其实他哪里知道,苏落因为空间法师的关系,灵气内敛,不是绝顶高手根本看不清她的深浅。以柳魄天的实力想看出她的深浅,还不够的很。  “好,就按照 การแปล - 其实他哪里知道,苏落因为空间法师的关系,灵气内敛,不是绝顶高手根本看不清她的深浅。以柳魄天的实力想看出她的深浅,还不够的很。  “好,就按照 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด






















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
其实他哪里知道,苏落因为空间法师的关系,灵气内敛,不是绝顶高手根本看不清她的深浅。以柳魄天的实力想看出她的深浅,还不够的很。 “好,就按照殿下说的办。”既然是毫无悬念的比试,这个便宜不占,柳魄天都觉得暴殄天物。 但是五万金币谁会随身携带呢?柳魄天是性急之人,他从怀里摸出一块黝黑铜牌,递给南宫流云:“五万金币太过费时费力,没这个必要,这块铜牌上还值几个钱,老夫将其压在这,就抵这五万金币了。” 这块铜牌是……南宫流云闻言,眼眸低垂,眼波中迅速闪过一道精芒,但是速度很快,谁也不曾发现,站在他对面的柳魄天也不曾捕捉到。 正因为这一点的疏忽,柳家老爷子在不久的将来会因为这件事而捶足顿胸,呕血的几乎大半年下不得床。 此时,柳家老爷子还不知道自己即将到来的霉运,他一脸不屑地斜睨苏落,完全没将这小废材放在眼里。 柳乘风亦是如此。 苏落很嫌弃地瞥了眼那铜牌,皱眉道:“这黑乎乎的什么东西啊,能值五万金币?能抵得上我那颗青色晶石?” 柳老爷子瞪着一双铜铃般的大眼,怒斥道:“臭小子,既然你不赌,老子……” “唉。”南宫流云很好心地拍拍柳老爷子的肩膀,从他手中将那铜牌取来,坚定地握在手中,这才开口道,“老爷子怎么跟这孩子一般见识?这上面刻录的可是柳家的灵舞步,虽然柳家这一代没人有资质学,但还真是值几个金币的。” 柳老爷子闻言,老脸一红,重重哼了一声。 南宫流云又笑道,“行了行了,改来改去多麻烦,就这块铜牌,赌了。” 苏落原本还嫌弃,但是她跟南宫流云多有默契啊,两个同样阴险狡诈有便宜不占王八蛋的人,怎么会让自己吃亏?所以,一见南宫流云这番做派,苏落当时就悟了。 这铜牌是好东西,至少对于她来说,绝对是好东西。 所以,苏落装出一副很勉为其难的样子:“好啦好啦,既然晋王殿下作保,那就赌这块铜牌了。” 此时,在苏落的空间里,小神龙似乎闻到了宝物的味道,两只前腿趴在空间壁上,直立站着,小爪子拍着空间壁,恨不得立刻就飞出去。 这个贪宝的小东西。不过这也说明了那黝黑的铜牌确实是好东西。既然是宝贝,那又怎么可能再让他回到柳家手中呢?自然是要归她所有了。 不过面上,苏落还很嫌弃地瞥了那铜牌一眼,继而朝柳乘风勾勾手:“打不打?” 柳乘风没想到这臭小子竟然胆子那么大,竟然跟自己这三阶武者叫板,顿时眼眸一瞪,撩起袍子系在腰上,摆出一副打斗的姿势:“来吧!” 柳乘风早已经是三阶武者了。 苏落刚好在今日也晋升到三阶,不过她才刚刚升上去,还没有完全稳固,所以这场战斗还有些玄.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
In fact, he did not know how the Soviet Union fell because the relationship between space Master, Reiki introverted, not extremely expert could not see her depth. Liu soul-day strength to want to see her depth, not enough of it. "Well, according to the Office of His Highness said." Since there is no test of suspense, this does not account for cheap, willow day soul feel throwaway. But fifty thousand gold who carry it? Liu soul day is impatient person, he took out from the arms of a dark bronze, and gave Palace clouds: "fifty thousand gold is too time-consuming and laborious, will not be necessary, but also the value of some money on this piece of bronze, which the old lady the pressure in this, it arrived in these 50 000 gold coins. " piece of bronze is ...... Palace clouds heard, eyes downcast, quickly flashed a wavefront Jingmang, but fast, no one had found the station In his day opposite Liu soul nor he had captured. Because of this negligence, Father Liu family because of it and pounding feet Dayton chest, vomiting almost six months under the bed can not be in the near future. At this time, Father Liu family did not know his own bad luck coming his look of disdain Xieni Su fall, totally did not looked down on this little scrap wood. Liu wind is also true. Su glanced off the very mind that bronze medal, frowning: "?? This is what ah dark, to the value of fifty thousand gold coins can be worth sinking my blue spar" Father Liu like staring at a pair of bells big eyes, angrily said: "brats, since you do not gamble, I ......" . "Oh," willow palace clouds good Father carefully pat on the shoulder, that bronze medal from his hand to fetch firmly grip hands, this began, "Father how general knowledge with this child? This is above the burning house, but Liu Ling dance, although Liu family generation nobody qualified to learn, but it really is worth a few coins." Liu Father heard, old blushed, heavy grunted. Palace clouds and laughed, "Line of the line, change to change to much trouble, you piece of bronze, bet." Soviet colony had also despise, but she more than a tacit understanding with the palace clouds ah, two equally insidious cunning cheap son of a bitch who does not account for, how to make himself into trouble? So, see a palace clouds Zhefan pies, Su Wu off at the time of the. This bronze medal is a good thing, at least for her, definitely a good thing. Therefore, Su drop put on a very reluctant way: "OK, OK, since the king Highness encumbered, it bet the piece of bronze." At this time, the Soviet Union fell space, a small dragon seems to smell treasures of taste, two front legs lying in the space wall, standing upright, little paws patting space wall, dying to fly. This greedy treasure small things. But it also shows that dark bronze medal is a good thing indeed. Since it is a baby, then how could let him return to the hands of Liu family do? Nature is to be owned by her all over again. But the surface, the Soviet Union still despise glanced off that bronze look, and then toward the willow wind hook hook: "? Da Buda" Liu wind brats actually did not expect this so much courage, even with their own this third order Warrior destabilize, suddenly eyes stare, lifted the robe fastened at the waist, put on a fighting posture: "! Come on," Liu wind already is the third-order Warrior. Su falls just today also promoted to the third order, but she was just going up, not yet fully stable, so the battle is still somewhat mysterious.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
In fact, he did not know, Su falls because the relationship between space master, Reiki, reserved, not extremely experts could not see her depth. Liu day to see her strength and depth, also is not enough. Well, according to your highness

"said to do." Since it is a no suspense, this does not account for cheap, Liu soul day feel Bo Tim Tin Mat. But who will

fifty thousand coins carry? Liu soul day is impatient, he from the bosom, pulled out a piece of dark bronze, pass Nangong cloud: "50000 gold too from laborious, this is not necessary, this bronze medal is also the value of money, the professor will be the pressure in this, they arrived the 50000 gold coins."

The bronze medal is...... Smell speech cloud palace, droop eyes, wavefront quickly flashed a Jing long grass, but very fast, who also had not found, standing opposite him Liu soul in the days do not have to capture.

because of the negligence, Liu's father in the near future will because this thing and the foot thump meal chest, hematemesis almost half a year may bed.

at this time, Liu's father also don't know their upcoming bad, him with a look of disdain leer Su falls, no will this small waste material in the eyes. Liu Feng is also true. It is a bad fall

Su glanced at the bronze, she frowned: "what is this dark ah,Can be worth fifty thousand gold coins? Better than my heart blue spar?"

Liu father staring at a pair of bell like eyes, shouted: "smelly boy, since you don't bet on me......" Oh

"." Nangong clouds very kindly patted Liu father's shoulder, from his hands will be the bronze fetch, firmly grip in the hands, this just openings way, "father how to tell the children general knowledge? This is the burning of the above, but Liu Jia Ling dance, although Liu home this generation no one has the qualification, but it is really worth a few gold coins." Father

Liu Wenyan, old face a red, with a groan.

Nangong clouds laughs, "Okay,To change to more trouble, on the bronze, gambling."

Su Luo originally still abandon, but she and Nangong clouds have the tacit understanding, the two equally insidious is cheap and do not account for the son of a bitch, how can let oneself suffer? So, at the sight of Nangong clouds this fall was done, Su wu. It is the bronze good stuff, at least for her, is definitely a good stuff.

so Su Luo pretend a pair of very reluctant to look: "OK. Since Jin his highness King secured, it would bet this bronze medal the." The fall in Su

, space, little dragon seems to smell the taste of the treasures,Two front legs lying in the space on the wall, stand upright, paws patting the wall, hate not immediately fly out. The greedy little thing

treasure. But it also shows that the dark bronze is a good thing. Since it is a baby, then how can you let him back to the hands of Liu home? Nature is going to be her. But on the surface of Su

, falls still very disgusted glance at the bronze one eye, then toward Liu Feng gougoushou: "fight or not?"

willow wind did not expect this smelly boy unexpectedly the courage is so big, even with their own this third-order martial challenge, suddenly eyes a stare, lifted the robe in the waist, put a pair of fighting posture:Come on!"

Liu Feng is already three of the military order. Su

Luogang good in today's promotion to the third order, but she just up, there is no completely stable, so the battle also some mysterious.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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