第324章 重回流云纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “你们两个,这个时候还不去练功,在这里闲聊什么?” 一个年纪二十岁出头,面目 การแปล - 第324章 重回流云纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “你们两个,这个时候还不去练功,在这里闲聊什么?” 一个年纪二十岁出头,面目 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第324章 重回流云纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “你们

第324章 重回流云


































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 324 return to cloud Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "The two of you, this time not to exercise, here's what gossip? ” An early age 20, commanding men face came up. But he snapped, the two were talking about Yun Che sweat disciple are not afraid, they Hey smile, said: "sentiment we mentor, we were wrong, you don't get angry, we're back to the Studio. ” This person appears, Yun Che slightly stunned, because he is you know people ... ... Sagong Han's son, were Sofu sweat sentiment du give yourselves a lot of help! EH? Sikong TU's mentor? He said, after graduating in Sofu sweat will not stay in the Imperial City, but in order to avoid Royal and returned to the Crescent City, he did indeed do so, at the new moon sweat became a mentor ... ... Although he is very young, disciple than sweat deal a couple of years, but now he has formally entered the spirit of occult, when these student tutors are fully qualified. "Yes, sagong mentor when I heard you were Sofu sweat, had contact with Yun Che, is that true? ” Sentiment across the eyes move, slightly nodded: "he's my father and grandfather have a friendship, all when he first joined the Sofu sweat, I found him, and try to give him some help. But then think I was inconsiderable ability to think ' help ' his peerless genius, it is somewhat childish and ridiculous ... ... Well, you've got to practice, this is not where you'll talk. ”"Yes, sikong TU's mentor. ” Two sweat disciple quickly run away. Sentiment du seems to think what a melancholy sigh, was about to take a step, and a voice came from his right side: "observing brothers, long time no see. ” Sentiment du look askance, and then a move, came up to his eye-popping look Yun Che, could not believe his eyes: "Yun Che!? You ... ... Why are you here? ” "Hush!" "Yun Che hurriedly made a silencing motion, fear the sound of a sentiment du to recruit others, he approached:" never thought observing seniors could become Crescent sweat mentor, is really amazing ... ... I guess you should be the new moon sweat the young tutor? ”"Just the tutorial now, in part, through my dad's convenience. "Looked at sentiment du Yun Che, surprised lingered in the eyes, his self-deprecating chuckle:" but this achievement, compared to you it is unbearable. You are shocked the world, reputation to the four large figures, is the pride of Sofu sweat. Back then I also wanted to help again and again, even scolding you, it is embarrassing. ” "Observing seniors say is wrong. "Yun Che sincere:" beginning to pale when wind sweat, observing brothers gave me a lot of help and guidance, without the help of sikong TU's brother, I don't sweat so quickly settled down. Of these, I have been firmly in mind. ”"HA HA HA HA. "The sentiment du hearty smile and praise:" proud of without affectation, hypocrisy, not rely on you than those large doors inside information and resources develop talent I do not know how many times to win. "He glanced around and said," do not say redundant words, you made a special trip back here, is supposed to have something important to do, right? I am now settled in Crescent sweat, if something about new moon sweat, I might be able to help here. ” Yun Che nodded slightly and said, "I'm here, is one thing, need the help of sikong TU's elders. Do not know where he is now? ” "My father? "The sentiment du Leng, then:" father two days ago, just to the South, at least until the 3rd back ... ... If any other special things you can say to me, maybe I can do to help.Would not be a big deal. "Yun Che didn't hesitate:" I am prepared to back Cloud City trip, picked up my small aunt and grandfather. Xiao Men weak and heartless, owe my small aunt and grandfather so much, me and after their reunion, it is impossible to let them live on Shaw. Imperial City is now a mess, coupled with the forces of the parties, a complex, where I do not trust them, so...... " On Yun Che and Xiao Men thing, a sentiment du heard from observing the cold. He took the hint, smiled and said: "I thought it was what turned out to be such a simple thing. This without my father, I can promise that as long as Uncle Shaw here, from the Deputy House master, tutor, down to the investigation, free of State, chosen by the Shaw man here, would never have anyone to treat him. ” A sentiment du laugh track: "Besides, your reputation, to put Grandpa in new moon we sweat, Zhou Fu and even Crescent City wished he could lift a sedan to meet in person, maybe the blue wind sweat will ' well-to-do people, aren't you seek our help, rather than new moon sweat a great gift. ” Yun Che smile and said, "well, this is Lao Sikong senior care, I'll return to cloud city. ” "Be careful on the road, I hear that stirred you burn the great city and the dark Princess of the marriage, must burn wounds, burn worse people are searching everywhere for you. Burning heavenly gate of the Millennium gate, have never been so humiliated, even if you are now famous the world, support fan very much, burning heavenly gate certainly won't let go, you'd better hide their whereabouts at any time. "A sentiment du warned. Yun Che casually smiled: "I've got it. ” Everybody know Yun Che stirred burn days Lord's bride, still don't know Yun Che against killed Tian men sent to kill his eight-day black burn strong ... ... Which also included elders, otherwise, Sofu Empire because he set off more stirring sensation. "Yes, there is something, I do not know will help you. "The sentiment du thought of something, suddenly says:" I came back to Crescent City sent his father a few days ago, vaguely see a familiar nasty face, man, you know, and you seem to conflict. ” "Who?" "Yun Che suspect asks. "Burn the dust! ” "He? "Yun Che a little ash. Burning of dust, burning rains's third son, result of the discordant and burned down the cliff and left burning heavenly gate entered Sofu sweat, living within the House greatly first, but on the day that ranking go to the Villa into a sword to fight, angered him was his child abuse! Therefore did not participate in qualifying, and since then no news of him. "When I left Sofu sweat sounds he burnt Cliff's death returned to the burned gate, then didn't concern him. That, at first glance, seems to be his, but he has no reason to be here, burning the outer door there is no exception ... ... I may be wrong. "Sentiment across the faltering road. Yun Che micro mused, nodded: "I've got it. Sikong TU's brother, thank you for telling me that, we'll meet again. ” And sentiment du left each other sound mark, Yun Che new sweat, get on the snow Phoenix beasts, go straight to cloud city. As dark wind is the smallest city of the Empire, never seem to Cloud City, and "lively" and "prosperity" out. When slightly more quiet and little city complete when the view is rendered, Yun Che heart is not controlled "THUMP", "THUMP" beat up. Lived here for 16 years, Yun Che carrying all his childhood memories of the town how would have no feelings. View closer to Cloud City, growing gradually, he saw Xiao Men, and Xiao Men behind the dark green of the mountain. 一种近乡情怯的情感在心间泛动,两个人的身影在他的脑海中无比清晰的浮现着,想要马上见到他们的渴望就如决堤的洪水一般激烈,看着前方,他的双目微微的模糊,口中不自禁的自言自语着:“爷爷,小姑妈,我回来了……我回来了……我再也不会让任何人欺凌你们……” 心潮涌动间,他已来到了流云城的城门上方,如果再继续前行,雪凰兽无疑将引发全城的巨大轰动,云澈收起雪凰兽,落在城门之外,徒步走入了熟悉,又稍稍陌生的流云城之中。 不知不觉,三年已过。 这三年的经历,此刻想来,当真如梦幻一般。 当初,他含恨离开流云城,誓言要在三年之内,带着足以碾压萧门的实力回来,要让整个萧门跪着求爷爷和小姑妈离开思过峡……而那时,虽然毒誓,但他很清楚要做到这一点是多么的艰难。所以他拼命的修炼,拼命的去招惹敌人来最大程度的提升自己…… 那时他不会想到,三年过去,他的实力又岂止是碾压萧门……此刻的萧门,在他目前的实力层面面前,连让他正眼看一眼的资格都没有。 行走在流云城的土地上,云澈的脚步竟有些虚飘,明明内心无比急切,但脚步,却并不是那么的快,他在想着见到爷爷和小姑妈之后,该怎么去拥抱他们,又对他们说什么,是该笑。还是该哭…… 流云城的街道人流不多不少,人们都是脚步匆匆,并没有什么人去注意到他,即使擦肩而过,也没有谁会直接认出他是三年前被赶出流云城的那个废物加笑话。 云澈走过一条又一条的街道,距离萧门越来越近,这时,他停下了脚步,抬头看向了前方那一扇气派的大门,门上牌匾镶着两枚金色的大字: 夏府。 这是夏倾月和夏元霸的家。 作为一个从商世家,夏府平日里都会洋溢着一种带着商业味道的热闹气息,但此时站在夏府门前,云澈所能感受到的却是一种记忆里没有过的安静。他站在那里好一会儿,没有再继续前行,而是收敛气息,高高跃起,跳过围墙,悄无声息的落入夏府大院之中。R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 324 back clouds
text read online site domain synchronous read phone visit , "the two of you, this is not the time to practice, what chat here?" a young twenty-something face dignified man walking over. But for him snapped, two are talking about cloud Che Xuanfu disciple not afraid, they also hehe smile, he said: "Sagong mentor, we are wrong, you are old do not get angry, so we are back to the martial arts. " When the man appeared, cloud Che slightly hesitated, because he was shocked to people they know cold ...... commandant's son, had in Cang wind Xuanfu give myself a lot of help commandant crossing! Ok? Sagong tutor? When he said that, in Cang wind Xuanfu after graduation will not stay in the Imperial City, but will in order to avoid chaos and back to the Crescent City's royal family, he really did so, also became a new moon Xuanfu instructors ...... though he was very young, a disciple of a big deal than mysterious Fuchu old, but now he has officially entered the mysterious spiritual environment, when these disciples also fully qualified to tutor a. "? Yes, commandant mentor, I heard you were in Cang wind Xuanfu time, once and cloud Che have been in contact, is not really" commandant crossing eyes a move, he nodded and said: "His grandfather and my father have friendship, all in his entering Cang wind Xuanfu when I take the initiative to find him, and also tried to give him some help. But then think about it, in my ability to be opinionated but window dressing 'help' him such a peerless genius , it is a bit naive ...... well, you rush to practice it, this is not your place to talk. " " yes, commandant mentor. " Xuanfu two disciples quickly ran away. Commandant crossing what seems to think, very melancholy Yi Tan, just to move, a voice came from his right: "commandant senior, long time no see." commandant crossing the eyebrows, then the body of a move, startling looked toward him Yun Chol, almost could not believe my eyes: "Cloud Che you ...... how can you be here!??" "Hush," says Che quickly made ​​a silencing action, for fear of crossing the commandant's voice to the others! attracted, he approached and said: "I never thought would become a common phenomenon brothers crescent Xuanfu mentor, really amazing ...... I guess you should be crescent Xuanfu youngest teacher, right? " " Currently only Internship tutor, in part, also by means of my father's convenience, "commandant Che cloud crossing looked up and down, eyes lingering surprise, his self-deprecating chuckle:" But I have this achievement, and you simply compared bear a mention is you now, but the sensation of the world, but also the reputation of pressure off people four large doors, it is the pride of Cang wind mysterious House. I recall that I actually still want to help again and again, even reprimand you, really . it is a shame, " "Brother Sagong words wrong." Cloud Che sincere: "The early Cang wind Xuanfu when commandant brothers gave me a lot of help and guidance, commandant brothers did not help, I do not may be so fast in these mysterious Fuchu settle down, I've never forget in my heart. ". "Ha ha ha ha." commandant crossing hearty laugh, she exclaimed: "No pretense, no hypocrisy, not rely proud, you're better than those large doors with heritage cultivate talent and resources to win I do not know how many times. "His eyes glanced around, and said:." did not say extra words, you came back here, there should be something important to do it now in my new? May Xuanfu be settled, and if something about the moon Xuanfu, I may be able to help out. " Cloud Che nodded, and said:. "I came here, there is one thing that needs help I do not know him commandant elders ? Now where ' '? My father. "commandant crossing a moment, then said:" Two days ago just south of his father, at least three days to come back ...... if not anything special important thing, you can say to me, I Perhaps you can help help. also not a big deal, "says Che did not hesitate, he said:.". I was ready to return to clouds city trip, picked up my grandfather and aunt Xiao door cowardly little ruthless, owe my grandfather and small aunt too, and I later they meet again, they can not allow them to remain in Xiao door. Imperial now pandemonium, plus where all forces, pattern complexity, I do not worry and placed them in there, so ... ... " about things and Xiao Yun Chol door, commandant commandant transition from the cold have heard there. He immediately take the hint, with a smile: "I thought it was what turned out to be such a simple thing it without going through my father, I can promise this, as long as萧伯伯willing to come here, from the deputy House. Main, mentors, next to an investigation, free of State, are allowed to pick Xiao Bobo, where there will never be anyone who ill-treated him " commandant crossing a laugh and said: "Besides, with your reputation, should Grandpa arrangements we Xuanfu Crescent, weekly house owners, even crescent Santo wished he could have personally carried the chair to meet, they might wind Cang Wanlitiaotiao Xuanfu will get people to come, you is not looking for us to help, Instead Xuanfu Crescent sent a big gift " cloud Che smile, and said:. "Well, it had labor commandant brothers keep in mind, I'll leave to return to clouds city" , "careful on the road, I heard that you must stir the burning city and Cang princess wedding, the city must also seriously injured after burning, the burning of the day the door of people are searching around you. burn Tianmen Millennium Munekado, never received such humiliation, even if you now is reputed in the world, very much support admirers, the burning day the door will certainly not let go, you'd better be able to hide their whereabouts at all times. "commandant crossing cautioned. Yun Chol casual smile: "I know." Everybody knows the cloud Che stir Lord Brahma little wedding, a person does not know Che cloud anti-burn days to kill martial out to kill his eight strong Tianxuan ...... which also includes the Grand Ayatollah, otherwise, Cang wind Empire inevitable because he set off more stirring sensation. "Yes, there is something, I do not know will not help you." Commandant crossing thought of something, suddenly said: "A few days ago I sent to the moon outside my father back, vaguely I saw a very familiar nasty face, this man, you know, and you seem to have played a conflict. " "Who?" Yun Chol question said. "Burning pull! ' "he?" cloud Che slightly Yie. Pull burning, burning Lethal third son, not because of the cliffs and burning and burning days left door into Cang wind Xuanfu, lived within the government Tianxuan list first, but on the way to participate in the qualifying battle Sword Hills that One day, because he was angered him a child! So also did not participate in qualifying war, and since then no news of him. "When I left Cang wind Xuanfu, as if I heard he died but because of burning cliffs burning days back door, then there is no concern about him. That glance, it seems to him, but he is no reason to be here, burning days outside the door there is also nothing unusual movement recently ...... or maybe I just made ​​a mistake. "commandant hesitated crossing the road. Yun Chol micro pondered, nodded and said: "I know the commandant brothers, thank you for telling me that we should immediately meet again." commandant crossing each other left and acoustic imprint, cloud Che left crescent Xuanfu, multiply Phoenix snow beast, Zhifu city clouds away. As the smallest city of the empire Cang wind, clouds and the city seems to always "fun" and "prosperity" missed. When the slightly quieter and old town complete presentation in sight, cloud Che uncontrolled heart "thump" "thump" beat up. Lived here for sixteen years, cloud Che this carries all of his childhood memories of the town and how will no feelings. City sight clouds getting closer, more and more, gradually, he vaguely saw Xiao door where there Xiao door behind tall dark green mountain. A nearly nostalgia mood of emotional mind pan-moving, two people on the scene in his mind very clearly emerge with, their desire to want to see immediately as intense flood burst general, looked at the front, his slightly blurred eyes, mouth tempting to himself: "Grandpa, little aunt, I'm back I'm back ...... ...... I will never let anyone bully you ......" between the upsurge of surging he has come to the gates of clouds above the city, if we move on, snow Phoenix beast will undoubtedly lead to a tremendous sensation throughout the city, cloud Che Collapse snow beast phoenix, falls outside the gates, walk into the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar city among the clouds. Unconsciously, three years have passed. This year's experience, now think about it, really as dreamy. At first, he swallowed their anger leave clouds city, vow to within three years, with sufficient strength RCC Xiao door back door to let the entire Xiao knees seeking grandfather and aunt left thinking too small gorge ...... And then, Although swear, but he knows how to do this is difficult. So he tried to practice, desperate to provoke the enemy to maximize upgrade their ...... then he would not have thought, in the past three years, is more than his strength and rolling door ...... Xiao Xiao door at the moment, he is currently in in front of the strength level, even so he did not look the qualifications glance. Walking on clouds city land, cloud Che's footsteps actually some imaginary drift, obviously very eager heart, but the pace was not so fast, he thought after seeing Grandpa and small aunt, how to embrace them , but also on what they say, it is to laugh. Or cry ...... clouds crowd the streets of the city but not too much, people are hurried pace, and there is no one to notice him, even if the pass, nor who would be directly recognized him three years ago expelled clouds city that waste plus joke. Yun Chol down a street and one from Shaw door closer, then he stopped, looked up to the front door that一扇style, trimmed with two gold plaque on the door of characters: Summer House. This is the summer months and summer Yuanba pour home. As a slave trader family, summer house on weekdays will be filled with a lively atmosphere with a commercial flavor, but this time standing in front of the summer house, cloud Che can feel it is a memory not too quiet . He stood there for a moment, no longer move, but convergence of breath, leaping, skipping the wall, silently fall into the government compound into the summer. R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 324 back cloud
polyphonic pure text online reading the mobile domain synchronous reading please visit

"you two, this time is not to exercising, here chat?"

a age twenty years old, dignified face the man walked over. But for his scold, two are talking about Che Yun Xuan Fu disciple was not afraid, they and hey hey a smile, way: "Sagong teacher, we were wrong, you don't angry, we went back to practicing real." This

people there, clouds slightly Yizheng, because he was someone you know...... Sagong Han son,When sofu Xuanfu give yourself a lot of help Sagong du! Well, eh? Sagong teacher? Had he said, in Cang breeze Xuan Fu after graduation will not stay in the Imperial City, but will in order to avoid the chaos of royal and returned to the Crescent City, he was done, still crescent Xuanfu become a mentor... Although he is very young, Xuanfu disciples how old is a big deal, but now he has officially entered the Xuanling environment, when the disciples of the instructors are fully qualified to the.

"Sagong teacher, I heard that then you in the Cang breeze Xuan Fu, once and Che Yun had contact with is it true or not?"

Sagong Du eyes move, nods slightly:"His grandfather and father have friendship, all in him entering the Cang breeze of Xuanfu time, I took the initiative to find him, tried to give him some help. But then think about it, to my trifling but to self righteous. 'help' his peerless genius is really some naive and ridiculous... Well, you go to practice it, this is not your place to chat." "Yes, master tutor."

two Xuanfu disciple quickly ran away. Sikong Du seemed to thought of what, is very melancholy a sigh, just wanted to take a step, a voice from his right: "brother Sagong, long time no see."

Sagong Du eyebrows, and then move the body,Stare at the clouds came to him, almost could not believe his eyes: "clouds!? You...... How can you be here?" SH

"!" Che Yun hurriedly made a silenced action, lest Sagong crossing of the voice to other people to recruit, he approached the way: "unexpectedly Sagong brother turned out to be the new moon of Xuanfu tutor, is really amazing... I guess you should be the most young teacher in the history of the new moon " "At present, only the practice tutor, a part, but also with the help of my father." Du Sagong looked up and down the clouds, in the eyes of the lingering surprise, his self deprecating smile:"But I have to do this, and you are not a mention of the. You are now a sensation in the world, but also the pressure of the four large doors of people, it is the pride of the dark. Back then I was again want to help, even scolded you, is really a shame." "This wrong brother

sagong." Cloud Che sincere way: "at the beginning of the Cang breeze Xuan Fu, Sagong brother gave me great help and guidance, without the help of Sagong senior. I wouldn't be so fast in Xuanfu settle down. These, I have been firmly in mind." "Ha ha ha ha ha ha." When crossing a hearty laugh, praise:"Not hypocritical, not false, do not rely on a proud, you than those large door heritage and resources to train the talented not to win many times." His eyes glanced around, way: "not to say that the extra words, you came back here, it should be what important thing to do? I am now in the new moon, the house is settled down, and if the new moon, I might be able to help."

clouds slightly nodded, said: "I'm here, there is one thing, to help the elders sagong. I do not know where he is now?" My father

"?" When crossing one Leng, then said: "father, he just two days before the south,
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