ZL353 第三百五十三章 新战略2013-07-31 08:00:00 “当……” 一枚带血的弹片落入清水容器中,血液马上在水中散开。 我 การแปล - ZL353 第三百五十三章 新战略2013-07-31 08:00:00 “当……” 一枚带血的弹片落入清水容器中,血液马上在水中散开。 我 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL353 第三百五十三章 新战略2013-07-31 08:00:0


第三百五十三章 新战略

2013-07-31 08:00:00



我皱了皱眉,静静的趴在那里,Shen Bing 拿着毛巾帮我擦了擦额头上的汗水,很温柔的轻声问speaking* :“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,疼吗?”



Wang Xin(Chief) 的身边,一个身穿白大褂、大约50岁上下的专家用镊子夹起了弹片,伸手在上面轻轻抚摸了一下,说:“这弹片的材质是钛合金,硬度非常高,Li Xiao Yao(MC) 是修炼者中的Qi(tier2) LEVEL ,已经突破了BODY(tier1) LEVEL ,体魄的强度远远超过平常人,但是这钛合金的弹片却能轻松切开他的皮肤,这群人……不但精于算计,而且对我们的人非常了解,知speaking* 我们的弱点……”

Shen Bing 手臂一颤,脸上带着悔恨:“都是我……是我太大意了,如果不是我昨晚留下了访问记录没有抹去,他们就不会觉察到有人解密了他们的保护程序,也就不会在那里设计了一个圈套……”


Wang Xin(Chief) 叹了口气speaking* :“好不容易找到的线索又没有了,我们依旧没有找到Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落,他们在商场地下室里布置的东西也被完全炸毁,一点线索都没有了。”

我抬头看看Wang Xin(Chief) :“就不能直接从Wei Fan[MG](B) 下手吗?”

“不能!”Wang Xin(Chief) 断然speaking* :“Wei Fan[MG](B) 昨天还以Song Feng(?) 娱乐公司的CEO身份被***的官员接待了,目前上面非常重视娱乐文化的发展,所以我们决不能在这个时候动Wei Fan[MG](B) ,他现在就等于是一块烧红的木炭,我们拿起来也会烫到自己,上次,我们抓了Dong Feng(B) 这件事,也还是孙翔将军反复斡旋才平息下来,否则Dong Feng(B) 恐怕早就放出去了,有几个大员……要了好几次人,压力太大了!”

医生帮我缝好伤口,上好药和绷带之后,我坐起身来,麻药的效果散去大半,挥了挥手臂,力量几乎没有任何的损失,对于一个突破BODY(tier1) LEVEL 境界的人来说,这点伤确实算不了什么,看着一旁容器里的三枚弹片,我说:“要不这样,我脱离守护者行动组,以个人的身份去查,这样我就不会忌惮Wei Fan[MG](B) 的势力了,王队你说呢?”

“不行,太冒险了!”Wang Xin(Chief) 摇头:“你知speaking* 吗?之前我们遇到的敌人不过是对方的冰山一角,Wei Fan[MG](B) 不但拥有殖装人,甚至还有一些跟你一样的人,这些人原本不问世事,潜心修行,但是在Wei Fan[MG](B) 一掷千金下,他已经笼络到了至少5个以上Qi(tier2) LEVEL 的高手,守护者的总部也认为我们不能轻视Wei Fan[MG](B) ,杭州是Wei Fan[MG](B) 的Song Feng(?) 娱乐所在地,这里最为凶险,决不能让人一个人去涉险,你Li Xiao Yao(MC) 一旦有个意外,我们守护者行动组就再也没有第二个Li Xiao Yao(MC) 了!”



Wang Xin(Chief) 眯着眼睛,目光{Freeze} ,speaking* :“Wei Fan[MG](B) 训练那么多的殖装人,无非是为了巩固自己在南方黑系的地位,这些殖装人的训练与进化需要一个不小的空间,所以他们一定有个类似于工厂型的生产线,我已经在搜集殖装人的DNA进化数据,凭着这些进化数据,半个月内一定能挖出那工厂的所在地,找到这个工厂,就能掌握绝对有利的证据,到时候就能对Wei Fan[MG](B) 直接下手了!”


Wang Xin(Chief) 瞥了我一眼:“你小子笑什么?”

我直言speaking* :“王队,不是我瞧不起我们的情报部门,其实别说半个月,就算是半年也未必能找到BLOOD SCYTHE 训练殖装人的地方,而且,BLOOD SCYTHE 绝对没有我们想象的那么简单,Shen Bing 黑了他们的网,他们就能反戈一击给我们下个圈套,可以说,BLOOD SCYTHE 在技skill/tactics* 实力上根本不逊色于我们,这个帮会太不简单了,背后一定还有一个更加雄厚的集团在支撑着,一切都没有我们想象的那么容易。”

Shen Bing 愕然,点点头:“仔细想想确实是这样,他们的数据库被我访问之后,24小时内就安排出这么一个圈套,一定有高手。”

我继续说:“而且,Wei Fan[MG](B) 之外,BLOOD SCYTHE 的任何一个主要负责人都已经像是风一般的消失了,我们根本找不到,也无从下手,整个BLOOD SCYTHE 都仿佛变成了透明的,我们捕风捉影,最后一定会无所收获。”

Wang Xin(Chief) :“那依你小子看,怎么办?”



“Wei Fan[MG](B) 在游戏里的Guild ——Mass Burial(G-) ,我几乎可以确认,Wei Fan[MG](B) 这群人一定都在DESTINY 游戏里,Mass Burial(G-) Guild 没有消失,我们就能从中入手,从Mass Burial(G-) Guild 来剖析这个神秘组织。”

Wang Xin(Chief) 微微激动:“果然是这样的话,那就太好了,我们要怎么办?”

我摇头:“不知speaking* !”

Shen Bing 在旁speaking* :“派卧底进入Mass Burial(G-) ,跟这群人混熟了,然后或许能够得到非常有利的情报。”

“但是……”我触碰了一下手臂上的伤口,有些疼痛,继续speaking* :“但是怎么才能安排卧底进去?没有合适的人选不说,Mass Burial(G-) 一共也就500成员,并且都是殖装人,拥有天赋{skill} ,他们轻易是不会收新人的,根本没有可趁之机。”

Shen Bing 微微一笑:“没有机会,那就创造机会,我也了解了一些情况,Wei Fan[MG](B) 在游戏里叫做‘Not Ordinary[MG](B) ’,本身就是一个睚眦必报、恃强凌弱的家伙,而且对DESTINY 这款游戏也非常狂热,所以等LEVEL 才会那么高,只要有狂热,那就有弱点,Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,我有个策略,看你愿意不愿意了。”


Shen Bing 笑笑:“你创建的Zhan Long(G) 行会,现在也绝对算是兵强马壮了,难speaking* 不该拉出来历练历练吗?我的策略就是——统御Zhan Long(G) 4000+大军,在Ba Huang City 的任何extending out** 地图肃清Mass Burial(G-) 的成员,有可能的话,彻底在Ba Huang City 地图上抹掉Mass Burial(G-) ,更狠的是找到一块[Guild Prestige Tablet] ,直接挑战Mass Burial(G-) ,让这个行会彻底瓦解!这么一来,以Not Ordinary[MG](B) 的个性一定不会轻易的屈服,他会寻找更强的人去成立新的行会,到时候,我们的人就能加入了……”

我点头:“釜底抽薪,算是一个好办法,可是,谁合适去加入Mass Burial(G-) ?我们Zhan Long(G) 的人基本上都被盯上了,一定会被发现的。”

Shen Bing 马上拍了拍胸脯:“还有Elder Sister* 我嘛,我在游戏里也有账号,只要你稍微我帮我一点忙,让我在短期内建立一个行会,我会带着行会里的人一起被Mass Burial(G-) ‘合并’,然后,机会就来了!”

“OK! ”

我站起身来:“那就这样决定了,我马上回去准备,对了,Shen Bing 姐你不是天天很忙吗?怎么还有时间玩游戏?”


Wang Xin(Chief) 嘿嘿一笑:“偶尔玩玩能65LEVEL {third class advancement} 吗?”


在杭州的守护者基地里,众人都害怕Wang Xin(Chief) 这黑脸大帅,却唯独Shen Bing 不怕,直接叫板,非常的威武。



Shen Bing 开car** 送我回工作室,随后驱car** 走了,而我上了楼,工作室里一群人都坐在大厅里,上午时分,一听到开门声,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 就冲了过来,抓住我的手臂:“Guild Master* ,找到Elder Brother 的下落了没有?”


我一声呼痛,{continuous retreat} 两步:“小雨,你碰着我伤口了……”

外衣下,手臂上的纱布赫然可见,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM一下惊呆了,她甚至还看到鲜血渗出纱布,呆呆的站在那里,眼睛蒙上了一层水雾,快哭了:“盟……Guild Master* ,你怎么受伤了?你怎么……都是我不好,都是我不好,对不起……”


Song Han(A) 眉头紧锁:“Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* ,到底怎么了,执行任务受伤?”


The King[ZL](B) 站起身:“Guild Master* ,你到底是什么人,怎么会……”

RAN MIN(B) 拍拍The King[ZL](B) 的肩膀:“不要问,这样对你和对李小子都好。”

The King[ZL](B) 是聪明人,决然点头:“嗯,我知speaking* 了!”

我缓缓坐在沙发里,Matcha(MK) 小心翼翼的扶着我,有些责怪的说:“呜,老大,你从来不跟我们说你干什么去了,是不是大半夜的去打架了?眼睛好红……”

我笑笑:“没有关系的,这是正常性损伤,对了Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,你Elder Brother 的下落暂时没有查到,不过我会继续努力的,你不要太担心……”

Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 抿着红唇:“我知speaking* 了,谢谢老大……”

“这些天,你就乖乖的留在杭州住一段时间吧,Wolf Totem[ZL](M) ,安排好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的住宿情况,不要怠慢了人家,现在Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 回苏州学校的话,我有些不太放心。”

“知speaking* 了,Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* !”

我继续speaking* :“接下来,我们Zhan Long(G) 有新的行会战略了!”

RAN MIN(B) 眼睛一亮:“终于有大型任务了吗?哈哈,快说快说,Brother* 几个胯下的BATTLE AXE 早就饥渴难耐了……”

“你够了……”Matcha(MK) 无语。

我轻声笑笑,继续说:“Zhan Long(G) 厉兵秣马那么多天,主盟3000人满了,{first division} 也1000+人了,总人数超过4000人,所以……练兵的时候到了,接下来的一段时间内,每天捕捉Mass Burial(G-) 行会的练LEVEL 点,追杀Mass Burial(G-) ,把他们从Ba Huang City 抹掉!另外,Matcha(MK) 帮我再买一块建帮令……”

Matcha(MK) 愕然:“又要建帮令干嘛?”


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL353 第三百五十三章 新战略2013-07-31 08:00:00 “当……” 一枚带血的弹片落入清水容器中,血液马上在水中散开。 我皱了皱眉,静静的趴在那里,Shen Bing 拿着毛巾帮我擦了擦额头上的汗水,很温柔的轻声问speaking* :“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,疼吗?” “打局部麻药了,你说呢?” “嗯,好吧……” Wang Xin(Chief) 的身边,一个身穿白大褂、大约50岁上下的专家用镊子夹起了弹片,伸手在上面轻轻抚摸了一下,说:“这弹片的材质是钛合金,硬度非常高,Li Xiao Yao(MC) 是修炼者中的Qi(tier2) LEVEL ,已经突破了BODY(tier1) LEVEL ,体魄的强度远远超过平常人,但是这钛合金的弹片却能轻松切开他的皮肤,这群人……不但精于算计,而且对我们的人非常了解,知speaking* 我们的弱点……” Shen Bing 手臂一颤,脸上带着悔恨:“都是我……是我太大意了,如果不是我昨晚留下了访问记录没有抹去,他们就不会觉察到有人解密了他们的保护程序,也就不会在那里设计了一个圈套……” “现在的问题是……” Wang Xin(Chief) 叹了口气speaking* :“好不容易找到的线索又没有了,我们依旧没有找到Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落,他们在商场地下室里布置的东西也被完全炸毁,一点线索都没有了。” I look up to Wang Xin (Chief): "not directly from Wei Fan[MG] (b) start it? ” "I can't! "Wang Xin (Chief) flatly speaking*:" Wei Fan[MG] (b) yesterday also to Song Feng (?) entertainment company of CEO identity was *** of officials reception has, currently above very attention entertainment culture of development, so we never can in this when moving Wei Fan[MG] (b), he now on is equal to is a burn Red of charcoal, we took up also will hot to himself, last, we caught has Dong Feng (b) This matter, also Sun Xiang General repeated his good offices to settle down, or the Dong Feng (b) already out, there are a few big ... ... To several people, too much pressure! ” Doctor help I sewing good wound, good morning drug and bandages zhihou, I sat up to, anesthetic of effect bulk to most, waved has waved arm, power almost no any of loss, for a breakthrough BODY (Tier1) LEVEL realm of people for, this injury does nothing, see with aside container in of three gold shrapnel, I said: "or such, I from guardian who action group, to personal of identity to check, such I on not dread Wei Fan[MG] (b) of forces has, King team you said does? ” "No, it's too risky! "Wang Xin (Chief) shook his head:" do you know speaking*? Zhiqian we encountered of enemy just other of iceberg a angle, Wei Fan[MG] (b) not only has colonization loaded people, even also some with you as of people, these people originally not asked world, concentrated practice, but in Wei Fan[MG] (b) deal or no deal Xia, he has netting to has at least 5 a above Qi (Tier2) LEVEL of master, guardian who of Headquarters also think we cannot contempt Wei Fan[MG] (b), Hangzhou is Wei Fan[MG] (b ) The Song Feng (?) where the entertainment, most dangerous, must not let one person to hide, you Li Xiao Yao (MC) once had an accident, our guardians have no second action group Li Xiao Yao (MC)! ” I had a smile: "it has been passive about this? ” "No ... ..." Wang Xin (Chief) narrowed with eyes, eye {Freeze}, speaking*: "Wei Fan[MG] (b) training so more of colonization loaded people, is nothing more than is to consolidation himself in South black Department of status, these colonization loaded people of training and evolution need a not small of space, so they must has a similar Yu factory type of line, I has in collected colonization loaded people of DNA evolution data, with these evolution data, half months within must can dug that factory of location, Find the factory, we can have good evidence, when Wei Fan[MG] (b) direct start! ” I could not help but smile, did not speak. Wang Xin (Chief) gave me a look: "what are you laughing at? ” 我直言speaking* :“王队,不是我瞧不起我们的情报部门,其实别说半个月,就算是半年也未必能找到BLOOD SCYTHE 训练殖装人的地方,而且,BLOOD SCYTHE 绝对没有我们想象的那么简单,Shen Bing 黑了他们的网,他们就能反戈一击给我们下个圈套,可以说,BLOOD SCYTHE 在技skill/tactics* 实力上根本不逊色于我们,这个帮会太不简单了,背后一定还有一个更加雄厚的集团在支撑着,一切都没有我们想象的那么容易。” Shen Bing 愕然,点点头:“仔细想想确实是这样,他们的数据库被我访问之后,24小时内就安排出这么一个圈套,一定有高手。” 我继续说:“而且,Wei Fan[MG](B) 之外,BLOOD SCYTHE 的任何一个主要负责人都已经像是风一般的消失了,我们根本找不到,也无从下手,整个BLOOD SCYTHE 都仿佛变成了透明的,我们捕风捉影,最后一定会无所收获。” Wang Xin(Chief) :“那依你小子看,怎么办?” “还有一个线索。” “什么线索?” “Wei Fan[MG](B) 在游戏里的Guild ——Mass Burial(G-) ,我几乎可以确认,Wei Fan[MG](B) 这群人一定都在DESTINY 游戏里,Mass Burial(G-) Guild 没有消失,我们就能从中入手,从Mass Burial(G-) Guild 来剖析这个神秘组织。” Wang Xin(Chief) 微微激动:“果然是这样的话,那就太好了,我们要怎么办?” 我摇头:“不知speaking* !” Shen Bing 在旁speaking* :“派卧底进入Mass Burial(G-) ,跟这群人混熟了,然后或许能够得到非常有利的情报。” “但是……”我触碰了一下手臂上的伤口,有些疼痛,继续speaking* :“但是怎么才能安排卧底进去?没有合适的人选不说,Mass Burial(G-) 一共也就500成员,并且都是殖装人,拥有天赋{skill} ,他们轻易是不会收新人的,根本没有可趁之机。” Shen Bing 微微一笑:“没有机会,那就创造机会,我也了解了一些情况,Wei Fan[MG](B) 在游戏里叫做‘Not Ordinary[MG](B) ’,本身就是一个睚眦必报、恃强凌弱的家伙,而且对DESTINY 这款游戏也非常狂热,所以等LEVEL 才会那么高,只要有狂热,那就有弱点,Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,我有个策略,看你愿意不愿意了。” “什么策略?”我问。 Shen Bing 笑笑:“你创建的Zhan Long(G) 行会,现在也绝对算是兵强马壮了,难speaking* 不该拉出来历练历练吗?我的策略就是——统御Zhan Long(G) 4000+大军,在Ba Huang City 的任何extending out** 地图肃清Mass Burial(G-) 的成员,有可能的话,彻底在Ba Huang City 地图上抹掉Mass Burial(G-) ,更狠的是找到一块[Guild Prestige Tablet] ,直接挑战Mass Burial(G-) ,让这个行会彻底瓦解!这么一来,以Not Ordinary[MG](B) 的个性一定不会轻易的屈服,他会寻找更强的人去成立新的行会,到时候,我们的人就能加入了……” 我点头:“釜底抽薪,算是一个好办法,可是,谁合适去加入Mass Burial(G-) ?我们Zhan Long(G) 的人基本上都被盯上了,一定会被发现的。” Shen Bing 马上拍了拍胸脯:“还有Elder Sister* 我嘛,我在游戏里也有账号,只要你稍微我帮我一点忙,让我在短期内建立一个行会,我会带着行会里的人一起被Mass Burial(G-) ‘合并’,然后,机会就来了!” “OK! ” 我站起身来:“那就这样决定了,我马上回去准备,对了,Shen Bing 姐你不是天天很忙吗?怎么还有时间玩游戏?” “没有啊,我只是晚上回去偶尔玩玩……” Wang Xin(Chief) 嘿嘿一笑:“偶尔玩玩能65LEVEL {third class advancement} 吗?” “要你管!” 在杭州的守护者基地里,众人都害怕Wang Xin(Chief) 这黑脸大帅,却唯独Shen Bing 不怕,直接叫板,非常的威武。 …… 换好衣衫,带上小黑,小黑经过爆炸,却没有损毁,只不过被烧黑了而已,擦擦就锃亮了,没有任何关系…… Shen Bing 开car** 送我回工作室,随后驱car** 走了,而我上了楼,工作室里一群人都坐在大厅里,上午时分,一听到开门声,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 就冲了过来,抓住我的手臂:“Guild Master* ,找到Elder Brother 的下落了没有?” “啊啊……” 我一声呼痛,{continuous retreat} 两步:“小雨,你碰着我伤口了……”

外衣下,手臂上的纱布赫然可见,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM一下惊呆了,她甚至还看到鲜血渗出纱布,呆呆的站在那里,眼睛蒙上了一层水雾,快哭了:“盟……Guild Master* ,你怎么受伤了?你怎么……都是我不好,都是我不好,对不起……”


Song Han(A) 眉头紧锁:“Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* ,到底怎么了,执行任务受伤?”


The King[ZL](B) 站起身:“Guild Master* ,你到底是什么人,怎么会……”

RAN MIN(B) 拍拍The King[ZL](B) 的肩膀:“不要问,这样对你和对李小子都好。”

The King[ZL](B) 是聪明人,决然点头:“嗯,我知speaking* 了!”

我缓缓坐在沙发里,Matcha(MK) 小心翼翼的扶着我,有些责怪的说:“呜,老大,你从来不跟我们说你干什么去了,是不是大半夜的去打架了?眼睛好红……”

我笑笑:“没有关系的,这是正常性损伤,对了Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,你Elder Brother 的下落暂时没有查到,不过我会继续努力的,你不要太担心……”

Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 抿着红唇:“我知speaking* 了,谢谢老大……”

“这些天,你就乖乖的留在杭州住一段时间吧,Wolf Totem[ZL](M) ,安排好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的住宿情况,不要怠慢了人家,现在Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 回苏州学校的话,我有些不太放心。”

“知speaking* 了,Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* !”

我继续speaking* :“接下来,我们Zhan Long(G) 有新的行会战略了!”

RAN MIN(B) 眼睛一亮:“终于有大型任务了吗?哈哈,快说快说,Brother* 几个胯下的BATTLE AXE 早就饥渴难耐了……”

“你够了……”Matcha(MK) 无语。

我轻声笑笑,继续说:“Zhan Long(G) 厉兵秣马那么多天,主盟3000人满了,{first division} 也1000+人了,总人数超过4000人,所以……练兵的时候到了,接下来的一段时间内,每天捕捉Mass Burial(G-) 行会的练LEVEL 点,追杀Mass Burial(G-) ,把他们从Ba Huang City 抹掉!另外,Matcha(MK) 帮我再买一块建帮令……”

Matcha(MK) 愕然:“又要建帮令干嘛?”


การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

353rd chapter of the new strategy 08:00:00

2013-07-31 "when......"

a bloody shrapnel into water container, blood in the water immediately.
I frowned, quietly lying there, Shen Bing holding a towel helped me clean the wiped his forehead of sweat, very gentle and softly asked speaking*: "Li Xiao Yao (MC), does it hurt?"

"local anesthetic, you say?" "Well, well


Wang Xin (Chief) side, one wearing a white coat, experts about 50 years old of tweezers from shrapnel,Hand in the above gently stroked, said: "the shrapnel material is titanium alloy, the hardness is very high, Li Xiao Yao (MC) is the practice of Qi (tier2) level, has been a breakthrough in the body (Tier1) level, the body is far stronger than ordinary people, but the titanium gold shrapnel was able to easily open his skin, this group of people...... Not only calculating, and very understanding of our people, we know the weakness of speaking*......" Shen Bing

arm quiver, with a face of regret: "I am...... I was too careless, if not I left a record of the visit last night did not erase,They will not be aware that some people have been to decrypt their programs, and they will not be there to design a trap......" "The question now is

......" Sighed tone speaking*
Xin Wang (chief): "finally found the clues and no, we still do not find the Qing Meng brother (?) the whereabouts, they arranged in the shopping malls in the basement. It was completely destroyed, a clue." I look up and have a look

Wang Xin (Chief): "we can not directly from the Wei Fan[MG] (B) to start?" "Not

!" Xin Wang (Chief) speaking*:"Wei Fan[MG] (b), yesterday to Song Feng (?) entertainment company CEO identity by * * * officials hosted, the above attaches great importance to the development of culture and entertainment, so we must not at this time dynamic Wei Fan[MG] (b), he now is equal to is a burning red charcoal, we take up will be burning myself. Last time we caught a Dong Feng (b) the matter, or general sunxiang repeatedly mediate to calm down, otherwise the Dong Feng (b) perhaps and early to put out, there are several high-ranking officials... For several times, the pressure is too large!"

doctor help me sew the wound, after a good medicine and bandages,I sat up and anesthetic effect of dispersed more than half, waved his arms, strength almost no loss of any, for a breakthrough in the body (Tier1) level realm, this injury really nothing, looked at the side of the container in the three pieces of shrapnel, I said: "either way, I from Guardian action group, to the identity of the individual to check, so I afraid of Wei Fan[MG] (b) forces, King team you say it?"

"no, too risky!" Xin Wang (Chief) shook his head: "do you know speaking*? Before we met the enemy but the other is the tip of the iceberg,(b (Wei) (tier2 above (Wei (Wei Fan[MG] B of the not only have yield, and even some with you people. These people originally ask the world, painstaking practice, but in Fan[MG] B spending billions of dollars, he has to win at least five Qi level master, to guard the headquarters that we cannot underestimate the Fan[MG] B Hangzhou Wei Fan[MG]), Song Feng (entertainment), here is the most dangerous, must not let a person a person go misadventure, you Li Xiao Yao (MC) if there is an accident, our guardian action group, then there is no second Li Xiao Yao (MC)! "

I have no choice but to smile: "is that so passive?" "No

Xin Wang (chief) is narrowing the eyes the eye, eye {Freeze}, speaking*: "Wei Fan[MG] (b) training so much the colonization of loading, is nothing but in order to consolidate its position in the southern black lines, these colonies loaded training and evolution requires a small space, so they must have a similar to the factory production line, I have collected in cloning human DNA evolution data, by dint of these evolving data, within half a month can dig out of the factory is located, to find the factory, will be able to grasp the absolute advantage of evidence.Then you can directly start the Fan[MG] Wei (B)!"

I could not help but smile, not to speak.

Wang Xin (Chief) and glanced at me: "you smile what?"
I bluntly speaking*: "King team, not I despise our intelligence agencies, in fact, let alone for half a month, even if is the first half of the year may not be able to find the blood SCYTHE training colonization loading place and blood SCYTHE absolutely no we imagine so simple, Shen Bing black for their nets, they can fight back to us a trap, can be said.Blood SCYTHE in technical and skill/tactics* strength at all inferior to our, the gang too is not simple behind there must be a more powerful group in support of, everything is no we imagine so easy. "
Shen Bing startled, nodded: "think, indeed, their database is my visit, within 24 hours on the arrangement of the such a trap, there must be a master."
I continue to say: "but, Wei Fan[MG] (b), blood SCYTHE any a principal responsible person have like the wind disappeared, we simply can not find, is unable to start.
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