35% more space than Grano, which amounts to allocating about 57% to Wh การแปล - 35% more space than Grano, which amounts to allocating about 57% to Wh ลิทัวเนีย วิธีการพูด

35% more space than Grano, which am

35% more space than Grano, which amounts to allocating about 57% to Wheatie and
43% to Grano. What do you think?
11. Jack is an aspiring freshman at Diem University. He realizes that "all work and no play
make Jack a dull boy." As a result, Jack wants to apportion his available time of about
10 hours a day between work and play. He estimates that play is twice as much fun as
work. He also wants to study at least as much as he plays. However, Jack realizes that if
he is going to get all his homework assignments done, he cannot play more than 4
hours a day. How should Jack allocate his time to maximize his pleasure from both
work and play?
12. Wild West produces two types of cowboy hats. A type 1 hat requires twice as much labor
time as a type 2. If the all available labor time is dedicated to Type 2 alone, the company
can produce a total of 400 Type 2 hats a day. The respective market limits for the two
types are 150 and 200 hats per day. The profit is $8 per Type 1 hat and $5 per Type 2 hat.
Determine the number of hats of each type that would maximize profit.
13. Show & Sell can advertise its products on local radio and television (TV). The advertising
budget is limited to $10,000 a month. Each minute of radio advertising costs $15 and each
minute ofTY commercials $300. Show & Sell likes to advertise on radio at least twice as
much as on TV. In the meantime, it is not practical to use more than 400 minutes of radio
advertising a month. From past experience, advertising on TV is estimated to be 25 times
as effective as on radio. Determine the optimum allocation of the budget to radio and TV
*14. Wyoming Electric Coop owns a steam-turbine power-generating plant. Because
Wyoming is rich in coal deposits, the plant generates its steam from coal. 111is, however,
may result in emission that does not meet the Environmental Protection Agency standards.
EPA regulations limit sulfur dioxide discharge to 2000 parts per million per ton of
coal burned and smoke discharge from the plant stacks to 20 lb per hour. The Coop receives
two grades of pulverized coal, C1 and C2, for use in the steam plant.The two
grades are usually mixed together before burning. For simplicity, it can be assumed that
the amount of sulfur pollutant discharged (in parts per million) is a weighted average of
the proportion of each grade used in the mixture. The following data are based on consumption
of 1 ton per hour of each of the two coal grades.
Sulfur discharge Smoke discharge Steam generated
Coal grade in parts per million in Ib per hour in lb per hour
Cl 1800 2.1 12,000
C2 2100 .9 9,000
(a) Determine the optimal ratio for mixing the two coal grades.
(b) Determine the effect of relaxing the smoke discharge limit by 1 lb on the amount of
generated steam per hour.
15. Top Toys is planning a new radio and TV advertising campaign. A radio commercial costs
$300 and a TV ad cosls $2000.A total budget of $20,000 is allocated to the campaign.
However, to ensure that each medium will have at least one radio commercial and one
TV ad, the most that can be allocated to either medium cannot exceed 80% of the total
budget. It is estimated that the first radio commercial will reach 5000 people, with each
additional commercial reaching only 2000 new ones. For TV, the first ad will reach 4500
people and each additional ad an additional 3000. How should the budgeted amount be
allocated between radio and TV?
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (ลิทัวเนีย) 1: [สำเนา]
35% more space than Grano, which amounts to allocating about 57% to Wheatie and43% to Grano. What do you think?11. Jack is an aspiring freshman at Diem University. He realizes that "all work and no playmake Jack a dull boy." As a result, Jack wants to apportion his available time of about10 hours a day between work and play. He estimates that play is twice as much fun aswork. He also wants to study at least as much as he plays. However, Jack realizes that ifhe is going to get all his homework assignments done, he cannot play more than 4hours a day. How should Jack allocate his time to maximize his pleasure from bothwork and play?12. Wild West produces two types of cowboy hats. A type 1 hat requires twice as much labortime as a type 2. If the all available labor time is dedicated to Type 2 alone, the companycan produce a total of 400 Type 2 hats a day. The respective market limits for the twotypes are 150 and 200 hats per day. The profit is $8 per Type 1 hat and $5 per Type 2 hat.Determine the number of hats of each type that would maximize profit.13. Show & Sell can advertise its products on local radio and television (TV). The advertisingbudget is limited to $10,000 a month. Each minute of radio advertising costs $15 and eachminute ofTY commercials $300. Show & Sell likes to advertise on radio at least twice asmuch as on TV. In the meantime, it is not practical to use more than 400 minutes of radioadvertising a month. From past experience, advertising on TV is estimated to be 25 timesas effective as on radio. Determine the optimum allocation of the budget to radio and TVadvertising.*14. Wyoming Electric Coop owns a steam-turbine power-generating plant. BecauseWyoming is rich in coal deposits, the plant generates its steam from coal. 111is, however,may result in emission that does not meet the Environmental Protection Agency standards.EPA regulations limit sulfur dioxide discharge to 2000 parts per million per ton ofcoal burned and smoke discharge from the plant stacks to 20 lb per hour. The Coop receivestwo grades of pulverized coal, C1 and C2, for use in the steam plant.The twogrades are usually mixed together before burning. For simplicity, it can be assumed thatthe amount of sulfur pollutant discharged (in parts per million) is a weighted average ofthe proportion of each grade used in the mixture. The following data are based on consumptionof 1 ton per hour of each of the two coal grades.Sulfur discharge Smoke discharge Steam generatedCoal grade in parts per million in Ib per hour in lb per hourCl 1800 2.1 12,000C2 2100 .9 9,000(a) Determine the optimal ratio for mixing the two coal grades.(b) Determine the effect of relaxing the smoke discharge limit by 1 lb on the amount ofgenerated steam per hour.15. Top Toys is planning a new radio and TV advertising campaign. A radio commercial costs$300 and a TV ad cosls $2000.A total budget of $20,000 is allocated to the campaign.However, to ensure that each medium will have at least one radio commercial and oneTV ad, the most that can be allocated to either medium cannot exceed 80% of the totalbudget. It is estimated that the first radio commercial will reach 5000 people, with eachadditional commercial reaching only 2000 new ones. For TV, the first ad will reach 4500people and each additional ad an additional 3000. How should the budgeted amount beallocated between radio and TV?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ลิทัวเนีย) 2:[สำเนา]
35% daugiau vietos nei grano, kuri sudaro apie 57% iki Wheatie paskirstymą ir
43% iki Grano. Ką manote?
11. Jack trokštantis Diem Pirmakursis universitete. Jis supranta, kad "Visi darbo ir jokios žaisti
padaryti Džekas Neįdomu Berniukas ". Kaip rezultatas, Džekas nori paskirstyti savo laiką galima maždaug
10 valandų darbui ir žaidimams dieną. Jis apskaičiavo Žaisti Tai du kartus taip smagu, kaip
darbo. Jis nori studijuoti mažų mažiausiai tiek, kiek jis vaidina . Tačiau tai Džekas supranta, kad jei
jis ketina gauti padaryti visą savo namų darbus, jis negali žaisti daugiau nei 4
valandas per parą. Kaip reikėtų Jo Džekas skirti laiko maksimaliai Jo valią iš abiejų
dirbti ir žaisti?
12. Gamina Dviejų Laukinius Vakarus tipų Cowboy skrybėlės. 1 tipas Hat Darbo reikalauja dvigubai daugiau
laiko, tipo 2. Jei darbo Visi leistini laiko skirta 2 tipo vieni, Įmonės
gali gaminti 400 Tipas viso 2 kepures diena. atitinkamoje rinkoje Ribinės Abiejų
tipų 150 ir 200 skrybėlės per dieną. Pelnas yra 8 $ už 1 tipo Hat ir $ 5 už 2 tipo Hat.
Nustatykite skrybėlės kiekvienos rūšies, kuri būtų padidinti pelną skaičių.
13. Rodyti Parduodu galite reklamuoti savo produktus nuo vietos radijo ir televizijos (TV). Reklamos
biudžetas yra ribotas $ 10,000 per mėnesį. Kiekvienas radijo reklama minučių kainuoja $ 15 ir kiekvienas
minutės ofTY Reklama $ 300. Rodyti & Parduodu mėgsta reklamuotis radijo bent du kartus
, kiek per televiziją. Tuo tarpu, tai nėra FARMACIJOS naudoti daugiau nei 400 minučių Radijo
reklama mėnesį. iš ankstesnės patirties, reklama per televiziją yra apskaičiuota, kad 25 kartų
toks pat veiksmingas kaip Radio. nustatyti optimalų paskirstymą biudžeto radijo ir televizijos
* 14. Vajomingas Elektriniai Coop valdo galios Garų turbinos jėgainių. Kadangi
Vajomingas gausu anglių telkinius, ogrzewalnia generuoja iš akmens anglių. 111is, TAČIAU
gegužės Emisijos Tai neturi sukelti Susipažinkite Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra standartai.
EPA reglamentai apriboti sieros dvideginio išmetimas iki 2000 milijoninės dalys tonai
anglies iš sudegino ir įvykdymo augalų Dūmų kaminai £ 20 per valandą. "Coop Gauna
dviejų rūšių anglies miltelių, C1 ir C2, skirta naudoti ogrzewalnia .Sriegines Du
lygiai paprastai Degimo sumaišytų anksčiau. Kad būtų paprasčiau, galima daryti prielaidą,. Tai
teršalų Iškrautas sieros (milijoninėmis dalimis) suma yra svertinis vidurkis
kiekvieno laipsnio proporciją mišinyje. Po Duomenys remiantis vartojimo
1 toną per valandą kiekvienam iš lygiai du anglis.
Sieros Iškrovimas Rūkymas susidariusį garą
anglių Įvertinimas Ib milijoninės dalys lb per valandą per valandą
2.1 Cl 1800 12000
9000 .9 C2 2100
(a) nustatyti Du optimalus santykis maišant anglies rūšys.
(b) Nustatykite atpalaiduoja pagal Rūkymas biudžeto įvykdymo patvirtinimo ribos dėl 1 £ suma
per valandą susidariusį garą.
15. Geriausi Žaislai Planavimas yra nauja Radijo ir televizijos reklamos kampaniją. Radijo Komercinis Išlaidos
$ 300 ir televizija skelbimą cosls $ 2000.A bendras biudžetas $ 20,000 skiriama kampaniją.
Tačiau, siekiant užtikrinti, kad kiekvienas vidutinio turės bent vieną Radijas Komercinės ir viena
televizija skelbimą, Didžioji, kurie gali būti skiriami arba vidutinio negali viršyti Iš viso 80%
biudžeto. Manoma, kad pirmasis komercinis Radijo Žmonės pasieks penkis tūkstančius, kiekvienas su
taikoma tik 2000 m papildomomis pritraukimas naujais. Dėl TV, pirmas skelbimas bus pasiekti 4500
Žmonės ir kiekvienas papildomas Papildoma 3000. Kaip TURĖTŲ skelbimą biudžetą įtrauktos sumos bus
skiriama nuo vieno radijo ir TV?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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