第368章 剑拔弩张纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 凤熙辰的话一出,大厅的气氛顿时冷凝,道道紧张的目光集中在了云澈的身上。 凤熙 การแปล - 第368章 剑拔弩张纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 凤熙辰的话一出,大厅的气氛顿时冷凝,道道紧张的目光集中在了云澈的身上。 凤熙 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第368章 剑拔弩张纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 凤熙辰

第368章 剑拔弩张




























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Chapter No. 368 at daggers drawn Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit Feng XI-Chen Yi, the atmosphere of the Hall suddenly condenses, Yun Che was way intense focus on the body. Feng XI Yun Che e suddenly, but not surprised by anyone. Back in Pale on the ventilation air in prime position just two years ago, Phoenix yan Yun Che exposed. Inflammation of Phoenix can be used only under the Phoenix Shenzong, people with Phoenix blood! Phoenix Phoenix Shenzong's soul lies in the blood, is the entire case at all is something to protect, would never allow the blood flow out to the soul. So Yun Che unless there is genuine Phoenix Shenzong disciple, otherwise, he has the Phoenix blood message once the outgoing Phoenix Shenzong will one day come. This day has finally come. And to people, or God of the Phoenix Empire Prince, Phoenix Shenzong less sovereign-level characters! When he faces Yun Che, words are to the point, "bloodline" Word. Lean summer months snow Yan Weining, chuyueli months-excellent-excellent-small-say-a-new-most--www.uuxs.cc-is also heavily down, pale looked among thousands is a constant changes ... ... But the Phoenix Shenzong's blood, though he is Sofu Emperor, and absolutely no words qualifications, one has to look at Xiang Yunche with deep concern ... ... Now he can only hope Yun Che "Phoenix"-is simply a misunderstanding. After all, outsiders Yun Che flame is used by Phoenix inflammatory, but Yun Che has never acknowledged, or even just similar.Yun Che look is calm, his tone bland: "Oh, really? Event of your blood? I can't understand, I am cloud in the native of Sofu, blood comes from parents, never left the dark wind, much less into God Phoenix Empire half a step, how could I and Phoenix Shenzong's blood found in the least related to you. ” "Junior, you play dumb here! "Fung Hee e behind the black man steps forward, snapped:" I'm Phoenix Emperor Shenzong of the precious blood, I own so far, guard Phoenix blood is my first thing, will never allow half the blood flow out. Even if I intermarry with outsiders, the offspring must also never leave Phoenix Shenzong, blood thing, can never be left to compromise."And you ... ... In your country Sofu ranking two years ago on the war, the presence of people seeing you use Phoenix inflammatory! Only with Phoenix blood, combustible Fenghuang flame! Your body, clear with Phoenix blood, wanted to come to, you should be leaving disciple is an audacious bastard! ” "There is no wrong. "Red clothing old man nodded slowly, looking like a hook:" if it wasn't for my Phoenix Shenzong blood, you grow up in the dark wind, and there is no gate. landscape of small black, how could all have the dark wind youth aspire Sofu ranked blockbuster impressive talent. Well, you can get today's achievements, Phoenix blood in pregnant is the best explanation!! In front of the gift from the Phoenix God, what other so-called heritage, a century of genius, even shit is not, can you win the blue wind country ranked first, it is perfectly normal! ” 两人的话虽然脱口而出,但无比清晰的投射着一种不可一世的狂傲和对苍风玄者的轻视与不屑,在场的不少玄者顿时怒从心起,但都是敢怒不敢言。因为抛开情面,两人的话也基本就是事实。在凤凰神宗的强大实力面前,整个苍风国的玄界都不堪一击。甚至,在场有不少人也一直在怀疑云澈的天赋之所以如此惊人,会不会就是因为拥有凤凰神宗的凤凰血脉的关系。 凤熙辰眸光淡淡一瞥,玉扇轻摇,悠然道:“好了,你们不必如此急切,今天可是苍风帝皇的嫁女之日,若是因此惊扰到众人,可就是我们的不是了。云澈,我想我们在说什么,你一定听的明白。你的身上是否有着凤凰血脉,对我凤凰神宗而言极其重要,所以,本王需要你一点点血。你的血到了本王的手里,你是否拥有凤凰血脉便可一目了然。那么,你是准备自己取血呢?还是要本王帮你放血呢?”大厅的气氛一下子更加压抑,苍万壑上前一步,张了张口,却是没能发出声音。在事关凤凰神宗的血脉大事上,他没有言语的资格。 云澈嘴角一动,淡淡而笑:“身体发肤,受之父母,有权利取我血液的,只有我的亲人。我和你无亲无故,连熟悉都谈不上……有什么资格要求我取自己的血给你!” 此言一出,所有人都是心中一惊。焚天门灭门后,云澈的行事之霸道强横便深入人心,但任谁都没想到,云澈在面对凤凰神宗的皇子时,言语居然也如此强硬,别说服软,连半点客气都没有。“放肆!卑微小辈,竟然敢在殿下面前嚣张!”黑衣老者当场暴怒:“殿下,以你尊贵身份,根本无需和这样一个低贱野种废话,让我直接擒下他,放他的血便是……如果殿下嫌麻烦,哼,这样一个野种,直接杀了也一了百了!连验都没必要验。” 低贱野种?云澈的眼眉猛的沉了下来,一抹冰冷到极点的杀机在瞳孔深处一闪而过。这四个字,羞辱的不仅仅是他,还连带他的父母亲人。 “哈哈哈哈!”凤熙辰半点都不生气,反而仰头大笑了起来:“云澈,本王在踏入苍风领国土的第一天,就听闻你狂傲的无法无天,今日一见,还真是半点都不虚假。不过本王还偏偏就喜欢你这样的人,因为你这种不知天高地厚的狂妄蠢货,总是能带给本王不少的乐趣。若是世上少了你这样的蠢货,本王这人生可就少了太多乐趣了。“你们两人退下,今天本王,就亲自放他的血玩玩!!” 嚓!! 凤熙辰手中玉扇瞬间打开,如此轻描淡写的动作,竟带起一道犹若虚空被划破的声浪,周围的数张婚桌被恐怖的玄力直接崩碎,各种琉璃盏、玉石盘散落一地。 这里是苍风皇宫,又是公主大婚之地,苍风之中,纵然有天大恩怨,也绝不敢在这种场合下造次,凤熙辰却是说出手就出手,显然根本就从未把这皇宫之地放在眼中。而他这一出手,周围的宾客全部骇然失色,纵然是那些实力强大的宗师级人物,也全部脸色苍白,惶然后退…… 因为凤熙辰身上所释放的强大威压,赫然是王座之力!! 王座,在苍风国是最最巅峰的存在,整个苍风国的王座加起来也不到十人。而这个只有二十来岁,在神凰皇室只排位第十三的皇子,居然便有着王座之力!他所带来的两个老者的气息,也都丝毫不比他弱!分明同样是货真价实的王座! 苍万壑也绝然没有想到,凤熙辰竟然真的会在这皇室的婚礼大典上出手,他大惊道:“十三皇子,且听朕一言……” 苍万壑声音未落,凤熙辰却是理也不理,手中玉扇忽然脱手飞出,在极速旋转中化作绝命飞轮,直飞云澈而去,飞轮之后,拖起一道长长的黑色丝线……那赫然是被切裂的虚空。而其所飞去的位置,直指云澈的喉咙,分明是要让他直接血溅这大婚殿堂。“小心!!”凌云、凌杰、东方休等人惊声道。 面对带着绝命气芒飞来的玉扇,云澈眉头一凝,没有抵挡,而是身体一转,身体一跃而起,在“轰隆”一声巨响中撞开大殿之顶,向南边急遁而去。 “呵?想逃?”凤熙辰冷然一笑,手臂一招,玉扇已被飞回他的手掌之中,他身上炎影一晃,整个人已如瞬移般破门而出,直追云澈遁去的方向。谁也没有料到,这场举国关注的大婚之上,竟然会发生如此异变。苍风国的各大强者们面面相觑,脸色苍白,却没有一个敢出手阻拦凤熙辰——纵然这是在苍风国的地盘上。笑话,他们即使要得罪云澈,也绝不会选择得罪凤凰神宗。他们,以及他们的宗门在苍风国虽然名动一方,但在凤凰神宗面前,根本不可能有半分的抵抗之力。他们就算是脑子被门挤了,也绝不会胆大包天到插手凤凰神宗的事。 揽月宫内,早已梳妆完毕的苍月安静而紧张的坐在梳妆镜前,轻微摇曳的琉璃流苏下,若隐若现着她倾国倾城的绝美容颜。她的身边,萧泠汐一直陪伴着。不时的和她说着话,平息着她内心的紧张。 再有一小会儿,云澈就会来牵她的手,与她同拜天地,成为夫妻。这时,一声震耳的响动忽然从外面传来。巨响之后,是阵阵杂乱的声响,原本的锣鼓之声在忽然间嘎然而止,剩下的,只有一片混乱。虽然揽月宫距离大婚殿堂很远,但这些声音都足够听得一清二楚。 “什么声音?”苍月紧张的出声:“外面发生什么事了?”




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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 368 rattling
text read online site domain synchronous read phone visit Feng Xi Chen, then came out, the atmosphere of the hall suddenly condensed, round after round of intense attention focused on the cloud Che's body. Chen Feng-Hee Chul will suddenly against cloud, but in reality are not surprised anyone. As early as two years ago Cang wind qualifying battle, cloud Che would expose the Phoenix inflammation. Phoenix inflammation and can be used, and only under the Phoenix Ancestor, who have the blood of the Phoenix! Phoenix Phoenix Shenzong blood soul, the whole case of the door should be protected at all things, I would never allow this blood soul living on the outside. Therefore, unless it is a genuine cloud Che Phoenix Shenzong disciple, otherwise, the message he has the blood of the Phoenix came once, Phoenix Ancestor must one day come its way. And this day has finally arrived. And to the people, or God impressively imperial prince Phoenix, Phoenix Ancestor less sovereign level characters! When he faced Che cloud, speech is sharply directed at "blood" word. Xia Yan micro-coagulation dumping snow month, Chu month glass - excellent - excellent - small - say - more - New - most - fast -www.uuxs.cc- eyebrow too heavy sink, pale look is a myriad constant changes ...... but relevant Phoenix Ancestor's blood, though he was pale wind Emperor, also absolutely no qualifications to speak, only to see the eyes with deep concern to the cloud Che ...... now he can only hope Che Cloud "Phoenix blood" just a misunderstanding. After all, although outsiders pass flame cloud Che used Phoenix inflammation, but the cloud Che never recognized, too, or just like it. Cloud Che look is very calm, his tone flat and said:?? "Oh relations event you Munekado blood of this I'm afraid I do not understand, I measured the cloud Cang wind native country, blood from the parents, from life Cang wind did not leave the country, but did not step into God Phoenix Empire had half a step, and how I would want to link the Phoenix Shenzong blood slightest relationship. " " Junior, you're missing here pretending! "Feng Xi Chen behind black Clothing man step forward, snapped: "I Phoenix Shenzong blood priceless, I own cases were so far, the guardian of the Phoenix blood were always the first thing I will never allow Bansi blood even though I were living on the outside of. People intermarry with outsiders, its offspring must stay forever in Phoenix Ancestor, blood relations of things, from can not have the slightest compromise. "And you ...... Cang wind in your country two years ago, ranking war, the presence of people you have witnessed Use the Phoenix inflammation! The Phoenix has only blood, before burning flame phoenix! Your body, clearly has a phoenix blood, think about it, you should be an audacious disciples were in the outer leaves of wild species! " "Make no mistake. "赤衣old man nodded slowly, his eyes like a hook:." If not for the Phoenix with my Ancestor blood, you grow up in a dark green wind, nor were the door background little mysterious person, how could have pressed too Cang wind all young Junjie, Cang wind qualifying battle blockbuster impressive talent. Well, you can get today's achievements, great phoenix blood is the best explanation! ! Before power godsend from Phoenix true God, what other so-called Munekado heritage, a century genius, not even shit are not, you can win this first battle Cang Wind qualifying country, it is normal! " Although the two words blurted out, but very clear projection of a proud and mighty wind Xuan Cang's contempt and disdain, the presence of many mysterious person suddenly anger from the heart, but they are afraid Gannu Introduction Because feelings aside, the two words are the basic facts. In front of the Phoenix Ancestor's strength, the entire Cang wind Genkai country are vulnerable. Indeed, the presence of a lot of people have also been suspected of cloud Che talent is so amazing, it will not have a relationship because of the blood of the Phoenix Phoenix Ancestor. Feng Xi Chen Mouguang faint glimpse, Yushan rocked, leisurely said: "Well, you need not be so anxious, but today the wind Tai Cang married women of the Emperor, and if therefore disturbed to everyone, but just our not. Yun Chol, I think we're talking about, you must listen to understand. Whether your body has a blood Phoenix, Phoenix Ancestor concerned me is extremely important, therefore, the king need you a little bit of blood. Your blood into the hands of the king, and you have the blood of Phoenix at a glance. So you are ready to do their own blood? Or to help the king do you bleed? " atmosphere of the hall once more depressed, pale myriad stepped forward, opened his mouth, but it is not able to sound. On the matter of blood Phoenix Ancestor event, he is not eligible speech. Cloud Che mouth a move, touch and laugh: "your body is affected by the parents, we have the right to take my blood, only my family. I have no family with you, even familiar with what qualifications are far ...... asked me to take his blood to you! " remark, everyone is surprised mind after burning days door Daughter, cloud Che overbearing tyrannical act of popular will, but any one who did not think, in the face of Che cloud Ancestor Phoenix prince, speech actually also so tough, do not convince soft, even the slightest polite no. "presumptuous! Humble junior, dare in front of His Highness arrogant! "Black man on the spot fury:" Your Highness, with your noble status, and so did not need a wild species cheesy crap, let me direct Qinxia him, put his blood is ...... if Highness troublesome, oh, such a wild species directly kill also once and for all! Even experience no experience necessary. " cheesy wild species? cloud Shen Che eyebrows shoved down, touch the extreme cold in the depths of the beholder pupil flashed. the words, not just humiliate him, but also his parents who associated. " Ha ha ha ha! "Feng Xi Chen is not the least bit angry, but his head and laughed:" Cloud Che, the king in the land into Cang wind brought the first day, we heard that you are proud of lawlessness, today saw, it really is the slightest not false. But the king also happens to like people like you, because you this uppity arrogant idiot, always able to bring the king a lot of fun. Less if the world like you fool, the king may this life much less fun. "You two go back, and today the king, personally put his blood play !!" Crash! ! Feng Xi Chen Yushan instant hands open, so casually action, actually brought up a Jew if the void was scratched the noise, around the table of the number of sheets to be horrible marriage direct chipping mysterious force, all kinds of glass cup, jade plate scattered one place. Here is the Cang wind palace, the wedding is the princess, the Cang wind among even if there are big scores, but also dare not rash In this case, it is said Chen Feng Xi act, apparently simply Never put the palace ground on the eyes. And he shot the guests aghast eclipsed all around, even if those powerful master-class people, but also all pale, Huangran back ...... because powerful coercion Feng Xi Chen who released shocking throne of power! ! Throne, the country is among the most pinnacle Cang wind presence, the whole country's throne Cang wind do not add up to ten people. And this is only twenty years old, God only ranked thirteenth Phoenix royal prince, actually they have a throne of power! He brought two old man's breath, are also no better than he is weak! The same is clearly genuine throne! Cang Myriad also never ran did not expect Chen Feng Xi even really on this royal wedding ceremony shot, he was shocked and said: "Thirteen Prince, hear a word I ......" Cang myriad voice hardly ever, Feng Xi Chen is Liyebuli hands Yushan suddenly get rid of flying, turned swan flywheel rotation speed, non-stop cloud Che away, after the flywheel, drag a long black silk ...... that impressively It is cut crack void. And it flew position, pointing cloud Che's throat, let him clearly that direct blood spattered wedding hall. "Be careful !!" Lingyun, Lingjie, Hugh, who Orient scared channels. Faced with a swan flying gas Mount Yushan, a condensate cloud Che brow, he did not resist, but the body of a switch, the body jumped up and broke the top of the main hall in the "bang" a loud noise, and to emergency escape away to the south. "Oh? Bailing?" Feng Xi Chen lengran smile, a move the arm, Yushan has been fly back into his palm, his body inflammation shadow flash, the whole people as teleport like break out, catching up with the cloud Che fled direction. No one expected, this nationwide concern over the wedding, even such a mutation will occur. Cang country's major strong wind looked at each other, pale, but no one dared to stop Feng Xi Chen shot - even though it is on the site Cang wind country. Joke, even if they want to offend the cloud Chol, and never will choose offend Phoenix Ancestor. They, as well as their number of doors in the country although Cang wind were moving party, but in front of the Phoenix Ancestor, impossible to resist the force of a cent. They even head in the door squeezed, and never will audacious thing to intervene in Phoenix Ancestor. Moon palace, had finished dressing Cang quiet and tense sitting in front vanity mirror, under glass tassel swaying slightly, looming Empress Dowager her beautiful face. Beside her, Xiao Ling Xi has been accompanied. From time to time, and she said, and calm her inner tension. Again a little while, the cloud will come Che hold her hand, with her ​​preparing for the wedding, became husband and wife. At this time, I heard the deafening ring suddenly came from the outside. After the loud, messy is blowing sound, the original sound of gongs and drums of a sudden came to an end in, leaving only chaos. Although he embraces the moon very far away from the wedding hall, but these sounds are enough to hear clearly. "What was that?" Cang tense aloud: "What happened outside? " " I went to see "Xiao Ling Xi has suddenly tense up, he walked quickly ran to the outside. Yun Chol successive vacated quickly away from the marriage hall, landed in a clearing at the palace, the pace suddenly stopped, and Chen Feng Xi is almost immediately fell behind with his speed really fast if ghosts, see Che pace with the cloud stopped, his joking and laughed: "Paoa, how do you not run for a long time, but the king did not play a game of cat-scratch mouse, you may have to let the king do much point ah?." " ? run "cloud Che cheeky sneer:" You think I'm afraid of you today is my wedding day, I just do not want your dirty blood of my wedding hall? ". Feng Xi Chen face unchanged, eyes Among a sudden haze, degree of cloud Che arrogant, large out of his expectations, he grew to large, first met and he dared to speak so people. Blanket from his mouth slowly, laugh more dangerous: "My blood ha ha ha ha you really foolish arrogance to cute, alone, you, too, to see with my blood, but it seems, this blood thing, have not?!? necessary to test, and you've got very sincere in front of the king court death !! open another point where Ye Hao, leaving that what joy together, had a moment into the hall but also convenient. " " mourning? give yourself use ? "Cloud Che squints Road. R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Cap 368 rattling
pure polyphonic text online reading the mobile domain synchronous reading please visit

Feng Chen Xi a, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly condensation, road strained eyes concentrated in the Che Yun. Chen Feng Xi

will suddenly in the clouds, but everyone does not feel strange. As early as two years ago, sofu qualifying battle, clouds have exposed the Phoenix inflammation. And can use the Phoenix is phlogistic, only belong to the Phoenix God Zong, have the person of the blood of phoenix!

Phoenix blood is soul of the sect of the God Phoenix, is the Pope door do not hesitate everything to protect the things, will not allow the soul blood wandering. So,Che Yun unless it is a genuine Phoenix God Pope disciple, otherwise, he has news of veins of Phoenix once heard, Phoenix God Pope be day will came to the door.

this day has finally come.
and to the people, or was God Phoenix Empire prince, Phoenix Shenzong sovereign level figures less! He faced the clouds, speech is more directed at the "blood" pierce to the heart of the matter, two words.

summer leans the month snow Yan Weining, Chu Yueli month - and - and - small - say - more - New - under the quick eyebrow -www.uuxs.cc- also heavily sink, Cang myriad look more is changed...... But the Phoenix God Pope's blood, he even sofu,There is no any words qualification, only to take a deep look at Xiang Yun Che concerns...... Now he can only hope that the clouds "Phoenix blood" is just a misunderstanding. After all, people pass though the clouds using flame Phoenix is phlogistic, but clouds never admit, or just similar.
clouds look is very calm, his dull tone: "Oh? Relationship between your major blood vessels? That I can't understand, I cloud measured in Cang breeze land soil long, blood from the parents life never left Cang breeze country, but did not enter the God Phoenix Empire half step, how will I and you Phoenix God Pope blood pulls the slightest relationship. "

"Junior, you little here zhuangsuan!" Feng Chen Xi behind the black man stepped forward, harsh voice way: "the Phoenix I Shenzong blood very precious, I Pope created cases so far, the guardian of the Phoenix blood is always my first case of emergencies, must not be allowed to half silk blood wandering outside. Even if I were married to outsiders, their descendants will have to stay in Phoenix, the relationship between blood and blood, never compromise. "And you...... Two years ago, the two years ago in the battle of the two countries, the presence of people have witnessed you used the phoenix! And only with the Phoenix blood, can burn the Phoenix flame! Your body, a clear blood Phoenix, want to come,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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