第二百四十九章 试探聂离可以感觉到,对方身上那恐怖诡异的气息。 一种澎湃汹涌的力量扑面而来,比之前更加的强大,应该是来到黑炎之塔第五层之后, การแปล - 第二百四十九章 试探聂离可以感觉到,对方身上那恐怖诡异的气息。 一种澎湃汹涌的力量扑面而来,比之前更加的强大,应该是来到黑炎之塔第五层之后, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百四十九章 试探聂离可以感觉到,对方身上那恐怖诡异的气息。 一种澎

第二百四十九章 试探























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 249 testNie Li can feel each other the eerie atmosphere of terror. A surging surging power rushing, more powerful than before, should be to black after fiery Tower fifth floor, other fixes for faster progress. Nie Li prepared to sit down and practice when the white youth suddenly and violently, countless black chains thrown from all directions to the Nie Li. Without a Word, began to do it? Feel the chains went down, Nie Li quickly jumped flyby. Boom Boom!But General NIE to stay away from the place, and instantly bombarded chains, one black inflammation kept bursting, the black tower of the inflammation itself is extremely sturdy chains after the bombardment in the above, immediately sparks. Nie Li continued to jump fly, dodging storm attack, the body was still in the air, they start to change, into a tiger's Panda look, mouth constantly emits light and dark energy explosion. Boom Boom! Black fiery five-storey towers, swept by violent forces. "I didn't know that we would meet here. "The Yao Yi youths laughed with cold, hand attacks are not stopped. "I'm a little surprised, demon Lord. "Nie Lileng grunted, staring across the demon Lord said."You really have to guess who I am! "Demon Lord said, hands knot printed quickly, rapidly changing his body into eight-arm giant monster of up to five or six metres, waving giant fist toward the direction of Nie Li h, boxing with a vigorous force of prison rules. "If this is not guess, wouldn't it be that stupid! "Nie Li saw the fusion of demon Lord demon spirits, suddenly startled, but fusion of demon Lord, is incredibly rare eight-arm black monster prison, the creatures appear only inside the prison world. Strong strength and extremely mysterious, there are an awful lot of combat techniques. Even the Nie Li, for which little is known. Nie Li can feel. Demon Lord for the power of the prison rules, have realized the most alarming levels. There is only one step from the psychic distance! Boom Boom!Prison law the force's strength, constantly even burst suddenly on Nie Li week burst, terrible impact badly bombarded by Nie Li back, Nie Li blew out. Nie Li overflows a trace of blood on her lips, bombing of whole organs seems to be wearing, jump fly on the wall, his back screaming. Dimming quickly between two laws together, forming one black and one white, two huge ball of light. 10 times the light dark energy explosion! Swish! One black and one white two light ball flying cross towards the demon Lord's eight arms Monster bang.With two ball struck together, a terrorist explosion sound up, engulfed by terrible moments with the power of the demon Lord, and Nie Li, also caught in the terrible power of light and dark energy burst. 10 times the light dark energy explosion, even God's strong level, can kill! "Die yet? "Nie Li hands across his chest, resist the sweeping impact. Look up, he didn't know demon Lord died, his power levels on the demon Lord. Touch is not very well understood. Light and dark powerful energy burst that terror is not patched up, huge eight sides of the arm monsters suddenly appeared in Nie Li, it moves faster, Nie Li is too late to respond, that only eight arms monsters and two of them grabbed the Nie Li's right foot, hit a hard ground to go. Boom Boom!Endless eight arms Monster force, kept picking up NIP away freak hit the ground. This terrorist force is irresistible, NIE from the gut as to be shattered. Nie Li's body rapidly shrinking back to human form. Putt-putt twice, behind long out of one black and one white and two wings. Law of arms by death summon enormous bones of the hand, blocked eight arms Monster's attack. Bang Bang Bang! Two figures into the lines blur. In this small black fiery constantly played in the five floors of the tower. The ghastly shock waves continue to rage. If not black tower is strong enough for normal Tower, already down by violent force."I recognize that your talent is really amazing, and actually understand the power of three kinds of law, but compared with my supreme body, you still have too much, you're no match for me! "Demon Lord thundered a sound changes into eight arms monsters of his body becomes scarlet, strength is increased by one level. Nie Li felt the pressure of terror, this demon Lord is he ever encountered one of the most powerful opponents, his current strength alone, no match for the demon Lord. Soul locked prison! 妖主怒吼了一声,挥起重拳,朝着聂离轰去,只见拳头上,似乎有无数道冤魂在哀号,那恐怖的压力一层层地镇压而下,仿佛能将一切都碾压成粉末一般。 聂离心中微凛,这股力量太强大了,他立即催动死亡法则之力,在身前凝聚起了道道骨墙。轰轰轰! 骨墙一层层地被轰破。 聂离试图找到妖主身上的破绽,但是妖主的实力太强盛了,对于力量的掌控,也达到了炉火纯青的地步,根本不是聂离能够匹敌的。 感觉到聂离有点不敌,一直藏匿旁观的羽焰女神终于忍不住出手了,一挥手,在聂离的身前凝聚起了道道火墙,除此之外,无数道火之锁链就像是条条巨蛇一般,朝着妖主卷去。 妖主的万魂锁狱轰破了聂离的道道骨墙,轰击在了羽焰女神的火墙上,身形这才稍稍一缓,感觉到周围无数道火蛇朝自己卷了过来,妖主挥起八只巨臂朝那些火蛇抓去,嘭嘭嘭,这些火蛇直接被捏爆。“你的帮手终于肯现身了!”妖主后退了几步之后,嘴角流露出冷冷的笑意。 聂离抹了一下嘴角的血迹,虽然聂离还有保命的手段,不至于被妖主干掉,但是战下去,聂离一点胜算都没有,妖主的实力太强大了!而且聂离感觉到,妖主的体内还潜伏着非常强大的魔性的力量,这股力量若是激发出来,将是非常恐怖的。 羽焰女神飞在空中,冷冷地凝视着前方的妖主,随时准备拼尽全力一战,不过羽焰女神的心里,也不禁有了几分凝重,因为就连她自己也不敢确定是否能够战胜妖主。妖主的身体不断地缩小,变回了本尊的样子,看了一眼聂离道:“跟你这一战,至少可以确定了,你并不是一个灵宿强者,不知道你是用什么方法达到现在的修为还有见识,倒是让我产生了一些兴趣。今天我也并不急着杀你,看看未来你能够达到什么层次!”从一开始,妖主就没打算击杀聂离,只是试探聂离的实力罢了。 “你杀不杀得了我,还是一个问题吧!”聂离眉毛微微一挑,毫不示弱地道,虽然他目前的实力还只是传奇境界,但是也掌握了无数的秘法,那些秘法可以将自身的潜力激发到极致,还是有那么一些跟妖主对抗的本钱的,只是聂离目前还摸不清楚,妖主到底还藏了多少底牌,自己也没必要在这个时候搏命。“哦?你倒是蛮自信的!”妖主微微细眯着眼睛,在聂离的身上掠过,说实话,虽然交手下来,聂离的实力确实比他要逊色一些,但是他感觉出来,聂离还是暗藏了很多手段的。 这也是他放弃击杀聂离的原因,他的修炼还处在最关键的时间点上,没必要为了一些不必要的人多费手脚。 妖主扫了一眼空中的羽焰女神,如果他猜的没错,这个肉身很小的女人,应该是一个重塑神体的灵神,实力也是无法估量。 先去了龙墟界域再说,妖主暗自想道。 黑炎之塔五层,这里的情况僵持了下来,聂离和妖主各自修炼,彼此之间虽然有着一丝敌意,但是双方暂时都没有动手。这种情况下,想要领悟无我之境的难度恐怕更大! 此时,九重死地九层。 冥域掌控者等人正闲聊着。 “这两个人,天赋都是非同一般,融合的妖灵也是非常强大,看样子很难分得出高下!”天浑笑了笑道。 “我觉得恐怕不是,应该是那个白衣青年实力更强一些,不过另外一个实力也不弱就是了!” 灵韵微微凝眉,她看得出来,聂离二人都有所保留。 萧语在一旁听着,从发现聂离开始,他就觉得聂离是一个不平凡的人,他觉得聂离和妖主继续战下去,还真是很难分出结果,他很小的时候便跟随父亲在羽神宗修炼,还是第一次,对小玲珑世界的某个人,产生了好奇。 “没想到羽焰也出现了。”灵韵笑笑道。“羽焰不过是最低等的灵神,应该还不知道龙墟界域吧。”天浑呷了一口茶,淡淡说道。 他们七个人当中,除了冥域掌控者,其他人哪怕是灵神之战的时候,也从未出现过,估计羽焰这些灵神,甚至都不知道他们这六个人的存在! “羽焰虽然是最低等的灵神,但是在灵神之战的时候,这么多强者的攻击,却无法泯灭她的灵魂,最后只能镇于黑泉之下,是妖兽一族最不放心的人族灵神之一,我的想法,要不要让羽焰也跟着进羽神宗看看。”冥域掌控者想了一下道。 “这件事情你做主便好了。”其余人淡淡一笑说道。 就在这时,冥域掌控者忽然感觉到了什么,灰黑的眼眸中,骤然闪过一道精光。“我们冥域世界,来了一位客人,我去会一会他!”冥域掌控者说道,身体化作一道黑烟迅速地消失。 “客人?”萧语看了一眼父亲消失的方向,他有点疑惑,父亲口中所说的那个客人,究竟是谁呢?她看了一眼其余六位强者,这六位强者脸上都流露出一丝冷然的神情,莫非是……(未完待续) 章节错误,点此举报(免注册)5分钟内会处理,举报后请耐心等待,并刷新页面。如果20分钟内没解决请发邮件给我们。谢谢书迷们的支持!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and fortieth IX tentative
Nie away can feel each other and that strange atmosphere of terror. A surging power blowing, more powerful than before, it should be after the tower went black inflammation fifth floor, the other side of the repair progress faster. Nie sit cross-legged in the preparation down from practice, when suddenly between the white youth violence, the numerous road black chain, from all directions Hong Xiang Nie away. Without a word, they started working on it? Chains feel bombers came down, Nie quickly jump from flyby. Honghong! But all Nie from place to stay, and instantly chained bombing, inflammation of a road in black burst kept it black inflammation of the tower itself is extremely rugged, chains bombardment after, suddenly Mars scattered. Nie skimming off constantly jump, avoid that storm-like attack, the body is still in the air, began to constantly change, turned into a panda look eye teeth, mouth constantly injected vitality burst of light and dark. Honghong! Five black inflammation of the entire tower, have been swept violent force. "I never thought we would actually meet here." That young Lengran Yao Yi laughed, hand attack is not stopped. "I am also a little surprised ah, demon master." Nie from Lengheng a cry, staring across the demon Lord said. "You really have guessed who I am!" Demon Lord said, his hands quickly Results India, his body quickly changed to up to 56 meters eight arms giant demon, wielded a giant fist toward Nie from where direction H to, Quanjin the force of law with a forceful prison. "If even that guess, it would be that stupid it!" Nie from seeing the demon master fusion demon spirit, heart suddenly surprised, did not think the demon master fusion, is actually extremely rare eight-arm prison monster, creature appears only inside the prison world. The strength of strong and very mysterious, there are an awful lot of combat skills. Even Nie away, it is poorly understood. Nie away can be felt. Demon Lord to force the prison law, has realized that the extremely alarming level. From the Spirit of God is only one step worse! Honghong! Qi Jin prison law of force, constantly even burst suddenly from the body weeks in Nie burst open, and that the impact of the terrorist bombardment severely from back in the Nie, Nie from the blown out. Nie overflow trace of blood from the mouth, as if to blown through the entire organs in general, jump on a fly to the wall, his back howling. Both light and dark power of law quickly coalesce to form a black and white two huge ball of light. Brightness burst strength tenfold! Whizzing! One black and one white two balls of light flying staggered toward the main demon monster eight-arm boom go. With two balls hit with light, I heard horrible explosion rang up that horrible demon main power instantly engulfed, even from Nie, also caught in the blast of light and dark that terrible power strength among. Brightness burst strength tenfold, even strong level of God, can kill! "Dead?" Nie from the grid in the chest with both hands, resist the swept impact. Looked up, and he did not know the demon Lord in the end is dead and gone, after all, the main strength of his monster level. Tangible is not very thorough. Brightness burst strength of terror that power has not yet subsided, the huge size of the eight-arm monster suddenly appeared in the NIE from the side of the trunk, and that the speed of the fast moving, so Nie from no time to respond, two of which would only eight arms Monster Nie hand grabbed from the right, hit the ground Henhendichao go. Honghong! Power eight-arm monster of endless, non-stop Nie picked up from the crazy hit the ground. It shares the power of terror is simply unstoppable, Nie from internal organs and seems to be shattered in general. Nie from the body rapidly shrinking back into the human look. Puff or two, behind grow a black and white two wings. Also the law of arms by the death gather up the bones of a huge gauntlets, cell block eight arms monster attacks. Bang bang bang! Two figure turned round after round of blur. In this little black inflammation of the five-story tower space continue to fight. The shock wave of terror that continue raging. If it is not strong enough black inflammation of the tower, for doing an ordinary tower, probably would have already been this violent force to the demolition. "I admit, you really amazing talent, and actually comprehend the power of the three laws, but to me the supreme body than, worse you too much, you are destined not my opponent!" Demon master Heleyisheng anger, changed to eight-arm monster, he became a scarlet body, strength is increased by one level. Nie away felt the horror of pressure, which the demon Lord is definitely the most powerful opponent he has ever met, even with his current strength, not a demon primary opponent. Wanhunsuoyu! Demon Lord roar loudly, wielded fist toward Nie from the boom, I saw the fist, it seems there are countless innocent people in road wail, that terrible pressure and lower layers of repression, as if everything can RCC into powder in general. Nie centrifugal micro cold, this force is too strong, and he immediately pushed the power law of death, gather together in front of the lines in the bone wall. Honghong! Bone wall layers being broken boom. Nie from the main body of the demon trying to find flaws, but the demon Lord's strength is too strong, and for the control of power, also reached the top of the tree, is not able to match Nie away. Nie felt a little lost away, the plume has been hiding on the sidelines of the goddess could not be shot, a wave, before the NIE from the body to gather up round after round of firewall, in addition to numerous road chains like fire All roads snake in general, towards the demon master volume to go. Wan soul demon master lock prison boom broke off round after round Nie bone wall, bombardment in the plume of the goddess of fire wall, a little slow this stature, felt around the numerous road salamanders roll over towards his demon master wielded eight salamanders Jubi toward those arrested, bang bang bang, these salamanders directly pinched burst. After "Your helper finally willing to coming out!" Demon Lord stepped back, mouth showing cold smile. Nie rubbed his mouth from the blood, although there are means Nie from life insurance, and will not be rid of the demon master, but the war continues, the odds are not NIE from a little demon master's strength is too strong! And Nie away felt the Lord's body demon lurks a very powerful evil force, this force if inspired, will be very scary. Plume goddess flying in the air, staring coldly main front of the demon, ready to do its utmost to fight a war, but the plume of the goddess's heart, can not help but have a little more dignified, because even she was not sure whether able to overcome the demon master. Demon Lord's body continues to shrink, the way back to the deity, Nie looked away and said: "To tell you the war, at least you can determine, you are not a strong spirit places you do not know by what means achieve repair now also seen, it touches me have some interest. Today, I also do not hurry to kill you, look at the next level you can achieve anything! "From the outset, we did not intend to kill the demon master Nie from , only tentative Nie strength from nothing. "You kill not kill me, or a problem!" Nie from eyebrows slightly a challenge, refused to yield authentic, although his current strength is still only the realm of legend, but also mastered numerous secret law, those secret method can be their own excitation potential to the extreme, there are some main confrontation with the demon of the capital, but Nie touched off yet unclear, demon possession also master in the end how much cards he did not need at this time the glass slide. "Oh? You'd pretty confident!" Demon master of fine squint slightly, Nie passing from the body, to be honest, although the fight down, Nie from strength to be less certain than he did, but he felt it, Nie or hidden from many instruments. This is also the reason he gave Nie kill off, and his practice is still in the most critical point in time, no need for people to spend more unnecessary hands. Demon Lord glanced plume goddess of the air, if he guessed right, the body is very small woman, should reshape the Spirit of God is a God of body strength is immeasurable. They first went to the precincts say Long Hui, the demon master secretly thought. Inflammation of the five-story tower black, deadlocked situation down here, and the demon master Nie from each practice, though with a trace of hostility between them, but both sides are not being hands-on. In this case, we want to comprehend Selfless is probably more difficult! In this case, the seventh death nine. Deep domain control of them and other people are chatting. "The two men, talent is unusual, fusion is very powerful demon spirit, evidently difficult to compete with stars!" Days muddy smiled. "I think probably not, it should be stronger some of the white youth, but another strength is not weak it!" aura slightly Ningmei, she could see that the NIE had reservations from two. Xiao language in a sit in, from the discovery of Nie from the beginning, he felt from NIE is an extraordinary man, he felt isolated and Nie continued to battle the demon master it, it really is difficult to separate the results, he was very young Ancestor feather his father in practice, is the first time, for someone small exquisite world, resulting in a curiosity. "I never thought Plume also appeared." Aura smiled and said. "Plume, but of the lowest of the Spirit of God, should not know Long Hui bounded domain it." Muddy day sipping a cup of tea, she said lightly. They were seven, in addition to deep domain control person, other people even if it is the Spirit of God when the war has never occurred, estimated plume these Spirit of God, they do not even know the existence of these six people! "Although the plume is the lowest of the Spirit of God, etc., but in the spirit of God, war, when so many strong attacks, but not devoid of her soul, and finally only town in the spring under the black, is not the most family Wicked Spirit of God, one human family assured, my ideas, or let plume also followed Ancestor look into the plume. "deep domain control who thought for a moment. "This thing that you call the shots will be good." Rest faint smile said. At this point, deep domain control who suddenly felt something, gray eyes, and suddenly flashed a shirt. "We have deep domain in the world, came a guest, I went to meet him! 'Deep domain control person said, the body quickly turned into a smoke disappear. "Guests?" Xiao language looked at the direction of his father disappeared, he was somewhat puzzled, his father said that the mouth of the guests, who exactly? She glanced at the rest of the six-strong, the six faces are showing a trace Lengran strong look, does ...... (to be continued) Chapter errors Report (Free registration) will be treated within 5 minutes to report Please be patient and refresh the page. If you have not been resolved within 20 minutes, please send us an email. Thank you support book fans!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
In the 249th chapter, I can feel the terrible strange breath in the other person.

a surge of power Pumianerlai, stronger than before, should be to black inflammation of the fifth storey tower for each other even faster progress. In the time from Nie

ready to hunker down practice, the white youth suddenly soared, many black chain, from boom to Nie from from all sides. He started not to utter a single word

,? Feel the chain fell off, and quickly jump from Nie flew. Bomb!
wherever from Nie settled, was instantly bombarded with chains,
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