第344章 战焚义绝经过昨夜一场凤凰之火的焚烧,焚天门已是狼藉不堪,整个宗门充斥着浓重的焦糊味。∈↗頂點小說,谁能想到威风凌然,傲视天下的焚 การแปล - 第344章 战焚义绝经过昨夜一场凤凰之火的焚烧,焚天门已是狼藉不堪,整个宗门充斥着浓重的焦糊味。∈↗頂點小說,谁能想到威风凌然,傲视天下的焚 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第344章 战焚义绝经过昨夜一场凤凰之火的焚烧,焚天门已是狼藉不堪,整

第344章 战焚义绝



































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 344 burn Yi JueAfter last night's game Phoenix fire burning, burning heavenly gate is clutter, the entire door is filled with strong smell. ∈ ↗ 頂 little novel, who would have thought that awe-inspiring Ling Ran against burning heavenly gate in the world, could one day fall to such a miserable state, and that's all, just because a person. Thought too the door master and elders appeared on too, this disaster from Yun Che will terminate unexpectedly, this time of the day, burning heavenly gate was destroyed for the second time in ruins. Burning of Yi Jue had a sleepless night, he has talent in a different respect, from small to large almost without fail, eventually became one of the few people of Sofu peak. What his wildest, retreats after diving for many years, he was only 20 years old Juniors playing insult. The Listless mood of his 20 years of silence, are almost entirely Dyke break. Morning, burning heavenly gate Chambers, has 33 GE, 27 elders, but now only seat 22 people, most of them got hurt, they looked at each other, is a sad heart. Burning must have just arrived at the scene, a panicked voice coming from outside: "Lord, good ... ... Bad! ” Rains fierce-burning feet, sinking channel: "what's in such a hurry! ” "It is ... ... Is less main! He now is being hung on the gate of the city of pale fire!! ” "What ... the ... What!! ” All the elders started to stand up, burn the rains are humming in my head almost exploded on the spot. "For crying out loud!! "Yi Jue whole body bone-burning" Kaka "sound, the fury the entire people to burst ... ... Step out the door, when he abruptly stopped, gritted his teeth, strongly repressed anger: "Yun Che sly, very likely, is his to do ... ... Ziya, you stay here! ” "Okay!" "The burning stopped, nodding slightly. Next moment, burned Yi Jue has been vacated, and went straight to the city of pale fire, burn followed by rains and more than 10 elders. Pale Fire city in front of the crowd surging, lively one. High above the gate, one of them being a long thick rope hanging on it. That man was hanging body naked, not a wisp of hair disordered home in dejection, without struggling, eyes open, but there was no focus light, if the dead, and occasionally muscles spasm, and testifying that this is clearly a man alive. Pale Fire regional temperature all the year round, even the morning breeze, and also with a stream of hot. But was hanging on the gate were among the hot air continues to tremor, convulsions, crotch, still dangling a little finger thickness only bug. More and more people in front of the city, and was hanging on it for everyone to see when all stunned ... ... Because this man in Pale Fire area known, he is pale fire area the first people of the younger generation, is master of all pale fire area in the future, no one dared to offend and provoke. Burning heaven Lord burn great city! Throughout most of Sofu is at the highest level of character, being stripped of clothes, hanging above the gate! Pale Fire-city in the State of shock and couldn't believe his eyes. City City in Pale fire are already tumbling after the message arrived, but they huddled in a corner, dared not release must burn down ... .... Being a master of the city, of course, he is not a fool. Have the guts, there is less ability to burn worse so humiliated people, no doubt is that he is not the figure. If he is ordered to lay down their burn vast city, will most likely let yourself get a terrifying enemy. A crowd of more the enough to stir the entire dark wind big news was spreading at an alarming rate. Along with the note, has already spread to distant Sofu imperial city. In the eyes of the crowd, burning heavenly gate is absolutely unattainable, an ordinary disciple burning heavenly gate, and they are the envy will not have half a vampire. Never would have thought that one day we should be able to see such a scene. They all faint feeling, burning heavenly gate, and pale fire area as a whole, the weather. A burst of abnormal wind coming from the South, suddenly a terrible pressure, and everyone breathes in the same time to stop suddenly, uncomfortable pressure on the chest dull Wanjun boulders. They subconsciously see South ... ... Where the sky, there was a tiny black spots, but only for a moment, this black spot will suddenly zoom in sight, speed, fast enough to exceed their cognitive level of terrible. 焚义绝一路全速飞行,到来苍火城门时,他一眼看到了全身**被吊在城门上的焚绝城,下方,是密密麻麻,指指点点的围观人群,他眼睛瞪大,胸腔在极怒与屈辱几乎当场炸开。 “啊!!!!”修心数十年,年纪近百岁的焚义绝,竟发出了一声如狂躁野兽般的咆哮。咆哮声中,他全身燃火,伸手直抓向被悬在半空的焚绝城。 就在他距离焚绝城还有不到五丈之距时,一道凤状火焰忽然从下方冲天而起,直轰焚义绝的面门,焚义绝目眦尽裂,身体后撤,一巴掌把凤炎扇开,几乎爆裂的双目死死的盯着下方的那个人影。 云澈拖着龙阙,不紧不慢的走了出来,每走一步,下方坚硬的大理石地面都会直接裂开,并留下一个极深的脚印。他看着上空的焚义绝,冷笑着道:“你总算是来了,居然让我等了这么久,看来你的这个孙子,对你而言似乎也无关紧要。” “畜生!”焚义绝的胸口急剧起伏,那股狂暴的杀气几乎要化作实质将云澈绞的粉碎:“我必要亲手……将你挫骨扬灰!!” “哈哈哈哈!”听了焚义绝的话,云澈却是不屑之极的笑了起来。 “你笑什么!”焚义绝脸色阴寒。"I laugh you burning heavenly gate, is a bunch of self-righteous fool. "Yun Che lifted Long Jue, sword pointed pointed air of burn meaning must, a unit has Dragon God breath of gas field silent of Plaza bulk from, around of crowd in this unit gas field zhixia breathing not Chang, brain dizzy, all in horror in the fast back, until back to a they think security of range:" I originally trivia many, too lazy to ignored you burn Tianmen, you is hard to forced I door, you fell to so fields, are is you blame, half are not wronged! And you ... ... Oh, you think I've been avoiding you, because I am afraid of you? ” "Well, in another ten years, I might have to fear you. But now you also not eligible to arrogance in front of me! But, unfortunately, you have less than ten years later, today, I will personally destroy you! ” Yun Cheleng smile: "I can live up to ten years after, I don't know. But I can be sure of is that you ... ... Absolutely live for ten days! ” Yun Che voice fell, bounced out, long que sword mount bloom, storm rolled up to burn must cover. "One should! Today, I will let you know the consequences of offending burning heavenly gate! ” Yi Jue-burning a wave of his hand, three-foot shot a foot thickness of flame burst out in midair and exploded, was attacked suddenly by Yun Che inhibition. "Burning inflammation, fiery hell! Yi Jue-burning body violet inflammatory conflagration, dark hair inverted flying, rolling breakers and inflammatory, like pouring out inflammatory of hell from hell, the overwhelming cloud of Xiang Yunche down. 城门之前惊声四起,那团滔天紫炎距离最近的人群足有一里之距,但他们依然感觉到自己仿佛一下子被置于滚烫的岩浆之中,整个身体都快要燃烧起来。他们这一生,都从未见识过如此恐怖的力量,他们一边在嚎叫中惊慌后退,一边死死瞪大眼睛看着那铺天盖地的紫炎……因为他们这一辈子,都或许没有机会再见到一次这等层面的交战。 “你马上就会知道,什么是真正的焚天之炎!!我要把你烧的连骨灰都不剩……死吧!!” 焚义绝的声音暴戾狰狞,他对云澈的恨意,已彻底的深入了骨髓。而面对他的焚天之炎,云澈却是手握龙阙,动也不动,任由排山倒海般的紫炎扑面而至,直至被紫炎完全的淹没。 “破!!” 一声巨响,伴随着一声震魂的龙吟从紫炎中发出,将云澈淹没的紫炎忽然间爆开,化作无数完全散开的火苗向周围四散而去。云澈站在原地,毫发无伤,连根头发都没有被烧到,他讽笑道:“哦……原来这就是你们所谓的焚天之炎,可算是见识过了……简直让人笑掉大牙,哈哈哈哈!”“你……”焚义绝的眼睛微微外凸,满脸惊骇。他手掌一抓,一把遍体赤红,长约九尺的奇型长刀出现在他的手上,刀身之上包裹着熊熊烈焰……此刀名为“绝炎”,是焚天门仅有的两件天玄器之一,是由焚天门始祖所留下,以其施展火系玄功,将发挥出更为巨大的威力。 “我差点忘了,你能释放凤凰炎……对火焰并不怎么畏惧。那便让你死在焚天刀下!” 焚义绝身体疾坠,一刀刺出,一道足有五丈的刀芒,缠绕着炽热无比的紫色火焰冲杀而至。 砰!砰!砰…… 龙阙迎上,重剑与刀芒转眼间连续撞击十几次,带起漫天紫炎飞舞,刺耳无比的撞击声几乎将数里之外的人群耳膜撕裂。 “霸王怒!!” 龙阙横空撩起,气势陡然暴增,厚重的剑身带着狂暴的力量砸在刀芒之上。 砰!!! 五丈刀芒瞬间粉碎,龙阙的余威冲天而起,轰向焚义绝。焚义绝冷哼一声,一掌罩下,将龙阙的力量震散,也在这时,他的身后,一团紫色的火焰虚影忽然出现,云澈的身体周围,也骤然出现了一个巨大的紫色火环。 “焚…天…领…域!!”章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 344 burning righteous war must
go through Phoenix last night a fire burned, the burning of Tianmen is messy bear, the whole case filled with a thick door burning. ∈↗ vertex fiction, who would have thought imposing Ling Ran, disdain for the world of Brahma door, would one day fall so miserable to the point where all of this, because a person. Originally thought that too on the main door and the elders appear too, this catastrophe from the cloud Che will also terminate this, did not expect this time of day, the burning of Tianmen second destroyed devastated. Yi Jue burning a sleepless night, and he was different intrinsic talent, from small to large almost never fail, eventually becoming one of the most peak wind Cang several people. How would have thought, after the retreat Qianxiu years, he was hit by a younger generation was less than two years old so tease Zheru. His two decades of silence, indifference mood, because almost completely ulceration. Early in the morning, the day the door of the burning hall of procedure, once the thirty-three Gezhu, twenty-seven elders, seated now only twenty two, which most wounding him, they looked at each other, are a sad heart. Yi Jue burning just arrived, a panicked voice came from outside: "the main door, bad ...... bad!" burning Lethal shoved stood up, Chen Sheng said: "! What happened so scared" "...... a little door is the Lord! He is now being man hanging on the gates of the city Cang fire !!" "What ...... What !!" Then all the elders scared to stand up, burning Lethal is the brain buzz, almost to explode on the spot. "Outrageous !!" Yi Jue whole body bone burn "Kaka" sound, fury storm washed away the whole person to take the case at the time ...... the door, he stopped abruptly, clenching teeth, strongly suppressed anger and he said: "Cloud Che very cunning, very likely, but also his Tiaohulishan ...... Ziya, you stay here! " " good "Ziya burning stopped, nodded slightly!. The next moment, the burning of justice must have vacated away, straight Cang city fire, the burning of Lethal and a dozen elders followed. City Buildings in front of the fire at this time of Cang surging crowd, lively one. High above the city gate, a person is a thick long rope hanging at the top. Hanging man was stripped of the body, vain wisp, tangled grass nest of hair, body limp, there is no struggle, although two eyes wide open, but there is no focal length look Zhuangruo dead, and occasional muscle spasm, it proves this is clearly a living. Cang fire area year-round high temperatures, even though Morrowind, but also with a surge of heat. But it was suspended from the gates of the people are in a hot air being constant tremors, convulsions, crotch, and still dangling only a little finger thickness of worms. More and more people in front of the city, and everyone to see when it is hanging on top of people, all scared dumbfounded ...... because the people in the fire area Cang no wonder that he is the younger generation Cang fire area The first person, it is the future overlord entire Cang fire area, dare offend and provoke from unmanned. Burning Tianmen little master Jedi burning city! The most at the highest level of character throughout Cang wind country, even being stripped of clothes, hanging in the top of the gate! Cang city fire shock among people in endless, almost could not believe my eyes. The city of Santo Cang fire after scratching and scrambling to get the message already arrived here, but crouched in a corner, has been reluctant to release the burning down the city must order ...... As lord of a castle, Of course he is not a fool. Have courage, have the ability to burn days less the main door so humiliated people, there is no doubt that he did untouchable figure. If he never ordered the people to burn down the city, will most likely make their provoke a terrifying enemy. More and more people crowd, enough to stir the entire Cang wind big news with great diffusion out at an alarming rate. Driven pass notes, already spread to the distant wind Cang Imperial. In the minds of these crowds, burning Tianmen this is absolutely unattainable existence, a burning Tianmen ordinary disciples, they will envy endless, dare provoke a cent. I never would have thought that he saw such a scene one day escape. They are vague premonition, burning days door, and the whole area of pale fire, have change of weather. A burst of unusual wind coming from the south, a terrible coercion also suddenly and to let everyone suddenly stopped breathing at the same time, chest dull uncomfortable as the pressure on with a roaring rock. They subconsciously look to the south where the sky ...... on, there was a tiny black dot, but only a moment, the black dot will suddenly zoom in sight, speed and approaching the terrible beyond their cognitive level. Yi Jue burning all the way at full speed flight, when the arrival of pale fire gates, he saw one body ** was suspended from the gates of the city must burn, below, is dense, pointing at the crowds, his eyes widened, chest almost on the spot in extreme anger and humiliation exploded. "Ah !!!!" cultivating for decades, meaning burning nearly a hundred young Jedi, actually uttered as manic beast-like roar. Roar, his body lights the fire, reaching straight catch to be suspended in mid-air burning must city. In his city from the burning Jedi when there are less than five feet away, like a phoenix from the flames suddenly beneath soaring into the sky, straight boom burning of justice must face the door, the burning of justice must canthus to make crack, the body retreat, a Feng Yan Fan the slap, almost burst the eyes keeping a close eye shadows underneath. Yun Chol dragging Long Que, unhurried came out, every step, the hard marble floor will be directly below the split, and leave a deep footprint. He looked over the burning of justice must, sneered and said:. "You finally came, just let me wait so long, it seems that your grandson, for you seem to be irrelevant," ! "brute" Burning Yi Jue chest sharp ups and downs, that kind of murderous rage almost turned into Chol twist essence cloud crushed: "I need to personally ...... will you fell bone dust !!" "Ha ha ha ha," meaning never listened to burn, then! Yun Chol is extremely disdain laughed. "What are you laughing!" Burning must face justice chill. "I laugh at you burn days door, are a group of self-righteous idiot." Lifted a cloud Che Long Que, mid-air burning tip directed Yi Jue, an atmosphere of the gas field with Dragon Plaza silent spread to surrounding crowd under which shares of the gas field shortness of breath, dizziness brain, all quickly back in horror until they retreat to a safe range think: "I had many chores, Landelikuai you burn days door, but you insist I forced the door, you fell such a field, you are to blame, not the slightest bit wrong! And you ...... Oh, you think I've been avoiding you, because I'm afraid you? " "Well, a few years, .!! I might fear you, but now you are not in front of me arrogant qualifications but unfortunately, you have to live less than a decade later, today, I will personally destroy you " cloud Che sneer: "I can After not live up to ten years, I do not know, but I can confirm is that you ...... absolutely survive ten days! " Yun Chol sound down, suddenly rushed out on the Long Que Jianmang bloom, a storm rolled up, to Yi Jue enveloped burning away. "Overconfident! Today, I will let you know the consequences of my burning days violated the door!" Yi Jue burning palm strokes, the thickness of three feet a foot flames shot out of the explosion, exploded in mid-air at the same time, so the cloud Che suddenly a slow attack. "Burn days inflammation, fiery hell! burning body Zi Yan Yi Jue deflagration, black hair fly inverted, inflammation monstrous waves rolling into the sky, just like pouring out of the inflammation from hell hell, overwhelming the cloud Che enveloped down. Before the gates frightened cries, that group monstrous crowd Zi Yan from the nearest foot a mile away, but they still feel that they seemed to have been placed in the hot magma, the whole body will soon burn up They are in this life, have never seen such a terrible power, they are howling in panic while in the back, while stubbornly stared at that overwhelming Zi Yan ...... this life because they have no opportunity to see perhaps This and other aspects of a war. "You will soon know what is the real burning days of inflammation! ! I want you to burn even ashes are not left ...... go die! ! " Yi Jue sound violent burning ferocious, he cloud Che hatred, has been completely depth of the bone marrow. In the face of his burning days of inflammation, but it is holding a dragon cloud Che Que, motionless, and let Zi Yan could feel like an avalanche and to, until they are completely submerged Zi Yan. "broken! ! " bang, bang accompanied by shock soul Dragons Zi Yan issued from the cloud Che submerged Zi Yan suddenly burst open, the flames spread into numerous completely scattered away into the surrounding cloud Che stood , unharmed, and even hairs are not burned into his satirical laughs: "Oh ...... So this is the inflammation of your so-called days of burning, can be seen all over the ...... just people laugh, ha ha ha ha ! " "You ......" Yi Jue burning eyes slightly convex, face horror. His palm grasp, a crimson over the body, about nine feet long knife odd type in his hand, on top of the blade package the raging flames ...... this knife called "absolutely inflammation," the door is burning only one day Tianxuan is two, is left by the burning of Tianmen ancestor, with its cast Xuangong fire department, will play a more great power. "I almost forgot, you can release the Phoenix inflammation ...... flame is not how fear. That will let you dead in the burning days of the sword! " Yi Jue burning body disease fall, knife thrusts, one foot Wuzhang Daomang, haunted extremely hot rush ahead and to the purple flame. bang! bang! bang ...... Long Que went, epee and instant Daomang ten times between successive hit with Yan Zi from the sky flying, extremely harsh crash almost eardrum crowd a few miles away a tear. "Overlord anger! ! " Long Que lifted, turned, the momentum suddenly surge, heavy blade with a violent hit on Daomang force. bang !!! Wuzhang Daomang instant smash, Long Que remaining prestige sky, Hong Xiang Yi Jue burning. burning righteousness must Leng Heng, beat under the hood, the power of the dragon Que Zhensan, also in this case, behind him, a mass of purple flame ghost suddenly appears around the cloud Che's body, also suddenly there was a huge purple ring of fire. "burn ... day ... collar ... domain! ! 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 344 war burn righteousness must
after last night a phoenix fire burning, our door is cluttered, the Pope door filled with thick coke paste flavor. Epsilon? Vertex novels, who can think imposing Ling however, show disdain for the world burn Tianmen, unexpectedly will have one day fall in such a miserable point, and all of this, only for one person.

originally thought that appear on the main door and honorary retired elders, this field from the disaster of the Che Yun will also be ended, did not think of, this just a day's time, burn the Tianmen second destroyed devastated. Burn the righteousness

a sleepless night, he was gifted gifted, almost never fail to,Eventually become one of the top of the sky. How would have thought, after the retreat Qianxiu years, was a less than twenty year old children play so small. He has been silent for twenty years of indifference, almost as a complete break.
morning, Tianmen burn Hall of procedure, once 33 Ge, 27 of the elders, but now only seated 22 people, which upper body injuries, they each looked at each other, hearts are dismal. Burn the righteousness just arrived at the scene, a voice will be confound at coming from outside the door: "Lord, not good...... Not good!" Burning fiercely duanhun

up, sink a track:"What is so nervous about it!"

"...... Is a little master! He is now hanging on the gate of the city of the fire!!" What

"...... What!!" All the elders
suddenly stood up, burning more lethal brain buzz, almost exploded on the spot. There is no such a rule!

"!!" Burn the whole skeleton righteousness "KaKa" sound, the fury burst away...... Stepped out of the door, he abruptly stopped, clenching of the teeth, makes every effort to suppress the airway of anger: "Che Yun is tricky, probably, is also his lure... Son tooth, you stay here!" "Good!" Ziya stopped burning, nodded.The next moment, the righteousness has vacated to burn, went straight to the fire burning duanhun Cang City, and more than a dozen elders followed. At this time the Cang City Gate

fire before the surging crowd, lively piece. A man was suspended from a thick, high above the gate of the city. The man hanging is body naked, not a wisp, the hair is a mess like nest, dejection, without any struggle. Two eyes though open, but no focal length vivid, like if the dead, and the occasional spasms of the muscles and prove this is clearly a living. Pale fire area

high temperature throughout the year, even though the morning breeze, also with a hot.But was hanging on the gate but in hot air continuously trembling, twitching, crotch, also from time to time dangling a only little finger on the thickness of the bug. More and more people before the gate

and each one, see hanging in the above people, are all surprised be struck dumb...... Because the man, in pale fire region is unknown, he is first pale fire area of the young generation, is the future of the pale fire region overlord, from nobody dare offended and provoke. Fantian

door less Lord burnt out city! The whole country sofu
in the highest level in the figure, they have been stripped of clothes, hanging in the gate! Cang fire city people in endless shock,I can hardly believe my eyes. And pale fire City castellan in to receive the news already crawling here, but shrink in a corner, has been reluctant to release the burned the city down command... As the host of the city, he is certainly not a fool. Have courage, have the ability to burn less Tianmen Lord to humiliate people, there is no doubt that he is the untouchables characters. If he ordered the people down burning vast city, will most likely make themselves provoke an extremely terrible enemy. More and more people

crowd, this sensational big news the sofu with an alarming rate spread out. Driven by a note,Already spread to distant imperial sofu. The envy of
in the minds of the crowd, our door is the absolute unattainable, a burning Tianmen ordinary disciples, they will be endless, never dare to provoke. Never thought that one day they can see such a scene. They are vaguely sensed, and the fire burned Tianmen, Cang region, are going to change the.

a normal wind coming from the south, a stream of terrible coercion is sudden, let all breathing at the same time suddenly stopped, chest depressed suffered the as pressure on a roaring piece of stone.They are subconsciously looking to the South...... Where the sky, there is a tiny black spots, but only a moment, the black spots in the sight of a sudden amplification, speed, faster than they have a terrible degree of cognition. Cang Shing Mun fire come
burn a road full flight, his one eye saw body * * was hanging at the gate to burn the city below is dense, pointing to the crowd, his eyes stare big chest in anger and humiliation almost instantly fried. "Ah!!!!" Repair the number ten years old, nearly 100 years of burning righteousness, have made a sound like a manic beast roar. In the roar, he was full of fire,Hand straight grab to be hanging in the air of the burning of the vast city.

in him from burning the city is less than five feet distance, one chicken shaped Flame suddenly from below into the sky, straight detonation burning justice must face, burning justice must extremely angry, body retreat, a slap in the face to Feng Yan fan open, almost burst of binocular tightly staring at at the bottom of the figure.
cloud Che dragged long que, leisurely walked out, every step of the way, the hard marble ground below will direct dehiscence, and left a deep footprint. He looked over the burn, with a sneer way: "you finally come, actually let me wait for so long, it seems you the grandson.It doesn't seem to matter to you."

"!" Burning chest sharp ups and downs, the fury of the murderous look almost turned into a real cloud Che twisted smash: "I need to personally... You will be turned to dust!!" "Ha ha ha ha!" Listen to the words of righteousness burning vast, clouds are not extremely laughed. "What are you laughing!" Yi Jue Yin cold face burn.
"I laugh and you burn Tianmen, are a group of be opinionated." Che Yun raised the Dragon que, sword tip pointing to the empty burning vast, a shares a silent dragon breath gas dissipation is open, the crowd under the aura of shortness of breath, the brain dizziness.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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