第二百二十六章 冤家路窄readx(); 原来尸蛟如此强大,难怪尸蛟现身的时候,众人如此震惊。而且这只尸蛟跟其他妖兽有点不太一样,头上长着一 การแปล - 第二百二十六章 冤家路窄readx(); 原来尸蛟如此强大,难怪尸蛟现身的时候,众人如此震惊。而且这只尸蛟跟其他妖兽有点不太一样,头上长着一 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百二十六章 冤家路窄readx(); 原来尸蛟如此强大,难怪尸蛟现

第二百二十六章 冤家路窄
readx(); 原来尸蛟如此强大,难怪尸蛟现身的时候,众人如此震惊。而且这只尸蛟跟其他妖兽有点不太一样,头上长着一颗奇异的红色珠子,吸引了无数人的目光。














































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 226 yuanguluzhaireadx(); Jiao is so powerful, it's no wonder that when the dragon appeared, all so stunned. And it only stings, among other beasts are not the same, with a strange red beads on their heads, and attracted the attention of many people. Swish! Six figure from the bottom of the Lake out, pounced on the Dragon. Jiao live longer, smaller, the Dragon did not know how long, Nie Li and don't see it, but from the strength analysis, should not God tier, or that six people had died.Six people washed into the Lake, is the underworld leader in the domain of hardcore family young people, for their own strength of ego, so when it comes to Jiao, without fear. Boom Boom! Six people dead dragon war into a mission, and others were also eager, ready to besiege Jiao, Jiao head of red beads, Rob. See the red beads, Nie Li slightly moves, what the beads, even he is not very clear, but one thing is for sure is that released from this red beaded power fluctuation analysis, this thing is absolutely serious."Nie Li, what the red beads? "Ye Zi Yun asked, her heart was filled with doubt. "I don't know. "Nie Li shook. Assists Yun surprise came into the eyes, even the Nie Li did not know the origin and usage of bead? In her mind, Nie Li is omniscient. See assists Yun expression, Nie Li know Ye Ziyun think what threw a wry smile, of course he is not omniscient. Alone in this world, there are too many things that he did not know.At the same time, see Dragon suddenly heaven roared up, mouth spray water polo debut road. These water polo four jets, bang bang bang repeatedly blasted people blown around their feet. Some liquid splash in the human body, to emerge suddenly sizzling white smoke, they erode the skin directly to the lot. "Ah!" "Some people immediately hit by a water polo issued shrill scream. One place where water polo in the Nie Li and Ye Ziyun came flying. "Watch out! "Nie Li nasty voice shouted. Directly assists Yun came out, left hand moving, crush a guardian stone. Boom!Water Polo in assists and Nie Li yun was originally settled places exploded, blown holes on the ground. Water sputtering on the shield, shield slowly flow down. If this water polo directly hit the shield, the horrible corrosion penetration of liquids only shield directly. But only a few of the words, or were blocked by shields to down. Nie Li and assists Yun both fell next to a pit, a fragrance of the girls came. Nie Li feels her hands seem to have encountered a soft guy, unconsciously squeezed, a round soft feeling coming from the Palm. Assists Yun hair fragrance is delightful. How it assists Yun also not react, was knocked dizzy by Nie Li Hu Hu, Nie Li's body on her body, that she suffocated the sense of urgency I feel there was a strange feeling in my chest, cheeks suddenly flushed."You ... ... Get up! ” She had thought before, only to mutually. Repay the Nie Li saved her father's kindness, but secretly, she was still very tight. Such close contact feel Nie Lina generous chest, ye Zi Yun's heart fluttered. See assists Yun shy appearance, Nie Li and quickly got up, stroked his head, Hey laughed: "unexpected, surprise. ” Assists Yun quickly sat up, her cheeks was red. Should a gently: "Hmm. ” Look at assists Yun shy beautiful appearance, Nie Li was full of pity, and Yun pulled up assists, said: "be careful. This Dragon spitting water polo, have a very strong corroding effect. ”Assists blue Merle looked at the ground around, someone blows where does water polo, eroded out of the pit one by one my mind one Lin. Nie Li looked up, I saw pale night, night six people. Increasingly fierce fighting with Jiao, and dark. Boom! Pale ghost of blood over his debut, constantly bombarded in dead Dragon body, suddenly dead Dragon makes a shrill scream of sound. When struggling in Dragon rage tail ruthlessly left beside a young strong body, the young strong maniac vomit blood, flying upside down.Cang Ming looked coldly that young and strong, but regardless, even though they work together, but, after all, is a competitor, he didn't bother to control that people should live or die. 听到尸蛟惨叫的声音,聂离暗自心想着,这尸蛟恐怕要撑不住了,被这么多传奇强者围攻,虽然肉身强悍,但尸蛟也是无法匹敌。 “吼!”尸蛟发出暴怒的吼声,额头的红色宝珠发出耀眼夺目的光芒,它的身体不断地变化,覆盖上了一层层红色的鳞片,嘴角也是长出了两条长长的触须。 嘭嘭嘭!尸蛟的尾部甩中了两个年轻强者,将那两个年轻强者撞飞了出去。 苍冥和暮夜二人都不由得退了几步。 没想到那红色宝珠居然还有这样的作用,让尸蛟的实力又提升了一个层次,看来他们是有得打了,聂离也不准备上去动手,虽然那红色宝珠确实是非常惊人的宝物,但得之我幸,失之我命,他也不准备强求。 就在这时,聂离忽然感觉到了一股熟悉的气息,目光朝远处看去,只见远处的人群中,一个熟悉的身影映入了眼帘,那边那个人,不是叶寒是谁?叶寒正跟一群巫鬼世家的人在一起,远远地围观战斗! 感觉到聂离的目光有点异样,叶紫芸顺着聂离的目光朝远处看去,当她看到叶寒的时候,顿时被愤怒填满,因为叶寒,她差一点点就失去了父亲,她对叶寒充满了愤怒和仇恨。 似乎是感觉到了什么,叶寒朝这边看了过来,当他看到聂离和叶紫芸,瞳孔微微收缩,流露出了一丝冰冷的寒光,居然是聂离和叶紫芸!真是冤家路窄!因为聂离,他最终没能得到城主之位的继承权,只能背叛光辉之城,犹如丧家之犬一般来到这里,如今看到聂离和叶紫芸一起,心中更是燃烧起了熊熊的妒火。 “既然你们要到这里来送死,那就怪不得我了!”叶寒拳头握得咯咯直响。这群巫鬼世家的人总共二十多个,领头的是一个身材健硕、穿着银甲的青年,他手里拿着一把巨大的天银之剑,浑身上下透着一股可怕的煞气。 叶寒在这个青年的耳边低声地说道:“巫羽少主,那两个人是光辉之城来的!” 巫羽看了聂离和叶紫芸一眼,眼睛微微细眯了起来,尤其是叶紫芸,他看到之后不禁眼睛一亮,人族的女人一直都是各个种族中最漂亮的,叶紫芸虽然年纪还小了点,但已经出落得亭亭玉立了。 “光辉之城来的?这两个人都是什么实力?”巫羽看了一眼叶寒,问道。“巫羽少主,据我所知,这两个人应该都已经达到黄金级了。”叶寒沉吟了片刻说道,他离开的时候,聂离和叶紫芸确实都还只是黄金级。 “狗屁,两个黄金级的,敢进九重死地?”巫羽咒骂了一声道。 听到巫羽的话,叶寒的眼眸中闪过一丝茫然的神色,确实,两个黄金级的敢进九重死地?莫非聂离二人已经达到黑金级了?可是这不可能,聂离二人的修炼速度,不可能快到这般骇人听闻的程度! “也有可能是别人带他们进来的,然后走散了。”叶寒想了一下道,他怎么也不愿意相信,聂离和叶紫芸已经在修为上远远把他甩开了。巫羽想了一下,一挥手,带着巫鬼世家的强者们还有叶寒朝聂离和叶紫芸这边走了过来。 “聂离,他们过来了。”叶紫芸的脸上流露出一丝凝重的神色,她右手握紧了风雪灵珠,已经随时做好战斗的准备了,风雪灵珠是非常神秘强大的宝物,如今的她,已经能够全面地催动风雪灵珠,爆发出数倍于自身的实力了。 聂离倒是显得很淡然,反而迎着巫鬼世家这些强者走了上去,他不怕叶寒来找麻烦,就怕叶寒扭头就跑,那样的话,他想要把叶寒找出来就太难了。 看到聂离的举动,巫羽目光微微细眯了起来,他感觉出来聂离身上黑金级的气息。可一个黑金级的,居然敢在他们这么多人面前,聂离到底有什么底气?“叶寒,没想到你居然还敢出现在我面前,今天我不会再放你离开了!”聂离目光森然地看着叶寒,背叛光辉之城,这样的叛逆,就由他来亲手诛杀!



การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and twentieth chapters Yuanjialuzhai
readx (); originally Jiao corpse is so strong, no wonder Jiao appeared dead when everyone is so shocked. And only the dead Kau with other Wicked bit different, head with a strange red beads, attracting many people's attention. Whiz! Six figure piercing from the lake, toward the corpse Kau. Jiao dead live longer, the smaller size, this living corpse Kau not know how long, Nie away can not tell, but from the strength of the analysis, the level of God should not be secondary, otherwise that six people have died. This six individuals into the lake are some super deep domain family of the younger generation in the crowd, for their strength is extremely conceited, so the face of the corpse when Jiao, also without fear. Honghong! The six men now dead Jiao war into a group, the rest and so is eager and ready to lay siege to the corpse Kau, Kau snatch the corpse's head rocket red beads. While seeing red beads, Nie centrifugation slight movement, which in the end is what the beads, even he is not very clear, but one thing is certain is released from red beads While power fluctuation analysis, this thing absolutely no trivial matter. "Nie away, this red bead in the end is what?" Ye Ziyun asked, her heart is full of doubts. "I do not know." Nie away and shook his head. Yezi Yun's eyes flash of surprise, even from Nie While the beads do not know the origins and purpose? In her mind, Nie from almost omniscient. See Yezi Yun's face, from natural know Yezi Yun Nie heart in mind, Tan Tanshou endless smile, he is certainly not omniscient. Alone in this world, there are too many things he did not know. Just then, I saw the corpse Jiao suddenly roaring up the sky, mouth spray round after round of water polo. These four spray water polo, bang bang bang constantly exploded, the people around blown off their feet. Some liquid sputtering in these people, and suddenly the white smoke emerging Zizi, their skin directly etched a lot. "Ah!" Some people suddenly hit water polo screaming. One of them toward Nie from water polo and local叶紫芸where fly over. "Be careful!" Nie from urgent voice shouted. Directly Yezi Yun rushed out, left a move, crush a patron saint of stone. boom! Water polo and Yezi Yun Nie from the original place to stay exploded, the ground bombing potholes. Sputtered the water column in the shield, the shield along slowly flow down. This water polo shield if a direct hit, I'm afraid this horrible liquid will penetrate the shield directly corrosion. But just a small part of it, or is the shield to block down. Nie away and叶紫芸both fell into a pit next to a surge of girl's fragrance came. Nie hands from feeling as if something hit something soft, not consciously pinched A rounded soft feel coming from the palm. Scent Yezi Yun hair on it is refreshing. Yezi Yun did not react how it was knocked off faint Nie, Nie from the physical pressure on her, and that urgent feeling that she was a little suffocating, his chest felt a strange feeling came cheeks Suddenly crimson one. "You ...... Get up!" before she had thought, only favors. Nie from rescue to repay the kindness of her father, but at the last minute, and she was very nervous. Such intimate contact, Nie felt from that generous chest, Ye Ziyun heart fluttered. See Yezi Yun sheepish look, Nie away quickly got up, rubbed his head, hehe a chuckle:. "Accident" Ye Ziyun quickly sat up, her cheeks still a red. Gently should cry: "ah." Yezi Yun looked sheepish look touching, full of pity Nie away, reaching the叶紫芸pulled up, and said:. "This corpse Kau careful spit water polo, with strong corrosion effect. " Yezi Yun looked at the ground around the place really spit water polo, corrosion out of one pit, he made ​​me a cold. Nie away looked up and saw Cangming, twilight night six. Kau corpse with fighting between the increasingly fierce battle was incredibly hard. boom! Cangming of blood palm debut Road, Kau constantly bombarded dead body, suddenly so dead Kau audible shrill screams. Jiao struggling corpse angry at the time, the tail mercilessly thrown next to a young and strong body, strong Kuangtu the young blood, inverted out. Cangming cold glanced at the young and strong, but it is, regardless of whether, even though they work together, but after all, competitors, he was too lazy to manage the man's life and death. Hear the sound of screams corpse Kau, Nie away secretly thought of this dead Kau afraid to barely, besieged by so many legends strong, although the flesh tough, but also unbeatable Kau corpse. "Roar!" Corpse Kau issued a furious roar, forehead red orb emitted dazzling light, constantly changing its body, covered with a layer of red scales, mouth also grown two long tentacles. Bang bang bang! Kau tail corpse dumped in the two young strong, the two young strong Zhuangfei out. Cangming night and twilight duo could not help but back a few steps. Red Orb actually thought of that there is such a role, so the corpse Kau strength and to the next level, it seems they are playing something, is not prepared to go away Nie hands, although the red orb is very alarming indeed treasures But I have the fortune, lost in my life, he is not ready to be forced. At this point, Nie away suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere, looked toward the distant gaze, I saw the distant crowd, a familiar figure greet the eye, who that guy over there, the cold is not a leaf ? Ye Han was with a group of people together witch ghost family, far onlookers fight! Nie from the eyes feel a little strange, Yezi Yun Nie from the eyes down toward afar, when she saw the leaves of cold, when suddenly was angry filled, because the leaves cold, she almost point lost his father, She leaves cold filled with anger and hatred. What seems to be felt, he looked over toward the side lobe cold, when he saw off and Yezi Yun Nie, a slight contraction of the pupil, showing a hint of icy coldness, is actually from and Yezi Yun Nie! Really Yuanjialuzhai! Because Nie away, he eventually did not get the right to inherit Santo bit, only to betray the city's glorious, like a lost dog in general come here, and now see Nie away and叶紫芸together, the mind is burning from the raging jealousy. "If you want to come here to die, it would be no wonder to me!" Ye cold fist grip giggle ringing. These witch ghost family of more than twenty people in total, led by a strong build, wearing Ginko youth, his hand holding a huge silver sword day, the covered reveals a terrible evil spirits . Ye Han whispered in the ear of the youth said: "! Wu Yu little Lord, that shining city of two people to the" witch Yu looked away and叶紫芸an NIE, fine eyes slightly narrowed, especially叶紫芸He can not help after seeing eyes light up, the Terran woman has always been the most beautiful of all races, Ye Ziyun although age is still a little small, but it has come out of the slim. "Shining City come from? What is the strength of two men are?" Wu Yu Ye looked cold, asked. "Wu Yu little master, as far as I know, these two individuals should have reached the gold level." Ye Han thought for a moment and said, when he left, Nie away and叶紫芸really are just Gold. "Shit, two gold level, dare to enter the seventh death?" Wu Yu cursed a cry. Wu Yu hear the words, leaves cold eyes flashed a blank look, indeed, two gold dare to enter the seventh grade of death? Could Nie from the two have reached the level of black gold? But this is not possible, the extent of Nie from two of practice speed, impossible approaching so appalling! "There may be others bring them in, and then got separated." Ye Han thought for a moment, how he could not believe, and Yezi Yun Nie from the repair has been on him pulling away far. Wu Yu thought for a moment, a wave, a family with a strong witch ghost who also leaves from the cold toward Nie and Yezi Yun came over here. "Nie away, they come."叶紫芸face showing a trace of dignified look, her right hand clenched snow youngsters, already stand ready to fight, and the snow is very mysterious Lingzhu powerful treasures, now she has been able to fully pushed snow youngsters, broke out several times in the strength of its own. Nie from actually seemed very indifferent, but these strong family facing the witch ghost walked up, he was not afraid to trouble leaves the cold, afraid of the leaves turned and ran cold, as if he wanted to find out on the hard cold leaves a. See Nie move away, Wu Yu eyes slightly squint up fine, he felt it from him Nie black gold grade of breath. Can a black gold level, dare in front of so many people in their NIE from emboldened in the end what? "Ye Han, did not think you actually dare to appear in front of me, and today I will not leave you alive again!" Nie awe-inspiring to see the leaves off the cold eyes, betrayed the city's glorious, so rebellious, so let him come personally Heaven! "Nie leave you a bit too arrogant, right, you think you are? This is the deep domain of the world, rather than the glory of the city! Who is left off who?" Ye cold grunted, staring off Nie . Wu Yu Shuangshoubaoxiong overlooking Nie away: "Boy, you're kind of in my feather witch before, actually dare to be so arrogant, if you seek refuge with me, and I can think about it, if Bushi Xiang, to move from the time!. ! hand, and then blame us mercilessly shot the " Nie eyes lightly swept away from Wu Yu, who's who sneer loudly and said: "If you pay out the leaves cold, even if this thing settled If you do not surrender leaves cold, then blame my hands up! " Nie eyes from being simply have a naked disregard, so Wu Yu extremely accurate. Nie draw from this is mind it, dare to put this big, they are these people, almost all are black gold above the level of the strong, even two legendary stage! Nie was also from here, a total of only two people, actually dared to be so arrogant? (To be continued.) Chapter errors Report (Free registration) will be treated within five minutes, reports Please be patient and refresh the page. 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การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 226th chapter Yuanjialuzhai (
readx); the original body Jiao is so strong, no wonder when the corpse Jiao appeared, all so shocked. And this corpse with other wicked Jiao is not too different, there is a strange red bead head, attracted many people's eyes.

sou sou sou!

six figure from the bottom and out toward the corpse jiao. P

Jiao live longer, the smaller, the corpse Jiao do not know how long to live, Nie can also look not to come out, but from the strength analysis, should not God level, otherwise the six people are dead. Six men rushed into the bottom of the,Are some super giants family the young generation in the crowd, for their own strength is extremely conceited, so when faced with the corpse Jiao, also not afraid. Bomb! The six men with corpse

A Jiao a group, but also to the rest, ready to snatch the corpse Jiao Jiao siege corpse, the head of that piece of red beads. See the red beads

, Nie from the heart was moved, what is this bead, even he is not very clear, but one thing is certain, the power fluctuation analysis released from the red beads, it is absolutely no trivial matter. "Nie,What is this red beads?" Ye Ziyun asked, her heart full of doubt. "I don't know." Nie Liyao shook his head. Ye Ziyun's eyes flashed a very surprised, even from the Nie also don't know the history and purpose of this bead? In her mind, it is everything from nie. See Ye Ziyun

the expression of Nie from nature know what Ye Ziyun was thinking, Tan tanshou wry smile, he certainly is not omniscient. In this world, there are so many things that he doesn't know.
at this moment, I saw the corpse suddenly mt.huandshan Jiao roar, mouth spray water polo road.
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