第346章 独战双王座城儿!!!!” 焚断魂瞳孔收缩,发出一声撕心裂肺的大喊。悬吊焚绝城的粗绳也在这时被焚断。焚断魂冲到坠地的焚绝城面前,玄 การแปล - 第346章 独战双王座城儿!!!!” 焚断魂瞳孔收缩,发出一声撕心裂肺的大喊。悬吊焚绝城的粗绳也在这时被焚断。焚断魂冲到坠地的焚绝城面前,玄 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第346章 独战双王座城儿!!!!” 焚断魂瞳孔收缩,发出一声撕心裂肺

第346章 独战双王座













































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 346 fight double throneCity!!!! ” Burn rains pupillary constriction, let out a piercing yell. Suspension burning of vast cities of rope is then burnt off. Burn rains rushed to the front of the burn must fall, black released without reservation, but were unable to extinguish the flames on his body ... ... Only just watched his son lost calls and struggled in his eyes from a living, turned into a Coke. Phoenix fire burning is no ordinary black fire can be compared to just a few time to breathe and burning vast city from the outside to the inside, even the bones were burned into ashes. Don't leave a body, even the ashes were quickly blown by the wind. Burn the rains stood there, her face pale, like just had a terrible nightmare. And shivering he turned, pointing to Yun Che issued hoarse Growl: "Yun Che ... ... You ... ... Heart of the HI virus! ” Yun Che's face is covered with a sneer, bass said, "my heart, would leave people who are good to me. Treat dog thing, I don't know what a pity! I've been waiting for you to kill him, is to let you get a good taste of lost loved ones pain and mess with me off!! ” "I'll kill you! ” Burn rains emotions completely out of control, he's screaming a loud, grabbed the burning sword, barking into Yun Che. "You are no match for him, step down! "Burning of Yi Jue thundered. Facing the father snapped, advice on weekdays, never trying burning deep sorrow is turned a deaf ear to crazy straight Yun Che, even on the black qi is in disarray. When!! Burn burn days of rains Yun Che sword hit knives fly, the second sword in his chest, his body black instant detonation and burn rains blood spray, falling down from the sky, into a coma. Occult nine grades of the day he is unfit to have Yun Che opponents under the confused and distraught, but was injured by two swords Yun Che. Watching his grandson was burned to ashes, his son wounded, Yi Jue-burning eyes became Red, his hoarse voice: "vengeance ... ... Was sworn!! ” Burn the vast body of mysterious crazy transfers, he releases the power surge in a Flash ... ... Under extremely angry, every cell, he forces began to full boil, and the mob roared, one size fits all Xiang Yunche sky, filled with a huge black tornado in the tip, tore up crack of the ROAR. Blat from!! Yun Che stood back to back, the ground directly beneath his feet are mysterious Storm cut out to reveal a flat crater. Yi Jue-burning eyes firmly locked Yun Che, left hand reached out, picked a strange Indian knot, a majestic sea force sudden condensation, a storm surge. "Burning day India!! ” Flash, burning vast space suddenly volatile with Yun Che a sudden ripple, a huge energy down the handprints in the sky, such as the hand of God, cover Xiang Yunche's head. Violent repression, Yun Che action appeared a moment of stagnation. Yun Che movement a slow, eyes cold, long que picked up, shouting, gave up. 轰!!!! Thunder-like thunder rang out over the city of pale fire, miles many moments of both ears buzz, black eyes, a like real black storm crazy swings open, pale fire rock the city gates as rotten wood is crushed by impact. Whirling clouds of dust and sudden eruptions of purple fire enveloped the Yun Che and burn meaning must figure, people open their eyes, unblinking, the floating dust and clouds of fire ... ... They want to know who actually got the upper hand? Strong like Yun Che of myth, and withstood the angry blow from the throne. Fire cloud of dust, there was a roar of the sword collided, in the continuous burst black storm, fire cloud and dust soon spread, and burning of Yi Jue and Yun Che figure. Xiao Che two sleeves are all exploding, arms full of trails small bloodstains, still has a touch of blood on her lips. Burning must dress the same broken, on his arm, a long, thick bloodstain shocking. "This danger, even though I burned all his blood, are going to kill you!! ” Yi Jue-burning eyes fierce, ferocious, without a too graceful demeanor, the shape like crazy. His offensive than aggressive, but all were Yun Che to take down. "Hey, you should burn the blood I see!! Burning door so the door, not even I can't do a junior ... ... You are not only a waste, it is full of hot air, pitiful and ludicrous crap!! "Yun Che vicious quipped. "Ah! "Yi Jue-burning eyes stare, a roaring, and remember" burning day mark "overboard. 轰!!!! Both fly out, a foot more than more than 30 feet wide crater is now ruined land.Burn the rains were helped by elders, quickly fed down the healing Elixir, watching Yun Che at war with the burning of Yi Jue, they are scared. Come before, they are see Yun Che burned completely suppressed ... ... But Yun Che did not seem to find the best, while facing the fury of burn, and Wang xuanlan's four, still the pinnacle of the world strong, he had no signs of falling in downwind, even burning of Yi Jue strong burning day printing, all the next. "The Yun Che, how on earth did he practice ... ... ... ... And so the door can close! "A trembling lip of elders said. "There are rumours that he is the Phoenix Emperor Shenzong who ... ... But Phoenix Emperor Shenzong of the younger generation, never had this number. Descendants there are rumours that he is in San Diego ... ... His master, what are people! ” "Xuan Wang xuanlan, let alone seen ... ... Throughout the history of Sofu, never! ”"How qualifications too the door fix, Yun Che and is home for the time being the primary standoff, but a long period of time, he could never be too the door the main opponent. ” The burn must combat Yun Che so that their heart is trembling. And they seem to have ignored the problem, that is, burning must have its location and his dominance! He is free to void Xuan du, Yun Che can't! His attack efficiency reduced inequality in this battle under the condition of. “贯日刀!!”刀身无火,但这一刀的威力依旧恐怖无比,随着绝炎刀划动的轨迹,一道数十丈长,不知多深的裂痕横亘在大地上,云澈的左肩到左肋顿时血崩,裂开一道几乎见骨的长长血痕,脚步也跌跌撞撞的倒退,趁着云澈躯体失衡,焚义绝从空中暴冲而下,一个巨大手印斜推而至。 “焚海印!!” 砰!! 龙阙被恐怖的力量强行撞开,蕴藏着强横玄力的手印结结实实的轰在云澈的胸口,云澈的下半身瞬时陷入地面之下,一道血箭从口中狂喷而出,脸上也染上了一抹苍白……焚义绝还未来得及狂笑,他的眼前忽然一花,云澈竟已消失在了原来的位置,一股比他“焚海印”还要狂暴一分的力量已轰至他的胸口。 焚义绝浮空之时,云澈大部分时间只能抵挡,而趁着他坠下攻击的机会,一记霸王怒配合星神碎影,狠狠的砸在了焚义绝的胸口上……重剑的力量风暴,在他的胸口轰然炸开。 轰!!! 焚义绝的两根肋骨“咔嚓”而断,身体被砸飞到三十丈之外,他捂着胸口,嘴角溢血,目光凶狠的看着云澈:“你!!” 云澈喘息粗重,目光阴寒,他抹去嘴角的血迹,冷冷的道:“今天会死的,只有可能是你!” 焚义绝吐出一口血痰,低沉的道:“我不得不承认,你的确是个天纵奇才,才不到二十岁的年纪,竟然可以与王座一战!苍风国历史,你是当之无愧的第一人!但你却是仇人……既是仇人,你越是天才,就越是必须死!” “你虽然实力惊人,但毕竟还是太年轻,现在就已经开始有了力竭的迹象……再战下去,你绝不可能是我的对手!” “是嘛?”云澈冷笑,直起身躯,龙阙之上,涌动起慑人的气场:“你就那么确定,我的实力,暂时只是和你势均力敌?你看上去似乎已经用了全力……但我,还没有!” 焚义绝一愣,然后不屑的狂笑:“你内息已弱,玄气已乱,居然还敢如此大言不惭,简直是天大的笑话!既然如此,那就让我看看你所谓的‘全力’!” “斩虹刀!!” 绝炎刀上光芒四射,一时之间竟遮蔽了来自天空的光芒,这一刀还未落下,其威势,便已让数里之外的人群遍体发寒,这时,一声暴吼从远处传来: “门主,我来助你!!” 南方沙尘四起,狂风涌动,一个灰衣老者手持金色长刀,俯冲而至,看到这个人,焚天门长老都露出惊喜:“太上长老!” 这里发生的事,焚子牙已通过传音全部知晓,他冲至焚义绝身侧,看到焚义绝竟然带伤,心中一阵惊诧,他怒视云澈,沉声道:“此子毁我宗门,杀我弟子长老,还残杀少门主!这等血海深仇,他的一万条命都不够偿还!我知道门主不愿与他人联手,但此子……” “我明白!今日,我们联手将他击杀在此!绝不给他任何逃离的机会!”焚义绝赤红着眼睛道:“能留他一口气更好……就这么让他死了,实在太便宜他了。” “好!”焚子牙点头应声。 两人一前一后,将云澈围在中间,两股强大至极的王玄气场将他牢牢锁定,被扬起半空的沙尘在这恐怖无比的气场之下全部定格在空中,久久没有飘落。“太上门主与太上长老联手……这次,云澈必死无疑!” “这个孽畜……必要将他碎尸万段!”焚天门长老满脸怨恨的道。 云澈前对焚义绝,背对焚子牙,如有两块万钧铁板分别重压在他的前胸和后背。他握着龙阙的双手悄然收紧,额头上汗珠遍布,一双眼睛,冷若寒泉。 同时面对两大王玄。 在王玄强者少如凤毛麟角的苍风大陆,这几乎是不可能出现的局面。 如今,却出现在他一个只有十九岁的少年人身上。 无论他今日是死是败,又或者是奇迹般的胜,他都将彻彻底底的震荡苍风。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 346 independence war double throne
city children! ! ! ! " Lethal burning pupil contraction, uttered a piercing yell. suspension rope burn the city must also then burned down. burn Lethal rushed in front of the burning of the city never fell to the ground, the mysterious force without reservation The release, but it is how his body could not extinguish the flames ...... so can only watch as his son lost the last cry and struggle, in his eyes from a living, turned into a place of coke . Phoenix fire burning no ordinary mysterious fire can be compared, in just a few breathing time, the burning of the absolute city from outside to inside, even the bones were burned to ashes. let alone leave a corpse, even the ashes are wind quickly blew away the burning Lethal standing there, his face pale one, as just experienced a nightmare turned his trembling fingers of cloud Che, issued hoarse growl:.. "Che Cloud ...... you ...... Hello poison heart! " Cloud Che's face covered with a sneer, deep said: "My good-hearted, good people will be left to me. Treat things than pigs and dogs, I never know what mercy! The reason I have been waiting for you to just kill him, is to make you a good taste of the pain of losing loved ones and provoke my fate! ! " "I'll kill you! ! " Lethal burning emotions completely out of control, he was screaming loudly, grabbed a knife burning days, barking toward the cloud Che. "You're not his opponent, step down! "Yi Jue burning feeding path. face of his father snapped, weekdays toe, never defy the burning Lethal is deaf Fengleyiban of straight cloud Che, even the body of mysterious gas is chaotic. When !! Lethal burning cloud of burning days Che sword knife was hit fly, hit the second sword in his chest, his mysterious forces Body Powder instant boom, the burning Lethal blood Kuangpen Dropping down from the sky , fell into a coma. Tianxuan throughout nine, he had this cloud Che unworthy opponent, under the mind chaos, it is only two swords would cloud Che injured. watched his grandson were burnt to ashes his son injured, meaning absolutely burning eyes become red is red, his hoarse voice: "Cichou ...... we are mortal! ! " Burning meaning absolutely crazy to mobilize the body's mysterious force, he released a surge of power and influence at the moment ...... under extreme anger, every cell of his body forces are fully boiling up, Puhou loudly, across the board to the cloud Che Day spirit, a huge tornado mysterious force in the tip filled with tear-days from the split to roar. rip friends !! Yun Chol deflected sideways, his feet on the ground cut out directly by the mysterious force of the storm since emerged in a flat very pit. burning righteousness must tightly locked eyes cloud Che, left hand stretched out, picked a strange printed statement, an majestic as the sea suddenly cohesion force, violence Chung out. "Indian burn days! ! " Flash, burning cloud Che Yi Jue space between ripples through extreme turbulence suddenly, a huge energy fingerprints when the air down, just like the hands of the heavens, Zhao Xiang Yun Chol head. immense tyrannical power to suppress, to cloud Che's actions appeared stagnant moment. Cloud Che a slow motion, eyes a cold, Long Que picked up, shouted, fiercely greeted. Boom !!!! thunder exploding fire resounded throughout Cang city, many people a few miles away the moment the ears buzz, black eyes, a surge like a real crazy storm slid mysterious force, Cang fire the city gates as crushed rock Deadwood generally shocks. sky dust and a sudden outbreak of purple cloud enveloped the Fire Dragon and burning Che Yi Jue figure, people are staring, unblinking flowing dust waiting for that group and the Fire Dragon ...... they want to know, what is the Who got the upper hand? Powerful like a myth to cloud Che, whether they withstood a blow from the throne of anger. Fire Dragon dust among the collision came with swords roar constantly burst open the mysterious force storm , the Fire Dragon and dust quickly spread, burning emerged Che Yi Jue cloud shadow Xiao Che two sleeves are all burst, above also covered with round after round of small arms bloodstains, mouth vaguely has a hint of blood. And burning clothes righteousness must bear the same damage, on his arm, a long, thick bloodstain shocking. "These implacable, I even burn all his blood, but also kill you! ! " Yi Jue burning eyes fierce, grim, completely without one of the main door of grace style too, Zhuangruo madness. His offensive than look sharp look, but all are cloud Che to take down. "Hey, you burning and blood touches make me look! ! Tianmen too dignified burning main door, not even a junior I can not do nothing ...... you are not only a waste, or a mouthful of big, pathetic and ridiculous waste! ! "Cloud Che vicious sarcasm. "ah! ! "Yi Jue burning eyes Yuan Deng, roar, is a record," Brahma India "under the H. Boom !!!! they both inverted out, a foot more than thirty feet wide crater appears in the the dilapidated land. burning Lethal was helped from the elders, quickly fed down the healing immortality, watching clouds and burning Che Yi Jue fighting, they no not scared when before arrival, they are seen in this cloud Che Yi Jue burned completely suppressed ...... but then the cloud Che did not seem to use the best, but this time the face of furious burning Yi Jue, the Wang Xuan four, the peak of the strong world proudly, he was not even down to leeward of the signs, and even the burning of meaning absolutely strong burning day and India, are all to take over. "The cloud Che, he in the end is how to practice ...... actually ...... actually can and too evenly matched main door! "One elder trembling lips road. "There are rumors that he is a man ...... but Shenzong Phoenix Phoenix Ancestor of the younger generation, have never had this number of people. There are rumors that he is holy successor ...... his master, in the end is what people! " "ground war Wang Xuan Xuan, let alone seen ...... Cang wind in the entire history, has never been! " "Too main door what qualifications the repair, the cloud Che although not too much energy and the main door stalemate, but a long time, he can never be too home the main opponent. " This burning cloud Che Yi Jue war, let them tremble at the heart of being sustained, while at the same time they seem to ignore a problem, that is the burning of justice must have an absolute advantage on the location and agility! he is free The mysterious crossing the void, and the cloud is not Che! his attack efficiency, in this unequal battle conditions greatly reduced. "consistent day knife! ! " blade without fire, but still horror knife extremely powerful, with absolutely inflammation knife paddling trajectory, a few feet long, I do not know how deep the rift lie in the earth, cloud Che left shoulder to the rib cage suddenly vaginal bleeding, split almost see the bone of a long trail of blood, the pace stumbled backwards, taking advantage of cloud Che physical imbalance, the burning of justice must storm washed down from the sky, a huge ramp fingerprints and to push. "Haiyin burning! ! " bang !! Long Que was forcibly broke the power of terror, mysterious tyrannical force bears handprint solidly boom in cloud Che chest, lower body instantaneously into the cloud Che below ground, a Xuejian from the mouth and Kuangpen out, his face pale ...... burn infected with a touch of justice must not yet had time laughing, his eyes suddenly a flower, cloud torn Che disappeared in the original location, a surge than his "burning Haiyin" even violent The force has been a point bombers to his chest. When burning righteousness must float, the cloud can withstand most of the time Che, while taking advantage of the opportunity to attack his falling, a record broken God King anger with Star Movies, severely The hit in the chest burning Yi Jue ...... epee forces storm crashing exploded in his chest. Boom !!! burning of two ribs Yi Jue "click" and broken body smashed flew thirty husband outside, clutching his chest, mouth haemorrhagic, fierce eyes watching cloud Che: "You! ! " Cloud Che breathing heavy, chill eyes, wiped his mouth of blood, coldly: "will die today, and only could be you! " Burning justice must spit bloody sputum, deep said: "I have to admit, you really are a day vertical Wizards, was less than two years old age, was able to battle with a throne! Cang wind country's history, you are the first person deserved! But you are both enemies ...... enemy, the more you genius, the more must die! " "Although you amazing strength, but they were all too young, and now has begun to have signs of exhaustion ...... battles go on, you can never be my opponent! " "it is incorrect? "Cloud Che sneer, straight from the body, above the Long Que, surging from breathtaking gas field:" Are you so sure that I strength, temporary and you just evenly matched? You seem have used their best ...... but I have not! " justice must burn a moment, then contemptuous laughter: "You have weak internal interest, mysterious gas has been chaotic, actually dare so unashamedly, it is simply a joke! That being the case, let me see your so-called 'full'! " "cut Hongdao! ! " Yan knife on absolutely radiant, actually obscured the light from the sky of a sudden, the knife has not yet fallen, its power and influence, already let the crowd a few miles away over the body chills, then, I heard from Puhou heard in the distance: "the main door, I'll help you! ! " South dust everywhere, the wind flowing, Huiyi old man armed with a long knife and gold, diving to see this man, the burning of Tianmen elders showing surprise: "too much on the elders! " what happened here, burning Ziya have all been alerted by acoustic, he rushed to the burning of justice must Shence, never even saw the burning of justice Injured, while the hearts of surprised, he glared Chul Yun, Chen Sheng said: "This child I Munekado destroyed, kill me disciples elders, also killing less main door! This and other blood feud, his ten thousand are not enough to repay Mania! I do not want to know the main door together with others, but this child ...... " "I understand! Today, we will kill him in this together! Never give him any chance to escape! "Yi Jue red burning red eyes and said:" His breath better to stay ...... just let him die, too good for him. " "Good! "Burning Ziya nod crashed. After the two previous one, the cloud Che around the middle, two powerful gas field will be extremely Wang Xuan He firmly locked, was raised dust in the air this incomparable aura of terror Under all freeze in the air, long time did not fall. "too much on the main door and elders together ...... This time too, the cloud Che die! " "This is necessary to Niexu ...... he cut to pieces! "Heavenly Gate elders face burning resentment Road. Cloud Che Yi Jue before the burning, burning his back Ziya, if two were roaring iron weight on his chest and back. He took Long Que hands quietly tightening, sweat across his forehead, eyes, cold if cold spring. At the same time the face of the two Wang Xuan. In王玄强those rare few, such as Cang wind continent, it is almost impossible situation arise. Today, it appears in the he was a young man who is only nineteen years old. Whether he is dead or lost today, or miraculous wins, he will thoroughly shock Cang wind. Chapter errors Report (free registration), report After the maintenance staff will be corrected chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 346th chapter independence war double throne
city children!!!!" Burn the duanhun

pupil contraction, a shouting piercing. Suspension burning the vast city also burned off in the rope. Burn duanhun rushed to the plunging to the ground burn the city before, mysterious force without reserve release is how cannot be extinguished fire of his body... Can only look at his son lost his last cry and struggle, in his eyes from a living, turned into a coke.

the Phoenix Fire burning is no ordinary Xuan fire can be compared to, just a few breath of time, burn the city from outside to inside, even the bones burned into ashes.Don't leave the body, even the ashes were wind blown. The burning duanhun stood there, a pale face, as has just experienced a terrible nightmare. He turned his fingers trembling, clouds, a hoarse growl: "clouds...... You...... You are kind of poison!"
clouds covered the face of a sneer, a way: "my good heart, will be left of my good man. Treat things worse than pigs or dogs, I never know what mercy! The reason I have been waiting for you to just kill him, just want to let you taste good lost loved ones and provoke me in the end!! " "I'll kill you!!"

Burn the duanhun mood completely out of control, he grabbed a knife with a snarl, Fantian, howling into the clouds. You

"is not his opponent, back!" Burn the righteousness call out.

the face of his father's scold, toe on weekdays, never disobey the burn duanhun is deaf, insane general straight into the clouds Che, one-piece Xuan spirit are in disarray. When!!

burn lethal Fantian knife was cloud Che sword hit fly, the second sword hit on his chest, his protective mysterious force moment bombed to spread, burning lethal blood kuangpen. From the Air flies to fall down, fell into a coma.

Tianxuan level nine of the territory he has unworthy opponent clouds,The mind under the chaos, it is clouds with only two sword injuries.

helplessly watch their grandchildren were burnt to ashes, his son was seriously injured, burning eyes is turned into a red, his hoarse voice: "revenge...... Is already feel irreconcilable hatred for sb!!" The vast body of the Xuan Yi Fen
crazy force released by the transfer, he might in an instant surge...... Extreme anger, his body the power of each cell of a completely boiling up, suddenly and violently roar sound, of one size fits all cloud Che Tianling, a huge surge of mysterious force tornado on the tip filled with, tear days fracturing whistling. Chi

!! Clouds moving back,His feet on the ground directly by the mysterious force storm out, showing a very smooth pit. Burn the vast eyes tightly locked cloud Che, stretched out his left hand, pinch a singular seal junction, condensed a shares the boundless sea of strength suddenly, surge out.

"Fantian india!!"
a moment, burn vast and the space between Che Yun suddenly the unrest violent ripples, a huge energy fingerprints in the sky, like the hands of heaven to cover cloud Che's head. His great strength to suppress, let cloud clear action appeared at stagnation.

clouds a slow, cold eyes, long with a shout, que, he was greeted by.

thunder exploding resounded through the whole pale fire City, miles away a lot of people instantly ears hum, black eyes, a shares as the essence of the mysterious force storm crazy concusses to open, pale fire City Panshi City gate is like rottenness is generally impact crushing. All over the sky of dust and the sudden outbreak of purple huoyun enveloped the cloud Che and burning justice must figure, people all stare big eyes, a blink don't blink waiting the floating dust and fire... They want to know who has the upper hand? As to the myth of the strong clouds, whether withstood the anger from the throne.

huoyun sands, roar came with swords collide,In the continuous burst open the mysterious force under the storm, fire and dust quickly spread, the burning clouds shadow and righteousness. Xiao Che's two sleeves is all burst, your arms is also covered with a fine road bloodstain, mouth vaguely hint of blood. To burn and righteousness the clothes also broken up, on his arm, a long and thick blood shocking. "Even though I hate these

, burn all his blood, to kill you!!"
burning righteousness eyes fierce, no one look fierce, the door of the gate and the charm of style too, like mad. His offensive than a sharp, but are all clouds to take down.

"Hey, you'd burn the blood I have a look!! Open the door on the main door Fantian, even I am a junior hasn't...... You are not only a waste, or a mouthy, pathetic and ridiculous!!" Clouds vicious quips. "Ah!!" Just burn vast eyes staring, a roar, and a "Fantian India" off.


two people at the same time inverted out, a full 30 Zhang wide pit appeared in the dilapidated land.
burning duanhun is arm from the elders, the fast feed off the healing elixirs, watching clouds Che and burning sense of engagement, they are frightened.Before the arrival, they were to see clouds burned completely suppressed the righteousness...... But when the cloud Che didn't seem to be in the best, and now face rage burning vast, the Wang Xuan, proudly in the world by the strong peak, he actually completely did not fall on the downwind of the indications, even burning justice must strong Fantian prints are all connected. "The clouds, he

what practice...... Unexpectedly...... The main door and too could be well-matched in strength!" One of the elders was trembling with his lips.

"there are rumors that he is the Phoenix God Pope who...... But the Phoenix God of the younger generation, never had this figure.There are rumors that he is a descendant of the Holy land...... His master, in the end is what people!" "Wang Xuan

Xuan war, let alone seen...... In the whole history of the wind, have never been!"
"too home master how to fix for the qualifications, Che Yun although temporarily and too door main stalemate, but a long time, he never possible on the main gate of the opponent." The burning of righteousness and

clouds of war, let their heart constantly trembling. They seem to ignore a problem, that is the burning of righteousness has an absolute advantage and the body of austria! He was free and clouds Xuan Du vanity, not! His attack efficiency,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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