第326章 讨债入玄境,对三年前的云澈来说,是可望而不可及,只能眼睁睁羡慕的境界。但在此刻的云澈眼中,却和小孩的杂耍没有任何区别。面对萧阳那 การแปล - 第326章 讨债入玄境,对三年前的云澈来说,是可望而不可及,只能眼睁睁羡慕的境界。但在此刻的云澈眼中,却和小孩的杂耍没有任何区别。面对萧阳那 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第326章 讨债入玄境,对三年前的云澈来说,是可望而不可及,只能眼睁睁

第326章 讨债

























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 326 collectionInto the occult, Yun Che for three years ago, is elusive, could only watch the envy of the realm. But Yun Che in the eyes at the moment, but juggling and children without any distinction. Xiao Yang that he hated, and Yun Che lengran smile, upper body motionless, his right foot kicked out. Yun Che speed that can be released at this time, a mere Xiao Yang could respond, watching his hand caught Yun Che's throat, and then lift it like chicken, but suddenly, he felt his lower abdomen ... ... As if was mercilessly hit by a mountain. Bang!! "Whoa!! ” Xiao Yang and scream, as the ball flew out as a whole in the air, tumbling more than 10 weeks in a row, landing his face covered with blood, no sound, the hitter. "Yang ... ... Yang! "Xiao Bo was surprised and high yelled out, a test pulse of Xiao Yang, he instantly became the face of liver-colored. Xiao Yang of the rather lethal wounds, but his black veins, are the crush! Even legendary Luo Jindan cannot be repaired ... ... Also means, Xiao Yang in the future, will become an utter and complete useless. "You ... ... You...... "Xiao Bo shaking up, in shock and anger, a face is blood red:" Xiao Cheye kind ... ... What have you done to Yoji! I ... ... I kill you bastard! ”Xiao Bo fury arose, such as hungry like a Wolf pouncing on a lose Yun Che, swung arm taught him very angry power of 10. Face of Xiao Bo's attack, Yun Che seems to be scared silly, or it lacks the ability to go from no action, it was Xiao Bo gave Yun Che a hard blow on her heart. Under Xiao Men they thought this strike, Yun Che will direct the chest fractured, ranging from near-death, then killed. However, when Xiao Bo's fists landed on Yun Che heart, but without the slightest bump, seemed the embodiment of Xiao Bo my best punch was not hit on a person's body, but hit a soft top cotton, Yun Che never said smashed out, his body didn't even move, haven't fibrillation fibrillation. Jokes, Chu months glass such nasty under the wrath of a Palm, unguarded Yun Che can also be back a few steps, Xiao Bo spirit that only eight occult mysterious force, Yun Che, hit in the chest and a mosquito does not make any difference. Solid punch hit Yun Che chest, Xiao Bo had time to show pleasure smile, entire people ignorant of the past, see themselves as being sucked in Yun Che right in the chest, his pupils dilate to the extreme ... ... Reflecting Yun Che demonic sneer at this time. Evil sneer, Yun Che chest lightly. "UM--" A cry of miserable the entire Shaw in a heartbeat, Xiao Bo sprinkled with Scarlet blood flew out, entire right hand completely broke into a pool of rotten meat, dozens of blood rushed from his right arm out ... ... His entire right arm, under the impact of a terror Juli, from outside to inside, from the skin to the bone, nearly broke into a hornet's nest. He collapsed to the ground, swinging is completely numb right arm, miserable cry yelled, shrieking like a Goblin's howling. Xiao Men as a whole except Xiao Bo's screams, leaving only a dead, all men face the panic, and strongly to the extreme disbelief. Xiao Yang suddenly flew into a coma, they were shocked, but not astounding. But Xiao Bo what is strength? Spirit of occult eight levels, is the most strong at the top of cloud city, he attacks, he was like a Tickle, and used a lighter to light can no longer move, seismic moment his entire right arm crushed! That moment of terror, like they all got into the Ice Cave, cardiac arrest. What is this strength? It was powerful almost beyond their cognitive power!The man in front, while those in cloud city known Xiao Men waste, Xuan Mai born crippled, there can never be any wreck in the future! "Shaw and old dog," Yun Cheleng smiled and said: "take care of your own lips, first of all, my name is not called a bastard and, secondly, don't call my name Xiao Che ... ... As early as three years ago, my name has been changed to Yun Che! Since then, in addition to my grandfather and uncles, MOM and I had to recover debts, Shaw and I you, and not in the least related! ” "Yun Che" name, just like the sound of Thunder explodes in everyone's ear, all showed the same panic on the faces of color, Xiao Cheng throat hit "listen" for a moment, trembling voice, "don't ... ... ... ... The legendary ... ... Ranking the first place ... ... The Yun Che ... ... Is that you? Ranking of second world war days, "Yun Che" the name Sofu was spread throughout every corner of the Empire, and since then, with his fall, his name was in its heyday, rumors about him more and more ... ... This, naturally, include that he is from Cloud City, he married the lean summer months, also from Cloud City ... ... These rumors are incoming Shaw in the ear, and rumors of a lot of information, especially married the lean summer months this, Xiao Che and drove them from door is consistent. However, Xiao Men from top to bottom, and the Cloud City, were absolutely convinced that these rumours are false. Even though there were even rumours that Yun Che is from Xiao Men, they are purely as a joke and to listen to. Very simple reason why the whole cloud city knows, Xiao Che Yuen is a natural pulse disabled, and even pure occult level is unlikely to break through at the beginning of the waste, and legends that Yun Che young, defeats the big descendant, also received the Princess favored ice fairy beautiful, extremely Darling is God-like figures ... ... Difference between two people as a cloud and mud, and then what is unlikely to be the same personA qualification average people have a big adventure, soaring is possible, but a complete and total waste, less than two years to become the top ranked top talent ... ... It's all a big joke. Rumors, Yun Che mentioned there are "descendants of Emperor Shenzong Phoenix", "direct disciple of a reclusive master," and so on, but Xiao Che and they know not half dime. But, the moment just that short, this waste in their eyes in the past have shown strength of terror, there name out of his mouth, but once they think the "joke", in their twitching in my head, close to the truth. Yun Che hands black light Flash, que sky Dragon, long que, with a heavy meal, with a loud ring, at the foot of hard marble floor suddenly burst, dozens of Rift the wild, Zhang Xiao Men crowd outside, has spread to more than 10 feet. Yun Che grabbed the hilt, deep said: "in this world, of course, I'm the only one Yun Che! Crack of Earth, near feet wide, bottomless of cracks, Xiao Yunhai, people of face Shang show has horror to must of look, a Zhang Zhang faces in extreme of horror and horror zhixia almost completely lost has blood, a star star eyes child more is almost to from orbital in jumped out of to, some psychological bear capacity weaker of disciple more is spot sat pour in to, surprised of body sent fibrillation...... In front of their eyes, is a they could not understand, much less the power of imagination! This is God some terrorist forces of fantasy ... ... They could not have dreamed, that was their disdain, contempt for more than 10 years of Xiao Che, with which they cannot have, dreams do not expect terrorist strength return. Before looking at this they had only disdain and contempt in the face of the face, they feel only fear and trembling. Xiao Yunhai hearts and faces severe twisting, long que of kamui makes the Earth cracks right through between his legs, put him at that moment the spirits are at, until now the body sweat. He raised his right hand, his face trying to expose an ugly smile: "the original ... ... So you're ... ... Is the legendary Yun Che! Haha ... ... Haha ... ... I should have thought of it. Didn't think my good nephew after leaving Xiao Men, yuyuelongmen ... ... Really ... ... It is worthy of celebration...... " “可喜可贺你十八辈祖宗!”云澈满脸冷笑的将萧云海的话打断,手臂一横,龙阙已离地而起:“我再说一遍,我今天,是回来向你们讨债的!!” 云澈身形骤然一晃,一道残影晃过,已如鬼魅般冲到萧云海面前,萧云海眼前一花,根本还没看清什么,一股万钧巨力已轰击在他的胸口上,他大吐一口鲜血,直接仰翻在地,他要发出痛呼,一只脚便死死的压在了他的嘴上,让他半点声音都无法吐出。 云澈右脚踩在萧云海的脑袋上,将他大半个脑袋都踩入地面以下,他阴冷的道:“萧云海,你身为萧门门主,却为了一已私欲,为了讨好一个萧宗杂种,竟然设计陷害我小姑妈,险些害我小姑妈陷入万劫不复的深渊!你那天的演技,可当真是精彩至极,以你那精湛的演技和卑鄙恶毒的心肠,只当个区区萧门门主,还真是白瞎了!” “休伤我门主!” 萧离大吼一声,猛然一剑刺向云澈的后心,云澈头也不回,伸手随意的向后一抓,一把抓在了萧离的剑尖上,瞬间将剑夺到自己手中,然后手掌一翻一转,长剑如毒蛇般反向飞射而出,刺穿了萧离的肩膀,剑柄卡在胛骨之上,带着他远远飞去,“砰”的一声,剑尖深深刺入后方的高墙之上,也将萧离就这么钉在了上面。 杀猪般的惨叫声从萧离口中发出,他如疯了一般的挣扎着,但他越是挣扎,剑刃便越深入胛骨,痛苦的钻心彻骨,血流如泉涌一般从他肩膀上喷出,淋淋而落,很快在下方积了一大滩。 萧泽和萧成本要一起动手,但看到萧离的惨状,还有地上嚎哭惨叫的萧博,他们面色如纸,头皮发麻,都乖乖的收起剑,瑟缩着身体再也不敢向前半步,眼瞳里满是惊恐。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 326 debt collection
into the mysterious territory of three years ago, cloud Che, is elusive, can only stand envy realm. But in the eyes of Che cloud at the moment, but juggling and children without any distinction. Xiao Yang face that let him face disgust, cloud Che lengran smile, the upper body does not move, his right foot kicked out. Yun Chol can release at this speed, a blessing is Xiao Yang could be a mere reaction, seeing his hand would catch cloud Che's throat, then raise chicks as he mentioned it, But suddenly, he felt his lower abdomen ...... seems to be a mountain severely impact. Bang! ! "Wuwa !!" Xiao Yang scream, the whole as the ball generally fly out in the air, roll a dozen consecutive week, landing Manlianshixue, no sound, act recklessly. "Yang Yang child ......!" Xiao Bo alarmed, sprang high growled, a test pulse Xiao Yang, his face instantly became a liver-colored. Xiao Yang fatal injury would be better, but his mysterious pulse, but it is the whole smash! Even if there is the legendary big Luojin Dan ...... means it is impossible to repair, Xiao Yang in the future, we will be completely reduced to a thorough head completely useless. "You ...... you ......" Xiao Bo trembling up, in shock and anger, an old head is blood red one:! "Xiao Che wild species of male child ...... you did what I personally kill me ...... You bastard! " Xiao Bo rage arose, such as an irrational wolves toward the cloud-like Che, very angry picked up under his arm instill Kazunari force. Xiao Bo face attack, cloud Che seems to be scared silly, too, or simply can not afford to escape, without any action, it was a harsh blow Xiao Bo hit in the cloud Che chest. Xiao door everyone thought under the blow, cloud Che chest directly fragmentation, ranging from near-death, while killed on the spot. However, Xiao Bo Yun Chol falls fist over his heart, but it is not brought up the slightest impact sound, as if it fully embodies the Xiao Bo blow not hit in a person's body, but soft to hit in a group above the pole cotton, cloud Che do not say smashed fly, even had to move the whole body, not flutter flutter about. Joke, Chu glass under this and other characters Jinu beat up, but also to the unsuspecting cloud Che repulsed a few, Xiao Bo Ling mysterious territory and that only eight of the mysterious power of cloud Che, the fundamental and no difference between a mosquito hit in the chest. Fist hit solidly in the cloud Che chest, Xiao Bo have not had time to expose Fiat sneer, the people ignorant of the past, as if being sucked at his chest right fist in the cloud Che, his two pupils enlarge to Extreme ...... Che at this time reflects the clouds still if demonic sneer. Contemptuous sneer among the cloud of an understatement Che's chest. "Uh ah -" I heard sounds very sad moment spread throughout Xiao door, Xiao Bo Eau scarlet blood inverted out, the entire right fist completely crumbled into a pool of rotten meat, dozens of blood rush pouring from his right arm ...... his whole right arm, under the impact of a surge of terror Juli, from outside to inside, from the skin to the bone, almost broke into a hornet's nest. He collapsed on the ground, tossed right arm has been completely unconscious, extremely painful cry growled, shrill crying like evil spirits. Xiao Xiao Bo whole door apart from the screams, leaving a silence, everyone's face is a panic, and intense extreme disbelief. Xiao Yang suddenly inverted coma, they were shocked, but not a horror. But Xiao Bo is what strength? Ling Xuan throughout eight, the whole strength of the uppermost layer of clouds, strong city, his attack on his feverish tickle the same, and the other with only a light to no longer light action, it will be his moment whole right arm shock smash! Gas field that moment of horror, let them all fall through the ice as cardiac arrest. What is strength? It is strong enough to almost entirely beyond their cognitive power! Can the man in front, but then he obviously well known city in the clouds Xiao door waste, a mysterious pulse born crippled, never have any future useless ah! "Xiao old dog," says Che sneered and said: "Mind your own mouth, first, my name is not called wild species; second, my name is not called Xiao Che ...... early as three years ago, My name has been changed to cloud Che! Since then, in addition to my grandfather and small aunt, and I have to get back the debt, you and I Hsiao door, no longer the slightest relationship! " " Cloud Che, "the name, as soon as thunder exploding in everyone's ear, so that all the faces are the same color exposed frightened, Xiao Cheng throat bitter "gurgle" a little, trembling voice asked: "Is ...... Is ...... legendary ...... ...... first qualifying battle that cloud Che ...... that you? ranking war ended the next day, "says Che" This name will be spread to every corner of the empire Cang wind, thereafter, his fall, his name is flourishing, rumors about him more and more ...... which, naturally including his clouds from the city, he married Xia pour months, also from clouds city ...... These rumors naturally passed Hsiao door ears, and rumors of many messages, especially married a month this summer poured, and were they all go out by Xiao Che was very consistent. But Xiao door up and down, and the whole stream Cloud City, are very confident that these rumors are absolutely false. There are even rumors that even though the cloud is from Che Xiao door, they also purely as a joke to listen to. The reason very simple, the whole town knows clouds, Xiao Che He is a natural mysterious pulse disability, life and even at the beginning can not break a mysterious territory purebred waste, and the legendary Che cloud that young, but straight large doors successor, also won the favor of the princess, fairy cordial Ice Palace is like heaven darling extremely figure ...... two of them as the difference between clouds and mud, and then how the same person can not be a qualified mediocre people have big adventure, soaring is not impossible, but a downright waste, less than two years to become extremely talented aspirations of qualifying battle ...... This is simply a joke. rumors among some clouds Che is "Phoenix Shenzong's successor," "a hidden World Supreme forward pass disciple "and so on, and they know it is not half dime Xiao Che. But just that short moment, the eyes of the past, they waste the strength shown by the terror, as well as his name out of his mouth, but in this once they think of "joke", twitching in their mind, once closer to the truth. Cloud Che hands of black light flash, Long Que borrow, along with numerous Long Que Benton , the Baoxiang, at the foot of the marble floor extremely hard suddenly burst, dozens rift madness spread, has spread to the foot of the crowd more than ten feet outside the door Xiao cloud Che clutching the hilt, deep said:. "The world on, of course, I was the only cloud Che! Cracked earth, nearly foot wide, bottomless chasm,萧云海et al face the horror-stricken look, the faces under extreme dismay and horror almost completely lost his color, a Keke eyeball is almost jumped out from the eyes, some of the mental capacity of a weak spot Zuodao disciple is, the shock of the whole body tremble ...... presented in front of them, they can not understand a, more unimaginable power! This is simply the fantasy of God was worthy of some terrorist forces ...... they never dreamed, that was ridiculed them, contempt for over ten years, Xiao Che, even with such a life they can not have, did not dare to dream expect the return of terror strength. Watching this they have only faced with disdain and contempt faces, they now feel only fear and trembling. 萧云海face severe heart and twisted, Long Que created by a divinity on earth just through the cracks between his feet, let him take all the spirits in the moment, until now have cold sweat. He raised his right hand, trying to expose an ugly face extreme smile:!. "So you actually had ...... ...... is that the cloud is the legendary Che ...... ha ha ha ha ...... I might have thought of it did not After leaving Xiao think my fair niece door, escape fish really big splash ...... ...... ...... really gratifying " "gratifying your ancestors eighth generation!" says Che face sneer will萧云海then interrupted, the arm a cross, Long Que has been ground into the sky: "I repeat, I am today, debt collection is coming back to you !!" cloud Che stature suddenly flash, a blur go past, has been rushed to the front ghostly Xiaoyun Hai , Xiaoyun Hai front of a flower, do not see what has been an enormous force roaring bombardment on his chest, he spit a mouthful of blood, Yang turned directly to the ground, he would issue Tonghu, one foot then tightly pressed against his lips, so he could not spit out the slightest sound. Yun Chol萧云海right foot on the head, he will head all Cairu half below ground, his cold and said: "Xiaoyun Hai, you are a master Hsiao door door, but for one has desires, in order to curry favor with a Shaw hybrid cases, even small framed my aunt, almost causing me little aunt into a hopeless abyss! your acting day, can really be extremely exciting to you that superb acting and despicable evil heart, just as a mere Hsiao Geek Lord, really white blind! " " Hugh hurt my main door! " Xiao away screaming, suddenly after a heart-stabbing sword Che, Che cloud without looking, reaching back for a casual catch, grabbed Xiao isolated in the tip, and instantly won the sword into their own hands, and then hand over the pages of a switch, such as snake-like sword reverse flying out, pierced Xiao from the shoulder, scapula hilt card above, with his far fly, "bang", deeply piercing tip on the rear walls, will also Hsiao away so nailed above. Kill the pig screams from the mouth from Shaw, as he struggled Fengliaoyiban, but the more he struggled, the more in-depth scapula blade, terrible pain biting, blood gushing from his shoulder general spray, dripping and fell quickly under the accumulation of a large beach. Xiao Xiao Ze and costs to be hands together, but see Xiao from the horrors, there on the ground crying screaming Xiao Bo, they pale as a sheet, scalp tingling, all obediently put away the sword, the body no longer huddle dare to half a step forward, eye pupil full of fear. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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