“鱼弄上来要先放血,不放血怎么能好吃?鱼腥味大死了,你看清楚,要这么放。”利落的大妈朝我挥舞了一下手中薄薄的小刀,“鳃□□接处一刀,尾巴这里 การแปล - “鱼弄上来要先放血,不放血怎么能好吃?鱼腥味大死了,你看清楚,要这么放。”利落的大妈朝我挥舞了一下手中薄薄的小刀,“鳃□□接处一刀,尾巴这里 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


“鱼弄上来要先放血,不放血怎么能好吃?鱼腥味大死了,你看清楚,要这么放。”利落的大妈朝我挥舞了一下手中薄薄的小刀,“鳃□□接处一刀,尾巴这里,两寸处两面各一刀,基本上鱼血就能放的差不多了,你看,抖落抖落。”。e97ee2054d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
大妈麻利的杀鱼放血,大声的道:“那些陆地上的鱼怎么能吃?就算放了血也不好,你看那些要卖的活鱼,从现在捕上来到卖到岸上去为止,几乎都不会有东西吃,放到一个水槽里,游都游不动,身上的肉全都会松掉,怎么可能会好吃?”。6a10bb《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
我点头受教,记个不停。。41ae36ecb9b3eee609《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“鱼怎么做都好吃,但是也要分怎么做。”大妈喘口气,擦擦汗,对我道:“这些鱼下水,可以做成炒鱼杂,还可以腌成鱼汁儿下饭,还可以做成鱼冻子,放点菜丝儿放到热饭上一起拌着吃,香着呢!”。a5e00132373a7031000fd987a3c9f87b《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“女孩子不要学那么多啦,还是好好嫁人吧!”另外一个大妈对我道,立刻,几乎所有大妈们都教导起我“女人之道”来。。a8849b052492b5106526《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
落荒而逃~~~~~~~~~~。f0e52b27a7a5d6a1a87373《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“小眉,你看这个怎么样?”回到舱里,沈珊瑚把我找去,招呼我坐下,拿出一个小箱子来,打开一看,我差点晃花了眼。。ec8ce6abb3e952a85b85《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“这是我们沈家女儿们及笄用的东西,珊瑚压发、紫金布摇,尤其是这幅珊瑚凤头笄,可是珍贵的很呢。”。5807a685d1a9ab3b599035bc566ce2b9《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“是很好看!”我衷心赞美道,拿起那珊瑚压发翻来覆去的看,“好精细的做工!真是贵重呢!”。0deb1c54814305ca9ad266f53bc82511《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
啊?。c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
沈珊瑚端了茶碗,气定神闲的道:“你也是个聪明的女孩儿,实话跟你说了吧,在你未上船前,谢阁主已经和阿天谈好,也和我通过消息,希望沈家能收你为义女,十五岁的及笄礼,就由我们沈家来帮你完成。”。c8c41c4a18675a74e01c8a20e8a0f6《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“谢阁主是个有心人,小眉,你来了船上这么多天了,我也看得出来你是什么样的女孩儿,我只问你一句话,我为你及笄,你愿不愿意?”。22ac3c《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
为我及笄?就是说要、、、、要订婚?。92c8c9《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“珊瑚姐姐为我及笄,我肯定是愿意的,但是、、、、我还不想嫁人呢,我还有好多事情想做呢。”我道。。19f3cd308f1455b3fa09a282e0d496f4《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
沈珊瑚和沈云对视一眼,沈云笑道:“你看,我就说她肯定这么回答,死丫头四两拨千斤,真是狡猾!”。13f320e7b5ead1024ac95c3b208610db《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“小眉是一个人吧?”沈珊瑚问道。。a8f15eda《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
我噎了一下,“我没想这么早嫁人,而且,我觉得就算我喜欢他,也不一定要嫁给他啊,我还小呢。”。4ffce04d92a4d6cb21c1494cdfcd6dc1《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“十五说小也不算小了。”沈珊瑚道,“你可要想想清楚,做了我们沈家的女儿,门第上可能要差些,但是做谢阁主的正室可也够了。”。a4300b00《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“我不会浪费别人的感情,只是,在接受他的感情前,还是希望能和他站在同一位置上。”我淡淡的道。。38af86134b65d0f10fe33d30dd76442e《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
沈珊瑚忍不住微笑,“我真是没有看走眼。”她放下茶杯,笑道,“那么,小眉打算怎么和谢阁主站在一个位置上呢?”。67e103b0761e60683e83c5《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“错!”沈珊瑚斩钉截铁的道,“想得到自由身,这个没错,脱奴籍后想要自己开家小店自食其力,我告诉你,你这样完全是错!”。8d3bba7425e7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“珊瑚!”。30ef30b64204a3088a26bc2e6ecf76《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“怎么是错呢?”我诧异的问道。。c81e728d9d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
沈珊瑚温柔的伸出手来,将我拉进怀里。。3b8a《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“小眉长的很美呢,一眨一眨的,那里找这么好看的眼睛去?听姐姐的话,好好想想,就算你不打算嫁人,沈家的义女,也是可以做得的。”。7fa7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
她摸摸我的头发,柔声道:“想好了,就来告诉我,若是想要什么,尽可以对姐姐说,有个弟弟虽然好,可有时候也想要个妹妹呢。”。01f78be6f7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
沈云瞧她,“我不算是妹妹吗?”。577ef1154f《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“你是弟媳。”。5b8add2a5d98b1a652ea7fd72d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“、、、、、、、、、、”。1c383cd30b7c298a《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
晚上的月亮真美啊,亮亮的,旁边的云彩一缕缕的,我看看月亮,再看看海,心里一阵阵的翻腾。。e4bb4c5173c2ce17fd8fcd40041c068f《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
不对啊!这不是我的风格!如果我真的就这么看破红尘了,我干嘛不剃了头发当尼姑去啊?我干嘛四处学这个学那个啊?我干嘛爱财如命啊?我干嘛那么贪吃啊?我干嘛见色起意,见到帅哥美女都走不动步啊?。e820a45f1dfc7b95282d10b6087e11c0《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
只觉得胸中有股浊气正慢慢上升,我长长的吐了口气,慢慢的吸了一口新鲜的空气进到肺里,只想开怀大笑,对着天大喊两声。。82161242827b703e《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
哈哈哈!人生怎么能如此无趣呢?。08b255a5d4《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“放心!”我醉醺醺的回答他,向他摇摇我手中的绳子,“我早就注意到了,你看,我把自己栓在这里呢,放心吧,掉不下去。”。ad13a2a07ca4b7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“小眉~~~~~~~~”。f85454e8279be180185cac7d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“你想说什么?”齐磊好笑的问道。。14bfa6bb《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
齐磊耸耸肩,笑道:“不知道,也许,会做一些她上辈子完全不敢做或是还没来得及做的事情吧?”。39461a19e9eddfb385ea76b26521ea48《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“说的好!”我高声叫了起来!不怕死的伸手去拍他的肩膀,“说的真是太好啦!齐老兄!就是应该这样!”。c058f544c737782deacefa532d9add4c《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
后面几句我完全是尖叫着在嚷了。。d96409bf89《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Fish up to first blood, no bleeding how could eat? Fishy is dead, you see, and so should be placed. "Neat Auntie thin I swing it in the hands of the knife," Gill – pick up a knife, the tail, and two inches on both sides of the knife, fish blood can basically put almost, you know, shake shake. ”。 E97ee2054d the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "I used to know blood, but blood still feel the taste of fish is not correct. "I'm studious ask aunt. Boyle quickly kill fish blood, shouted: "How can those on land, fish eat? Even if blood is not good, you think of people who want to sell live fish from now on the hunt came to sell up to shore, would have hardly anything to eat, put in a sink, swim swim does not move, the meat is all loose, how could that be good? ”。 6a10bb the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ I nod taught mind incessantly ... 41ae36ecb9b3eee609 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ Xuanwu on Board of a number of fish, lots of people are helping kill the fish recuperated, I rushed over to help and learning, busy whole day. "How do fish is good to eat, but also how to do it. "Her breath, wipe, told me:" the fish into the water, can be made into fried fish, which goes well with rice and salted fish juice, fish also can be made into jelly, a la carte son into the mix on a hot meal to eat, sweet! ”。 A5e00132373a7031000fd987a3c9f87b the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ I carefully note, and around see has up, elderly were sat in side slowly of finishing those fishing up of small fish small shrimp, some elderly before pendulum a red mud small wind furnace, inside rolled with fresh sauce juice son and onion ginger silk, drink two mouth wine, pick two article small fish small shrimp threw to stove in to, had while fishing up, put mouth in chewing a chewing, fishbone and shrimp on spit to side, very free of looks. Children play and drew shells, the meat inside is touched by hand will stand back, there are girls in crisp pickled fish, stick up fish rub sea salt on grass, strips of folded, two days later the fish belly swell, is a distinctive flavour of dried fish, taste smell smell fresh. "Girl, what did you learn to cook fish? Men like fish in your future? "An elderly customer ask me ... 2f2b265625d7 "No, I want to learn, I want to open a shop. "I replied ... f340f1b1f65b6df5b5e3f94d95 "The girls don't learn too much weight, might as well get married now! "An aunt on my word and immediately, almost all the aunties told me" woman way. ". A8849b052492b5106526 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ Run ~~~~~~~~~~. F0e52b27a7a5d6a1a87373 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Xiao Mei, how do you see it? "Back to the cabin, Shen coral looking for me, beckoned me to sit down, pulled out a small box, opened it, I almost spent eyes ... Ec8ce6abb3e952a85b85 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "This is our home daughters cakes stuff, coral, purple, gold-cloth, and especially this piece of crested coral Hairpin, but precious does. ”。 5807a685d1a9ab3b599035bc566ce2b9 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Looks nice! "I said, and picked up the coral pressure seen over and over again," OK fine workmanship! Indeed it! ”。 0deb1c54814305ca9ad266f53bc82511 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Women's cakes, without a good set of jewelry, how could you? We Shen Jia-Ben's daughter, each with this set of jewelry held cakes, Xiao Mei, you put her hair up, see if it fits me right. ”。 192fc044e74dffea144f9ac5dc9f33 Ah?. C51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "This piece of jewelry,,,,, are for me? "I surprised way ... 6e0721b2c6977135b916ef286b Shen coral end table, gas conveyed: "you are a smart girl, to be honest with you, and in front of you are not in a boat, Xie Ge have good conversations and atian, also through a message to me, wish Shen Jia could have you as a foster daughter, 15 cakes, it is up to our home to help you complete it. ”。 C8c41c4a18675a74e01c8a20e8a0f6 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "For real? "While there are already prepared, but coral Shen say it face to face, and was startled. "Xie Ge is a caring people, Xiao Mei, come aboard the boat for so many days, I can see that you're the kind of girl, I just asked you a Word, my cakes for you, would you be willing to? ”。 22ac3c the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ Cakes for me? Which is where,,,, and are getting engaged?. 92c8c9 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "The coral sisters for my cakes, I'd sure like to,,,,, and I didn't want to get married yet, I still have a lot of things I want to do. "I said ... 19f3cd308f1455b3fa09a282e0d496f4 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ Coral and Yun Shen Shen one eye, Yun Shen smiled: "you see, I said she must answer, dead girl four-two ounces, was cunning! ”。 13f320e7b5ead1024ac95c3b208610db the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Xiao Mei is a person? "Shen asked coral ... A8f15eda the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Yes, wait until finished, almost to welcome home release in five years time, I should be able to take off the slave origin. ” "You mean, Xie Ge seem cruel? "Shen Yun asked ... 8f121ce07d74717e0b1f21d122 I choked out, "I didn't want to get married so early, and I feel that even though I like him, does not necessarily have to marry him, I'm still young. ”。 4ffce04d92a4d6cb21c1494cdfcd6dc1 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "XV that small is not small. "Shen coral way," you have to think it out, did we Shen's daughter, on the left hand may be less, but made Xie Ge Lord's wife has had enough. ”。 A4300b00 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Wife, wife certainly were in my room, and Xie Anhuai be born in the purple, impossible that one for me? Spoil me all my life, he can guarantee that his side did not say anything? Gao Menda, has continued his concubine, right? "First time out and people say I'm worried. "I am still considered slaves, even asked me to consider marriage after off slave who I would also like to say, women don't have to get married to subsist, I want to start my own shop, earn their own living should not be impossible, right? ”。 42e77b63637a "You want to get right, too, Xie Ge in status in, this kind of thing is inevitable. "Shen-coral with a sigh. "Say that you are not promised myself! "Yun Shen DAO to me," Xiao Mei may want to make it clear that women without men around the only, only needs to be done on his heart that only good, Xie Ge spend a great deal of thought for you, you should be careful to grasp. ” Yun Shen Shen Tian and the two lovers, did she say that? I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of her ... 647bba344396e7c81709 "I'm not going to waste other people's feelings, but before receiving his feelings, still want to and he was standing in the same position. "I light way ... 38af86134b65d0f10fe33d30dd76442e the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ Shen coral couldn't help but smile, "I was not brought about. "She put down her Cup, smiled," well, how and Xie Ge Xiao Mei plans to stand in one place? ' ”。 67e103b0761e60683e83c5 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "It'll take off from slaves who later, at least get a free agent. "I said ... 35051070e572e4 "Wrong! "Shen coral firmly said," wants a free agent, that Yes, took off after the slave who wants to open his own shop to earn their own living, I tell you, you are totally wrong! ”。 8d3bba7425e7 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Coral! ”。 30ef30b64204a3088a26bc2e6ecf76 the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "What is wrong? "I asked in surprise ... C81e728d9d the original net @ Copyright of Jinjiang @ "Days star pass adults, and cloud Hall main, and and o days, are with I said up had small eyebrow, are on you praises, said you work not like General woman as of shortsighted, mind intends to, also not and General woman as, said truth, not said yihou to married what of people, only said yihou himself to do what thing of girls, I also is head a back saw does, since you can has this copies bearing, why you only wants to opened a shop does? You should want to do more business, want to do more things, right? "Shen touch coral red jade bangles, staring at me. "They opened a small shop, do you think it would satisfy you? Store who can't drive? Through money, a few pieces of silver, a pair of Tiaozi can earn a living, but food, clothing, lodging, and restaurants that open, open shop merchant the same? The same deity, so that all those boat people compared with the four ships and our home and how do you compare? If you do, why not do the best? "Shen coral asked me, Her black eyes shining with the light, "has no contacts yet? Our home network but also not enough? We did Shen's background is not hard enough? Why don't you want to take advantage of these, making greater and more things? A young girl to open a shop? Daily public appearances, you do you want to be bored to death by those bunkers and libertine? Yun Shen you learn how to manage the account, I hear you ask how to keep fish and fresh fish, go stargazing and listening to the wind, and you finger, there is a small workshop to meet the? ” 沈珊瑚温柔的伸出手来,将我拉进怀里。。3b8a《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ “小眉长的很美呢,一眨一眨的,那里找这么好看的眼睛去?听姐姐的话,好好想想,就算你不打算嫁人,沈家的义女,也是可以做得的。”。7fa7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 她摸摸我的头发,柔声道:“想好了,就来告诉我,若是想要什么,尽可以对姐姐说,有个弟弟虽然好,可有时候也想要个妹妹呢。”。01f78be6f7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 沈云瞧她,“我不算是妹妹吗?”。577ef1154f《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ “你是弟媳。”。5b8add2a5d98b1a652ea7fd72d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ “、、、、、、、、、、”。1c383cd30b7c298a《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 那天晚上我喝了点酒,一点点的,船上有很好的葡萄酒,劲儿不大,有点甜,一下子就喝的多了点,我站在甲板上看着海吹风,酒劲儿上来了,头一阵阵的发晕。。6602294be910b1e3c4 晚上的月亮真美啊,亮亮的,旁边的云彩一缕缕的,我看看月亮,再看看海,心里一阵阵的翻腾。。e4bb4c5173c2ce17fd8fcd40041c068f《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 是啊,为什么我只想开一家小铺子呢?这样真的就能满足我了?每天卖它几十碗面几十张饼,洗碗和面,运气好的话,可以请上一个帮手,但就这样过吗?。8d7d8ee069cb0cbbf816bbb6 我好像被自己骗了?上辈子我穿越的时候真是风华正茂19岁,女孩子的心高的不得了,想着以后怎么奋斗,有自己的房子自己的车自己的大狗和小猫,死过一次,重新再来,我的那些雄心壮志那里去了?当丫鬟给磨灭没了?还是自己认为自己已经很牛了,死过一次所以看破红尘什么也不追求了? 不对啊!这不是我的风格!如果我真的就这么看破红尘了,我干嘛不剃了头发当尼姑去啊?我干嘛四处学这个学那个啊?我干嘛爱财如命啊?我干嘛那么贪吃啊?我干嘛见色起意,见到帅哥美女都走不动步啊?。e820a45f1dfc7b95282d10b6087e11c0《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 柳舒眉啊柳舒眉!你真是太、、、、、太自我欺骗了!!!。42e77b63637ab381e8be 只觉得胸中有股浊气正慢慢上升,我长长的吐了口气,慢慢的吸了一口新鲜的空气进到肺里,只想开怀大笑,对着天大喊两声。。82161242827b703e《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ 哈哈哈!人生怎么能如此无趣呢?。08b255a5d4《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ “你喝醉了?”齐磊神秘的出现在我身后,“你小心掉下海去!”。3d2d8ccb37df97 “放心!”我醉醺醺的回答他,向他摇摇我手中的绳子,“我早就注意到了,你看,我把自己栓在这里呢,放心吧,掉不下去。”。ad13a2a07ca4b7《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @ “、、、、、、、、、、你还真是有准备啊。”我眼花了?齐磊貌似嘴角在抽。
“小眉~~~~~~~~”。f85454e8279be180185cac7d《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“你想说什么?”齐磊好笑的问道。。14bfa6bb《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
齐磊耸耸肩,笑道:“不知道,也许,会做一些她上辈子完全不敢做或是还没来得及做的事情吧?”。39461a19e9eddfb385ea76b26521ea48《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
“说的好!”我高声叫了起来!不怕死的伸手去拍他的肩膀,“说的真是太好啦!齐老兄!就是应该这样!”。c058f544c737782deacefa532d9add4c《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
后面几句我完全是尖叫着在嚷了。。d96409bf89《》 @ Copyright of 晋江原创网 @
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Fish get up first blood, not blood, how can good? Fishy big dead, you see, to be so put." Aunt neat hands toward me waving a bit thin knife, "Gill □□ pick knife at the tail here, two inches at both sides of the knife, fish blood can basically put almost, you see, shake shake off.. " e97ee2054d "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"I used to know bloodletting, but the blood still feel put out the taste of the fish is not correct ah." I ask Aunt studious.
Aunt deft kill fish bloodletting, loudly: "The fish on land, how to eat, even if those who put the blood is not good, you see that sell live fish from fishing on shore till now come to sell, almost? will not have anything to eat, put a sink, swim are not swim, flesh will all loose, how could delicious?. " 6a10bb "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
I nodded taught, mind incessantly. . 41ae36ecb9b3eee609 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
basaltic ship hit a group of fish, many people are conditioned to help kill the fish, I ran over to help and learn, busy enjoying themselves.
"How do fish are delicious, but also how to make points." Aunt breath, wiped the sweat on me and said: "These fish into the water, can be made ​​into fried fish mixed, as can also be pickled fish sauce children rice, but also Frozen fish can be made ​​child, put on a la carte Sier put together pinned to eat a hot meal, fragrant way to go!. " a5e00132373a7031000fd987a3c9f87b "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
I carefully write down, they looked around them, the old people sitting on the side of those finishing slowly pulled the fish shrimp, and some elderly people put in front of a small red mud stove , which is rolling on fresh ginger sauce children and silk, two drink wine, pick two fish shrimp thrown into the furnace going, while pulled over, put his mouth chew, fish and shrimp on the spit to the side, very comfortable look. They then beat up kids playing with shells, which the flesh is indented hand touch will go, as well as girls in kippers able to cast salt fish stick propped up with grass, a strip of folded then two days the fish's belly swell, is a distinctive flavor of dried fish, eating up shares smell fresh taste.
"Girl, you learn to do fish do? Your future men like fish?" Asked an aunt to me. . 2f2b265625d7
"No, I is they want to learn, I want to open a shop." I replied. . f340f1b1f65b6df5b5e3f94d95
"girls do not learn so much more attractive, it is good to get married!" Another aunt on me immediately, almost all from my aunt who teaches "Women should live" to. . a8849b052492b5106526 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
~~~~~~~~~~ fled. f0e52b27a7a5d6a1a87373 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Xiaomei, how do you see this kind?" Back to the cabin, I'm looking to put Shen coral, beckoning me to sit down, to come up with a small box, opened it, I Akira almost dazzled. . ec8ce6abb3e952a85b85 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"This is our daughters and Shen hairpin with something, coral pressed hair, purple cloth shake, especially this piece of coral crested hairpin, but it is very rare.." 5807a685d1a9ab3b599035bc566ce2b9 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"is good to see!" I sincerely praise Road, picked up the pressure coral hair over and over again, the "good fine workmanship! really expensive too!." 0deb1c54814305ca9ad266f53bc82511 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"woman and hairpin, how can not have a good line of jewelry? Our daughter Shen capitalists, each holding and hairpin rite, Xiaomei with this jewelry, pull your hair up I look right fit.. " 192fc044e74dffea144f9ac5dc9f33
ah? . c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"piece of jewelry is to ,,,,, I use?" I was surprised Road. . 6e0721b2c6977135b916ef286b
Shen coral end of the bowl, leisurely said: "You are a smart girl, to be honest with you say it, you are not in front of the boat, and the Arab thank Gezhu already on a good day, too, and I passed the message, I hope Shen can charge you for goddaughter, fifteen-year-old and hairpin rite on by us to help you complete Shen.. " c8c41c4a18675a74e01c8a20e8a0f6 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Really?" Although already been prepared, but listen to Shen coral say it face to face, or startled.
"Xie Gezhu is off, Xiaomei, you come on board so many days, I could see what kind of girl you are, I just ask you a word, I have for you and hairpin, you willing?." 22ac3c "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
for me and hairpin? That is going to be engaged ,,,,? . 92c8c9 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Coral sister to me and hairpin, I certainly would, but I do not want to marry ,,,, it, there are a lot of things I want to do it." I said. . 19f3cd308f1455b3fa09a282e0d496f4 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
coral and Shen Shen Yun as one, Shen Yun smiled and said: "You see, I said sure so she answered, dead girl skillfully deflected the question, really clever!". 13f320e7b5ead1024ac95c3b208610db "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Xiaomei is a man, right?" asked Shen coral. . a8f15eda "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"be, until the year is over, almost went to a release Xie five years time, I should be able to take off the membership of the slave. " "
listen to what you mean, looks on Xie Gezhu ruthless? "Shen Yun asked softly. . 8f121ce07d74717e0b1f21d122
I choked a little, "I did not marry so early, but I think even if I like him, do not have to marry him, ah, I'm still young yet.." 4ffce04d92a4d6cb21c1494cdfcd6dc1 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"says fifteen small not too small." Shen coral, "you had better think clearly, Shen did our daughter may want badly on the door first, But do thank Gezhu wife had to have enough.. " a4300b00 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
's wife, there's wife certainly had a concubine, Xie Anhuai dignitaries came, I could not have a life, right? Even pets my whole life, he can ensure that his people around him do not say anything? high gate we have not continued concubine? "The first foreign people say my fears.
"I'm still are considered slaves, even if I consider to be married, I would like to wait to say, women do not have to rely on non-married to subsist off the slave after membership, I would like to start his own small shop, self-reliant, should not a fantasy, right?. " 42e77b63637a
"Actually, I'm wrong you think so, thank Gezhu moving in another identity, this kind of thing indeed inevitable." Shen coral sigh.
"It says that they do not promise you myself!" Shen Yun on me, "you had better think carefully Xiaomei, women do not do only men around, just do his heart was only like, thank you spent Gezhu a lot of thought, you have to be careful to grasp. "
Shen Yun and Shen-day sexual gratification, she say it? I could not help but look at her. . 647bba344396e7c81709
"I will not waste other people's feelings, but, before accepting his feelings, and he stood still hoping the same position." I faint. . 38af86134b65d0f10fe33d30dd76442e "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
Shen coral can not help but smile, "I really did not makes mistakes." She put down the cup, smiled, "Well, how and Xie Xiaomei intend Gezhu standing position on it?." 67e103b0761e60683e83c5 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"probably have to say off the slaves from membership after it, at least to get free body ah." I said. . 35051070e572e4
"wrong!" Shen coral categorically Road, "want freedom body, the right, after the removal of slavery membership wants to start his own small shop to support themselves, I tell you, this is completely wrong!." 8d3bba7425e7 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Coral!." 30ef30b64204a3088a26bc2e6ecf76 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"how is wrong?" I asked, surprised. . c81e728d9d "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Star through adults, clouds, recruited, and even A day Xiaomei keep telling me about, are full of praise for you, that you, unlike most women doing things the same short-sighted , mind intend, and most women do not like to tell the truth, do not say what kind of people marry later, after saying he was going to do something for the girls, or the first time I saw it, since you can have this tolerance, why do you want to open a shop? You should want to do more business, and wanted to do more things right? "Shen started touching on coral ruby bracelet, staring at me and said.
"Just open a shop, do you think this will satisfy you? Shop who can not open? Some consistent money, a few pieces of silver, an affair can earn food and clothing, but clothing, housing, energy and open restaurants, open shops businessman same? Also sailing, a boat that a family of four and our God Shen boat compared to how they compare? Now do, why not the best? "Shen coral asked me ,
her dark eyes flashing light, "No contacts? We Shen network of people is not enough? We Shen background hard enough? Why or why you do not want to use these to make bigger and more things ? One young girl home to open a shop? day spotlight, you want to be sick of those who hold onto and dandy? You learn how to follow Shen Yun management accounts, I also heard that you ask and how to keep aquatic fish , but also to learn and hear the wind stargazing surgery technique, you will martial arts, which is a small shop where you can meet up for? "
Shen coral gentle outstretched hand, pulled me into his arms. . 3b8a "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Xiaomei long beautiful it, blinking, and where to find such beautiful eyes? listen to her sister, then think about it, even if you do not intend to get married, Shen goddaughter, also can be made ​​of.. " 7fa7 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
her touch my hair, softly: "If you want good, come tell me, if you want what you can do for my sister said, there is a good brother, though, may have yet they also want a sister.. " 01f78be6f7 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
Shen Yun look at her, "I am not a sister?." 577ef1154f "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"You're sister.." 5b8add2a5d98b1a652ea7fd72d "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network
@ ",,,,,,,,,,." 1c383cd30b7c298a "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original net @
night I drank a little wine, a little bit of good wine on board, little awkward, a little sweet, a little too much to drink at once, I stood on the deck On looking at the sea hair, wine kept up, the first waves of dizzy. . 6602294be910b1e3c4
night moon really beautiful ah, shiny, next to a plume of clouds, I look at the moon, and then look at the sea, the heart of the churning waves. . e4bb4c5173c2ce17fd8fcd40041c068f "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
yes ah, why do I want to open a small shop it? This really be able to meet me? Sell ​​it every day dozens of dozens of cake bowl, washing dishes and noodles, good luck, you can ask a helper, but so before? . 8d7d8ee069cb0cbbf816bbb6
myself I seem to be cheated? Previous life, when I crossed the 19-year-old is really in their prime, the girl's heart incredibly high, after thinking about how to struggle with its own house his car his big dog and cat, died once, come back again, I Those ambitions go there? When the maid to erode gone? Or they think they have a cow, and died once so disillusioned nothing pursuit?
Not ah! It's not my style! If I do so disillusioned, I do not shave the hair when doing nun go ah? I'm doing this to learn that four school ah? I'm doing a money-grubber ah? I am doing so greedy ah? Why do I see color spur of the moment, to see the hotties will walk step ah? . e820a45f1dfc7b95282d10b6087e11c0 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
Liu Shu Liu Shu Mei Mei ah! You really ,,,,, too self deceived! ! ! . 42e77b63637ab381e8be
just feel there are shares of aggregate chest slowly rising, my long exhaled slowly suck fresh air into the lungs, just laughing, shouting against the day twice. . 82161242827b703e "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
Ha ha ha! How life can be so boring it? . 08b255a5d4 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Are you drunk?" Reviver mysterious appeared behind me, "You fell off the sea go!." 3d2d8ccb37df97
"assured!" I answered him drunk, he shook my hand to the rope, "I've noticed, you see, I put myself tied it, rest assured it here, do not go away.." ad13a2a07ca4b7 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network
@ ",,,,,,,,,, you really are prepared ah." I have vertigo? Reviver seemingly mouth in smoke.
"Xiaomei ~~~~~~~~." f85454e8279be180185cac7d "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"Stop!" I cried, so romantic moonlight and so gentle tone, you think I do not know what you want to say?
"Tonight I do not want to hear others speak, I just want to speak for themselves.." f718499c1c8cef6730f9fd03c8125c
"What do you say?" asked Reviver funny. . 14bfa6bb "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"you say, who died once, how she would live next life?" I asked mystery.
Reviver shrugged, smiled and said: "I do not know, maybe, will do some of her previous life dare not do or have not had time to do it?." 39461a19e9eddfb385ea76b26521ea48 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
"That's good!" I cried out loud! Not afraid of death shoot hand on his shoulder, "said the really good friends! Qi Dude! We should be like this!." c058f544c737782deacefa532d9add4c "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
Reviver was I scared stunned, I rode the wine kept grabbing his skirts, loudly said: "that's too good last generation to die once, and I did! no taste, why not try it in my life? I tell you! This life I eat all sorts of good things! optimistic about a lot more interesting book! know a lot of interesting friends! Do whatever you want! I To soak guy! I want to soak all sorts of guy! I'm afraid of what black belly! still put you down to bed! lured by the black belly! appearance by heart attack! cold gentle! how much I How many hotties bubble !! I totally want to! I totally want to! I do Invincible big rapist! big rapist ~~~~~~~ "
I'm totally behind a few screaming at cried. . d96409bf89 "" @ Copyright of Jinjiang original network @
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"The fish up to first blood letting, not bleed how can good? Large fish smell is dead, you see, so put to." Neat aunt shook hands at me thin knife, "Gill - at the joint of a knife, tail here, two inches on each side of a knife, basically fish blood can put about, you see, shake shake.". "Copyright of e97ee2054d" @ Jinjiang original network @
"I also know to bleed, but blood out still feel the taste of fish is not ah." I learned to ask aunt.
aunt quick kill fish bloodletting, loudly way: "how can the land of the fish?Even if put the blood is not good, you see those to sell fish, from now on to shore fishing sold so far, almost never had anything to eat, into a sink, swim swim does not move, flesh will all come loose, how can good?". "Copyright of 6a10bb" @ Jinjiang original network @
I nodded teachable, remember not to stop.. "Copyright of 41ae36ecb9b3eee609" @ Jinjiang original network @
basaltic boat hit a group of fish, a lot of people are to help kill the fish conditioning, I ran over to help and learning, busy awfully.
"fish how to do good, but points to do."Aunt gasped for breath, wiping the sweat, said to me:" these fish into the water, can be made into fried fish, pickled fish juice also can eat, can also make fish jelly, order wire into the hot rice mix together to eat, sweet!". "Copyright of a5e00132373a7031000fd987a3c9f87b" @ Jinjiang original network @
I carefully note, and look around, the old men sat slowly to organize those caught fish and shrimp, some old man in front of a red wind furnace, roll them with fresh sauce and scallion ginger, drink two wine, pick two small fish shrimp thrown into the oven to come up, after a while,Put it in your mouth and chewed, fishbone and shrimp on the spit to one side, very comfortable appearance. The children's play to play up the inside of the shell, shell meat by hand touch will shrink, and the maiden in the crisp pickled fish, fish to wipe Shanghai salt up grass stick, a section of the fold, and in two days the fish's belly swell, is to have a distinctive flavour dried fish, eating up the taste smell fresh femoral.
"girl, you learn to do what the fish? Your future men like to eat fish?" A woman asked me.. "No, I'm my own 2f2b265625d7
want to learn, I would like to open a shop." I replied.. F340f1b1f65b6df5b5e3f94d95
"Girls don't learn that much, or to marry!" Another aunt to my way, immediately, almost all the ladies are taught me "women of the Tao".. "Copyright of a8849b052492b5106526" @ Jinjiang original network @
be defeated and flee the most. "Copyright of f0e52b27a7a5d6a1a87373" @ Jinjiang original network @
"little eyebrow, how do you like it?" Back to the cabin, Shen Shanhu called me to say hello, I sat down, took out a small box, open on see, I almost blinded his eyes.."Copyright of ec8ce6abb3e952a85b85" @ Jinjiang original network @
"this is our daughters and Shen Jia Ji with the thing, coral pressure, Zijin cloth roll, especially this piece of coral crested hairpin, but precious very.". "Copyright of 5807a685d1a9ab3b599035bc566ce2b9" @ Jinjiang original network @
"is very good-looking!" I sincerely praise, picked up the coral pressure toss about looking good, "fine workmanship! It is precious!". "Copyright of 0deb1c54814305ca9ad266f53bc82511" @ Jinjiang original network @
"woman and hairpin,Not a good jewelry can do? Our daughter Shen Jia clan, each one with the jewelry held and ritual, little eyebrow, your hair rolled up, I have a look to be appropriate.". 192fc044e74dffea144f9ac5dc9f33
ah?. "Copyright of c51ce410c124a10e0db5e4b97fc2af39" @ Jinjiang original network @
"this piece of jewelry,,,,, is for me?" I'm surprised way.. 6e0721b2c6977135b916ef286b
Shen coral end the teacup, calm way: "you are a clever girl, tell you the truth of it, before you before the ship,Xie Ge Zhu already and a day on a good, and I also hope that through the message, Shen able to charge you for women, fifteen years old and ritual, we went home to help you complete the shen.". "Copyright of c8c41c4a18675a74e01c8a20e8a0f6" @ Jinjiang original network @
"really?" Although there is a psychological preparation, but listen to Shen Shanhu to say it out, or jump.
"Xie Ge is a person with high aspirations, Xiao Mei, you came on board for so many days, I can see that you are what kind of girl, I just ask you a words, I am for you and Ji, would you?"."Copyright of 22ac3c" @ Jinjiang original network @
for me and Ji? That is to say, to,,, are engaged?. "Copyright of 92c8c9" @ Jinjiang original network @
"coral sister for me and Ji, I must be willing to, but,,,, I don't want to get married, I have a lot of things to do." I said.. "Copyright of 19f3cd308f1455b3fa09a282e0d496f4" @ Jinjiang original network @
Shen Shanhu and Shen Yun to see one eye, Shen Yun smiled and said: "you see, I said she was sure that answer, dead girl four two dial one thousand jins, is really cunning!"."Copyright of 13f320e7b5ead1024ac95c3b208610db" @ Jinjiang original network @
"little eyebrow is a person?" Shen Shanhu asked.. "Copyright of a8f15eda" @ Jinjiang original network @
"is, when finished, almost time to thank for five years a let people, I should be able to take off the bondage of nationality."
"listen to what you mean, seemingly to Xie Ge main heartless?" Shen Yun whispered.. 8f121ce07d74717e0b1f21d122
I'm choking up, "I didn't want to get married so early, but, I think even if I love him, also must not marry him ah, I was just a kid."."Copyright of 4ffce04d92a4d6cb21c1494cdfcd6dc1" @ Jinjiang original network @
"fifteen said that small is not small." Shen Shanhu said, "you to think clearly, do we Shen Jia daughter, family may be poor, but the Lord do Xie Ge Zheng Shi also enough.". "Copyright of a4300b00" @ Jinjiang original network @
"Zhengshi, have Zhengshi certainly have concubines, Xie Anhuai was born in the purple, can never have me one? Even if the pet me for a lifetime, he can ensure his side of the people do not say what? In all, there are no continued concubine?"The first foreign people say my fear.
"I now also are slaves, even if I consider to get married, I want to wait until the off Nu book again, women not to have married to survive, I want to open my own shop, support oneself, should not be Arabian Nights?". 42e77b63637a
"you think so but also yes, Xie Ge master in DPRK otherwise identity, this kind of thing is inevitable." Shen Shanhu with a sigh.
"say so, you are yourself not promised myself!" Shen Yun said to me, "little eyebrow can think clearly, women don't have to do a man only, just need to do his heart that the only good,Xie Ge master for many thoughts you spend, you have to be careful to grasp."
Shen Yun and Shen day two, she say so? I could not help but look at her.. 647bba344396e7c81709
"I won't waste the feelings of others, but, in accepting his feelings before, still want to stand in the same position and he." I faint.. "Copyright of 38af86134b65d0f10fe33d30dd76442e" @ Jinjiang original network @
Shen Shanhu couldn't help but smile, "I am really not kanzou yan." She put down the cup, laughed, "so, little eyebrow going to and Xie Ge master in one position?"."Copyright of 67e103b0761e60683e83c5" @ Jinjiang original network @
"probably from off the slave born later, at least get a free body ah." I said.. "Error 35051070e572e4
!" Shen Shanhu resolute and decisive word, "want to get free, this right, de Nu book after want to open his own shop support oneself, I tell you, you are totally wrong!". "Copyright of 8d3bba7425e7" @ Jinjiang original network @
"coral!". "Copyright of 30ef30b64204a3088a26bc2e6ecf76" @ Jinjiang original network @
"what is wrong?"I asked, surprised.. "Copyright of c81e728d9d" @ Jinjiang original network @
"star through clouds, and even adults, chief of a day, have told me about the small eyebrow, all of you be profuse in praise, say you work as a general woman like a short-sighted, mind to, also don't like ordinary women, to tell the truth, not to say later to marry what kind of person, only that he will do what happened after the girl, I was the first to see it, since you can have this character, why do you want to open a shop? You should want to do more business, want to do more things?" Shen Shanhu stroked embarked on a red jade bracelets,Staring at me.
"to open a shop, do you think this can satisfy you? The shop who can not open? A few through money, how little money, a vendor can earn a living, but living, can open shops and restaurants, like the businessman? The same is sailing ship, those people and we Shen Jia Sishen ship than, how? Since want to do, why not do it best?" Shen Shanhu asked me,
her black eyes sparkled, "no contacts? We Shen family connections is not enough? We Shen family background also hard enough? Why don't you want to use these, make greater, more things?
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