第三百四十一章 巅峰战 读秒声滴滴答答,焦点之战终于来临,方歌阙衣袂飘飘的站在20码外,居然没有拉开到40码安全距离,可以理解,为了保证魔法 การแปล - 第三百四十一章 巅峰战 读秒声滴滴答答,焦点之战终于来临,方歌阙衣袂飘飘的站在20码外,居然没有拉开到40码安全距离,可以理解,为了保证魔法 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第三百四十一章 巅峰战 读秒声滴滴答答,焦点之战终于来临,方歌阙衣袂飘

第三百四十一章 巅峰战





























火焰风技能连发,一次次的轰击在烈焰神虎身上,方歌阙也知道,必须杀掉烈焰神虎,否则让烈焰神虎秒杀掉雷灵,我人宠都活着, 那他就比较难打了。



































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Top chapter No. 341 Read seconds sound tick, focus of war finally comes, party song que clothing Mei floating floating of station in 20 code outside, actually no opened to 40 code security distance, can understanding, to guarantee magic of hits, party song que this level of spirit operation Division will select 20 code as standard distance, such not only can put opponents kite, and also without worried will was sword edged dash of 5 code hit killed off. "3! ” "2! ” "1! ” Countdown end moments, I'm Dragon Roar Monday, blessing Zhong Thunder Dragon already screaming success, one with one hand, play God Tiger roaring flames, big dark pupil names was very conspicuous, and ideas under the direction of fire God Tiger and my 10 yards apart goes forward! Song que paper dense flames in his hand, slowly passes, was hit by winds swept flames kill over, very fast! Exerting force with my feet, momentary completed the operation, floating up behind a big MISS, while maintaining the ideas of peace, meaning all consciousness is cleared to zero in the sea, maintaining the original fighting almost exclusively, without any tactical anticipation, without any fluctuations, giant sword directly killing to come forward. "Huh? ” Party song que eyebrows like scimitars, a twist, almost also found cannot insight into I of inside idea has, this let he very accident, actually, this consciousness field of against, General players hard do, but for I for on no so difficult has, years of cultivation Xia, I has breakthrough has refining body level realm, now cultivation of is a mood, repair heart zhixia, no to no read, as long as I willing to, Lin Waner in front of I of surface also cannot on I using read heart, this is I of a items advantage. "Wow! ” Blade breaking wind, laden with seven star mountain Shredder chopped light, just over the song que and his pet Thunder spirit! "Bad......" Song que face a cold, hurriedly a space fold jump results RayLink ghost I'm seven broken mountain directly in the chop chop! "Peep......" "3123! ” A roaring fire God Tiger, wielding a claw to the RayLink, is 2000+ hurt, this little RayLink moments have residual blood, peep shrieked, in square dancing under the command of the song que, a large magic wash over my feet and fire God Tiger staged numerous bricks and mud sputtering, a Lei Yuan has dropped! "1827! ” "3111! ” I said, God Tiger can't stand the flames, flames quickly, more importantly is the song que paper fans with a wave in the distance, a large magic cover down again--fire and ice storm! "2138! ” "1922! ” Flame God Tiger residual blood, I quickly to it a life therapy operation, swiftly added body, q sword on reverse rushed to has party song que, because RayLink Ji Ji screaming with, body into a light ball, 2 seconds within cannot was attack, is a gaoming of decoy tactical, using RayLink as bait, party song que is with with inverse days of spirit operation attack remote hit killed target. "Ho Ho......" Flame God Tiger haunts all fire residues, magic resistance also increases waiting RayLink lost cohesion effect, claw above dense color, bloodthirsty hit ready, I rush to the song que, directing fire God Tiger run escape the magic attack of the song que, a blade quickly pounce! “哗嚓!” “MISS!” 剑刃突进正好触及了方歌阙的真武盾,这是我第一次真正意义上的触及他,也算是一个突破了,之前大部分的近战玩家根本连方歌阙的身都近不了就被秒杀了! “刷刷……” 火焰风技能连发,一次次的轰击在烈焰神虎身上,方歌阙也知道,必须杀掉烈焰神虎,否则让烈焰神虎秒杀掉雷灵,我人宠都活着, 那他就比较难打了。 秦王剑铮鸣,我猛然爆发连击技能,“啪啪啪”的撼动在真武盾上,这聚灵盾的韧性值立刻猛掉到了27%左右,但也就在这时,方歌阙手掌遥遥一张,冰岩动发动,冰锥与石锥几乎一起刺透了烈焰神虎的身躯,带出大大的伤害数字,我的小老虎也就被终结了! “哗!” 与此同时,我猛然转身,遥遥张手,洪荒界,目标锁定雷灵! “4189!” 大大的伤害数字飞起,雷灵叽叽惨叫一声,倒下了。 秦王剑颤抖着,能量灌注,又是一个巽风斩! 方歌阙咬牙扬起纸扇,“铿”一声格挡住了,不对,没有格挡住,整个人被我劈得顺地滚了出去,但也拉开了距离,方歌阙单手猛按地面,纸扇冰霜氤氲,猛然一扬——螺旋冰舞! 这是方歌阙的得意技,能够禁锢对手! 我错身就是一次突进,身后飞起MISS,疾速向前飞奔,瞬间来到方歌阙眼前,剑锋一转,顺势重重一次横扫! "Keng! ” Earthquake again while back song que, I lifted by bombarding the Earth with an iron fist, violently shaking the ground, shoots up out of the chain! Song que, and is a space fold jump in a hurry! "Brush! ” Paper fans are flying again, fire + ice wind rock came along, and the distance is not far, I swiftly effects has been lifted, unable to Dodge! "2718! ” "+1200! ” "1727! ” Fight, ice launched before I opened the Red Long Hudun rock, sword again rushes song que, while healing stunts Dragoon is also launched, comes into play automatically reply to run out of 100 angry, hard battle! Song que frowned while back, kite-flying operations, hands, Indigo sea arrow came away 7 yards shooting, is difficult to escape, I just bite the bullet and just rushed past! "MISS! ” Magic hate both armor magic effect, MISS directly, song que pupil back: "Oh, why!? ” "Buzz! ” Qin Wangjian raised, I was strongly heavy weight of a potential split, song que slightly trembling, blood splash on the shoulder, Wu Dun was finally broken, my Qin Wangjian has 711 blood damage done to him! However, song que is cool, hands covered in my armor on, the spiral ice dancing! Two road spiral effort of frost haunted with I of Dragon riding will war knee climbed up, directly imprisoned live has, Flash, I arm a cross, left fist heavy printing in has party song que of arm Shang, even, this a hit directly put party song que of third times space folding jump of guide interrupted has, knows space folding jump of guide only 0.1 seconds, similar Yu instant sent magic has, actually was I interrupted! Stick to slide nearly 8 meters, song que stood up, paper fans, and spiral ice dance magic bursts in the time of 2 seconds, wind flame launched with ice + rock + ice storm! "2719! ” "3112! ” "3233! ” …… Body of a song that I already have awareness, was killed ... ... "Brush! ” Transfer play fisting standing there, I stayed silent, still going over every detail of the battle, it must have been some place I did not, otherwise how could still lose to the song que?! Looked around a group of friends, I whispered, "what the hell is swollen? I am still lost...... " Lin Wan son gently by in Cliff Shang, eye see with ground of stone brick crack, said: "party song que of skills cooling too short has, flame wind, several skills even not need cooling, only guide time, spiral ice dance this control skills also only 7 seconds cooling, so you hiding off has first times attack, is no hiding off second times, this is lost of reasons where. ” I deep sucking has tone: "swiftly continued time only 15 seconds, he three times space folding jump must can drag off this 15 seconds, spiral ice dance of cooling so short, I of prehistoric territories 12 seconds cooling, even is can in 12 seconds within broken shield, but also at least has 2-5 seconds of blank period, I on only beaten has, party song que of spirit attack too high has, red Long Hudun also resist not. ” General Li Mu patted me on the shoulder and said, "the leader, in fact I think the best-laid is better luck spell, first broken song que gas shield, and then killed him, never mind that pet Thunder spirit! ” 东城月在旁撇撇嘴:“不行,雷灵的威力我们也都知道,那是8灵加点的宠物,灵攻不会比我差多少,而且雷渊+闪电斩那么猛,给逍遥几下他可能就受不了了,不杀雷灵,逍遥可能会死得更快……” 宋寒道:“要不逍遥哥尝试一下缚兽锁绑住雷灵,然后就有机会了……” 我略一点头:“嗯,大家的建议我都知道了,让我再去尝试一次!” “好!” …… “刷!” 再次传送入场,与方歌阙遥遥相对,在读秒开始的瞬间,我已经加持好剑起波澜、洪钟雷鸣之龙啸两大BUFF,就在读秒结束时,擎剑带着烈焰神虎冲了出去,并且意志决然,目标锁定雷灵,用缚兽锁捆住它,然后去杀方歌阙! 浓烈的意识在场中氤氲,方歌阙没有洞察不到的道理,但是,方歌阙却抽身急退,却没有去保护雷灵,这是个聪明人,第一场就已经知道我能完美的遮掩住内心想法让他无法洞悉,而第二场却释放出强烈的杀戮感,这必有蹊跷,于是方歌阙直接想到了这是一次欺骗性的诱敌战术,我的缚兽锁目标不是雷灵,而是他! “洪!” 拳头周围萦绕着青色气旋,我猛然向前一击,果然,方歌阙飞速走位滑动,但是,缚兽锁破土而出的瞬间,方歌阙脸上神色一颤:“糟了!” “叽叽……”雷灵被铁索绑住了,一动不动,只能惨叫着,8级缚兽锁持续5.9秒,真正的IMBA技能出现了! “嗡!” 秦王剑氤氲着杀意,我和烈焰神虎分为两翼冲向了方歌阙,小老虎怒吼着踏火奔袭,方歌阙一个法师自然跑不过,并且我已经给小老虎加持好了烈焰甲,就拼着5.9秒内杀方歌阙,不然就不过了! “吼吼……” 烈焰神虎的扑杀下,方歌阙只能空间折跃,并且连续两次空间折跃,我的扑杀更加犀利,比赛场也就那么一点点,方歌阙已然被逼入角落里! “叮!” 五颗金星在剑刃之上窜动,连击直落向方歌阙,他只有22%的真武盾韧性了! “嗯?” 清澈的眸子一扫而过,方歌阙毫不犹豫的最后一次空间折跃! 我单手一扬,洪荒界! “嘭!” 真武盾猛烈扭曲,终于破盾了,就在破盾的一刹那,我手中秦王剑愤怒而下,七星碎岳斩! “轰!” 乱石飞溅,这石头垒砌的比武场瞬间被我劈成了两半,轰隆隆的倒塌下去,碎岳效果太强横了,而破盾后的方歌阙颓然坐倒在废墟之中,头顶上飞起一个大大的伤害数字,被卓越一击了—— “4738!” …… 直接击杀,1:1,扳回一城! 飞儿踩着小蛮靴上台,笑容可掬:“恭喜逍遥自在胜了一局,不过比武场被他一剑劈成了披萨,咳咳,请大家稍微等待五分钟,我去让技术员把比武场修复一下,很快的哦,马上回来……” 叶子的腾讯微博“失落叶”新浪微博“失落叶_17k”,欢迎关注哦,关于斩龙以及叶子小说的一切信息将会在微博上第一时间发布,另外,今晚8点WAP网访谈,不见不散~~ 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Three hundred and forty first chapter pinnacle war countdown ticking sound, focus of the war has finally arrived, party song Que Yi Mei fluttering standing 20 yards, 40 yards did not actually opened to a safe distance, it is understood, in order to ensure Magic hit rate, the party song Que This level of spiritual Alchemist will choose 20 yards as the standard distance, it will not only be able to put opponents kite, and do not worry about being the blade onrush of five yards hit kill. "3! " " 2! " " 1! " moment countdown ended, I heard the body Zhou Long Xiao, bells thunder blessing Longxiao already successful single-handed one, flames roaring tiger playing God, very big name Aoi Hitomi eye-catching, ideas under the command of God flames tiger and I dash forward side by side 10 yards away! Party song Que hands mixing with a paper fan the flames, slowly flash, a flame is wind swept over the Xisha, fast! Force my feet, split between the completion of the change to the operation, float behind a big MISS, while maintaining a calm mind, clear Italian sea all consciousness, almost exclusively to maintain the most original fighting consciousness, there is no tactical anticipation, no thinking fluctuations engine sword culled directly approached. "Ah?" party song Que Jian Mei a twist, almost too found it impossible to discern my innermost thoughts, and that made ​​him very surprised, in fact, this awareness in the field of confrontation, ordinary players hard to do, but for me not so difficult, the next years of practice, I've broken through the realm of refining the body level, now practice is a state of mind, under the cultivation of the mind, no desire to read, as long as I wish, Ms Lin front of my face also unable to I use mind-reading, and this is one of my advantages. "Wow!" The blade had broken wind, laden with seven broken Yue cut light, just enveloped the party song Que and his pet Lei Ling! "Bad ......" party song Que face a cold, hurried off on a space jump, the result Thunder Spirit ghost directly Yue I cut seven pieces Pizhong! "Jiji ......" "3123!" Flames God tiger roar, waving claws shot to the mine spirit, but also a 2000+ damage, this small mine spiritual moment had residual blood, Jiji screamed, Under party song Que command dancing, magic at the foot of a large and flames God I tigers emerged, countless bricks and mud sputtering into the sky, a big deep mine already came! "! 1827" ! "3111," I said okay, God tiger flames a bit fed up, hurried flames armor, even worse is the party song Que waved paper fans in the distance, and a large magic enveloped down - Addict storm! "2138! " " 1922! " Flames God tiger residual blood, I hurried to give it a life treatment technique, quickly add body, engine sword back toward the party song Que, because Lei Ling Jiji screaming, body into a ball of light within 2 seconds it can not be attacked, but also a clever tactic to lure the enemy, use mine spirit as bait, but by virtue of party song Que Guards of spiritual surgery Xisha attack remote targets. "Left ......" Flames God tiger whole body residues A haunted flame, magic resistance also improved significantly together, waiting for the thunder spirit of cohesion effect is lost, dense with color on the claws, bloodthirsty hit contrast, I will mention Sword anxious rushed party song Que, while commanding the flames to escape God tiger run party song Que magic attack, while rapid onrush of a blade! "Wow Crash!" "MISS!" Blade onrush just scratched the party song Que Zhenwu shield, this is the first time I touched a real sense, he can be considered a breakthrough, and before most of the melee of players do not even party Song Que body are nearly not just spike it! "Brush ......" flame bursts of wind skills, time and time again in the flames of God bombardment tiger body, party song Que also know that you must kill the tiger flames God, otherwise God let flames seconds to kill the tiger spirit mine, I have one pet alive that he is more difficult to hit. Qin王剑铮Ming, I suddenly broke combo skills, "lovemaking" shake on Zhenwu shield, this shield poly spirit of fierce toughness value immediately fell about 27%, but also at this time, party song Que palm a distant, ice-rock move to launch, along with picks and stone cone almost God flames pierced the tiger's body, with a big damage numbers, my little tiger will be the end of it! "Wow!" At the same time, I suddenly turned, distant Zhang hand, prehistoric community, targeting Lei Ling! "4189!" big damage numbers fly, Lei Ling Jiji screams, fell. Qin sword trembling, energy infusion, but also a Sunda wind chop! Raising paper fan party song Que teeth, "hang" sound cell block, no, no cell block, the people were to roll along I Pide out, but also distanced themselves from party song Que ground with one hand jerk , paper fans Frost dense, suddenly a Yang - Spiral Ice! This is a proud technology party song Que, can imprison opponents! I was wrong body is a sudden, behind the dancing MISS, quickly ran forward, the moment came to party song Que front of the blade of a turn to take advantage of numerous first sweep! "Hang!" again Zhentui party song Que while I iron fist of a Young bombardment above the earth, the ground trembled violently, a chain emerged! Party song Que was called, was a hurried and space fold jump! "Brush!" Zhishan again flying, flame wind + ice rocks move this one up, and not far away, fast effect on me has been lifted, unable to dodge it! "2718! " " +1200! " " 1727! " fight before moving ice rock launch I opened the Red Dragon shield, put the sword again rushed emergency party song Que, while healing effects but also with Qijiang launch, when entering autoresponders anger value used up 100 points, desperate for a fight! Party song Que frowned while back, while kite flying operations in the hands of a flash, arrows indigo sea flying from seven yards away from me, it is difficult to escape, I simply have a bite to so rushed past! "MISS!" magic hate hate magic effect armor appeared, direct MISS, party song Que pupil a close: "!? Oh, how will" ! "Om" Qin王剑扬since I was a Shitailichen heavy chop, party song Que body slightly shocked, shoulder blood darting, Zhenwu Shield has finally been broken, my king sword has caused him 711 points blood hurt! However, the party song Que was very calm, Zhang hand covered in my armor, helical ice dancing! Two spiral fresh frost Qijiang war haunts my knee rise up and direct imprison live, moment, my arm a horizontal, left fist heavily printed on the side of the song Que arm, even, the blow directly to the Boot space fold jump in third party song Que interrupted, and God knows fold jump boot space only 0.1 seconds, like instant magic, I was surprised to be interrupted! Affixed to slide nearly 8 meters, party song Que stood up, paper fans Yang, 2 seconds of ice dancing in the spiral valuable time magic bursts of flame wind + ice + Addict storm moving rocks together to launch! "2719!" "3112!" "3233!" ...... a loose body, I have awakened, killed ...... "brush!" transfer appearances, fist standing there, I foolishly silent, hearts still think back to just fight in every detail, certainly there are some places I did not do, or how you may still lose the party song Que? ʱ?? Looked around a group of friends, I whispered: "in the end is swollen what's going on I was lost ......?" Ms Lin gently leaning on the walls, looked at the floor of the brick crack, said: "The party song Que's cooldown is too short, the flame winds, and several other skills even without cooling, only boot time, this control spiral ice dancing skills are only seven seconds to cool, so you dodge the first attack, but did not dodge the first Second, this is the reason to lose. " I took a deep breath: "quickly duration was 15 seconds, he will be able to jump off the three spatial drag out this 15 seconds, spiral cooling in ice so short, my prehistoric world 12 seconds cooling, the shield can break even within 12 seconds, but at least there are gaps of 2-5 seconds, I can only beaten, party song Que spiritual attack is too high, Red Dragon Shield also could not withstand. " Admiral Li Mu a beat me on the shoulder, said: "The chief, in fact, I think thousands of operators 000 operator, it is better to fight about luck, first broke the party song Que gas shield, then kill him in one fell swoop, do not control it Pets thunder spirit of the "! East next month in Staveley: "No, Ray spiritual power we all know that it is a pet 8 Coalinga point, the spirit will not attack much worse than me, and mine deep cut so fierce lightning + , give Happy a few he may not stand, do not kill the spirit mine, Happy might die faster ...... " Han Song said: "Do you want to try Happy brother tied beast lock tied Lei Ling, then have a chance ... ... " I have a little one nodded: "ah, we advice I know, let me try once again!" "Good!" ...... "brush!" transfer admission again, with the party song Que distant relative, in the countdown instant start, I have the blessing of good sword turmoil, bells thunder Longxiao two BUFF, just at the end of the countdown, engine sword with God tiger flames rushed out, and will decisively, targeting Lei Ling, with a tied beast locks tied it, then kill the party song Que! Strong sense of presence in the dense, party song Que no insight not the truth, but they withdraw Jitui que party song, but not to protect the mine spirit, this is a clever man, the first field already know that I can perfect cover live innermost thoughts so that he could not discern, while the second was the release of a strong sense of the killings, it must be something wrong, so the party song Que direct thought it was a deceptive tactics to lure the enemy, my goal is not tied beast lock Ray Ling, but he! ! "Hung" fist around the haunted blue cyclone hit me suddenly forward, really, to walk party song Que rapid slide, however, and instantly locks tied beast emerged, the party song Que shocked look on his face: "Oh up! " " Jiji ...... "Lei Ling was cable tied, motionless, only screams, eight locks tied beast continued 5.9 seconds, the real IMBA skills appeared! "Om!" Qin Jian dense with intention to kill, the tiger god into flames and I rushed to the party song Que wings, riding the tiger roaring fire raid, party song Que natural run, but a mage, and I have given little tiger blessing A good flames, it is vapid within 5.9 seconds to kill the party song Que, or just that! "Left ......" under God tiger flames culling, party song Que fold jump only space, and space fold jump twice, I culled more sharp, the playing field a little bit also, party song Que already forced into a corner! "Bite!" ran the blade over five Venus, in straight sets to the party song Que batter, he was only 22 percent of Zhenwu shield toughness it! "Ah?" clear eye swept away, party song Que hesitate to jump off the last space! I am a single hand of a Young, prehistoric world! "Bang!" Zhenwu shield twisted violently, finally broke the shield, on the broken shield of the moment, I am angry at the hands of the King of Qin sword, seven broken Yue cut! "Boom!" rocks splash contest field assembled moment this stone was I split into two halves, rumbling collapse down, broken Yue effect too tyrannical, while the party song Que broken shield slumped after Zuodao ruins among dancing on the head of a big damage numbers are excellent strike - the "4738!" ...... direct kill, 1: 1, pulled one back! Xiao Man FIR boots stepping on stage, smiling: "Congratulations unaffected win a game, but the tourney field he became a Jianpi pizza, Keke, please wait a little five minutes, I'll ask the technician to contest Field repair it, and soon, oh, right back ...... " leaves Tencent microblogging "Lost Leaf" Weibo "Lost Leaf _17k", welcome attention Oh, everything slaying the dragon and the leaves will be slightly on the novel Bo first published, in addition, WAP network interviews tonight 8:00 there or be square ~~ book starting from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The chapter 341 peak war

countdown sound tick, the focus of the war finally came, song que Yimei fluttering in 20 yards, actually did not open to 40 yards safety distance can be understood, in order to ensure the magic hit rate, this level of party song que spirit division will select 20 yards as the standard distance, such not only can let rivals kite, and do not have to worry about is the blade onrush of 5 yards hit to kill. 3

"!" 2

"!" 1


the countdown at the end of the moment, me Monday sound Long Xiao, Hongzhong Thunder Dragon roar already blessings success, a single hand, flames God tiger roaring appearance,The name is very eye-catching pupil greatly, the idea of directing, the flames of God tiger and I are 10 yard dash forward side by side!

party song paper fan a flame que hands slowly, in a flash, a fire by the wind swept over the fast attack!

I at the foot of the force, electro-optical flint completed the change to the operating behind Piaoqi a big miss, while maintaining a calm mind, meaning sea cleared all consciousness almost maintained the original combat consciousness, without any tactical pre judgment, without any thought waves, Qing sword directly culled to come forward.


party song que sword eyebrow a twist,Almost can not find insight into my mind the, which makes him very accident, in fact, confrontation in the field of consciousness and ordinary players is very difficult to do, but for me there is no so difficult, many years of practice, I have to break through the chain body class state, Xiu Lian is a state of mind, repair under the heart, no desire without reading, as long as I am willing, Lin Wan son when a I also unable to I used to read the heart, this is my an advantage. "Wow!"

blade breaking wind, carrying seven broken Yue light cut, just over the side and his pet Lei Ling song que! "Bad......" We face a cold song que,Quickly on a space to jump, the result of the virtual shadow of the ray is directly in my seven star broken!

"......" 3123


flames God tiger roar, waving claws shoot to the thunder spirit and 2000 damage, this little Lei Ling moment had residual blood, Jiji scream, under the command of the song que dancing, a large magic in tiger flames God and I at the foot of the ground breaking out, numerous city brick and mud sputtering, a big thunder yuan has already left. 1827

"!" 3111


I said okay, the flames of God tiger some stand, and a flame,Even worse is the party song Que in the distance a paper fan wave, and a large magic shut down -- ice storm! 2138

"!" 1922


flames God tiger residual blood, I hurried to give it a life treatment surgery, quickly behind, Qing sword back toward the song que, because Lei Ling Ji Ji screaming, the body is a ball of light, 2 seconds and cannot be attacked, and is a clever diversionary tactics, the thunder spirit as bait, song Fang que but by virtue of the guards of the spirit of the attack force remote attacks kill target. Haha

"......" The flames of God are all

tiger haunt flame residual armor, magic resistance is greatly improved,Waiting for the thunder spirit cohesion effect is lost, claws dense color, bloodthirsty shock troops, I provided sword surges to the song que, while directing the flames of God tiger run to escape the song que magic attacks, while fast a blade onrush! "Wow"!" MISS

"!" Blade onrush

just touches the song que Zhenwu shield. This is my first real sense of touch him, also be regarded as a breakthrough, before most of the melee player fundamental even the song que body are not close it was a spike!


flame again bursts of wind skills, the flames of God in the bombardment of the tiger, Fang Song que know,The flames of God must kill the tiger, or let the flames of God tiger Seckill fell Lei Ling, my pet alive, he is more difficult to play.

Qin Jian Zheng Ming, I suddenly burst skill combo, "popping" shake in Zhenwu shield, this poly spirit shield toughness value immediately fierce dropped to 27 percent, but also at this time, song Fang que palm distant a, ice and rock dynamic launched, stone cone and cone together for almost pierced the fierce flame God tiger body, with a greatly damage numbers, my little tiger also was brought to an end. "Wow!"

at the same time, I suddenly turned away, a hand, the circle, target Lei ling! 4189


Greatly hurt digital fly, Lei Ling Jiji screams, down. The sword

trembling, power infusion, and a wind cut rose!

the song que teeth raised paper fan, "clang" sound lattice blocking the misalignment, no blocking, whole person is I'll split was smooth roll out, but also opened the distance, song Fang que single hand fierce on the ground, paper fan frost dense, suddenly a young spiral dancing! This is our song

que proud skill is able to imprison the opponent!

I wrong body is a dash behind flying miss, moving fast gallop, moment came to the song que eyes, Janus, take advantage of the many a sweep!

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