有钱剧组与穷剧组最大的不同就是,穷剧组的人与设备都比较少,就连群众演员大多都是自己剧组的工作人员扮演。 高楼林立的街头,一个满是油污的男人正 การแปล - 有钱剧组与穷剧组最大的不同就是,穷剧组的人与设备都比较少,就连群众演员大多都是自己剧组的工作人员扮演。 高楼林立的街头,一个满是油污的男人正 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
有钱剧组与穷剧组最大的不同就是,穷剧组的人与设备都比较少,就连群众演员大多都是自己剧组的工作人员扮演。 高楼林立的街头,一个满是油污的男人正准备掏出裤兜里的一元硬币,去买路边手推车卖的馒头,结果脚一滑,手里的钢镚儿顺着地砖咕噜噜的滚了出去。 落魄男人正准备去追,结果对面一辆在阳光下显得亮闪闪的跑车哧溜一声窜了出来,刚好停在了硬币上方。他的喉咙动了动,转头看了看旁边卖馒头的大爷,猛的往前一冲,趴在地上把那一元硬币从车底抠了出来。 就在他松了一口气时,车门突然打开,镜头给了那先伸出车门的鞋一个镜头,随即是长长的腿,最后顺着考究的休闲西装落在了好看的下巴上。 “你好,请问有什么麻烦吗?”下巴动了动,说出的话却十分的客气有礼。 镜头转到男主角身上,他趴在地上,有些呆愣的看着车主人,傻乎乎的样子显得格外可笑,镜头顺着他的目光再度转向车主人,镜头顺着白皙的下巴渐渐往上移,微微上翘的唇,挺直的鼻梁,讨女人喜欢的桃花眼掩在金丝眼镜下,说不出的英俊帅气。 “车底下有什么好东西么?”车主人优雅的弯腰,笑眯眯的朝落魄男人伸手道:“没事的话,请起来吧。” That stretched in front of male master white, slender fingers, dirty men foil face more dirty. "OK, cards! "Zhang Shuo happy claps said," ' Mr Luk ' acting is really good, too bad we do not enter this circle! ” Yan Mu sat next to him saw his one eye, "if he were an actor, for other industries, unfortunately. ” Zhang Shuo remembered sitting around a person, he shook the hands of the fan, and wiped the sweat of his brow, smiled: "people like Mr LU, certainly not an actor, I'm not praising Mr LU, acting well. "As a people who have no contact with filming, Lu Chengyu go to master quite well, although NG it a few times, but it is worth noting, heroine of the play is much better than this. "Chapter, this lens too, right? "Lu Chengyu came, way behind the monitor took a look at your performance, see Yan Mu handed her a bottle of water and took it after a few mouthfuls, pushed Yan Mu of wind to blow fans rocking out nearby. His previous life in the brokerage company, worked as a artist's Assistant, also mixed cast, for acting is a known half understanding, so adapt fairly quickly. Makeup artist looked at quickly took the opportunity to come up to his makeup and makeup: "Mr LU, your performance is awesome! ” Lu Chengyu a laugh, make up makeup, he once again wear Optical glasses, Yan Mu around: "bosses, I've also got two shots, soon got it. ” "Well, not so fast. "Yan Mu took the next with a round plastic fan, Lu Chengyu slapped a few downwind, to see him rush to the next shot, worried about remarks made by affecting the feelings of each other while shooting, so we didn't speak. "Thank you," notes Lu Chengyu Yan Mu, grateful smile to him, saw that the script was ready, busy hands down in the water ready to start shooting, stood up and smiled to Yan Mu before, by and large, he met a very kind owners. Below the lens is probably the leading man in a funny way broke the Gao Fushuai's elegant and Gao Fushuai can only face left, the final shot was channeling the Roadster quickly out, spray the exhaust of the actor's face. Few scenes completed and already 12 o'clock noon, Lu Chengyu took off his glasses, and hurried to the mirror after removing the make-up and saw significantly high Yan Mu sat on the little stool, has stepped up its pace in front of Yan Mu, and their hair stained with water: "boss, we go. ” Yan Mu stood up, thought about it, and turned back, picked up that reads "XX of infertility hospital" handed to Lu Chengyu in front of a fan, "fan to cool off. ” Lu Chengyu do not abandon this fan is the roadside some hospitals in order to promote free, took the fan shook up and let Zhang Dao to the set of people buying ice to drink only left with the Yan Mu flapping a fan. 章硕看着陆承余与那位从头到尾都不爱说话的男人坐上那辆阿斯顿马丁跑车离开,找来身边的导演助理道:“去找监制要钱买冰水,这是陆先生说的。”虽然不认识这位被陆先生叫老板的男人,但是直觉告诉他,能随随便便就把几千万豪车借出来的人,不是他们能得罪的。 车中,陆承余还在拼命的摇扇子:“刚才我开这车,差点没窜到树上去,老板,咱们能把冷气开低点吗?”果然,开着豪车会手发抖啊。 “我也不太喜欢开这种车,”严穆两眼平视着前方,平稳的控制着车速,“你现在不能吹太冷的风,会感冒。” 陆承余:“……” 他这话是不喜欢这辆车的意思吗? 见陆承余不说话,严穆以为他是在为吹冷气的事情生气,把车速减缓,侧首看了他一眼,语重心长道:“冷气温度太低真的对身体不好。”然后打开了CD,开始放轻音乐。 陆承余默默的点头,摇着扇子的速度却放缓下来,他靠着车窗看着外面,有些懒洋洋道:“我这个周末就剩下半天休息时间了,我发现休息的时间总是比上班的时间短。” “嗯,休息时间只有两天,”严穆颇为赞同的点头,“以后你休假的时间会更加少的。”最近没有什么需要出差的事情,陆承余才能这么闲,等一切工作上手后,休假的时间就没有一周两天了。 陆承余无奈摇了摇头,把扇子放到座位上,“我已经认命了。” 严穆嘴巴抿了抿,没有说话,他不知道陆承余这个样子是真在可惜假期减少,还是只是随口说说。 琵琶曲弹着有些欢快的节奏,陆承余与严穆一路上说着些没有营养的废话,终于到了吃饭的地方,这是一家装修得十分精致的中餐馆,因为已经过了中午吃饭的高峰期,平时热闹的店里已经有了空位。 跟着陆承余进了中餐店,吃着味美价廉的菜,严穆突然发现,他这位新上任的助理,似乎对京城大大小小角落里的美食十分了解。 吃完饭,两人回到车里,严穆才道:“你对京城挺了解的。” “在这里活了二十多年的地方,再怎样也有些了解,”陆承余打了一个哈欠,“我爸妈也是喜爱美食的人,所以从小我就跟着他们跑了不少地方。” 想起曹京申跟自己提起过的事情,严穆沉思了一下后道:“这样挺好,我在国外待的时间长了些,国内很多好吃的东西都没有尝过。” “那没关系,以后我叫你一起,”陆承余笑了笑,“就是怕有些东西的口味你不习惯。” “不会,”严穆摇了摇头,“我不挑食。” 这样的人,一看就不像是吃货。陆承余看了严穆一眼,作为吃货,不仅对美食有敏锐的探索功能,还要有挑剔的味觉,不挑食简直就是影响吃货派的名誉。 “等我找到好吃的地方一定不会忘记叫你。”陆承余看着窗外飞逝而过的景色,多一个人吃饭,总比一个人吃饭时有食欲。 严穆郑重的点了点头,把陆承余送到楼下后,还特意提醒了陆承余一句,得到陆承余保证后,才让陆承余上楼。 回到家里走到阳台上,见严穆的车慢慢的调头,缓缓的开出小区,他扶着阳台围栏,轻笑了一声,拿起水壶给阳台上的仙人球浇了浇水。 至于夏季中午不要给花草浇水这种小事,他压根儿就想不起来。 严穆正准备回家,结果接到庒裕的电话,说是车半路抛锚了,他只好开车去接庒裕。 等他赶到的时候,庒裕的车已经被拖走了,还剩庒裕蹲在树下等他。 庒裕一见到他,忙窜过去拉开车门坐了进去,他呼了一口气:“这天真够热的,哎哟,卧槽,这是什么玩意儿?”他觉得屁股下面好像有什么膈得难受,伸手拿出来看清是什么东西后,神情有些复杂的看了严穆一眼,这种劣质塑料扇,不像是严穆会用的东西啊,还有这扇面上都画着什么东西。 严穆瞥了他一眼,“怎么了?” 大概是严穆的表情太过平静,让庒裕什么话也问不出来了,他把扇子随手扔到后座,“这辆车就是你朋友要借的那辆,怎么是你在开?” “他用完了,”严穆语气顿了顿,“你的车不是刚检查过,怎么会半路抛锚?”







การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]























































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The cast and crew of the poor rich the biggest different is, people and equipment poor crew are less, even the masses actor mostly his own crew staff play.

high-rise buildings in the street, a greasy man ready to pull out one yuan coin pocket, to buy the roadside cart to sell Steamed buns, the foot slipped, the penny in hand along the floor tile Gollum roll out.

sorehead man is ready to go after, results opposite a in the sun is shining coupe with a sliding sound out, just stopped in coin above. His throat is moved, turned to look at the next to sell Steamed buns uncle, suddenly thrown forward,Lie on the floor to the one yuan coin out from under the vehicle pull.

just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a door suddenly opened, the lens to the first out of the door of the shoe of a lens, then is the long legs, and finally along the elegant leisure suit falls in nice on the chin.

"Hello, excuse me what trouble?" The chin moved to move, speak of words but very polite.

the lens to the hero, he is lying on the ground, some silly Leng looked at the car owner, silly look particularly funny, shot along his eyes once again turned to the car owner, shot down the white chin gradually move up, slightly upturned lips,Straight nose, discuss women like peach blossom eye mask in gold rimmed glasses, say a handsome.

"under the car have what good stuff?" The owner of a car is graceful bend, smiling towards sorehead man hand way: "have no the words of matter, please let up."

the extension in the male Lord white and slender fingers, the male master dirty face off the dirty.

"good, card!" Zhang Shuo happy clap, "Mr. Lu acting is very good, it is a pity not to enter this circle!" Yan Mu

sitting next to him to see his one eye, "if he were to do the actors, for other industry, more's the pity."

Zhang Shuo recollected that was sitting beside a person, he shook the hands of the fan, wiped the sweat on his forehead, ha ha say with smile: "Mr. Lu such people, of course, not an actor, I this is not acting well praised Mr. lu." As a no contact with the filming of the people, Lu Chengyu is also good on the go master, although NG several times, but the performance is remarkable, than the movie actress better.

"chapter of the lens, too?" Lu Chengyu walked, walked to the monitor back and looked at myself just performance, see Yan Mu handed her a bottle of water, take over and drank a few mouthfuls of,Crowded to the Yan Mu side blowing broken fan shake out of the wind. His previous incarnation in the Broker's Firm, did the artist assistant, also cast to muddle through, acting is a known semi understand, so adapt fairly quickly.

make-up, seeing this, quickly took the opportunity to come to the side of his makeup, makeup part way: "Mr. Lu, you just show handsome!"

Lu Chengyu laughed, and so fill up, he once again wore spectacles, on the side of the Yan Mu said: "boss, I have two shots left, soon will be done."

"well, don't worry." A plastic Yan Mu took beside round fan, Lu Chengyu fan a few to leeward,See he is anxious to catch the next shot, fear to speak when filming will affect each other emotions, so I didn't speak up.

"thank you ah," Lu Chengyu noted Yan Mu action, for he grateful smile, see the log is ready, busy put down his water shooting preparation, stood up again before on Yan Mu smiled, generally speaking, he met a very generous to the boss.

below the lens is probably the actor with a funny way to break the tall, rich and handsome and elegant, and then tall, rich and handsome can calm face left, the final scene is the car swiftly out of the exhaust jet, actor face.

several lens pat,Already at twelve noon, Lu Cheng Yu to take the glasses off, hurried to the mirror after unloading of the makeup, see the broken chair Yan Mu high greatly also sat in the small, he stepped up to the front of Yan mu, Bala himself was stained with water hair: "boss, let's go."

Yan Mu followed stood up, wanted to think, then turned and picked up the printed with "infertility to XX Hospital" fan to pass in front of Lu Chengyu, "fan cool."

Lu Chengyu also don't abandon this fan is the roadside some hospitals in order to promote free delivery, took the fan shake up, also let chapter guide to the crew of people buy ice drink,Fan fan to leave together with Yan mu.

chapter master looked at Lu Chengyu with that from A to Z are doesn't love speaking men sit on the car Aston Martin car leave, find the assistant director road side: "go to the producer for the money to buy ice water, this is Mr. Lu said." Although do not know who is Mr. Lu told the boss man, but intuition told him, can casually put tens of millions of cars through out the people, not to offend them.

in the car, Lu Chengyu still desperately shaking a fan: "I drive the car, almost no channeling into the tree, boss, can we turn the air-conditioner low?" Sure enough, open car hand tremble.

"I don't like this car," Yan Mu his eyes look straight ahead, steady control of vehicle speed, "you can't blow the wind cold now, you'll catch cold."

Lu Chengyu:"......"

This is he don't like this car mean?

see Lu Cheng Yu don't talk, Yan Mu thought he was angry for the air conditioning of things, the speed slowed down, the side head to see his one eye, sincere words and earnest wishes: "air conditioning temperature too low really is not good for your body." Then open the CD, began to put light music.

Lu Chengyu silently nodded, waved a fan speed is slowed down, he leaned on the window watching outside, some lazy way:"I this weekend on the remaining half a day of rest time, I found the rest of the time is always less than the work time is short."

"well, rest time is only two days," nodded Yan Mu quite agree, "after your vacation time will be less." Not recently what travel required Lu Chengyu to things, so idle, and all the work started, vacation time not to have two days a week.

but Lu Chengyu shook his head, the fan on the seat, "I have assigned."

Yan Mu mouth pursed her, did not speak, and he did not know Lu Chengyu like this is really a pity to reduce in the holidays, or just say.

Pipa playing some lively rhythm, Lu Chengyu and Yan Mu way talking about no nutrition nonsense, and finally to a place to eat, this is a home decoration very exquisite restaurants, because it has been noon meal peak, usually busy shop have vacancy.

followed Lu Chengyu into the Chinese restaurants, eating delicious food, Yan Mu suddenly found, his new assistant, seems to capital to small corner of the Food very understand.

after dinner, two people back in the car, Yan Mu before: "you know a lot about the capital."

"here live the place for more than 20 years,How to know a bit, "Lu Chengyu yawned," my parents also love Food person, so I grew up with them ran a lot of places."

reminiscent of Cao Jingshen with his mention things, Yan Mu brooded after way: "this very good, I was abroad for a long time, the domestic many good things are not tasted."

"never mind that, after I called you," Lu Chengyu laughed, "is that some things you are not used to the taste."

"not," Yan Mu shook his head, "I'm not picky eaters."

such people, I would not like to see the chowhound. Lu Chengyu saw Yan Muyi's eye,As chowhound, not only have a keen to explore the function of Food, have discerning taste, not picky eaters is simply the effect of chowhound faction reputation.

"I find place to eat must not forget to call you." Lu Chengyu looked out of the window flying scenery, a person to eat, there is always the appetite than one meal.

Yan Mu solemnly nodded, Lu Chengyu sent to the downstairs, but also specifically reminded Lu Cheng one sentence, be Lu Cheng Yu assurance, just let Lu Chengyu go upstairs.

back home to go to the balcony, see Yan Mu car slowly U-turn, slowly out of the District, he held the balcony railing, chuckle,Pick up the kettle to the balcony of the cactus watering watering.

as for the summer at noon don't watered the plant this trifle, he simply can't think of it.

Yan Muzheng ready to go home, the result caused the margin of the received telephone, said the car broke down halfway, he had to drive to pick caused the margin. When he arrived at the

, caused the margin of the car had been towed away the left margin, caused the squatting in the tree waiting for him.

caused Yu saw him, busy to flee in the past open the door to sit in, his breath: "this naive hot enough, oh, horizontal groove, what is this stuff?" He felt underneath what seems to be the diaphragm uncomfortable, reached out to see what things,Facial expression some complicated looking Yan Mu one eye, the inferior plastic fan, is not strictly Mourinho will use the thing, and this sector are painted with what.

Yan Mu glanced at him, "what's the matter?"

is probably Yan Mu's expression is calm, let Yu what caused the words also asked not to come out, he put the fans to throw into the back seat of the car, "this car is your friend want to borrow, How could it be you? In open?"

"he finished," Yan Mu tone paused, "your car is not just checked, how will be broke down?"

"I know," Yu expression caused the weird smile, "they think I'm rare makers that something,More money than I earned the name cinema." Yan Mu

a silence: "anyway, you be careful."

caused Yu chuckled 1 start leaning back, eyes closed, apparently to mention those people in the house, let him not in a very good mood.

Yan mu CD put down, traffic lights, suddenly remind of Lu Chengyu, knowing he usually work a person is how to pass the time?

the table a lot of peel confetti swept into the trash can, Lu Chengyu looked at the time, had ten points fast in the evening, stretched, took a look at the forum by their own stamp with rage person, humming a song the mood very good off the computer.

At this time, he received a cousin Lu Dong phone, originally invited him next Saturday in Lu Tung and Shen Min wedding.

promised to be punctual, Lu Chengyu heard the other neat hang up the call after the beep, seems to be the mobile phone owner also anxious to others call.

but also with part of the money, Lu Cheng Yu touched your wallet, adjusted the air conditioning temperature, roll into a large comfortable bed.
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