第414掌 以命搏命纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “跑啊,你怎么不跑了?是认命了,还是已经被吓破胆了?”凤赤火狂笑起来:“算了 การแปล - 第414掌 以命搏命纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “跑啊,你怎么不跑了?是认命了,还是已经被吓破胆了?”凤赤火狂笑起来:“算了 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第414掌 以命搏命纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “跑啊

第414掌 以命搏命






































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
No. 414 Palm to fight Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "Run, why didn't you run? Be resigned or have you been scared bile? "Phoenix red fire laughing:" well, cat and mouse game also ended, although an inordinate amount of time on you, but there is such a huge windfall, but also not to lose. Heard you were Sofu Royal Hospital ... ... Gee, the birds were Sofu Emperor is incredibly low and all the citizens know, husband of magic demon world demon who do not know what reaction will ... ... HA HA HA HA. ” After a laugh, chicken red fire looks suddenly overcast: "although I do not kill you, but before the sovereign to us ... ... You'll leave with a bloody stump! Before you ... tease me to pay the Bill ... ... And now you count!Phoenix red fire suddenly swoops down from the sky, a wave of his arm yanked. In an instant, a full three feet wide pillar shot down, then quickly huaxing, when near the front of Yun Che, has turned into a dancing flame Phoenix, hot temperature, almost to the Earth are completely melted. Phoenix flame, Yun Che without fear or favour, but the flames, there is a black impact from the high throne, Yun Che look dignified, instantly grabs the Dragon towers, a roar, EPEE reverse force on the air, flames of the Phoenix. Whew!!Phoenix's inflammatory and EPEE storm head-on, Yun Che's hair was wildly blowing, face distorts, EPEE interest only support half of the time, it was completely breaks, Fire Phoenix raging down the impact on Huang Yun Che and snow beast's body. 凤凰炎力爆发的声音如滚滚闷雷,那恐怖无比的灼热让周围的空间都骤然膨胀,火焰之中传来云澈的闷哼和雪凰兽的悲鸣,一人一兽一个被冲向了东方,一个被冲向了西方…… “小婵!” 雪凰兽完全失去了平衡,如一片被狂风卷起的落叶,落向数百丈之外……原本雪白的双翼之上,快速的蔓延起两片触目惊心的血色,落下之后,再无声息。它毕竟只是一个天玄兽,又怎能承受的起一个高级王座的一击。 砰!云澈的也重重落地,剧烈的冲击将地面砸出一个巨大的深坑。落下后的云澈全身衣服碎乱,遍染血迹,四肢不断抽搐,几乎是用尽了全身的力量,他才扶着龙阙,挣扎着站了起来,大口的喘着粗气。 “茉莉,以我现在的身体,最多可以维持‘炼狱’状态多久?”云澈沉声问道。 茉莉也很清楚,凤赤火认出了云澈的玄罡,那么无论如何,都必须杀了他。要杀凤赤火,他必须强行开启炼狱境关。她慎重的道:“十五息……最最极限,也不能超过二十息。否则,你全身的血管都会爆裂,就算是大道浮屠诀也救不了你!”“啧啧,真是不错,难怪皇子要专门派我来杀你,果然有两把刷子,受了我三成力量的一招,居然没被打个半死,还能站起来。” 凤赤火从空中落下,不紧不慢的走向云澈,轻蔑的目光如同在看一只待宰的羔羊,他活动着手腕,眼中闪动着残虐的目光:“你让我这只手臂流了不少血,连骨头都出现了几道裂痕,为了报答你这份恩赐,你说我是该把你全身的骨头一根根掰断,还是一块块捏碎呢?” 云澈紧咬着牙,硬生生的拔起重剑,全身摇摇欲坠:“今天就算要死,拼了命,我也要在你身上……多留几个伤口!” 说完,云澈大吼一声,摇摇晃晃的举起重剑,砸向距离他已经只有三步之遥的凤赤火。“哈哈哈哈!”迎面而来的重剑没有半点的气势,反而坠的云澈的身体随时可能倒下,凤赤火一声大笑,轻蔑的伸手抓向龙阙:“就凭你,也配伤……” 就在凤赤火的手掌即将碰触到龙阙时,云澈的眼神陡然一变,“炼狱”瞬间开启,原本摇摇欲坠的云澈如一头忽然在深渊中苏醒的猛兽,全身爆发出恐怖绝伦的气势。 “陨月沉星!!” 一声震天龙吟从龙阙上释放,云澈脚下的大地猛然一震,蜘网般的裂痕疯狂蔓延……这突如其来的变化,让凤赤火脸色大变,但如此近的距离,他就算是神仙,也根本难以做出反应……饱含着云澈全部力量的一剑,狠狠的砸在了他的手臂上。 轰!!“咔嚓”一声骨骼碎裂的声音被淹没在惊天动地的力爆声中,周围的山石被重剑风暴疯狂的卷起,然后被毁灭成最细小的碎尘。凤赤火的左臂肘骨被直接砸断,整个人在巨大冲击下如飞天陀螺一般被砸到百丈之外,狠狠的撞击在一块高大的山石上,将山石砸的粉碎。 以云澈的实力,要击败王玄境六级的凌天逆,都必须和夏倾月联手。要独自战胜这王玄境八级的凤赤火,正常的对抗,他没有一丝一毫的胜算!若是能持续开启炼狱,他或许能和凤赤火对抗,但要杀死他,也是几乎不可能……更何况,他的炼狱状态,最多只能开启十五息,超过十五息,他便是在玩命,超过二十息,那便是在找死。 而他想要杀掉凤赤火,唯一的希望……就是拼尽自己所有的力量与意志,甚至透支生命!同时,还要用尽所有可用的策略与手段——哪怕再卑鄙无耻。以云澈的身体强度,凤赤火三成力量的一击,还是火焰属性的攻击,断然不会让他那么狼狈,就连衣服的碎烂,和那些数量众多的小伤口,都是他用自己的力量崩出来的……为的,就是这一刻。而效果,更是比预料中的好的多……直接废了凤赤火一只手臂! 面对只剩一只手臂可用的凤赤火,他的希望,自然大了很多! 一声愤怒之极的嘶吼,凤赤火从碎石中站了起来,他整只左臂都耷拉了下来,形状更是呈现着可怕的扭曲,他右手抓着已疼痛难忍,骨头尽断的左臂,疯了一般的咆哮起来:“云澈……我要把你碎尸万段!!凤赤火活了一百多岁,战斗经验无比丰富,绝不是那种狂妄自大,目空一切的人,相反,就是面对弱于自己的对手,他也会十分谨慎……但,云澈实在是太弱,地玄境,比他弱上整整两个大境界,他怎么可能会有防备?一只猛虎面对一只受伤的豺狼或许还会有防备之心,但怎么可能会提防一只受伤的幼兔。 他手臂剧痛钻心,但远远不及他心中的震惊……云澈刚才忽然爆发的力量,那是高级王座才可能有的力量,怎么可能出自一个地玄境玄者的手中。 他刚吼出声,眼前忽然人影一晃,云澈竟已主动攻了上来,身上所携带的气势,比之之前丝毫不弱,尤其他的双目之中,竟闪动着血红色的光芒。“死!!”愤怒与怨恨顷刻间淹没了凤赤火所有的情绪,他大吼一声,右臂横出,灌注着狂暴玄力的手掌径直抓向云澈的心口……势要直接将云澈的心脏撕烂。在云澈的暗算之下被砸掉一只手臂,他哪还会管云澈是不是幻妖界妖人,极怒之下,只想将他全身都撕成碎片。














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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
414 Palm glass slide to life
text read online site domain synchronous read phone visit "ran, how you do not run a fate, or have been Ghost Ship of??" phoenix red fire roared with laughter: " Well, cat scratch mouse also the end of the game, although in your body to spend too much time, but with such a huge windfall, it would not lose. I heard that you still Cang wind royal consort ...... Gee , and if so the birds emperor Cang wind and a congregation of low country nationals actually know dignified consort sorcerer magic demon world, I do not know how wonderful would be a reaction ...... ha ha ha ha. " After the laughter, the fire phoenix red face suddenly all of a sudden overcast down: "I do not kill you, but to us in the only sovereign before ...... I will let you die than live this account before you tease me ...... right now and you have a good math!.! phoenix red fire suddenly swooped down from the air, waved his arm and shoved. moment, thirty feet wide and a foot pillar of fire flying down, and then quickly changing shape, close to the cloud in front of Che, the flame has been turned into a flying phoenix, hot temperatures, almost wishing the earth is completely melted. Phoenix flame, cloud Che no fear, but the flames, there is a mysterious force from the impact of advanced throne, the cloud Che face solemn, instantly grabbed Long Que, roar , epee of force against the air and on the straight Phoenix welcome the flame. call !! inflammation Phoenix collided with epee storm clouds Che's hair was blowing wild, there have been distorted faces, the only force epee support the interest of time and a half, he was completely broken punch, flame Phoenix violent and under, who shocks in the cloud and snow Che beast Phoenix. Phoenix inflammation force erupted sounds like muffled thunder rolling, unparalleled terror burning all around to make space sudden expansion, the flames came the cloud and snow Huang Che Menheng beast lament, one person, one animal one was rushed to the East, one was rushed to the West ...... "Xiaochan! " Snow Phoenix beast completely out of balance, such as a piece by wind rolled leaves, fall to several Baizhang outside ...... white wings above the original, from the rapid spread of two bloody shocking, after falling, no sound It is after all just a Tianxuan beast, how can withstand a high throne from the blow. Bang! Yun Chol is also a heavy landing, the ground dramatic impact punched a huge pit cloud Che after falling body clothes broken chaos, over the stained blood, limbs continue to twitch, almost exhausted body strength, he was leaning on Long Que, struggled to stand up, big mouth and breathing heavily. "Jasmine, in my body now, up to keep the 'purgatory' state how long? "Cloud Che Chen Sheng asked. Jasmine is also very clear, red fire phoenix recognized the cloud Che mysterious gang, then in any case, you must kill him. kill phoenix red fire, he had to break open border shut purgatory. She cautiously said: "fifteen most interest ...... limit, nor more than twenty messages. Otherwise, your body's blood vessels will burst, even Buddha Avenue tactics will not save you! " "Gee, really good, no wonder Prince to specifically sent me to kill you, really solid two, three percent of my strength by a move, did not actually beaten half to death, but also to stand up. " phoenix red fire falling from the sky, leisurely toward cloud Che, disdain like watching a lamb to be slaughtered, he activities of the wrist, eyes flashing with raging eyes: "You let me only arm lot of blood flow, even the bones have appeared a few cracks, in order to repay you this gift, you said I was the body of your bones snapping a root, or a block crush it? " Cloud Che clenched teeth, abruptly uprooted epee, systemic crumbling: "Today even death, mad, I have to stay in your body ...... several wounds! " Then, cloud Che screaming, rickety lift epee, he has only three steps from the pound away from phoenix red fire. "Ha ha ha ha! "Oncoming epee not the slightest momentum, but cloud fall of Che's body may fall at any time, phoenix red fire a laugh, contemptuous reaching out to Long Que:" Relying on you, but also with hurt ...... " Just as the phoenix palms red fire dragon is about to touch Que, cloud Che's eyes suddenly changed, "Purgatory" instant on, had crumbling cloud Che as a head suddenly wake up in the abyss of the beast, the body broke out exquisite horror momentum. "meteorite star Shen month! ! " I heard thunder dragon Dragons released from Que, cloud Che foot of the earth suddenly startled, spider web-like cracks spread madness ...... this sudden change, so the fire phoenix red face became pale, but so close, he even is immortal, it can hardly react ...... full of sword cloud Che full force, severely hit on his arm. Boom !! "click" sound of bone cracking sound was drowned in the earth-shattering force explosive sound, surrounding rocks are crazy epee storm rolled up, and then be destroyed into the tiniest pieces of dust. phoenix red fire left arm elbow bone was smashed directly, the people at the huge impact such as flying gyroscope generally hit Baizhang outside, severely impact on a tall rocks, the rocks hit the ground. In the cloud Che's strength, to beat Wang Xuan Ling six days against the territory, must be poured and summer months together. To This alone beat Feng Wang Xuan Habitat eight red fire, normal confrontation, not a shred of his chance of winning! If they could continuously open purgatory, he might be able to fight and phoenix red fire, but to kill him, but also almost impossible ...... What's more, his purgatory state, can only open fifteen interest, over fifteen interest, he is in your life, more than twenty-interest, and that is the court death. And he wants to kill the phoenix red fire, only hope ...... is doing all his strength and determination, even overdraft life, we must also have exhausted all available strategies and means! - even then despicable. In physical strength cloud Che, Fung red fire three into force of a attack, or attack the flame properties, categorically will not let him so embarrassed, and even pieces of clothes rotten, and those numerous small wounds, he used all his strength out of ...... for the collapse, that is, at this moment. The effect, Geng Shibi anticipated much better ...... direct waste phoenix red fire arm! face Fung red fire only one arm available, he hopes, naturally much larger! extremely angry cry roar, phoenix red fire station from the rubble up, his whole left arm were drooping down, shape is showing the terrible distortions have pain clutching his right hand, left arm broken bones do crazy the general growled: "Cloud Che ...... I want you to cut to pieces! ! Phoenix red fire live a hundred years old, very rich combat experience, not the kind of arrogant, supercilious man, on the contrary, is the face of weaker than his opponent, he will be very cautious ...... but, really cloud Che It is too weak to mysterious territory, than the weak full two big state he, how could he have to prepare? A tiger face a wounded wolves might also have heart preparedness, but how might beware of a wounded young rabbits. Terrible pain in his arm, but far less than the shock ...... Yun Chol just suddenly broke the strength of his mind, that's only senior throne may have strength, how could one be from the hands of the mysterious Occult. He had just shouted out loud, eyes suddenly flashed shadows, clouds Che torn up the initiative to attack, who carried the momentum, than before not weak, especially among his eyes, actually blood red flashing light. "Dead!" Anger and resentment instant drowned phoenix red fire all the emotions, he yelled out, right arm outfeed, perfusion with violent force Xuan hand grip straight to the cloud Che chest ...... potential to directly Cloud Che's heart tore. Under the cloud of Che plot shatter an arm, which he also managed cloud Che is not magic demon world magician, under extreme anger, just his whole body to shreds. Cries it! ! Red fire phoenix palm strike empty, around the same time there have been four cloud Che's figure, phoenix red fire after all extremely rich experience, although not panic disorder, do not direct the orientation lock cloud Che, the body surging Phoenix mysterious force, to H to four weeks. Bang !! Feng Yun Chol flashed red fire at the rear, the dragon Que hit solidly in the red phoenix fire back, at the same time, phoenix red fire instantly detonated mysterious force, but also solidly bombardment in the cloud Che's chest. Two shares of different forces while the outbreak of turbulence surrounding mountains were shaking violently, Che's chest exploded a cloud of blood flower, severely inverted out, phoenix red fire more painful, was severely hit Long Que terrain and then get out as far as hoist a roll, the top of the back, smashed a foot and a half deep finger groove. Smashing his hand, he jumped up, not stand, but suddenly found Che turned upside down in a cloud in the air suddenly stalled, and then the whole body lights the fire, such as a meteor fell from coming to him. Chicken wings sky! ! "What ...... What !!" phoenix red fire eyes widened, I could not believe how Che escape the cloud in the air, or the next state borrows smashed fly, his eyes dark, a group of intense extreme Phoenix Yan burning ...... whole palm on the right hand, without reservation embodies all his strength, Hong Xiang Yun Chol at his angry roar. Faced phoenix red fire attack, cloud Che Dropping speed is unabated, and even direction without any deviation, was actually to vapid by phoenix red fire this attack, but also his sword and gun ... ... fully hit, phoenix red fire even think closing strokes is too late, in the face of cloud Che entirely glass slide to life the play, phoenix red fire widened eyes tightly, burst roar: "court death !!" Boom! ! ! ! ! ! Cloud Che Long Que, with phoenix palm red fire hit at the same time in each other's body ...... moment, vascular cloud Che lot of crack on the arm, chest burst from a large group of blood flower, several broken ribs and sternum root, Even the viscera, round after round of cracks have appeared, the people directly Hongxiang Baizhang high altitude. The red fire phoenix body to the left of the sternum and the ribs are all algorithm of fault, the location directly offset inch heart, the blood flow into stocks as the fountain-like discharge from the wound. He could not imagine that he was hit by one, mysterious habitat younger sword injured in such a way, and their positive hit quanliyiji, but not even the other side of the boom in the crushed body strength is not even able to bang into each other's internal organs, then blocked tightly. Such a force, such a body ...... how could only be mysterious territory ...... how could! ! A brief fight, the two have all the body is blood, the body is injured. Because cloud Che did not want a fight with him, not life insurance or beat him, but to his death! In order to kill the phoenix red fire, which more than a dozen short interest, he must put all the forces poured over the attack, without any power and time to disperse and evade defense. "Day - Wolves - cut !!" Che cloud sky trauma injuries did not take into account, no other body balance, epee has re full bombers under a shadow Sirius roared toward the phoenix red fire, severely impact in his chest ...... phoenix red fire in my body strength, the shadow of the wearer against Sirius, but his body was retrogression speed impact between the feet an instant will join dozens of ground plow Long Gully, Kankan offset Sirius cut the power, but he has not come and take a breath, cloud Che falling from the sky, sword and gun, the phoenix red fire Wawataijiao, pour fire for the sword, but This time, he is not attacking cloud Che, but in Phoenix inflammation sword efforts against the lower cloud cloud Che Che's epee ...... mouths glass slide, but the phoenix red fire, how would willingly and cloud Che glass slide to life . To the moment, the face of the powerful forces of terror, and as a madman to hurt injury cloud for-Che, his anger, has quickly been replaced by dread and fear. Cloud Che Mei Yijian blasted, blood vessels will burst dozens arm root, two arms instant case blood red one, just as disseminated through the blood pool. His wounds continue to collapse in the blood, internal injuries as he is unreserved in escalating attacks, but he did regardless, Mei Yijian are vicious to the extreme. boom! boom! boom! Boom ...... R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Article 414 palm to life Boming
polyphonic pure text online reading this domain name mobile phone reading please visit

"run ah. Why don't you run the? Is the fate, or have been frightened?" Red Phoenix Fire guffaw: "calculate, cat and mouse game is over, although spend too much time on your body, but with such a huge windfall, but also do not have a deficit I heard you're sofu Royal consort...... Gee, if let the Cang breeze in the bird in the emperor and all the low national know dignified consort is incredibly unreal demon world the sorcerer, I do not know is how wonderful the reaction... Ha ha ha ha." After laughing

,The red fire phoenix's face suddenly overcast down: "although I don't kill you, but give us just before the lord...... I will let you die! Before you. Make fun of me...... And now you do the math!
Feng red fire from the air suddenly swooped down, suddenly waved his arm. Instant, the foot has three feet wide fire fly to shoot down, then quickly form, near Che Yun before the body has turned into a dancing flames to Phoenix, hot temperature, almost want to the earth are completely melted.

Phoenix Fire, Che Yun did not fear, but the flames and mysterious force impact from senior throne, Che Yun pensively.Instantly grabbed the Dragon que, a roar, the air force inverse Epee, straight towards the fire phoenix. Call!!
Phoenix inflammation and Epee storm collided head-on, Che Yun hair is frenzied blowing face warped and Epee supports only the half of time, they are completely washed pieces, the Phoenix Fire rage and impact in the clouds and snow Phoenix beast.

Phoenix inflammation explosive sound like rolling thunder, the terror matchless hot let the space around all of a sudden expansion, the flames pass to Che Yun, stuffy hum and snow Phoenix beast's lament, a beast of a rushed towards the East, a rushed towards the West.


The snow Phoenix beast completely out of balance, such as a wind rolled leaves, fall to hundreds of feet...... Originally white wings, quickly spread two pieces of shocking blood, after the fall, no sound. It is just a mysterious beast, how can we afford a high throne. Bang!
clouds also landed heavily, severe impact will hit the ground a huge pit. After the fall of Che Yun naked ground and disorderly, times stain of blood, limbs twitching, almost exhausted body strength, he was leaning dragon que, struggling stood up, big breathing heavily.

"jasmine,I am now a body, can maintain the 'purgatory' how long?" Heavy clouds asked.

jasmine is also very clear, red fire phoenix recognized clouds Xuan Gang, so in any case, must kill him. To kill chicken red fire, he must forcibly open closed exit purgatory. Her cautious way: "fifteen interest...... Most extreme limit, and can not exceed twenty. Otherwise, your body will burst blood vessels, even the Buddha tactic will not save you road!"
"Gee, really good, it is no wonder that the prince should specially sent me to kill you, really have two brushes, by my power stroke, didn't be beaten half to death, can stand up."

Red Phoenix Fire fall from the sky, leisurely toward the cloud Che, contemptuous glance like watching a slaughtered lamb, he moves his wrist, eyes flashing with cruelty eyes: "you let my arm was a lot of blood flow, even the bones appeared a few fractures, in order to repay you this gift, you say I am the bone in your body a root breaking, or a block of crush it?"

Che Yun clenched teeth, abruptly pulled up Epee, systemic crumbling: "today even if he was to die, to fight to the death, I also want to in your body...... More than a few wounds!"

then, clouds with a roar, rickety lift epee,At a distance he has only three steps away from the red fire phoenix. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The oncoming sword not the slightest bit of momentum, but falling cloud Che body may fall at any time, red phoenix fire a laugh, contemptuous stretch hand to grasp to the Dragon que: "depends on you, with wounded..."

in the palm red phoenix fire coming to touch the Dragon que, the look in the eyes of the Che Yun suddenly changed, "Purgatory" opened instantly, already shaky cloud Che as a head suddenly in the deep awakening of the beast, systemic broke out terror incomparable momentum. The moon sank star


a deafening dragons released from the Dragon que, clouds at the foot of the earth suddenly an earthquake,The spider web like crazy crack spread...... This sudden change, let Phoenix red fire face big change, but such a close distance, he even is a fairy, it is difficult to make a response...... With the strength of all clouds of the sword, mercilessly hit his arm.

"Kacha" sound of a skeletal fragmentation voice submerged in earthshaking force crackling, epee storms crazy rolled up around the rocks, and destruction of the small pieces of dust. Red Phoenix Fire left arm elbow bone was smashed, the people under the huge impact such as flying gyroscope smashed to outside Baizhang, mercilessly hit on a tall rocks.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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