Xiao Yu struggled for a long time, absolutely did not have the effect, can only open the eye, accepted fate reluctantly.
After back treats, Nie Li has stood up from failure Xiao Yu, making Xiao Yu sit by a big tree.
Immediately, heaving in sight all, making Nie Li stay.
Xiao Yu is very thin and small, the chest is smooth, although the frontage several burns, are not serious, can see the big piece snow white flesh.
Chest skin is complete, the skin color fair place, is densely covered mysterious body mark.
This body mark is extremely complex, likely is some extremely profound Inscription Pattern.
Nie Li, unexpectedly completely does not understand, this Inscription Pattern is perhaps related with the Xiao Yu life experience.
Strange is bringing the ring of strength of space and time, this strange Inscription Pattern, is as deep as a well, Nie Li guessed that perhaps Xiao Yu has the extraordinary life experience!
Looks at the frontage by Nie Li red, the cheeks of Xiao Yu continuously to the neck root place, can only leave slightly.
„I said that everybody is a man, has anything to be shameful!” Nie Li shrugs to say.
Hears the Nie Li words, the Xiao Yu somewhat ashamed and resentful appearance.
Nie Li starts to help Xiao Yu treat the frontage, spreads the applying medicine putty to the Xiao Yu wound, then massages slowly, each wound carefully treats.
Nie Li is exceptionally serious the earnest appearance, lowers the head to help him treat the wound, Xiao Yu is looking slightly somewhat absent-minded, the gaze twinkle, does not know that is thinking anything.
„I said that you can do not visit me with that look? A little visits me to be scared.” Nie Li said depressed that Xiao Yu will not have that special odd, likes the man?
However Nie Li from top to bottom has cured Xiao Yu wound, only leaves behind some private places, prepares to make Xiao Yu treat.
Nie Li is preparing Xiao Yu ** the position unties, gaze fell on the Xiao Yu front once more, above that mysterious Inscription Pattern method.
Indistinct within, Nie Li as if felt that a strength fluctuation of mysterious, proliferates slowly by Inscription Pattern method of Xiao Yu front, as if made the surrounding time stagnate generally.
gaze falls on above. As if was attracted general by the magnet, was then difficult to put aside.
In the Nie Li heart has been full of the doubts, Xiao Yu Inscription Pattern, what thing is?
Nie Li does not put out a hand on own initiative slowly. Traces toward Inscription Pattern of Xiao Yu chest.
As if, the body does not listen to control to be common completely, by a profound strength attraction.
„Hum” the body of Xiao Yu swayed from side to side fiercely.
But, Nie Li looks like has not heard completely general. The right hand has covered above that mysterious Inscription Pattern.
A mysterious strength, saw only Inscription Pattern method of Xiao Yu chest to revolve turbulently rapidly, the mysterious Inscription Pattern chains, toward extended rapidly in all directions, then locked on the body of Nie Li.
Profound swirl, has pulled the consciousness of Nie Li.
Nie Li lost the consciousness thoroughly.
For a long time for a long time.
The consciousness of Nie Li entered in one darkness vast boundless spaces.
His such static domain sits, the surroundings are deserted, a fear of nihility, from raids in all directions.
„Where is this?” The Nie Li doubts frown, why has traced Inscription Pattern method of Xiao Yu chest. Turned into this appearance?
Nie Li feels that in this surrounding space, is flooding a formidable thought that own thought compares this formidable thought that just likes insignificant.
„This is the empty spirit inside space!” A deep hoarse sound, conveys from the Endless Space and Time terminus.
Of „empty spirit?” Nie Li wrinkled the brow, he recalled quickly about the empty spirit a view, this was only then practiced very formidable person Heaven’s Divination Technique, Inscription Pattern method that can arrange.
Heaven’s Divination Technique. Is a banning technique of mysterious.
In the space and time that Sage Emperor grasps, Heaven’s Divination Technique cannot study absolutely, as long as some people have studied Heaven’s Divination Technique, once were looked up. Under will be chased down by Sage Emperor god until death. However, although this technique forbids to study, but still has countless people of lofty ideas, inherited this secret technique, practices the Heaven’s Divination Technique person, is many.
It is said Heaven’s Divination Technique. Can deck Heavenly Dao, break through Sage Emperor the space and time seal under cloth.
However practices the Heaven’s Divination Technique pers