一晃无数春秋,吴老狗在杭州安下了家,吴夫人为他诞下三子,然后大儿子成了家,吴老狗也有了孙子,名叫吴邪。一天吴老狗坐在院子中乘凉,如今的他以是 การแปล - 一晃无数春秋,吴老狗在杭州安下了家,吴夫人为他诞下三子,然后大儿子成了家,吴老狗也有了孙子,名叫吴邪。一天吴老狗坐在院子中乘凉,如今的他以是 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Flashed numerous spring and Autumn period, Wu Laogou under his home in Hangzhou, the money earned for him gave birth to three children, and older son became a home, old dogs Ng had a grandson named naivete.Wu Laogou sitting in the shade in the yard a day, now he is a hair cream white old man, his slightly squinting somehow reminds those days in Changsha."Grandpa! "The naivete of happy memories call was interrupted by Wu an old dog, naivete runs happily to woo an old dog, and hand a letter."Yo, who was writing to my little grandson. "Wu Laogou asked with a smile.Naivete Wu handed the dog said, "not for me, is to Grandpa. ”Wu Laogou smiled, pushed past the letter, "little evil, you forget it. Grandpa can't read your grandfather read. ”Naivete removed the letter, unfolded it and read: "five, I promise you. ”Wu dog one, soft little angels read content on your stationery, remind him about all of his memories, memories of him alive, handsome face with fortitude to Wu Laogou says: "five children, I promise you. ”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Flash countless age, Mr. Wu dog in Hangzhou, under the house for his wife Wu gave birth to three sons, the eldest son and then became the home, Mr. Wu has also been grandson dog named Wu evil.
One day Mr. Wu dog sitting in the shade of the courtyard, now he be one of the temples frost white man, he did not know how micro squint remembered those days in Changsha.
"Grandpa!" Wu evil sounds happy to let Mr. Wu dog interrupted memories, I saw the dog came to Mr. Wu Wu evil happily, hands still holding the letter.
"Yo, yes who wrote to my little grandson to die." Mr. Wu dog smile asked.
Wu evil dog the letter and handed Mr. Wu said:. "Was not for me, is to Grandpa,"
Mr. Wu dog smiled, pushed past the letter, "Xiaoxie, you forget ah grandfather illiterate. ., you give Grandpa read "
Wu evil split in the letter, expand letterheads, read: "Five children, I promise you."
Mr. Wu dog surprised a moment, and remembered the sound child Ruannuo content on stationery, brought back him about all his memories, memories of him becomes alive, handsome face with fortitude dog against Mr. Wu said:. "Five children, I promise you."
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Flash countless spring, Wu Laogou in Hangzhou, an under the home, Mrs. Wu gave birth to three sons and son became the home, Wu Laogou also have a grandson, named Wu Xie.
a day Wu Laogou sits in the yard to enjoy the cool, now he is a temples frost white man, he narrowed focus did not know how to remember those days in Changsha. "Grandpa!" Wu Xie happy cry let Wu Laogou interrupt the memories, see Wu Xie happily to Wu Laogou running, hands also take with a letter. "Oh, who wrote to my little grandson." Wu Laogou smiled and asked.
Wu handed the letter to Wu Laogou said: "it is not for me,It's for my grandfather."
Wu Laogou smiled, pushed the letter in the past, "the little evil, you forgot. Grandpa can't read, you read to grandpa."
Wu the letter of a split, unfolded it, and read: "five, I promise you."
Wu Laogou one Leng, soft waxy soprano voice read a stationery, reminded he about all his memories, memory, he became alive, handsome face with fortitude in front of Wu Laogou said "five son, I promise you."
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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