第二百四十八章 对峙readx(); 身边的同伴实力每提升几分,未来如果前往龙墟界域的话,就会多几分保命的本钱! “我们走吧,再往上走一层试 การแปล - 第二百四十八章 对峙readx(); 身边的同伴实力每提升几分,未来如果前往龙墟界域的话,就会多几分保命的本钱! “我们走吧,再往上走一层试 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百四十八章 对峙readx(); 身边的同伴实力每提升几分,未来如

第二百四十八章 对峙
readx(); 身边的同伴实力每提升几分,未来如果前往龙墟界域的话,就会多几分保命的本钱!
















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 248 confrontationreadx(); Peer power each upgrade around a few minutes later, long market boundaries, if in the future, will be more than a few minutes, leading the cost! "Here we go, go up one more layer to give it a try! "Nie Li thought of Tao, the others should go to black patients with Ta higher, they could go. Ye Ziyun, Xiaoning and others in black patients with three floors of the Tower, when is very easy, only to feel a little pressure, that is, continental drift, Xiao Xue, however, continental drift, and Xiao Xue also insisted that estimates can go back to the previous layer. The crowd, walked down the stairs continue up.At this point, slow motion kill the Nineth floor. When he saw the Nie Li won Lin beasts, making day Lin beasts into Douzet's body, become the demon spirit of Douzet, Underworld domain masters, aura and other strong showing a look of shock. "Underworld domain master eye and sure enough, the Ming used his lines, seems to be some sort of esoteric French and Indian soul, should only the Dragon market boundaries has, even at this level, unable to contact, or don't know where to get it. "Aura's eyes betray the curious look, don't know Nie Li kid flesh, hides many secrets?Remaining strong and myself, Nie Li talent young though not as good as the white man, but means to show, it was amazing. "Still would like to congratulate brother or cloudy days, next to the young combines day Lin beasts, Lin beasts will slowly transform his veins, and he would become a peerless genius! "Underworld domain master looked at the next to a middle-aged, wearing a grey coat, said with a smile. Call that a cloudy day beside the strong nature is elated, although Lin beasts of the black tower of patients too young, unable to form, but into Douzet body can definitely make Douzet a peerless genius. Before that he was not optimistic about Douzet, but now, Douzet on his status is not the same."HA HA, tuofutuo blessed! "Arch or cloudy days away, HA HA laughing. In the Dragon market boundaries. Mentoring is one of, once it was bullying the teacher out fathers will was as a traitor by the Shenzong, came to death. Once the mentoring relationship. Is very stable, if future apprentice shines, that teacher would follow the sequence, the Shenzong, and enjoy high status. So these super strong competition for pupils. Although they were pretty world, paramount, long Hui, but boundaries, their situation in the shenzongzhong, but not prominent. "I don't know this young, and what surprises me? "Underworld domain master Tan Nie Li back in the water, looking straight ahead, showing a faint smile.Black patients with Tower of four floors. To this layer, only more than 10 people, before fierce competition for pale ghost, night, three fireworks are, however, pale before the white youth. But not at this level. Could it be that the white youth, had black fiery five-storey tower? Nie Li, people up of when, pale underworld of eye just from Rotary up of stairs Shang received has back, he of eyes in the also has deep of unwilling of color, this underworld domain control who selected acts, he is Ben with first to of, but he watch to see with has a a people Shang has black inflammatory Tower five layer, he countless times wants to up, but are in that hot of black inflammatory zhixia back has back.That is, the toughness of his soul than the other! When he reluctantly gave up. Nie Li, who happened to come up, he grimaced, black inflammation on the fifth floor of the Tower, he won't go, more people came to the fourth floor. Seems the more mediocre! Fire flower, night opened my eyes, a glance at Nie Li, who will back his eyes, they were also unable to enter the dark fiery five-storey tower, this tower four layers of black patients with all, all competitors of the same level. And each other so much, they find a bit shocked. The group exactly what? All seen before?Come to the black tower of inflammation after four, continental drift, Xiao Xue, Wei Nan, who already hold, Douzet, Ye Ziyun, Xiaoning, four people were slightly more than appearance, but did not go to higher capacity, leaving only the Nie Li, plume and Duan Jian triple, still relatively easy. Black patients with inflammation of the black tower of the four-story full of hot, continental drift, who all like to fluidized bed combustion. "You stay on this floor, and I black plume with his sister and inflammation of the fifth floor of the tower. "NIE to Douzet, humane, looked at the sword," sword, you stay in the four-story, protecting them! ” "Is. "Duan Jian Gong said.Nie Li looked up and took a look at turning up stairs, black fiery five-storey tower and higher places, will also hide some other things? "Nie Li, you be a little more careful! "People have said with concern. "I understand that. "NIE nodded and walked towards black fiery five-storey tower. Nie Li, distant pale Hades snorted: "black fiery five-storey tower, and so easy to get? "He walked up the winding stairs up when, every step, feeling a lot of black burning strong number, when he went to the sixth step, it has come back. Others have been tried, but to no more than a pale ghost of.Nie Li embarked on the first step, and instantly felt a wave of fiery heat rushing, he looked up, black-inflammation of the fifth floor of the Tower, is not so easy to go to! Nie Li ready to go black when inflammation of the fifth floor of the Tower, Tower four layers of black patients with all, almost all eyes over, they all want to see, Nie Li to what extent. They don't think the NIE could enter the black tower fifth floor of inflammation, so far, only the uber-like white youth to be able to do it, other people are too far away! All under the watchful eye of, Nie Li step by step up the stairs. The second, third ... ....Each one, Nie Li felt terrible pressure rushing, rolling black inflammatory, I don't know how on earth did the white youth. 那个人的灵魂韧性,有那么强? 聂离并不知道的是,妖主不断地灵宿,每一天都经历灵魂灼烧之痛,灵魂的韧性早已达到了难以想象的程度,再加上这一世妖主的肉身是无上之体,这黑炎对妖主来说根本不算什么了。 聂离微微皱了一下眉头,既然有人能够踏入黑炎之塔五层,那他也不能逊色才行! 当看到聂离一格一格地往上走,苍冥等人都目不转睛地等着。聂离走上第五格的时候,他们就已经非常吃惊了,没想到聂离还在继续往上,第六格。第七格……苍冥的眼眸中流露出了深深不甘的神色,居然有两个人,灵魂韧性都远远地超过了他! 一直以来,他都被人奉为冥城的第一天才,但是他想不明白。这两个人到底是从哪里冒出来的,令他的内心不由得有了一种深深的挫败感。 暮夜和花火二人,也都流露出了些许好奇之色,聂离和那个白衣青年,都是不知道从哪里冒出来的天才,天赋居然这般惊人。聂离一步一步地往前走着,一边不断地淬炼自身的心境,每一步,都仿佛进入了一种玄奥的意境当中,不断地汲取黑炎之力。 至于羽焰女神。对羽焰女神来说,进入这黑炎之塔实在太开心了,她本身修炼的,就是火之法则的力量,周围的黑炎之力,就像是被吸入了一个无底的漩涡一般。 只要有足够的火之法则的力量,羽焰女神的神体就能不断地增强! “羽焰姐姐,你可知道这座黑炎之塔,是谁遗落在这里的?”聂离看向羽焰女神问道,他对于这黑炎之塔。还有诸多的不解之处。羽焰女神心绪悠远,说道:“说起来,这黑炎之塔的历史,比九重死地还要更往前一点。极其远古的时候。有两位强者领悟了传说中的无极奥义,他们为了争夺某些东西,发生了一场大战,那场大战,就连灵神们也是望而怯步,不敢参与。这两个绝世强者就像是突然冒出来的一般。后来又突然地消失,据说是一死一伤,这座黑炎之塔就是他们流落下来的宝物,这件宝物落下,整片平原都变成了一片烈焰之地。” “无极奥义?”聂离皱了一下眉头,莫非那两个强者,都是空冥大帝的弟子,为了争夺空冥大帝的传承? “这座黑炎之塔,无人能够撬动,后来有一些灵神把它利用了起来,这才令它成为了一个试炼之地。”羽焰女神说道,“至于天麟妖兽,究竟是谁锁在这里的,我就不知道了。” 聂离点了点头,心中了然了。 能够拥有灵神们都敬畏的实力,空冥大帝的传承者实力果然非同一般。 空冥大帝的传承者总共有五个,如果已经死了一个,是不是就只剩下四个了?不过也有一个不好的消息是,虽然死了一个,但也意味着另外一个变得更加强大了。 因为空冥大帝的五个传承者互相杀戮,如果击杀掉其他传承者,就会得到对方身上的无极奥义。 聂离脑子里灵光一闪,想起了黑狱世界那个疯癫老头,那个疯癫老头,很有可能便是传承者之一,对方时不时在古碑附近逛荡,屡次三番念出那句真言,恐怕很可能已经察觉到自己也是传承者之一了!至于对方为什么没有杀自己,聂离想到了一种可能,自己现在对无极奥义的领悟层次还太低了,根本没有击杀夺取的价值! 就像是天麟妖兽,幼年期的天麟妖兽根本没有击杀的价值,等成年了,形成了内丹,那就是价值连城的宝物了。 想到这里,聂离不禁后背汗津津的,原来自己不知不觉间,已经迈入了一个局中了。 “现在的我对你来说,还没有价值,不过以后你恐怕会后悔的。”聂离的眼眸中掠过一道深邃的光芒,看来他要尽快前往龙墟界域,提升自身的实力了。 黑炎之塔第五层。 当聂离踏上第五层的时候,目光落在了第五层中央,盘坐修炼中的白衣青年身上。 那个白衣青年仿佛也感觉到了什么,蓦然睁开了眼睛,跟聂离双目对视。 两人谁都没有开口说话。 除了躲在聂离衣袖中的羽焰女神,这黑炎之塔第五层,就只有他们两个人了。(未完待续。)章节错误,点此举报(免注册)5分钟内会处理,举报后请耐心等待,并刷新页面。如果20分钟内没解决请发邮件给我们。谢谢书迷们的支持!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and fortieth eight chapters confrontation
readx (); companions around to enhance the strength of every sort, Long Hui future if access to the precinct, it would cost a bit more life insurance! "Let's go, go upward one try!" Nie from thought for a moment, those other people, should all go black inflammation tower higher level, they can also go up. Yezi Yun, Xiao Ning children and others in the black inflammation tower three-time, or very easy, the only feel a little pressure, that is, land drift, Xiao snow, but the snow and Xiao Lu Gone are still insist, it can estimate Beyond that level. With the crowd, walked down the stairs to continue upwards. In this case, the seventh death 9th floor. When you see Nie rein Chamberlain from Wicked, Wicked TL so integrated into the body of D'Souza, D'Souza has become a demon spirit, deep domain control person, aura, and many have expressed a strong shocked look . "Ming's domain control really extraordinary eyesight, Ming Wen he uses, like some sort of esoteric soul of the French and Indian, should only Long Hui bounded domain only, even this level we are out of reach, do not know him get from where. "aura eyes showing a curious look, I do not know Nie from this kid who, in the end the number of hidden secrets? Several also secretly whispered remaining strong, although not as good as Nie talent from young white man, but a means to show up, but it is very alarming. "Or to congratulate days muddy brother, next to the young man combines TL Wicked, Wicked TL will certainly slowly transform his blood, made ​​him peerless genius!" Deep domain control person next looked at a man wearing a gray clothing, middle-aged, smiling said. Called the day next to the muddy nature is strong elated, although black inflammation tower TL Wicked also a minor, can not form the inner alchemy, but integrated into the D'Souza's body, absolutely can make D'Souza as a peerless genius. Before he was not optimistic about how D'Souza, but now D'Souza position in his mind it a bit less the same. "Ha ha, TOEFL TOEFL!" Days muddy arch of the hand, chuckle. Long Hui in the precincts. Mentoring is one of the, if someone Qishimiezu, they will be classified as major Ancestor traitor, kill death. Once established mentoring relationship. It will be very stable, if the future apprentice shine, that master will follow dipping, in their Shenzong in the inside, get a high position. So who will be fighting for these super strong disciples. Although they exquisite world inside a small, it is paramount but not in Long Market bounded domain, their position in the major Ancestor, but not prominent. "I do not know the young man, but also to me what kind of surprise?" Ming domain control by looking at the lake in front of Nie from the back, showing faint smile. Inflammation of the four black tower. I came to this layer, only a dozen people, before the contested Cangming, twilight night, fireworks in all three, but before that pale white youth. But not at this level. Could it be that the white youth, have traveled to five black inflammation of the tower? Nie, who came up from the time Cangming eyes just received from the rotary back up the stairs, his eyes there is a deeply unwilling to color, the deep domain controlled by apprentices, he ran to First come, but he watched a man on a black inflammation tower five, many times he wanted to go, but in that glow under black Yan returned. In other words, far more than the toughness of his soul, but the other side! As he reluctantly give up. Nie, who happens to come off, he frowned, black inflammation fifth floor of the tower, he falters, more people went to the fourth floor more. The more he becomes mediocre! Fireworks, twilight night opened his eyes and looked away Nie et al one, withdrew her eyes, they can not enter the black inflammation of the five-story tower, this four-story tower of black inflammation owner are the same level competitors. And the other party actually caused so much so that they really a bit shocked. This group of people in the end what is backing? How totally not seen before? After the tower came four black inflammation, land drift, Xiao Xue, Wei Nan, who has little hold on, D'Souza, Yezi Yun, Xiao Ning four children, are still a little spare look, but did not go a higher level of capacity, leaving Nie away, plume and sword paragraph three, fairly relaxed look. Inflammation of the whole black column of four filled with hot black inflammation, so Lu et al floating body and seems to boil combustion in general. "You first stay at this level, and I together on the fifth floor tower of black inflammation look and Plume sister." D'Souza et Nie away to see the humanitarian, I looked at the segment sword, "Duan sword, you first leave In four, protect them! " " 是. "paragraph sword Gong Sheng replied. Nie looked up from the rotation up stairs, black inflammation of the five-story tower there is a higher place, will also hide some other things? "Nie away, you be careful!" People have said with concern. "I understand." Nie from nodded toward the black inflammation of the tower and walked five. See Nie move away, distant Cangming grunted: "? Tower five black inflammation, How can it be so easy on, she says," before he walked down the stairs upward swing when each layer stepped up to feel the force of the rushing black inflammation is strong for a few percent, he went to the sixth grid steps when it returned. The rest are all tried, but did not exceed Cangming of. Nie move away from the stepped foot on the first grid, and instantly felt an intense heat wave blowing, he looked up, and it seems black inflammation fifth floor of the tower, is not so easily able on! Nie ready to go from the fifth floor of the tower black inflammation, when four black inflammation of the owner of the tower, almost all eyes cast over, they want to see, to what extent can Nie away. They do not feel able to enter the black inflammation Nie from the fifth floor of the tower, so far, only the evildoer like white youth can do it, others are far off! In the crowd watched, Nie took a step away, step by step. The second grid and third grid ...... every up a grid, Nie felt terrible from the pressure of blowing, billowing black inflammation, did not know exactly how the white youth up. That person's soul toughness, so strong? Nie from not know is that the demon Lord continually places spirit, every day experience burning pain of the soul, the soul has already reached a level unimaginable toughness, coupled with the demon master of this world is the supreme body of the body This black inflammation of the demon master is simply not what it is. Nie from slightly wrinkled brow, since it was able to step into the five-story tower black inflammation, that he can not be inferior job! Nie away when you see a frame by frame to go up, Cangming, who are intently waiting. Nie took fifth from the grid, they would have been very surprised, I did not expect Nie continues up from the sixth grid. Seventh grid ...... Cangming the eyes showing a deep unwilling to look, actually there are two people, the soul toughness are far more than him! All along, he has been regarded as the first day of the offerings of the city, but he does not want to understand. The two men in the end is where to come out, so that his heart could not help but have a deep sense of frustration. Evening fireworks night and two, also are showing a little curious color, Nie away and the white youth, are not know where to emerge from genius, talent actually so amazing. Nie walked away step by step, while constantly grown their own state of mind, every step as if into a mysterious mood among the constantly drawn in black inflammation. As plume goddess. Goddess of the plume, the inflammation of the tower into this black is too happy, her own practice, is the power of the law of fire, inflammation around in black, like being sucked into a bottomless whirlpool general. As long as there is enough power law of fire, the plume goddess of God will be able to continue to enhance the body! "Plume sister, you know, this black inflammation of the tower, who is lost in here?" Nie asked to see the plume from the goddess, his black for this inflammation of the tower. There are many puzzling place. Plume goddess distant mood, said:. "Say, inflammation of the black history of this tower, even more forward than the seventh death is extremely ancient times there are two strong grasp of the legendary polar esoteric, they order compete for something, there was a war, that was the war, even the Spirit of God who is also daunting, not to participate in these two masterpiece strong like a sudden came out of general later and suddenly disappeared, is said to be dead and another injured, this black inflammation of the tower is living off their treasures, this treasure fall, the whole plains have become a land of flames. " " Promise esoteric? "Nie frowned away , does that two strong, the great disciple offerings are empty, in order to compete empty Ming emperor heritage? "This black inflammation of the tower, no one can pry some of the spirit of God and later use it up, this makes it became a test of the ground." Plume goddess said, "As TL Wicked, who is locked in here, I do not know. " Nie nodded off, a clear understanding heart. To have the Spirit of God who are in awe of the strength, the inheritors of the great empty deep strength really unusual. Great air offerings inheritors total of five, if you have a death, is not the only four? But there are also bad news is that, although the dead one, but it also means another even more powerful. Because air offerings five Great killing each other inheritors, if hit kill other inheritors, who will get their Promise esoteric. Nie flash from his mind, remembering the old prison in the world that madness, the madness old man, probably is one of the inheritors, the other from time to time in the vicinity of Bricks Guangdang, read out the sentence on several occasions mantra, I am afraid it may have been aware of himself is one of the inheritors of it! As for the other side Why did not kill himself, Nie away thought of a possibility that he is now on the Promise comprehend esoteric level still too low, and did not kill the captured value! TL is like Wicked, Wicked TL infancy did not kill value, and so grown up, formed inner alchemy, it is a priceless treasure. The thought here, can not help but back away Nie sweaty, I realize I knew it, has entered a bureau of. "Now I tell you, it did not valuable, but I'm afraid you will regret later." Nie eyes in passing from a deep light, it seems he wants to go to Long Hui bounded domain as soon as possible to enhance their strength a. Black inflammation fifth floor of the tower. When Nie from set foot on the fifth floor when his eyes fell on the fifth floor center, sit cross-legged in the white youth who practice. The white youth seems to have felt something, suddenly opened his eyes, eyes on the TV with Nie away. No one to speak. Apart from the sleeves in hiding Nie plume goddess, this black inflammation fifth floor of the tower, only two of them up. (To be continued.) Chapter errors Report (Free registration) will be treated within five minutes, reports Please be patient and refresh the page. If you have not been resolved within 20 minutes, please send us an email. Thank you support book fans!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 248th chapter (
readx); confrontation companions strength per bit, if the future to the boundaries of the dragon market, will be more than the cost of life insurance!

"let's go, go on a try!" The Nie thought, other people, should all go to the black Yan tower more senior, they can also go up to see. Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning et al.

when black inflammation three storey tower, is very easy, only feel a little pressure, is floating, Xiao Lu snow, but the snow drift and Xiao Lu can insist, estimation can go on a layer.

everyone together, continue to walk down the stairs. At this time,Nine death ninth. When you see the Nie from Tylin

to soothe the wicked, wicked Tylin into Du Ze body, became this domain Du Ze ming, master, and many other strong aura are showing a shocked look. The control domain

eyesight was extraordinary, he used the Mingwen, like some esoteric method is the soul of India, should only have long Hui boundaries, even we have no access to this level, he did not know where to get the." Aura eyes showing a curious look, don't know this kid from Nie's body, how much hidden secret?
the rest a few strong and muttered,Although the genius of the NIE is inferior to that in white, but the means to show, but it is very amazing.

"congratulate the young brother muddy day, next to the fusion of the wicked wicked will Tianlin, Tianlin slowly transformed his blood, so he became a peerless genius!" In the control domain has a look at the next one wore gray middle-aged, smiled and said. Next to that day

muddy strong is wild with joy, although the Dark Tower in Tianlin arthritis are minors can not form a monster, but into the inner alchemy, Du Ze's body, absolutely can make Du Ze as a peerless genius. Before he is not very optimistic about the Du Ze, but now,Mr Du's position in his mind is a little bit different. "Ha ha, toefl!" Day muddy arch arch hand, ha ha smiled. In the field of Xu dragon. Mentoring is one, once someone qishimiezu, will be the case of God as a traitor, hunted to death. Once the mentoring relationship. It is very stable, if the future will be the master apprentice casts a thousand beams., followed by dipping in the Shenzong inside, get a high position. These super strong men will be so

for disciple. Although they are small and exquisite world which is supreme existence, but in the long market boundaries, their position in the case of god,But not prominent.

"do not know this boy, can I bring what kind of surprise?" The abyss dominates the look ahead in the pond from the Nie back, showing a faint smile. Four layers of black inflammation. To

this layer, only a dozen before the fierce, pale night, three people in love, but before the pale white youth. But not on this floor. Does the white youth

, to have five layers of black inflammation of the tower? From the time of Nie et al., pale eyes just from the rotary upward stairs back up, his eyes are deep to the color,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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