第348章 灭王座! 热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云澈浑身释放着惊人的戾气……他的确被激怒了。天狼斩是他的最强杀招,威力要远胜霸王 การแปล - 第348章 灭王座! 热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云澈浑身释放着惊人的戾气……他的确被激怒了。天狼斩是他的最强杀招,威力要远胜霸王 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第348章 灭王座! 热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云澈浑身释

第348章 灭王座!
热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、








































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 348 out throne! Top recommended:,,,,,,,, Yun Che was released with astonishing hostility ... ... Indeed, that he was provoked. Days Wolf cut is he of most strong killed enrollment, power to far WINS fighter anger and meteorite months sank star, has been yilai, days Wolf cut a out, are is invincible, no reversible its edge, and today, he of days Wolf cut first was completely suppressed, also let he was detonation into underground, crumpled, body of size wound, added up foot has more than 30 more at, within Fu also has has not light of trauma. "I'll be right ... ... Will you die!! ” "Purgatory! ” Yun Che a roar, eyes, suddenly covered with a blood-red glow. For a moment, his wound all cracked, blood splash, and his black breath, and then suddenly shot up. Burning will burn and your child teeth were about to attack again, suddenly felt the aura from Yun Che who change and surprise. Before the fight, he has made the effort, or even traumatized ... ... But his power breath, but then suddenly soared and soared to the extent of a burn there was awesome. "Is it, is his use of the forbidden sneak peek? "Burning Ziya sink channels. "Should be so! Maybe, he burns his blood ... ... This measure, he is a spent force, immediately solving him! ” Two throne after a brief standstill, and growl of a voice, burn two days India falls from the sky, Xiang Yunche, days of hope. This time, Yun Che not dodged, but suddenly the two burning day printing, jumping straight up, long que on a hard hit. A sound bang, two remember has terrorist power of burn days printing in touch touch to Dragon que of that moment, on as two Zhang tissue like was completely of tear, Yun Che of body just was short of barrier, then continues to up, in burn meaning must and burn child teeth suddenly contraction of pupil among, straight straight into the to has they of ahead, distance they, only left not to three Zhang of away. A pair of full of wicked, murderous and savage eyes eye burning Yi Jue and burn, get cold as the throne they all burst. They just want to do something, all of a sudden a tightness in the chest, a deep feeling of suffocation comes, even their brain, suddenly appeared a strong sense of vertigo, to move the body as suddenly froze, half unable to move. Down their operations, was a violent collision, and terror to the extreme power of coercion. Yun Che hands clutching long que, arm had swelled to twice times the weight at ordinary times, track blood flow out of the lasing. Whites and pupils of his eyes disappear completely, instead, is a two-point fully bloody eyes, as if from a unit of purgatory, wicked and violent or sudden release at this moment. "Jedi 滅 day!! ” 轰!!!!!! The entire city of pale fire, was completely wrapped in a roar like heaven falls,Earth crumbles, and all other sound was completely engulfed. Pale Fire city trembling violently, below a few years land was set off to fly directly, gravel and dust kicked up hundreds of feet high, almost touching the broken clouds in the sky. Around the two moments of hearing of all wait-and-see, whether elders of burning heavenly gate, city of the plain and pale fire, is a simply irresistible storm rolled up, impact has been so far. 无尽的惊骇出现在了所有人的脸上,这股力量之恐怖,超出了他们所有人的认知!纵然是强如焚义绝与焚子牙,今生也从未见过如此恐怖的力量。他们完全无法想象,这个不到二十岁的年轻人,究竟是凭借什么,轰出如此恐怖的力量。 滅天绝地,邪神诀第三式,也是云澈必须承受严重代价,透支玄力甚至生命才能释放出的终极毁灭杀招。 当初在排位战,面对整体实力胜过自己的夏倾月,他第一次动用了这一招。而第二次动用,面对的,是两大王玄!而它的恐怖,纵然是两大王座,也根本无法承受。 恐怖绝伦的毁灭风暴中,焚义绝和焚子牙如同两只断了线的风筝般飞了出去,他们的胸口都是血肉模糊,仿若炸开了一般。不过,身为王座,他们虽然重伤,但还不至于如此就死了,在倒飞之中,他们拼尽全力聚起混乱不堪的玄力,来镇压住身上的伤势……而这时,随着漫天沙尘的淡去,人们看到了一道赤红色的火焰之影如划破天际的流星,骤然冲向焚子牙,速度,竟要胜过被滅天绝地轰开的焚子牙。 “凤翼天穹!!”云澈目带凶光,身上玄力混乱而又狂暴的如沸腾的开水,随着一声巨响,在焚子牙绝望的眼神之中,龙阙重重撞击在他的身上,一团暴烈的凤凰之炎在他的身上炸开…… “下地狱之后,别忘了告诉你们的老祖宗,杀你们……毁掉你们焚天门的人,叫云澈!!” 耳边响荡起云澈阴冷到直渗骨髓与灵魂的声音,随之,他的意识完全变成空白,身体带着燃烧的凤凰之炎,如炮弹般坠向了下方。 在凤翼天穹的反震力下,云澈被冲击到高空之中,他盯着焚子牙的落点,将全身最后的一丝力量,倾注在了龙阙之上。 “凤凰……破!!” 龙阙遍体燃炎,脱离云澈手掌破空而去,狠狠的贯穿刚刚坠地,还留有最后一口气的焚子牙,狂暴的力量涌入他的体内,将他的五脏六腑摧毁成了一团浆糊。焚子牙眼珠外凸,喉咙里却已无法发出最后的惨叫声,就这么瞪大着眼睛,失去了所有的声息。 一代王玄,就此死在了云澈的剑下。 云澈的身躯从空中自由坠下,此时的他全身已虚软的再也没有了一丝力气,玄脉的三个境关也全部自行关闭,身上的伤势,也让他的大脑出现了阵阵眩晕,他最后看了一眼跌落在两里之外的焚义绝,嘶哑着声音道:“小婵……我们走!” 雪凰兽从玄印飞出,接住下坠中的云澈,腾空而起,远远遁去。焚天门的几个长老想要追上,但雪凰兽的速度,又岂是他们所能追及,他们只能眼睁睁的看着雪凰兽以他们望尘莫及的速度快速消失在视线之中。“太上长老……太上长老!!” 来到焚子牙的躯体旁,却发现他已是五脏尽毁,毫无生命气息,几大长老都是眼前一黑,几乎当场眩晕过去,口中,更是发出悲天跄地的痛呼声。 太上长老惨死……这在焚天门历史上,是从未有过的事。 一个王玄强者被击杀,在整个苍风帝国的历史上,都是几乎从未发生过的事。 因为王玄,已是真正意义上的苍风之巅,到了这个境界,已足以俯视苍生,天下无敌。同为王玄,或者可以被打败,但基本不可能被杀死,焚义绝的玄力高过焚子牙两个等级,可以将之战胜,但想要杀掉他,却是极其难以做到。 而四大宗门之所以屹立苍风帝国如此多年,最最核心的原因,便是这四大宗门之中所存在的王座! 天玄境界,虽是苍风玄界的极高境界,但绝不是只有四大宗门能培养出。苍风帝国的很多强大宗门都可以培养出天玄强者,包括苍风玄府,都有数个天玄强者的存在。 但王玄境界的强者,从来都只出现在四大宗门之中。 四大宗门所拥有的王玄强者,是他们宗门真真正正的基石和守护神。宗门每多一个王座,便完全意味着整个宗门的实力提升一个等级,这也是为什么当初在排位战,楚月婵展露王座之力时,其他三大宗门的反应会是那般剧烈。








การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 348 off the throne!
Hot:,,,,,,, clouds covered the release of Che astonishing hostility ...... he really was incensed. Sirius cut his strongest Shazhao, even more than the power of anger and meteorite month King Shen star, it has been a Sirius cut, conquering all, no reversible cutting edge, and today, his Sirius beheading times are completely suppressed, but also let him be bombers into the ground, find, body size wounds, thirty feet together multiple, neifu also have not light wounds. "I'll be going ...... you die !!" "Purgatory!" Yun Chol roar, eyes being suddenly cast a blood-red light. Moment, his wounds all cracked, blood flowers scattered, and his breath mysterious force, are then suddenly surge. Yi Jue and burning burning Ziya just want to attack again, and suddenly felt a change in the gas field from the cloud Che who, while surprise. Before the fight, he clearly is best, but also even traumatized ...... but his strength breath, actually at this point he suddenly jumped, jumped into a burning righteousness must make are deeply awe-inspiring level. "Is, is what he spent Cheats taboo?" Burn Ziya Chen Sheng Road. "It should be so! Perhaps, he burned his essence and blood ...... then this calculation, he is a spent force, he immediately resolved!" throne after two brief stagnation, while growled, two in mind burning days India down from the heavens, cloud hurtled Che day spirit. This time, the cloud Che did not dodge, but suddenly facing two burning day India, jump straight up, hit violently on Long Que. Bang, remember with horror the power of two burning days Long Que printed in touch the moment, as the two are completely torn tissue-like cloud Che's body but was short of the barrier, and then continue upward, burning and burning in the absolute righteousness Ziya sudden contraction of the pupils among them rushed straight ahead, away from them, only less than thirty feet away. One pair filled with endless demon, murderous and violent burning eyes close watch Yi Jue and burning Ziya, so as a throne of their whole body chills. They just want to do something, all of a sudden chest tightness, came an deep sense of suffocation, and even their brains have suddenly appeared heavy sense of vertigo, you want to move this body even as suddenly frozen, You can not move for a long time. Neutralize their actions, now it is a violent collision, force coercion extreme terror. Yun Chol hands clutching Long Que, arms swollen to twice normal thickness, round after round of blood lasing. Among the whites of his eyes and the pupil disappeared, instead, are two completely turned bloody eye pupil, as if from an air Xiongsha purgatory and harsh, at this moment suddenly released. "Off days Jedi !!" Boom! ! ! ! ! ! Cang fire throughout the city, is completely enveloped in Tiantadexian are like the roar among all other sounds were completely engulfed. Cang fire city shuddered violently, the number of land directly underneath where the lift to fly, crushed stone dust raised several Baizhang high, almost touching the sky broken clouds. Around the ears and instantly all wait and see who's deaf, whether it is the day the door of the burning elders, or those of ordinary people Cang fire the city, they are simply irresistible storm surge rolled, has been the impact of a very far. Endless horror appeared in everyone's face, this force of terror, all of them beyond recognition! Even with the strong burning Ziya Rufen Yi Jue, life has never seen such a terrible force. They are completely unable to imagine that this young man less than two years old, what is with what smacked such a terrible force. Jedi off days, Cthulhu tactic third type, but also cloud Che must bear the expense of serious, even life overdraft mysterious force to release the ultimate destruction Shazhao. He had in the qualifying battle, facing the overall strength than their summer pour month, his first to use this trick. The second use, face, are the two Wang Xuan! And it's terror, even though the two throne, it simply can not afford. Horror exquisite destruction of the storm, the burning and burning Ziya Yi Jue off the line as the two fly off like a kite, they are bloody chest, like a remote control exploded in general. However, as the throne, although they injured, but still not so died, in inverted among them doing all gathered together chaotic mysterious force to suppress live body injury ...... And then, with the the dust of the sky faded, people see a red flame red shadow across the sky as a meteor, suddenly rushed into the burning Ziya, speed, actually destroyed day to be better than the Jedi blew open the burn Ziya. "Phoenix wing sky !!" cloud Che mesh belt fiercely, body mysterious force but violent chaos as boiling water, with a bang, in the eyes of despair among the burning Ziya, Long Que heavily hit in his body, a violent group of Phoenix inflammation in his body exploded ...... "After the hell, do not forget to tell your ancestors, I will kill you ...... ruin your day the door of the burning man, called cloud Che !!" ear Yun Chul cold side ring Dangqi to direct infiltration of bone marrow and soul sound, followed, his consciousness completely goes blank, the body with burning Phoenix inflammation, such as a shell-like hurtled downward. Fan Zhen force chicken wings in the sky, the cloud Che was shocked to high altitude, he stared at the burning Ziya placement, the body last vestiges of power, poured in the top of Long Que. "Phoenix ...... break !!" Long Que over the body burning inflammation, Che palm piercing away from the cloud, just fell to the ground through a bitter, also left last breath burning Ziya, violent power into his body It will destroy his internal organs into a group paste. Ziya convex burning eyes, throat actually has been unable to issue a final screams, so widened his eyes, lost all sound. Wang Xuan generation, died in the sword under this cloud Che. Cloud Che's body falling freely from the air, this time his body was no longer virtual soft no trace of effort, three mysterious customs territory veins are all shut down on their own, the body of the injury, but also to his brain appears array Array dizziness, he finally looked at two miles outside of the drop in burning Yi Jue, hoarse voice: "! Xiaochan ...... we go" snow Indian flying phoenix from the mysterious beast, catch falling Cloud Che, sky, far fled. Tianmen burning some of the elders want to catch up, but the speed of the snow beast Phoenix, a blessing they can chase and they could only watch as snow phoenix beast with their unmatched speed quickly disappeared in the line of sight. "Too much on too much on the elders of the elders ...... !!" came next Ziya burning body, but found that he is doomed internal organs, without a breath of life, several elders are in front of a black, almost on the spot dizziness in the past, the mouth , it is to issue a sad day stagger pain cry. Too much on the elders died in the burning days ...... This door's history, never had to do. A王玄强who were slain in the history of the entire Cang wind Empire, it is almost never has happened. Because Wang Xuan, Cang wind is the summit of the true sense, to this state, it is sufficient overlooking the common people, invincible. Same as Wang Xuan, or can be defeated, but basically can not be killed, the burning of the absolute righteousness of mysterious force Ziya two grades higher than the burning, it can be overcome, but you want to kill him, but it is extremely difficult to do to. While the four large doors reason so many years standing Cang wind Empire, most core reason, is among the four large doors that exist throne! Tianxuan realm, though it is extremely mysterious realm Cang wind sector, but it is not only able to train four large doors. Cang wind Munekado many powerful empires can cultivate Tianxuan strong, including the presence of Cang wind Xuanfu, we have several Tianxuan strong. But Wang Xuan realm of the strong, never appeared in only four large doors into. Four large doors have Wangxuan Jiang, was the door that they were really the cornerstone and the patron saint. Each of these doors more than a throne, would be completely meant to enhance the strength of the entire case of the door to a class, which is why the war had in qualifying, showing off the power of the throne when Chuyue Chan, the reaction of the other three large doors will is so intense. Conversely, if there is a fall throne, then the status of the whole of these doors, will plummet! Real deterrent four large doors between each other, and never all powerful realm throne. At least one, it is a lot less of a deterrent. Yun Chol Although burning killed elders Gezhu Tianmen over thirty Tianxuan realm, but by no means ruined foundation of burning days of the door, to give the burning of Tianmen decades, they can then train dozens Tianxuan . There are too home sits on the primary and elders too, Cang wind inside, these doors have no guts stepped in, because the two throne glass slide, enough to make the Sword Hills this and other behemoths have paid a heavy price. And too much on the elders died, which burn for the whole day the door, is a mind extreme heavy blow. They never thought about, but do not believe ...... Yun Chol actually have too much on the ability of their elders Munekado kill. Kneeling beside the body burn burning Ziya elders face gloomy day, while weeping. Burning justice must also seriously injured when he finally breathed, his face pale, Shou Wu chest, weak voice said: "? How Ziya ......" days of the elders around him burning tears, hoarseness Road : "too ...... too Presbyterian elders him ...... he ...... he went cents ......" Yi Jue burning body of a stiff, then violent shaking up, he looked away Ziya burning corpses, pale lips shiver : "Take me back ...... ...... ...... Munekado" Poof ...... a mouthful of blood must Kuangpen out from the mouth of the burning righteousness, in the elders of screams, a crooked his head, fainted on the spot. Huang Yun Chol With snow beast distant left, now I do not know to where. Burning Tianmen elders brought up unconscious and burning burning Lethal justice must, and Ziya burning corpses, pale gray fly to the direction of the door of the burning days. Leaving a congregation in the endless shock in a long time unable to return to God onlookers, many of them have been more than ** and while that is a light or a heavy injury, but my brain is just witnessed scenes fully feel the pain of the body. Cang city fire two feet wide, ten feet high rock gates disappear, large-scale collapse of the walls, destroyed large tracts of land south of the unspeakable, as just after a doomsday catastrophe, a pit in which the dotted the biggest one foot a few feet deep, the number of Baizhang wide. Cang fire the city of Santo body clothes are already wet, before the city fire Cang finally restored calm, his heart still beating, although if you want to jump out of his chest, he forced wiping the perspiration from his forehead ...... He very determined in the next over a long period of time, the city will become the focus of fire Cang Cang wind throughout the country, a huge situation, also swept the country immediately. R1058 section errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 348th chapter de throne!
:,,,, hot,,,

clouds all over the release of striking hostility...... He was really angry. Sirius cut is his strongest to kill to recruit, might be far better than the king anger and moonfall Shen star, has been since Sirius cut a is invincible, no reversible the edge, but today, his Sirius cut first is completely suppressed, also let he was banging in underground, crumpled, the size of the wound, add up to enough to have more than 30 places, inside the Fu is not light wound. "I'll...... We want you to die!!"


clouds a roar, binocular,Suddenly covered with a layer of blood red light. For a moment, his scars all broken, blood splattered, and his breath in this mysterious force, also suddenly soared. Burn and burn
the righteousness of Ziya just to attack again, suddenly felt the change from gas clouds on the body, also be startled at. Before the fight, he clearly has been to do the best, but also the trauma...... But his strength was in the breath, then suddenly jumped, jumped to a burning let righteousness are awe inspiring degree. It is, "

he used what taboo cheats?" Burn the Ziya sink a track.

"should be so! Perhaps,He is burning his blood...... So this is, he is also a spent force, he immediately resolved!" Two

thestagnation throne, while low growl, two Fantian India falls from the sky, falling Xiang Yun clear sky.

this time, clouds not dodge, but suddenly in two Fantian India, straight jump up, hit the fierce dragon que.
a loud noise, two record has a power terrible Fantian printed on touch dragon que of that a moment, just like two pieces of tissue paper is completely torn, Che Yun body just by a temporary barrier, and then continue to to, in the burn and burn Ziya sudden contraction of the pupil among.Straight to their front, from them, only less than three feet away.

a pair of filled with endless demon, murderous and furious eyes gaze at the the burning righteousness and burn Ziya, let the body for the throne of their whole body have a cold. They just wanted to have an action, all of a sudden chest stuffy, a surge of deep asphyxia feeling coming, even their brains, suddenly appeared a heavy sense of vertigo, the mobile body unexpectedly like suddenly was frozen, the along while could not move.

repress their action, is a violent collision, the power of coercion to the extreme terror.
clouds his hands clutching the long arms que, has been expanded to two times the usual thickness,
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