a string of bills, the capital of the people all know that Wuan Houfu love take things without paying money, also owe a debt for ten years, Houfu let them corrupt light face."Mrs. song, the small people used to be looking for the house of the house, but the housekeeper is always put out the checkout, but also a ten years, the little people are really no way, only to do so." Pearl jade floor man bitter face explanation."Yes, madam song, small shop because these accounts are not recovered, revolving, seeing will be out of business, I beg you to account for the small node." Jinxiu silk shop man took over, loudly asked."Yes, madam song, please, the kids are old, under a small, if the shop closed, the kids can not support his family......"Six guys standing in front of the door, tearful pleading, looked more miserable, are miserable!The crowd all shook his head sighs: "not to say that the account is the uncle, is the grandson of the debts? How to get here completely turn? The following is the uncle, grandson into account.""Who let their accounts of the Wuan Hou house? People do not fight with the government, not to win the fight is not......""That is an upright Shuntian Lin "officer, told to him, should be able to seek justice......""Lin "grade less than the full Wuan Hou, even on the court, the results do not say......""Also, big one officer killed people, if hard pressed Wuan Hou Lin "verdict...... Alas......"The sound of all the taunt hit Murong, soft complexion dark terrible, cold eyes fell on the six man body, crush the anger, to lead the mouth, raised a stiff smile: "shop and receivable issue, is the housekeeper in the process, I do not know......"It has big trouble, Wuan Hou mansion"s reputation was destroyed, the mother-in-law, husband will be furious, she must be their own pick out, never back so unbearable.The people in charge of Wuan Murong not to regard it as right, rou Hou mansion inner power, every month view within the government expenditure expenditure, she took so many people shop in silk, jewelry, the Butler did not pay the people shop silver, she will not see this?Even if she couldn"t see, one can not see it, understanding, the two did not see it but she can forgive, for ten years, see the 120 accounts
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