陆承余在家休息了一天,第二天一早就起床开着车赶去公司,刚进公司大门,就有几个保安笑呵呵的上前询问他的伤势,甚至还有个小伙子塞给他了一包自家产 การแปล - 陆承余在家休息了一天,第二天一早就起床开着车赶去公司,刚进公司大门,就有几个保安笑呵呵的上前询问他的伤势,甚至还有个小伙子塞给他了一包自家产 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด































































11749309、风堂 诸位大大的地雷。╭(╯3╰)╮
จาก: -
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Lu Chengyu rested at home for a day, get up early the next day, drove his car to get to the company, just enter the gate of the company, there are several guards smiling and laughing asked his injury, and there was a guy who slipped him a bag of home-made walnut, said to be good for the brain. When he passed the front desk, beautiful sister paper the same face at the front desk with a smile like a fresh breeze, and asked him how he was, why not take a few days off, then Lu Chengyu got two boxes of walnut and peanut milk. Into the elevator, but also with colleagues a greeting with the elevator, and when he reached his Office, laid down his thing, but only smiled, today these colleagues were really helpful. Remember those online revelations about his parents, the smile on his face suddenly pale, looked down on the table, native walnuts and walnut and peanut milk don't know what colleagues to lift his breakfast and smiled helplessly. When Cao Jingshen Lu Chengyu, see Lu Chengyu held a box of milk drinking, on the other hand knocks on our keyboard, looks completely under the influence of the thing before, and he gave a loud cough, "why don't you rest for two more days? ” "I did nothing wrong with one person stayed at home and there is nothing you can do," Lu Chengyu throwing empty milk boxes into the trash can, went to Cao Jingshen picked up a glass of water, "Cao Ge how come? ” "What I came to take the last share of your report," Cao Jingshen adjusted his facial expressions, "but you have these days is in poor health, may not have done, or I'll help you do this time. ” "It's okay, I've been ready," Lu Cheng yucaojingshen is actually worried about his body, only to face, don't want to admit it. Up pulls out the report to Cao Jingshen, "yesterday I was alone at home bored, just out, you see if you have any questions. ” "Leave, what are you doing these," Cao Jingshen ruffled his brow, took the report, Lu Chengyu several times, "you're really okay? Don't work half the time, the body too much. ” "Rest assured, Cao Ge, really nothing, you have nothing to fear. "Lu Chengyu know Cao Jingshen is really concerned about your body, smiled and said," would you like me to do a radio broadcast to prove I'm fine? ” Cao Jingshen nudged his glasses: "I'm just worried about your work delays. "He stood up, put your hands in the water in one gulp, and threw paper cups into the trash," since you don't have any problems, can keep up with my boss before arrangements of sheet flow, then I'll go on. ” He just went out the door and saw the boss standing a few paces with a look of contemplation on his face. Cao Jingshen suddenly feet up, turn toward strict Muslim, "the boss, you need to talk to land Assistant? ” "No," Yan Mu a quiet look at his eyes, "I find you. ” Cao Jingshen silently looked back behind the eyes of the Assistant door, paused: "the boss ask me for anything? ” When your boss he needs to find the Office, Office telephone has gone wrong? No kidding, really, the Logistics Department who can probably deduct wages. 严穆转身打开自己办公室的门,进了办公室后,对跟着进来的曹京申道:“梁国明被捕,他所创办的公司也因为这次的事情一蹶不振。我听说自从昨天开始,就有人购入梁氏的散股,你知道这事吗?”作为总裁,他每天需要做的事情不少,对手公司的动静同样也需要注意。所以梁氏一出现不对劲,他就开始盯着,不然还真发现不了问题。 “昨晚我就叫人查了,”曹京申从手里的文件夹中取出一份资料,“不过今天早上才查出来,这是调查方传过来的资料。”资料递出去时,他脸上的表情有些为难,因为这事与严穆还有不小的关系。 “宋君严……”严穆看了眼资料,语气平板道,“看来我的父亲为这位私生子留了不少钱。”当初父亲对他说的,好像与现实不太相符。不过,他也从来没有信过多少对方说的话,所以出现这种事情,他也没有感到意外。 “这……”曹京申作为秘书,不太好提及老板的家事,只是宋君严此人心思莫测,与老板之间又不是真的什么兄友弟恭。若不是有严家的背景震慑,只怕当年的宋红思在严夫人病逝后,就登堂入室了,可见这对母子的心思与手腕。 "Regardless, he even became one of his shareholders, what can they do? "Yan Mu hands down in the investigation," Leung is now confused, lack, who is Liang Deyou and Zhang Fang, Song Junyan only subsidizing up to is participation in decision-making, but does not have the final decision-making power. ” "That was," Cao Jingshen knows no Yan Mu has an eye and ability, so I just said, "only to see the man come up, people feel a little inferior phrenic. ” "Don't put him in the eye, diaphragm should not people," Yan Mu face less said, "I don't have that much time, play with his kids play House. ” Cao Jingshen felt that if this Song Junyan to hear will not be so good. "Boss, I also got a message, heard s shengrong, the company appeared to be stationed in the capital," Cao Jingshen shengrong company executives, he frowned, that was a laugh at Fox, smiles than anyone look good, but the means better than anyone else, "this man has always varied and hard to deal with. ” "The enemy does not move I'm not moving," Yan Mu and serious way, "Cheng Shao Yuan has his methods, I have my ways, he will come to the capital to grab the market with me, let him come. ” "I got it. "Cao Jingshen put that folder down and" shengrong inside some of the company's data, if you didn't have anything I do, I'll get back to the Office. ” "Trouble you. "Yan Mu nodded to him, head upturned shengrong company some less-known stuff. Assistant lab, Lu Chengyu on the computer through some of the latest news in the business world, then saw his new owner today officially enters the Board of Directors, which was accompanied by a photo of Liang Deyou wore a suit and tie. Funny thing is, the news below, posted more than entertainment news, but mostly negative reviews, and even so there was no way he should ever fail. Then this news was about his topic, says today is a young new shareholders also go to beam's Board of Directors, and also introduces the person's qualifications. Overseas-trained graduate students, and handsome, well-groomed and mouth smile look like, really sort of elite taste. Lu Chengyu, called the song a picture a new shareholder, looks nice, but narrow the forehead, lips thin. He stroked his chin, turned the page, according to physiognomy theories, such people oversensitive and fickle unrighteous, not a dating preference, nor does it know this fly wide of the mark, but not much to his eye rim. To the dining hall for lunch at noon, Lu Chengyu and harvesting a lot of people say hello, even aunt cooks all shook hands, give him the scoop a few pieces of pork ribs, and in hand as he scooped other things shaking, passed the plate to him, Auntie smiles: "youngsters, ate more did me good. ” "Thank you." "Lu Chengyu sincere smile and headed out to Yan Mu sat down, no smile on his face away. "Good mood? "Yan Mu look at Lu Chengyu plate, the meal was going to come inside, the portion size foot than his boss. "Fine," Lu Cheng Yu nodded, "what are good people in the world. "Even if it was just some little things to lift a finger, but they want to do, this is a good faith. Although he does not like people to identify with them, but will not feel compassion is an insult. Neither idlers, for taking the time to feel sorry for you, that's somebody else's good intentions. "The canteen also count? "Cao Jingshen sat opposite to two people, also taken from Lu Chengyu dinner plate a ribs," so many dishes do you eat out? ” "I tried," Lu Chengyu while not moving before the chopstick and divides one rib to Yan Mu, "you have made me eat. ” Cao Jingshen noted he picked vegetables for Yan Mu skilled movements, picked an eyebrow, "OK, I'll help you eat steak, you eat potato chips. ” "Ah, Cao Ge, you don't bully me and to be honest," Lu Chengyu provoked one steak into his mouth, quickly finished eating before they said, "aunt next time you get the dining room give you the scoop, as long as you do a beauty, make themselves look young and tender points. ” "You're so cheap, other female employees of the company know? "Cao Jingshen took off his glasses and gave him a look, just have the nerve to claim to be honest, he did not know the word honest. "My women have always been as gentle as a spring breeze, and they certainly don't know," since you last went to the three m City, Lu Chengyu and Cao Jingshen along between the two, I have become increasingly comfortable and increasingly high risk of sharp-tongued, "Besides, I get mouth base, just give you a suggestion? ” "Honesty is a man of virtue," Yan Mu aside subtle said, "sometimes, however, talk was not too honest. ” "Have a girlfriend, forget old love," Cao Jingshen grilled a mouthful of food, "the boss, you're not eating do not lie without language? ” "Occasionally meet an interesting topic, I am also speaking. "Yan Mu a glance at him and started eating Lu Chengyu to his ribs. "Why didn't you say Lu Chengyu sacrifice for a few pieces of pork ribs hue? "Cao Jingshen glasses back, trying to see the ugly face of the capitalist. Yan Mu looked up at him with a glance, and did not answer his question, "is not what you say, we do not lie in silence? "Saying this, he continued to head for dinner. This time, the topic, for bosses, there is no meaning, no need to open? This usually is not irritating, and a man is not man's boss, really make people helpless. I don't know why, Cao Jingshen bosses said they amuse the Lu Chengyu of the illusion. Although doubt the accuracy of this intuition, but the thought before those seen on the Internet have a thing about Lu Chengyu, he thinks the owners it is possible to do such a thing. Because even he himself, after looking at those things, are tempted to rush off to the Liang Liang Deyou hauled out a beating. Not that he doesn't calm down, it is the kind of thing too disgusting. People feared Lu Chengyu in a dining hall, see Lu Chengyu and as always, happy meal, with smile on his face, so rest assured that feeling again, encountered so many things still can enjoy the festivities, landing Assistant who deserves to be the Internet called God, and even they refer to each other as man and God. After work this afternoon, Lu Chengyu came home and found a moving company to move furniture upstairs, he did not care too much, anyway, this is a new community, new tenants to move in is also very normal. Move refrigerator two workers who saw him getting in the elevator, too ashamed to him, ready to go to another elevator down, upon seeing Lu Chengyu sidewalks, "all right, you guys come in. ” He look at the two men pressed the number of floors, original new tenants in his building. One of the workers said: "Sir, thank you, don't push you. ” "It's okay," laughed Lu Chengyu, "such a big space, and milking me. ” Waiting for the elevator arrived, when he was out of the elevator, listening to two workers who thanks to him, he smiled, looked at the elevator door shut, turned back to his home. Author has something to say: Goodnight everyone, today is too busy to update so far, and two more tomorrow. The reader appreciate Reader comments big bazookas ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) down Thanks to static-like dance, Cen Duan Meow TU JI at the end of the two large grenades ╭ (╯ 3 ╰) down Thanks to Xiao Xiong Bini, Xian-824, Rouge, beibeiliya, black rice, tree top, Tibetan, win _ seems, and Hexi Jordan eastward, double-strand rope, Wang Yimie, 11749309 fudo you big mines. ╭(╯3╰)╮
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]





























































11749309、风堂 诸位大大的地雷。╭(╯3╰)╮
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Lu Chengyu rested at home for a day, the second day early in the morning get up and drive to the company, just enter the gate, there are several security laughed asked his injury, even a young man gave him a bag of its own production of walnut, said to be good for the brain.

pass by the front desk, beautiful front sister paper the same as spring like face with a smile, he asked how, why not take a few days and the like, and then Lu Chengyu got two boxes of walnut and peanut milk. The elevator into the

, again with the same elevator colleagues pleasantries, he to his office, put down his things, just helpless smile,Today these colleagues also so warm.

think online exposure of those things about his parents, his face smile suddenly dark down, looking down at the table on the peanut milk, walnut, walnut native don't know the elevator which colleagues plug for his breakfast, and helpless smile.

Cao Jingshen to see Lu Chengyu, see Lu Cheng one hand holding a box of milk to drink, on the other hand on the keyboard to knock to knock on effects to, before look completely without things, he cough, "how not to rest for two days?"

"I'm not what was wrong, a person to stay at home also didn't what things you can do,"Lu Cheng Yu empty milk box in the garbage can, up to Cao Jingshen to pick up a cup of water," Cao brother how to come?"

"that what, I am the statement to get the last let you do," Cao Jingshen adjusted her facial expression, "but you these days is not in good health, may not do, or I'll help you to do this."

"nothing, I have got," Lu Chengyu Cao Jingshen is really worried about his body, only to face, do not want to admit it. Up out do report to Cao Jingshen, "yesterday I a person at home boring, get out, you have a look have what problem."

"During the vacation, you get these do what," Cao Jingshen's eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, received the report, see Lu Chengyu several times, "your body is really all right? When don't work to a half, the body too much."

"rest assured, Cao brother, don't know what happened, don't you worry." Lu Chengyu knows that Cao Jingshen is actually worried about his health, smiled an openings way, "would you like me to do a radio gymnastics to prove I have nothing?"

Cao Jingshen pushed his glasses: "I'm just worried about you down the progress of the work." He stood up, put in the hands of the water drained, put the cup into the trash,"Since you don't have what problem, can keep up with my boss before to arrange work sheet flow, then I will go on."

he just walked out the door, saw the boss standing a few paces, on the face with a face of thoughtful expression. Cao Jingshen was at the foot of a meal, a turn toward the Yan mu, "boss, you look for Lu assistant?" "No," Yan Mu

silence to see his one eye, "I find you."

Cao Jingshen silently looked eye behind the assistant chamber door, paused: "boss, what can I do for you?"

what when the boss is looking for him out of office needs, is the office of internal telephone problems?

don't make fun of,In that case, the Logistics Department of the people may deduct the wages.

Yan Mu turned and opened his office door, into the office, followed Jingshen of Cao said: "Liang Guoming was arrested, he founded the company is unable to get up after a fall because of this thing. I heard since yesterday, someone bought his odd lot, you know that?" As president, he every day to do a lot of competitors, the movement also need to pay attention to. So Liang appeared wrong, he began to stare at, otherwise still really don't see the problems.

"last night I called someone to check,"Cao Jingshen took out a copy of data from the hands of the folder," but this morning to check out, this is a survey party pass over the data." Data handed out, the expression on his face some difficult, because this and Yan Mu have little relationship.

"Song Junyan......" Yan Mu to look at data, tone flat road, "it seems my father to the illegitimate child has left a lot of money." His father said to him, if not correspond with reality. However, he never believe how many other words, so this thing, he also did not feel accident. This

"......" Cao Jingshen as a secretary,Not too good to mention the boss's family, only Song Jun Yan who mind and unpredictable, and between the boss and not really what still. If not have strict family background of awe, I am afraid that Song Hongsi was Mrs Yan died, he added, visible the mother and son in mind with the wrist.

"don't tube he, he even became one of Liang's shareholders, can how?" Survey data Yan Mu to lay down their hands, "Liang is now a scene of chaos, lack of funds, Liang Deyou and Zhang Fang who is in power, Song Junyan can only having a heart but no strength, is the largest participation in decision-making, but do not have the final decision-making power."

"it is,"Cao Jingshen knew no Yan Mu vision and ability, so it is seen," just to see the man out, let a person feel some diaphragm should be."

"not to put him in the eye, it should not diaphragm," Yan mu with not very concerned about, "I don't have much time to play with him, child's play."

Cao Jingshen think, if this let Song Junyan heard, must not be so beautiful.

"boss, I also heard a message, I heard that S City Shengrong company seems to be interested in Beijing," Cao Jingshen remembered Shengrong company manager, he frowned, the fox is a smiling face, smile than anybody else,But the means but ratio who all malicious, "this person has always been the acting style is changeable, it is very difficult to deal with."

"enemy motionless I don't move," Yan Mu look serious, "Sheng Shaoyuan his means, I also have my style of acting, he will come to Beijing to me to grab the market, let him."

"I understand." Cao Jingshen put the folder down, "there is some data Shengrong company, if you don't have what I need to do, I'll get back to the office."

"trouble you." Yan Mu nodded to him, bow turned Shengrong company some difficult people know things.

assistant chamber,The latest news Lu Chengyu on the computer watching over some business, and then I saw the Liang's new responsible for today's formal entry into the board of directors, with it was a picture of Liang Deyou wearing a suit and tie photos. Interestingly, the news the following message number, more than entertainment news, but mostly negative reviews, some people even speak bluntly should fail so liang.

then the news or about Liang's topic, that is a young new shareholders today also enters Liang's board of directors, and also introduces the person's qualifications. Study of returned overseas students, handsome, noble and dignified, smilingly mouth look,It is sort of elitist.

Lu Chengyu watched the known as the song of the new shareholders photos, long although good-looking, but narrow forehead, lips so thin. He touched touch chin, shut Webpage, according to surface theory, such a person heart, and to be unkind, not friends preferred, also don't know this statement reliable not reliable, anyway, this man does not fit his eye margin.

at noon to eat in the cafeteria, Lu Chengyu and harvest greetings of many people, even the cooks aunt hand shake, give he scooped a few pieces of ribs, at the same time to scoop other things also trembling, handed him the plate, aunt also smiling way: "young people,Eat the body be good." Thank you

"." Lu Chengyu sincere smile, walked over to sit Yan Mu side, on the face of smile an idea has not spread.

"good mood?" Yan Mu to look at Lu Cheng Yu plate, the inside of the food is take out, this volume than he the boss also foot.

"very good," Lu Chengyu nodded, "the world more than good." Although this is just some small lift a finger, but people are willing to do, this is a good. Although he didn't like sympathy for themselves, but also won't feel is a kind of insult sympathy. Who also not idle people, there is time to sympathize with you,It is somebody else's kindness.

"canteen aunt also calculate?" Cao Jingshen sat down opposite the two people, by the way also from Lu Chengyu dishes to pick out one of the ribs, "so much food, you can finish it?"

"I tried," Lu Chengyu while still didn't move chopsticks before, and a root ribs to Yan Mu, "you also help me to eat."

Cao Jingshen noticed him to Yan Mu pick vegetables skilled movements, picked to pick eyebrow, "OK, I help you eat, you eat potato chips."

"the line ah, brother Cao, you don't bully me honest," Lu Chengyu provoke a chop into his mouth, chew before quickly after,"The next time you let aunt canteen give you the scoop, the premise is you go to do a beauty, to look young and tender point."

"you mouth so cheap, the company inside the other female employees know?" Cao Jingshen took off his glasses, white his one eye, so bashful claiming to be honest, he almost didn't know to be honest this two word.

"I to the female compatriots is always like spring breeze gently, of course they don't know," since the last three people go to the city of M, between Lu Chengyu and Cao Jingshen two people together, more and more comfortable with each other, the probability of pressure is more and more high, "say, how do I mouth base, is not give you a suggestion?"

" honesty is a man's virtue, "Yan mu in the side light openings way," however, sometimes talk or not too honest."

"a new love and forget the old love," Cao Jingshen quietly picked a meal, "the boss, you are not always eat not language do not sleep?"

"occasionally meet interesting topic, I also can open." Yan Mu glanced at him, and began to eat Lu Chengyu to his ribs.

"you did not say Lu Chengyu for a few ribs sacrifice hue?" Cao Jingshen put the glasses back, he tried to see the ugly face of capitalist.

Yan Mu look up to see his one eye, didn't answer his question,"You say this is not to eat, not words do not sleep?" With the words, he continued to lower the head to have a meal.

this original time, this topic, for the boss, there is no meaning, no openings necessary?

This is normally not irritating, gas people to not one's boss, it is to let a person helpless.

do not know why, Cao Jingshen has a boss deliberately said these tease Lu Cheng Yu happy illusion. Although skeptical of this intuition, but think of the Internet to see before those things about Lu Chengyu, he felt that the boss is likely to do such a thing.

because even he, watching those things,Could not help but want to rush to Liang to pull Liang Deyou out of a beating. Is he not calm, really is the kind of thing that is really sick.

the canteen initially feared the Lu Chengyu, see Lu Chengyu and the usual happy meal, face with a smile, so he is assured, and the feeling is met so much, can treat with indifference, Lu assistant really worthy of be those online called God, even they want to refer to each other as the male gods.

afternoon after work, when Lu Chengyu came home, found a moving company in the upstairs furniture, he didn't care too much, but it is still a new area, new tenants moved in also is very normal.

Two workers move the fridge to see him go into the elevator, also feel shy and he squeezed, ready to wait for another elevator down, Lu Cheng Yu looked at the sidewalk, "Okay, you come in."

he looked at the floor number eye this two people press, the original new tenants in his upstairs.

one of the workers said: "Sir, thank you, don't push you."

"all right," Lu Chengyu smiled, "such a big space, not squeeze me."

etc. elevator, he out of the elevator, also listen to two workers to thank him, but he smiled, watching the elevator doors closed, turn back to our own home.

the author wants to say words: Goodnight,Too busy today, update so many, tomorrow two.

Thanks for the reader comments pit readers rocket with big (3, basketball)

thank static like dance, CEN Duanduan meow rabbit Serge two big hand grenades with (3 basketball),

Thanks Winnie Binnie, Xian 824, half finger rouge, Bei Belial, black rice, tree top, reservoir but, like, won _ Hexi Hedong, double strand rope, Wang Yimie, 11749309, hall you

wind big mines. (basketball with 3),
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